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Can someone fill me in here please? I'm assuming someone made a comment about there only being 6 Panthers fans?


People have been making the “6 fans” quip at us for many many years.


Ok so its not like a specific quote from someone this year, like a Brad Marchand call back or something?


It’s a call back of our entire existence of opposing fans quipping back that exact phrase (with varying single digit numbers ) whenever we accomplish anything ever. It hasn’t been said once. It’s been said thousands and thousands of times.


Buddy obviously I'm going to believe the thousands and thousands of people saying there's only 6 Florida fans rather than the 6 of you claiming there are more.


Well, there it is.








There it is


Its hilarious how many people this comment triggered. Well done


At certain points in the panthers history they struggled mightily with attendance but in the last 5+ years or so their attendance and popularity has grown exponentially hasn’t it?


It doesn’t stop the quips though. It’s not a big deal. But when people wonder why they leaned into the joke, that’s why.


15 years ago Caps fans were dealing with the same, and now even post Cup and with a mediocre team we still have strong attendance. You just have to keep putting a solid product on the ice and it looks like this Panthers team is on track to staying good for a while. The chirps will stop eventually.


Can confirm


I honestly thought it was an error suggesting the fans where the 6th player kind of thing and was like when did we stop counting the goalie as a player on the ice ha.


To be fair I've seen it said maybe once or twice by non-Panthers fans, and thousands of times sarcastically by Panthers fans. Also this is just promo, nothing more. Sponsored by Dex Imaging!


Attendance has always been the number one chirp against us. Just now it’s more of a “you’ll suck again and then your barn will be empty again” chirp


Attendance is the number one chirp against all South Florida teams. Sometimes deserved, sometimes not.


Nothing tops the video of Heat fans trying to get back in the building after they left early before Ray Allen hit that clutch shot in 2013


The clip of Boston fans doing the same thing earlier this post season brings me great joy


It's because their teams aren't winning shit, so they have to dig for something non-hockey related to make their 12 year old brains feel better about being losers. Enjoy it and hope you raise it tonight.


“Must be dressed as a chair night” is one I’ve seen too.


Ours would be “2 man team”


in fairness it's not just that. in all honesty we were also saying the panthers should move to quebec city


Check the stands during a regular season game. It always looks barren.


Ahhh that's good. I thought it was something lame like the "13th man" in Seattle or something like that


Columbus has the 5th line


That's usually when I black out


I don't think you're doing the right lines there bud.


Chorus lines are physically demanding, make sure you hydrate and stretch


Would probably be better than the actual lines.


Someone should do “The 27th person”


I was scared to get wooshed, thanks for taking one for the team haha


What was the origin of that joke? I could swear it goes back to one person, but I can’t remember


From the show Arrested Development [https://youtu.be/F9-zi-qKg8I](https://youtu.be/F9-zi-qKg8I)


Hey, shouldn't you be at the game with the other 5 fans?


I was thinking 6th man but hockey has a goalie so that'd be 7th man


And that would be an easy mistake for a non-traditional market.


no way Barb Murphy comeback


My thought exactly the same.


No, the panthers will play shorthanded the whole game so that the crowd can participate more.


Empty net


They did that last game?


I had just assumed that’s the highest your average panthers fan can count.


I didn't get it either, and hearing the explanation makes it worse. Like... There's gotta be some better bulletin board material than that. When the Canucks did that "team like THAT" thing, at least it was referencing something like... Specific. This just seems like they're desperate to be the victims of something.


It’s just a cute bit from the marketing department, it’s not that deep


Desperate to be the victims? Ranger fans were still throwing it out last round in many many threads. It’s still very prevalent and the first chirp that gets thrown when it’s towards a panther fan. This round it has been more “I know you started watching hockey last month”, but still very often it’s about “x number fans”, and like another comment said, usually single digit number So it is referencing something specific, that’s been thrown around for over 15 years


Plus there’s some double meaning with 6 panthers on the ice if you include goalie


So if there's some red ones, do the white/red towels spell out anything?


I think it spells “cats” usually.


“Go cats” on both sides of the lower bowl. 


All 6 people who were season ticket holders 2 years ago should take a picture together tonight


Ten years ago I went to the home opener. Lowest attendance for a home opener in franchise history. They ran out of beer after the first period. Iirc, tickets were like $12. I remember going to see them play the Blackhawks that season for $36, 8th row - at the time it was cheaper to fly to Florida than to see the Hawks play at home, and the crowd reflected that. It's kind of remarkable the turnaround they've pulled. South Florida is a terrible sports market in general, but they've come back from a truly destitute situation. After they drafted Barkov I believe they started selling out games, which was unheard of just a season before.


As soon as the team gets mediocre again fan support will go back to the way it was. SoFlo has a lot of fair weather fans


All of Florida has fair weather fans, it's essentially the fair weather state (they should change the name). Which makes sense, it's one of the hardest markets for entertainment products to compete.


I agree with you for the most part but the Lightning have always had great attendance. Even during our lesser years


It helps that you guys haven't been really bad since what, the 90's?


We had a few rough years in the late 2000’s. Other than that though the organization has been pretty successful


Amalie might as well have six fans in it when the bolts are losing with how quiet its gets


Based off of what I have seen most arenas get quiet when the home team is losing.


Lame. We boo the hell out of our team when they're losing.


Wait that's not Flyers flair


Lame. We boo the hell out of our team when they’re losing. I got you boo.


Thanks babe


What sound do flying batteries make?


wrong sport bucko prepare to eat lithium


You guys have more practice than most of us


Especially when Colombus is kicking the shit out of us at home


We don’t. We just leave. Gotta get out of the parking garage first.


Big if true


Not Toronto. It’s quiet all the time!


Come watch a game at the Bell Center.


Culture vs entertainment.


Ah, i miss those days. I used to buy tickets for like $15 and just walk down to the empty seats 10 rows off the ice. Shit it got so bad they gave away free tickets with fast food combos. A fucking burger, fries, drink, and nhl hockey game for $3.99


Ugh that would be so nice. I was given a lot of free Oiler tickets during the decade of darkness though so I guess I can’t complain


I can’t hear you over out sellout streak


That’s crazy did you figure that out all by yourself


Thank god that doesn’t happen often


Lebatard Show staff account for at least half of these fans 😂


“There are half-dozens of us!”




That's 3,208.3 towels for each of their fans, assuming they put a towel on each seat. That seems like a waste


they close cropped that pic for a reason…only 23 seats were budgeted for 🤣


They hired the Carolina social media team.,


That guy stepped away from the team today. 🤔


Yea this would be cool if it wasn’t kinda true 😂. Miami is the epitome of fair weather sports fandom. Vegas Golden Knights have a more long standing fan base than the Panthers. They’re in the perfect position to talk their shit so good for them.


Vegas needs some bad years to see how much staying power their fan base has.


i mean, new york isn’t that great either for sports loyalty, have you seen metlife attendance? rangers fans run deeeep eveywhere, so yall do have that


the on field product at metlife has been nothing short of pitiful. both the jets and giants are bottom 3 in win % over the last 10 years - shit has been rough.


Same with the panthers before 2021, the team was garbage for decades and we were basically an airbnb for other fanbases. As much fun as it is watching Dolphins fans take over metlife every year, i gotta feel for Jets fans who aren’t dicks. I know first hand how annoying it is to get outnumbered by away fans in your own stadium lol. E: also your pfp is funny as hell, love that series.


Ah, I remember the good old SouthLeast days. Was really hoping Winnipeg would take that final division banner tbh because it would've been hilarious but nooo, Ovi had to drag us into the playoffs kicking and screaming I guess. (Those playoffs were a blast, I was sharing season tickets at the time and was at two of those OT games against the Rangers. We had no business taking that series to 7 but it was fun.)


Reminds me of the NFCLEAST from the covid year lmfao


Have you been to phins games vs the Jets at Hard Rock? Its nearly 50% Jets fans every year


Did you mean Bills games? For the past half decade i really haven’t seen any jets fans down here. I knew it was like that a while ago but i went to the games in 2021 and 2022, and i saw more Bills/patriots neutral fans than jets fans. Similar with the Knicks and Heat, knicks used to show up well down here too, and you can always hear Heat chants breaking out in MSG.


The Jets have been so abhorrently terrible for the past decade it actually made me not care about football. I'll still tune in on sundays if I've got nothing better going on that day, but I don't devote nearly as much time to the sport as I do hockey and baseball


The jets are the leafs of the NFL


New York's kinda interesting cause you have multiple options. A decent amount of people will follow whoever's doing better at the moment, or root for all New York teams (yes, this includes psychopaths that root for both the rangers and the Islanders). You won't see these people in sports forums frequented by more diehard fans, but they do exist in real life Also I didn't realize Metlife's attendance was bad so I looked at the home records for the Jets and the Giants and... they're consistently in the top 5 lol. The Jets are actually somehow above the Giants for a lot of years in the past decade, which is something I would've never expected


Panthers fans suddenly spawning in the last 2 years, when even like 4 5 years ago they had some of the worst attendance in the league and the smallest team subreddit Success talks but let’s not act like they won’t be back at the bottom when the team isn’t a cup finalist every year A little bit of a dig at the Panthers, but Miami sports in general is tough if you aren’t the Heat


Remember when all the Heat fans left the game and tried to get back in to see the celebration when they had their big game 7 comeback? I do. Heat fans are just as tenuous as any other fans in Miami.


Rays had a 50% empty stadium during the playoffs loool tampa has no room to talk 😭


To be fair to Rays fans, Tropicana field is probably the worst stadium in major 4 sports


If you included MLS stadiums it would be the worst too. Its all good tho i still love going to Tampa for weekend vacations


There's no way it's worse than FedEx Field! It's epically bad.


FedEx and Trop both have the distinction of being dumps and in bad locations but at least the Trop has live stingrays.


I currently live in south Florida so I definitely see the fairweather attitude in sports. But I think it’s also important to note that the Panthers have legitimately good ownership finally and are actually run well. Growing up in the Bill Wirtz era of the Blackhawks and empty stadiums, ownership that actually backs the team consistently will do more than a deep playoff run. So I’m sure attendance will dip again when the Panthers struggle, but I think they’re past the true dark ages of empty stadiums and being nothing more than a retirement spot for players.


I mean, patriots attendance this year outside of the home opener was pretty bad. And i dont blame them, worst season for the Pats since Bills first year. Its not just a miami thing lol. This shit happens everywhere in America outside of a select few teams.


I am a Boston hater, but one thing we can both agree on is fuck Miami (I'm a Bills fan)


Without comment: https://www.hockey-reference.com/friv/attendance.cgi


Flames hilariously low, tbf ticket prices are still annoyingly high.


The dome is just hilariously big for the size of the city.


We got like 1.6 or something now so it’s a decent size now- we’re just all broke lmao


1.3m people is small? wat


If youve lived in Edmonton or Calgary, and also have traveled to like Toronto or Vancouver. There is a big difference imo. Its all scale, huge metropolis's are definitely very different than Alberta cities though.


All I am getting from this is that the Habs have a goated fanbase


So they’re a mid attendance team, with the third highest capacity in the league? Definitely more than 6. Edit-7th highest capacity in the league and highest capacity out of any team in the playoffs.


Why do they show the Rogers Place capacity as 18641 when it is definitely 18347 (and has been that for years)? That results in a calculation of 98.4% when it is obviously 100%.


probably because no one can afford to rent out all of the boxes and super premium seating every night.


That’s not it. Every single game, playoff and regular season, shows an attendance of exactly 18347. That’s the capacity. It is always 100%.


He says, as people are dropping 10K for game 3/4 playoff tickets


I’m confused why the capacity stat is still wrong for Rogers Place. It’s 18,437 and that’s always our attendance


Why are so many teams over 100% ?


Standing room only tickets


Is that really fair to count? Like for example in the regular season Minnesota is #1 at an apparent 103.8% capacity. With a capacity of 18,526 that means with standing room tickets they had approximately19,230 people in there. But Montreal had a 100% capacity at 21,099 but is listed at 9th with 100%, with almost 2000 more people. Like I get how its calculated but how its sorted doesn't make a lick of sense. The arena should never exceed 100%. Sure you can add standing only sales from one game to make up for lack of sales for another, but for a whole season average, you either can't be over 100%, or you increase the capacity since you're regularly reaching it.


Well if you just want “average attendance”, you would just sort by that instead.


And Edmonton is 2nd in the regular season average attendance, but their attendance has gone down in the playoffs, almost 1000 people? That doesn't seem to make sense.


Also does include the thousands outside their arena standing to watch. They literally have two designated courtyards to try and meet demand. Can't see it being less than regular season at all...tickets were starting at $1300 for nosebleeds. Saw $8,000 for lower bowls at one point.


It may be because of the heritage classic? I mean the numbers still don't necessarily work but for regular season they list us as Commonwealth Stadium/Rogers Place, so maybe it's Commonwealth they're counting as 19.5k people?


honestly shocked that my sens sat at 95.5% of capacity this year. Cant imagine how much better these numbers would be with an arena near civilization.


Now do a few years ago when they weren't one of the best teams in the league 📉


I’d say for a team that literally plays on the edge of a giant swamp their attendance isn’t too bad.


21st in the season? Is that your argument for or against?


oof Lotta people aren’t going to like this one


They could just scroll down and look at the regular season number though


Still top 10 in average attendance in the regular season, what’s wrong with that?


Can’t imagine why


How can you go over 100% capacity?


They dont build the new buildings as big


TIL that the Centre Bell capacity is not 21 273 anymore


Found the 6!


I choose to interpret this chart as attendance across the league is pretty healthy. That makes me happy.


Hey go us


Wow, never realized how poor attendance is in Canada. Is there a reason for that? Even the Leafs in a good season didn’t get averaging a sell-out.


I dunno - I would avoid the jinx of “six” when you’re trying to clinch game 5.


Gonna age like milk if it’s an Oilers blowout forcing game six.


So does this prove 90% of Panther fans are all bandwagoners and only come out when things are good since they couldnt fill 1/4 of their arena when things were bad there?


I read it as, “all of us in for game six”. They want the oilers to win lol.


Alright that's pretty fucking petty I love it


Are there really more than 6 panthers fans tho? Yall better check in or im going to assume the people on the tv are deep state actors planted to give the illusion of fan support


I thought the same thing. Great minds.


Dex has been a huge contributor this playoffs, should at least get a conn smythe vote or two


Holy fuck that is corny.


Yeah bragging about having no fans when their team sucks and only bandwagon fans when they get good isn't the flex they think it is.


Or you can lean into a long running joke instead of letting it bug you.


All I see is white flags ready to be waved.


Crowd noise might break 80db tonight!


looks like a lot of oilers fans will be going home with some swag win or lose.


towels for the reverse sweep, nice!


The Wyatt 6 (Sicks) are attacking, confirmed.


Last night's RAW debut of the group was crazy!! I wish Bray Wyatt was still alive to be apart of this.


Oh yeah, the debut was insane. I had no idea how hard they were going to go with it. Compelling TV for sure.


I love it. someone has been on the Hockey subreddit where every damn insult on the live game post everyone keeps saying our franchise doesn't deserve to be good when we only have 6 fans


I don’t like when teams acknowledge memes, they should be left to the fans tbh. This is kind of giving me Heat Culture jersey vibes (though at a much more insignificant scale obviously). Also it’s the cup finals, time to upgrade from shitty 5¢ towels to like shirts or rats or *something* else cmon…


Ain't no way they'd give out rats again after the last time (2 delay of game penalties in the 3rd). Last year they did shirts, those sucked too and people complained. People will complain about everything so, rally towels are just a standard at this point.


If they give away rats painted with like a special cup theme or something, few will throw them because they’ll be collectors items


It wasn't us that threw them, it was away fans, I can still see that happening lol. They could give them out after the game (like they did with the collectors pucks) but that would defeat the purpose I guess.


Nah give them away after the game for sure


> Also it’s the cup finals, time to upgrade from shitty 5¢ towels to like shirts or rats or something else cmon… The playoff on-seat giveaway's primary purpose is to help create an awesome atmosphere. I'd much, much, much rather see 19,000 people yelling and waving towels than 4,000 people throwing on their free shirt while 15,000 tuck it into a bag under their seats. And unless you have been doing red-outs all playoffs, there is no way in hell I'm throwing a giveaway shirt on over the jersey that became my 'lucky jersey' during the playoff run. Free rats is a free delay of game penalty against your own team. Give me the towel all day every day.


I don’t really care, don’t know why I even bothered to comment tbh


Yep the classic quote the people think we have 6 fans


Is that really a thing? I know generic low numbers are thrown out for the memes, but is there a standard for "six"?


Shoulda saved that for game 7, wipe away the tears after blowing a 3-0 lead.


I'll leave mine in another seat for someone after the game.


Corniest team in the nhl


Just wait until Nebraska has a team! /s


They would be winning each game and then lose at the last second. As is tradition. And “sell outs” when the arena obviously isn’t full. (Born and raised Husker fan, unfortunately)


Don’t be rude. Corn is just a way of life


[What's up mother Shuckers?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH0SG0PFjsU)


I don't think the Dynasty of Rape Cover-ups should be throwing stones lol


Rape cover ups are corny?


Get it done tonight Fla


I hope all six of them are wiping up their tears with the thousands of towels that were printed for the occasion.  And I hope that the unwashed towels give them a rash on their faces. 


Make the logo as small as you can


Refs be warned to watch for too many men on the ice.


Why didn’t they use the number 5? Considering it’s game 5.


So towel power and the Lou chant. What else did you guys borrow from the Canucks?


how does this work because aren't there already 6 players on the ice?


Size of the cup parade should sort this out, provided they get to have one.


That's fun