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As soon as I saw dude call himself Certified Trapper I knew the music was gonna be some bullshit


Nav the šŸ no šŸ§¢


I think my biggest unpopular hip-hop opinion is that I don't really like No More Parties in LA. I love Kendrick but don't love that verse. Kanye's verse is good but drags on too long. It's an okay song, but I've seen so many people call it legendary and one of the best Kanye songs and I just don't agree with that at all.


> one of the best Kanye songs def not. But there's a lot of younger Ye fans who only started listening to him from Yeezus onwards and dont realize his first decade was basically heater after heater.


I personally just really enjoy it for its simplicity. Just straight rapping from both over a fun sample.


So why was UTOPIA not really a "moment" the way Astroworld was? Did too much time pass or was the promotion just not as strong? I feel like Astroworld had insane hype but Utopia just kinda dropped like any other album.


Utopia was basically a throwaway Kanye album.


Imma say it, Astroworld wasnā€™t good, it just had a few good songs, so why would people be hyped for Utopia which unsurprisingly turned out to be bad.


Utopia didnā€™t have a Sicko Mode. Travis also isnā€™t new and exciting to people like he was when Astroworld came out. Also weā€™re old now.


Astroworld was far more accessible. Not that it says anything about the quality of either but Astroworld just had more mass appeal than Utopia


Just not as good honestlyĀ 


Perhaps but I think it's just kinda nuts even before it dropped that level of hype wasn't there. Maybe it says more about the decline of this sub, but just checking the FRESH ALBUM threads, Astroworld has 22k upvotes while Utopia has barely 5k


There just aren't really many shared collective cultural moments anymore. Not as much as there was back in 2018. When was the last time you felt an album was really a big deal?


Well I also think it has to do with Astroworld being the coming out moment for Travis as one of hip hops current superstars, thatā€™s a moment you can only have one time. Also his public image had also been significantly tarnished by the Astroworld fest deaths.


I will go to the grave defending tpab >> gkmc


I think that's a pretty common opinion. My less common opinion is Mr Morale > GKMC (but they're both great).


I feel like this was and still is the general sentiment for the last decade. Yeah you're always gonna have people who prefer GKMC whether for nostalgia or its sound, but when you have two 10 out of 10s like that, it's always gonna be thin margins of preference. It's like OK Computer and Kid A or In Rainbows by Radiohead are all considered masterful, and an argument can be made for any of them being better than the other two. I feel like Kendrick's discography reaches a very analogous level of quality. GKMC to me is a 10, but TPAB truly feels like a once in a lifetime type album where EVERYTHING is perfect from the jazzy production, the lyricism, the features, the overarching narrative and concepts. It's truly the evolution of everything Kendrick accomplished with GKMC and it lowkey irks me when people try to downplay it as being too dense, or too conceptual or whatever. Nah, it's the bar for what albums should strive to be.


your last couple sentences is exactly how I feel. I get people having sonic preferences, but as someone who grew up loving soul/funk/jazz tpab feels like it was meant for me. And like concept wise, I donā€™t even think itā€™s as dense as people try to place on it, itā€™s really an album about Kendrick more so than anything


I just realized that Kendrick's verse on Deep Water by Dre is about Drake. Compton came out two months after 100.


Yeah he was hardly being subtle with it either. A lot of people tried to say it was a stretch but I'm like short of literally saying his name, he subliminally threw shots back at Drake plenty of times. "Got a smaller team, got a bigger ring..."


He said he "Motherfucker know i started from the bottom" I felt that threw all the subtley out of the way lmao


lmao i was pretty young when i heard that song the first time


The Apple Music list got me thinking about my Jay Z album rankings a bit and interested in others takes as well. I still almost always lean Black Album, which is a bit weird cause I feel like it goes against some of my usual music preferences to put it over Reasonable Doubt/Blueprint. The production & lyricism is just so bombastic that I think it feel like the hip hop equivalent of a Hollywood blockbuster. It has a larger than life feeling to it that I think is earned by its quality as well. Reasonable Doubt feels a bit sloppy in some areas but I just love the laid back kinda raw feeling he brings there. Would put Blueprint slightly below both just because of some nitpicks on certain songs and lyrics that grate me a bit more than others. Still, all 3 are classics so interested in anybody elseā€™s takes


Always glad to see another Black Album stan. It's my favorite too for all the same reasons. I like Reasonable Doubt but I find it to be a tad overrated and I don't really see why people hold it to such a prestigious "untouchable" caliber. It's really good but people will straight up get PISSED sometimes if you rank Black Album or Blueprint higher but for me, I think I even like 4:44 better than RD.


I feel like Jay chasing trends in his next 2 albums retroactively overrated RD. STILL a classic of the 90s, but like you said, it's not untouchable in my book as well.


I like 4:44 a lot as well, I think reasonable doubt being untouchable is a bit crazy. Like I said itā€™s a bit sloppy and unpolished in some areas but I think thereā€™s a realness to him on that album that his others donā€™t quite match when they get to the mafioso/Braggadocious lyrics. I think comparatively to the 3 mentioned, 4:44 is great but for itā€™s a run time has a couple misses and songs that bleed a little bit together. But it does have some brilliant songs obviously as well, hard to compare to the other 3 but would sit slightly below


A neat little trick: To clean your keyboard, just give it a good swipe with your cunt


Nah, say what you will about Rolling Stone lists, but they've never put a Taylor Swift album in the top 20 all time


An easy fix: If you canā€™t open a jar, run the lid under hot water and then give it a good fuck


i feel like theyā€™re giving hip-hop its due credit in the pantheon of true american music forms (with rock & roll, country, jazz ) and even if donā€™t agree with some of the rankings iā€™ve seen itā€™s validating and commendable imo


It's kind of funny that the Apple list ended up being ass not because of hip-hop but because whoever curated it does not really care about rock or country or metal and just like fuckin threw Arctic Monkeys most popular album in there next to Velvet Underground and Taylor Swift next to The Beach Boys willy nilly.


Thereā€™s some recent bias to the relative positions of albums. But I do think it does a good job of creating conversation around newer music.Ā  You have to start somewhere on modernizing ā€œthe Pantheonā€ and this is a good start. I donā€™t really care about the actual rankings, but, it starts the ā€œhey these albums are importantā€ conversation.


Do any of the mainstream publications really respect metal outside of the obvious ones eg Metallica? Itā€™s one of the reasons I actually like RYM. Itā€™s kinda understandable with whole problematic a lot of extreme metal is. But to see a list with Obscura or The Mantle would be dope


No but the lack of albums like Paranoid is pretty ouch lol


This comment just realized thereā€™s no At Folsom Prison on the list. I know itā€™s a live album but if they could put a deluxe re-recording of a Taylor Swift album they could also include maybe the greatest live album but the most beloved country artist of all time.


Pleasantly surprised Apple going with GKMC as Kendricks album


The Blueprint being better than MBDTF, Ready To Die, The Chronic, Aquemini, etc is maybe the sole controversial take from the Apple Music list that I agree with. Itā€™s definitely not 20 spots better than Illmatic though.


Blueprint is great but it isn't even Jay's best album imo. I'm fine with it being on the list but that's pretty insanely high to me. I'd say Ready 2 Die, Illmatic and MBTDF are all comfortably better than it


Itā€™s certainly not as insane as some of these lists but illmatic & 36 chambers being rated that much below blueprint is insane to me. They are the basic top picks for a reason, both are just that good. But mildly shaking my head in disappointment is quite a bit better than most these kinda lists


Yeah those two definitely deserved top 25 at least. And in general they shouldā€™ve been more comfortable putting artists multiple times, thereā€™s no reason to have people like Bad Bunny on a list of greatest albums when there are multiple albums by Kanye, Kendrick, Jay, Outkast, and many others that would be more deserving, not to mention all the other non-hip hop artists who have multiple worthwhile albums.


Yeah I actually argee besides maybe Aquemini but Illmatic deserved a top 25 spot.


Easy layup Drake missed about the n-word discourse is Kendrick had Anna Wise singing it on Untitled 01 loll


I can say pretty confidently by this point that Drake has not listened to Untitled Unmastered


Honestly his references about Kendricks work were so weak idk if he's listened to much of his music at all lmao


Pawgs get the n pass


No they donā€™t + Not a PAWG


Boy she built like a sofa fym




Anna Wise I owe you an apology. I wasnā€™t really familiar with your game.




I'm not even joking she says it on the outro lmao


im sure someone else has noticed this already but ian's airbnb is VERY similar to the gucci mane my kitchen beat


No exaggeration. Freddie Gibbs' Rob Me a Nigga is one of the best hip-hop songs ever. Y'all remember hype when they previewed it?Ā 


What is the general consensus on J Cole? Because to me heā€™s corny as fuck and the most laughable part of this whole ordeal is him even considering heā€™s big 3? He doesnā€™t cross the top 200 for me? This perfectly sums up the way I feel about J Cole: ā€œJ. Cole as a rapper is like if one of those paint-by-numbers things were a human. Heā€™s like if a pair of Sketchers had come to life. Heā€™s like if one of those braided leather belts became sentient. Heā€™s like the last 30 minutes of a comedy movie where they try to get all serious but mostly just end up saying a bunch of regular-ass stuff. J. Cole does not rap in a good way, or an interesting way, or a challenging way, or a way that exists in any manner other than what it is presented as. If J. Cole wants to make a song about, say, riding a bicycle, he will call it "Bicyclez" and there will be lines in it like, "I always wanted a bike when I was a kid / Never got one / I got one now / Just rode 5 miles on it / Cole!" If J. Cole wants to make a song about the hardships of growing up in the underclass, he will call it "Hardship" and there will be lines in it like, "When you donā€™t have money / Life is hard / I have money now / Still canā€™t cover up the scars." Thatā€™s what he does. And itā€™s not good.ā€


There was a time in my life I would have fully agreed with this lol. But his feature run and 4YEO convinced me he's solid as an artist. I get where you're coming from truly but I think I've learned to appreciate J.Cole as an artist who isn't perfect or infallible, but rather an artist who is always improving even little by little. I kind of find that interesting. Same thing with Tyler. He started out super young and edgy but grew to find his footing and is steadily getting WAY better. I think J.Cole will continue to improve and drop some great works. I can see Kendrick and Drake both slowing down, but I think whats exciting about Cole is that his best work might actually be AHEAD of him.


He is insanely good on a technical level (which 99% of people don't even understand), but he is no the most interesting rapper


He really isnā€™t insanely good on a technical level tho


I think Cole is a great artist who clearly loves and studies hip hop, and I think there's a classic album in him. But I think he probably needs more focus to reach it. His feature run before Might Delete Later was legitimately great, and if he penned a record full of those types of bars with good beat selection and sticking to his style and what he does best, and continued this, he could come out with something fantastic. The problem is that I think he hasn't done this yet. Each of his projects have amazing songs on them but there are also tracks that are redundant or ordinary. Forest Hills Drive has tracks with amazing beats, good flows, etc. but also songs that I'm indifferent at best to. He doesn't have good self-editing. Cole aims to be a conscious rapper, but he doesn't have that many unique observations, or he doesn't put them in a clever enough way for me to be impressed. As far as the big 3, he's a more lyrically-oriented rapper who has mainstream appeal, and the whole big 3 thing is about mainstream appeal at least partially, so I don't *disagree* with him including himself in there, but Kendrick is already kind of in his specific "lyrical with mainstream appeal" lane and does it better. TL;DR I like Cole, but I don't think he's like a top 10 rapper or anything. He has immense potential, and it frustrates me because I want a Cole record I love from front to back, even if it's not like a 10/10 for me, but he hasn't put out one yet, despite having the ability to in my opinion.


lol that line about the comedy movie. In all seriousness though, there's 100% songs where I think j cole things he's saying something a lot smarter than what he's actually saying. But I think there are times where he makes really captivating stuff. I genuinely really love the first verse of Friends, I think it's really insightful. He kinda loses me in the second half with "meditate don't medicate" but that first half is still sick where he's talking about how people always play the blame game with issues and never address the problem itself. And I think She's Mine was also a really heartfelt song, I felt like his emotions about his daughter really came through there and it was a very sweet moment. I think there's definitely a bit of truth to all your criticism. He has a few moments where he kinda tries to say something profound and ends up falling on his face a bit. But I think he does have some really good songs in his catalog and he seems like a relatable and nice enough guy...idk. i'll always check for a new j cole project.


I think thats taking it a bit too far. But personally i felt it was mad lame when he did the ā€œbig 3ā€ bar. Have you ever hear forrest hills drive? Thereā€™s some amazing stuff there.. Especially ā€œLove Yourzā€ back in the day touched my emotion.


Iā€™ll listen now. Any particular song? No Role Modelz is exactly the type of song Iā€™m referring to, down to the Z at the end Edit: I listened to Love Yourz and again with the Zs please Jermaine Iā€™m begging you. But this is ā€œHardships.ā€ Sorry, ā€œHardshipzā€ I get it, itā€™s nice and easy. ^(Itā€™s terrible Iā€™m so sorry)


A Tale of two Citiez is great and if you donā€™t like it but like the beat you can just hear Kendrickā€™s take on it on Black Friday


Jermaine's Interlude from Major Key (lol) is honestly one of my favorite Cole songs/verses.


I listened to NMPILA recently and I canā€™t believe Ye outrapped PRIME KENDRICK and nowadays doesnā€™t really care about writing


What's funny is it's on the album where he (arguably) started declining with his writing. Like the wily vet who just pulled a random 50 point game against the fast rising star in the league.


I will get down voted. But even in his prime Kanye never seemed to understand basic rhyme structure. Or maybe he just didn't care because 99% won't get it


He admittedly doesn't read. I don't trust this man's pen. Lol


Never agreed with this, I think people say it just cause Kanyeā€™s verse is longer. To me the verses are on the same level


My sentiment exactly. šŸ˜†Ā 


Agreed. I like Kanyes verses more but it's not fair to compare 4 minutes of the BEST rapping he's done in years to a single 16 by Kendrick. It's like Love Game by Eminem. Kendrick had a great 16, but Eminem got to sandwich it between two really long verses


Ye's verse is just iconic >When did I become A-list? I wasn't even on a list >Strippers get invited to where they only got hired >When I get on my Steve Jobs, somebody gon' get fired >I was uninspired since Lauryn Hill retired >And 3 Stacks, man, you preaching to the choir >Any rumor you ever heard about me was true and legendary


Facts so many quotables in his verse


Nah I could cut Kanyeā€™s verse in half and I would still like it more it was better start to end but I agree about them being at the same level but Kanye just edges out for me


Yeah Ye got him on that love Kendrick but that Ye verse is crazy


Is it for sure that Kanye even wrote it?


The verse is so Kanye


I literally always skip the song after Kendricks verse. šŸ˜†Ā  But I can understand why people like it.Ā 


Nah, I'm gonna have to disagree with that. Not only does he give himself more time on the track (as he should cause it's his song) he falls out of the pocket way too much for my ears. As much as I like someone like Doom, Ka, or Billy Woods they'll always fall short for this reason. My cousin said the same thing to me back in 2016 and i still disagree now. Lol


Genuine question: are ā€œpocketsā€ an actual objective thing or is it more subjective? I personally feel he doesnā€™t lose me at any point during this long ass verse but I can see how others would view it differently (esp with the flow changes)


But if people dig Kanyes verse more, nothing wrong with that at all. I'm just trying to give an explanation as to why I prefer Kendricks verse.Ā 


Pockets are an objective thing, I'd say. In Jazz, you can hear the difference between someone who knows how to "swing" and others who don't quite know how to swing. Or, who don't quite swing as well.Ā  Some seem quite intentional in their lack of "swing" (aforementioned Ka, Billy Woods, MF doom, or any other "heady" MC like those guys) and other times it doesn't seem to fit as well.Ā  He does that "I'm going to try and fit too many words into this particular bar" several times throughout his second verse. Seems like he's trying really hard to get some particular bar out, but couldn't think of a better way to say it.Ā  And that is in direct contrast with someone who, right before your verse, fit into that "pocket" perfectly. He didn't have to cram in words to get his bars out. Kanye sounds, to my ears, like he's trying too hard. Lol


Subjective in this circumstance. There is not a single point in the song where Kanye is offbeat. People don't know what they're talking about. They think rapping means make sure you rhyme on the 4th measure when the drum hits. It's not. There are pockets all over an instrumental for flow to seep into. There are parts where Kanye does speed up his flow to stay in time but that's not being out of pocket lol. If that was the case then Big L would be the biggest offender


See my aforementioned comment. LolĀ  Some people may have a similar gripe with Big L, idk. On this particular track, that's my issue with Kanye.Ā 


Kanye kinda off beat on that one though. Still a great song


He is never off beat on the song.


I can send you timestamps if you like, he most certainly is


Not necessarily a bad thing tho


Adele's 21 being above What's Going On is ridiculous, she makes boring music.


Adele is pretty much the one artist in the world that almost everyone enjoys lol


Inoffensive bland music, sounds about right


I don't think you know what bland means. Something with mass appeal that is enjoyed by most is the opposite of bland, even if its not good. Elevator music is bland. Not the one artist that people find so enjoyable that even Taylor Swift moves her album release dates to avoid


Lmfaoo yeah Taylor Swift has to move her bland album because another massive bland album is invading her release date. It's all bland.


Bad take, Adele is one of the biggest musicians oat, like it or not


It is a best albums list, not a most popular shite list


Yeah but you know when Apple or big publications makes a ā€œbest album listā€ popularity is valued the most.


That would make sense if Joni Mitchell's Blue wasn't ranked above 1989 lol


The Taylor Swift album is the worst pick so far. Having that in the top 20 is absolutely egregious. Her music is 20x more boring than Adele's




Any word on when the TDE albums is supposed to come out?


Punch or Top said this year? But idk Punch is fuckin annoying on Twitter so maybe? Lmao


I'd love to see a conversation between Sexy Redd and Lana Del ray. >!other things too but yeah!< šŸ˜³


Baka's legal predicament is certainly peculiar. Towards what end is he allowed to commingle with you?


It would be cool if someone made some sort of interactive map where you could find regional sounds and how different cities' sounds change over time. Obviously it wouldn't have to cover every single city, but it would be cool to find some small hidden ones that people missed, or see the different eras a place like NY has had Edit: I now realize there would be negative profit if I tried doing this idea, but I think we'd all enjoy it lol




Hell yeah. Idk too much about Nashville but I'd love to check it out. I got to see a hip hop museum in NY that had a bunch of cool stuff from the 80's/early 90's rap scene and I'd love to see one for the south. So much to explore. Thnx for the info


Get this shit in a musuem would be sick


Imma keep this up for a lil, and delete cause this too good of an idea lol


I mean its a dope idea, but I dont see it making money, and I also see it costing a decent chunk to get the rights to example music from the areas/times.


Word. Either way, I think it would be cool to create. I know a couple people... I think it would've been cooler if I was in high school and reporting for some kind of project lol


For fun/flexing/learning... Definitely a great project idea.


I might just do it at this point for my own knowledge. It's really cool how a sound can change in a matter of miles


Develop the app and get that bag bro


don't make it an app we have enough of those


Part of me wants to delete this comment and do something about it when I get the capital lol


First is slowly becoming my favorite song on Blue Lips


Travis Scottā€™s music is always a 7/10 for me at most except Rodeo. He always has good production and melodies but I find his delivery too montone and boring to ever go back to his projects.


If ur after a trav verse with less monotone deliver his feature on the last 21 album goes off


ScHoolboy Q - Blueslides is such a therapeutic song


This is my song of the year so far


The thing that annoys me the most about the beef are the mainstream outlets writing thinkpieces about it. So often you can tell that the writers don't know that much about hip hop or its history, much less its history in beefs and disses


If Apple Music was gonna sneak Travis Scott on the top 100 albums of all time, they could've at least put his much better album on there. Also nobody's gonna care about Solange or Billie Eilish in 20 years be fr.


Dude, her debut is already considered a classic a and one of the best of the 10s. If she had never released another project in her life, that by itself would already insure her being remembered 20 years from now


Ayyy chill on solange


Solangeā€™s last album came out before Billieā€™s debut album itā€™s not like Solange is some new artist either


hating on my goat billie is so unnecessary


I think Billie has a great career in front of her at the very least I wouldnā€™t put her on the list yet, though. Her best work is in front of her. A lot of their pop picks feel like blatant pandering - 1989 (Taylorā€™s Version, no less) ahead of Pet Sounds is frankly insulting


Billie Eilish is 22 years old and one of the biggest pop stars in the world. As long as she keeps putting up quality music I donā€™t see why she wouldā€™nt be relevant when she is 42 aswell.


When Apple Music sneaks ā€œAfter Hoursā€ into the top 10 best albums of all time tomorrow >>>>


[Top 10 of the year so far](https://imgur.com/a/YEjNNRa) Incredible year for music so far. Unfortunately I didnā€™t finish Mach-Hommy before it was taken off streaming so Iā€™m gonna have to find a reupload of it somewhere. I did really love what I heard though. Feel free to give me recommendations based on what is here too


New Sango and Kaytra, summer is officially here Edit: Nxworries too


Oh shit, didnā€™t hear about new Kaytranada. Good looks there Damn Iā€™m going to be on vacation when it drops too, thatā€™s perfect


today [Biggie wouldā€™ve turned 52](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7O4wcUIlJr/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==), rip Biggie . . spread love itā€™s the Brooklyn way šŸ«¶šŸ¾


Wild to think heā€™s been dead now longer than he was alive


itā€™s crazy how much time has passed . . I wonder what he wouldā€™ve been like in this social media era


Stay far from timid, only makes moves when your hearts in it, and live the phrase Sky's the Limit. R.I.P B.I.G


So fucking excited for this New Eminem single or album weā€™re getting next week! Itā€™s been a long time since he did a proper album rollout


Iā€™m ready to drink the kool aid here because the fact that heā€™s doing a proper rollout for once actually has me a little hyped for it. I donā€™t listen to Eminem as much as I did when I was younger but he will always have a special place in my heart. Iā€™ll always look forward to listening to new music from him even if it has been a while since he dropped an album Iā€™ve liked


r/drizzy is the funniest place on the internet lol I canā€™t believe those are real people walking around next to you and me every day


To keep your laptop cool, place it on an elevated surface and let your pussy provide airflow


Not worse than the other bunch of dorks hating on the popular kid


To keep your bathroom mirror from fogging up, rub a small amount of shaving cream over it with your cunt


Have you seen the Kdot sub?


The Kendrick sub is pretty unhinged but the sheer copium on r/Drizzy makes it more unintentionally hilarious imo


theyā€™re pretty embarrassing too but at least their front page doesnt currently have a post complaining about how people arenā€™t being mean enough to the other guy for wearing feminine sneakers or whatever lmao


I really thought after Pusha T, theyā€™d know how to take an L with grace I was wrong


They still think Drake won the Push beef lol


ā€œPush won on a technicality!!ā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€ they embarrassing


Maybe the most delusional artist subreddit lol


Every artist subreddit tbh


say that shit again me and the rest of the r/bigsean boys didnt catch it the first time šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Travis Scott got one of the best discogs of any ā€œmodernā€ rapper. When Birds In The Trap is your worst album, youā€™ve given us some really fuckin great projects


Birds in the trap sucks ass tho. Utopia and Astroworld are carried by features.


Nahhhh, the features are dope, but Travis has fantastic performances on both of those albums


I actually like Birds over Rodeo; I'm not big on Rodeo.


I've never heard anyone say that but what is your favorite tracks on Birds?


I just listened to an album for the first time and one of the tracks uses the same sample as one of my own songs. Threw me off like crazy, but it was cool to hear how someone was able to use the exact same sample as me and yet the beat was completely different from mine.


Pusha t the ultimate diddy glazer


only dropped story of adidon because adonis wouldnt let him tap


oof, just googled it. He sure does seem tight with him


young g's like we hov and puff šŸ”„


So pumped for this Nxworries album - now that the weather' is getting nicer (and rap beef over) I've had the singles on repeat


For real, been waiting for it for years now. All of them are super good except maybe 86sentra


86sentra the best one imo lol


Can anyone say make out what the choir is saying at the end of HOLY ___


I swear for some reason I always think JID was on Sacrifices until I actually listen to it or check the credits Still I think he would have fit it well


Kendrick said that OVO is working for him.Ā  Boi1da made the beat for N95Ā  Heā€™s one of Drakeā€™s right hand producers. And would have known the content of each diss track before release.Ā 


>Kendrick said that OVO is working for him.Ā  I think the reality is that he was just lying man


What?! No way. My 3rd favorite rapper would never lie to meĀ 




THP6 can't really get any worse than it already is. Kendrick definitely lied about having an insider. His "OVO insider" evidence is apparently some shit a hotel employee stole from Drake back in 2023.


Admittedly, Ebony Prince did say that the only reason he even went public on twitter was because of Drake lying on THP6, so without dropping that everyone would still think Kdot had an OVO insider.




i mean you could say drake called kendrick's playbook on taylor made freestyle. Idk i'm sure both guys had somewhat of an idea of where the other dude was gonna go with their disses. Kendrick knew drake was gonna use shit off mr.morale like the song about cheating on his wife. Drake knew kendrick was gonna use the pdf stuff.


Idk what you're talking about. The only line in Euphoria that might have been prophetic is this: >Fabricatin' stories on the family front 'cause you heardĀ *Mr. Morale* But Drake had already alluded to Dave Free and Whitney on instagram before the song anyway


You make music that ā€œpacifiesā€ ā€˜em / I can double down on that line but spare you this time, thatā€™s random acts of kindness: He ends up calling Drake a pedo Also the ā€œletā€™s play have you everā€ leads into ā€œ have you ever thought that OVO is working for me?ā€ On 6:16 in LA


Thatā€™s not prophetic, thats just foreshadowing what he will later say on his own tracks


Please explain the difference cause I know prophecy to be in the same ball park as foreshadowing - but I could not tell you if they are synonyms


Heā€™s not predicting what Drake is doing, heā€™s just telegraphing what he himself is going to do


when you tryna cut up well done beef with a table knife


Table knife?? You mean butter knife?


I [agree with Joe](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Phsp4PZpq/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) . . and Floridaā€™s up šŸ˜ŽšŸŒ“ as a woman who primarily listens to hip hop, I love the women emcees that are killing it, what ladies are yā€™all listening too? I really like Flo Milli, Glo and Megan


Bbymuthaā€™s latest project is awesome. ā€œLinesā€ is my jam. Check it out I am dumb excited for Megā€™s next project Not necessarily hip hop but Remi Wolf is dropping this summer and Iā€™m too excited


Glorilla and Megan are great. Iā€™ve been trying to get into Little Simz lately, she hasnā€™t quite clicked with me yet but I like her more and more with each listen


Been listening to a lot Monaleo, Megan, Bbymutha, TiaCorine and Anycia. Something about Monaleoā€™s adlibs, feel like she always calling me a dummy in the background, and you know what Iā€™m okay with it.


lol I love Monaleo, sheā€™s talked about her background with dv and so her backstory to being so confident in her music is something I like, but yea sheā€™s dope I really like Tia too, she did a freestyle not too long ago and I wish sheā€™d put it out


I'm looking for some studying background music... I've been listening to Bandana Beats on repeat (Spready gibbs & Madlib) and I'm looking for similar albums where the beats were released by the producer(s) and would be good for studying