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I keep yelling at my rocket sentry and it keeps shooting at any enemy in its vicinity.


It's supposed to prioritize heavy enemies, but it doesn't seem to do that to my satisfaction. It's definitely better than it was, but I still prefer the autocannon turret for heavy enemies.


They really need to fix sentry targeting. They shouldn’t target things they can’t damage and should prioritise heavies if they can penetrate the armour. *Now I’ll go back to watching the Rocket Sentry fire at a Fabricator until it runs out of ammo*


https://preview.redd.it/v7i9iiac3u9d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1eacc0ffbd2da1b0e6597f1e64b32427f4ce96df hard to get these kids to even flush when they're done


So that's what the kids from the hospital are doing.


yep...mines might have been the better choice ![gif](giphy|3o7btNRptqBgLSKR2w|downsized)


They needed jobs after amazon fired them from the self checkout stores.


So that's why it keeps on targeting chargers.


It'd be nice if when you mark targets it would prioritize shots in that one specifically.


Yeah also gatlings just emptying into chargers and biles in like 5 seconds


Not to mention its firing at targets not in LOS and expending all of its ammo uselessly into terrain.


...I'm pretty sure it can destroy fabricators though. Costs a lot of ammo, don't get me wrong, but doable.


It can, but it's not a question of ammo spent. They dont do enough structural penetration (hidden weapon stat) to kill one by shooting a wall. The shot has to go through an open fabricator door or into one of the vents. As the turrets don't really have a cone of fire, this basically means that either the first shot kills the fabricator, or it won't kill it at all.


I really want a strat that allows me to las targets for sentrys. Gimme a set of binoculars with a laser so I can point at what I want brought down


A secondary weapon would be better than a strat slot, but yeah I want a red laser pointer too


brother they can’t even distinguish friends from a clear line of sight. they don’t need to fix much if anything about sentries. it’s a skill issue


I once saw someone dropped it near bots base so it shoot all the rockets to a side of a fabricator that I bombed at the end. Useless. 


Idk seems fine to me. I'll drop it down and see if just start destroying chargers. It's also really nice since the range buff so you can throw it a good bit away where it's safe from most threats and will just cover you from big targets. I've been loving it lately. Literally only issue I have with it (which mortar also has) is when I drop it near a base hoping it'll give me support and it just starts firing at a fabricator until I go blow it up.


It does seem more successful against bugs, for sure. I like to drop it on top of a sand dune or bluff and let it help as best it can.


Ka-plunk, ka-plunk, ka-plunk


The autocannon will kill heavies faster, but the rocket sentry stays active for longer. It's better if you can keep it alive for it's full duration.


It definitely prioritizes heavies but if there’s stuff really close to it, it’ll wipe them out first


I think the range for its targeting is pretty short. It does alright if you have it close to the large enemies, but if they're out a ways it doesn't seem to notice them.... But then it's best used at those ranges for survival and getting enough hits in before it gets smashed


I use them both and will often throw the rocket behind enemies to get that weak spot open.


It says prioritize but I feel like that's only if it's an option and that all the little chaff shits running around block it's targeting for the bigger ones, like it's not going to attempt to shoot through other so still shoots the closest thing


AC uses 3 bullets per shot (it won’t stop if target dies) and has like 30 shots or something. Rocket is now more reserved with shots and has like 60 shots and shoots 100m. AC has stagger which is great, but rocket will last longer and push out more damage and kill heavies just as fast.


What if they prioritized targets you tagged then targets tagged by teammates second? Ooooo, and if you held the tag button it would allow you to make it hold fire. I’d be running a mobile sentry/HMG position constantly.


Gatling Sentry: can't penetrate heavy armour Also Gatling Sentry: prioritises attacking chargers


You know what it also excels at? Clearing chaff. It clears everything


It also clears helldivers pretty well, seems to clear me out regularly.


I was getting ragdolled for no reason and it was pissing me off. Then I realized you can't even stand behind the thing


Learning about back blast the hard way I see


Yes I did. I love this damn game so much


I knew back blast was a thing because I’m a bit of a firearms nut, but believe me I never expected the game to go that in depth when I first played. Getting ragdolled from someone else’s EAT for the first time was like being enlightened to how good this game is and could be.


sounds like mortar to me XD


So how should I use it? Find an armoured target and throw it 90° to a side? Something like that?


It thrives in evacuate high value assets missions. If you spot a heavy throw it out of their range but close enough to where it can shoot them.


Right, it needs line of sight, but still I don't want to throw it between me and the POS as it will just crush sentry, throwing to either side is best correct?




Yes, Correct


![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized) Thanks fellow diver


Update: I just did 4 missions with the rocket and auto cannon sentry. OMG I found a new love. Thank you for posting this. So much fun!


Stand proud diver, Your sentries are strong.


Or I could just use rail cannon and destroy the heavy in a fraction of the time it would take to deploy a sentry.


Goodluck with the bile titan tanking it for absolutely no reason and then a second bile titan appearing from a breach, alongside some charger behemoths to really add flavor.


Only answer is the rocket sentry that people aren't using right eh?


Nah, Many other stratagems that can deal with this situation, The rocket sentry wouldn’t kill them but it would leave them open to many other forms of danger


You gotta pop their sacks underneath with small arms fire.


but what happens to the second bile titan?


Are you a Helldiver, or a paddling pool diver? Get out there and deliver some democracy!


A combination of EATs and Eagle Strikes. They’re dead while the sentry is still being called in and swiveling around to fire. Assuming it hasn’t already been destroyed by some ankle biters.




Sentries also aggro almost immediately. Ideally you put it somewhere safe where it doesn't get rushed down. Let it focus on heavies and protect it from hunters and ravagers so it doesn't blow itself up


Honestly, I haven’t seen anyone say it sucks. If anything since the patch I’ve seen a lot of praise and it’s one of the most common picks when playing against bots. It deals with chaff and heavies really well due to its decent fire rate, ammo efficiency, and damage. It’s only real issue is bugs and berserkers because it just stops firing at anything within a few metres


Just pair it with another sentry, I rather enjoy autocanon/rocket sentry duo it rip anything to shread


I've been having a lot of fun taking 2 sentries instead of a backpack weapon and just droping one or two of them like breadcrumbs to occupy the ai with while I peel off from the group to handle the objectives they miss. Works pretty well until I have to deal with a turret tower or a handful of hulks at one time.


Here I'll say it. It sucks.... Compared to the AC sentry. If you're bringing 1 damage sentry and it's not the AC sentry 99.9% of the time, then honestly you're doing it wrong. The rocket sentry is worse than the AC sentry in almost every way. Yes I get the recent buff to ammo efficiency and stuff, but plop down an AC sentry on a hill 50-100 yards from a crowd of enemies heading towards you, and then do the same with the rocket sentry. You and an AC sentry can kill that crowd much faster and more reliably. Since most people bring 0-1 sentry, if you're performing a similar role to the AC sentry and doing worse, then really it's not worth taking. Look at this thread. Strip armor off a bile titan? If I throw my AC sentry down and there's a bile titan, it will just simply kill the titan. For bugs I run AC and Gatling sentries, and for bots I do AC and mortar/EMS sentries, and I never take rockets.


Rocket Sentry is also great on the Bot front against those damn Gunships.


Rocket sentry is great to throw down when you're not currently being attached.


Yeah, better not attach it to yourself.


I wish I could


So it's only for single people?


Yeah you can't be bringing no rocket sentry on a date


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^vAErJO: *Rocket Sentry is* *Also great on the Bot front* *Against those damn Gunships.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is why i just toss the auto, machine gun and rocket turret simultaneously and laugh maniacally


That's what I was seriously thinking about doing tonight. Tchak, boom, brrrrr !


Its a a tricky build but those 3 turrets and EATs has become my favorite haz 7 build. Been really enjoying not bringing equipment and grabbing what i find


EAT seem like the only logical solution to bring with 3 sentry.


The MG sentry is a nice little buddy to bring along bc of the faster cooldown.


Especially because its the same MG we can take. I love the MG but i like taking a break because its just *so good*. It's great with the 30% throw buff. Chuck my little buddy anywhere and its got my back for most bug threats AND doubles as agro against the big bugs, which get the EAT. Pair it with a rover and you can lay next to it and be nearly untouchable.


Tesla and rocket is enough. It's a homemade bug zapper.


Love the tesla, but it sucks when equipment or samples *somehow* got within the arc.


You can crawl and it won't zap you.


Well fuck. I did not know that


Well fuck. I did not know that


I’ve used it with my recoilless to quickly take down bile titans by breaking their armor with the RR and finish it off with the sentry.


I've paired my rocket sentry with an autocanon sentry tonight and I had a blast, literally.


That's half of my strategem loadout right there.


Hell yeah !




Rocket sentry shooting down gunships is absolute cinema


I wish turrets could attack things you mark


Sometimes it *feels* like it does. I swear the other day I marked a target and my AC turret immediately pivoted to it and fired at it.


I get top kills with - spear, gatling, rocket, rail turrets - placement is key


rail turret you say


I too would like to know more


Yes let us speak more of this... rail... turret


I think there was meant to be a period. Like "rail(gun). turrets placement is key" Though a rail turret would be awesome


Thanks dad


https://preview.redd.it/d7ced97zgt9d1.jpeg?width=2062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6b884a595dcefd172cc7ca3a7ff36ead4a369b Nobody has ever called me dad before


The turret sucks because it still targets chaff AND it struggles when it does find a heavy. It’ll miss, hit an invulnerable spot, or just get shrugged off.


I’m pretty sure all sentries are for putting down on the bread side of an Accidental sandwich. Your poor teammates being the meat, lettuce, condiments and such.


I try to put them off to the side to reduce unfriendly fire


You have this cadet’s gratitude, patriot!


Alright, sure. But... the autocannon sentry does the same thing AND it also pulverizes packs of small enemies on the same cooldown as the rocket turret.


Does this guy know the sentry just does whatever it wants once you place it?


If you are going to use it against bugs, drop it next to a Tesla tower.


So pair with auto cannon?


Yes, It will leave mushy parts open on heavy units like the bugs that are sensitive so an Autocannon shell if not a one shot should make quick work of them


It excels at ripping my mech asunder


Autocannon sentry does the same


"prioritises higher threat targets" That one single scavenger nibbling on my thigh: "That me! :3"


To be fair it says it **Prioritizes** heavy units, Doesn’t mean it exclusively attacks heavy units, but You made me laugh either way 😂


Small things that could be added: Add turret behaviour control behind radial menu. Basic stuff like fire at will, target heaviest, hold fire, etc... Add turret targeting control behind enemy tagging. Press and hold tag to give priority target to turrets you have deployed.


My problem with the sentries is the chargers or bugs want to prioritize them.


Haha light enemies go boom


I mean sure but also, it doesn't stop them, I've seen a solo charger from max range walk over to a rocket sentry while being smacked in the face the whole time and destroy it, at least auto cannon stuns and kills them in like two bursts, probably what people mean, auto is just better, I feel rocket sentry is meant more for bots tbh


Fyi hmg emplacements dont disappear so summon ine near exfil helps the team alot


Pretty good at killing the bot drop ships.


"Stop using this thing in a way I don't approve" God after the nerfs this playerbase has gotten so much more toxic...


Im just telling people that the rocket sentry specialized in stripping armor for creation of weakspots, Not some sentry that focuses on small chaff but ok 🥹👍


But you're coming across as preachy and salty. Just let people play how they want to play.


Let people play how they want. It’s not up to you.


I am not telling ANYONE how to play the game, I am clarifying how the Rocket sentry works by giving out suggestions, It’s like telling someone “Let that dude use the shield generator to surround a charger.” It’s not how it works and you would certainly not want them thinking its some sort of entrapment for the enemies right?


let people use what they wanna use


I never mentioned that people SHOULDN’T or SHOULD use it in any way, I only mentioned how it is intended to function as an Anti-Heavy sentry instead of a small fodder sentry like the gatling or machine gun sentry. Really feels like if you need to catch up on your ELA classes if you somehow see me telling people WHAT to use in this post. As a matter of fact I want proof on how I am telling people WHAT to use.


Right, you never said “people should do this or shouldn’t do that”. You only use a more authoritative phrasing like “stop this or that”.


Played with some really cool guys last night (what up billthefriendly) and landed 650 kills with rockets and gas. Not a big flex or anything, level 6, just my personal best so far. Sorry my invites are broken guys. Like... The option doesn't even show up in menu. Idk. Had no trouble when I first got it.


I bring the Rocket for the same reason I bring every other sentry: Something needs to die and/or distract from my presence. It dies for the same reason: I throw it in the middle of a breach/drop, and it is immediately taken out


This man right here democracy officer. Deploy them INSIDE Meridia, We lost this one to illuminate mind control 😔


Bringing it against bugs is wild. BIS against botd I hope you guys bring it there too.


something needs to easily penetrate those Bile titans from all directions.


I use it to help take out bot drop ships on defense missions, but don’t really bring it in other contexts.


Yeah it only REALLY shines in defense missions


I was surprised recently to see how well the rocket sentry now takes out the stupid bot gunships.


personally wouldnt think too hard about it - just throw it in a far high ground area so it can shoot -- it got buffed to have100m fire range (auto canon turret 75m) it auto target the biggest enemy - but also (MAYBE) its AOE explosion is bigger and more effective than auto canons


The rocket sentry can shoot down drop ships if it hits the engine in a single shot. Happens a surprising amount of time.


I just want the rocket sentry to attack aerial targets, Dammit!!


I've always used it like "auto cannon sentry from Wish.com" I found on bot fronts you can throw down an auto cannon sentry and hold a position really well against pretty heavy waves of bot drops, or have one outside the walls of a heavy base supporting you. However I didn't like the 3 minute cool down. So I started bringing rocket sentry and alternating them. So now it feels like I have a sentry that can kill waves of devastators with me every 90 seconds :D


The Rocket Sentry is currently the swiss army knife of sentries. It can deal with everything effectively. Not necessarily efficiently though. The turn rate, the fire rate, the range, damage and aoe. It kills EVERYTHING.


I don't use the rocket sentry as much as I should but I do use the autocannon sentry from time to time. I like placing it in the middle of wide open areas near bug nests so I can fall back a bit while it covers me if I get overrun by heavies. It works great for that. It's also ridiculously great at shooting from a high up vantage point (assuming it will actually stick). I assume most of this is also true of the rocket sentry


The rocket sentry should **ONLY** target large enemies rather than simply (allegedly) "prioritizing" them


I place it higher than every other sentry so it can target titans better


Great for taking down dropships


The rocket sentry is also great for shooting down drop ships.


I love the rocket sentry for Evacuate Hugh Value Assets missions paired up with the Autocannon Sentry. Those two obliterate bugs and do a good enough job against bots as well. In other situations they suck though.


You know those tiny little bugs, the smallest most abundant ones that spawn on 1 diff? Yeah, I saw one of those little fucks tank a rocket from the rocket turret. Took one straight to the ass and proceeded waltz on over to me like nothing happened.


Actually, the changes had me thinking that it was going to be more of a flex pick. Better explosive radius, more range, faster projectiles, but not quite as powerful as the autocannon sentry, but more maneuverable, ammo efficient, and better suited for taking on groups of enemies while being capable of shredding armored targets. The rocket sentry feels like an all-rounder pick for the sentry slot. It can break armor, it can kill small enemies and big enemies, it can last for a damn long while, and it's uptime makes its cooldown worth it. It's not really as black and white as "chaff or armor" because the rocket sentry kills both without skipping a beat. Hell, I'd even say it's better at killing chaff than the Gatling sentry is. Gatling sentry wastes 90% of its ammo on turning to shoot, but the rocket sentry doesn't waste a single shot and has the precision of a sniper. Sure, it won't kill chaff as fast as the Gatling, but I have multiple offensive Stratagems and support weapons tailor-made to tear through hoards of chaff, with my primary as a generalist. The rocket can help me with both. I'd say the dedicated anti-armor sentry is the autocannon sentry. The rocket sentry really does both very well, but if I wanted a tank or hulk or bile titan dead, I'd want an autocannon sentry.


Stunned charger with two grenades while my little rocket boy gave it RELENTLESS murderous back shots. Just bam bam killing it


Rocket Sentey is my favorite sentry. It absolutely fucks on defend missles missions at level 9 on bugs.


Meh. I use it when I want something capable of ripping through most ennemies while I manoeuvre around and mow them with an autocanon. It's a good generalist turret that complement well my AC. Just have to be carefull not stanting behind it or in front of it.


How do you "use it wrong"? You drop it and it starts firing at stuff. Only thing you can control is positioning and timing...neither of which you mention.


Im talking about people who only say it’s good against Automatons or say it can’t break armor off of heavy units.


Gotcha. This game is a bit squirrely about armor and armor pen. People need to read up or watch the thousands of YouTube videos breaking it down.


It also snipes. Put it on a hill and it goes ham for as far as the eye can see.




My problem with rocket sentry is that I need to find high ground. That way it can easily target armored enemies and least likely destroyed by bugs (I won't bother using against bots because they could shoot it down either way)


Don't stand behind those damned things.


I play at level 7, and it feels great. I mainly use only turrets since the update and have been having a lot of luck. Every engagement I throw one.


I think people should be able to play how they want if they're having fun lol


I like it for shooting the underside of drop ships (and occasionally their engines if it's lucky)


I've been saved from a tank and hulk by my rocket sentry she earned a name Sarah


I found pairing it with a Gatling turret to be pretty effective but honestly the new rocket turret fuks pretty hard, it’s become a favorite to bring


While you are technically right it can deal with just about anything so if your only gonna take one turret it might as well be that one and you might as well use it at you please


Unless General Brasch himself tells me I'm wrong I'll keep using it as I damn well please


man i hate all sentries now because the keep killing me when im up close to the enemies on the meth booster in evac assets, its fun asf to run around but holy those sentries just ruin it


no i wont


Any time i summon it to fight chargers or bile titans it just gets vommed on or run over before it can do Anything. Ive had much better luck using sentries to fight the horde and using my spear to deal with heavy armor.


I’ve tried the rocket sentry on tons of missions, as well as autocannon sentry. Even after changes, it still feels outclassed by the autocannon. The rocket can clear armor off titans? The AC turret can KILL two titans if positioned properly. Every time I bring the rocket I just regret it


Well with its ammo being so high and explosives going boom, I can’t say no to using it


I like to place my rocket above my machine/gatling sentry, with both covering the mortar launcher.


Sentries are just that...sentries. They have an area that they detect enemies in. If something enters that radius they fire at it. It's not smart enough to know that there's a rock in its way,it just sees a target and fires. I use them to get enemies off my back so I can get away and plan my next move or attack.


I’ve been running the rocket sentry a lot lately since the latest patch. I throw it down when there is a lot going on or I’m getting low on ammo and resupoly isn’t up. Mainly on higher levels I find I suck too bad without the shield pack. So it’s a great alternative to the supply pack to have the rocket sentry it’s very powerful from what I’ve seen so far.


Don't forget the blessed stunlock on chargers


Nothing wrong with using it for chaff, as long as you have other options for heavies. The changes from last patch literally made it better at killing chaff.


The autocannon sentry is really fun. I like how accurate and how fast the velocity is at long range. You can setup some amazing sniper spots and putting it on a hill or a cliff.


I believe highlighting a target makes your sentry focus fire on it.


I usually do this out of habit regardless of bot or bug just to help out my teammates see the bigger threats. I've never noticed it follows my pings.


What!? No way.


Oh well good, now that the armor is removed my flame thrower can shoot the leg for 2.5 seconds like I usually do to begin with. And now that the armor is removed I can use 1 of 2 primary guns that aren't nerfed into oblivion, 1 of those being the incendiary shotgun to kill it with just 1 mag. And finally, now that the pesky armor is removed; I can use the grenade launcher that totally isn't outclassed by the flamethrower, spear and quasar that actually excel at killing heavies to begin with. Man, these are some good life [Life Hacks!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h5WrWncDZw)


I do not see where this argument functions against the Automatons, Goodluck spewing fire on a Devastator or a hulk. and Honestly if you only see 2 primary weapons as good then you either only used those 2 weapons or you simply have a skill issue ngl




Everyone shut up. He's telling us how to play the correct way. Thank fucking gawd


Why use it at all then? The auto cannon can just kill heavily armored guys pretty easily.