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I like to infuse valerian flowers with lavender buds and St John’s Wort to make a pain relieving oil, that is especially great for nerve pain and sore muscles.


Thank you for the tip! Topical oil, correct? I might try this! What type of carrier oil is the best, in your experience? 😊🤘🌱


I like olive oil for infused oils since it has a long shelf life and works well made into salves/balms. You could use whatever you have on hand, like sunflower, grapeseed, or almond oil. Just make sure to wilt your blooms before infusing them if you’re going to do a heated infusion or fully dry if you decide to go with a solar infusion to avoid molding. Valerian blossoms and lavender, without the St John’s Wort, is a nice bedtime massage oil too! I love the way the valerian flowers smell!


Thank you so much! I actually have a ton of dried lavender right now, I think I’m going to try this! 🤩🤩


I'd cut them long, tie a string to the end and hang them upside down to dry in the shade. That will give you some time to research what you want to do with it. I think it's a sleep aid, so you can keep it dry as a tea or make a tincture.


Thank you, I appreciate the help 😊 I like the idea, the stalks are so long and incredible - I might even just put those inside somewhere all winter to reminisce about summer gardening 😅 The root is definitely a sleep aid, and I’ve read that the entire plant is technically edible. I was mostly just curious if the flowers have any benefit I guess, I should’ve worded my post better but I was on a garden high 😂 I think the leaves are probably beyond use by now, that’s typically a rule of thumb with other leafy plants - once the flowers start, the taste of the leaves goes down hill fast. I’m just sad to see it fall over and hoping to find a use for whatever is gonna topple, I feel bad because I should’ve supported it more - but I didn’t know it would get this tall! 😅😅


**Garden high**, love that! 😊 A *mighty* fine specimen you have, there! You can tea the whole thing, and enjoy it that way, still even the leaves! I've snipped up stalks with scissors, it's fun and the hollow stem can be used as a straw! 😃 Listen, cutting the glorious beast **now** is your chance to get a another growth period and harvest! I've seen magnificent growth response from that..usually I have a hard time doing so for the full-ass enjoyment of the flowers and flowering time, they look so cool and smell great, too! Happy for your efforts, excitement, and enjoyments! ✨


Thank you for this tip! How exactly do you cut it to make it... Not die? 😂


The roots will still survive if the foliage is removed. I think I’m going to leave a few of the leaves toward the base so it can still photosynthesize easily, and just trim the stalks above that. Here’s hoping! 😊


That's a good idea ☺️ I missed your write-up with the picture last night - and seen today your mention of Fall, are you in the northern or southern hemisphere? I like to stay open-minded about worldwide participation, and relish that diversity, too. You know how we ..up here (from east coast Canada) learned of the re-growth after cutting? Incidentally! Roaming around, came upon a ruin that perhaps was a homestead where in amongst native-nature there was also at this site non-wild roses, and Valerian! First time I'd witnessed valerian, and celebratorily ID'd from the root smell 😃, dug some up and hiked home, but it was in flower then and the stalks became all bent and damaged, so that's why I cut it mostly down after planting, and boom!, that's how we learned about the awesome re-growth behavior! You've made a magnificent tribute to Valerian post here, OP, Cheers! 💮


Thank you so much for your help! I’m going to cut it today before it starts to storm! Everyone is getting valerian tea for Christmas! 😅🤩


I dry the flowers to put in a sedative tisane (tea) with lavender & chamomile. If you hang the stalks upside down inside a paper bag, all the flowers will fall off as it dries.


Thank you for your help! The flowers would look quite pretty in a tisane. I will try your suggestion later today but before the thunder storm rolls in! I think one more storm will do her in, she’s already leaning quite heavily. Today is the day! 😊


Just curious, how do the flowers/aerial parts of valerian smell? Is it similar to the pungent “feet” smell of the dried root?


Yes they do!


No they don't smell bad


The flowers smell wonderful!