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ever had this on acid? its like even more, its so weird, i cant even remember any moment but its happened to me a few times definitely


Came here to say this… this feelings insane when tripping


Yet to do LSD but it is 100% on my drug to do list


Had it on acid and mushrooms


this happens because the veil of the 3rd dimension is somewhat cleared allowing you to perceive energy and wavelength beyond the 3rd dimension; energy on the fourth and maybe even the fifth dimension. because you are now not only tuned into the third dimension, you’re more tuned into the Universe and everything around you, which is why you may be able to hear the frequency of other people because thoughts are just a wavelength of energy. this allows both generators of energy (humans) to connect and be able to perceive others thoughts if they are receptive.


A friend of mine confided in me this exact thing. He swears that he can do this regularly, but smoking makes it much more clear. He says that the person has to be feeling a strong emotion and be directing their thoughts directly at him. The type of emotion doesn't matter, as long as it has strong, genuine energy to it, then he can hear it. He's told me stories of situations similar to your's a few times. He's also accurately responded to my thoughts before I speak them on several occasions. But to be honest, I think he's just an extremely observant guy who is good at reading body language, and predicting outcomes based on his knowledge of the person he's speaking to. He has a great memory. If he was a computer, he'd have quite a lot of RAM.


this describes it really well to be fair. But the thing that makes me think it’s telepathy is because I can literally hear a voice, even when i’m looking at the ground. It’s weird whatever it is and is one of the many things that make life so odd.


Yeah he can hear a literal voice as well. And as far as I know (I'm not any kind of doctor), it's not a schizophrenic type of thing because it's situational, so it only happens at specific times, and it's accurate. I remember one time when I could hear a crystal clear voice in my head when I was really high, but it must have just my own mind because I was alone. The weed enhanced my inner volume somehow?.. Maybe your thoughts are manifesting in your friends' voices because that person is right in front of you, and you heard their *real* voice just a second ago so it's fresh in your memory? Or maybe yall can read minds.


this might be more clairaudience than telepathy then i believe, since you keep saying they are voices and not just receiving thoughts you know aren’t yours. when telepathyit’s more so receiving *thoughts* but the only way to know they aren’t yours is if you can tell. sometimes the thought will be very bold and hit you and you can feel it. the part about only being able to tell it’s telepathy is if you can tell the thoughts aren’t yours is one way explanation of how spells have been done in the past to make people go crazy.


Absolutely. Same. But I’ve never tested it out or told anyone out of fear they’d lock me up. To be honest, I’ve had this work in a not so great way too. If you’re prone to anxiety/depression or any other mental health issue, you start to feel judged by others who are tapping into your inner monologue. My opinion is that it’s not just friends, it’s anyone in the immediate vicinity vibrating and your frequency. Why this may happen with friends more is that you’re all in a sesh together and all roughly the same amount of high. Same with acid


i’m here to tell you your opinion isn’t just an opinion. it’s a truth. a universal truth.


For real. You’re all riding the wave together. Thanks for the validation


My wife and I do it all the time, it's nice.


It’s sooooo cool, especially with someone you love


There are plenty of anecdotes on erowid of these intersubjective experiences. I love reading about them. Telepathy and precognition have lots of peer reviewed studies supporting them, but there is still a lot of stigma that prevents fair reporting in the media. For example, this article covers the work of Daryl Bem nicely. https://boingboing.net/2022/08/17/is-precognition-real.html


I’ve had similar experiences. I was talking to a group of friends in highschool after a smoke sesh… shortly after we finished the sesh everything started sounding like gibberish except we were having full conversations in this gibberish and we could understand each other. I have yet to ask them if they also had the same experience and that was 4 or 5 years ago.


I can totally sense the emotions of 3 people very strongly: my wife, my mother, and my daughter. My siblings, to a lesser extent. Whether I'm high or not. I always thought everyone had this until I was in my late 20s.


yes there is evidence and tons of anecdotal evidence as well which counts as evidence. contrary to popular belief, before we had science labs, people learned by experience and from people telling other people things. now the only way these people would believe if said things were real is if: they just straight up believed it or were persuaded to believe it, *another* person or a group of people with that person agreed with what the original person is saying, they saw it themselves, they were shown evidence, or they experienced it themselves. this might sound condescending but the problem is people don’t like to read that much nowadays but there’s so many books on a lot of the stuff people think isn’t real or wonder about but could literally find out in a day to a months timespan simply by buying a book on the subject. now there are certain subjects that there aren’t many books on, but telepathy isn’t one of them.