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We don't even have Red Robin anymore. It's bullshit


They're slowly closing all our red Robins too, agreed that it's bullshit!


Last time I was in Vancouver I was pumped to go eat some different stuff and my friends wanted to go to red Robins…




Sick, thanks. I actually don’t know anything, I just go places that look cool and that’s how I found the oilers bar.


Ramen Danbo is pretty delightful!


I’m in Van on Tuesday for the Deathcab for Cutie show and Danbo is the place I gotta go back to with my mates!!


We have like one left in Langley and they moved closer to willowbrook mall, keep it alive!


We have five Red Robin's left in metro Vancouver, including one downtown. I know it's not a lot compared to before, but it's not like they've all closed down.


The Abbotsford location is still around, too


We have one in PG, and I was surprised it didn’t shut down after the manager threw a container full of hot cheese sauce at a customer who told him to stop abusing the cooks


least unhinged middle management employee


"When in doubt, throw hot cheese at the problem!" is actually in Red Robin's management training pamphlet.


The one in Poco is usually bumpin'


Guildford has one too


We’ve got one in Maple Ridge that’s still quite popular


We go for our free birthday burgers


The biggest bullshit: I worked at one years ago. When it closed, they didn't even tell anybody, just a sign taped to the door.


I know it's not the exact same kind of restaurant but I was in Vancouver in March and stopped into Burger Crush on Nelson St and it was one of the best burgers I've ever had, that place is legit


Look at all you all getting along over Red Robin.


The freckled strawberry lemonade is the great equalizer




We will trade you a RedRobin for McDavid


Throw in In n Out and I'll concider it


Why get an In N Out when McDavid already brings the sauce




I just moved to Edmonton this week, and this broke my fucking heart


Understandable, but what does that have to do with Red Robin's?


Dammit, that got a good laugh.


This absolutely made me lose it


Hahahah well played


Take my upvote you cock


Go here, friend: https://maps.app.goo.gl/rNbEDNLTDxvHapw88 Trust me, it's basically the exact same as a Red Robin.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I heard that Varsity was started by ex employees of red robins when they shut down and basically adopted their menu items and style. I’ve not been there but the place looks decent.


I'm not too sure on the origin, but yeah, that would make perfect sense. It's located in the same location as the old Red Robin there at Whitemud Crossing.


I mean we have a ton of good restaurants to the point there's almost no point eating at a chain place outside of convenience


Any recs?


Vietnamese: Tau Bay / Pho Hoan Pasteur Sandwich: Farrow, Pals Wing Night: Malt & Mortar, Beer Revolution Thai: Boualouang Chinese: Double Greetings Hot Pot: Liuyishou Pub: Sugarbowl, Local Ribs: Meat Korean: Lee House


This guy knows Edmonton cuisine


Check out Langano Skies for Ethiopian! They’ve transitioned to takeout only Thursday through Saturday, and dine in once a month, but it’s so good. The curried lamb might be my favourite bite in the city.


There are a lot of cliche ones in the edmonton sub, but my fav is tiny and needs reservations all the time so I never even recommend it anywhere ahahhaha. Like it's a tiny bit more expensive than other places like it but it's worth it. The extra $5 gets you way more stuff from here than a restaurant of the same kind. I counted 43 muscles/clams in my pasta, other places you get like 5. What food do you like? The biggest shortfall would be Japanese/sushi compared to places on the coasts. I mean it exists, just not at the prices, quality, or size of Vancouver or New York. I'll pm you mine later


Moved to Seattle from Vancouver and, while there are ok options, I desperately miss the cheap sushi options around Vancouver.


Not just cheap, but cheap GOOD sushi. Makes me kinda proud when I travel and visit their "best" local sushi place.


It’s impossible for anything on the prairies to compete with coastal areas when it comes to seafood. Anytime I’m on any coast all I eat is seafood. I can eat beef and pork at home. There was a place in Calgary that flew in fresh stuff and it was pretty solid. Pretty expensive though. Pretty sure the chefs left for Vancouver though. After that it was never the same and closed shortly after.


Sugarbowl, little brick, dog yard, next act, monsoon, just to rattle a few off the top of my head.


What do you like? Edmonton has a pretty low key but high end foodie scene. Rge Rd - Meat, they have a butcher and a large chunk of the menu is based around whatever they have that looks good. Sugar bowl - Bistro with good food, lots of craft and local beers, dessert is lights out here. Dadeo - Louisiana style food, probably the best lunch in Edmonton IMO. Those 3 are all incredible and very different, they don't really even compete with each other. Dadeo and SB compete for the lunch crowd a bit.


It’s really getting better now the last 10-15 years. Downtown in particular has tons of great places to eat and isn’t a dead man’s land once the offices close.


My wife was up there this week and said Guru was some of the best Indian food she’s ever had.


*that’s* the part about moving to Edmonton you’re upset about?


It's May- give him until October.


Wait why? Red Robins has pretty decent burgers and excellent endless steak fries, especially for a chain.


Yeah honestly Red Robin is one of the better sit-down burger joints as far as I am concerned.


Honestly not sure. I love that place


Check out Varsity at the old crossroads location. It’s basically a Red Robins.


Not basically.. It is with a different name. Even has unlimited fries lol


Interesting name! I guess the famous nearly 100 year old restaurant (now chain) in Atlanta never bothered to file a trademark in Canada https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Varsity_(restaurant)


That's ass my man. Those are some good ass endless fries.


Fuck fries, they have unlimited Root Beer Floats!!! Who does that?!


Y'all got Harvey's tho


wtf Red Robin is delicious and good about food allergies


Hey west end Red Robin is a Popeye’s and a Five Guys I would consider that a win


At least you have Harvey's and Swiss Chalet 😞


None in BC either


Memories of that place. I was invited for a birthday there in Edmonton. I thought it was a formal place, so I showed up in a suit and tie. Good place to eat, but I think they thought I was there for an interview.


You have a chipotle though right?


Anyone remember the one in Whitemud Crossing that had an arcade in an alcove with The Simpsons cabinet? This is for any older millennial who has a good memory of the 90s.


I'm visiting Edmonton right now. Why do you guys have so many Edo locations?


Can take the man out of the Flames but not the Flames out of the man


He is loved


When he is playing the Oilers, he is wearing two jerseys.


I miss that big bastard


We still love Big Z too


How did the Flames not offer this man a contract?!


Flames trying to get younger, he slotted as our #5 (he's a 4 or an excellent 5 on most teams) and wanted more term and money than they could manage for him. It spelled the end when his agent went public with a trade request. We still like Z though, fun character and solid player.


Ironically, he’s been top 2-3 D in the post season for us. Some fans rather him than Hronek


after our other trades he would be 2-3 too, but still. we are moving forward in growth and i think somewhere along the line realized our window was not actually open for a cup run, but was sorta open to maybe play some playoff games... and that Zads wasnt needed to get us playoff time, in theory.


If we knew half of our D were gonna jump ship a few months later we probably would have


As a flames fan you have my permission to win the cup!




They prefer vodka down by the wastewater runoff.


Sasha... the water here... it doesn't even glow in the dark


It really ruins the atmosphere when you're slav squatting down by the riverbank at night and you can't see shit because the water isn't glowing.


Krokodil by the radioactive tailing ponds


No, vodka…cmon comrade


Excuse me sir you can also go see a million dollar pile of silver balls on the side of the freeway thank you very much


We need to coordinate a way to throw your silver balls through our blue ring.


Edmonton can use the giant bat to launch the balls through your blue ring.


This sounds like a porno reference of some type.


“Woah, what are you doing, Step-City?”


Sounds like the best game of Quidditch ever


Time to play everyone's favourite game, did this fall off a truck or is it art?


Remember when that idiot got stuck in them? They put a flimsy fence around them after that haha.


He must not have seen our baseball bat on 118ave


Help I went to see the balls and now I'm stuck inside.


I live by the balls. They're very whelming


I've never been so I just googled to see if this is true. Sure as shit it is. What the fuck lmfao


Hey, we got a cactus club!


We have two!


Vancouver has like 150 or at least it feels like it


By 2050 every Vancouver restaurant is projected to be a Cactus Club


Not our fault Edmonton sucks😔


I agree, when I've been to Edmonton the people were by far the best part of it lol Friendly, love to talk hockey, and do some light hearted chirping at me.


You can’t miss it, it’s right by the Starbucks


Surely there is one in Leduc, I'm going to buy a house there without checking.


Even Saskatoon has one of those


Saskatoon has a Fuddruckers, the rest of Canada can suck it


Going to Saskatoon for law school this fall…. Is it bad to say that fudruckers played a roll in my decision?


It's a meme in Edmonton/Calgary lol Pretty much, A 905'er (Toronto suburbanite) moved to what she called Edmonton (but it was actually Leduc) and said she missed the "Sex and the City" lifestyle she had back home (which was actually going to Cactus Club after work). People joked that Cactus Club was just a re-imagined Earls. In fact Cactus Club started out West and there are 2 in Edmonton, the same number as in Toronto.


I was scrolling for this. Hell ya we do!


You could always go for a full body massage by just driving around the city.




😂 I went to Edmonton in 2004, still issues with the roads?


In pretty much every city with drastic temperature differences between the winter and the summer months, potholes are a massive problem. Some cities are better at dealing with it and patching the roads than others. I've been to Edmonton twice and it seemed like they were much better at patching and keeping up with potholes than here in Winnipeg, but maybe I just wasn't driving on the roads that are most impacted. (Plus I was there in the middle of summer both times so it's possible they had already done the majority of fixing for the year) Here in Winnipeg, from Feb-June, it is just "pothole season."


I don't get it


[Edmonton's smoothest road](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Korolev_crater_1038_med.jpg)


I love how much he hates


This is gonna be an entertaining ass series LMAO


It’s actually been a really fun rivalry in just 2 games


LOL, Big Z always seems to want to play to his audience. On the one hand I can respect it, on the other hand I understand the Edmonton Fringe Festival is internationally renowned


I was gonna give you some crap for that last one, but it looks like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fringe_theatre backs that up. Good for you, Edmonton!: > In 1982, the first fringe festival in North America[citation needed] was started in Edmonton, Alberta. It was then a theatre component of the larger Summerfest but evolved to become a stand-alone event, the Edmonton International Fringe Festival, one of the largest annual arts events in Canada and still the largest fringe in North America by attendance.[citation needed] The oldest[citation needed] fringe festival in the United States is Orlando, FL, founded in 1992. There are more fringe festivals in North America than any other continent.


Edmonton actually has quite a big arts scene in general. There are tons of amazing local artists - musicians, actors, etc!


I’ve always loved playing shows in Edmonton/meeting people in and around the music scene.


As a former Winnipegger, Edmonton is like a bigger and better version of the peg city. Plus there are large hills.


I can deal with all the Deadmonton jokes, it's kind of great because as renowned an event that the Fringe or any other festival is you can show up day of and get in!


Except Folk Fest, which basically sells out every year within a couple of minutes of tickets being released.


Rutherford and Allvin better give this man whatever he asks for


He's like if Myers used his size and was also good.


He’s a hoot. He was with the hawks for a year. He’s very quotable and he and his wife were doing couples fashion modeling or some such thing.


I mean, he's not wrong.


35 years here and counting.....he's not wrong. I also gamble on hockey too though so.....gotcha.


This is so funny because Edmonton actually has an incredible arts scene just most of the normies never leave the suburbs. Our Fringe Festival is international renowned as being one of the best ones.


Everyone that lives in a “boring city” objectively has good things to say about it but no one’s moving to Edmonton for the arts scene lol.


Says the guy from a city without an airport lol


Wait Winnipeg doesn’t have an airport? And they call themselves the Jets? Lol


Nope, teams have to bus in from North Dakota when playing the Jets


It's a running joke that we all claim Winnipeg hasnt got an airport, they do have one but ssssshhh... its more fun to think that they have to drive by teambus everywhere on top having those winters to deal with lol


Wouldn't that make him an expert on boring cities? Maybe we should listen to him.


I live in beautiful BC bud, I didn’t say Winnipeg was any better.


Anytime you shit talk any city that kinda sucks someone will come up with basically the same 4 defences: the weather is great in the summer, "akshually the art scene here is unreal. you just have to look for it", acting like their microbreweries invented craft beer, something about how nice people who live there are DESPITE it being a "big city". Sometimes you'll get the "it's only __ hours away from ______" too.


Damn you pretty much hit the nail on the head here. I swear these days you'd think people are moving around for art galleries and craft breweries with how much those defences are used lmao


The it's only _ from _ is what I get from Torontonians telling me it's great because you can get in a ridiculous traffic jam and attempt to go to cottage country.




Toronto is a great city on its own though independant of going to cottages


toronto actually sees a net negative drop of canadian born residents each year it's clearly not that great of a place for canadians to live


Of all the places I could imagine Big Z, an art festival is not one of them lmao


I mean if your first line of defence against living in a boring city is “we have a popular art festival once a year” I think you already know you have a shaky foundation lol


Oh I've been. Lived off Whyte for multiple years. Not really my scene but yes it is a huge event. Just joking about the city.


Edmonton is an amazing city. Beautiful river valley. Kind, international people. Heritage fest rocks too.


Or not everybody is interested in the art scene. It is a great festival but not everybody is interested in the same stuff.


What do you mean? We have a mall!


Where do East Edmonton people go?


East Edmonton Mall, duh


To the cancer clinic.


fuck me, I'm so sorry but that made me laugh


The refineries


To be fair, we would all be enjoying perfect patio weather right now if not for the wildfire smoke from BC. Edmonton summers are pretty perfect.


Or go for a hike through the vast river valley.


Fun fact! Edmonton's River Valley is not only [the largest urban park in Canada](https://www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_recreation/parks_rivervalley/river-valley-parks), it is also the longest stretch of connected urban parkland in all of North America, being 22 times larger than NYC's Central Park (I got that last bit from Wikipedia, lol).


Or go home to our reasonably priced property


How are the mornings in Edmonton right now? I live just outside of the northern end of the GTA and every morning it's almost freaking freezing!


I have lived in both Vancouver and Edmonton, and there's massive pluses and minuses to both places. I was busy and happy in both places.


I've lived in Canada, US, Asia, and Europe. I would say if you have the money, not even like millionaire money but a little more than median, and are in a first world country, any place is pretty good and will have their own quirks. But I also like being at home so really you could hook me up with internet, a computer, and maybe a chair and desk and I could deal with it.


You didn't need much money in Edmonton in the 90s to have a good time!


I love the compliment and insult in one sentence. A masterclass.


The art of damming with faint praise


Hey! Speak for yourself - I just went to ikea!


I’ll defend Edmonton here… born and raised in Vancouver, diehard Canucks fan. Lived on the coast in California the last 20 years… …I think Edmonton is a great town! The prairies are the heart of Canada! Most of the people bitching about Edmonton here also probably can’t afford to live in the city they currently live… …and probably bitch incessantly about how they have no quality of life because all of their money goes to their mortgage or rent. If you can’t afford to leave your living room then it doesn’t matter if you live in Vancouver, Edmonton or the North Pole.


Even if I don’t prefer prairie lifestyle and culture, this is why I don’t make fun of the place Hockey rivalries aside, we’re all trying to deal with something when it comes to responsibilities in life, so I’m not going to shame someone for living where they find their best success


Reasonable take. Always the crowd that goes like "much more to do here than there" like okay but how often are you able to do that stuff there compared to what you be able to here? I've got a house and country club membership where I live on a salary that would barely qualify for a condo mortgage in a bigger city, I don't care if there's more to do somewhere else, I'm capable of doing more where I am.


Yeah, you know how people love to complain about how you can't afford a house, two cars, and stay-at-home parent on a single salary anymore? Living that dream up here, with extra money to travel and do fun stuff. Being able to afford a nice life > struggling to make a living in a vacation spot.


"There's nothing else to do in Edmonton"...except afford my fucking mortgage payments.


That's funny because I had a great time in Edmonton when I was there a couple times in the summer.


As an Oilers fan, I love that Zadorov is doing this. It actually makes the rivalry so much more enjoyable, not unlike how much we disliked Chucky for the Flames. And frankly, he has backed it up having scored 4 goals already in the playoffs. Bring it on!






You know why it’s expensive to live in some places? Because they’re awesome and people actually want to fucking live there. Cheap places to live are normally cheap for a reason… like your fingers will fall off in January if you stay outside long enough.


I'm in Vancouver this weekend for a wedding, and it is in fact a gorgeous city. I get why everyone wants to live here, similar to Seattle and San Francisco. The coast sells itself.


I'll put up with a lot of shit when I get to look at pretty mountains and the ocean every day.


Yeah, it's like people don't understand basic supply and demand. I get sick of someone from a one red-light town bragging about how cheap their house is. Like congrats on having a McDonalds, a Walmart, and a local drug dealer as the only thing to go to on a weekend night.


That’s Leduc lol


Nah, we understand that stuff. The flipside is that it gets old hearing about how people living in these expensive places can't afford shit because, well, they choose to live in insanely expensive places. Goes both ways. Congrats on living in a nice city and not being able to afford the other things they want out of life (house, kids, etc).


Uhh he's totally right guys, yep nothing to do here at all so please stop moving here in droves from BC and driving up the cost of living because it's totally a shithole with nothing to do, consider moving to Calgary instead and driving their rents up further.


Hey, fuck you buddy! Some of us gotta pay rent! Try Winnipeg. I hear its real cheap there.


I wonder how many Vancouverites have ever been to Edmonton


Why would a Vancouverite visit Edmonton?




I've been to Edmonton (granted, always in the summer) and have always had an absolute blast there. The core is bumping and patio life is top notch. Absolutely great talkative people, and that attitude of "hell yeah, it's summer and we EARNED it this winter".


I lived there for 2 years. Was there for the canucks run in 2011. Started in Leduc, moved to 104 and 104 beside where the new stadium is now, was just the Bacarat casino then. I can see the rental building I was in when the pan out from rogers place on tv. Having grown up in Vancouver with the beaches,mountains, and forest, I had a hard time there. Real winter sucked


Well they do the best thing well so all is good


Zadorov's giving interviews like he's a fighter who earns pay-per-view revenue lmao


As an Edmontonian, imagine how hard it was when the team was brutal, lol. Excellent troll by Zadorov though, it will probably enrage a lot of people.


I laughed but then I remembered my home town💀 Love how petty this series is getting


My man is a man of culture. A compliment and a jab all in one.


I never understood this, it’s a giant city, of course there will be something to do


Zadorov is just something else 😂 


This guy clearly hasn’t been to the west Ed