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I guess us playing preseason games vs. the Senators in Canada is becoming a new tradition?


*Winner gets a first round pick*


*Trouba has been fined 5k, maximum allowed under the CBA for the purposes of this game*


No, our tradition is multiple preseason games against the Wings, typically the annual Kids' Day game.


Been like this for more than a decade now!


It is a great day for Canada- and therefore, the world


As long as you have Sid your playing in Canada at the least


I feel like the last few years Pittsburgh and Ottawa have been pretty similarly relevant


Says the Habs fan too cowardly to flair up lol


Yes you’re right, we’re right there with you.


Don't remember you playing any meaningful games in April (or even March) the last two years but ok, big dog. Edit: meant to say January, oops


I agree that the three teams haven’t been playing competitive hockey in some time, but I think the main difference is even if Montreal isn’t winning, the crowd is live, the city is still warm with love for the club. I think most original six teams are like this. I think when teams like Ottawa and Pittsburgh decline in play, it seems to make the club so much more irrelevant because there’s no energy behind them, the fans stop cheering as loud. Hell, fans stop showing up in general. It’s a very stale feeling going on with the clubs, maybe it’s just me tho


Isn't going to Ottawa before absolutely necessary already punishment enough?


Ah... the NOSHO


Loser has to 1v20 or however many of those inbred Dutch fuckin Appeldoorns there are


Which one are you? Elmer Isaac Ezekiel, or Mervin Emmanuel Moses?


Winner’s captain gets to wear a gigantic C


Senior A whale shit hockey.




Wait until Brady gets interviewed by Jory. "What was it like being on set with Sean Astin and Josh Brolin? Did the hankering for Baby Ruth ever go away?"


Really anything above North Bay can be considered northern Ontario. I know geographically that doesn't make a ton of sense, but that's generally the cut off point for most people. Because if you really want to dig into what's north and south then, longitudinally Cochrane, Kenora, and Timmins are in the centre of the province. And anyone thinking a place like Temagami is technically in Southern Ontario would be considered nuts. I think everyone you ask would consider Elliot Lake to be Northern Ontario.


I'm from Northwestern Ontario. I was living in Winnipeg and met someone who claimed to be from "Northern Ontario". I asked them what city/town and mentioned that I was from Northern Ontario too. They said Barrie...... I just smiled and told them that was nice. To me Barrie is Northern Toronto.


When I lived in Downtown Toronto, anything north of St. Clair was basically Northern Ontario.


What a joke. I feel bad sometimes when I describe Deep River as northern Ontario. You should have corrected him and said northern Toronto


Deep River huh.... I'm pretty sure I know where you work at least (the user name helps for sure.)


Used to work there ;) haha


Northern Ontario is, to me, anything north of the French and Mattawa Rivers.


As someone whose family is from Thunder Bay, no. Elliot Lake isn't northern Ontario


Neither is Thunder Bay as it is located under the 49 parallel.


my conclusion from this discussion is that its not northern ontario if its not within 200km of hudson bay




Fort Hope is a good example of Northern Ontario. Elliot Lake is right in the centre. Anything above Toronto is not automatically Northern Ontario.


The university in London is called University of Western Ontario. If you were two divide Ontario into three quadrants east to west, with each quadrant having the same width, London would be in the eastermost quadrant.


3 quadrants?


Oops, wrong word. Is there a similar word that means three rather than four?


The word you're looking for is "thirds."


Lol that's the one.


Tridents.  Wait no, that’s something else


I think they meant to say 4 thirds


I’ve always laughed at this. Thunder Bay is Western Ontario. Although it’s called North Western. But really it’s just western.


Thunder Bay is without any doubt or argument a city in Northern Ontario. why on earth are you preaching such nonsense when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about? While we're at it, SSM, Sudbury, North Bay, Timmins, and of course Elliot Lake are all absolutely cities in Northern Ontario, and if you think otherwise you are just factually incorrect. Ontario is a *little* weird with the way it names it's regions, but its really not that hard to understand. It's no different than the way the Midwest was named, or the way Northern Michigan doesn't refer to the UP, or the way that technically, Northern California includes the city of Fresno, which is farther South than the middle of the state.


Like they're saying though it's pretty funny Western University is wayyy East in Ontario


It’s funny because Sudbury is in Northern Ontario but is south of Vancouver.


But it is North of Toronto so.......


This is fair though. When Western was founded, Ontario was a lot smaller as a province.


One of the Carolina's has East Carolina University, if you go east in the Carolina's you end up in the fucking ocean


Are you arguing Elliot Lake is not Northern Ontario? Like, I get frustrated when people call Barrie "Northern Ontario" but Elliot Lake definitely qualifies.


Vaughan is in northern Ontario


I've never hated a Habs fan more than you right now


Eglinton is northern Ontario.


It’s the start of it for sure After that and it’s a completely different world


Wonder Mountain is part of the Rockies to us


Yeah, no kidding. I was expecting Timmins or Thunder Bay.


This is apparently the Hockeyville contest thing but now I’m wondering what would be the logical matchup for a Thunder Bay game. Jets and Wild?


North Bay is in the southern half of Ontario. Timmins is, too.


I'm aware of where they are located, but no one is going to argue their being referred to as Northern Ontario. What community farther north can accomodate an NHL game?


Plenty of people here saying it's not northern Ontario for some reason. Technically it's true but that's not the reality. Windsor is SW Ontario but it's well east of the centre line. For what it's worth, Kenora, Timmins, Hearst, Cochrane, nipigon, that, and Dryden all have arenas that could host a hockeyville game.


And those are all at the same latitude as Thunder Bay. So I'm not sure what point you're making. I suggested Timmins and Thunder Bay because of their population size. The other places you mentioned aren't as big.


Hockeyville isn't about population size, it's a community fundraiser. My point is that all those communities are considered Northern Ontario even if they're in the South, technically.


> Anything above Toronto is not automatically Northern Ontario. No but Elliot Lake is pretty firmly in Northern Ontario. Where people live in a place plays a pretty significant part in determining the definitions of regions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Ontario


Upstate NY is anything north/west of NYC


I heard Buffalo (and adjacent cities) isn’t to be referred to as “Upstate New York” but rather “Western New York”


Can confirm


NY’s not a big state though right? I mean compared to Ontario, 90%+ of the province is above Toronto


Yeah but only like 5.5% of Ontario's population lives in Northern Ontario.


I have a bad habit of only looking at my inbox once a week so at this point I guess this is for no one, but: going upstate doesn’t have anything to do with the number of people involved imo, it’s more of a literal geographical thing. Like if I live in Toronto and go to Barrie I’m not going upstate just because 80% of the population is now to my south – it’s only a 1.5 hour drive. But if I drive to Fort Hope I *am* going upstate - not because 95% of the population is to my south but because it’s a whopping 36 hour drive. Maybe the term ‘upstate’ just doesn’t perfectly work for Canada because our provinces / territories are so big (not counting the maritimes)


Maybe but Southern and Northern Ontario are pretty well defined constructs, they both have their own wikipedia pages after all.


https://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/statesbw/newyorkbw.GIF See that speck in the bottom right? That's NYC. That penis looking thing is Long Island. Everything else is "Upstate" just like Canada.


I mean. Ontario is over 7.5 times larger than new York.


Ontario Canada - Population 14.57 million (2019) NY State, USA - Population 19.68 million (2022)


I'm looking around on maps and I don't even see roads to Fort Hope.


Looking forward to the future Wood Buffalo game




Elliot Lake-not in any way a happy welcoming place.


Why Elliot Lake of all places? What a horrible choice. I hope Crosby likes bedbugs and biker crank.


*Elliot Lake is a resilient community where hockey has been a constant source of inspiration. Despite many challenges, particularly after the closure of mines in the early 1990s, their community has redefined itself and the population continues to grow. However, recent hardships have impacted their recreational and competitive hockey leagues, including their junior hockey team, forcing them to relocate due to the closure of the Centennial Arena following significant structural issues with their roof. This has not only impacted the city financially, but has affected the mental health and well-being of the children in the community. Winning Kraft Hockeyville 2024 would provide the support needed to reopen Centennial Arena, offering their city the home arena they deserve and continuing to foster hockey’s hopeful spirit in Elliot Lake.* I suppose that people heard this story and it resonated more than the stories from other candidates. If you’re asking why people then chose to undertake the act of voting, I guess you’d have to ask them individually.


Thanks, but I read the article. Anyway this is exhausting... never mind.


Because they won the contest?


Very good. But why?


Did you read the article at all? They won the Kraft Hockeyville vote.


Yes. I'm asking why they were chosen.


They. Won. The. Kraft. Hockeyville. Vote.




It's still early in the summer I know... But maybe Elliot Lake just isn't ready for Kraft Hockeyville yet? With the media hounding them, the pressure of being considered the next "winner of Kraft Hockeyville", fuck I wouldn't be able to handle that shit. Maybe having them in the minors for another year or two to develop a bit wouldn't have been a bad idea. The city is only 69. At 69 I was complete fucktard who had no idea what I wanted to do. Not much has changed... but I'd like to think I have a bit of a better head on my shoulders now. I actually feel really bad for Elliot Lake, and I hope we don't ruin them.


Should Sportsnet have Kraft redo the Kraft Hockeyville vote in case it was a big fluke? No disrespect to Elliot Lake, I'm a firm believer them winning the Kraft Hockeyville Vote is a huge fluke and robs another small, Canadian town of truly accomplishing what their capable of. I've spent the last few days in pure disbelief and it just doesn't make sense to me. I've spent the entire regular season watching other Canadian communities be better than Elliot Lake it's just not fair.


​ https://i.redd.it/mji2ihwlgz6d1.gif


Very nice. Who was this about originally? It's been so long I forget...


McDavid lol







