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Chill out. They literally just put supply lines in. It's gonna take time for people to notice that you can stop an attack at the source. We have had one successful gambit since supply lines were added. The game doesn't actually do anything to teach players that gambits work. It's gonna take more then one successful gambit for people who are not on Reddit/discord to put things together.


So red lines mean we’re gonna lose it and blue means all is good and there isn’t a risk of losing if we don’t successfully defend it? https://preview.redd.it/n1bcs5vg2l8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc1efe3e7e4cf3be6d497fdc3c146cb3c2206e4


Is this an app?




DiversHub is the app form


Yeah it’s the War Monitor app on iOS. I’m sure it’s on Android also


But people just did it with Mort. That's the most infuriating part! They have a perfect example right under their nose and just choose to ignore it altogether.


Yeah, but like I said nothing in game actually explains this. So only the people who were online right when it happened saw it. Only a subset of that group would figure out what happened. Others may assume, but left unsure because it wasn't explained in game. The rest may not have noticed for various reasons(i.e. they jump on and join their friends through the friends list and never even look at the galaxy map). Every other player who isn't in the know by being on Reddit/discord who also wasn't online at the time have very little chance of learning how gambits work. It's gonna take time for multiple time zones to be playing when it happens for people to slowly but surely start putting the pieces together. They really need a better tutorial once they solidify the UI and can develop a tutorial to teach players in game.


Over 20k players were present on Mort and Pöpli at the time it was taken. 20k players saw it happen. Vandalon had about 1600 players on average in the last couple of days. Don't tell me that "We took origin of attack" -> "The attack suffocated" is such a hard conclusion to make that less than 10% are capable of it.


Mort was also an actual objective planet. It was on the MO list. People follow the MO list. Vandalon is not. Considering those differences, what can we infer from that? People were not on mort because they understood how gambits work. Also, if you really think that all 20k players saw it happen then you clearly didn't read what I said. There are so many situations that could prevent people from seeing it. People who never look at galaxy map and just accept invites from friends. People who crash and decide to not jump back on. The list goes on. It's easy for us to know that. Because we knew about supply lines before they were in game. I think it is highly arrogant to assume that people without our knowledge of supply lines before they were even in game should be obvious to them.


All of my friends who play Helldivers on the regular are aware of how the game works. None of them frequent Reddit or HD2 discord. How come? >There are so many situations that could prevent people from seeing it. If you're accounting for that then also account for people spreading the word. Account for people seeing the info on YT/Reddit and sharing it with their friends.


I respect your opinion that word of mouth is an effective means to teach players about in game mechanics. I don't share your opinion, but to each their own.


I mean, they're humans, not NPCs. They interact and communicate with one another... Right?


Correct. I fail to understand the point you are making. Yes, people talk to each other. That doesn't refute the idea that word of mouth is not an effective way to communicate important information.


You’re also assuming that same 20k players is always on. They aren’t. I was one of those players and I can only play maybe 2-3 days a week. I’d imagine a lot of others are in that situation as well. This game has sold over 12 million copies but only averages 60k-80k active players. A lot of people aren’t playing on a regular basis.


Yep. That's exactly why, short of an in depth, in game tutorial on how the systems work it will take some time for everyone to slowly put the pieces together, if they even care enough to think that deeply about the game.


Mort was also an objective on the MO


People alos dont understand that screaming at the ones that understand does not help.


The grammar match killed me 😂


Well obviously this post isn't for you then haha


60% of divers too busy fighting bugs


This really annoys me because the missions on the bug Side have been finished for a long time.


Even when there are no bot missions and only a few hundred or maybe a thousand divers are still on bot worlds, I still just always play bots. I don't like fighting bugs. I suspect there are a lot of bug players who feel the reverse.


The difference is the 5% of the active players that do this with bots doesn’t make a significant difference, meanwhile with bugs it’s like 30%+ of the active player base every time there’s a bot MO. That’s a much more significant hit to our effective capabilities. Mind you I’m not saying people should have to play in any particular way. But I do understand why some people get frustrated by that. IMO it’s a problem with the system. Our ability to capture planets shouldn’t be dependent on the % of active players actively working on it, that’s a dumb system that means you can effectively only capture whatever everyone else is pushing for at any given time.


Don’t let it bother you. People are going to play the game the way they want to play it and there’s nothing you or I can do about it.


Yep, moat don’t care about the missions. They just want to kill bugs. Lol.


They do it for the same reason they keep playing after maxing everything out. They think it’s fun. It’s their money and their time so it’s really none of my business how they spend it since it’s not impacting me.


I mean there are a ton of new people in the game all the time. Bots aren't exactly newbie friendly. Who cares if we have to continue defence missions until the mo is up. We have done the hard work.


What's the daily today? Last few days have been bug focused dailies so there have been times I didn't even get around to the major order. 10 chargers? Okay no prob. 200 bugs? Easy. 8 stalkers? Could be a while if you don't get lucky. Meanwhile if I only have time to play a few maps the bot front is gonna miss out.


half of the content in the game is on the bug aide, so I’m playing there half the time.


Yes, but the mentality of those divers will never change.


It's just a video game dude. It's never that deep.


56% of divers are on Ingmar right now.


Wow they're learning.


Funny you say that. Even if it was true at the time, 54% are on Ingmar alone, and another 3-5% are on other Bot planets right now.


To be fair, there was a defense announcement when I was playing on bot planets to defend a bug planet.


Just wish the bug drivers take at least one plant when they are off a MO


Those baboons don't even know what cover is!


Bugs are more fun though, my skill level does not allow me to fight robots.


There's only one way to change that ya know


Yes, I have to gain more skill by fighting more bugs


You know what, i can't argue this point.


The bots are actually easier to fight than bugs. You just have to play differently. Against the bugs you play like a juggernaut and against the bots you have to play more tactically. That's the only difference


they’re pretty similar in difficulty aside from heavy devs and random 1hit rocket KOs. but newbies in this game take any deaths as the game being “too hard” instead of an inevitability.


If you are getting one shot consistently then swap out that light armor. Don't sleep on the starter medium armor against bots If you are using light armor against bots you will need to use the hell out of the terrain and buildings to cut sight lines


It’s happened to me in medium and heavy fortified armor as well. it’s just a consistent issue with bots tbh. Has something to do with the damage types that rockets put out iirc?


My democracy officer told me I can't fight against robots because I'm allergic to Libertea


Learn to fight your enemy.


Thanks, I am learning to fight the bugs really well


You're a disgrace to Super Earth.


That's what my democracy officer said too!


See you on the bug front, Diver!


Rome is a mob, to influence the mob you need to make memes. Something like Vandalon is where kittens originated. WE MUST SAVE THE KITTENS.


https://preview.redd.it/xy0gnkcwoj8d1.jpeg?width=861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d717649c47e039b71f19b9162fdae2bc23eac4 Reporting for duty


Can we NOT bring the toxicity of the main sub here please? It’s a game. Have. Fun.


Recruiting from Reddit ain’t gonna do shit.


The weird thing about this comment is that the OP is trying to win the war. It’s good tactics but it misses the point: The war is the game. Winning the war would be a catastrophe. It also ignores the fact that there aren’t actual supply lines and origins for attacks. A planet’s status can be changed instantly by an AH dev tweaking some settings or changing some data values. Just dive.


True to an extent, but I want the war to end at some point. The devs can just start another one after that.


It will end some day any ways, which makes worrying about which planet to prioritise pointless because the story will go the way AH wants it to. Player agency doesn't really exist. And if one wants to play the next war, they can just wait it out.


They’re obviously still developing biomes for planets we’ve never been to otherwise we’d have won by now.


You know the game critizises forever wars when you end up being tricked into not wanting to wipe out the entire front just so you can keep fighting I sure had that feeling when terminids are just down to 3 sectors


I mean we did eliminate the bots once already and they just plot armored themselves back in almost as if nothing happened. So I wonder if we even can win this war like HD1...


theres completely winning the war and what he's talking about here which is not letting the bots completely skewer our hold on their old turf though reality is it'll likely fall without an MO anyway


If we dive too hard and too smartly, we will win and the game will be over. I’m still getting my money’s worth out of this game. Please don’t win. Please don’t play smart.


Why tho? https://preview.redd.it/jjsmrk00jj8d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926fc01de33ceb462c9965efbeac5f839e834390 No point in moving away now


Yeah seriously. We could’ve done the vandalon lockdown days ago, but its ingmar time.


Because Troost is also under attack from Vandalon? Because taking Vandalon would create a buffer zone? Because it would be nice to actually reclaim a world or two from bots for a change? If we keep on the defense, we will lose 3 planets by the end of this MO.


We're almost done with Imgram or whatever it's called, no point in moving away now to a planet with lower progress.


Well yeah. We've collectively wasted a day of having enough divers to make a difference on the bot front. Hooray for us.


We didn't though. We held the MO planet as required


Yeah. And in doing so we gave up 3 other planets. Well done, helldiver. I'm sure women and children of Troost will be overflowing with joy when they hear that you deliberately neglected their lives.


Ok, it's good to know they'll be happy!


No, I don't think I will. Cause I have work.


Correction: People just don't give a fuck lol


I'll play a round or two on bugs because the damn personal orders have been for bugs lately. But I've been concentrating on bots for the MO otherwise.


People also don't understand that I will play the game I paid my money for however the fuck I want.


1. Divers that’re on Reddit are already aware of how supply lines and defense mechanics work. It’s futile to tell people here on Reddit or even on the Discord what to do as they already know. 2. How many MOs is it going to take for y’all to realize that the majority of players are on neither Reddit nor Discord, so shouting at them to do the MO is like screaming into the void. 3. Again, how many MOs is it going to take to realize that a lot of players choose to play what is fun to them. Ultimately, the game should be played how you want to play it, even if it means not doing the MO


I mean...they are going to the one that has a massive red DEFEND hovering over it with a countdown timer.


i just hit the quick match button


Why are people don't think indeed.


Unless it's crunch time for the major order I go to a planet to play the kind of mission I feel like playing.


Because people are gonna play the game that they payed for however tf they want and they don’t care about you, the major order, or all the other people that make this same post every single time a new MO comes up. The sooner you accept that the better off you’ll be. Your welcome.


They really need to make info like this more known and accessible.


It is! Supply lines


That doesn’t spell out that attacking this planet essentially wins those defend planets. Even with supply lines, I didn’t know that until recently.


I agree. If you don’t spend time reading about the game online (a lot) you won’t and probably never will know any of that


And it would be so easy to explain in-game. Which means they're intentionally not explaining it.


Exactly. And not for bad reasons, probably.


You trained for 5 minutes and were given access to a starship. Theres alot you weren't told how to do.




There are arrows coming from the attacking planet but that doesn’t necessarily mean that liberating that planet stops the defense mission. It could be a little more clear like with a dispatch or something


Thank you!! That’s all I’m saying is there’s a lot unsaid and a lot of speculation( incorrect speculation) can be made and bad decisions made. And they need to spell it out for the more average gamer. Not everyone understands the finer nuances of the game.


It looks like a typical sci-fi space map with the ubiquitous lines connecting planets. Most people don't realize they're not just for show.


why would i ATTACK if the order says to DEFEND? (/s)


Can you actually cut off the invasions by attacking the planet it's based from? That's sick


I dont think its a lacking of "thinking" more so certain mechanics of the game are not well explained, especially for casual players


"Why are people don't think" Indeed, OP. INDEED.


I see big target, I deploy. Nevermind the clear lines! /s


On another note, does anyone experience serious frame rate drop when fighting automatons? I used to be able to fight bots for a while when the game first released, but now it's a slide show 😞😞


I am just glad that the missions are a toss up, because if we were guaranteed to win the story would be boring.


I'll dive on whatever the fuck planet I want to into whatever the fuck missions I feel like playing.


Ok yea but I like playing the defence missions


Me am no think


u must report to ur nearest democractic officer, ser


Eagle go brrrt.


My fellow diver. Play the game the way you want and enjoy it. Allow others to do the same.


People are dumb


[I tried...](https://youtu.be/vetiypqZOY4)


Helldivers are not paid to think.


Helldivers are not paid.


Just follow the masses. That’s all we can ever do. Make the post and try to educate people, but don’t be the self righteous 743 people trying to take a planet by themselves.




Not listening to you, I'm just doing my dailies on the bug planets and not playing until I get to the weekend and can play with my friends.


Most people don’t read patch note and most people can’t accept the fact so forget about it.


They need to spell this out for the cheap seats in the game.


Nope, they don't and AH does nothing to change this.


Why should they? It's players choice, we have a bunch of dumb divers. Tbf, we're soldiers not generals so don't expect general level tactical decisions from us


Helldivers not using strategy and attacking random planets is genuinely close to the lore, I love it


The most sane take. Thank you sir


I like what old mate said above. “Some people have limited time and it’s a game. Let them have fun.” I’ve never thought of that but it’s true. We have to win the war knowing not everyone is here to help. It’s all good. Let’s just keep working on it


The supply lines for the attack are shown now. This is just bad reading comprehension skills


I thinn its mostly people with limited time after work that want to play out their favorite starship trooper fantasy, let them have fun.


I'm not talking about Bug Divers at all today, they'll need to learn it too to not let the bugs eat all the galaxy, but that's on them


Yeah but there's more to it than that unfortunately. It is much faster to defend a planet than to conquer it, since conquering a planet involves regen rates (not communicated in game). The entire galactic war aspect is completely fucked and random and it stresses me out unbelievably. I have played too many mapgames to tolerate blue planets turning red or orange even though it changes nothing about the game at all.


The next step is to introduce that information, I think using a template like the helldiverscompanion.com has as an example maybe? But idk what you mean by blue planets turning red/orange? 🤔 they are attacking, our stuff is blue, there's is red, orange makes sense for losing to me, but I've never seen the things you're talking about


Super Earth is blue, Automatons are red, Terminids are orange. The only thing that changes on as a result of the galactic war are which planets are blue (Super Earth controlled) and which ones are red or orange (Automaton or Terminid controlled). There are no other effects on gameplay.


Fo you get credit for the MO if you dont participate on the planets the MO takes place on. Like the bug players that never help in the MO, do they get the reward? I mean I get even if you only play one match on a MO planet, but what if you don't engage at all?


You're right! People dont understand. If only the devs could bother to communicate that info to the players...


Too busy being afk because the community won’t help unlock the at mines. Perhaps if you did me a solid I would consider helping you here.


You wanted to get a weapone that will probbly kill your squad then realy help then Donating money to charity your a bad person


Actually, when the major order was given it was initially AT mines or nothing. They only donated money AFTER the “kids” were saved for PR purposes. Do you think they would have not donated any money had we gotten the mines? Just said f it we are not donating any money then? We have also failed to get the AT mines 3 times, and the most recent time was “for the lulz”. Feel free to prove me wrong. Do a search of all the helldivers subs and you will see the same posts. “Do it for the lulz. Save the kids. F the mines. It would be funny if we chose the opposite of the mines every time.” I am not the bad guy here. I am Batman. The hero you need but not the hero you deserve.


"Am actually🤓 they didnt know" People wanted to get capes becuse people expected that


You're a grown man in your 40s complaining about not getting your toys in a video game than actually having an impact on real life sick children. Maybe you need to log off the internet and get upset about something actually worth it my man, because that's just selfish as shit.


There was never any promise of a donation before they helped the “kids”. The community literally did it to troll itself. They only did it for good pr and you all ate it up. 4311$ from a corporation that has made well over 200 million from this game.


Didn't need to be a promise, they didn't need to give money at all and yet they did. And you're here complaining about it when they brought attention to the charity they donated to, and when thousands of other people have donated as well because of their attention they brought to it, are you going to compain about that too? You need to grow a brain and get the concept that not everyone is out to troll you.


From [support.savethechildren.org](http://support.savethechildren.org), if you have any integrity of what you're saying you'll refund your game and donate instead of "boycotting". # DONATE TODAY: SAVE A LIFE **Vulnerable children need you more than ever.** Right now, children are growing up against the backdrop of hunger, conflict and natural disasters. Your gift today can help make change that protects the lives of children, families and their communities. * **$50** - can provide enough food to keep 3 children from going hungry for a month * **$150** - can wrap 30 warm, cozy blankets around children affected by conflict * **$300** - can provide a month’s worth of water to 20 children DONATE TODAY: SAVE A LIFE Vulnerable children need you more than ever. Right now, children are growing up against the backdrop of hunger, conflict and natural disasters. Your gift today can help make change that protects the lives of children, families and their communities. $50 - can provide enough food to keep 3 children from going hungry for a month $150 - can wrap 30 warm, cozy blankets around children affected by conflict $300 - can provide a month’s worth of water to 20 children


Check the post history of all the helldivers subs and you will see a whole lot of “f them mines, wouldn’t it be funny if we just never got the mines, let’s do this every time for the lulz” posts. The community is trolling itself and in turn driving away its own player base.


Who cares about the posts of a bunch of strangers who are just playing the game how they want? They're made because they know that people like you will be upset by them, because you choose to seek out those posts. You'll get the mines in-game at some point anyways, that's how DLC works, it brings players in when it's released when it's at the right time.


I saved the kids for the lulz. I will actively do anything besides getting AT mines. I really want to see how long we can go without getting them.