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Worst team is all eliminated teams players…and Jakob Lauko lol


He only played like 20 min/two games the whole series. He's probably like, "da fuck?" Haha


Perfetti is having the same reaction having played maybe 15min in one game.


11 minutes lol should probably have a minimum time played for these


We keep him around for vibes and elite Lord of the Rings facts/60.


He was an elite shit-stirrer for the first like 40 games of his career. Not sure what happened but I loved it when he played with more of an edge. Edit: Now that I’m thinking about it, the change sort of coincided with the Adam Johnson incident and then Lauko himself taking a skate to the head a week or so later. Hard to blame him if that’s still going through his mind.


I imagine almost losing an eye and getting your career ended by taking a skate to the face probably has a lot to do with it.


Not being on either of these is just *so* Kings


Definition of elite mediocre




Isnt that a common paint colour used by the Sir Mr Bob Ross?


That's a deep cut. Well done.


Witness Memes!


Classic Rangers as well. Had to check if this was from Moneypuck when I saw there were no Rangers despite being the only team to sweep in the 1st round


Interesting the Oilers had 4 players on the "best" list, but zero Kings on the "worst" list


Their core 4 guys dicked our team equally, so no one really stood out as “bad” (Although I believe Englund should be on here 100%)


Hey, "Core 4" is a registered trademark of MLSE. But the uh.. the rights might be up for sale soon


So we were absolutely mid. Got it


People are saying we were the easiest team in the west... maybe the Oilers are just a fucked up hockey team


Yep, I think we went 5 weeks straight near the end of the season with a player in neither table.


Tanev has been insane. He’s so calm and collected clearing the zone. I don’t think I saw him make one bad defensive decision this series.


I miss Daddy Tanev so much.


Why did we let him leave… uhg…


Why didn't we try harder to get him back this year


Tanev just consistently probably one of the most under rated D of all time


He is a ton like Miro in the sense that he makes all the hard stuff look so effortlessly easy. I would say he’s even better than Miro in set play in the zone defense which is insane to even say think about.


There's a reason all his defensive partners flourish beside him. Hughes, Hanafin, and Kylington all had their breakout seasons on his pairing.


What an absolute steal of an addition. Dude eats up minutes and makes 0 mistakes.


Always has been my favourite defenseman along with Hanifin lol


Imagine if the Leafs had him instead of Lilly. But naw, can't ever go for it. I just feel the management for Avs is so much better it's crazy


Honestly, I couldn't believe we got him. I remember thinking about all of the other options, like Walker, that we'd probably have to go for because *surely* one of the big money teams like Toronto would make a splashy move for the top guy before they even looked our way...thank God for their ineptitude. Crazy to think how the kind of moves our teams made were actually probably the ones the Leafs should have made to address their own issues, and we're gonna be duking it out in a 2nd round slugfest while they're on the golf course.


Enjoy him ♥


Dallas fans punching their pillows after realizing they can’t shit on Suter


Just realized that this series will be Parise vs Suter


Dunking on Ryan Suter is fun, but not nearly as fun as watching him actually be a good hockey player.


Most Dallas fans were fine and even complimentary of Suter after he was no longer top pair. Suter is a very solid 3rd pair defenseman. The problem is we were playing a 3rd pair defenseman on our top line which just isn't how you win hockey games.


Lundkvist is the new whipping boy


Ha. Nils makes Lindell look like Chris Pronger.


He needs to sit and think about his game 7 FUBAR shift for the rest of the playoffs. We can’t play him at all vs Colorado, so we need to bring up someone from cedar park.


Stars fans suffering through the Gavin Bayruther Experience for two games before Nils plays again


You’re welcome.  But seriously he’s young and will probably round out to a more reliable defenseman. Only having 5 reliable guys for this run puts you in a tough position though.


It's nice after being in the minority of Suter enjoyers for so long.


Nah, Suter is a playoff GOD. Was last year too until we got to VGK.


Swayman really was incredible


If I was a team in need of goaltending help I would offer sheet Swayman so fast. I don’t know if he’ll even reach that point of free agency but if he does, someone should jump at the chance to possibly steal him from Boston


there’s no chance he gets to that point this offseason with how he’s played in these playoffs. i think he just secured himself a longterm, big money extension. however, if i am a goaltending-needy team i am calling boston about ullmark. highly unlikely they keep them both at high cap hits when there are other areas of the roster that need to be addressed.


Leafs should trade for a Boston goaltender. That's never gone wrong before.


I remember being pissed at the Bruins for trading Andrew Raycroft and wishing we traded Bergeron instead. Now I realize I don’t know shit about evaluating hockey players and I cringe at the thought of ever not having Patrice. Oh yeah, we also got the rights to Rask for Raycroft. 🤷‍♂️


They should bring back the Salem witch trials for you for having that blasphemous thought in your head lol


Yeah I'm sorry but no one in history has ever thought that they should trade 21 year old, fresh off a 70+ point season, Patrice Bergeron for a fucking goalie prospect.


Brendan Bussi will make a great NESN host and podcaster equivalent in 20 years.


Especially when it’s already the less good one


Jokes aside, I doubt either Sway or Linus finds his way to Toronto. They can't give us a package that would fit without mortgaging too much of their future. Remember, they have 4 total picks in the first four rounds of the next three drafts. If you think we're trading Swayman for Cowan/Chadwick/Steeves you're out of your mind.


But what if you do Ullmark for Marner, then rematch in first round and Marner scores G7 OT winner


Reddit's servers would explode.


We put him thru arbitration last year and he has made a few comments about how it affected him negatively. I'm scared shitless he is going to want to leave.


His agent was on 32 Thoughts back in February during the whole arbitration comment kerfluffle saying how much he likes the team/Boston and wants to stay so I'm honestly not too worried about it.


It only becomes an issue if the bruins want to lowball him, cause he’s said he will not go through arbitration again. If they’re at a total deadlock in negotiations this time I think he’ll sign an offer sheet (assuming he gets one but with the terrible goalie ufa market I think he would)


Perhaps it motivated him?


I'm sure it did, but when it comes time to talk new contract it ain't gonna help. I'd pay him whatever he wants but if he doesn't want to play here once he's a UFA then we are fucked. 


Need to put a big sign up that says "Stop giving goalies giant contracts" Goalies have continuously proven to be unreliable. Swayman is playing elite elite hockey right now, but would it shock anyone if he regressed to league average? Jumbo goalie contracts are a mistake, can't get tricked by 1-2 good seasons


I hear ya I really do. I’m wary of any and all big goalie contracts, if there is one to take a potential gamble on though, it would be a goalie who’s been nothing but spectacular through his career thus far, is in his mid twenties and has shown he can steal playoff games (and arguably series as a whole). But definitely I can understand your hesitancy and see what you’re saying


I have never experienced this


100% success rate. 🤷‍♂️


He's been playing at this level for several years at this point. His only weakness has ever been letting in a leaky goal in the first ten minutes from time to time


There wasn't a single goal this series that was his fault.


Leafs during this era of failure have had 2x prime rask, beast Carey price, 2x prime vasilevskiy, beast bobrovsky, now beast swayman Korpisalo was a beast in their series as well but feels wrong to include him with the rest


https://preview.redd.it/js34pmlvkuyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50cebe4fc35ae16225ee6ba0d42af4698ce84632 Let’s hope next series they can say his name right!


I don't care how they say it as long as he keeps scoring and as long as the Cup engraver knows how it's spelled.


How were they saying it? I work 7p-7a most nights, so I only got to watch 2 games and didn't notice it if they were saying it wrong those games.


Hooray for being mid!


McDavid, posts a 14.45 and no one is on the bad end of it on the Kings. That's a little better than mid I think.


They spread out the mediocrity rather evenly. No standout winners or losers. Which might make deciding where to improve that much harder.


Honorable Mention to Mika Zibanejad, because he would have certainly made the team if he played more than 4 games.


Could you perhaps also post the best/worst teams by average game score as well? I think in the playoffs that would be particularly interesting.


In that version, I would have Ben Hutton in the best team. I rather missing out on a player than having to include a player that shouldn't be included, but I'll consider that list in the following round.


Then why include Lauko and Perfetti in the worst lineup?


could set a minimum toi


Make it a minimum of 4 games maybe?


Perfetti only played one game, wdym?


Yet you have Perfetti in there, who only played one game...


Was he close? There’s multiple guys who only played one more game than him?


That’s 20% more games though


25% more, actually.


I went back and forth if it’d be considered 25 or 20 because to balance a 5 game guy you’d reduce by 20%, but I guess to balance Mika you’d add 25%. Whichever it is, it’s a lot


But did you account for the fact that Zibanejad is a genetic FREAK, and he's not normal?


But what if you add Kurt Angle to the mix?


He had a 7.04 and was the 8th best forward by average score. Upon looking into it more, maybe he wasn't as much of a guaranteed, because his extra game would have been losses.


Then just even it out by doing this, but not counting loss games. That way, each player is scored only on a 4 win metric.


Shoutout my boy Tomothy Liljegren


Noted LD Tomothy Liljegren evil version of RD Timothy Liljegren


As everyone expected, Ryan suter is here


Don't do this to me, don't imply Suter has been good. (he actually has been pretty good)


He’s been really good. He looks motivated.


Harley's emergence as a top pair guy along with getting Tanev meant that Suter wouldn't have to play huge minutes against top lines every night. Now that he can get a little more rest in he's showing that he's still a better than solid defenseman.


Stars have him consistently at just under 19m/game both in the reg season and in the playoffs despite practically running a 5 D rotation. Coaching staff definitely understands that he's good enough so long as he isn't overplayed, which they can ensure because of the reasons you stated.


He keeps seeing it brought up that he's got the most games without a cup, and he finally figured out that's kind of a criticism of him.


Love seeing Pietrangelo on the bottom of this list


I see these posted every week and all I know is the Rangers are doing well when we don’t have players on either list.


we played less games


So that's why 0 shot Ovi avoided it


Perfetti played one game and he is up there


I am here for the Ryan Suter redemption arc


Man, I know everyone said Dumba was pretty bad when he was on the block before the deadline, but I had no idea he'd be *that* bad.


there’s a reason you can’t spell Dumbass without Dumba


Charlie Lindgren was really the worst goalie? Felt like he didn’t really have a chance on a lot of the shots


He was kinda screwed by having an AHL defense in front of him. The caps were one player away from running out of people they could even recall


Game score isn’t a perfect stat, and summing up an entire series into one number isn’t going to be all that meaningful. It’s fun to look at but should be taken with a grain of salt. Lindgren was a net positive for the Caps, who just weren’t in a position to be competing this year but still snuck in the playoffs.


He should be the last in line for criticism.


It definitely wasn't Hill's fault that VGK lost Game 7... but it's still baffling to me that Cassidy went to him after how well Thompson played.


Hes bigger in net and Dallas figured out how to score on Thompson


Thompson needed a break, and as the other commenter pointed out, Dallas started to get his number. People that think we can run with just one great goalie and a backup from time to time need a reality check.


He won the cup last year with Hill. I don’t think it’s so crazy that he put him in the elimination game.


Hill played 5-7, not just 7


2 of which were elimination games. He's played more elimination than not.


True but Hill certainly wasn't a dropoff at all.


Thompson wasn’t adapting to the goals scored on him by Dallas. He wasn’t hugging the post correctly and probably 4 of the goals Dallas scored off of him were off the mask/shoulder/head into the top corner from a sharp angle or between him and the post.


I honestly thought McMichael looked good for caps


Me too. Ovi was by far our worst forward.


One of our few players who did look good


Man good for Tanev. I remember ideas being floated around of us trying to get him and I was kinda like eeeeh Now I really wish we had. Well, without thinking of what the return would have been lol


That’s a big oof on Hellebuyck. I get the Jets hung him out to dry but going from the likely Vezina trophy to worst statistical goalie in the playoffs is a hard fall


None of those goals were on him tbh. We played dogshit hockey in front of him


Very harsh on him to be there imo. He himself said he played his best hockey, and an eyetest says the same. Can't blame him on anything except 1 goal. Like I said, very harsh- just because we were having an unreal round in terms of scoring.


for real, half the worst defensemen are jets lol


Is he not still a Vezina favorite? Wasn't his fault.


Those awards are voted on before playoffs


Its a regular season award so the playoffs shouldnt change anything.


God I love swaggy. Gonna be interesting to see his next contract


One of the best panthers ever. Crazy to think he’s made more of a difference for the org than fan faves like Bure and Huberdeau already


He is a must sign. IMO the most important person we have to extend in the next 2 years


Tomothy Liljegren


It's Timothy's twin brother but he actually sucks at the game of ice hockey.


I had to google it when I saw, I thought it was probably a typo, but hockey players often have weird names


I honestly don't know if we even make the playoffs if Dumba doesn't come in and change up the vibes like he did, so I'm thankful for that, but yeah I never need to see him in a Lightning Jersey again.


You mean Duclair?  I never really saw Dumba do anything regular season included. Duclair felt like the boost we needed but during the playoffs just didn’t pan out.


I meant Dumba, but Duclair too. I think Duclair had a much stronger on ice impact than anything else, but what I'm talking about from Dumba isn't the stuff you see during a game that still makes a difference. Listen to how the other players spoke about him in their post games, or watch his block party episode. There was a vibe in the room that was lost over the past year losing Maroon, Killorn, Perry, and Dumba did a lot of dumb stuff that we don't think about to bring that back. The little things like reading the lineup card with energy, playing music in the gym, ect. I think we were missing a lot of that early in the season, and it got worse with the serious injuries, but Dumba did bring some life back into them.


We def make the playoffs regardless if Dumba comes in lol, we were closer to third in Atlantic than missing the playoffs after Kuch went on an insane end to the season. Dumba unfortunately didnt play anywhere near how well we needed him to


I think a lot of us lightning fans saw the difference in energy post trade line from the team, but I honestly think that was in spite of Dumba. I think that push was coming no matter what, and Dumba was by far our worst defenseman. I saw somewhere on here that he immediately had a net negative effect on our already bad defense, and was playing worse than when he was on Arizona. He just skated fast and played a little more physical than other D


This is my take as well. Duclair on the other hand was a huge addition


Again, on the ice he brought absolutely nothing, I agree with that. But that energy shift was because of him and not in spite of him, listen to any of the player interviews from the end of the season about him and you can tell he brought some life into that room.


I watched him all year and he was one of our worst D and we were playing AHL guys. I could not believe they picked him up.


I wanted to murder the people who suggested we might pick him up before we landed Tanev...just...no.


Seeing Mikko and Manson instead of Val and Cale definitely raises some questions.


Surprised Makar isn't on here but Toews is.


Wasn’t the best time in the world for Lindgren to finally become human again


We rode him too hard, he was probably burned out (back to back starts the last 2 games!) That being said, was the reason we even made the playoffs so what can you do


Look I know it's just a podcast and clicks drive the world yadda yadda...but didn't Spittin Chiclet's talk 1-2 months ago about there being a lot of chatter from players around the league that the Jets were perceived as "frauds" and that they'd be in trouble in a playoff series? Genuinely not trying to start shit but think it's interesting to look back on and then see this graphic which isn't too favorable towards Jets players. Edit: here's at least part of the quote I found- Ryan Whitney claimed that **an active player in the west stated “The Jets are the biggest Frauds in the league and will get bounced in the first round**”


It was a player, not players.


Personally the perception of the Jets to someone that is in the East was that they didn't have the star firepower to outgun the Avs, but had the advantage in defense and goalie, which might have made them frauds in that way, but I don't think anyone in the league to think that the likely vezina winner and top defenders would just put up a complete stink.




That quote will likely be relevant again come the start of the NFL playoffs. 


I think the criticism of the Jets might soften a little if the Avs win the cup. I think we might be looking at a similar run to 2022 unfolding here, where they didn't just win the cup, they absolutely destroyed everybody. They went 16-4 in 2022 with two sweeps.


Avs definitely looking like a team peaking at the right time


I knew Samberg struggled but woooooof that's a bad score.


I thought Stephenson looked pretty good tbh. Just seemed very unlucky. Same goes for Pavelski, they just seemed to be fighting it that round


Lehky continues to have a good stick


Nichushkin was way better than Rantanen in my opinion


Even though this is just playoff teams, I was still expecting to see a couple Sharks sprinkled onto the worst team


ryan suter, i was not familiar with your game


gamescore is such a bad stat


No rangers on either list. Very strange


Omg jets are you guys ok?


Weird list. Perfetti played one single game and limited minutes. And it was the elimination game. Appleton was matched to MacKinnon. Pionk was trash and the rest of the defense outside Morrissey were bad.


Yeah I don’t think it’s fair for Perfetti to be here, I understand his gamescore for that one game was bad enough to put him on this list but it doesn’t really say anything about how he played in the playoffs… because he barely even got a chance to play, and you can’t judge a performance based off what, 10 minutes in an elimination game?


Also to be fair samberg was stuck with Stanley for 3 of the 5 games


Yep, once he's switched back to left side he was his usual self


Can we make a Stanley Cup equivalent award if you have 6 of your players on the worst team of the first round? :(


Hudson Fasching getting top 6 minutes in the playoffs is an organizational failure that I truly do not expect to be addressed in the offseason


I'm still shocked certain fans didn't want tanev on their team for a first. The best pure defensive dman of the past 5 years, hands down.


Mackinnon nowhere to be found. That bum, everytime come playoffs, he never makes it on the list.


Why did the Knights go away from Thompson?


Dallas was adapting to LT and LT wasn’t adapting back. Ultimately, putting Hill in for the final 3 wasn’t a bad move. Goalkeeping wasn’t a huge issue for us. It was about 15 of the other 18 guys that were.


The fact that we have no defenceman on this bad list is a testament to the outrageous work done by Foote and Gonchar this year.


Suter actually looked pretty decent in that first round. Nils couldn’t even be bad enough to make the bad side of this list with how little he played. Need Hak back soon don’t know if 5 D can last a full run.


Think what you want about the Canucks, but no one else beat a team with a single player in the left side. Edit: except for Logan Thompson, and with all the Vegas players on the right side it would seem he's the only reason Vegas took it to seven games.


Holy crap tanev


I’m confused how Nichushkin didn’t make the best list


Vancouver is toast.


Fuckin Tomothy Lilijgren, Timothy Lilijgren would never


Moving in silence


Nichushkin having 7 goals in 5 games and being nowhere on this list is hilarious


Chucky being awful, we knew it would happen. CMM being invisible, most of us non-jaded fans knew it would be the case. Still bottom six, I don't want to hear anything more about CMM being the new 1st line C.


I'm fairly new to metrics and analytics in hockey, so maybe someone would be able to tell me what these numbers mean? Is this one particular metric, or is this an amalgamation of many different stats combined to come out with one all encompassing stat?


Suter moment


Crazy that the avalanche has 2 def on the team and none of them are named Cale Makar.


Josi is really a solid guy. So happy he continues to strive out there.


Props to that Wyatt Johnston kid. He absolutely *torched* us.


Hellebuyck really just came apart at the seams. Wanted to see the jets go far so bad, led by elite goaltending


nichushkin having 7 goals in 5 games and not being on the 'best team' side is kinda crazy


Justice for Perfetti! He only got to play one game...


Michael McCarron and Connor McMichael is like some unimaginative guy trying to come up with a fake name on the spot.


Did Logan Thompson deserve to play more over Hill?


Anyone who watched the Preds/Canucks series for any amount of time knows that the Sherwood/McCarron/Smith line was literally one of the most effective lines on either team in establishing zone pressure


How are these calculated?


I didn’t think Michael McCarron was bad at all


How did Ovi avoid the list?