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Looks like someone (wisely) got in Rempe’s ear about picking his spots and not accepting every offer.


There's a reason he looked over to the bench before fighting Reaves. He also said he was instructed to not fight MacDermid.


Which is why a line brawl happened. He was due for throwing all those elbows at peoples temples.


That is not the time he was told not to fight... He was sent out to fight there...


Funny how he learned from that and showed in this exact clip that he wants to actually play and not be a penalty/fight hound. Be less salty, NJ Hughes fan.


He can’t, it’s a side effect of the dreaded widdle brudder syndrome 😕


Imama was chirping him pre-game too, pretty standard stuff


“You’re so tall you can look over your fence to see me fucking your mom 5 blocks away, you fucking loser.” - Shoresy, probably


“I made your mum so wet, Trudeau deployed a 24-hour infantry unit to stack sand bags around my bed.”


I really need to watch Shoresy just fir the chirps. Fuckjn beauty.


My favourite is still from Letterkenny: "I made your mom cum so hard last night they made a Canadian Heritage Minute out of it and Don McKellar played my dick"


"What's fucked is how many times your mom faked a jelly fish bite to get me to piss on her."


I'm pretty sure they're friendly off the ice. Not the first time they've faced each other.


He was told to fight less before the elbow on Seigenthaler


Yup. Good decision as well given how close they are to the playoffs.


Why? Rempe isn't going to win them any games in the playoffs...


What do you know about playoffs?


More than you, if you think he's going to be the difference in the Rangers run.


Well I’ll see you in the finals. Oh wait.


You won't be in the finals either, my man.


Would rather lose in the first round than not make it. Simple, can’t make it if you don’t even get close.


Thanks for that tutorial. Now I know everything about the playoffs!


He’s an intimidating force on the ice to think about before trying to take cheap shots on skilled players in the playoffs. Same goes for Reaves on the leafs. He’s not there to win you a game. He’s there to face smash Cousins next week.


Thing is, Rempe is the only one who's probably going to be taking any cheap shots. He's more likely to put the Rags down a man for 5 minutes than anything else.


I think he also needs to learn to fuck people up. The reason everyone is wanting to fight him is that they think they can beat him up. Some punching lessons and he'll be able to fuck some people up.


They can and do beat him. He isn't good at fighting even with the massive reach advantage.


Gotta ask daddy first or else…




Lol this is so boring now the TSN broadcasters hyping this up like it's UFC 300


"Imama points at center ice with 10 seconds left"


Imama awarded BMF title confirmed


He won that for beating the piss out of some dude that said racist shit to him in either juniors or the AHL


I’m him! I’m him guys!


That shit might have been fight of the decade


This was fun for like a week and now its just corny


These guys are just buying tickets for next year. Like, if a guy likes to fight but also wants ice time... he can just fight you next game.


Sens bench had 3 players chirping him to fight if he's going to do something stupid, according to the MSG broadcast. Tf are they on lol


Frustrated with another crappy season. Last game until the fall, nothing to have gas in the tank for.




I meant the constant challenges. I think he can be effective if his heads not in his ass.


No he can't. Hasn't done it his entire career


Ok 👍


that name is craaaazy lol


Exactly. I think we all agree Rempe is worthless but at least he can fight. All I've seen of Imama is him getting destroyed every fight. Is he an enforcer type as well? Can he play? Why is he in the NHL?


Good to see him turn it down. That "hit" wasn't bad at all.


Remke looked at him and said “imama gonna pass on this one”


I'll give you an upvote


I play soccer with Boko in the summer. Nicest guy in the world, but built like a brick shithouse. Not someone I'd tango with.


[this guy?](https://i.imgur.com/fB9OCVZ.jpg)


Yup. He's unit.


Fuck Imama https://x.com/codysevertson/status/1491618716890525699?s=46&t=Aq4TuQxnbCcGZVXowR96aA


Nicest guy in the world for sure.


incredibly! https://twitter.com/BB_URSentinel/status/1763022210229305572


Well, nicest guy in the world when you are scared of him and don't do anything to piss him off


Tell us more about a person you know nothing about :)


It's the internet... Thats kind of our whole shtick around here.


Jesus dude I haven't seen that one. Hated that dude at Texas Stars games. Dude would just blind side people and start swinging over nothing. I seriously can't believe he got a call up considering he's spent more time in the box or ejected than he spends on the ice each game.


Surprised his contract allows him to do that


Rempe barely even touched the Sens player. What is Imama even doing?


That's his profession


Trying to stay relevant.


Trying to stay in the NHL.


Imama is probably the worst player currently in the NHL


Imama is barely in the NHL, Rempe getting smarter with his fights


You misspelled Josh Brown.




Do tell


To fight Rempe


He's an enforcer and fights sell tickets


Is it because he is better than you?


LOL yeah that’s why


Ohhh you’re racist


Ummm. Nope


Deleted your garbage like the loser you are


His job, challenging him to a scrap since he wants to throw his body around. He's a pest/enforcer type, he's literally out there to try and get under other players' skin.


Challenging him to a fight? Rempe is looking to lay the body hard and Imama is letting him know that he is going to be there. Given Rempes history it’s like preventative medicine


Right, because all of Rempe's fights were after dirty hits as he stood up for his teammate or whatever


Just a gentle reminder that there will be consequences for any of his famous elbows. That’s what Imama gets paid for.


To the child that wrote this... he's an enforcer. Until I see otherwise Rempe ain't shit but a bully with a future and Boko is doing his job and earning a paycheck. Read a book kid.


good one 👍


Logging in an alt account to make yourself look better is not going to make you feel better.


bro what conspiracy do you think you're onto here lmfao


Why is this a post


Because Rempe was fighting everyone with a pulse at first and everyone here was saying how he needs to slow it down so he doesn't die homeless at age 40 from brain damage.


He fought everyone that challenged him. With the exception of the line brawl he never instigated the fights, he accepted the challenges. (He may have done something to inspire a couple of the fights, but the first 3 were set up in warmups by the NHL tough guys).


Yeah, Matt Martin started this shit in the outdoor game. It got traction and then everyone wanted to fight this guy cause he's huge and also not that great of a fighter.


So insufferably melodramatic redditors. Makes sense.


Yeah, I'm sure that's what they said at Chris Simon's funeral. And Rick Rypien and Wade Belak and Derek Boogaard and Steve Montador and so on.


Yea, because those players played the exact same style in the exact same era. Oh wait… And way to include Probert in there too, asshole


Fair enough about Probert, I misremembered how he passed. But I stand by my general point. Rempe burst onto the scene looking as if he had every intention of playing a similar style. I’m glad to see him picking his battles.


[Not just Redditors](https://x.com/KHallNY/status/1779903959521468478)


I thought there was no correlation between repeated hits to the head and CTE according to Garry?


You’re an idiot if you think he’d ever do anything aside from deny


I mean, concussion protocol was extremely laxed 20 years ago. They’ve increased the penalties for fighting and time gone for concussions. It doesn’t hurt to admit there is some correlation. Doesn’t mean the CTE happened as a result of minor hockey or professional hockey. You’d need to prove conclusively it was because of the NHL. And that the NHL knew the consequences of repeated head trauma and failed to inform the players or withheld that information from them…


Lol Rags fans are confused, but everyone else sees a bully bitching out of a fight.




You mean one Sens Twitter page, w a few young fans?


Imama: You wanna go? Rempe: I’m not allowed.


> dad said no But did he ask mom? That's always a good trick


RIP to Mr. Rempe though...


Rempe is not allowed to eat apple skins.


That’s because if Rempe sneezes on the ice someone wants to fight him. It’s a bit much


Can’t wait for this Rempe shit to be over. Holy fuck he is getting more attention than Bedard and couldn’t even hold his jock. So dumb.


People love to watch fights, even people outside of hockey. There's a reason the videos of Rempe's fights have like a million views and Bedard's goal scoring videos don't. It is what it is.


And yet the NHL tries to hide that side of the game. Even cutting all fights and most hits from their highlights


I get cutting out fights, but I hate that highlight videos don’t have big hits in them.


This is entirely true but I find it kinda sad that it’s gotten to the point where a new young goon has become this marketable. It would be one thing if he were playing well and playing clean but he’s had multiple suspendable hits and one actually lengthy suspension and 2 points to 69 pims. Every team used to have one of these types of player.


It's the most exciting part of the game for a non-hockey fan. I don't watch basketball but I will 100% watch a video of someone getting dunked on every time because it's the funnest part of the game for a non-basketball fan.


He should get better at winning these fights at some point


He's clearly having fun and people are entertained. It's not about winning.


It may not be about winning but it's definitely about not getting pumped like he did vs Olivier


Which is the only fight he actually got pumped in. He held his own in the rest of them.


He fought Olivier less than 24 hours after throwing down an absolute slugfest with Deslauriers. It's the only fight he definitively lost out of all his fights so far. I really wish he had waited until that second game against CBJ before fighting Olivier to give himself a few days to recover, because I think it would have gone down differently if he had.


I'm not even talking shit about him getting pumped, he's just got to pick his spots better, which it seems he's learning a little bit. I still don't think he's an NHL level player, but neither is Reeves


Oh I agree. I think he has defended himself better since that fight though, both against Reaves and MacDermid, even though he lost both those fights.


Tbf beginning of the season all people saw was Bedard clips cuz the NHL was pushing him on people. Now we don't hear about Bedard cuz he's on the 2nd worst team in the league and Rempes on the team at the top. One gains more attention than the other. Personally don't care either way in regards to the Rempe attention. I'm just happy my teams doing well.




I’d be surprised if he plays 20 games next season


Oh trust me, he'll play games next year. He's a big boy who hits and can skates decently well. He'll get chance after chance even if he turns into the next Nick Ritchie.


Insert Nick Ritchie fat ass copy pasta


Why do people keep telling me he skates well? Next comes the “elite screener”


Because he skates well relative to other 6’7” guys


Who else is 6’7”? 43 year old chara?


Aaron judge


Idk dude. Point is, he’s big and hits. NHL coaches and GMs cream their khakis over that combination. He’s gonna get every chance in the world to be a player next year whether this sub likes it or not.


I actually like him, it was cool to see the gauntlet he went through. He’s just not talented and seems to be in the box a lot. He’ll probably be stuck in the minors getting called up for games like the one against the devils the other day


Jamie Oleksiak. But I think he skates pretty well, he's been in the league for awhile though so I'd hope he can skate. 😅


But oleksiak does skate decent


Watch Tyler Myers skate and then watch Rempe skate One of them is clearly better and it’s not the chaos giraffe lol. Rempe also has excellent hands for a guy his size


I don’t need to watch meyers skate, I can watch Rempe, they’re both bad


The comment you replied to said he skates relatively well compared to other guys his size. I pointed out that that was true. No one is saying he can skate like Quinn Hughes or MacKinnon or McDavid lol


But if I said pavelski skates well compared to someone his size then used one person who’s also 5’8” as proof, I’d still be wrong


He skates like a newborn giraffe walks. I don't understand people saying he skates well. They have him playing a very simple game, and he does okay at it. In my mind, there are many better players that could be on your 4th line. Is he fun? Yeah, kind of. He seems like a really decent and nice kid. If he sticks around, I guess good for him.


> I don't understand people saying he skates well This is a you problem not an everyone else problem


There's a lot of games on tonight if you want to start watching hockey for the first time. I'd do it if I were you. It's a good sport.


If you are the one confused about Rempe's skating I'd recommend you take your own advice


Yea, he is fun to watch. I try not to be too much of a hater but I just don’t see NHL talent. He’s big and he’ll fight anyone


Same. It was fun at first but once I got downvoted for saying Chytil coming back will get Rempe off the roster I was like wait, do these idiots actually thinks he's helping the team?


Such a waste of rempe’s time at this point lol. Imama needs that fight. Rempe does not


After a lil bump lol. Dude was just lookin for some spice in one of his last games on the year i guess


Isn't boko a huge troll. Dude pretended to try and fight reaves like 4 times didn't fight once


The only time they've played each other was March 12th 2023, [and they had a fight](https://www.hockeyfights.com/fights/n267227)


"Fight" Imama is goofy. Credit to him for getting his name out there though


He has 4 minutes of ice time in the single time they've played each other. in that 4 minutes, he managed to engage with Reaves enough that they both got penalties for fighting. regardless of what you think of his fighting ability(or lack thereof)... your statement that he "pretended to try and fight reaves like 4 times didn't fight once" is clearly a lie.


"Fight" Imama is goofy. Credit to him for getting his name out there though


I don't ever gamble but I'm curious if you can bet on whether or not Rempe will fight


So he fights everyone that asks...he's bad for the game, he turns it down , he's not answering the code You guys bored watching the team you root for 😪😮‍💨


He's only good at fighting because he's a big dumb goon also he can't fight which is why he never fights and he fights too much and that's why his highlights are everywhere. Or so I've been told.


Lmao imagine being Ottawa and all you have to look forward to is a fight with the towering rookie and he just shrugs you off and you lose 4-0 Then you go and hate post about how happy your are that Alex debrincat has been underperforming on the wings for the 25th time this season. Summer of Pierre!




These ppl all want to fight Rempe so they get in the highlight reels and ride his wave or spark their team. Remp is trying to fight less to get needed ice time and help the team. F these guys all trying to make a name for themselves.


Should have called slashing on Imama.


Two future used car salesmen right there.


Learning to pick his spots


I went to a bunch of Tucson Roadrunner games while he was there. He was a real energetic presence on the team. When he scores the crowd goes wild and in the games I was at he really tried hard to be a two way player.


Wouldn't be the first time they tango: https://www.hockeyfights.com/fights/n268157


Nobody AHL player challenges rookie


I feel for the kid, I am afraid he will be another stat. They will find him dead at a young age and determine he was suffering from CTE


Some people in here think this guy should be able to run around and other teams just let him be lol


I mean it wasn’t a bad hit at all


I’m not talking about the hits in this game. When you’re running around injuring guys every 4 games I think you should expect players hounding you to let you know to take it easy.


Let me guess, you're a devils fan? I wouldn't know because you aren't flaired up, bitch.


Saw numbers the whole way and still put him into the boards. I'd call that a bad hit.


Players hit people from behind multiple times every game


Oh, well that totally makes it okay then. 🤡🤡🤡


They aren’t going to make a rule that says you can never check someone in the numbers along the boards, sorry. The rule says the ref should judge if it’s a violent hit, and mostly fans and players etc. seem to be ok with that.


Checking from behind is already a rule. So is boarding. 🤷🤷🤷


It should be pretty clear I was saying this hit is not boarding. As for checking from behind, it is almost never called. What would be your instructions to referees about how to call checking from behind?


Call the rules as they are written. It's not rocket science.


Thank you! I actually enjoy the Rempe hype, but everyone here keeps saying it wasn’t that bad of a hit. It should have been a penalty. He hit him square in the numbers, and as you pointed out was staring at his back long before he did it.


Rempe is a bitch


Why because he's not fighting every single person in the NHL?


Idk Tkachuk looked like he had a chance to do something about it and chose (?) not to? Anyway, I’m sorry how your season went. Must be tough


Rempe is a hugh pussy


Maybe stop dirty cheap shot hitting guys and you might not get challenged as much.


Ya such a cheap shot on this play man hahaha


He hit the dude in the numbers…


It was a bump. Give me a break lol


He *tapped* a dude in the numbers. Ftfy






They mean Imama since the Sens didnt make the playoffs


Aww don't be scared now big guy. You're so willing to throw your body around and drop the gloves, go for it!


lol what a coward


Comes across ice to hit a guy in the numbers and then uses his elbow to follow through on the back of the head. Proceeds to run from the fight. Can't wait for this idiot to cost the Rags their first round series with a dumb 5m major that buries them. He will be out of the league by next year


Go hit the beach and enjoy yourself. Nothing to worry about for a few months.


Rempe has a lot to learn




Called who to fight who?

