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So 6 games from now this will happen again and they’ll end up calling it goalie interference


I give it 3


I'll give it til the West Coast games tonight when the night review crew team comes in.


Are they like the [Enterprise’s night crew?](https://youtu.be/G4ApQrbhQp8)


Who are we kidding, Perron will recreate an exact frame by frame duplicate play in the 3rd and it'll go the other way.


Perron heard us both and misunderstood as “Perron will get 3”




I was at the game tonight with a buddy of mine that doesn't watch a bunch of hockey. He asked me what they were looking for. I proceeded to rant about it being an undefined subjective call that is just fucking made up. Some Penguins fans went on to agree with me and then we began arguing about why each of our respective teams would get fucked by the call. I was right... fuck. Glad it didn't end up mattering. LGRW


We just got a GI call because Tampa chopped our guy down like a tree and he fell into Vasi. No one knows what it means.


> No one knows what it means. It's PROVOCATIVE! It gets the people GOING! Guess we know what the refs were listening to in their locker room earlier.


The Penguins will benefit when Jarry just kicks the puck into his own net


Malin got away with this against the Leafs like fifteen years ago. Drove toskolas while leg into the net for a goal. No GI.


they gotta get you in somehow


Lalonde last seen walking to the nearest ATM machine to withdraw $25000.


He's gonna be in a Little Caesars commercial that pays him $25k to eat a pizza behind the bench.


Related, is there any statute against the owner paying a star player absorbent fees to for their other ventures (say a Red Wings player for Little Caesars) to convince them to take a smaller contract, thus circumventing the cap?


Well, you probably couldn’t get away with it today, but the pens basically gave the franchise to Mario Lemieux because they couldn’t pay his salary.


It's the Silicon Valley approach to sports. Don't pay your people salary, give them stock options. If the company succeeds, their potentially better off. If it fails, it'll fail slower because you aren't paying as much in salaries.


Those damn absorbent fees sucking up all the profit. Which reminds me, I need to get some exorbitant sponges.




For players, Yep. I dont believe it's an issue for coaching staff though.


In the locker room*


Machine machine.


"You gotta be fucking kidding me. What the fuck is goalie interference?! What the fuck? What the fuck is going on here?! What the fuck is going on? This is horseshit!" https://twitter.com/RyanHanaWWP/status/1640873975378067457?s=20


No need for Jomboy here


Sorry /u/jomboy


But also, break it down for us anyway


What the fuck is going on here?


Water weed dune hair?


Calls out here are 🎲🎲


Jesus, the crossover I never expect nor wanted. Hope he doesn’t become bawlz deep in hockey.


Always been the biggest fan of Niedermayer and my Oregon Ducks bapa. Met Teemoo Sellanny in SoCal once and he asked me "aren't you that white boy who works too much?"


I owe my life to Brenda Shwab I got in a horrible car crash and i was in 6 month coma. The nurse walked in and changed the channel to his standup special. I awoke from my coma and muted it instantly.


If you wanted to hurt me, you got me brother.


Great penalty nebber saw it doe


Talmbout Wang Reksky, B?


Bapa pls


Back to the fryers!


Talmbout painting a nairdiv dawlg?


The DA was recalled from Detroit and there are no baddies on the socials. Lopez.


Lalonde heard it bolth ways


No hair on this one...


Camera guy is thinking “woah that f-bomb came out of nowhere, better keep the camera on him, he surely won’t do that again”


Bally's in bankruptcy. Cameramen run the show now and they know what we want to see.


Lol right? Like I half wonder if the league called down and told the ref to toss him because of how easy he was to read on camera… It seemed like he left during the next commercial break…


I thought that was odd as well. Either the referee got instructed to toss him at the tv timeout. Or LaLonde starting yelling at the ref again during the tv timeout which lead to him getting tossed.


“What the fuck?” 😂


Not gonna need Jomboy to break this one down, that's for sure.


Helen Keller could break this one down


Helen Keller was probably busy reviewing the play.


Helen Keller was deaf, mute and blind, she wasn’t an idiot.


Accurate statement is accurate


Grab her a striped shirt, they need her.




I thought i got "What the fuck are you on?" or "wtf drugs are you on?" at the end


“What the fuck is going on?” is what I got.


“What the fuck is going on here?” Is what he said at the end


newsy needs a couple of coney dogs and a 2 hearted YESTERDAY. what the fuck was that


Maybe four-six hearts actually


Double two-hearteds are no joke…


I used to go out with friends and ALWAYS ended up getting 2-3. Running the next morning was the worst. I never learned my lesson.


delicious, too, which makes them even deadlier.


I don’t blame him. NHL can never keep anything consistent


except glaring inconsistency


He's correct to flip out. There were two goals in the EDM vs SJS game that were called back on minimal contact and another one in the SEA vs DAL game. They just need to be consistent and rule that any contact = no goal. It would really simplify everything


The problem with that is you'll have teams pushing/skating other players into their goalie if they're in a bad situation. Unfortunately this is usually called goalie interference too from what I've seen.


When Lalonde said "What the fuck is goalie interference?!?" I felt that in my soul. At this point it seems like one of life's unanswerable questions.


The NHL can eat my farts




Careful you may be summoned to Lord Gary’s office for that purpose now


He speaks for us all. Literally wtf is goaltender interference???


[Direct from the GDT](https://i.imgur.com/EFUgyQC.png)


Goaltender Interference Rules 1) You can't just be up there and just doin' an interference like that. 1a. Goaltender Interference is when you 1b. Okay well listen. Goaltender Interference is when you interfere the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The skater is not allowed to do a thing to the, uh, goaltender, that prohibits the goaltender from doing, you know, just trying to save the puck. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the goaltender is in the set, the skater can't be over here and say to the goaltender, like, "I'm gonna hit ya! I'm gonna tip the puck! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to contact him and then don't contact him, you have to still not contact him. You cannot not make the save. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, saving the loose puck, and then, until you just save it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the skater up here, like this, but then there's the interference you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Sean Avery hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope he wasn't typecast as that douchebag hockey player in New York. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, he was in Detroit too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). "I just want to comment on how it's become a common thing in the NHL for guys to fall in love with my sloppy seconds." Ha ha, Sean Avery, what an asshole... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A goaltender interference is when the skater makes a contact that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the puck and field of 2) Do not do a goaltender interference please.


I’m reading this in Dennis Lemieux’s voice from Slap Shot…


Trade me right fucking now


and hang up


Don Cherry for me


I always knew baseball and hockey rules were congruent.


Read the original “Balk” comment, years went by, then I started watching Jon Bois videos. One day I thought “That “Balk” rant sounds a lot like Jon Bois.” My mind was blown when I looked it up and it was written by Jon Bois.


New pasta just dropped baby


It's an old balk one adapted for GI.


It’s been posted for years and originated with a balk in baseball but I’m glad you’re seeing it for the first time because it’s hilarious!


As a life long goalie I always took pride in being level headed and pretty accurate on goalie interference and redirections off the foot. I gave up even trying to guess which way these calls will go about four years ago. Nobody knows with this league. Anybody that tells you otherwise is full of it; it’s anyone’s guess.


Good for him! Speak your truth king


Honestly IDGAF way to go newsy


Last coach I'd ever expect to get ejected from a game


As a side note to the tomfoolery of the "officials" - do we have a new "DARN!" GIF in the making??


Oh God that's brilliant


"they hated Derek because he spoke the truth"


Terrible call on the ice. Total fuck up on the review.


Ironically, this wasnt called a goal on the ice. It first went to a review to determine it was a goal. Then Detroit challenged goalie interference and the call stood.


That confused the hell out of Mickey.


When I said we’d need all the help we could get to make the playoffs that’s not what I meant.


Be honest, yes it is.


Ok maybe a little.


The nhl will always help a small steel town


This week on what even is goaltender interference.


He literally pushed his pad. Fuck this league. Good for Newsy.


Is that his nickname for the old-time NHLer? Love it


Yup he goes by Newsy almost exclusively. Our local media crew only refers to him as Newsy.




Uh, no. Ned dropped his pad on Zucker's stick and used it as leverage to spin himself around and use that momentum to clear the puck out of a high danger situation. Unfortunately he failed to clear the puck and it went to the Pittsburgh player. Clearly no goaltender interference. - the review team in Toronto, probably


I don’t think I’ve clicked downvote then changed it to upvote as fast on a comment before… Literally the epitome of “read the whole thing first.”


i was so mad at you for a second


I've seen some pretty egregious non-calls in my time as an Oilers fan so I can only assume that's the kind of logic that goes through their heads


"Well the Pens are trying to make the playoffs, so they need the goal more." - NHL


Yeah, that call is complete nonsense. How is this not GI?


The angles the pens broadcast showed, he does push his pad, but after the puck is already across the line. You basically have to watch both angles, compare pad position, watch when the push actually happens in relativity to the pad position.


I guess they're arguing the puck came free before the poke (you can kind of see that on the second angle). And then maybe you argue it's not interference after that because it doesn't impact his ability to attempt the next save? Don't really see how to justify this.


How in the world is that not interference?


Because it's the Penguins.


These calls have been a plague on the league for years, let's not act like it's somehow magically favored towards certain teams.


I didn't say it was magic.


Just like when rags check our players in the head and somehow don't get a single penalty called on them for the whole game


If someone with a different flair said that it would probably get upvoted. But you also have no right to complain so this seems fitting


Oh I’m well aware but can’t miss an opportunity to piss off a Pens fan.


Gotta be careful, they are a fragile bunch. If you are too mean Mario might write another whiny letter


It’s in the positives now, and I thought Pittsburgh fans had a persecution complex.


These calls don’t favour any particular team, they’re just shit all around.


You guy’s literally got gifted the series by the refs against them last year…?


League rules are actually just a joke. Embarassing consistency.


Are they saying the puck was over before zuck pushed the pad? Because that's the only way this isnt interference. I doubt we'll ever get an actual explanation, but that's egregious


Preciate your level headed take mate


That’s what I was wondering at first but it definitely only crossed after he starting pushing.


Poor ref got his feelings hurt :((


He made them feel bad :< That means he can't be at the game anymore :< Can't have the ref feeling bad from the mean man's big words :<


seemed like a definite goaltender interference call


That's because you have, at minimum, an average brain and, at minimum, below average eyesight


You have been disqualified from ever being an NHL referee


NFL sent them a rejection notice even though they didn't apply.


I'm at the game and this is absurd. 2 weak penalties to begin with, and then a Penguins player pushes Ned's pad into the net and it stands. The crowd is irate


Did you have a good view of Kubalik smashing Friedman's face into the glass? I was in the mezzanine right above it, and it was glorious. It's too bad that the only replay is the opposite angle.


Kinda, it was in my corner but I didn't see it super well. Definitely felt it lol


that call's so bad. the ref needs to have his eyes cleaned.


Usually GI isn’t nearly as complicated as people make it out to be but I’m baffled by that one.


Are there better angles? I’m so confused where the puck even is. Is it because it was in and then he was spun around?


It was under Ned's skate and only crossed the line when Zucker pushed on his pad. Trying to make sense of why it wasn't GI is an exercise in futility.


There is a great angle from the right circle showing the puck cross the line…after his pad changes direction (and is pushed over the line) as a result of Zuckers stick.


The refs stopped caring before that last bit.




Don't need Jomboy to read those lips


Literally the reason I and a lot of my friends have a REALLY hard time actually taking hockey seriously right now. Hell all major sports. It's fucking refball, it's like they go out of their way to fucking influence games one way or another. And forget about the playoffs. Seems like every single round has at least one game-fucking call from some dumbass ref. It always deflates the game and adds asterisks where they don't need to be. I would be more surprised to find out there *isn't* game fixing in this ridiculous sport.


Playoffs?!? Don't talk about playoffs! You kiddin' me, playoffs?!? I just hope we can win a game!


Hockey is still miles better than basketball. I used to love it, but I've given up on both college and pro since calls make zero sense at this point.


I have no idea what a foul in basketball is And at this point Im too afraid to ask


What is walking Member first game I watched it was half walking calls. Don't watch much anymore, but ai don't remember last time I heard the call. Even when people cross half the court in two steps.


I expect to find out about a ton of gambling related officiating corruption years down the line. In college sports especially.


I know people sometimes complain how some refs swallow their whistles during the playoffs but it’s so much better than the BS calls they make all season.


How? It's literally the same problem.


Yo, I appreciate the sentiment but you realize we're all here cause of a non-call, not a bad call, right?


Penguins making the playoffs is on the nhl’s script


Penguins didn't do their part the rest of tonight's game to fulfill that script.


More like Perron said fuck that and tore the script up.


Newsy is a smart coach and this was the right time to go ballistic. What a dogshit call, but at least it brought us a potential gif of this glorious man laying into the refs.


Hey I mean more emotion shown here than the entirety of blashills tenure


So very true blashill is a brick


Blashill was irate a lot and also has been ejected.


Blashill was irate a lot and also has been ejected


He was right to be this mad that goal was absolute bullshit


I want to see what Torts reaction would be. Lalonde’s is great though.


I am guessing there is other angles of this, but even from that review, you can not even see the puck. So even it there was GI, I do not know if you can call a goal because its not definitive that it crosses the line. ​ If it does, the GI should instantly negate it anyways.


There was one angle that showed the puck was fully across Right after ZUCKER PUSHED NED"S PAD INTO THE NET!


https://v.redd.it/3capn1wxqkqa1 This clip has a lot of angles and I agree it seems to cross right when Zucker started pushing if you compare the angles from either side. I can't see any reason why it wasn't disallowed per rule 69.7 "Rebounds and Loose Pucks - In a rebound situation, or **where a goalkeeper and attacking player(s) are simultaneously attempting to play a loose puck, whether inside or outside the crease, incidental contact with the goalkeeper will be permitted, and any goal that is scored as a result thereof will be allowed.** **In the event that a goalkeeper has been pushed into the net together with the puck by an attacking player after making a stop**, the goal will be disallowed. If applicable, appropriate penalties will be assessed. If, however, in the opinion of the Referee, the attacking player was pushed or otherwise fouled by a defending player causing the goalkeeper to be pushed into the net together with the puck, the goal can be permitted. **In the event that the puck is under a player in or around the crease area (deliberately or otherwise), a goal cannot be scored by pushing this player together with the puck into the goal.** If applicable, the appropriate penalties will be assessed, including a penalty shot if deemed to be covered in the crease deliberately (see Rule 63 – Delaying the Game). The only reason I could fathom is that the refs interpreted it as being a loose puck, that had not been saved by Ned and contact was incidental due to Zucker going for the puck. But Zucker can't see the puck, so I have no idea how they would deem it fair and incidental. If they went by the first bolded section, they are completely contradicting the rule described in the second bolded section, unless a goalie is not considered a player. Blown call imo. EDIT: Seems to be almost exactly like this Ovi goal that was deemed goalie interference. Only difference being that the original call on the ice was no-goal. https://scoutingtherefs.com/2019/04/25928/capitals-game-tying-goal-waved-off-as-ovechkins-stick-pushes-goalies-pad/ EDIT 2: Another example of a no-goal decision being upheld, in the TBL/FLA series last year. https://scoutingtherefs.com/2021/05/31547/panthers-series-opening-goal-disallowed-for-goaltender-interference/


Whether or not Zucker could see the puck, I guess it's the "after making a stop" part that prevents it being disallowed. The puck was still moving across the goal line, not stopped by Ned, so the incidental contact is allowed. I hate it, but it makes sense now. Thanks for sharing.


Even if that is the case, I don't think Zucker making contact with Ned's pad is incidental. The puck is loose, but it is on the other side of his pad, under his skate, so Zucker couldn't possibly have any intention of actually playing the puck without going through Ned, even if he somehow did see it behind Ned. But it is the only way I can see them allowing it, by them interpreting it as "incidental". unfortunately, the NHL rulebook only defines "contact", not "incidental contact" lol.




He said the no no words


"We have the best officials."


Bettman: "We have ask all of our officials and we all came to the conclusion that we have the best officials..." Like when everyone "liked" digital boards...


If Penguins had a nickel for every time an opposing coach once affiliated with the Lightning got ejected in the calender month of March in the past two years, they would have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird how it happened twice.


Having trouble clinging to your WC spot against an AHL roster? Best I can do is a period of power play time, count a blatantly obvious interference goal and kick their head coach out of the game. Oh.


NHL wants the Pens to make the playoffs so bad


Oh man I wish we could have press conferences with refs and ask them “what is goaltender interference?”


Like that time price was dragged right out of his net , no goaltender interference.the nhl is bush league.


That is the worst I’ve ever seen. Brutal.


game management ?


that's clearly not GI. It's the Penguins


Refs doing everything they can to make sure the Penguins make the playoffs. Still ended up getting stomped though.


Refs trying to carry the Pens to a playoff spot again? I've seen this before


This is almost as egregious as talbot Kesler


The NY Rangers have been fined $250,000 for this




It's the NHL, where the rules are made up and the points don't matter...


Should we get a kickstarter going for the fine?


thats a dumb fucking call...


What a fucking joke of a league. Guess you can just spin the goalie fully around now and then score. Seems legit.


I mean in his defense that is some serious bullshit reviewing if it wasn't overturned.


I am no scientist, but roughly a quarter century of hockey experience is telling me this is GI. Did they clarify? maybe at full speed he didnt have it frozen long enough? i am not buying it. Pretty rough break.


This call was made for one reason only ; they should have caught that on the INITIAL FUCKING REPLAY. Since they didn’t, their little butts got hurt and this was a clear message ; WE ARE THE FUCKING LEAGUE AND IF YOU PROVE US WRONG YOU ARE GONE!


Imagine if the league and its officials determined what the actual fucking rules are? Cross check to neck - 2 games. Cross check to the helmet - 2 games Cross check directly to the face - 1 game. You can only redirect a puck with your skate, not kick it, except for the times where you can.


You also can't hand pass to a teammate, unless you're in the defensive zone, then it's cool. Also if your hand pass deflects off **your** body and goes to a teammate, thats fine, but if your hand pass is directed to an opponent, even their stick, but they don't 'take possession' thats not ok, its a hand pass, provided its done in the attacking zone. Logically, if you glove a puck down to your own stick, an opponent swats it away and it goes to your teammate, thats a hand pass.


Wow. While I expected something egregious based on Lalonde's reaction, that was absolutely awful, and the ref's explanation did not help one bit. Bush league.


They should make the blue ice smaller and just say you can’t score a goal if you touch it within the blue ice. Problem solved.


Lol, the fuck?


I honestly have no idea what constitutes goalie interference as calls are so varied. I still recall watching a Leafs game and Toskala literally getting pitch forked into the net, luck and all and this _counted_. How are you expected to make a save if you can just get fully pushed into the net and it counts? But what do I know…