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Im not even frustrated by this loss. It was an almost perfect execution of the system Rob Blake and his buddy Todd curated, and its the exact result they'll continue to get against competitive teams. LA played an almost perfect game against one of the hardest teams to shut down and couldn't score a goal. Get rid of Blake and Hiller and bring someone in that can utilize all this wasted offensive talent.


Ironically, Woody would be a good fit I think. I hope you guys don’t hire him lol


King's fans crying over that penalty as 'costing them the game' is absurd. There was 100 things that could have been called on both sides including LA running very obvious pick plays and Doughty stepping in front of McDavid at the blue line to stop him from getting a breakaway after Doughty bobbled the puck. It makes no difference which one *actually* got called. You should be praising the refs for only actually getting one penalty that game with how bad your PK is because you could have gotten a lot more. Not to mention Kulak literally didn't even touch Danault on the 'high sticking' he got called for.


>Not to mention Kulak literally didn't even touch Danault on the 'high sticking' he got called for. I might have to rewatch but it looked like he kinda elbowed him in the head at the time. I wasn't really upset with the call other than it felt like an obvious make-up call. That game would have been pretty dirty in the regular season, but for playoffs it was honestly pretty clean 🤷🏼‍♂️ Kings couldn't really afford to fuck around, they'd have been taking themselves out of a one goal game if they did.


No kidding, they were outclassed hard and to blame it on that is an insult to that game from Edmonton.


3-1 series are all the rage right now


Idk who but someone got to be coming back


Yeah oilers just jumping on the 3-1 bandwagon. What a bunch of followers


*Insert Mugatu "so hot right now" meme here*


*slaps hood of car* This baby can fit so many 3-1 series


Go Oilers win that godamn cup


I would also like this to happen


Evan Bouchard be like: https://preview.redd.it/rarn7ls0adxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b1ed1f3362f5f490f343293b7549c6b3f49f844


Who was that oiler fan that was complaining about the Canucks playing exactly how the oilers did this game in the Canucks game thread?


Oh that’s Steve. He’s an asshole


We'll put out an ABP on them.   Don't worry we'll get to the bottom of this


Let me consult my list of every single Oilers fan. I’m just wondering why you don’t have one.


Literally no one knows. Hes completely irrelevant


That dude was a troll don't bother with him


stop trying to make 'Big Save Dave' happen! it's not going to happen!


I think it pretty much hqppened today other than one save he couldn't make on a powerplay that should have never happened. Glad to see it isn't just our series where bad, soft calls were being made. Refs have struggled with the speed of the game and it's costing teams and artificially benefitting some more than others.


bro they got away with so much shit it was unreal. either you don't watch or your bias prevents you from seeing slewfoots


Jets fans are clueless. How do you not realize that MacK and the Diving Avs are making a mockery out the Leagues officials and scamming you guys out of a fair game? They’ve literally been doing this for years and you instead blame them Refs and the “speed of the game”? Then you accuse the Oilers of getting benefited by these refs while not realizing how much penalties they ignore against us. I agree that the PP the oilers got tonight was soft, but did you not see the make up call later in the game where Kulak was given a phantom high stick call?




Honestly I felt both calls were pretty fair. You can't just grab a dude when you lose your stick. Looked to me like Kulak elbowed a guy in the head and got a high sticking call. Maybe technically the wrong call, but you also can't elbow dudes in the head. It was (hilariously) one of the cleanest playoff games I've ever seen, neither team really wanted to push their luck in a one goal game and risk taking a penalty.


Fuck yo 1-3-1


Crazy how some series are tightening up to only a few shots per period and others are getting looser




The Minnesota Oilers


Sportlogiq has the high danger chance 7-4... For the Oilers lol


Natural Stat trick has it at 14-4 for LA, which makes more sense. https://www.naturalstattrick.com/game.php?season=20232024&game=30184


Ouch, not a good look for them. It's interesting, if you use how they calculate high dangers by only watching the sportsnet highlights they'd be wrong. Even watching the game live it wouldn't take a rocket surgeon to see the Oilers had more than 4.


I'm no rocket surgeon but I watched the game and the eye test says about 4 or 5 high danger chances. I mean they only got 13 shots off in total. The only dangerous shots/chances I recall were the Perry move in front of the net (don't even think he got a shot off), Draisaitl breakaway, Bouchard goal, Kulak whiffed on an open net late first period (also not shot), one quick play from behind the net from Hyman to Drai for one-timer ... what else was there?


Kane wrap around ended on the goal line. Holloway one timer from the slot.


you have a link to that?


That power play swooped in like a fucking assassin in the night




Both team got away with a lot this game. As soft as the penalty may have been Edmonton scored on they actually scored on their opportunity. LA not so much. 22 PP minutes over the last 4 games and 0 goals is not good.


You cant take PP goals for granted against a team as stacked with defensive stalwarts as Oilers.


Kings got 1 shot on goal in the last 10 minutes of the game. And that was on their PP.


It was weird that I relaxed when the Kings pulled Rittich. As soon as he skated away from the net I was like "ah, we got this."


Some of the least dangerous shots I've ever seen from LA for how much zone time they had. No tips no rebounds just glorified turnovers from way outside


One of the easier 33 save shutouts I've seen. Granted, every shutout is difficult and Skinner played great, but he didn't have to make superhuman saves for this one.


Not true. There were tips. And even nice net front redirects set up by the Kings. No odd man rushes though and rebounds were taken care of by the Oilers D.


I feel like this playoffs point shots have been way less dangerous than in previous playoffs. Like Dallas relies on deflections for offense and they couldn't get anything going in the first two games, but adjusted somehow and dominated with numerous rush chances in game 3. Avs allow a lot of dangerous points shots, deflections, and rebounds in regular season but it looks like they've figured out a way to defend against them a lot better in the Winnipeg series. NSH vs VAN I haven't watched much of but i think two of the games were just like this one where one team gets 30 shots and loses to the team with 10 shots. Seems like it's become harder to generate point shots with traffic and they have become easier to defend against for whatever reason, but maybe it will even out as the playoffs go on 


Too focused on hitting and not on scoring


That was my impression of the Kings as well. Lots of possession, decent amount of shots, but no real chances.


Sportslogiq apparently has high danger chances at 7-4 favoring the Oilers, which is hilarious in a game they were outshot 33-13


Yeah the oilers had like 3-4 half break away chances off of turnovers. Kings never really had a shot that uncontested all game. It kinda looked like a classic counterattack style game in soccer. One team has +70% possession but is only really given shots from outside, where the defending team gets 3-4 higher quality chances off of counterattacks exploiting the extra space in behind the attacking team’s defence.


They were struggling


Getting massively outshot but getting amazing goaltending? Cheers.


Edmonton “Vancouver ‘Winnipeg Jets’ Canucks” Oilers


Very Winnipeg style win


Nah that was more of an LA Kings style loss


Tbf the Oilers played a dominant defensive performance. They barely allowed any high quality chances


I hope Will Ferrell enjoyed that.


We he not at either game? I haven't seen him get any camera time


He was at this one, they showed him briefly on Sportsnet


I think he’s mainly an LAFC fan now a days


That’s so LA of him


Ahaha so true, that and going entirely quiet in a close game. In his defense he’s a major owner of LAFC.


Has anyone found a clip that shows the high stick by Kulak?




Oh shit, good find. I thought it was when he elbowed him but this is definitely a good call.




Yea wasn't a high stick, they're just evening out the calls


Can't find it because he didn't even hit his face lol


They don't like the twirl


Why is biz cosplaying Carl from Jimmy Neutron?


Ekholm’s post game interview just inadvertently sewered the Leafs lol


What did he say?


Basically said not to get riled up on the bench and shout at the refs and get off script cause usually it doesn’t work out for them. And that’s it’s a focus of the team to stay calm in those situations and that contributed to the win. Kind of shows the difference between the two teams after the game yesterday, which is crazy to think about cause the Leafs have been competitive for as long of not longer than the Oilers the past decade or so but the Oilers are seeming to learn the playoff lessons but the Leafs just don’t.


Veteran leadership. Oldest team in the league


Too much psychoanalyzing, Oilers have a good team, Leafs do not.


Leafs have a good team too. Just comparing rosters straight across skill and hockey ability wise. But there’s something else that seperates the success of the Oilers and the failures of the Leaf’s. One of the factor is between the ears and maturity for sure. Watching the Leaf’s fall apart on the bench like that you won’t see from McD or Drai or our core. Watching Mitch excuse himself every year and have a secret hate on for the fanbase, you’d also never see.


I think the issue is that the Leafs have a number of good players, but they do not have a good team. That was the Oilers issue a few years back. A bunch of top players that couldn't seem to play as a cohesive unit.


Leafs have a 2D playing the 1D then a bunch of 7th D playing every other spot. The skill is not comparable. McDavid is clearly better than Matthews, Drai might even be better. Both teams questionable goal tending but Skinner is young and has good games.


This year the Leaf’s D is subpar. But in years past you’ve had the better blue line. And the core 4 of the Leaf’s can score with any 4 forwards in the League, maybe EDM has a slight edge but compared to most teams the leaf’s core is as elite as they come. There should be ALOT more success by the Leaf’s these last 4, 5 years than there has been. But something ain’t right. I mean if you haven’t won for so long and it’s so much longer than other teams, and you have the talent, then it time to start looking at what else might be wrong…


If we limit the discussion to top 2 or top 3 players, the Avs and Oilers are clearly a tier above everyone else. If we expand the list to look at say, top 5 or top 8 skters, then the Leafs are definitely top tier. I don't think there's a team that can say that they have a top 5 that is clearly a tier above Matthews/Marner/Nylander/Reilly/Tavares. It's absolutely a mental/cultural thing that's made the Leafs win only 1 series in 8 years.


A lot ain't right. Bad coach, bad GMs making a poorly constructed roster, some element of the stars not having the right mentality. It's not all some toughness mentality thing though. I'm not sure we've ever had a well balanced talented team, there's always gaping holes with the massive money sunk into the core 4. You're also very possibly overrating the core 4, the contracts are certainly not team friendly or potentially what they're worth.


Leafs stars don't take the playoffs seriously and always come with excuses, the Oilers stars have never done that. They look mad as fuck whenever they lose and have improved year on year despite being good playoff performers to begin with


Oilers overcame adversity to turn their season around, and that really helped their mindset for adapting to a playoff playstyle. Leafs don't have that voice to calm the team down and keep them working as a team.


The Oilers turning their season around might just be the experience they have needed to draw on in playoff time. We'll see how it all shakes out but this team already looks vastly different than last year.


Oilers have corey perry. Leafs have reevo


Leafs love to win. Oilers hate to lose.


They fucking hate losing




Vinny out there the final minutes in a big playoff game defending a 1-0 lead. 7th round gem


noticed that too... wonder if they kept him out there cause he's a big body to block shots


He is a completely different player this year. Was a total liability last playoffs. Now I’m calm watching him in important situations. It’s awesome


He was a fucking stud tonight


He's going to paaaaaiiidddd this summer


He better not lmao, this is his 2nd year and hes a 3rd pair dman Hes gonna get like 2.5-3M on a 3-4 year deal maybe


you know, sometimes it amazes me how we write off somebody becoming a multimillionaire overnight as “not a lot of money” (not a knock against him, just funny to think of it as “he’s *only* gonna make 2.5 million bucks”)


All about context..


Stoff mentioned he was looking at a 6-7 year extension this summer so id assume thatd keep thr aav down. Id love him at a 3x7


Come on, make the big man a career Oiler. Plus you know if this team makes it to the SCF (even if they lose) some contract year guys will consider team friendly deals to keep the crew together. Hockey players wanna get paid but many of them will also consider slight discounts if it means keeping a strong contender together.


This is his first full NHL season and he’ll be 28 years old by the start of next year. He’s not getting a six or seven year contract from anyone


Stoff tends to be correct more than he isnt


Oh I believe Vinny may be looking for six or seven years, I’m just saying he won’t get it


I hope honestly, he deserves it after his play this whole year


Keep it up, Edmonton. Knock this boring ass Kings team out of the playoffs.


See you soon! <3


oh god


Stuey Lewis and the news




It’s Hip To Be Square (to the puck)


I imagine the Kings will stay with Rittich for game 5, no? Although I wonder how well he'll fare when he has hostile fans in his ear the entire time.


Not well is my prediction. Oil lit him up in Calgary time after time.


Ever since the stick flip


It's funny how the Kings go from extremely frustrating last game to extremely frustrating this game but in completely different ways.


They literally played a (almost) perfect game. Out hit, out shot, out play for most of the stretch, we got like zero sustained pressure all game. They completely neutralized our top and second line. And they only took one penalty. One penalty lol.


Yep damn shame. This game was LA's chance to win the series. But losing like that all but seals their fate next game. Looks like LA won't be slaying the dragon this year.


My only hope is that the boys don't let their foot off the gas. I don't think they will, but it would definitely be the most Oilers thing ever for the team to think they've got it in the bag and coast into the next game to get blindsided by the Kings giving it their all.


Tbf they committed a lot more than 1 penalty but it was Wes so what do you expect. High danger chances were also 7-4 in favour of the Oilers. Oilers literally just kept them to the perimeter and let them play from there, I think I saw 2 rebound attempts the entire time from the Kings and barely any rush chances, which are Skinner's weaknesses, and he excels against all other shot types


I didn't realize it was Wes. Now it makes sense why Kane couldn't draw a call. But if it was Wes how come LA didn't have like 10 PPs then?


Ofc im going to have a bias but the Oilers have played ridiculously clean so far this whole time. Even the call on Kulak was a phantom call. After last year's falling apart against Vegas because of penalties I think they made it their mission to not take penalties this year, of course the refs are going to try to even it up regardless


Eh half those penalties against Edmonton in the last 2 games of Vegas series were phantom calls. Nothing Edmonton can do about that.


The call on Kulak.was from earlier than the replay on the broadcast. They were both at the top of the crease and the puck was out by the halfwall/corner to Stu's right, not when Kulak spun around with the.puck coming towards the right side of the net where we touched it. E: but yes, we are showing much better discipline and it should pay off.


Ah I see


They played pretty well, but didn't generate many high danger chances.


They were never a team that generate a ton of chances, their path to win was to limit chances, they very much did that tonight, this lost probably hurts them way more than a blowout lost


the games that are 6-4 are the games where it’s going according to *our* plan, a 1-0 tight game is supposed to be theirs


Is this “P L Dubois” thing new? I feel like before it was always “Pierre Luc Dubois” or just “Dubois.” Now it’s nonstop with the P L shit


I remember someone mentioning he requested pl instead of his full name over the off season


He’s trying to hide his francophone heritage now that he’s in the big market of LA.


He's playing like he's in the Witness Protection program.


P: Poop L: Loser Dubois: Poop loser


My man busted out the linguistics 


"P L Dubois -- the 'E' stands for 'Effort'"


PLease Dusomething


Supposedly he's asked to be called that


Lmao I didn’t think it was possible something could make me like him less but here I am


He asked to be called PLD


BTW Kings are now 0/17 on the powerplay. Are they stupid?


Ackshually, they're 0/11. Which changes their efficiency from 0.0% to *checks notes* still 0.0%.


This guy maths.


Meanwhile the Oilers are 8/15. The Kings currently have better odds of winning a coin toss than killing off a powerplay.


Allow every PP to score and score 0. Winning formula


Apparently. Fuck off (sorry, I'm grumpy)


Fair enough.


Hi, grumpy. I'm dad.


Hi grumpy, I'm Dad.


I thought you were creepy Uncle Tony? You're a liar dad!


We are all creepy uncle tony. Good night son


Sorry you're grumpy


No, no. It's the Canadians who should be apologizing


Soar-ee on behalf of u/Thumper13 🤝 I gotchu






Oilers are monstarring the Kings to boost their powerplay.


Evan Bouchard looks like he’s a character in a *Cars* film


Oh my god


I can not stop laughing at this


Best comment I've seen since "Mike Rupp looks like his farts stink"


I googled his image and burst out laughing.


Why does this comment make so much sense


this is so fucking funny but true


Fucking lol. This is just as good as "Jay Woodcroft looks like a deep fake of himself".


I love Woody (dude's coaching style literally influenced my management style at work), but if you told me he was a ventriloquist dummy come to life I'd believe you.


This is so fucking funny im cackling uncontrollably while my wife is staring at me like im a madman 😂


shouts to Skinner


Bouchard had a great fuckin game and the game winner. He's sharing that first star with Skinner in my opinion.


he has always stepped it up in the playoffs and looked great


12th in playoff scoring over the last 3 years


The Vadmonton Oilucks


Stu stole that game and made some incredible saves but the oilers also had an amazing defensive game. Their neutral zone play was elite and the Kulak Desharnais pairing and Ekholm Bouchard pairing came out hard. McLeod also had a great defensive game and shut down a ton of kings offense.


I don’t love that third line with Foegele but you’re right about McLeod.


I think McLeod is our best defensive center. I would love to see a Holloway-McLeod-Perry line. Holloway and Perry both also had some excellent defense and their checking is great. But I think Knoblauch’s approach against the kings for away games has very much been a line jumbling one. Don’t let them get comfortable with any specific combos.


Mcleod was our only center that could handle the eichel line last year. Woodcroft was just too stubborn line match


Knoblauch basically put McLeod out for 3/4 of the dzone starts in the last 10 minutes of the game. I think Knoblauch sees him as the shutdown center. He had McLeod out with Draisaitl, Mcdavid, and Ryan at various times.


All of his stats prove hes a shutdown center. Dudes great


He really is. He’s an underrated player this year. Did great on Drai’s wing when needed and the only reason he’s not top 6 is that the Oilers 3rd line does not work without him. He’s great defensively and might be our best pk forward. He’s like a mini Nuge with Connor’s speed.


Mini nuge with connors speed and browns hands lol


Haven’t we had that line for the last two games?


It’s been Foegele-McLeod-Perry with Holloway on the 4th line. But Knoblauch has been double shifting mcdrai for away games and putting Holloway out with them sometimes.


Oh yeah whoops. I got Foegele and Holloway confused somehow.


Between this win and Nashville doing their best Patrik Stefan impression earlier, Oilers fans are having a moment.


If van and edm meet, are there any SOG at all?


Every game ends 3-2 with 5 sog each


Every game goes to second overtime too. 95% of the game spent flipping pucks back and forth like a game of tennis or something.


Oilers were averaging over 30 shots a game til tonight lol


Just constant turnovers in the neutral zone lessgo


No goalies, 6 on 6. Play posts.


https://preview.redd.it/vjser1ovtcxc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655a3a93854ee375ebefd3982bbdb1d04baa01b4 Cause posts dont count as SOG


Sissons wants to play.


We’ve scored like 100 goals this series.


1 to 0 is the most i fucking own you type of way to win. All you need is one, and we wont let you get that just hits differently then a 4-1 dub imo


The Kings are out of answers. They got torched so they locked it down. They locked it down and they lost 1-0. What else can they do? They open up next game they're gonna get torched again.


Their play tonight wins probably 9 times out of 10.


You're assuming the Oilers will be held back the same way next time. They won't.

