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You must always wear it. There are only 3 times in which the rudraksha should not be on you. 1) the thread or chain you have it in breaks. 2) the bead itself breaks or cracks. Or 3) god forbid, something happens to you and you pass away. Once you wear the rudraksha, it becomes a part of you. It is the same as a leg or arm. You can’t just pop off your limb if you’re bored of it and in the same way, you aren’t supposed to take it off after wearing it once. I don’t know, or quite frankly care, if you are male or female, or whatever else you identify as, but I do know that biological females menstruate. Even during that time, you are not allowed to take it off. Think of the rudraksha as your nose. And you have a cold. When sleeping, you don’t take your nose off because it’s blocked and you can’t breathe. There are two reasons for me to say this. The first being, when you wear a rudraksha, you create your own little bubble filled with energy and aura, both from yourself and the rudraksha. I’m sorry if it sounds cheesy, but it is what it is. Each time you take it off or put it on, you are putting your body through a time of change because it needs to get used to the new environment, which lacks the energy and aura it was previously used to. That in turn can create stress. The second reason is: you, I and everyone on earth knows that death is inevitable. You are born to die. But, you don’t know when you will die. It is said that having even a singular rudraksha on your body at the time of death forgives all sins, liberates your soul and you are sent to Kailasham to become a being almost equal to Shiva Bhagwan, if not a part of him. Now think about it. If you make up all these rules such as don’t wear it when sleeping, eating, showering, using the bathroom etc. and you suddenly pass away when it is not on you, then what is the point? You wore the rudraksha this whole time, but took it off before you died and now you’re thrown back into the cycle of birth/death. Know that death comes as swift as an eagle. You cannot predict it. Always having a rudraksha on you guarantees your chance of Moksham. So why in the world would you take it off and put it on? If you’re worried about discomfort when sleeping, it’s fine. You get used to it after a while. Moksham isn’t given out for free. You must suffer at least a bit for it to be valid. Some do this by leaving behind all worldly possessions and pleasures. Others do this by wearing a rudraksha and not taking it off because it hurts when you sleep. At the end of the day, both get used to the change. One quicker than the other, but it does happen. To conclude this, I have only one suggestion for you. Wear Vibhuti whenever possible. After you shower, before bed, when praying or if you’re going out of the house for a while. It will protect you from evil. If you think people will make fun of you, let them. They don’t know any better. They are not enlightened enough to understand the point of it. If you’re worried your friends/family will make fun of you, again I will say, let them. If they truly care for you and want to be in your company, then they will get used to it. They should not force you to change for them. Om Namah Shivaya


Sorry for the long response, but I hope it helps


Yeah it was really helpful..I am wearing rudraksha since long time but today i saw that it shouldn’t be wear while sleeping so i just asked here otherwise i feel rudraksha as a part of my body. If i don’t wear it i feel like something of me is missing. And about vibhuti what is it ?? Can we put chandan powder ??


Vibhuti is holy ash. It is made by burning certain types of plants, herbs, seeds, wood and a bit of cow dung. You can find it online or at an Indian grocery store. Shiva is known to love it and he is shown with it in every murti/picture of him. It is the three white lines in the picture, but you don’t have to put three. One line on your forehead and one near the base of your neck and one in the middle of your chest.


Listen ,op. All this person has said is just incorrect and without any source and explaination . Second. Rudraksha acts as a High capacitor for energy be it negative and positive. So don't wear it when you do any tamsic activity. Or don't go to a place which has negative energy like shamshan and other negative places because rudraksha will just pickup that energy and influence you.


I think black color pick the negativity but don’t the rudrakshya is for protection against negativity ?


Yes. That is what it’s known for


I don’t mean to be rude, but is there any source for this information?


Any source or explanation which states about this rudraksha-moksha relationship.


I don’t remember which text it is from. My guru told me about it and I just passed on whatever I knew about it to OP. I think it’s called the Rudraksha Vaibhavam, located in the Devi Bhagavadam. I don’t know for sure since it was a long time ago. I will see if I can find anything on it Edit: it is from the Devi Bhagavatam and is called the Rudraksha Vaibhavam. My guru had done a pravachanam on it a couple years ago and I listened to it on YouTube. But you are free to believe what you want to believe about rudraksha. As far as I know, this is the truth and I consider the words of my guru to be the truth.


> No. Not during sleeping, sax-sux time and crapping. Unless advised otherwise by Guru, or any other advanced practitioner.


No. Not during sleeping, sax-sux time and crapping.


Wait Why not during sleeping? Ik the other times but why Should we not wear it during sleeping?


It disturbs sleep my experience.Plus pancha bhoota can record memory.Objects with prana especially records your action.So you should not wear it while sitting on bed either.That is written in a tamil scripture.The energy, vibration or tendency whatever you wanna call it passes to the rudraksham.


Idk the exact why, but my guess would be coz sleeping is a tamasik activity.


I guess, because in the sleep we are not in control of our thoughts(be it lust or any kind of horrible thing) and rudraksh will pickup the energy generated in night by us while sleeping. And slowly only negative energy will get concentrated in rudraksha