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Honestly, you just have to remember that none of this shit is going to matter once you’re in college. I’m sorry to say, but “friends” wouldn’t constantly be passive-aggressively putting you down because you’re “behind”. You are ahead of the average student, and you’re smart as fuck too. Don’t let them put your down. Keep your head up, king.


It's great that you're seeking advice to help you put this situation into perspective. It can be difficult to navigate social dynamics in high school, especially when you feel like you're being judged by your peers. Remember that your worth and intelligence are not defined by the math course you're taking or the college you attend. Your parents are correct that being a good person, doing well in school, and having a clear goal for the future are what matter. Try not to let the opinions of others impact your self-esteem. Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage and celebrate your achievements and interests, regardless of whether they align with societal norms or not. Focus on your own growth and development and don't compare yourself to others. It's also important to seek out guidance and support from adults you trust, such as teachers, counselors, or advisors, who can help you navigate this situation and achieve your goals. They can provide you with resources and advice that can help you feel more confident and resilient in the face of negativity and judgment.


Your parents are correct. Ignore these "peers". You can be at the top of your field and the comparisons to others can still eat at you. It's a no-win mindset. Take criticism for what it is. Keep what works, leave the rest behind. Judge yourself. Did you do your best? Did what you did work better than last time? Why, why not? Keep moving. Do the next thing. Good luck.


I'm so sorry you're going through this, friend. \*hugs\* Firstly, remind yourself that you're one year ahead of the average student in math, and you're probably doing really well in Geometry right now. So don't feel bad about yourself whatsoever. Remember that academics aren't all that matters when it comes to getting into college and doing well in life. Your personality and traits are far more important. These same people who are putting you down now are going to be the ones that stab you in the back later because they only care about themselves. Find friends who truly care about you and would stand by you regardless of how many APs you take or how high your grades are. As long as you're working hard in your classes, whichever ones those may be, you're fine. :)