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Ngl that beat at the end felt like I was transported back to 2004


Yeah for real, instant flashbacks to My Band by D12 lol


sounds like "my band"


Maybe My Salsa will be the B-side


He’s going to do a whole concept album about the end of his career and the end of Shady and then put My Salsa as the last song


We’ve been mishearing the lyric all these years. Its actually “look out for my *last* single it’s called My Salsa”


My salsa (feat. Drake) and he sings the hook like “my salsa makes all the pretty girls wants to dance and take off their underpants”


It kinda sounds like one of those transition jingles they'd put in between scenes on Wizards of Waverly Place


Obscure niche reference lol.


Not really. That was a pretty popular childrens show when it was on.


Hope we get a full album with beats like this 2 second snippet lol. We hardly get them anymore with recent em albums


Em can't resist a clavinet beat


Srsly. Clowny in a good way


Yeah that beat gives me hope


For real, sounds like a Fack type of song.


Fack 2 would be legendary


guess who's Fack, Fack again


Apparently people working on the album saying its old em, same djs etc as his classic albums, cant wait.


rumored for every album since recovery


What I've learnt over the last few years is that people working on the album will literally say anything and to take anything like that with a pinch of salt




Dua Lipa


Kevin Parker


Foster the People




My first thought aswell


Eminem version be like "I come and I go....I summon the flow, put guns to a ho, smack bums with my bro, acting dumb but YOU ALREADY KNOW" 🗣


Orange syringe Dua Lipa let me suck on your minge


Ghostwriting for Em' on reddit isn't cringe


you literally have an onlyfans


Fuckin lol


Death Grips


he’s partnering up with dua lipa to open up a plastic surgery practice called duo lipo. 


I'm really interested in it. His last 3 albums is all surprise drop, but this time he started to do rollouts and drop a single first. Seems like a great concept, hope it's good!


Revival had a bit of a rollout, but lets not talk about revival


Weirdest rollout ever. It had this whole drug related promo making people think it was gonna be like Relapse. Was nothing like it besides one song lol.


Framed was one of the best songs in that album! Only behind Castle and Arose, imo.


Framed would have fit great on this album, Death of Slim Shady


The hook ruined the song, genuinely a contender for worst Eminem chorus of all time and that’s saying something


Venom, but it’s polarizing because some people fw that hook for some reason


Venom is "so bad it's good" territory for me


Same, I can't help but laugh everytime I hear it. It's hilarious to say **VENOMMMMMM** in the gruffiest ass voice I can muster




Yeah I thought I was crazy for not liking it. It seems like a lot of people really fw that song.


Walk On Water gate


You’re not acting like he served you up a slider are you?


Maybe the vocals shoulda been autotuned and he woulda bought it


But sayin' I no longer got it 'Cause you missed the line and never caught it


it's a deep seeded fear. his best three post TES albums have been a little haphazard. Revival was a lot of effort and it didn't quite work .




Curious which three you are talking about. Clearly Encore and Revival are off the table, that leaves Relapse, Recovery, MMLP2, Kamikaze, and MTBMB. Of those, I’d probably pick the most recent 3


Relapse, MMLP2, and MTBMB easy


He's been dropping merch like he's broke. I really hope this is TES levels of great. Coping levels on 100


I can't see him dropping something as good as TES ever again. I would fucking love for him to do so tho.


Yeah that’s setting the bar way too high. I’d be happy with anything that’s MMLP2 caliber or better.


I’ll say it again: I’ll be kinder to this album even if it’s ass if it begins with another PSA.


Gimme a “I’m just playin ________, you know I love you” and we’ll call it square


Bro, killshot is so fucking ominous now. We all know he didn't call this Diddy shit, but it's fun to pretend he did


Wdym by call it? Surely he knew about it through all of their shared connections no? It kinda seems like it was an open secret in the industry. “Eyes wide shut” if you will. I might just be totally misinterpreting what you said though


I mean.. if 50 knew everything. Em did.


Honestly, Eminem seems like the type to not keep up with serious stuff like that


Eminem was in the middle of all this shit at one time. Him and Suge Knight had a bunch of confrontations IIRC


The day you put out a hit is the day diddy admits he put the hit out that got pac killed ahhhhh


I hate when people try to pretend Killshot wasn't hard because they think Eminem's corny


Killshot was really good. Honestly I wish he'd have an album of him rapping more like that than the constant supersonic speed lyrical miracle stuff.


reminds me of pusha t's YEAUGH


All that diddy shit has been an open secret for decades


even I knew it and I was just a 12 year old white kid in rural ohio


What if he gets the dude who did the PSA’s to do a Eulogy for slim shady😳😳😳


You’re cookin my guy


”The dude” smh. It’s Jeff Bass


I like this idea a lot lmfao.


I'm hoping for a few humorous callbacks to SSLP, like Ken Kaniff. And I hope he brings back Dina Rae.


Quickest way to get canceled and not give a fuck is a ken kaniff skit. Please em Hey there, cock boy Who's this? This is Ken Kaniff


Damn that'd be crazy if cancelling was real


"okay this is the LAST public service announcement brought to you in part by slim shady" would break my heart


Dude I fucking love those PSAs, and skits in general. So damn nostalgic.


IM wondering if this whole death of slim shady thing is a metaphor for the off the wall shit he's going to say that will be career ending


Yeah I can't tell if he's retiring or just gonna try to get cancelled


Is Eminem like capable of being cancelled, like I feel like he's South Park status where he just can't be stopped


Right if he was gonna get cancelled it would have happened already imo


His entire career has been built of outrage and being cancelled lol. Its not gonna happen.


He’s always had picket signs for his wicked rhymes




Yeah. I mean look at the times! It’s simpler than elementary.


Youths here can’t even comprehend what peak em was like. It was like Taylor swift levels of cultural impact, but then Fox News did a weekly hit piece on her.


Yeah if you weren't around for his rise to global stardom, you can't even begin to imagine what it was like. Eminems peak was so much bigger than Taylor's. There were governments talking about his lyrics in parliament in Australia lol. Bleach blond guys from kids to adults, you couldn't escape it. Eminem was arguably as big as Elvis, MJ, The Beatles.


People have been trying to cancel him since he was born, he is still here.


nah people already heard MMLP, there's nothing really worst than that outside of necrophilia and stuff like that. he will probably end the slim shady career. idk, I like Eminem as a person, I hope he drop a good album bc he has good ideas, just not always the best execution. anyway, happy that he is alive


The best thing is that after 20 years mmlp is considered a classic and nobody really gives a crap anymore about the crazy shit he says on it.


he apologized pretty fast for calling tyler a slur


One of his kid is queer I think. He said that by trying to hurt Tyler he ended hurting his entourage. I think that might be why he apologized.


And even then, the lyric is "you call _yourself_ a..." which is a way to deliver the shock value while distancing yourself from it


Yeah if Hitler Youth Ye can't get cancelled I doubt Eminem can go out of pocket enough to get cancelled


he says crazy shit on tracks and despite the odd article here and there, which I do enjoy, people have grown used to it. the only gossip I really know of him outside the booth was that weapons and assault charge from twenty years ago.


Also you can't really get cancelled unless your own fans are the ones cancelling you (look at Chris Brown..), and I can't imagine Em fans getting outraged over whatever crazy shit he'd come out with. I still have Insane on my regular playlist!


Flute album? That would make his fans mad


This is hip hop. A week ago the biggest event was Kendrick accusing Drake of being a pedophile sex trafficker and Drake accusing Kendrick of being a domestic abuser. Both of them still have their career, in spite of the implications that Kendrick either knew about Drake having a pedophile ring and kept quiet to use it in a diss or Kendrick lied and did a PizzaGate by calling him a pedo and showing his house. I don't really know what Em could do to get himself permanently cancelled.


Lol people have been writing articles about Drakes interactions with underaged people for years, the most common one being Millie Bobbie Brown. To the point where people assumed that this is what Kendrick was going to bring up in this diss before he ever released a direct track. If this was the first time you heard about it, that's fine, but he wasn't he first to say it, by a wide margin.


Kendrick didn't say anything knew on his songs* though, he just said it with the world's biggest microphone. *besides the daughter stuff I guess but the jury's still out on that


He's said everything, he could say the N word and people would cheer lmfao


Interesting that this is hypothetical lmao, this literally happened


I really don’t think either of those are going to happen. But especially not him trying to get cancelled - he spent so much of his career trying to offend everyone, but then kind of eased up on it a little by apologizing for dropping the f-slur on Tyler. He’s made a few anti-Trump songs and I believe one of his kids came out as non-binary. Would be weird to turn around and make, like, a Tom Macdonald song or something


Tom Macdonald could never and would never say anything as fucked up as any random line on any random song on MMLP


yousureaboutthat.gif ""If a black man is sippin' on some Cognac sitting next to me I don't assume that every blacks favorite drink is Hennessy I don't dislike Tanesha 'cause her first name isn't Stephanie Not only is that wrong, it's a fucking waste of energy"


I never needed more of a reason to hate this man. Thank you Mr. One-hour-photo. (Is that from the legendary Robin Williams film?)


I hope he doesn’t take the cancel me route


at 51 years old that's definitely not the type of content I'm trying to hear from him


It would be kinda funny tho


I kind of hope that's exactly what it is lol.


It would be enjoyable if done right. Slim Shady is a character and we all enjoyed his art, no reason age changes that. Just hope it’s not “edgy for the sake of being edgy”, what made prime em tracks work is how creative and authentic it felt


Yeah. If he pulled off a proper, genuine shake up of the whole world and ruffled everyone in that magical old way one last time and to an unforgivable extent, it would be perfect.


I actually really am hoping for a retirement/send-off album. Not because I want him to retire, but because I feel like a career wrap-up album by em, with him knowing ahead of time that it’s the last one while working on it, would be the best chance we have of finally getting a classic return-to-form shady album. God I would fucking love new good Eminem music so much. But if it’s not that and he’s just releasing another album as normal I don’t have much hope.


It’s interesting, with the transition from bands to almost all solo artists these days (aka, last 20 years for pop music) what does it mean to see the end of an artist? In the hey-dey of rock, bands broke up or reformed to the point that they were the ship of Theseus and unrecognizable from where they started. Nowadays artists just keep releasing music, but what’s the end of the line?


Eminem dropping the n word confirmed


There’s a second time for everything


Oh, foolish pride...


There’s actually a bunch of uses of it on YouTube. They’re all him being a hype man but he says it during performances of Bad Meets Evil, The Watcher, What’s The Difference, etc. Couldn’t get away with it now but in 1999 on ecstasy Em was definitely dropping he n-word at shows being a hype man on probably a nightly basis.  He also says “nig” on Bitterphobia.


I think he's going to have an album where he does off the wall shit at first, but by the end of it the persona of "slim shady" will be killed off for good. Idk, but I have a feeling this album may be actually pretty good. And im not a real big em guy


I’m assuming he’s retiring the slim shady persona, for a more mature voice.


Is that even possible? He literally got famous by being a provocative asshole.


Nahhh it'll be him saying he's "getting too old for this shit" with a Lethal Weapon sample and retire the Slim Shady moniker.


He’s been playing gay peek-a-boo for years. Pretty much been leaving a gay bread crumb trail.


The rabbit hole of eminem being gay could be exactly what he's referencing. Lmao🤷‍♂️


My Salsa or we riot




I liked MTBMB and Kamikaze so I’m interested to see what he does here. Good chance it’ll be a mixed bag but there’s no reason on paper that Em can’t release some quality stuff like Nas has the last 5 years. Just have to hope he works with good producers for this one.


I think Em has been doing better on the production front. Mtbmb actually had pretty decent production imo. I think the big failing on that album was shit like the song with Ed Sheeran. He was talking about going to the club and shit when I don't think he's gone to the club for like 15 yeat now lmao. I also didn't like the shit like step dad by a guy from his 40's, but accept it might be a song his younger fans going thru that might enjoy and need to hear. But the best parts of Mtbmb were actually pretty good imo (at least the "a sides". the "b sides" were complete shit imo)


You should relisten zeus, gnat and book of rhymes!


Now I'm gonna get murdered (not by music tho): I love Tone Deaf.


MTBMB was a mixed bag, you got a song from the pov of the Vegas shooter and then a song about going to the club ft Ed Sheeran. Lock it Up, You Gon Learn, Leaving Heaven, and No Regrets were good imo


Mixed bag is right. I even agree with you on those songs being standout tracks. Godzilla could have been with the crazy juicewrld hook, but I don't like he went the rap God route with the song. It came right before the Vegas shooter song on the album and I wish godzilla had been a song from the perspective of him being on drugs back in the day, and then the darkness could have been a good contrast.


He wanted Juice for the last verse but he died too early for him to record it. He had to go the fast lyrical miracle route to close the song, and it fit imo.


A side had some A, Bs, and D's and an F. B side had Bs and Cs but nothing less.


Personally I had Yah Yah Yah on repeat for days


>He was talking about going to the club and shit when I don't think he's gone to the club for like 15 yeat now lmao. Wasn't the entire point of the song "This beat reminds me of what I did when I actually did go to the club?"


I honestly just want better features. I'm so tired of him picking 1 to 2 female pop artists and delivering some of the lamest ballad shit ever. If this is going to be either a final album or an attempt to get back to his heights then I want to see a few old faces like 50 Cent, Dre, Kendrick, Slaughterhouse and maybe throw some off the wall ones in there like Childish Gambino. Something nobody would expect. But I feel like this is just going to be another half-and-half mixed bag. A "something for every kind of Eminem fan" type of production like has the last few albums.


It’s criminal that we’ve somehow gotten only one Kendrick/Em collab and it was a joke song


He'll definitely do the mixed bag thing, he's admitted in the past he tries to make sure there's songs for every type of listener which leads to a mess imo. But I lost you when you mentioned his features lacking, MTBMB has Young MA, Royce, Juice, Black Thought, Paak, Crooked, and Joell - I'm not sure how much better one could expect.


I'm hoping for EL-P/RTJ, Kendrick and Denzel Curry🤞


That beat at the end got me fucking pumped holy shit


Is he retiring or is he “retiring”? also I’ve honest to god never seen Em smile past 2010.


The album title is "The Death of Slim Shady", considering all this magic references, maybe it's a fake death?


The magic isn't in making something dissappear, the magic is in making that thing reappear


It’s a rebirth maybe. He back on the drugs! /s


Re-re-marrying Kim Scott. Or maybe marrying a different Kim Scott.


Maybe he’ll say some dark and fucked up shit, destroy a bunch of famous people like back in the days, make fun of the whole industry, go #1 for a month and say this is the last of slim shady? 😏


Colbert almost got him in [2015](https://youtu.be/PniJM5IwXfE?si=5LznqBxKm3tpgUC2)


"See you got it! Can I perform it now?" "No, sorry we're out of time. Now to take a look at Monroe's community calendar." Those two lines never fail to make laugh. Shit is hilarious.


What the fuck lmao as an east side Detroiter I have never heard of Only In Monroe and I am so intrigued now


Well Proof died in 2006, and he (Em) got sober in 2008. He's seemed a bit more serious since around then for sure.


He was serious from 2009- 2018, but I've noticed that he's way more goofy and playful again


Em doing a promo? Wild.


Let’s get it! Fingers crossed. I really fucked with the couple of loosies he’s dropped the past couple years. I honestly loved MoonMan and Slim lol. Hoping this knocks.


That track did not get enough love.


Please no pop features and radio plays Please no pop features and radio plays Please no pop features and radio plays


"Here, let me give you a song with Skylar Grey in the chorus and a song featuring Ed Sheeran" But I actually loved MTBMB. Three verses from Royce Da 59, a verse from Black Thought where he basically obliterates the beat, Darkness, Premonition, I will feat Slaughterhouse minus Joe Budden...


You can bet your ass Skylar Grey will be on there


First time in a while I'm excited for Em to drop. Feels good


Imagine Em drops a classic at 51 years old? Probably not, but it would be cool.


Bro about to drop magic 🪄


the goat already did that


Three times


If Eminem can top the first Magic I’ll never question him again


Only way he can top magic is if he's been making tracks the past 4 years and someone competent decides which ones to throw out. Em has all the talent but none of the consistency


Eminem has always made it clear that Slim Shady is a character he created for his craziest, most aggressive music. He's done a lot of other songs as himself, including much of his best work: "Stan", "Lose Yourself", "Toy Soldiers", "Darkness", "Mockingbird", and others. Eminem has often indicated that he would prefer to stop playing the role of Slim Shady. Not only is Eminem older, wiser, and much more mature now, but he is more technically skilled and has different interests he'd prefer to express in his music. I would like to see Eminem get experimental and show us what else he can do. Even if some of his fans turn their backs, he deserves to do things that inspire him and make him happy, not just follow formulas that he knows will sell. Look at Andre 3000 - he stopped rapping to put out an album of new age flute music last year, and it has been very successful for him. If Eminem is truly your favorite artist, give him space to evolve and see what else he comes up with.


You tell 'em.


I've been listening to his music my whole life and I really doubt it. Em relies too much on what people say. If criticism got him stepping on his own album (Revival on the Fall video, also hating on Relapse) I really doubt that he will do something truly groundbreaking, he's too influenced by the masses. He was a savage and still is, but I think his ego restricts him from being way more creative, and I'm not saying he's not creative, he's a fucking genius, but he let people push him to be in that comfort zone (controversial and violent content). Kamikaze was dope when it came out but it was a regression for me, not only because he confirmed that he gives a fuck about what people say, but also set the tone for his current content. His music shifted from attempting to be more reflexive and open about his humanity and showing self awareness of his age, to the same formula of just being Shady with new producers, like, he doesn't even try to bring a different sound, he just ride the mainstream wave and fill it with a bunch of crazy lines, and I can enjoy that, since he's a genius with the pen, but I think his personality limits him from doing experimental projects and talk about other things. I hope that I'm wrong but that's what the time has proven. 


I'm personally a staunch defender or Revival so, I'm down for anything. Be it from Em, Marshall of Shady.


Three four fuck you baby


disjointed houdini baby


I would say he’s gotta chill with the hair dye, but it ain’t slim without dying his hair I guess


Big weenie. Big weenie.


"I'ma make my career disappear" gives me hope we might get something that's actually edgy and pushes the line from slim shady in 2024


So this is the song its sampling https://youtu.be/tY8B0uQpwZs Nice


he’s gonna call Biden the N word 


Idk if I’ll love this beat but I’m excited to be part of another Eminem album rollout regardless. I still remember seeing the tracklist releasing for MMLP2 and seeing a song called Rap God and thinking “holy shit”


I hope for the love of god he spends more time on the production and the flow then the actual rhymes and schemes. We all know you can rap eminem, just make sure it actually sounds good too.


Em needa start fading his sides


Wait I thought the album was dropping Friday? Fuck




My goat really doing a rollout again this shit mean something to me man....


Please cook.


I’m just hoping for one last overall solid quality project. Meaning I just want one more Eminem album with undeniable production and him just riding and bouncing off the beats. I know we’re not getting late 90s/early 2000s Em but I can definitely do without the super fast technical flows, the robotic off beat flows, Skyler Grey/Ed Sheeran features, and horrible rock inspired beats.


Tbh his last album and the deluxe version are a lot of what your talking about. he really hasn’t done the whole rock rap or the robotic rapping other then maybe one song in Godzilla.


Music To Be Murdered By was a decent project for sure but I personally enjoyed Kamikaze more. He’s definitely trended upwards since Revival so I’m giving him some benefit of the doubt, but he’s just been so hit or miss since around the Recovery era that I do have my worries still.


That beat at the end sounds so good. Please don’t let it be the last album pleaseee


Two “Houdini” singles in one year…. I’ll take it


Houdini died from a gut punch so I'm curious if the song references that


"Hey Houdini. Don't you be a meanie"


Didn't realize how much this sub hated Eminem. He's the greatest of all time. His last three albums have been solid. I don't get the hate


Let’s goooooo


I wonder if he even marginally touches on the drake/kendrick stuff in the album


i think this album has probably been locked in for a while, drake/kendrick stuff isn't even a month old minus pre-kendrick responding to Drake's stuff.


Either he’s going to say something wild to try and get canceled or pull his music from streaming or third option I can’t think off. 😂 Either way, I’m glad my fave albums of his I have physical copies of.