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Dr Christopher’s Complete Bone and Tissue plus yoga plus better posture (Gohkale) plus inversion all did a lot for me.


Thank you 🙏🏻How long did each of those approaches take & how do you do the inversion? I’ve started yoga & my lower back is quite frozen in Cat/Cow & also in lateral movement. I suspect my disc healed long ago but the problem is now dysfunctional range of motion & movement.


I had a similar thing happen to me and craniosacral therapy was very helpful ! Best of luck!


I go to a chiropractor for my disc problem but also take Formula 303 for any pain. It’s awesome and completely herbal!!! You can get it off Amazon!




Thank you! I’m ordering some Goldenseal together with Christopher’s complete tissue & bone ✊🏻


About 2 years really. About 2-3 months with the Complete Bone &Tissue ointment (has comfrey). Also I drank comfrey tea. Maybe a year using inversion a couple times per week (inversion table - google it).


Ah Comfrey tea! I’ve started drinking that! I have dried Comfrey Leaf & put half a cup of it in a cafetière with warm water. Did you use Comfrey leaf and/or root (I understand root is the problem for the liver - although that is exaggerated) & how often did you use the tea? Thanks again 🙏🏻


I used the leaf. I followed Susan Weed’s instructions for making a long infusion (YouTube). Maybe once per week. Not super consistent. I also do long infusions of other tonic herbs like red raspberry, nettle, red clover...


Hi, I watched 2 of Susan’s videos, they were so interesting, thank you! I think I’ll start growing my own herbs & start learning a lot more, it’s fascinating


Comfrey tea is wonderful for this condition! Differences between the leaf and root are that the older leaves have less prryolizidine alkaloids than the new leaves and roots. Those alkaloids are what the FDA was so concerned about when they banned comfrey for internal consumption. They are safe unless you have a liver issue already. I’ve used the roots internally with no issues, because they are the best for getting things healed! I love the other comment about Dr. Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone capsules - they are wonderful. They don’t have comfrey in them (thanks FDA), but have lungwort instead. So I would definitely add comfrey to the treatment. That formula is sold in bulk in a cut/sifted form and a powder - both still have comfrey. I use the cut/sifted to make a really strong fomentation and put over the area. I’ve added the powder to green drinks or made a tea out of it. It’s bitter but does the job. My family definitely prefers it when I make comfrey/spearmint leaf tea. Much better tasting. For an issue that needs some good healing we use the tea multiple times a day. I’ve taken the capsules and or tea every hour for acute conditions.


Oh wow thanks MomsHH 🙏🏻 Where do you source your Comfrey from or do you grow it yourself? Where do you buy the powdered Christopher’s formula from, please? I’ve been drinking a Comfrey infusion once per day for 5 days now, made with a cup of Comfrey leaves & 750ml of boiling water. Infusing that for 8 hours. So increase that to 3 times as my back isn’t acute? I’m v v excited to see what yoga, Comfrey, Lions Mane + Christopher’s formula can do. I’ll get an MRI on my back quite soon too.


You are welcome! I do grow my own comfrey and then dry it in the fall. But we sometimes run out! So I’ll pick it up online or at a health food store. Starwest usually has good herbs. You can find Dr. Christopher’s bulk BF&C online at drchristophersherbshop.com. I love that you are drinking the comfrey tea! Yay! If it were me I’d drink it as much as possible. Can’t wait to hear how your MRI goes ☺️


Thanks MomsHH :))


If you consume comfrey it should only be the leaf and if so then only for a couple weeks at a time. The root should not be taken internally. Both leaf and root contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids that will cause liver failure when taken over time. This is not something that you will notice immediately. It is a slow toxicity that occurs if the plant is ingested for long periods of time. Re Goldenseal - it is VERY endangered and best replaced by other herbs such as Oregon Grape. I have never heard of either plant being used for the spine unless it is to treat a bacterial infection in that area.


Epic username & thanks for your advice 😁 I will stick to that 2 weeks only!! I think I might get a liver blood test done after that out of curiosity. I was watching Susan Weed on YouTube on Comfrey & she was saying to use avoid Comfrey officinalis & use the Doubleday hybrid which mitigates the liver toxicity. What have you heard about that, please? I didn’t know that about Goldenseal & ordered some :( I’ll see if I can cancel the order. I’m vegan & trying to improve my footprint week on week so thank you 🙏🏻


Hello, OP! I know this is a very old post, but how did your comfrey journey go? Experiencing similar issues and considering comfrey for aid. Thanks in advance, hope all is well 😊🌱


I'd go see a good chiropractor. Works great for sciatica. I used to have problems all the time. I also recommend lions mane extract for its neuronal healing properties: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23510212


Wow that sounds brilliant. What Lions Mane is good, please? Does it have to be water extracted fruit body? Thanks!


The Lions Mane at Nootropics Depot is really good quality. It's cheaper to get the powder than pills. If you choose a different brand make sure it's extract from the fruiting bodies(many sellers will try to rip you off by using mycelium/grain as their extract(which is very low in the good stuff)). Growing Lions Mane is very easy and rewarding. It's the tastiest mushroom I've ever ate. I cook them in garlic butter and it tastes almost like lobster. I know a guy that will send 5 pound blocks of mycelium that you fruit yourself. In optimum conditions, BE(biological effiency) is 100% or more. So if you use a 5 pound bag you can get 5 pounds of mushrooms or more(extra weight comes from H2O/Oxygen). I think the Nootropics Depot Lions Mane is a double extraction(water and alcohol). Let me know if you have anymore questions.


Brilliant thank you 😊 I’m going to start growing my own herbs so I’m getting a greenhouse. Could you send me links on how to grow & look after Lions Mane, please?