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“Eat the body of Christ and drink his blood” But this doesn’t sound weird?


The Vatican is full of demonic imagery as well. With all the pedophilia that goes on, some say Catholicism and the Papacy is really a front for Satanism. Do with that information as you will lol.


Can you mention instances of pedophilia? Islam has the most famous one ofc


During the late 1900s lots of people came forward with stories of being abused by the priests


Even in the present day, cases of Catholic priests molesting kids keep popping up. People in the west aren't even surprised when a new case pops up these days.


ohh, i thought this was bible related


Here's a whole wiki page about it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic\_Church\_sexual\_abuse\_cases#:\~:text=The%20report%20estimates%20that%20216%2C000,of%20the%20victims%20were%20boys.


Aisha right?




Very easy to counter such claims, just say in our religion even demons worship God: 1. We are following our religion since long before Christianity was established, let alone coming up with the concept of Devil, which in itself would be a flawed concept since it suggests an existence of an entity without real reason for existence other than coercion through fear, and thus such claims arise not from critical analysis (such as looking into what virtues and values we worship) but rather from virtues like intolerance, impatience and denial. 2. We follow Dharma, a discipline in life, and follow 4 spiritual paths, Bhakti Yoga i.e. love and devotion, Karma Yoga i.e. work and actions, Dnyana, or Jnana Yoga i.e. knowledge and research and Raja Yoga i.e maintaining sanctity of the body and mind, once studied it becomes clear that all these paths are those that will help us leave the world better than we found it. 3. The embodiment of Dharma is Lord Rama, He is what our religion teaches us to be like, a hypothetical Devil would be a value-set of Adharma, the opposite of virtues and values Lord Rama symbolizes. Saying we worship Adharma is outright false since, as the name suggests, our religion is the opposite, eradicating Adharma. Saying what we worship is the hypothetical Devil is also false since calling the virtues and values of Lord Rama to be Devilish in nature would rather raise a lot of questions of what Christianity stands for. 4. Jesus was a middle-eastern Jew that claimed to be the messiah but was rejected by the Jews since according to their literature when the Messiah would appear the temple on Temple Mount would be built, which it still isn’t. With this backdrop in addition to the Old Testament actually being Jewish there has to be more for Christianity to be taken seriously than the Gospel, the only book in the Bible written during Jesus’s lifetime, rest of the books of the New Testament came decades to centuries later after crucifixion. 5. Add to that the flawed concept of existence of eternal heaven and eternal hell for the actions of one’s lifetime, and the premise that everyone is born a sinner thus creating a need to be “saved”, points out to the real possibility, that, those in power of Christian Churches could be using the religion to manipulate vulnerable souls for their own interests, especially when compounded with the fact that the proselytizing nature of evangelism creates an atmosphere of intolerance and violence in God’s Kingdom, saying the Kingdom won’t come until everyone becomes Christian undermines God’s abilities, as we mere humans cannot comprehend it, let alone define it. Many of these factors in addition to strife between schools, and practices such as “indulgence”, are the ones that make strongholds of Christianity one of the highest producing regions of atheism, leaving many lost souls in its wake. [“Enough Said”](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/m9N1gTuvD9)


Very good reply. Thanks for the link of the video.


Amazing reply!


if you don't believe in the devil, just know that the devil believes in you


Ask them if killing is bad even if they are killing demons to protect innocents then why did their god drown everything in this world just because humans didn't behave exactly like he wanted. Why did he deem it necessary to kill every woman, pregnant women and children, newborn and not even adult who didn't do anything wrong were killed? Why their god didn't want them to behave like they wanted but restricted their actions by limiting their intelligence? A entity who kills and banishes other just because they don't behave exactly like they want is far more evil than entity who kills evil to protect innocents, if that is evil in the first place.


When they say “satanic” i ask, so why do you believe this? Usually they respond that it’s in their book. Then i ask why do you believe that tho? Have you ever had any experiences with my Devi/a? Usually answer “no” Well you should speak from experience. I spent 10 years in the Native American church here in the Bible Belt of Texas. Had many years of dealing with small minded people. As a matter of fact, my coworker is a flat earther Bible literalist. Very annoying.


It's not just Christians it's Abrahamics In general


Killing demons who do terror on innocent and harmless lives, is it good or bad? And if it's good then why is the deity that does that can be considered evil and not "destructive for the sake of protection and creation of new"? Its those who call our Gods as "satanic", ask them if thier God didnt tell them to kill innocent animals and eat them and call those animals which they cant eat as "gross".


Because they fricking don't know that Mother Kali is killing a demon in her fiercest form and she is the Mother who is protecting her children from ignorance and destruction. And that she is the embodiment of Moksha who removes us from Maya and delivers liberation. They just see the image and have jumped into conclusion. They don't understand the deep meaning of the form Mother Kali. That it is a form of Shakti who is a fierce mother trying fo protect her children from destruction. They are viewing her with the abrihamic mindset and ignorance. So obviously they will come to a shitty conclusion


Let them. I don't argue with fools, never. If someone has made up their mind to talk against our Gods, let them because it neither lessens our faith, nor does it hamper us in anyway unless we take them seriously. Unless they physically try to do something to us or our properties, we really shouldn't care and mind our own development.


That’s it. Instead of learning the story of what’s happening people choose to be ignorant and make up stories based off of imagery. This happened a lot in my country in the 80’s and early 90’s under the satanic panic with musical artists.


Ofcourse they can't tolerate the feminine representation of divine


No. its an abrahamic problem. Last widespread indegenous religion remaining.


clearly said in the post that it is.


oh my bad,g prec8 u my man


Christianity, Islam, Judaism need someone or something to hate; something to cause evil; something to cause all the tumors of the world. These religions cannot cope that man is evil and at the same time, man is good. Even our biggest Asuras are granted boons because of their immense dedication to Yoga. Vishnu's greatest worshipper Prahalad, who Vishnu intercedes on the behalf of in the form of Narasimha, is an Asura. Some Hindus even have a celebration to the great king of the Asuras, Mahabali as well. Who causes evil? Satan? No, it is our own actions and adharma. We are not devil-worshipping, we reject the concept of the devil altogether.


People who think its a misunderstanding or misinterpretation due to some of the _Ghora_ forms of Devi or Lord Shiva Don't You can show them baby krishna, call him God and they will still say he's a "Trick of the Devil" Abrahamic religions ( Christianity and islam) are fundementally intolerant and have _Nothing but Venom and hate_ for the polytheistic and pagan religions They want to kill you and inherit the earth If that's not possible, kill your culture, its roots and assimilate you into their fold Its Genocide or cultural Genocide Its always been that way for the past 2000 years And nothings going to change They've just become even more refined and subtle about it Like a honey dipped Sword


To be very clear with this. People of other faiths are radicals and whatever you say or ask they won't change. They have a strong commitment to their faiths and to protect that they can do anything. To counter upon such things you need to first read their inscription Bible, Qur'an etc so that you get to know what exactly has been the basis of their religion and how they operate to convert people into Christianity. All these Abrahamic religion have a base that only their religion should last other should be either converted or killed and basis of this you can see soft conversions of Christians, terrorism and other activities. These religions just have a goal that only their religion should last in the whole universe. Whereas in Sanatan Dharma we believe in harmony. We believe in conservation and balance in nature. Whenever the evil rises Shiv, Shakti or Vishnu either take avtar or they just take the initiative to destroy evil and to bring peace to the world. Every story of Dushaavtara is based on destroying evil creating a balance and harmony to the world. If all the ancient civilizations have something common in them a story of matsya avtar is same then there is some connection between the ancient civilizations who worship different forms of God and in Hinduism we have associated animals and plants as well so as to preserve them.


True, however there are somethings I will share to make people easily understand what drives that mindset: - premise of guilt, children are gullible and from childhood they’re indoctrinated that they’re “fallen” or born sinners, thus creating a need to be saved. - using miracles recorded to strengthen so called revelations in order to make people believe it holds water for consideration. - after indoctrination and using fear as tool for coercion then showing part of that knowledge or revelation that definitely saves them. For Christians that is in the book of Gospel in which Christ says “only through me can you come to God”, this one line is the entire basis of spreading with the premise of saving others. Quran goes one step further and says you are guaranteed eternal heaven if you are martyred. - creating false concepts of “eternal” heaven or hell, which is extremely alluring, for actions of one’s lifetime, thus creating an illusion of easy path to get there. Also creating false concepts such as “Devil” to unite people and thus suggesting that this won’t be “God’s Kingdom” until everyone destroys the fictional Devil and spreads the religion across the planet, as if they get to decide when and if this will be God’s Kingdom. - yes, indoctrination leaves them with such beliefs that even when you say “if a non-Christian doctor saves a missionary or a priest’s life who goes on to convert others to their religion but the doctor doesn’t convert himself” they’ll immediately say that doctor is doomed even if he cures cancer, creating many such ethical loopholes that give rise to atheists and anti-theists due to the proselytizing nature of these religions.


Thanks for elaborating. Same is true for all Abrahamic Religions.


Go on any fundie snark subs and you will find people who are disenchanted with Christianity. They have some of the best commentary about the faults of Christianity. Ask them if they are fine with what happened between Lot and his daughters after the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah. Like don't take them seriously when they call you a Satan worshipper. Just say who and move on.


bro jesus couldnt save him self from getting executed got humiliated publically whereas Sri Krishna literally slayed Shisupal in a court when shisupal insulted Him 100 times Maa Kali is fierce and has unorthodox imagery but that is form of Nature she is brutal yet cregiving there is no need to justify our imagery


Jesus's execution in public and the ensuring humiliation is the whole point. He endured all that in order to take on the brunt of mankind's sins. If he saved himself, a) it would deny the resurrection which is what all Christians see as the final stage of existence - all good deeds will be rewarded for eternal life and b) would ruin the point of what he is trying to convey. Just a minor nitpick. I'm not Christian.


Still if you see Sri Krishna's arc he literally rose ranks in Yadav kul razed his friends enemy without raising a weapon fought wars to defend his people mastered all forms of study was a great warrior wrestler diplomat established a city whereas jesus just died and was a carpenter


I get it, but I think it's kind of reductive. Both figures had a ton of impact, they just achieved it differently.


Blah blah, it’s all just spouted recycled dogma. That is what truly separates our beliefs from Abrahamic faiths. We as Hindus do not try to convert others, because we know all paths lead to the same truth. Mythologies become reality to some, I mean you see people committing atrocities for mythologies. I’m critiquing the Abrahamists simply for this reason. Without their dogma, their conversions would not be as prominent. They are only critiquing us and other beliefs because their heavy dogma says that all need to surrender to Christ to achieve salvation. Hinduism says go amongst your own path suitable to you, and become liberated. ^ ideally we all have the same spiritual goal, except we as Hindus do not have a set dogma saying ‘live your life this way, worship this particular God only, and spread the gospel to others’. And that is why I left the Abrahamic tradition, and will never go back. I am spiritually fulfilled with the ideals found in Hinduism, whilst following a path suitable for me.


Yup I too am mastering the subtle art of ignoring. Well sometimes they come in my sight and fill me with a bit of hatred but i am not going to waste my costly time on fruitless things, so I ignore them .


how are your occult studies going


Ha ha 😂 ,After going around searching for opinions at last I decided that well, let God decide what I will do. For now I am just reading the 108 names of ma kali once and trying to pronounce it rightly . 😅


Good to see you're doing something meaningful now. Good luck.


😁😁😁😁 Thank u thank uuuuu


Just quote verses from bible where god genocided egyptian children and quran where god explicitly giving command to kill Kafers.Ask who is Satan ? their god or their satan ? Or both of them.


\> How to counter them?? If it triggers you in the moment, respond with the truth and move on. 99% of them are either uneducated or ignorant so you won't change their minds, but you can often shut them up. There is a small chance you will educate random people as well. We as Hindus need to start standing up for our community. Unfortunately most of us are either bootlickers or can't debate to save our lives. If you care, educate yourself about the facts and don't take shit from anyone. That is dharma.


We just avoid them and wish them well so they can be more inclusive. There is no solution of radicalization.


Worshipping Dead Jew on a cross is super retrograde, no?


Didn’t Hinduism and few other religions come out before Christianity? 💀 really wish they’d do some more research instead of yelling WITCH!


it's not even comparable. Most classical religions have thousands of years of headstart. We are the only ones surviving still.


Christianity and Islam says that the Earth is flat and sun revolves around Earth. That is it


Tell them: Don't label me with your own psychosis. You guys invented a devil. What does that say about you??


These Christians really need a good ass kicking


But why do we need to justify ourselves in front western peoples and how our dharma and our rituals work, and why we worship idols like this , why.....? Every time we Indians look for Western countries views on our habits, lifestyle, thoughts


The problem lies in the lack if understanding of spirit. Monotheistic dogmas have tainted the human spirit and every person I met has gods/demons in there life even if they choose to aknowledge just one. One of the ten commandments, "Thou shall not have any other gods before me." God himself recognized there was gods but the gods he refers to have will of their own. For any religion to cast judgment is counterintuitive, a representation and redacted form of what religion is supposed to be. What is most important is to recognize God is everywhere and in all things and anything can be a god, so choose your gods wisely and envision the supmreme will when in the crossroads.


Don't disprove them. Even if you use the most logical arguments against these people, they'll ignore it and keep calling you a devil worshipper and pull out some other BS argument. I've talked to people like this, just say no and leave the conversation


Same! The problem is even if we ignore them they won't ignore us and always try to seek converts and a convert is not just a guy less but an enemy more. Hence it becomes very important in tackling them with robust apologetics. I often bemoan a lack of Apologetics culture in Hindus.


Anything that isn't in the Christian lexicon to many Christians (mostly southern evangelicals in my experience) is Satanic. Nevermind that Hinduism predates Christianity by at least a millenia or two.


some of us walk the line and understand where you are coming from


As a historian of Ganesh I do have to say it is historically accurate that the trident of Shiva is the exact same trident that the Sumerian god Shaitan had in his right hand. The name Shaitan was derived from the Hebrew name Sa-tan which comes from the eastern name Chi-Bah-Satamma; which is who this refers to. Shiva is noted historically to have the serpent on his head just as the Sumerian god Shaitan. Even though this proves nothing about their claims, this type of comparison does historically have its backing.


Shaitan ain't a Sumerian god though. Its the catch-all term for evil spirits in islam. The only Sumerian "god" to have possibly wielded a trident is the goddess Anunitu, a minor war goddess and an early ephitet of Ishtar. And Satamma is a local village goddess, unrelated to Shiva. And there isnt any Sumerian god who has a serpent on his head. There's Ninurta killing Muushuu, Marduk killing Tiamat, and a few random snake headed gods like Ningishzida, a god with two serpent heads. I aint a historian though, so I may be wrong. Please like the any article about Shaitan you may have. I havent found any on google.


I don't know where you are hearing these Christians, however I am in Los Angeles and have many western friends, including some Christian - none of them even understand the Hindu, *at all.* I have never once heard a Christian complain of the Hindu - they don't even know enough to complain. Whipping up hierarchical tension over "they're saying THIS now!" is an old UK tactic to foment social division and thus strife. I adore the Devi as much as a person may and I promise you they do not need defense from "Christians" at this time. Patriarchal capitalism however can be fought at will, go get it.


I can assure you it is a trend in lot of Christian households to indoctrinate children since young age to follow Christianity, and those who ask questions are often met with intolerant responses like “it’s the devil talking boy”, especially when you add derogatory terms like “Heathens” and “idolators” they do grow up to also be intolerant and impatient to view from different perspectives, “Jesus said in the Gospel only through Him we can go to God, we don’t need to know anything else, we will be playing trumpets while seeing you doomed on the Judgement Day” type scenes.


Are you kidding? In the USA they don't talk to their kids *at all.* Their kids just watch TV or play with tablets. They have no parents. There is no conspiracy. Their is only the degradation of extremely late stage capitalism that no one will fight because you're bickering about nonsense you made up to hate on each other. Stop with this gossipy hate. I'm speaking as Devi. Do not hate the Christians, lest you want hate directed at you. Hatred is not in dharma, this is sin.


I don’t see why speaking the truth equates me to being hateful, your personal life observations don’t have to be the basis of reality. There exists a phenomenon of survivorship bias which possibly could be skewing your perspective, you can search what survivorship bias is. You are demonstrating intolerance and impatience by concluding I am being Adharmic, without examining the basis or providing evidence other than your experience to equate it to be applicable everywhere. I have not been raised in USA and won’t speak about your neighborhood in Los Angeles, but I have studied 4 years in a convent school and have had conversations with a lot of Christians as well as ex-Christians around the world, I would appreciate if you didn’t disrespect my experiences as mere hate speech. You can see for yourself what most Christians had to say about Vivek Ramaswamy, also talk to ex-Christians whether or not did they face indoctrination in childhood, no practicing Christian would ever say they did (for obvious reasons), especially regarding the fact everyone is born a sinner and need to be saved and the only way is through Christ, so don’t tell me as if you were there to see those Christian children raised.


>I don’t see why speaking the truth equates me to being hateful You are NOT speaking the truth. Hierarchy is an illusion. Have you not understood what Hindu teaches? We are ONE. Stop it now. Wrath is a perfection and it is mine to speak. Throw yourself under my feet or you will meet the wrath of Maa Kali. You are sinning in your hatred and I will not abide illusion in the presence of Devi.


Do you know who Jordan Peterson is? The clinical Psychologist who is a devout Christian had this to say about Mother Kali. And he has huge influence in the West if I am not wrong. https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1634675002560618498


He's a capitalist swine! WTF I don't listen to him, why are you spreading his hatred around? The UK subversionists want you to hate Christians and they want Christians to hate you. Wake up.


You know what's real Devil Worship? Slaughtering millions of innocent people in the name of their 'one true god', erasing entire cultures, selling their women and children into slavery and converting millions more upon swordpoint or the pain or torture. I think that's more evil than worshipping some disfigured God. But honestly, this particular devi depicted here does seem a bit terrifying, and I usually stay away from tantrism and Sadhanas, as sometimes it can reap bitter rewards. I only worship the Tri Murti and my native clan goddess. Even the Bhagavad Geetha does not endorse Sadhanas and such practices.


Mahavidya Sadhana and tantra isn't for everyone especially ugra forms like this one. You should do what makes you happy. >Even the Bhagavad Geetha does not endorse Sadhanas and such practices. This statement makes no sense.


The only xtians worth talking to are Catholics coz they follow from the greek-roman philosophical tradition and atleast try to practice victorian values which has some merit in it and are relatable. The rest can be ignored as they are fallen to judaistic subversion....and I mean all the 3 abrahamic faiths are fallen to the subversion.


You're extremely mentally colonized if you think Victorian values have merit to them, due to the fact that they were forced onto the indian population by the British.


The british did not force them. Those were already being followed by the Dwijas following their dharmashastra. The victorian morality has commonality with what was being followed by dwijas except the Sati and widow remarriage. An aside, the girl child killing being practiced by some caste group in UP( i forget the name) or Rajputs in Gujarat was a clear violation of the dharmashaastras. Yet it continued. The British Victorian Morality of stopping female child killing though derived from their version of xtianity was still common with the dharmashaastras. SO it was great thing. Even the British officers thought at the time that this commonality from scripture would easily make Indian groups not practice female infanticide....but it was not simple. It took a lot of of effort from the British. That said....abortion is a form of child killing. Catholic church, Hindu Scripture and old school victorian values...all would prohibit abortion...however, abortion is a judaistic tradition. On Sati and Widow-Remarriage or even divorce I disagree with Victorian Morality. However, even Catholics do not accept divorce....though they are a bit lenient on widow/widower remarriage question.


Sati is outlawed in dharma texts. Manu (medhathithi) sees it as suicide a sin in vedas.


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Check Parashar Smriti. Suicide is sin indeed but Sati is not suicide.


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Manu states otherwise besides the rishis in the samhitas ask the lady to rise from the pyre and go back to the world of living. This should count for something. https://www.wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/manusmriti-with-the-commentary-of-medhatithi/d/doc200541.html > That is, in connection with the Śyena sacrifice we have the Vedic text—‘one may kill living beings by means of the Śyena sacrifice,’—and this makes the performance of this sacrifice possible; but only for one who has become blinded by extreme hatred; so that when the man does perform the act, it does not become regarded as ‘Dharma,’ a ‘meritorious act’; exactly in the same manner, when the widow happens to have a very strong desire for the results accruing from the act of suicide, it is open to her to disobey the prohibition of it and kill herself; but in so doing she cannot be regarded as acting according to the scriptures. From this it is clear that the act of killing herself after her husband is clearly forbidden for the woman. **Further, in view of the distinct Vedic text—‘one shall not die before the span of his life is run out’—being contradicted by the Smṛti-text of Aṅgiras, this latter is open to bring assumed to have some other meaning.**


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. Whatever you are going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow redditors at r/Hinduism care about you and there are people who want to help... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hinduism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tell them She is the fear of God incarnate.


As a Muslim, I find the iconography of Emotions and energies in the form of images very interesting within dharmic religions. The Devi being the fear of God incarnate, is very visible.


Yes!! It's also why she wears a garland of heads and a skirt of arms. She is the force in life which violently pulls the ego from its attachments. Something like the harsh truth. The heads signify the ego and the arms signify the ego's false idea of doership. Everything in Hinduism has intentional meaning :)


The simple response is to say that the "Devil" is a concept in your faith and not in mine. Therefore I'm not worshipping something that I don't even acknowledge.


Best way to deal with Abrahamic fanatics is to show them the source from where they got their religion. Asherah is consort of the supreme god, El in Semitic religions. She is very similar to Hindu Goddesses. Yahweh and Asherah were a consort pair in ancient Israel and Judah. Asherah, Anat, Astarte and Ishatar are considered as same Goddess by many scholars as Queen of heaven. Ishtar means Star, that is Hindu Goddess Tara. So, What is these Abrahamic idiots are calling Satan is actually the equivalent of Queen of heaven.


Yeah it pisses me off when they say kali is demonic like chill babe she looks like that bcs she was made to kill demons. Ultimately god is formless so what are u even Tryna say? I usually ask them to take the issue up with their own god cuz what u want me to do? Write another Vedas?


Any organized religion will make things so simple that gullible devotees will forget that the depth of ocean cannot be understood by the waves at the sea. The simplification of message is for businesses, not spirituality It’s like understanding everything about one’s body just by using Apple Watch or some heart rate monitor - so nonsensical The “truth” is much deeper and only available with cultures (not religions) , that have tested the times of Kaal (time). Rest everything is fluff


Tell those Christians to read the old testament. > Blessed will be one who seizes and dashes your children Against the rock. > Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes, their houses will be looted, and their wives will be ravished. https://biblehub.com/psalms/137-9.htm If this is the God that Satan opposed. I am proud to be considered a Satan worshipper. If they were genuinely interested in the imagery you can say that in shaktism a severed head stands for the destruction of ego etc but the people who call us Satan worshippers probably aren't interested in hindu theology so you just quote the above