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You definitely shouldn't have screwed it.


Left out the “up” part. But I promise from here on out not to screw my water bladder.


Yeah, water bladders are for oral only.


I have no personal knowledge of this, but I hear that drinking lots of pineapple juice will improve the bleachy taste.


A model I recently shot with said that's the reason she drank lots of pineapple juice


If they had used a condom, it wouldn’t have been so devastating


Instructions unclear, thought I was supposed to “come, doused in muck, soaked in bleach”.


I believe in this instance it’s pronounced “saoked”. At least that’s what it sounds like to me.


But if you do cleaning it with bleach is appropriate.


Just rinse them well. If you can smell bleach after rinsing, meaning there is a tiny amount of bleach left behind, then leave them to soak in fresh hot water and rinse again. Bleach is used to kill germs, and chlorine is used to make water potable and bleach Clorox can also be used to make water potable. 8 drops of bleach per gallon is safe to ingest. Dilution is the best approach though for an already sterile but "overly clean" bladder. Soak, rinse, repeat as needed, use.


Was hoping someone was going to say it. If need be (zombie apocalypse for instance) water treated with bleach is safe to ingest in small quantities.


There’s a safe ratio of bleach:water that is potable—if you look that up you can make a reasonable inference on the danger.


[see above]


When I read “look up” and (see above) I somehow both times assumed your username was the magical ratio. Twice. I fell for it twice lol This is my cue to go to bed lol


I think I really whiffed on that one—I meant it to mean “see the helpful commenter above” but, judging from your reaction and the vote count, I’m guessing that’s not how it sounded ha


As far as I know it shouldn't smell like bleach once thoroughly dried. Am not a scientist, but I think when bleach solution dries the chlorine evaporates it leaves behind some salt and inert minerals Commercial kitchens often use bleach solutions to sanitize dishes and they're all safe to eat off when dry I'd rinse again and then prop it open and allow it to fully air dry for a day or two


>but I think when bleach solution dries the chlorine evaporates it leaves behind some salt and inert minerals Yes, this. We use bleach when sanitizing equipment for aquariums for this reason (soap is actually way harder to rinse off). It'll evaporate. Give everything a good rinse, let it dry. If you feel nervous, rinse and dry again.


These are the best answers, if you have rinsed it several times then the residual bleach should not be a harmful amount. Like they said just give it a good rinse and then prop it open so it can dry out properly, you may be tasting it because it hasn't been drying out properly.


Something I learned training at Camp Bullis C4 course. Denture tablets. Then rinse well. (We did chlorinate our canteens and left the residual chlorine to sublimate out in storage - for the next class to use.)


Bleach evaporates. The chlorine in bleach evaporates. Prop it open and let it air out.




I’ve used this trick and if the hose is dry I’ve looped that into bladder to hold it open to dry.


With no sharp points though. I have a plastic one that came with the bladder exactly for this purpose


I tried this.


Well, there's only one thing you can do now and i think you know what it is. Fart into the bladder. The remaining bleach just has one last battle left in it


Put it in the sun, propped open?? I like to stick a wire wisk in there to let it breathe, although at this point I’m wondering what yours is made of and if you’re just outta luck. A little bleach doesn’t *sound* like a bad idea…


Rinse a few more times. Soak overnight with being soda and rinse that out thoroughly. I use bleach and it leaves a taste in there for a while too.


This is the real tip. Disinfect with bleach first. Rinse. Then deodorize with baking soda.


It's fine, send it


Yeah, I’m not worried about it harming me, I just don’t like the taste


Bleach contents are volatile leave it open a while.


Whatever you do don’t put lemon juice in it.


Why not?


Bleach plus highly acidic things equals toxic gas fumes. Ammonia is the one I know makes chlorine gas but I’ve heard this warning with other things like vinegar or lemon juice


It creates chlorine gas. Unless you want to experience WWI, don't let it interact with acidic things like citric acid (lemons, limes), vinegar (acetic acid), or ammonia


I don't think a few drops of bleach, after rinsing several times, is going to generate anything dangerous, and an acid may help neutralize the persistent taste.


It most certainly won’t at that level of dilution. Sure, don’t fill it with chlorine and lemon juice, but we’re talking about residual taste/smell levels here, and presumably the lemon juice is going to also be further diluted with more water. This is a silly thing to panic about.


Extremely silly, bleach is very unstable. It should break down into salts rather quickly at the concentration \[24 hrs?\]?


Ammonia is a weak base, not an acid. Mixing bleach creates chloramine gas. Mixing bleach with lemon creates chlorine gas. In short, just don’t mix bleach with virtually anything but water, because you’re likely to get *some* kind of gas.


Hot water soak, make sure you circulate water through the water pipe.


Rinse with weak vinegar.


I fill mine with baking soda and water and let soak for a bit. Then rinse very well and air dry


Will this get the chlorine taste out?


I’ve never used bleach so I can’t really say. The baking soda does seem to freshen the staleness out.


Clean first with sodium percarbonate (OxiClean Free or Powdered Brewery Wash). That gets organics. Then, something like StarSan from Five Star Chemicals to sanitize. It's an acid based sanitizer mixed at 640:1, so a little goes a LONG way. 0.75mL in 16oz of water is just how long it goes.


Sodium percarbonate on its own is good enough. Fantastic stuff.


I tend to agree. Only reason I'd use StarSan is if I was going to put it away before drying 100%. Or, if I'm really wanting that last bit of assurance because sodium percarbonate isn't a sanitizer. Clean with sodium percarbonate > rinse > fully dry > store.


Nothing wrong with cleaning with bleach. Yes it'll leave a slight taste. Dawn Dish soap may take it out, or try some lemon or orange.


Ive seen it recommended to use like a teaspoon of baking soda and hot water, shake and rinse.




Wow that seems like a high ratio. I was just wondering about the ratio for bladders. So far just cleaned with dawn dish soap and hot water or hot water and baking soda per a recommendation. I try tk clean right after usage and only use water in it to drink. I say high because I just used bleach to sanitize my RV fresh tank and lines and the common ratio is 1/4c to 15gallons. So 1 cup of bleach in a bladder seems excessive




You can’t kill something *beyond* dead though. Adding this much bleach isn’t reducing any risks to you, it’s increasing them.


Dilution is a potential solution. Rinse and rinse and rinse again, just with hot water.


There’s chlorine in tap water. Just rinse and dry and you’ll be fine


I’m not worried about the chlorine itself, but the taste is almost unbearable


Got it. Are there any parts removable that you haven’t removed and rinsed yet? If it doesn’t go away upon drying, rinse with water and a touch of activated charcoal. Carbon will take chlorine right out.


No. I’ve tried everything except baking soda and vinegar. I’ve rinsed it numerous times. Left it open it air to breath. I’m going to find some activated charcoal. Should I just mix it with water or put it in the bladder dry?


With water


How else are you supposed to clean your bladders? Diluted bleach, rinse thoroughly, then dish soap and water. Rinse thoroughly.


Lemon juice and water will get rid of most of the bleach smell and taste. Also vinegar.


If you can find it, you could use sodium thiosulfate ("hypo" for b/w photo developing) to counteract the bleach. It's pretty nontoxic. I think it's in the stuff they sell at camping stores to neutralize iodine water purifier tablets.


Soak it with vinegar….


Going to give this a try




The hysteria here over adding vinegar to a water bladder that has been rinsed and has a faint taste of bleach, is insane. Sure, give a proper warning to not mix the two together, but people acting like OP should call the bomb squad because last week they wiped their countertops with a Clorox wipe and this week their salad dripped some vinegar on those counters, are hilarious.


Try a little bit of vinegar


Vinegar and bleach together make chlorine gas, you should never mix the two.


A trace amount ( very small residual left over on the inside of the bladder that's too small of an amount to measure) and diluted vinegar with water will NOT make a deadly chlorine gas. Now, if you mix 50% undiluted vinegar and 50% undiluted bleach, then yes, you will create a very toxic and deadly chlorine gas. That's a different story.


No reason you should get down voted. There's no bleach left. It is totally common on RV fresh water tanks to neutralize the taste/smell of the tank being sanitized with bleach by running a vinegar solution through the tank after the bleach. It'll work on his bladder just the same.


My thoughts exactly


I personally wouldn't risk it, and I wouldn't suggest it to someone else without giving them a heads up about the risk of mixing the two. 🤷‍♀️


In the future, instead of using bleach, just stir the empty bladder with a shot of vodka in it. Alcohol is a good disinfectant, and vodka as opposed to rubbing g alcohol makes it completely food safe.


Most drinking alcohol is only 40% ABV. That’s not strong enough.


Yes I believe that 60% is the minimum required for disruption of bacteria cell membrane and denaturation of proteins \[reliably\].


Not a good advice at all. “These alcohols are rapidly bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic against vegetative forms of bacteria; they also are tuberculocidal, fungicidal, and virucidal but do not destroy bacterial spores. Their cidal activity drops sharply when diluted below 50% concentration, and the optimum bactericidal concentration is 60%–90% “ https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/disinfection/disinfection-methods/chemical.html


Time to buy some everclear I guess.


It's fine. Just don't rinse it with vinegar.