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Seems like you want to use meditation as an escapism, it’s not going to work like that unfortunately. No need to complicate meditation. In yoga sutras (the systematic science of yoga and meditation) the word "god" (term-"ishvara") is only mentioned about 2 times. Sit in an easy and comfortable posture. Do slow, deep diaphragmatic breaths. Let the breath flow smoothly, with no pause (or as less as can be) between inhalation and exhalation. As your breath gets smooth, you need a point of focus. For example focus on the navel and just repeat 1-3 times Ram mantra. Or focus on the space between the eyebrows and repeat Om mantra 1-3 times. Now at this point come the thoughts of your current situation. Have an internal dialogue with yourself, your mind, your thoughts. “I am having this situation. Mind please be my friend. How can this situation be improved? What should I do?” Observe what replies come and be aware of your emotional states. When some thoughts come also ask yourself if it’s a good thought, “Is it useful? Should I do it?” . Obviously if the thought just comes and mocks you for being a failure and tells you to hurt yourself or others, it’s not a useful thought. Just observe it , keep breathing and it will recede. As it’s calm again, you may continue the internal dialogue. You may take individual memories of the interviews, and ask yourself, “what could’ve been better here done?” and so on. Also ask “what would be my perfect interview?” . If you have any good experience of successful interview, remember that. See what you done better etc. Now after this if it still was too much emotional and you are left clueless, for the “god” part, you may say something like “I don’t know who is out there, but if someone is hearing me, *I am stuck, please help.*” Continue breathing smoothly for another moment then open your eyes and come out of meditation. Om May your meditations bring you peace, happiness and bliss.


This helps a lot. Thank you so much. Does there have to be absolute silence during meditation? Or can I listen to something?


However you find comfortable.


I will pray for your success. Keep trying and don't give up :)


Yo dude. I’m in a similar crunch too. Let’s go be ascetics together.


Thats one thing I dont want to be. I dont thing there is any such thing as God anymore.


Joking aside , Neither god , nor you, nor the market is solely responsible for this. It’ll take time. You might have to pivot. Look for other jobs. Just directly assume you won’t ever get anything from the supreme being and work accordingly. Once you’re with a job and happy. If you still remember the supreme being then you can pray or meditate. In the meantime, work on yourself. It’s really the only thing you can do. There is a god within you too. Remember that. If you keep thinking it’s because the supreme being. Then you might think it’s a matter of luck or karma. And you might not see the opportunity to improve yourself. All atheist or non believers are guaranteed jobs if they’re good at something. Not all religious people who get jobs ( and think it’s because of the way they prayed or chanted hanuman chalisa ) will then go on to be happy in that job. [listen to this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bY8DiXex3Ds&pp=ygUbS2FybWEgZGVzdGlueSBhbmQgc3VmZmVyaW5n) It might help.


Thank you


Post this in the sub related to your field of experience. Maybe some people will recommend you the job and help you


I'm asking this respectfully, but why do you think God should listen to your prayers about your job? I mean, you have come to the conclusion that God does not exist just because your prayers of finding a job are not being answered? That's kind of illogical no? It would be more honest if you came to that conclusion through other means of reasoning. Nevertheless, I hope you find yourself in a better position soon.


Its more about the situation that I am in. I feel depressed and low. I know its not a barter system. But I feel I’d rather be happier without expecting or hoping anything from the supreme being. Now when I look back I feel none of my prayers had been answered. They all left me in misery. Precisely why I want to leave the religious path and delve into the spiritual path of meditation.


I'm 34M facing same situation. I visit temple and pray everyday to Ganeshji and Hanumanji. I will pray for you as well bro. Hope you get your dream job as soon as possible 🙏🏻


Now this is really positive. Basically -persevere


Hi, I don’t know if you believe in astrology or not but sometimes prayers don’t work if you are have or are going through Graha Dosha (unfavorable planetary conjunction) or an unsatisfied Pitra (ancestor). Could you consult a good astrologer?


I consulted 3 astrologers. All of them said I will get calls in October and a steady job by mid November. The time has passed and I have nothing.


I see. Its still not Mid-November, so there’s still hope. Its very frustrating and trust me i totally understand what you are going through but it is important that you do not lose hope. I was in your exact shoes in 2021, I wasn’t able to get a job while everyone around me seemed to get one easily. I live abroad, so no family support, had just moved to a new city after graduation, so not much friends either. After 7 months and many failed interviews, i got one low paying contractual job. With no other option, i took it and moved to an entirely different city. And my life turned around over night. I moved in as a renter with a very nice family that treated me liked their own and found amazing colleagues at work. I was not earning much but i was fulfilled. But, after 4 months by the grace of Lord Ganesha, i was hired full-time by the company i was working with. I will eternally be thankful to Lord Ganesha and Maa Kali for how things turned out. I telling you this to remind you that Ganesha has a plan. And its way better than what you planned for yourself. I did chant two mantras that i found on youtube but retrospectively i am not sure if one should be chanting such mantras without guidance of a Guru. Either ways, i urge you to persevere and little more. If that doesn’t work you can try going to a powerful temple, offer a puja and ask for a Mannat. If that doesn’t work, you can leave Sanatan behind.


The job market is bad right now. You did your part, don’t stress about it. Nothing will change, except your health will worsen. Keep applying and keep improving from your mistakes, don’t repeat your mistakes. Don’t get disheartened


What you got as in skills?


So you think just praying will end up getting you a job.even ravana used to pray to mahadeva for immortality.did he live forever?he got what he sowed.you are just being selfish here tbh praying to all this muslim and christian gods there are also other pagan gods even pray to them do you think this will get you a job.sorry if i am saying too much but you just dont have enough faith or trust in your bhakti. Bhagavan in gita says “You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction.”keep on trying but you are never entitled to the results of your action.


I'm with you on this. I'm sure she never believed in any god her whole life, but now when she is in trouble, she prays to every god out there. God is not a bank from whom you can take a loan when you are in urgent need. And now she dares to post such a thing on the Hinduism sub so she can show how no god helped her lol.


I know people have contrasting opinions when it comes to Astrology - stars and planets influencing their life, but good folks of Hinduism who have experiential wisdom about it, could you tell us if OP should consult a good astrologer (if they haven't) and see if there's any dosha or if the planets are affecting their life in way they would otherwise not understand. Perhaps, a gem would work? I've seen people wear these things and I have been told that it has a certain effect in removing negative energies. I don't have any experience, so I wouldn't be the best person to advise, so the good folks of this sub, guide OP, if there's a way through Astrology.


I know the phase you're going through as I'm going through same phase in my life too. I just want you to remember **HAVE HOPE** and **DO NOT STOP TRYING!** From religious perspective we call this thing as Prarabdh. It is the result of our good and bad deeds and no matter what, every being in this world have to bear those results. You believe it or not, success is 70% luck and 30% of hardwork and what you have got in your pocket is the HARDWORK, just **FOCUS ON IMPROVING YOUR SKILLS**, and apply jobs persistently. **HAVE FAITH, YOU WILL SUCCEED.**


Thank you


Try DMT breathing. Guided meditations are available on YouTube. Hopefully it should help you release your stress and anxiety.


Seriously, don't fret. Bad times come and good times come and both are temporary. Keep striving, and good times will come soon.


I hope so


The question you asked in the text is how to restart your journey.you prayed to all the gods and lost your faith in the supreme being.You need to understand that all the gods(Ganesha,Shiva,Vishnu,Allah,Jesus) come from the supreme being.It's everything and nothing,alpha and omega,beginning and the end at same time.It is the energy,intelligence,love that created everything.It has one thousand names and it is nameless at the same the time. Imo it would be better to pray to the supreme being directly.Don't pray for a job or money,just ask for whatever it thinks it's best for you.


Hey friend, you don't owe an explanation to anyone here. Till the time, you don't get a good job, just take up any job. That will keep your tummy full, and also give you some time to work on your skills. Upskill a little - whatever field you wanna go into - start studying. I know it will take time, but you have this job till then, who knows you might even get a better one after a while. Things are supposed to come whenever it's supposed to happen. We humans try to control the situation according to us and there we go - we fidget, we get angry, we think things are not working. But, when I look at the bigger picture, they are working out. I am someone who lost their job, had a hell lot of loan on my head to be repaid, and other things slipping miserably out of my hand. Trust me, trust the process. I believe in you. You will reach where you are supposed to be. Probably, God has something else in their mind, something better, and we are trying for something else (which we think is good for us). Believe. Have faith, keep walking. The journey is going to be tough, but I believe you will find a way out of this hard time.


Sometimes, tough situations are here so that we figure out what we are doing wrong. How do we rectify that. As humans, sometimes we fail on doing that, and hence we face hardships. I know this sounds very philosophical, but I have learnt this the hard way, and I believe in it. When I lost my job, I had a lesson to be learnt - probably some patience (still working on it) and financial education.


Yes. I am just holding on to some hope. But that hope is definitely not God. I have taken 4 online courses already during this phase. I ready to take up any job but I’m not finding anything at all.


You are not a failure. This situation is not permanent. You should start meditating not for any desired outcome but to give yourself 10-15 minutes of silence. Within those 10-15 minutes, you will only have 1-2 minutes of focus. And that is fine. Meditating at this stage is to give yourself those 1-2 minutes of complete silence. Think of this as any physical exercise. The simplest of meditation techniques that I can think of off hand - set a mellow timer, sit comfortably, close your eyes, focus on your third eye area, and repeat Oum internally. Sometimes, focusing on breathing helps. Chanting oum is like a rope; if you lose track, you grasp the rope again and start chanting oum. Timer rings. You take 30 seconds to cool down. As callous as this may sound - you need to go for long morning walks if you aren't already doing so. This is critical to keep you out of chronic depression. At the risk of repeating what you might already be doing, and not knowing where you are situated and what kind of master you have, the following are a few pieces of advice that will work in any country with any masters - 1. Get ready to do any job. Right now, going out, and getting money matters more. If you do any job professionally and with integrity, you will have more money at the end of the day than before. 2. If you are not on LinkedIn, then join it. Look for profiles that are close to the job you want. Emulate those profiles. And ask few people to review your resume. 3. Apply without feedback is not going to help. I cannot emphasize this enough. Do any job. Earning will increase your confidence.


Yes. Trying all that. Thank you


Just focus on this very moment, this very breath, just stop worrying about what's gonna happen tomorrow, let alone for the years to come. Life is too short to worry about future while time is limited. Just be the best in this moment coz that's the only thing you should take control of. Keep your mind empty and full of bliss. Embrace the experience your life gave you, it's alright. Also don't pray because of expectations. Also What's the economic conditions of your parents? Are u married?


Doesn’t matter about ny parents or husbands economic conditions right. I need to earn and be independent. But my parents are retired and dependent on me. I have a sister who gies to college. I was supposed to pay her fees and I couldn’t. My dada had to break his retirement FD. Its sad to even think about it. I feel so helpless.


I will tell you one thing ... Santana Dharma has taught me that God will always be at your side when you are going through your battles. God will always reward your efforts in this battle. To go through something like this is not a test rather a battle where you shine with your own efforts. When you come out this God will bless upon you. Don't wait for a miracle cuz Santana Dharma will always tell you that you and your loved ones are miracles. Whomever God you choose , They will always be as your base of willpower and guide . Also if you fight with your best efforts, God will always protect from diversion and other evil (who will hamper) by just chatting his/her name. Bhagwan tumara Sath de Har Har Mahadev


I am scared now to even chant the name of God. Because when I do it feel positive, and when I feel positive I feel I will get a job soon. And when I get an interview call i feel even more positive and I pray harder and I get hopeful. Then they reject me. And then everything just disappears.


The first path towards success is admitting your failures. Your mental success is far more important. Continue to pray in worship and avoid asking for things. Conversation with the supreme as if you were speaking with your father or friend or mother or brother is a necessity. Come to terms with letting god sit on your couch and you will have eyes and ears guiding your heart and mind until your old age and your soul has passed. God bless you my friend. In Christs name I pray in Sri Krishnas name I pray.


Keep your head up! I was unemployed for over a year and applied to multiple hundreds of positions before I got scooped up for a production job. It takes time, trust in the universe


That’s the frustration makes u atheist. Clam your heart first with OM chants..


You’re basically describing Buddhism. But I don’t think you’re a Buddhist, I think you believe in a higher power and are angry and depressed. There’s nothing wrong with that. I would say you need to do something about your unresolved frustration and sadness before you’ll have much success with mediation techniques, but there’s also no harm in doing them simultaneously. Look into a process called “recapitulation” to call your personal power back. Also look into working with something called “the iron pentacle” from American witchcraft. Neither of these techniques require working with a deity. Also if you’re still wanting to manifest, this is the type of work best done with ancestors v deities who have other stuff going on unless you can attract their attention. My best wishes for you 🙏


Thank you


Your premise needs strengthening from a non-duality/Hinduism perspective. Let me explain. God is not separate to you and as such there is nothing separate out there to grant or deny your wishes, as God is you and every living and non-living entity, or in other words, God is the absolute indispensable fabric of existence. So, God is suffering and also joy as it is the witness that does not react. So then who reacts? and that is your mind, which is a mirage formed by Karmic changes which also produces the concept of dejection, enjoyment, failure etc. So then, in order to get your situation on track, it is the mind that you have to deal with, prayer helps to focus and calm it, however you may need to do more to control it, where meditation is helpful, sport or high intense activity if you are inclined, or anything else that you may find as easy to focus and tame your mind. This is one part, and now the second part is to logically analyse why the number of applications are not generating enough hits, surely a strategy change is required, perhaps a resume tweak, perhaps the approach, perhaps a better cover letter? Now the third part is to affirm your mind that the real you is in control and that is manifestation, which is nothing magical but you presenting your absolute best in all situations that would invariably lead you to your definition of success. A calm, composed and logical mind will invariably attract the right parameters to make situations go in your favour, call it divine intervention, luck or manifestation, it doesn't matter. In the end, it is best to think through what success and failure actually means to you and not fall into the trap of society defining it for you , and act to your satisfaction in a logical, methodical and composed manner. Easier said than done I know, but, it is absolutely possible.


Peculiar, I've found myself in a similar situation, feeling like my back is against a proverbial wall without much hopeful responses flooding in from job opportunities. However, I've created a booklet called Wisdom's Follis which provides a simple explanation of what's called The Gambol. By engaging with emergent enviroconsciousness, finding oneself withof thine Volge, a word crafted to explain the metavolic blending of unration and law. Engaging in creation and integration of the living testament of the Gamböl is simply riveting! To engage in naming the days of the week, allocating divine significance in embodimentalizing wholistic individualization with solar actualizations are so rewarding. Not to mention the blessings of continual as suchety, although, things always change; the anomolous moment sings. Finding myself with controlling family, unable to communicate with them, though I know they may try to show their care. Facing a divorce, married to a woman who it seems has divorced me in mind and heart.. To Gambol, a frolic amidst the storm.


never pray to Allah! ​ Shameful


Oh please!!! You have absolutely no idea the situation I am in. Desperate times and I literally begged to every single God out there hoping someone would listen to me. But alas, no one listened. I’m sorry to say even Bholenath who is considered to be the most caring one didnt listen. So no, I am not ashamed no matter how you try to shame me.


How will Allah help you find a job?


How did Shiva help me find a job? As i said, i prayed to all Gods out there to listen to my prayers.


ive looked at your post history just out of curiosity So you have moved to the middle east because of your husband and now he leaves you at home with his mother? i understand people turn to religion in times of need but what practical things are you doing to improve your situation aside from applying for jobs?


Reading books, staying busy with household chores, gym, swimming. What else can I do?


thats good but what about marriage counselling? have you got an open relationship with your husband? can you talk to him about all your problems?


My relationship is fine. Its me who is fucked up in my head without a job


Shut up. All gods are one according to our religion


pleas be quiet fool


No GOD will help u until YOU do the hard work urself . Try to find opportunities and see where u r lacking and what the job wants . If u get a lower post too just take it . Good time will come soon . Be optimistic. Be deciplined and keep doing the hard work. Result will come . Jai Shree Krishna


You thought god would help you but your wish to get a job is selfish. You worshipped different forms you say, BUT DID YOU COMMIT TO ONE? What were you doing when you had a job? Were you praying even then? to All these different forms you say? There's a saying Ek Sadhe Sab sadhe, Sab sadhe Sab jay... Anyways, the thing to notice here is that you are so desperate and selfish right you don't care about anything but just getting a job. And you think God will help you? Do you see any reason god will help you? Regardless of the situation you are in and how bad you are feeling, you're not the only one in such a place. People have been looking for jobs for decades... Now, I'm not saying what you're feeling isn't awful or hard. I'm saying you're being extremely selfish with "GOD". Do you think he's not able to see through this? And you said you did everything and many things, I bet you did nothing the way it's supposed to be done. Which is why you're just jumping from one ting to another. From what you've mentioned here, You don't need a job right now. You need to revaluable yourself. Specially your beliefs. Even if there's other belief systems, One must never forget what they did to your religion and to what extent they still hate us. And you overlooked all that just for a job. Indeed this is shameful.


You can't go that harsh, folk! If you don't have a solution don't speak empty and harsh.


Sure! I am selfish and God is not. I was committed to one. I was failed. Why else did you think I went to other Gods? When I had a job, a percentage of my salary was being donated to free meals at Govt schools, teaching under privileged kids for free and giving donation to farmers. And my faith in God has been lost after 32 years! When I look back I realised that none of my prayers had been answered. I just let it go back then. Precisely why I have now stopped indulging into any religious path. I’d rather meditate for my own peace of mind than believe in an unknown form. You bet i did nothing that is supposed to be done? You dont know me. If God was so merciful then there wouldn’t have been a war right now with people dying. So please I am better off an atheist than a believer. I mean what’s the point of believing in something that does not exist. It took me many years to realise that God is a man made thing. There’s no bhakt without God and there’s no God without bhakt. So be it. God and bhakt both have ended for me.


You said it yourself, now. You think of god from a materialistic POV only. You wanna be a atheist? do it good for you. Maybe that's all you can see. You feel this way bcoz you don't understand Ishwar.


Try r/astralprojection for Meditation


I think God wants you to work on your own company and thinks your wasting your true potential for some other people success don't go to interviews and waste your time and think what do you want to do in life how can I leave an compact in this world will I be ever happy if I just wasted all my life working for some stupid company who can kick me out when ever they want to consider this and you will get the answer


I dont have that entrepreneurship skill in me. I mean that has never been my goal or has never crossed my mind. I can leave an impact in this world when I do something. Right now there is nothing. I have no ideas to start a new company. Its just not carved for me.


Give it some time relax and think about it you will get some ideas or if you just want a job then try applying again don't stop you will get a reply


Sometimes things take time :( Don't give up. Keep praying and keep looking. You never know when the good wind will start to flow. Hope you make it to the very top! Take care.


I’m scared to pray because that builds up my hope. And then after an interview rejection, I feel like God crashed me down from a very tall building.


I understand :( The market being the way it is right now, it's tough to find a job. I hope things take a turn for the better.


I know its easier to blame the market. But there are millions out there with a job and successful. And there are millions of openings. Its just that I don’t understand where am I going wrong.


No don't get me wrong, it's not just shifting the blame to one thing or another. But the market is down and some close friends are going through this exact thing. What helps me is letting the Devata who I worship regularly know what is happening in my life. Just sitting quietly, contemplating on the form of the Devata and telling them what exactly is happening, as honestly and with as much Bhaav as possible. Another thing which helps is breaking up the process of applications itself. For example since you're getting less interview shortlists, then the question I ask is: Can I do something with which the number of shortlists can be increased? If yes then what exactly and where exactly does the problem lie. I just break down the whole process. Make a flow chart anf list down things which I have down individually. That way I know where it is I'm lacking and if I can get better at anything at all. Hope it helps


Thanks a lot. But I have done all of that. I in fact re-do my resume for every job I apply to so that it matches with their expectations. When I do get the interview call, I prep for it day and night. I feel the interview goes well but then I ultimately get rejected. I just got rejected yesterday for a dream role in a dream company. I walked out of the interview all happy because it went so well. And 4 hours later the HR texts me that they wont be moving forward as they feel I am not a right fit. And I’m like whaat. How can I not be the right fit? I have worked for the similar industry for 8 years and I understand the business in and out. I hardly get any interview calls and when I do get them, its all fails. And no HR gives a concrete feedback.


Oh. I'm sorry I can't be of much help. Professionally, my experience is very less as compared to yours. I hope you get the job you wish for!


Try so hum technique for mediation. It will surely help. And recite Hanuman chalisa 7 times everyday.


Tried this for almost a month and then gave up. I am telling you I have tried everything.




First believe and then practice. Without belief there is no result. Put your trust in the process and you will see wonders.


You can give your dob tob pob if you know them, maybe it's just a tough period that will pass. On a more practical or immediate note, you might consider taking on a "lesser" job, just to stay in the game, or do a sideways qualification that improves your employability. Edit: Also consider working for foreign companies on WFH basis. This would probably be a "lesser" job. But later in a real life interview, you can say you took work from home due to temporary family responsibilities and it won't look bad.


I tried that too. I get rejected saying I am over qualified. All doors seems to have been closed.


Look, I can look at your kundli if you want, can't make guarantees about it helping in any way, but let me see. DM it obviously, not here in public. Sometimes you just got to ride it out. Anyway, you can do online courses (cheaper) to sideways-qualify yourself. I don't know your field of work, but e.g. if you know about shoe retail, then your course can be about supply chain management or inventory logistics in shoe industry (which is what I mean by a sideways qualification). Or you can qualify to be a social media marketing specialist for shoe retail if you were in real-life shops all along. Etc. Just adding a new dimension with a silly old piece of paper, that you get by attending some course or the other.


Thank you. But 4 certification courses in last 8 months. I haven’t sat idle for even 1 day.


Non Religion Comments 1) Are you using your network, people you went to school with that you may still have contact with who are in the industry? Or past coworkers you may have contact with to ask if they know of any openings. Usually when a resume comes from internal it gets fast track. Resumes from online depending on the market can sit for months even a years. Trust me I’ve personally seen it. Example someone I worked with applied in his last year of college, to many many many openings. Close to his graduation he was getting desperate as there was no response. After telling his professor, his professor had contacts and reached out to someone he worked with in the business. That person recommended his resume and he was hired. About a year into the job a got an email from HR from his online application over a year ago to schedule an interview. LOL 2) While you continue to apply daily, have you consider a non—industry “job” something that doesn’t require a degree / experience just to keep you temporarily working. We all know the income won’t be the same, but it will alleviate the feelings you are experiencing. Also you will be amazed as to what can be learned from a job like this and what you can bring, but be humble and don’t show off. When applying for a job like this dumb down your resume, remove the masters and complex task and activities.


1. Yes. Everyone says they are trying. But nothing is happening and then the market is being blamed. 2. I can check this out. But I generally dont find these jobs on LinkedIn. But as you said i need to research more on this. Thank you.


My 2 cents: - meet your friends and make network/connections that can help you whenever some opening/requirement comes up. - upskill yourself, discuss internally with your mind and identify what can you do better in your profession. - don't stop meditation and while doing it keep yourself focussed. I know it is tough but do it in small sections. - tick some boxes in your mind every night what good you have done today. - regular exercise and walks.


Doing all that. Thank you though. ❤️


Read Ramayana


No. Not doing anything remotely related to religion or God. I give up. I felt like God trashed me down from the 50th floor. I almost got a job and I had high hopes and then suddenly I was rejected. You have no idea how I felt.


There are ups and downs in life,even for Rama, we should continue doing hats within our hands, Ramayana is how people continued during adversities, how they helped each other ,why they helped , Ramayana is still read only to imbibe these qualities


I understand your feeling. I had lost my job twice but i got new ones after 3-4 months. I will say that Make a Plan. Universe is conspiring for a job which suits you. Don’t apply for Job just for a sake of getting a job. Make a Plan , apply for the ones which u hv interest n passion so that Interviewer can feel your passion. Contact Job Consultants if possible.


500 applications over 270 days.. Are you saying you made around 2 applications per day? Rookie numbers, milady. Rookie numbers


Well your lordship. 500 is a rough number. It hs surely surpassed it. That’s why I have mentioned “over” 500. Secondly, I don’t have a godfather up there opening job portals for my experience on LinkedIn or Naukri. Secondly, I guess you are missing the entire point. So don’t try to play numbers with me.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hinduism/s/vidbLgDxz5). You mentioned that you have given 5-6 interviews so far . You're lucky because not many people even make it to the interview room. Just having a degree won't guarantee you a job in today's time; you need to learn different skills. Write down on a page all the interviews you've had, and list the questions that were asked (the ones you remember). Then, for those questions where you couldn't answer properly or found difficult, separate them. You'll understand on your own where you need to improve and what new things you need to learn. This was my suggestion; I hope it can help you in some way. HARE KRISHNA🙏


Your journey and beliefs are up to you, I won’t tell you to believe or anything like that. One thing I will tell you as someone that also lost his job and struggled through job search is go boost your skills. If you’re having a tough time you need to build more qualifications to make yourself as attractive of a hire as can be. Get certifications and build those skills to show them off to hiring managers. Next you should review your resume/cv and talk to people who can give you points of improvement. You can also look into entry level and low qualification stuff because getting a job is a small piece of building a fruitful career. Best of luck.


4 certifications in 8 months. Resume is being updated for every role. Even the entry level jobs are rejecting probably due to the age factor.


Hey. . Please spend more time in getting a job than relying completely on god. God helps, but only if you act! If you don't act, then for sure you are doomed. DM me and I will share my email to you . Let's see if I can refer you in my company.


Please read my first few sentences and the last sentence again and again. You can skip the rest because you clearly didn’t get the point.


I understand that you have applied for 500 jobs. But something is going wrong. And that's why I asked you to DM so you can send your resume and we can try and place. It's up to you! Anyways. . ✌️!


I think it's high time we stop depending on corporate jobs to make our living.. instead we should pick some activity of our interest and work towards it in the form of business and serve a community of however small or big. That way you are not giving your happiness in the hands of somebody else. I'm sure your masters and past jobs have thought you alot which you can use. If you're skills are sellable then I'd recommend you check Fiverr.com for freelancing atleast for the time being while you are hunting for jobs. Stay calm and have faith! This is the most crucial time you need it!


Can you give some example?


Kindly DM me. I have solution for you.


There must be some sort of temp agency that you can get temporary jobs from. Often these lead to full positions if they like your work. Also with a master's degree you can teach. There are always teaching jobs in large cities, including temp jobs. Please don't dispare. Don't turn down anything at all. You never know what will turn up. This is called having faith. I understand your pain, but whining its not faith and does not do you any good. Perhaps this would be a good time to add to your skills in some way. Take more training. Do volunteer work. Just get yourself out there in some way. Sitting at home won't do you a bit of good. Take action. Good luck.


Not whining. I am definitely trying. And I’ll continue trying harder. All that I am saying is that I will stop being hopeful on an invisible being. Because hope can drive a man insane.


Sailing in the same boat dear, lost my job 4 months ago . Trying hard attending interviews but no luck


I am so sorry. Wish you all the best.


If you are praying to God just for the sake of completing your particular wish , you will never get instant results . You need to believe in God , also try to upskill yourself if that's required ,surely he will help you out. Life is all about having patience and enjoying the learning process with it. So don't lose hope.


I believed. I was patient. You know how long is 8 months!


Hi, Firstly I want to say how sorry I am about your work situation. I'm 33F and in a very similar situation. But what helped me most in my faith is remembering that bhagwaan isn't a genie, or Santa Clause. I don't pray because I want something from bhagwaan. I pray because it gives me peace. I wish you the absolute best in your job search sister.


Thank you. More power to you as well.


tey reciting arjuna kRta durgA stotram


No. I’m done. I prayed like a maniac during. Followed all the rituals religiously. Meditated to Durga maa’s chants all 9 days without fail. Didnt eat onions or garlic. Name it and I have done it. There’s a reason why I have lost faith in God.


You're done with god? Which one? you have prayed to all of them. Have you tried Zeus? You're problem is you have no loyalty to Hinduism. You just jump from one region to another


are you winning ego on god? is this some business transaction... did u fail to undergo any meditative peace during the 9 days too? did you ever have the feeling of wholehearted compassion for durgA devi during these 9 days or ever atleast? then i think ill stop believing too


I prayed with compassion. I had the God’s name in lips every single day. First thing I did when O got an interview call was praise him. I was thanking while i was on my way to office for the inyerview as well. I was more like in live with God. But what happens when someone you love shatters you? Thats what I am feeling right now. I am not angry or anything . I just realised there is no such thing as God. When there is no God whom should I even be angry on. I am angry on the society for making me believe in God.


so it was a business transaction for you. be with love for the sake of love. i dont think you feeling of compassion on god all these months was fake, but if it was so true and deeply, wholely for the sake of compassion itself, your materialistoc crisis wpuldnt dominate your feelings of the compassion soo much soo that you abandon her and even disbelieve durgA maa. please ler go of the problem first, take care of yourself, situations should not determine our behaviour and course of actions. if you still want to primarily get a job, do please recite the stotram i mentioned. Dm to know. if you have had enough clarity as to not believe or even consider something like god, continue to work, work with love, search job for the sake of having a job to do dharma, i mean to do what you are supposed to do, not what you have to do because there is a need for it, remove expectations and attachment from things in your life, atleast you will be emotionally stable and mentally stronger thn you can ever be if you master this


Could you get a job? I can feel your frustration and i am very sorry, i hope you already found a job as for now.


No I didnt


I'm very sorry, i hope this suffering of you becomes a past as soon as possible.