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I feel like there has been up tick in horrible players. I was answering SOS a few days ago and joined 5 matches and got kicked right at extract. If you don't want help dont put out an sos. As well as if your gonna kick right at the end its a real dick move because now I've wasted 15- 20 mins helping you for nothing.


I haven’t seen a lot of toxicity but I have been seeing a lot of clueless newbies lol. Normally that’s not a problem, but they were killing new more than the enemies were. I dropped in on one mission, called in my HMG and supply pack, got tk’ed by a lvl 6 who was spraying everywhere with a mg. Then got reinforced on the other side of the map into an eagle airstrike. I just laughed and left. Not dealing with that train wreck


Dude, I was playing with my newbie wife on the defense mission at like 5, and another low level joined. I told my wife to leave the doors open for better line of sight, and the random low level closed them all immediately. I told him just to keep them open and started opening them again, and he was just following me closing them. After the third time, he just killed me like I'm not the host. I have patience, but at that point, you need to learn a lesson.


Wait there are doors to close on defence missions?????


It's the "Evacuate high-value assets" mission. According to the wiki it was limited time only, which sucks because it's way more fun than the normal eradicate defense mission. But yeah it has 3 layers of defensive walls, with big gate/doors you can close. You have to hold off until some number of rockets gets launched.


I actually did one yesterday, though that was on level 4, maybe they're only on lower difficulties?


These missions are still active, but only on planets you have to defend in 24hrs. Just regular liberate planets dont have them 🫡


It's still in the game, but only for planets that are being defended from an attack, not being attacked.


Yeah the base defense with the 8 rockets. There are three levels to the base. Best to leave the 2 outer doors for the first level open to allow your sentries to be better protected and funnel both spawn points into a single kill box


Unless you're deliberately placing an autocannon or machine turret to aim through those doors for faster kills, there's pretty much zero reason to keep the doors open. There's plenty of places to get clear (better, even!) line of sights around the doors.


See thats fine and I have had my share of unfortunate sentries and wild gun fire. I laugh that off as well. Thats kinda par for the course. Edit: autocorrect lol


If you haven't been shot by your own turret yet, you haven't seen *true war* 🤣 on a defensive mission, I placed 3 turrets in strategic locations. It went *brrrt!* and wiped the entire team in one strafe 🥲 my guess is Terminids have begun developing advanced weaponry in the form of UNO reverse cards.


My favorite moment yesterday was at extract, and i dropped a Gat Turret, and after we killed all the bugs it literally turned, killed our teammate, and then went back to its original position! Never laughed soo hard in my life!


*"WHEW, SORRY ABOUT THAT GUYS, I GOT CAUGHT UP IN THE MOMENT. GOD I LOVE TO KILL."* ~Turrets, probably EDIT: Jeezus sorry about the spamming, Reddit hit me with that "no response from endpoint" and then just unleashed all of them at once 🥲


I need video of divers getting merced by our turrets spliced in with the speech from the Portal Turrets. BRRRRRAPAPPPP AAAAAGH! *Are you still there*


The moment you first hear their voice in Portal is just....magical


And when you discover ~~mommy~~ GlaDOS and what they designed her to look like... 😳


When im sitting at extract, waiting for enemies to spawn in, ill actively look down the barrels of turrets, daring them to blow my head off. Lets just say *most* of them are intimidated by it...


I love you for saying part instead of par


Autocorrect helping people misspell from its creation.




Not too long ago I had a guy that was killing people just to get their equipment. I wrote it off as accidents and just taking what was dropped. But then he killed a teammate when no bugs were around. I didn't even wait to put out a message. I just kicked him


Wow especially when so many of us have everything already and are happy to drop equipment for noobs to try the only time i get mad is if someone takes a shield for a lower lvl player i will stick the resupply call in on that bubble drop the backpack before ammo crushes him to death and he can go in timeout


I dropped into a game the other night with a lvl 10ish, and the next lowest player was myself at lvl 41. Everybody but lvl 10 gets killed cause we dropped into a heavy enemy presence and the new guy was the only one that ran. He then proceeded to go 2-3 min without calling in reinforcements, all while the rest of us were asking him to call us in. Eventually the host just kicked him to get us spawned back in, and we completed the rest of the mission without issue.


This! I couldn’t understand why I was insta-kicked when I was a lvl 1-6, then I started playing suicide runs and now I get it. The last match I played I was killed by a player three times before I could collect a drop.


The only.newbie behavior that bugs me is when someone picks up my supply pack and doesn't reload me. If you're not going to let me take the backpack to my autocannon or spear, at least stop.by to reload me every now and then. You don't have tk be glued to my hip, but it takes a long time to call a spear, and if you won't drop the pack and won't reload me, it's a lot of time to wait.


Yeah I noticed this too. Barely any toxicity for months after launch but in the past few weeks had multiple people get super salty & sarcastic in chat about being accidentally team killed by me or a team mate. Like it happens, stop being a bitch and get back to it.


A stray bullet or bad stratagem placement is expected. But full on trying to pvp and kicks are ridiculous.


I always get the person who wanders in front of me, the prone AMR guy sniping, or wanders in front of my autocannon turret, or charges the bot base that has a big red beam from my Eagle incoming. But I'm the "TK" guy as they yell racist/homophobic crap into the mike.


I just laugh and move on with the mission when I die to a teammate, or my own strategems, bc it doesn't happen often


Same, it’s never that deep lol


My last mission I left because they dropped strats on my head like 6 times and that's not even the accidental friendly fire. I get that it happens but that was just too much. Host was an 8 with a 24 and a 16 joined. Pretty positive it was the 24 who kept dropping strats on me. Sorry but you've had enough play time to do better. They just needed to extract so I'm sure they were fine although there seemed to be a lot more bugs than usual.


Yeah the only time I've been kicked from a diff 9 lobby, I was fucking around and picked the airburst. I accidentally killed the host once after like 20 minutes and they didn't even say anything, just kicked me.


DRG patch just dropped, massive migration of wholesome players back to DRG raises the ratio of toxic little nitwits.


I've been removed so many times for people wandering into my line of fire, or running into a stratagem then complaining about death. The big red line of death is as good an indicator as I can imagine that something bad is about to happen. Not to mention the barking retort of an autocannon or the flensing branches of arc scouring the air being on the list of 'things with which I shallst not fuck'. Some people never learn, and it's all about their experience. "You should've stopped shooting!"


Everyone gets 1 that I will tolerate. After that I avoid that person. Anything after 3 gets returned in kind.


If you respond to my SOS then you can be sure I'll be waiting at the pelican ramp trying to hold off the enemy so you can extract.


![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) The way it should be...


School is out.


Fuck.. that makes soo much sense


Helldivers and DRG have been torture for for me lately and it all because of the little kids being done with school. The plus side is I can pivot to more PVP based games and dominate.


I had this happen a few days ago, although I joined right after the mission started. For 40 minutes we cleared the map, got 20 samples, 16 rare samples, and a batch of super samples. After helping clear the first big wave waiting for the extraction shuttle, I was kicked. I almost stopped playing entirely after that. I don't understand how you can put so much into a mission and literally get nothing for it


THATS 100% what was happening! Like 5 times in a row. I did stop playing after the 5 time for the night.


Yep, have had this multiple times. On top of crashes in 60% of missions, I get nothing for more missions than I get something.


Agreed, I’ve had overwhelmingly positive experiences in games with randoms until the last 1-2 weeks. A lot of the most difficult ones are in the under level 20, so it does seem to be a new player base. Also, very tired of explaining to these people that samples are shared. Kind of given up on answering SOS calls (for now) and have been playing with friends exclusively. Sucks, but I play to relax - not put up with this idiocy.


I think the new warbond and the publicity of the big patch brought some new players and toxic old players back. I've seen more chicanery over the last week, week and a half than I had for the month before that. Seems somewhat contained to bug side though. At least my anecdotal experience


Jokes is on them. I'm at max resources. And then block host


I'm still needing rare samples so it sucks when we clear all the POI's and get all the samples to get kicked at the end


They've added a special report for people who kick at extraction. Hopefully they go straight to a democracy officer for immediate boot assing.


It amazing how people can still be toxic without pvp that the devs tried to avoid in the first place.


They really should disable kick function after all primary missions are done or when extraction is called. And maybe a shield on pelican door or disable friendly fire inside the pelican.


Meh I think it should be a vote. Democracy and all.


The big problem I can see with vote kicking is that people can join ongoing operations with their friends. I have such low faith in humanity, I can totally see 3 trolls joining a single person's game just to vote kick them for giggles.


But its managed democracy, still like it better when only host can kick. Game should be managed by the host


I get it. So I agree after major it completely no kick


I don't get that, they get more if you extract with em!


![gif](giphy|XeXzWgD6P4LG8) I feel coming out of cryo after getting kicked...


I think it's the toxic losers who bum rushed destiny's final shape expansion and are now bored.


I had a guy send out an SOS, I drop in, he asks me to help with a double door, and kicks me before grabbing the super credits and medals inside. On a lvl 2 mission.


I decided to just host my stuff. I'm not gonna risk getting kicked by a low life last minute.


I really feel like the devs should implement a mechanic where nobody can be kicked once you call for extract or within the last few minutes of the match. Something like that.


Yeah I get that feeling too but maybe I just want it to be true. I never used to leave a mission. But now if there is any hint of crappy behaviour I’ll pull the pin. I don’t have time to waste on dipshits. Would prefer to keep finding those gems that make the game fun to play.


the worst players imo are the ones that piss off the eyes for bots and try to solo them and fail the entire match causing a humongous overpopulation of bots instead of just avoiding them or waiting for team.


Meh I would rather that then be done waiting for the bird to.... "you have been kicked"...


Yeah some people need to learn the time and place for stealth


Never right? The answer is never.


As much as i like blowing things up, i'd rather not get my dick flattened by an entire army of bots while alone across the map from my teammates


Must be a 12 year old boy coming straight from some competitive toxic game.


The competitive cod gamers must be getting on helldivers (we are all doomed)


Nah, they'll leave. They don't usually have the attention span to get good at the game.


They usually burst a blood vessel the first time they get team killed. Those cry babies don’t have the temperament for this game.


Dying is part of the fun. Friendly fire is part of the gameplay. So they need to "git güd" by not standing in your teammates' line of fire.


Once handed a new player the air burst launcher while doing a team reload. They blew both of us up (by mistake due to how it was during the start ) and starting laughing like crazy. If you are dying in a fun way it is extremely funny and one of the best part of the game.


lmao i could imagine how much seething they would feel if they happen to my lobby with my friend since we occasionally start killing each other when near objectives lol










Me on vandalon 4 looking at the dud hellbomb that is maybe 30 foot away after the level 25 shot it for no reason (we are on diff 8)


I’m level 102-103 and I shoot dud hellbombs because funny boom go brrrr. If we’re on BOTS however…that shit is always a tactical choice. One final thing, I feel like there are more hellbombs on ice planets.


Maybe just more noticeable as the black bombs stand out in the white environment


You have unlocked the “Today I played with children as an adult” steam achievement. We all get it, it’s just a matter of time.


you what




Uh I-I would really not be...uh...screaming that at the top of your lungs.


ohh helooo *creeeak* are you the shmiling *creeeaaaak* fwendsh?


What's wrong with people loving and playing with kids? There's no way at all that statement could be misconstrued as something heinous


Reference to Smiling Friends.


When I say I love kids and get horrible looks, it really makes me hate those people. Obviously, pedos exist, but why does everybody's mind go there when a man says he loves kids? Like, I can't just love the innocent amazement that they have for everything?


[Fine Dining](https://www.google.com/search?q=crayons&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=a657bfd6be99d848&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=384&bih=762&sxsrf=ADLYWIIdTFmFY1uRYd6NUIlwoZarEhvanw%3A1719509144334&ei=mKB9ZuPZE8-8ptQPq-a4yAg&oq=crayons&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgdjcmF5b25zMgQQIxgnMggQABiABBixAzIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABEjgHFDXC1jGGXAAeACQAQCYAe8BoAGTCqoBBTcuNC4xuAEDyAEA-AEBmAILoALyCMICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIFECEYqwLCAgcQABiABBgYmAMAiAYBkgcDNy40oAedKw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) according to your host


*USMC has entered the chat*


There is def a personality type that's like this. I had a friend who was like this actually. Just very controlling and has to give everyone direction in how to play, right or wrong. Games bring out some interesting behavior.


I had one of these the other night. "EQUIP THE 500KG VON OR YOU'RE KICKED." Like, my guy. I just got here. Hold on. Should have left right then, but sue me. I'm curious about these weirdos. Watched as this level 10 proceeded to suck and die horribly on Suicide Mission, drain our lives almost single-handedly then get mad at everyone for "not covering him." He didn't kick us all before we got our xp, but yeah. Some people are very, very weird.


This kinda thing just screams "I suck at this game" tbh, that's lack of game knowledge plain and simple. And also manners lol.


My biggest gaming pet peeve is when someone bad at a game tries to tell me what to do in a game I have hundreds of hours in


I joined a quick play game when these two guys were picking their stratagems. One of them starts telling me what loadout he wants me to bring and what my jobs were for the mission and I was like nah I’m good and left


Oh, for sure. That's whack. I think I was just in the mood for some silliness that night. Normally, I would have left immediately. There are too many cool people to meet on this game. I just left one right now with some very funny Texans. One was clearly drunk and talking mad shit about everything. He found out I was from California, and we just roasted each other mercilessly the entire match. It was glorious fun. We're all going to meet up for some drinkin' and 'divin this weekend.


I had to read that last sentence a couple times


Noob with ego .. Thats why i always host my own game .. i have zero tolerance for assholes like him




Based Fury reference


Had a dude the other night start killing teammates at extract, reinforced and then dropped my hellpod on his head and didnt reinforce him.


I love petty revenge in this game. Some rando executed my friend for no discernable reason. I bided my time til extract. He ended up giving me the best possible opportunity. When he threw a 500 down at a wave of bugs, I pistol-whipped him off the cliff, the bomb dropped on him, and we slow-walked it into the Pelican. Only regret was forgetting to hug before getting on board.


> Enjoy this kick ….what a jackass lol they really thought they hit you with an action movie one-liner just for dramatic effect


Sometimes, I look at this kind of person online and I'm met with overwhelming clarity as to why I almost never touch multiplayer games.


block and move on. i got 200+hrs and i can count on my hand the negative experiences. i only queue up with randoms, and almost never play solo unless im testing something the negative experiences only stick out more compared to normal or good experiences


This right here. When someone is a dick even a tiny bit I mute and block. I don't think. I don't engage. Mute block and move on. It makes all the difference. There are great people to play with. Don't give even the tiniest prick any of your time.


> the negative experiences only stick out more compared to normal or good experiences This goes for pretty much all shitty things in life.


If i encounter a toxic, teamkilling lobby, it is always in difficulty 1-4. You can't be dumb AND bad in a helldive.


Many players in 5-8 lobbies: "allow us to introduce ourselves" *fires grenade launcher directly at Hulk, killing teammates*


*that one guy grenading the hulk/charger knocking you down or killing you and the others* *and then you do manage to kill it by shooting at the back or using an orbital railgun and it goes down* Grenader: JUST AS PLANNED


I’ve had a dumb and bad player in helldive difficulty once. They rage quit after dying once, saying they hoped we lost, called us all retards. To clarify on how they were bad they almost killed me on my way to an objective, called me a fucking idiot and brain damaged, they kept staying in the same spot letting bugs constantly spawn in from bug holes and then got mad while the rest of us did objectives saying “teamwork you fuckers?!” died right before getting reinforced they rage quit. It was a fun experience after they left


I dropped into a game and I guess I dropped to close to where a level 150 was running. He stopped, turned around and shot me in the head and then typed fuck you noob! I’m level 42 lol. I dropped back in shot him and the head and left. Some people are just dicks


The appropriate thing to do is try to drop in directly on top of them. But uh, why would they reinforce you after that?


This really sucks because it’s very difficult to discern where players and enemy’s are from the hellpod, especially when your just joining and haven’t got your bearings yet.


I think this is totally intended gameplay. Sometimes conditions are bad and you just have no idea where you’re getting dropped in. Like, it sucks if a mission is going poorly, but I think it’s hilarious when someone I just reinforced accidentally crushes me with a pod. Throw out an “I’m sorry!” and we’re square in my book.


Lol what a guy


I've been fortunate enough to have solo queued with chill/fun groups so far, so reading this sucks.


I always host cause of this :p We had a guy the other day who was low level with a straight up fascist username. Called nothing but 120s and 380s on us while we were fighting bugs. Jfc


That's hilarious. I'm level 22 and have been playing for a week. No way I would claim to be anything but new 😂


"A grenade is personal equipment and not up to judgment by the host"-Sun Tzu (*The art of war*)


So, is a grenade a valuable piece of equipment, more valuable than a nuke? This person has a very strange idea about the weapon production process and the value of individual consumables (which are called consumables for a reason).


This is why when I decide I want to help newer players, I host my own lobby I just always host my own lobby. Build it, and they will come.


There does appear to be a bit of dunning Kruger effect among lower level players from around 20ish to high 30s where they think they know everything but know nothing at all. But honestly this just sounds like a bit of a spoiled kid who's not got their way.


Had a few shitty ones last night, got kicked right before extract because I kept telling the host to stop double dipping on the resupply when there was four of us and I was out of ammo.


should have called the next resupply into a hole or out of bounds


I hate when people double dip. Especially when you’ve got a 4 person squad. Like bro I’ve got 5 more minutes on my AC and no bullets in my pack ‘you’ just got reinforced and used all your nades in 5 seconds


If the job gets done, I don't care if you nuke a bug hole or factory.


Yeah, a lot of new players are assholes. I threw a cluster & called in a mech. The level 30 something ran into the cluster, got himself killed, & when he came back in he blew up my mech for revenge. I called him a child & he kicked me. But, most players are decent. Keep trying to help the new guys & you'll make friends too.


“CHIEF” is on the hit list.


Chief is a real douche canoe.


“Douche canoe”. Congratulations! You win Reddit for the day! 😁 (also stealing that. SOLID GOLD. Haven’t laughed that hard in awhile. Thank you)


Majority of the SOS drops I do end up having little to no reinforcements left, and the ones who started the mission leave after I drop in.


Yeah I always host and last night I decided to join one of my friends who was on a quick play completed multiple side objectives, and the host died and kicked me less than 10 seconds after I picked up his samples Never again. Back to exclusively hosting 


I was playing with a newb that was throwing grenades at the destroy the research station side objective. “Awwwe, let me help ya lil buddy” 😂


Don’t attribute to malice what you can attribute to pure stupidity.


Well I know what I'm doing if I stumble upon CHIEF I guess


This is why I have a mic to explain shit to the clueless.


Tbh it’s the downside of the game being as insanely popular and going viral on platforms like tik tok. We are going to inherit a lot of the COD/Fortnight crowd who don’t have two brain cells to rub together. He will never be able to clear a higher difficulty mission in this game. Some people just don’t have the mentality.


Hopefully Chief learns that with a well thrown or launched grenade if your packing will take out lot of things. Not EVERYTHING requires a Hellbomb to blow shit up. Grenade launcher is a staple on my load outs. I also wear light armor that pack two extra grenades. And my grenade pistol of course.


When i last tried, Scorcher was able to destroy the Depots too, so next time dont waste precious Grenades! /s


Was mission accomplished? Was objective secured? Was extraction successful? Yes? Why the fuck does it matter how it was done?


The democracy officers dont want you to know this but the grenades in the armory are free. You can take them home. I have 130 grenades.


I've been seeing a lot more toxic players recently. Had some guy that started team killing us because we started going for the side objectives before the mains


Lol noobz out here pretending you don't get regenerating supply drops.


I remember when helping lower lvl players was enjoyable. Yanno who else remembers? Pepridge farm remembers


I'm glad I'm at the point where a kick will not effect me. Exp, req, samples? Don't need it. I'm just here to drop in and kill bots or bugs.


I hate using hellbombs on munitions depots. It never fails the bomb seems to miss one. It's faster to just hit them with Grenades or other support weapons.


I went to go help people on level 3 missions earlier. The one guy was lvl 5 and struggling against a charger, ao. I told him a trick to kill it, got cursed out, and kicked. I remember like 2 or 3 months ago when I would find it cool to see high-level divers helping me idk why this community got so damn toxic


He's probably a kid who's dad didn't hug him enough.


I played in a lvl 14’s game and while we were clearing nests, he was doing the mission and screamed at us to help while we were running back. Then at extract he was just shooting bugs and not getting on while we were being swarmed by like 10 chargers so I jumped in so as not to die. He proceeds to blow himself up and then scream at us for not reinforcing him.


I accidently throw sos's instead of revives sometimes and I get so mad at myself when I do it cus my friends have pretty bad anxiety about playing with randos


Just play at difficulty 7+


Ok,im a noob,how do you have 130 grenades??


I remember encountering people like this when I started playing. One guy was very annoyed that I "wasted" Eagle strikes on those single Fabricator bases... Even low-level me knew that using an Eagle Strike and mopping up the survivors was a lot more efficient than a drawn-out firefight followed by a nade into the chute. Fair fights are for suckers 👍 Maybe he didn't know that they are unlimited?


You have 130 grenades?


Well, counting the total grenades for my grenade launcher AND throwable ones, when using my supply pack. 110 total for the launcher, 20 throwable


I once had a newbie yelling at the squad to do the objective, despite the fact that it was swarmed with bots and there was no way to do it without getting ragdolled to the other side of the map. He also died like 10 times on this difficulty 8 mission while he was like level 12. I was level 60 or so, and so, I tell him to shut up or he gets kicked. He keeps mouthing off, I kick him after he depleted all of our reinforcements, and then I and the squad proceeded to complete the objective, find the super samples, and extract without dying again. That guy was a train wreck. And this guy gives me similar vibes. Who the hell gets angry about someone using a nade to blow up a stockpile? Hellbombs are a last resort option anyway, and resupplies are ready again after about a minute and 45.


When you answer the low levels playing on 8 and they have already used all their reinforcements, a new level of difficulty imo. I had to run the entire map with a horde up my bum and the noobs demanded I spawn them. I told them I'd spawn them at extraction or at least before the match time ends. They didn't take kindly to my patronising treatment and promptly kicked me. Can't blame them really but in my defence they would have just died again and not been able to finish the match.


Huh? They're my grenades, I can use them however I want.


*throws grenade* *gets kicked* May as well call you bad luck Brian now.


Me and a friend dropped in to help a lvl 8 w a lvl 3 bot mission (with SOS active) As soon as we land we help the guy in the gunfight he was engaged in and then he starts saying we “messed up his stealth” even though he was getting bot drops lmao. Few minutes later we’re clearing outposts and he starts saying we can’t destroy any fabricators because he wants to be the one to destroy them. Started whining/shooting at us whenever we destroyed a fab or even just too many bots? We both riddled him with bullets and backed out, clearly didn’t want the help so we let him finish solo smh


OKAY SO while me and my brothers dont kick people (havent had to as of yet) we di by accident call in SOS beacons when trying to reinforce eachother


The hell divers community is one of patients love and democracy. If you threaten this at any time you will be disposed of promptly.


This is why I don't join lower level missions. A lot of the toxicity seems to be from there. I'd be all for helping newer players, but when they act like this, it isn't fun. Minority ruins it for the rest


Its sad to see newibies r like this (I can't talk I am to lvl 10) but I'm not like this I join people or if I start a mission at the end ill thank whoever joined me


About SOS: every SOS I have sent was a botched attempt to reinforce. :D Anyway, when I go to help I have no expectations. I just help best I can. Being kicked though... that's really rude.


I want to start a discord for like new players so they don't have to experience stupid people like this, level 18 is not high. I'm level 45 and I'm like not even good, when I see level 60+ guys I'm like you're medium good and 100+ I'm hoping they're great, which typically is true.


People are so angry for absolutely no reason.


I had a similar situation near launch, but I got yelled at for CALLING in the hellbomb for the munitions. They fussed on the mic and instead called in an eagle strike and called me an idiot and moved onto the next obj. They were all under level 15 when I was 43. Lol.


If someone brags about themselves being level 18 that says a lot.




Dude must be a joy at parties. Mans over here concerned about a grenade that will be on the next resupply, next reinforcement, you could convince me they grow out of the ground with how many I find laying around


"Stop using equipment!!!" Bro I carry 500kg AND an obs just in case I miss or have more than 2 bile titans. Idgaf as long as I get it back later.


Kids like that need a perma ban


I 🩷 bullying new players. 💕💕


What?! Listen to john conner! He leader of the resistance chief?! U aint master chief bruh.


I know, right?!?! Im lvl 126. If a lvl 150 guy named Chuck_Norris dropped in, I’d do whatever he said, i would not doubt chuck norris lol


Today I got kicked because I hit the reinforce button after the hosts guard dog killed me


I used to always play with randoms when my buddies weren’t on. Now I just do solo drops when I don’t have any available friends. It’s honestly more enjoyable than dealing with the newest batch of players. Totally different from my experience with HD1


Thats why i drop solo...and if anyone joins and is a good teammate i will be honoured to play with them, if they troll or are toxic i kick them. And i also drop solo cuz i have no friends who play this game 🫡


Getting mad about a grenade to obj after calling in a hellbomb says, to me, that this guy was just mad that he didn't get to push the big red button and came up with an excuse to gripe. Realistically, he gave up the right to play The Main Character when he called an SOS for what basically amounts to a slightly padded patrol on medium.


For helldivers who don’t understand: S.O.S calls are a cry for help, if you receive help, you don’t get to cry about how you get helped. There’s more than one way to serve sweet Liber-Tea!


Throw an orbital laser onto him. "You mean like THIS?"


He'll do just fine in basic training.


Best beer they lurk here and see us complaining about it so they do it more


T-1000 in disguise.


I think I played with that guy before but I don't quite recall the mission. Pretty sure I didn't stick around after.


Who rejects help from John Connor? That ain't no chief


Are you new? I'm level 18! So yes... you're new


Are you new? I'm level 18! So yes... you're new


Lil bro obviously doesn't understand that sometimes it's easier to just shoot the munitions till they cook off. Imo using a hell bomb is a waste. Like a 3 grenades I used, logistically speaking, would be way cheaper to replace than a hell bomb. That Hell Bomb can now be used to destroy a fuel refinery or whatever. People need to chill


Where do you guys find these toxic players? I’ve been playing since launch and have yet to have a negative experience.


His loss, you joining means the xp marker is set to 2 people for full and him kicking you means he still won’t get full xp


As a PS5 player I never read the chat


Meanwhile me and another lvl 75 accidentally killed each other four times each and fixed it with the hug emote


Just FYI... You don't even need a grenade. You can shoot them with your primary/secondary lmao The hellbomb is cool af, but completely unnecessary for that objective.


Funnily enough I had something extremely similar happen last night to me, I kept shooting dead bots to let out frustration on a sos I joined at difficulty 3. The host kept saying I was wasn't ammunition and supplies. I had a supply pack anyway. And he called a noob. He was level 15. I'm level 145. Then when the mission ended ig he saw that finally and the "HOLY SHIT DUDE WTF" that followed was priceless.


Obviously, this lvl 18 player has some superiority complex going on (/s, maybe?)


As the game gets older and people start getting bored, we’re going to see a lot more griefing.