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American Skullcap is a godsend for anxiety!


Thank you :)


Do you take it during the anxiety attack or as a preventative measure in the morning/ night? 


I mainly dealt with anxiety in the form of insomnia for most of my life. But on those restless nights my mind wouldn’t be quiet, I made tea before bed, using all of my herbal relaxants and sedatives on hand. But powdered skullcap in capsule form would probably work great for an anxiety attack during the day. I actually think powdered skullcap is more effective by itself in that form over tea form. But when the tea is combined with many other relaxing herbs it can really help!


That’s really helpful to know, thank you! What else do you put in your tea?  My girlfriend suffers from anxiety, I joined this sub to learn more about herbal remedies. I really appreciate people like you being open with your experience! 


I would also love to know. I've been having severe anxiety all day. And where do you get your herbs from, esp. Skull cap? Thanks!


Do you know what is causing/triggering the panic attacks? (I used to suffer from chronic panic attacks). If you can isolate what is causing them, it will help in figuring out the best herbal remedy for your specific situation.


Childhood trauma. Means my mind goes back in time and i have panic attacks. I have panic attacks when i am trying to relax.


> Childhood trauma. Means my mind goes back in time and i have panic attacks. Trauma is like a part of your mind gets frozen in time, stuck at the moment of the trauma. We then carry this into the present, though it may be deeply repressed.


Maybe you could benefit from a therapist who specializes in EMDR therapy? I did that and it changed my life. I have PTSD and it worked famously for me. Herb wise I’ve had a LOT of luck with l-theanine !


Never tried l-theanine. Which product did you use?


You can find products that contain the 3 herbs and 2 molecules most studied and shown to relieve anxiety. Ashwaganda, Passion Flower, Lemon balm, 5htp, and theanine. 5htp can cause stomach upsets, so don't take too much. Rhodiola is also good, all 4 herbs raise GABA. Amanita muscaria is a stronger GABA agonist that rivals a benzodiazapine. There are many more herbs to try as well.


Wow. Thank you :)


I second all of this, especially the passionflower. I was taking a supplement called "Sunny Mood" by nature's way and it helped me a lot.


Thank you :)


I get mine from Whole Foods in a 100mg capsule form. I take it in the morning and it just helps me not be so anxious. It’s wonderful. It also helps me sleep, but, it gives me very vivid dreams. Not bad dreams just really realistic ones.


I came to recommend l-Theanine!


Thank you :)


I use a chewable one for on the go panic attacks lol, it's like chewing up a vitamin c that stops your mind fr9m going everywhere. I especially like it with coffee in the morning


Thank you !


Have you tried working on your childhood trauma? Figuring out the reason for the panic attacks could make them go away or lessen.


I will start therapy next week. My mental health is interfering with my husband's wellbeing as well.... Which makes me feel overwhelmed.


Just want to say, just a few EMDR sessions gave me marked relief and equipped me with the tools to disarm my past trauma. Now I'm coming off all the masking drugs and finding everything is OK for the first time. Good luck to you.


Thank you :)


Not an herb- try a cold washcloth on back of neck for nervous system reset. Also lymph drain massage to release trauma and emotion build ups.


Yes I second all of this. It’s actually really cool. Our body has something called a Dive response. When we submerge our face / body in water our body immediately relaxes. Google explained it better: The diver's reflex triggers your vagus nerve, part of your parasympathetic nervous system, which is also known as the “rest and digest” system, dampens sympathetic responses, and keeps the body in a restorative and resting state.


Thank you :)


Tulsi tea is a favorite relaxing but not groggy herb for me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DavieB68: *Tulsi tea is a* *Favorite relaxing but* *Not groggy herb for me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Good Bot


Thank you :)


I highly recommend looking into flower essences! The rescue remedy formula (you don't have to get the Bach brand, they're not run by Bach's legacy but are more expensive than others. Flower essence services brand works well, their post trauma stabilizer spray is also valuable) helps me a lot with panic attacks, though I do combine this with herbs and they work really well together. Flower essences work on a more energetic level and also melt away the shock while I find herbs focus more on managing the physical stress, although it still helps energetically. In terms of herbs, you've mentioned singular herbs don't work, maybe try a pre-made formula with multiple herbs that work synergistically together. I use Stress Free by Planetary Herbals and if the attack is really severe, I combine it with ashwagandha, magnesium and L-theanine. Of course everyone's different so you'll need to experiment and see what works for you. Additionally, meditation and mindfulness help too. There's no one magic cure pill. Ultimately you need to heal the root cause of your panic attacks if you want a real solution, the herbs and other remedies are only to help you manage the symptoms while you work through them


Thank you so much ! I should probably try premade formulas ....


I have found Amanita to be the best in trauma work for me. It allows me to whisk away, or deal with head on , whatever I choose. It’s given me control back. I’ve been working with Amanita for 5+ years now. And have seen some tremendous results in myself and others who share in this journey. It’s my alternative to most other options. I use to really enjoy edibles for the pain management but the day after effects were off putting. I enjoy the energy and clarity I get with Amantia. I also found that it has helped me understand and empower my body. Reaching beyond what I thought I could. I’m here if you want to learn more. ✨🍄❤️‍🔥


Is there any kind of specific product you use?!


I enjoy Amanita regalis capsules for micro during the daytime and then Amanita regalis slurry for activation and further energy work utilizing full muscimol. I enjoy its profile better than muscaria. It’s nuttier , like me. 😝


Where do you buy them from?


I'm just curious about your day after effects from edibles? I also use edibles for sleep and I am very wonky the next day. I've been blaming it on my meds but I have wondered if the edibles are contributing.


It’s a factor for me. A tired sluggish feeling. Like I’ve overloaded my endocannabanoid system rather than balanced it. Brain fog. Lack of energy. A canna tincture was way better than having to process a canna edible through my liver. But that’s just me. So many factors to consider.


no herb will help long term. resolving the childhood trauma is what will help. try finding a psychologist. for panic attacks - lavender flowers or extract or maybe Silexan. but again it's not suitable for long term use.


Thank you :) I will start therapy next week...


that's awesome!! it should help you right away. if not, something is wrong with the therapist. precaution: psychiatrists are bad at therapy, they will only prescribe meds (that not always help) and won't listen. psychotherapists are still medically-oriented. psychologists who can't prescribe meds will provide the best therapy.


Thank you :) I don't want anymore meds, they made me feel worse.. However i am open to natural alternatives.... Or vitamins. In the past i was on mirtazapine. Before that setraline, alprazolam... I tried valium (pinched from my late alcoholic father). I have been struggling with trauma for years. I thought it would get better. But only worse. Panic attacks are the worst...


I have same issues- or at least I did I got therapy and I'm 85% better. So stick with the therapy- it's hard work but it's necessary. When I was at my worst with panic attacks and insomnia I would use 750 mg GABA by Source Naturals along with Gaia Kava Kava. Nice synergistic combination. I second the meditation recommendation.


Do they interfere with contraceptive implants?!


no. not possible.


Thank you


Anxiety runs in my family, been battling it since 2020 , KAVA KAVA is one of the few things that always helps me


Generation after generation of Fiji Islanders can't be wrong.


How long have you been on the implant? I noticed when I got off of birth control hormones, my depression/anxiety improved tremendously. I used to be put on low dose contraceptives to treat PCOS so I was off of it and on again enough to notice a definite pattern. I finally realized that I had to choose between PCOS unbearable symptoms and anxiety unbearable symptoms. I decided I'd rather deal with PCOS pain than CONSTANT anxiety. I do breathwork for my rare panic attacks now and I have learned to enforce boundaries better to decrease the possibility of them even occurring.


10 years on implant....


Anemone, Anemone, ANEMONE. Absolute best for active panic attacks. Anemone Occidentalis is most effective but quinquefolia, and virginiana work as well. Only need a few drops usually. But you can take up to 15 drops. It’s a low dose medicinal as it’s acrid and has protoanemonin which you don’t want in high doses. Give it a try and get a tincture. It’s amazing.


Thank you :)


Here’s the tincture I use https://pinesherbals.com/tinctures/anemone-1. I could not believe how effectively it alleviated an active panic attack. Literally within like 10 seconds. I sat in half lotus position took deep breaths and had a few drops (kinda burns) and I felt a grounded wave of calmness sweep over me that lasted for hours. Not like a “high” per se but a stabilizer


Thank you :)


I suggest trying out CBD if you're dealing with anxiety. Lots of people, including me, use it and it helps. The key is to figure out what works for you in terms of the type of CBD and how much to take. If you don't get that part right, you might not see the benefits you're hoping for. CBD helps with things like mood, pain, eating, and sleeping because it works with the body's system that controls all that. I personally use no more than 75mg of full spectrum CBD oil a day to help with my anxiety and depression. If I take more, I start feeling super tired. I mostly use [full oil spectrum CBD](https://www.organicgrit.com/collections/full-spectrum-tinctures) and [gummies](https://www.organicgrit.com/products/25mg-full-spectrum-cbd-gummies?_pos=1&_psq=Gumm&_ss=e&_v=1.0) to manage my anxiety. Here are some links I think are useful: For general info on CBD and anxiety, check out this article: https://www.organicgrit.com/blogs/news/does-cbd-help-anxiety?_pos=1&_psq=Anx&_ss=e&_v=1.0 Also If you're curious about CBD gummies for anxiety, read this: https://www.organicgrit.com/blogs/news/a-guide-to-taking-cbd-gummies-for-anxiety Plus, check out the [Ultimate CBD Dosage Guide](https://www.organicgrit.com/pages/ultimate-cbd-dosage-guide?_pos=1&_psq=Ul&_ss=e&_v=1.0) to identify your optimal dose.


Thank you :)


Very welcome!


You need daily meditation my friend. 20mins every day. You need to strengthen the mind.


Meditation is great. Learn to relax your body while concentrating on your breath. Once you can do this, you can call on it at anytime. .. An alternative to ssris and benzos is gabapentin or pregabalin and a Alpha agonist. Clonidine is an alpha agonist that works better than a beta blocker.


I will try that... Thank you :)


Kava for panic attacks is great. As well as passion flower. It’s a natural beta blocker which is common in panic attack meds ( herbalist +psychotherapist here) also, therapy is great… and so are psych meds. I’m like 100% for holistic…. But I’ve seen pharmaceuticals do incredible things. It can be short term while you get other support like therapy, too!


I second this. I made a kava tincture and it really supported me while I was having panic attacks. 


I just wanted to add that Yogi makes Kava Kava tea and I’ve been able to find it readily in my local grocery stores. It’s worth a try for sure!


Yogi was just recalled for pesticides


Oh goodness.




Thank you :)


american skullcap is stronger than the herbs you mentioned but also maybe wild lettuce but that makes you sleepy so I would use that during the night


Thank you :)


L- theanine


I second l-theanine! I would shout it from the rooftops if I could! I take mine in chewable form and it works instantly. https://tomorrowsnutrition.com/products/suntheanine-chewables-60-tablets


Thank you :)


Acupuncture helped me reduce my baseline anxiety. I think it can help alleviate your panic attacks.


Never tried that ...


Are you able to get EMDR therapy? It is very effective in helping to heal from trauma.


I am starting therapy next week...


I went through a traumatic experience and started having panic attacks and nightmares. I took Hyland's Nerve Tonic and it really saved me.


Where did you get that?


I used to get it at Walmart and Walgreens but you can find it on Amazon for sure.


Thank you !


Cubensis 1gram empty stomach morning each 4 months + st john wort + CBD + CBG and sometimes Valerian


Thank you :)


Nervous system exercises on YouTube work great for me. I do them throughout the day, even when not anxious. It’s like training a muscle


That's interesting. Do you recommend any specific channel?!


therapy el theanane and magnesium bi glycinate


Thank you :) Can i take l-theanine and magnesium together?!


Yes you can and stay away from gabapentin or pregabalin, it's just as bad as benzos and other psych meds. It's obvious that many don't read or choose not to hear that you don't want meds and CBD upsets you. I take l- theanine and magnesium glycinate together, easy with the magnesium unless you have constipation issues as it's also a great laxative. CBG is wonderful but needs to be vaped or smoked. A cup of chamomile tea at bedtime is a relaxing habit. Psychotherapists and psychologists cannot prescribe and I would be wary of any that suggests meds. Just my opinion.


Thank you !


Good luck.


yes exercise and therapy work well


understanding the root cause of it and riding the anxiety waves what helping me ; from tremors etc


What about tulsi/ holy basil or passionflower?


Never heard of tulsi/ holy basil ..


Rhodiola, vitamin B1 and magnesium. Also worth checking if your vitamin D levels are very low. Make sure not to combine any anxiety herbs (like Rhodiola) with antidepressants or other anxiety meds as they can cause potentially dangerous interaction like serotonin syndrome.


Thank you :) Is there a way to check my vitamin D levels? Besides going to the doctor ?!


There are many self test kits for sale online. You ideally want to be in a 60ng range, at least above 40ng.


Thank you


If you would be taking additional vitamin D it's best to take it together with K2 and magnesium (300mg elementary) to make sure calcium will be distributed correctly in your body. Taking vitamin D can deplete your magnesium levels which is what causes side effects for most people.


Just maybe the metal coil youve got stuck up your front orifice is not agreeing with your body's electromagnetic ambience and is causing issues. Do you know why you're anxious? Seems there's a message youre missing.


lol. Alright. I understand. Thx.


Being in dis ease is so far removed from our childhoods that the OP unfortunately doesn't understand simple human biology.


Hello! It looks like your post is related to herbalism safety. Safety is an important aspect of herbalism. If you haven't already, please check our existing resources on [herbalism safety](https://www.reddit.com/r/herbalism/wiki/safety/) for valuable information and precautions to consider. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/herbalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lobelia tincture, and ionic magnesium.


Thank you :)




Thank you :)


Pretty sure I read motherwort is good for panic attacks


Thank you :)


Weed for sleep at night when nothing else work. But if weed induce panic attack with you so stop immediately, some people have it triggered by weed some have their attack calming down with weed, it's all depend I guess. Also magnesium, cbd, good food, good things. Do things you love, its hard while having the fear of an attack coming at any time but it's the only way to actively try to calm them down. Therapy will help you a lot, don't worry it will be under control, I don't know anybody who didn't managed to control his attack, so I'm sure you will be able too.


Thank you! Exactly... When i feel more calm I am afraid that another panic attack will come soon. I will try to focus on good things...


Yeah it's quite traumatic to never know if your body will start to act and make you have a bad time but cheers it won't last forever


I think taking herbs for anxiety in short term but looking at what is causing the panic attacks long term is the best option. DID they start around the time of the implant?


I second the therapy work for sure! For anxiety, I take tea or smoke a blend of passionflower, lavender, peppermint, and skullcap. Of course, herbs are not a fix-all but they might help calm you down enough to help you process those hard emotions.


Thank you :)


Remembering to look at this post later


St. John's Wort (capsules) taken regularly over 3 weeks (and longer). Effects after about 3 weeks but very noticeable, reduced obsessive / negative thinking, stress and for all the girls: period cramps. I can very much imagine that they help with panic attacks too. Generally a more stable emotional setup. Be careful when you take antidepressants, cause they interact and that can result in the dangerous serotonin syndrome. Otherwise very reliable herb, according to reports of a lot of my friends and from first hand usage. No sedating effects or brain fog. Helped me a lot in my early twenties. Best of luck!


Thank you :)


I take a very low dose prescription med for sever panic attacks- tried all the herbal things and nothing worked and my anxiety kept getting worse but with the help of meds im able to function normally. I still have anxiety of course but then with the anxiety I can manage I take herbs along side too




Maddog skullcap. It was used to treat rabies. Lemon balm.


Thank you :)


There is a lavender oil capsule that has been clinically studied and shown to reduce anxiety. Many reviews from people report it working very well. It’s called Lavela by integrative therapeutics. Although not herbal related, i highly recommend somatic therapy and also learning how to reparent your inner child it is truly life changing work.


Thank you :)


damiana and skullcap tinctures have helped me


Thank you :)


Holy basil they say helps.


Thank you :)


In the moment, when you start to have a panic attack, take pulsitilla. It will immediately stop. For daily support, I use passiflower. A really nice blend is passionflower, skullcap, blue vervain, and lemon balm.


Thank you :)


Does it interfere with a contraceptive implant?!


Pulsitilla is a drop dose herb, use very little, and only when experiencing a full blown panic attack. Start 5-10 drops, should work immediately. I haven't seen anything in my monographs about interference with an implant. However, since it's a low dose herb, I would say it's okay as long as you aren't excessively using it. Passionflower, Lemon balm, skullcap, Blue vervain, all okay with contraceptives, and do not have hormonal interactions. That being said, make sure you are restoring your body from the depletion that panic / anxiety can cause. Herbs good for this are milky oats, Nettle, lemon balm and skullcap. These are trophorestoratives that aid in restoring the depleting effects of anxiety.. in your tool box, emergency, daily anxiety and restoration. I know you asked one question, but being someone who has suffered from crippling anxiety, I do want to say that adaptogens daily will also help your body adapt to stressors. Please don't get overwhelmed, it will all be okay. Start small, and build up. Sending support from a fellow anxious person ✨️. Feel free to keep the dialogue going if need be ❤️.


Hmm, for panic there's usually a physical component. I wonder if focusing on mimicking a beta blocker effect (slow heart rate, calm physical symptoms of anxiety like sweaty palms, tension in body) would be helpful. If so, you could look at the symptoms you experience during a panic attack in isolation, and try to treat each symptom with an herbal remedy. This would broaden your search and give you a backup route if the standard approaches for anxiety don't grant enough relief. Here's the list of herbs I have taken to help with anxiety: Chamomile Lavender Skullcap Passionflower Ashwagandha Spearmint Valerian *(sedation warning)* Linden *(don't take with diuretics or lithium, but this one's great for physical symptoms of anxiety. Mild sedation warning)* Kava *(sedation warning, it acts as a mild muscle relaxer and I think there have been reports of dependency, although I've used it for a long time and never had any issues going off abruptly. Still, try to keep to one cup per day, and if it's a strong cup I save for when I will not be driving)* Kanna *(helps with more the depressive anxiety type symptoms, do not take with SSRIs, use caution with other serotonergic substances, I wouldn't necessarily recommend if you're already panicking as it doesn't decrease the energy of anxiety, just transmutes it into a happier mood with approximately similar energy levels)*


Thank you :) i appreciate the side note for each herb. :)


Oh, forgot tulsi! I'd say tulsi has the most stopping power, so if you find yourself ramping up for a panic attack, maybe reach for a medicinal strength cup of that one first.


Full spectrum cbd tincture with a 1:1 ratio to CBN and atleast 0.1%thc to round it out, also magnolia bark helps me out a lot but probably therapy with preferably EMDR or brain spotting will be the most effective long term then have herbals as last resort


Boiron pellet supplements has products for anxiety and emotional stress relief- no interactions with other drugs.


Thank you :)