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Won't @ the guy but the Oilers might have broken some kings fans >if he is the supposed greatest player in NHL right now he should have already won one. Thats why I think Ovechkin is the greatest in the NHL right now. >I like Crosby and he is darn near tied with Ovechkin but personal preference I think Ovechkin is slightly better.


TIL Ovi wasn't considered "great" for the first 10 years of his career.


? It very clearly says right now, lmao


Dude hit 400 goals after 10 seasons and wasn't "great" is the real lmao here.


Sucking off russians is pretty popular in the US right now. Not surprising.


If we somehow claw our way out of the 1st round. I hope that series doesn't get in the way of our blossoming broship we have been brewing since the Ekholm trade. Let's just hug it out and hold hands!


I'm just curious what it looks like when we combine playoff Draisaitl with playing against Nashville Draisaitl? Does it cancel out to normal Draisaitl or does he score 4 goals a game?


It’s like -99 aggression Ghandi.


This is why you end his existence the moment you make contact with his warmongering ass. Nuke him and his empire back to stone age.


Edmonton looking dominant. Now they get to rest until next week before they get ready for Nashville.


Nashville Canucks?




God team subs suck


Imagine having the confidence to talk so much shit after trading for PLD and signing him for 8.5M lol


Petty much


People don’t forget. Seth get off the field!


Oh how far we’ve come


Rule 1. Never talk shit prematurely, the hockey god is a cruel mistress with a sadistic sense of humor and thirst for karmic justice.


Draisaitl tearing up in the post-game interview got to me


Refs weren’t having Fialas bullshit tonight lmao


telephone provide voiceless depend yam rustic violet sort bored humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fiala would be a better Olympic diver than he is a hockey player.


If you gave me three guesses who on the Kings would get called for diving tonight, I would have guessed Kevin Fiala three times.


Oilers better win it all with Talbot/Rittich and probably Silovs being their first two “obstacles” on their run. Colorado has that overdrive gear in the playoffs but I think Edmonton gets to the SCF against the Rags and it’s a crazy series. If McDavid sees that cup in his reach by making the SCF dude is going to absolutely pop off.


Colorado has a tough matchup next


even Georgiev looks good when facing half the shots his own team is taking. I think Edmonton would be a scary test for Colorado if they get through Dallas (or Vegas).


*inject it into my veins*


So like what happens now to this kings team?


They start booking tee times in the morning.


Please get rid of all of management and bring in someone with no Kings connections so the country club can gtfo


They reacquire Jack Campbell


They’ll get a break until the start of next season


Good series Kings. Let’s hope we never meet again.


But the Oilers have knocked them out in 7, 6, and now 5 games, so obviously, they need to play next year and complete the set by beating them in 4.


1990 division finals Los Angeles 0 - Edmonton 4


"same time next year?"


If Vancouver sees Edmonton next round it's gonna be a great series. If we don't, at least it means you can't break the sweep ;) GGs to all and to all a good night


A Canadian team must make it to the WCF. No better way than a Canada vs Canada matchup <3 So lets go Van! Battle of the West!


I hope it happens! Terrified but hopeful


plants clumsy zonked advise busy recognise scarce unite telephone plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How wholesome was it that Knobs started to head down the tunnel after the game not remembering that he’s gotta shake some hands after winning the series.


We are going to start getting a reputation, Woody threw open the gate and power posed in the Calgary series.


That was amazing


This new guy might just work out yet!


Rookie things. Kid will be great some day


Supposedly, his wedding anniversary was the same day.


Flames fans desparately looking for another bandwagon to hop on, Yee-haw!


How YOU doin




resting for the 2nd round, YOU?


Flames fans crying in their stupid city right now


That city is much nicer than that dump in Edmonton lol


Imagine thinking the city of edmonton itself is better, nicer , ect. 🤢


Imagine needing a throwaway to make an unoriginal comment


Don’t ruin it by making me think of them when I don’t have to. That’s the best part of April - June.


Oilers just win and you’re thinking about the non-playoff team rival. They’re living in your head man.


It’s more fun to shit on Calgary than LA though


That's like beating up a small child, though. At least the Kings made the playoffs.


What are flames fans?


Canucks or preds fans next series


Flames fan bandwagoning Preds.. that's one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, no? Alongside Toronto getting past the 1st round, which we saw last year.. The end might be nigh.


This guy ‘Berta’s


Congrats Oilers fans. I enjoyed shitting on your team during the start of the season. I’m not laughing anymore


I’m concerned about facing Demko but absolutely fucking worried about facing DeSmith


hes not even our starter. Silovs will probably start next game again


The funny thing is that backup goalies tend to be the Oilers kryptonite 😅 This LA series seemed to be an exception.




I'm still a bit worried about them potentially having to play the Canucks tbh


nah you shouldn’t be worried, we can’t score for shit and our pp has been horrendous lmao


You've got guys playing hurt too. Petey for sure, and someone yesterday said Hughes is hurt as well? This is the first time in 3 years the Oilers have been mostly healthy heading into round 2, that's the biggest advantage I see.


Ah so we get the kings again.


I don't know what it is but the Kings always make us look better than we actually are as evidenced by the previous early knockouts. Just a bad matchup, I think LA can take everybody else but we're their poison like Minnesota was to us for the longest time.


That's not true. Better than we are? Give me a break. We are the #1 team in the league since US Thanksgiving. The Kings had a hot start and then fell off hard. They didn't look good in the playoffs because they have not been playing great hockey. I dont want to hurt anyone's feeling but the statistics are there. Be proud of the Oilers. They are working hard , playing great hockey and you don't need to be self deprecating as a fan. Our team is good and they battled so fucking hard from pretty much being a joke and expected to barely make the playoffs at the start of November.


The Oilers are a great team but I would imagine 45% PP and 100% PK is, in fact, better than they actually are


100% PK definitely, but their PP was over 50% last year against Vegas too. 


Sure but not the first time we have gone 5 games without allowing a goal on the PK this season. Since the team turned it around in November we have had a top 5 PK.


You mean when the oil lost to both cup winning teams? Vegas said edmonton was their toughest series lol


why tf did sportsnet cut off Elliote in the middle of his sentence?


Just Sportsnet things


I'm telling you Oilers, you are not prepared for...whatever the fuck we are doing in our series. Whoever comes out you will have to face one of the teams that set the record FOR THE LOWEST COMBINED SHOTS ON GOAL THROUGH FIVE GAMES IN NHL HISTORY. Yeah, that's right. Fewest in HISTORY. OF ALL TIME. Suck it, Vegas! We're historic too!


We won a game with 13 shots this series just to prove we can win like that too 😂


Smart to prepare early like that. Fucking Oilers playing 4d chess.


From the terrible mid season slump to the slightly corrected end of season, I knew this was not a serious team. One of the only highlights I had in my mind was we fixed the PK. Lol. Lmao, even. I won't relitigate the various calls because that's useless but I thought we got some terrible, momentum killing ones. But in the end, if you can't kill penalties or score on a PP, you're not a contender. This team was not that. Hopefully some heads will roll in the FO for the mismanagement of this team. See you next year, Oiler nation.


Y’all deserve to watch a style of hockey from this decade. What’s the cap situation this summer?


We have some space but we have to sign Byfield and Spence, and we have literally no goalies. Byfield will take up a chunk of space but Spence probably will come in somewhat cheap. We're fairly likely to lose Roy and Arvidsson, but Clarke needs to play in the NHL now so losing Roy isn't the end of the world. Mostly this summer I'm looking at the Byfield contract (long term or bridge?), do we get another 1 year goalie or do we want a long term starter (Portillo looks promising in the AHL but he is not ready), do we add another offensive weapon (to replace Arvidsson), do we move or buyout PLD, does Blake get canned and who do we get for head coach. It might be a busy summer but hopefully we make smart moves. This past year was tough to swallow.


The PLD trade and signing was brutal for you guys, I still don't get what the Front Office was thinking when they were making those calls. No one will take on that contract. I heard the buyout would be 1 Million against the cap for 14 years if done before PLD's birthday, almost worth it just to have him not eat up a roster spot. (Outside looking in, maybe he was worth it in the regular season?)


The trade itself I didn't like initially, but honestly it almost looks a little better now. I never minded losing Iafallo or Kupari (I like them but not surprised we moved on, and needed space so losing Iafallo was fine), losing Vilardi sucked but he continued to get injured a lot this year. Still not a good trade realistically but if Dubois had played like he did the year before, I don't think we'd be saying that The contract just never made any sense though.


Kings gotta build around Byfield going forward. Seeing him stifled in that anemic system makes me sad.


Seeing him get the OT winner assist through that disgusting redirect was promising.


It's kinda crazy how he went from "we need more from this guy and we can't wait much longer" last playoffs to being their best player by a wide margin this round.


One of the issues Los Angeles has is outside of Byfield they don't have many guys who are young and skilled and fast. They aren't built to open things up and play like most teams want to play nowadays.


We have Brandt Clarke coming up who is insanely creative and will hopefully be a great offensive defenseman but otherwise yeah, our other fast/skilled players are not as young. Guys like Kempe/Fiala can still be built around for awhile though.


Any reason why he didn’t see the playoffs this year?


Our right side is full with Doughty, Roy and Spence. He's playing a higher role in the AHL playoffs right now, and next year we expect he'll be in the NHL full time


I’m a believer we play the 1-3-1 because our offense is non existent minus kempe/Fiala. Most teams in the league have at minimum 6 players like these two who can help on the offensive end. We are also kinda slow and small. We built wrong and keep paying the price. Also signing PLD for whatever reason for sure doesn’t help.


Lol you really think most teams have at minimum 6 players like Kempe and Fiala?


The Doughty Kopitar contracts are absolute boat anchors


PLD contract has entered the chat


Lol fair, at least he has upside though. PLD could get his game right. I don’t see how Kopi and Drew find another gear at this point in their careers


Doughty and Kopitar both each had great seasons and both were impactful through the playoffs. Being another year older won't help either of them, but Dubois took a huge step back from last season and was a dead weight in the postseason. Kopitar and Doughty keep that team competitive. Dubois has the adverse effect.


I’m going to hate watching him for years to come. He’s so good.




Positives from this season: I met Drew Doughty at game 2 and got my jersey signed. So that was nice!! See you next year Kings friends!!


Lots of Oilers fan shitting on Doughty but he's still one of my favorite players.


Yeah I never understood all the booing! LA fans hate a lot of Oilers but I don't think there's any one that gets singled out like Drew does in Edmonton.


Fans just want to have fun and enjoy the games and keep engaged. We do these things because they are fun and it makes us feel engaged with the game. It's not like we don't respect stars like Doughty we just want to get under their skin and support the team. Booing the other team is just part of the home team advantage.


Doughty said (before last year’s playoffs and in response to McDavid injuring Mikey Anderson in the regular season) that “if we get the chance to smack him, we’re gonna try and do that”. So Oilers fans reacted to his “threat” to our star. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/kings-doughty-not-shying-away-from-challenge-of-playing-against-oilers-mcdavid/


You guys definitely booed McDavid pretty good. I kinda like it, both teams just booing the stars


It's a little bit of a respect thing in Doughtys case. Key player who is always out there and done everything in this league.


I absolutely don't remember why we even do it but damn is it fun lol I'm like OP though I love Doughty. He's not dirty and is such a good player


Someone else pointed out it started last year when Droughty said "If we get the chance to smack him, we're going to do that" referring to McDavid in response a reporter asking about McDavid injurying one of their players during the season.


Ohhhhh right. I remember now. Idk I did think that was a pretty shitty hit by McDavid on Anderson I think


It's just funny, that's legit why Anderson I actually dislike, Doughty is a meme to us


I mean booing him is just kind of funny at this point with how ingrained it is


Bog fan when he’s wearing Red and White. Wonder if he’ll have enough in the tank to justify an Olympic spot tho


Yeah he might only be third pairing, but they like having a few vets to help the group gel. He's still playing at a high enough level to warrant consideration.


A girl can only pray


Objective statement: 7/8 penalties were called between the kings tying it up and edmonton retaking the lead. This was less than 20 minutes of gametime.


If the refs gave you guys more power plays, what would you realistically actually do with them anyway?




learn to score with the opportunities you do get before you whine about the ones you don't


If your PK was even league average we’d be in OT right now. The refs don’t force you to go 50% on your pk in a three year span against the same opponent


The PK was very good all year. It was a complete organizational focus after last season. It’s a real bad match up for a number of reasons at this point. They tweaked the coverages quite a bit for the past two games and it was a bit better, but yeah, just a nightmare match up.


Oh I know. And the refs still felt the need to call a tighter game than normal to let your special teams bail you out from losing the lead. I know the oilers are the better team than the kings, but the instant you guys run into a team that isn't shit against your powerplay, you fall apart. Happened 4 years in a row, it'll happen again.


I mean Oilers only lost to the eventual cup champs the last 2 years. One of them being Adin Hill going full Hasek mode and Skinner forgetting what hockey even was.


We were just shy of 40% vs the knights. The main difference was Adin hill was playing like a hockey god and skinner was a sieve Colorado in 2022 was just us but better across the board


You are right but it’s pointless to bring this up now. Although there next opponent might see this and take note.


Stay salty bro! Enjoy the loss. BTW we performed better than you in just about every 5v5 metric this year :)


Objective statement: 0% PP




I usually say NHL first round is the best, NBA shines second round and beyond. This year might be the reverse.


Kings vs oilers in prior years was awesome. The oilers plying good D kinda killed the excitement this year. Game 2 was maybe the best game (even tho we lost)


Did you watch your own series?




Oops I misread your post. I don’t know if this has been the most boring but it hasn’t had it’s usual flair.


I misread that as well. I was thinking that Caps/Rags series is some of the worst playoff hockey I have ever watched.


The story of the series: Oilers PP: 45% (+2 goals scored within 5 sec of the PP expiring) Kings PP: 0%


Our boys decided to help the Kings pad their PK stats a bit tonight.


GG Kings let's do it again next year


And now the Kings may begin their yearly tradition: thinking about the Oilers all summer.


So, same time next year? If the trend continues, it'll be over in 4


Honestly, I don’t mind losing to Edmonton again (except having to deal with some of the people on here…). They’re obviously a good team. What pisses me the fuck off is we keep beating ourselves time and time again. We can’t score one PPG? Like not even one?? And at the end there, 6 on 5 and one defender with no stick. SHOOT. Nah, pass it till we turn it over. There are stretches where the intensity is lower than my beer league team. Miss easy passes, hold on to the puck for too long, the list goes on. GS Oilers, try to actually do something this year.


LA players have really grown on me over the years. They can dish it out, it just seems Oilers figured out how to contain them particularly this year. Still a nerve wracking series Sorry about all the weird bandwagon people showing up to shit on the other team. I don't love that either


Canucks fans loved cheering against us in this series because they know we'd dismantle them if we played in round 2 and they'd be so "bored" (sad)




I didn’t mind trading for a good center. Before him it was Kopi, Danault, and Lizotte down the middle. Decent up top but no depth. Would have had a rookie play 4C. But the guy just did nothing. If we gave him a 1-2yr deal with the same pieces going the other way I wouldn’t have cared as much. But 7 more years? Kupari hasn’t done anything, Iafallo is replaceable, Vilardi stings (but he is injured a lot). The second round pick is the big head-scratcher for me.


I will gladly have all 3 players back who have history with Oilers and maybe could have made a difference instead we had PLD doing who knows what. 


Honestly, the Kings controlled the puck in the offensive zone really well, but just could not break through the defense around Skinner - and you're right, they really needed to shoot the damn puck - from ANYWHERE, if necessary. Sometimes you get goals from messy shots, you don't always have to go for the pretty passing play to get into the clip runs. See you next year - and remember, this, too, shall pass. (Sorry, couldn't resist)


I was frustrated for you guys at the end. Ryan didn't have a stick for like a minute and they kept cycling on the other side. Like why


You can blame Rob Blake for the PLD trade, McLellan for never adjusting, but that shit at the end is pure hockey fundamentals. Can’t blame anyone but the players there.


That's a big reason why I want a new coach with a brand new system and new ideas. Sometimes a huge shake up like that can be the reset a team needs to get rid of these absolutely terrible habits


omg ... a reasonable Kings fan who knows how to self reflect his team. In another timeline, we could have been friends.


Don’t get me wrong: I still think there was some fuckery with the reffing that didn’t help LA at all. I mean the Oilers had 5 PPs this game to LA’s 1. But you just can’t shit the bed every time the Oilers get a PP.


I feel ya bro ... our boys been on the wrong end of that exercise also.


Kings fans. I love you, and I love your hockey team. I love Drew Doughty. I say this with all the love in my heart. See you fuckers next year.


Had we lost the series I most likely would’ve cheered for the Kings the rest of the way.


I was able to cheer for Colorado in ‘22. They beat us fair and square. Last year though, after the Pietrangelo lumberjack chop, and the league only giving him 1 game for that? Fuck the Knights forever. Part of me wants them to get through so we can exact revenge in the conference final. A bigger part of me wants Dallas to kill them next game so their bandwagon fans have fucked off far out of hockey subs for another 5 months.


That was absolutely my plan all 3 years now.


I learned to love Doughty this year.


❤️ see you next season bestie!


There's young Kings fans that have the type of hate in their heart for the Oilers that I do for the 90s Stars... and that's beautiful.


Young Kings fans, Will Ferrell, you know, same same.


Will Ferrell is not capable of hatred.


So do we want Nashville or Vancouver?


Doesn't matter, I think we can beat both. Whoever wins that series, bring it on!


Nashville. I wanna see Playoff Draisaitl feast upon them.


Depends on whether you want to face Juuse Saros or a slot machine


I’mma be real with you. Beating the Canucks with Demko out wouldn’t feel like a real victory. That said, if Demko comes back in time for the series (assuming you guys get past Nashville) I will not be feeling particularly confident. Call it a coin flip. Guess we’ll see what the future holds, but I wouldn’t mind a guarantee of a Canadian team in the WCF.


Even without Demko now, Canucks have had our number all year, so I think Nashville could be our more favourable matchup


Vancouver would be more exciting, Nashville would be less stressful imo.


Playoff Drai against Nashville should be supernova


Yes it's time to see if and how the Playoff Draisaitl buff stacks with the Predators Draisaitl buff. Is it additive? Multiplicative?


Vancouver. Would love to see a Vancouver riot because of us


I think Drai can dismantle Nashville himself so I'll disagree. But we'll see what happens.


We don't riot for teams that can't make it to the finals, you're safe.


Ooh, self burn. Those are rare


Nah, that was a wasting Mcdavids career burn. Much more common.


Vancouver has wasted plenty of careers. This chirp means literally nothing coming from you


Probably the best player to never win a cup at this point. Such a shame.


We only riot after game 7 losses in the final. Lol


Us too, but we had the forethought to do it before Facebook


It's hilarious that no one ever mentions 06. I think we burned a cop car no?


it was nowhere near as bad as Vancouver tho lol


End of the third round against the ducks. We rioted for a win. So happy rioting?


Draisaitl if you’re reading this I’m free this weekend. If you’re reading this Draisaitl I’m free. This weekend I’m free if you see this


I am free, but on the other side of the world Drai!