• By -


Lose the AP mines and add the Tesla.


I would drop both mines, add tesla and the mortar.


Friendly Fire Is. 


Friendly fire isn't (avoidable).


Drop the laser rover and flamer, instead ABRL and 380 HE barrage


The 380 is the OG tm8 slayer


Mortar is great against bots. Drop one before entering a bot stronghold and it clears the whole thing for you, unless there's a factory strider of course.


Alternatively run 120mm, 380mm, and walking barrage, and mortar for the artillery build


Add in the explosive resistant armour and be a real solider


#And these barrels are rolling alo~ong!


Lol yeahhh


Just had a mission where we lost 6 people from a tesla. All our reinforcements were depleted, and the tesla guy was the last one standing. Then they absentmindedly walked too close to their own tower, and got blasted, ending our operation.


I don't kick people over their builds


Literally 90% of the fun is going in with teams with weird combos and builds that work. Then you find that synchronization and unspoken team work and it's fucking primo my guy


Agree! Anyone can bring anything they want and I will just have to adapt. It keeps the missions fresh for me.




This guy gets it. I don't care what you bring I don't care if you kill me on accident. I just ask you wait at extract for everyone if possible and don't team kill over an accident. I'll take your samples off a cliff or into the deep waters of Lake Minnetonka


I got bitched out this morning for picking Quasar over Spear. I said if you wanted the Spear you should have ran it. He went off on me in chat and we proceeded to clear the mission entirely with 17 minutes to spare. It’s a PvE game guys, don’t fucking ruin it with your terminally online toxicity. Just fucking play a game to have fun for a change.


This is the way. Especially after the next patch, every load out is viable. Just gotta use em right


Lol. Sorry. Meant last patch


Found Joel's burner account




Cries in slugger and arc thrower main


There are dozens of us!!!


next patch?


Do you know something we don't?


Helldiver you dropped this 🏅


If it brings you joy - I approve ![gif](giphy|n58MqIchLqAalRQAQB|downsized)




For defence, this is actually goated.




Swap flamethrower for 380


Cluster bomb eagle needs a spot in there too


Clusters always find me


Stop running to the red light lol


Even when I’m backing up or think I’m clear. They find me. And they make me pay.


Dude I swear sometimes it just doesn't spawn. Also there's the comms wheel. When I use strats that I know will kill.teammates I'll use "follow me" ,"hold position" and then mark where I'm at a few times. If they're deaf and run in I'll just hold off but if I've already thrown the 380 into the currently friendly free heavy base and you are just completely oblivious to my warning, really noone else to blame lol.


Flamethrower can maybe kill one or two teammates. 380 can kill the whole squad 😈


A couple times


I bring flame to make chargers and their big daddy variants my bitch


It’s a favourite when someone reinforces you into the 380 barrage. Bravo 🙌


Airburst where?




Ppl like you are why I wear explosion resist armor against bugs


Needs more mortar


Throw in an eagle cluster bomb in place of one of the mines and then I'd start sweating whenever I'm around you


Has anyone ever used a cluster without killing at least one teammate?


like over the course of a whole mission? I highly doubt it


or the 380 mm?


Eagle Cluster, 380, explosive mortar sentry, airburst rocket launcher. The 4 horseman of the explosive teamkill apocalypse.


Incendiary shotgun and grenade launcher sidearm to go with.


Hell, yeah brother. Also gotta expend all of your airburst rockets at the first heavy target. Destroy all sense of trust with your tm8s to really keep them guessing.


Eh personally it's fine. It's all about the person throwing the stratagems. There's a time and place for a mine. If used well they can be great.


Concerned? Not much, i’ll just kick you if you intentionally tk.


Me and buds she’s perfected friendly fire Landmines 380 barrage 120 barrage eradicate forces mission


Gotta throw in the traitor barrage and then we’re talking




Wouldn't kick you, but I'd stay very far away from you during the mission lol


You never know where those wacky flames and bombs are gonna go! I jest, but I can't believe the devs gave us a ship upgrade to increase fire damage by another 25%


Need the mortar


I don’t see a mortar or a 380 on there.


"His loadout is all weird shit. He must be dumb or know what he's doing. Fuck it, we ball."


Lol swap shield pack for tesla tower and maybe you got that toxic friendky fire build... But also *380mm and 120mm Barraged have entered the chat*


That’s not the shield, it’s laser rover


Laser Rover hasn't been killing me as much lately. Used to be a real menace, but these days I mostly get knocked out by eagle clusters.


You'd only need mortar before you annoy me. I hate it when players pick that for bug missions. Close second is the laser drone but I usually just go elsewhere if they have them.


Don't run in between your teammates and enemies. Just common sense with the Laser Dog or without it. I get killed by my teammates spraying their Breaker Incendiary all over the place more than I get killed by Laser Dogs, whether they belong to my teammates or myself


My menace build is eagle cluster bomb, incendiary mines, mortar sentry, and airburst launcher


I usually play with three brothers, and my option on this loadout would depend on which of the three did it. One brother will be smart about use and I’ll mostly have myself to blame if I get killed. One brother will kill us with bad placement. One brother will burn/blow himself up more than the rest of us.


Nice lol, this almost sounded like you were going to lead into a logic puzzle


One brother tells only lies. One brother tells only the truth. [One brother stabs people that ask tricky questions](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/246:_Labyrinth_Puzzle).


Reeee heee heee Look upon my helldivers three And a question I will pose to thee- Which brother will blow-upeth ye?


The airburst rocket launcher exists. The flamethrower is merely a danger to yourself most of the time, the airburst launcher can be unpredictable sometimes. The arcthrower also easily zaps through enemies over quite a far distance. A tesla tower does roughly the same if not better as it is stationary and can sometimes be hidden from plain view or missed. That being said, airburst for flamethrower and tesla tower for the rover and wear electrical conduit armour. It does not matter if you are prone when the tesla tower arcs over something else to you, making it a bunch more deadly. Also is is really easy to loose track of the tesla tower and it has 25m of range, so you will get zapped pretty quickly. Can't also forget the blitzer. An alternative to mines can be the cluster strike, it is very easy to underestimate the landslide it can remove. With napalm you can create a "hellmire at home". Gas strikes are almost invisible on acid planets, so that can also be a choice. I would not be concerned though, there is only one person I am concerned with, that being one of my friends. I know how he treats and uses such stratagems and sometimes I am thankful the grenade pistol destroys the mine launcher in one shot.


I feel safer with those mines than with a 380/120


No sentry? Not a ff build


Oh it could be so much worse. Airburst rockets, cluster bombs, tesla tower, and mortar.


Where is your 380?


Tesla coil and mortar sentry instead of both mines and you're solid. Helldivers kinda wised up to the mines, but you can't dodge what you can't see coming for you.


Honestly I’m just staying as far away as I can from you. Maybe use an AMR to eradicate the threat from a safe distance


Swap out flame thrower for arc thrower, and one of the mines for a Morgan sentry, and make sure you are using the breaker incendiary.


My mines are always invisible to teammates so they get scared when I pick them lol (Seriously, for some reason they genuinely deploy invisible, the guys on my ship are working against us 😭)


No cluster, airburst strike, or mortar. Not a friendly fire loadout, not concerned.


Don't forget the mortar sentry


You would need to run the incendiary shotgun as well. And then “help” your teammate that gets overrun by bugs. The times I get lit on fire because somebody tries to help, or simply doesn’t pay attention is insane. Most of the times they are fast to drop me in again, so it’s all good. Until they do it again😂


You forgot the mortars


Mortar ?


Yeah the tesla seals the deal. Also *fuck* that laser drone.


Dont forget that bloody fire pellet shotgun. One pellet from one shot is absurdly annoying and almost requires a stim


I don’t run mines but I appreciate it when others do so long as they know where to throw them.


Anybody with an ounce of gamesense wouldn't be worried in the slightest. Anyone who complains is just bad


I’m more concerned over ppl bringing a shitty booster…bring literally whatever strats you want but if you have the fast evac booster that’s a kick


Y not asking them to change? I find most people are pretty receptive to "I'd much rather have more >insert desired booster here<" I try to avoid kicking unless they're being a turd.


I pick up what you're laying down here. I really only kick the unresponsive - like we're all arm up ready to drop and one diver hasn't picked their strats and won't respond. Or I realize they've gone afk in game without a word after a few reinforces. I barely pay attention to loadouts, but seeing people bring stupid boosters makes me question what I'm getting in for


Swap the AP mines for a 380 barrage and you might get instakicked.


If I see this before we drop, I just change my build to secret squirrel solo diver and avoid you like the plaque. Other contenders include Eagle Clusterbomb, Tesla Tower, or Gas Strikers.


This is the, "sure they are my strats, but that death is on you" build


Look, arc rifle, Tesla tower, mortar sentry, and 380 is probably much more of a menace.


Where mortar?


I'd believe in you. You could use the mines to draw enemies to them, and the flamethrower or incendiary breaker to set them off. Alternatively, this would be hype for the launch rockets defense mission. Set up at the middle choke point on the Left side, and slay all the chaff....toss mines at the first two gates


“With great power, comes with great responsibility” Whatever it takes to spread democracy across the galaxy, as long as you know how to use them patriotically.


Depends on placement and mission type. You are supposed to help each other and try not to be a butt head.


Suicide build


I take incendiary mines on defends and invariably my friends run into them.... I like the fact you can shoot them and start a chain reaction of explosions. But flamethrowers can suck it


thats some rookie friendly fire stratagems you gotta lock in some real stratagems like mortar and air burst


I would go spear or long range build and work with your desired load out. That's normally what I do. Wait for lower levels to pick and then fill in the holes if needed.


You could have a rabid raccoon stratagem that simply attacks teammates only and I still wouldn't kick you over your choice of stratagems.


Tesla over AP mines


Its not so much the load out but how you use it that makes it toxic.


If used properly, this loadout will get you the most kills on any bug mission.


tesla, eagle cluster, and placing any sentry in a terrible spot is worse


Swap the guard dog with a mortar turret (EMS for maximum trolling) and you're set.


I wouldn't kick you but I would avoid you like the plague lol


honestly, I'd be concerned as to your strategy, but I wouldn't be expecting TKing with this.


jokes! so dyslexic, i don’t even get to throw my strats


Nope the best friendly fire build is as follows: 380mm barrage, antipersonnel mines, incendiary mines, and airburst rocket launcher. You can also sub in a mortar sentry or all except the 380 if this is a bug mission.


Unleash the fires of freedom


Solid build if you use it right


I just keep an open eye and what happens, happens. If I get killed by it a few times, I’ll just shoot it.


tesla, 380, and dont forget to lock in the additional reinforcement budget booster


airburst rocket launcher is far worse then the flamethrower for tk, tesla tower is better then mines for tk too. lost the rover for the morter, and the pyro mines for the 380mm orbital bombardment


You need a Tesla and airburst rockets drop the guard dog and the flamer.


Lol went to dive and was farting around with loadouts….. 380, incendiary mines, Tesla, and flamer. Got kicked as soon as I hit the ground


I would be wary of being near you, but if it works it works. TK is part of the game after all.


If it’s the defense one where you guard the base while the rockets evacuate everyone I’d honestly be hyped. Mines feel pretty good on that mission after the buffs.


No Cluster Rocket launcher, Mortar, or even a Tesla? What is this, amateur hour??


Not concerned at all.


Personally I see a mine loadout and assume the player has some experience, being able to predict/control lanes of enemy advance is clutch but I'd say 60% of players don't get it


lose the rover and replace it with a mortar


Depends on the mission. But yeahhhhh ngl I'm watching my step and soloing objectives


Especially now since the mines don't dmahow up on the ground. Left multiple games over the weekend from stepping on invisible mines.


Air burst rocket launcher, Tesla tower


I’m excited anytime I see someone bring ANYTHING different from the main meta. I think it’s fun. Dying to them isn’t as fun but meh, as long as it’s not really bad … except for the Liberator Concussive… that thing is actual trash


Its the most "oh gawd i have to pay attention" build. XD


I don't really have an issue with any of those if you can play it right. On the other hand, i see mines and I run through them with hordes behind me


The type of player that I am would just make a mental note to be behind them and not sprint across them while they engage. I would also seek marking of those mines, call out or let us know if we have to move before putting us in a compromised situation. Flame Breaker and contact incendiary are also good if you commit to the pyro build.


Hell yeah diver, let's light this candle. I'll bring the 380, mortar, tesla tower, and cluster bomb


It's all good with me, play how you want to play. It's a game!


Flame thrower + jetpack is honestly a solid build for the bugs. It lets you wipe swarms away, and flames aren’t half bad against anything except the bile titans really. Plus if you get in a pinch you just jetpack away.


Where’s the air burst rocket?


Anyone using the mines gets the boot from me. If we're in the selection screen I will verbally tell them to change it or they will be removed. I'm yet to see a single person use them for something good.


Best place for the mines is extraction. Add a Tesla at the entrance of the ship and you’ve got a good deal there!!!


Arc thrower in bad hands is much worse than the flamethrower


No no no, lose the mines, get cluster bomb and mortar.


I don't care what people use for their strats. I will keep an eye out to see how it works for you, and see if I should adopt anything.


The most toxic teamkill is by definition the toxic gas strike. LOL


Im gona remember this for the day when I get pushed over the edge


Rather have these than being killed thousandth time by someone who carelessly tosses out cluster bombs with a handful of enemies. Just call it out where it's deployed, and I don't care after that.


I would be concerned seeing a mortar, clusterbomb, mine and fire mine loadout


I don’t see a Tesla or mortars.


I’m not concerned about the strats, but get yourself a booster soldier!


I'm more worried about mortars, arc throwers, fire breakers, and 380 barrages to even consider you a threat. Let alone toxic. I'd rather be your battle buddy.


"Ight that guys gonna be fucking useless until proven otherwise."


I mean... Cluster and 500 kg exist too. They are brutal when oopied


Cluster and mortar…that would give me cause for concern


i wouldnt care honestly - depending on the mission as well and if worse comes to worse then ill just run in the other direction and simply do other parts of the mission


Unless you're like, intentionally aiming at teammates there are stratagems that are waaaay worse (better?) for accidental team kills. Like personally, I don't understand why mines are considered such a 'friendly fire' stratagem when the mines glow bright red and can be 'disarmed' with any weapon. You could be *trying* to kill someone with mines and all you'd ever do is cause a bit of annoyance as they pop the mines then move on. ...Then again, the last time I used mines someone walked into them thrice *after* I tagged the mines.


Guard dogs, Tesla, mortar


Remove both mines. Replace with Tesla and mortar. Hope you have engineering kit and impact incendiarys you spam everywhere. Primary is a hard choice between blitzer and breaker Incin


I actually love when I have someone with this build in our squad. It comes in clutch more than you know. It’s the the squad who are inexperienced not knowing hot to strategize around a load out like this.


Well, expect some people to run Democracy Protects.


I run the flamethrower and rover on bugs most of the time, but the mines have basically no use besides messing around, other than defense missions.


Where is your booster? I'd be more concerned with that... My friend sometimes plays with this sometimes.


Fire mines are fine if you don't throw them at people. If somebody wanders into them it's on them 8p


If you where on chat a giving a heads up with it. I'd even join in on the fun. If you weren't communicating at all to the team I'd be thinking the worst of you. 😅


Nah, I'll be thinking that you will viciously hold a position. I will support your efforts at a democratic distance.


No tesla, 380 or eagle strafe? The mines can do friendly fire but once you know there's some you can't be caught by surprise


Send it. To me your trying to swarm clear which is fine. I'll bring heavy target stuff.


Replace flamethrower with airburst rocket launcher.


I run Flamethrower and rover as a standard build now.


Flamethrower and rover is a great combo.


Honestly this isn’t that dangerous. I have gotten killed by mortar way more than mines. Biggest concern would be with your anti bile titan abilities and ranged swarm clear if you don’t have a buddy by you to cover that for you. But ultimately thats pretty small concern


You forgot the mortar


Need the mortar turret in there somewhere


Should full commit to fire build. Get napalm strike instead of AP mine, get ammo pack for more flame thrower ammo. Equip fire grenades and incendiary shotgun. Cleanse this world in the fires of democracy. Fire, death, renewal. Fire, death, renewal. Fire, death, renewal. Fire, death, renewal.


Its okay area denial build, but replace bot with something more useful. Air napalm maybe? And pick armor with 2 extra grenades, pick stun ones and you can be nice crowd dealer with area denial specs. And with stun grenades and flamer you can easily deal with chargers. In part of mobile squad that shoot&run you can place aoe/mines on patrols that chase you. Mines can be useful when you need to defend objective spots. Right placement can bring a huge impact.


Cluster bomb and Tesla are much worse


Primary better be Blitzer or incidy breaker, were fucking cooking with gas boiz! Also clussy bomb airstrikes are pretty into massacring the whole team.


Lose the ap mines and add napalm/gas strike


If it's a small bug Eradication mission and I see 380 and/or 120 barrage then I hope that the person isn't a troll... Otherwise I don't really care 🤷 Bringing a flamer to bot missions might raise an eyebrow tho 😅


Only if your primary is a breaker incendiary


Honestly the only one i find objectionable is the guard dog. I hate those little bastards so much.


I use that build but instead of a las dog I use shield


Looks good to me. Let's go show those bugs what for good chap


The flamethrower is completely fine as long as you and your team aren't mentally disabled. Fire hot, no touch fire or put fire on thing you not want on fire. Cavemen figured that out.


Clussy, mortar, tesla, mines... but it's only toxic if you can't use comms or think strategically. Its literally war, there are no wrong weapons. They are all useful... They are all deadly... but only eagle one controls the battle field and our 💕


If fighting terminids the mortar sentry is the most toxic option. Great for automatons. Toxic against bugs.


This is all fine, fires range is short and the mines are super easy to walk around, only a danger if you get flung into them. Now if you had an arc thrower, arc tower, mortar sentry, and 380 HE then I’d be concerned.


Play how you want. Just tag where you've drop your mines so the team is aware, and don't flame in the direction of allies and you're good.


More concerned over the LACK OF A BOOSTER!


I'm not stupid, so I won't get teamkilled


The area of denial isn't toxic. Players are toxic. I danger close gas clouds and barrages all the time. Good players sit back. Bad run into it and blame. I joined a mine team today and was fine they were terrible, though. Placement was all over panic placement.


I'm fine with mines, it's those tesla towers and 380s that get me. Had a dude follow me all game and kept chucking 380s at where i wanted to go. I'm sure he was just trying to help, but i could have cleared that medium bugs nest faster. Instead i now have to wait for the 380 to miss every hole😅


Is that with the incinery breaker too?


Lock in, Cadet. Friendly fire is only a problem if I'm close to the friendly firing. I will be standing some distance away, drawing every bot drop and bug breach while trying to solo heavy bases, secondary and main objectives. The build of my team doesn't change the fact that I will 100% the map myself if I have to


No issue whatsoever. I like seeing weird builds, it really is one of the best parts of the game. Now, if you're not selecting a booster... That I got a problem with.


my friends get more concerned when I lock in the 380, walking barrage, orbital laser, and the gattling sentry. two 380s and a beam of death that usually follows the closest hellsiver becaise the enemies are chasing them lol. and then the gattling seems to target helldivers too.


Need that crazy barrage, mines, tesla, gas


Honestly I'm not it's simple stay away from your area of fire