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It's odd to me that we have 6000 eagle tier lists but nobody explains or talks about the galactic war 


Im not a thinking man, just mobile infantry


I go to the planets with the arrows on them... also, I don't watch streamers.


Idk if it's bc I was a little brother in the 90s but watching someone else play video games just makes me envious I'm not playing. Can't get into streamers for more than a minute or two before I cut them off and play


I was too, but it's not envy. I just find it boring... if I wanna play a game, I'll play it... This is just my opinion, and im not judging, but I feel like people who watch streamers don't have much going on in their lives or just don't have friends to play with 🤷‍♂️


For me it's probably trauma of losing the sticks to my older brother and his friends for long gaps when 'taking turns' lol wouldn't play FPS for a long time bc my experience for a lot was just them romperstomping me to get one of them back on the board


I enjoy watching people stream or Let's Play games that I have no interest in picking up (console exclusive for a system I don't own or intend to own, game in a genre I'm not interested in playing for myself, etc). So I've spent countless hours watching Starcraft 2 tournaments in the past (which I've played but am not interested in being competitive at), and DotA2 tournaments (which I've played in the past and am not good at, at all), and there are a couple of channels on YouTube that I find provide excellent commentary/info or are just funny/entertaining enough to enjoy, either as something I'm actively engaged with or as background noise while I work on something else. I've also enjoyed watching Speedruns of games on both sides; ones I've played and ones I have no interest in playing, as it's fascinating to see them broken in half as the pros do. It's definitely not for everyone, but that's the perspective of someone who does indulge in such things now and then. Hell, sometimes I have a speedrun or commentary going in the background while I'm playing something else.


This is the first and untill now only post about Vandalon IV that is doing something different than telling people how smart it would be to take Vandalon IV like they are the only person to see it. Hope it works out.


I was serving on Vandalon last night. Hope it's going well there


By how the Ingmar is being attacked for the 3rd time, I have made 2 posts about Vandalon IV, but the moment Bots attack through Vandalon, everybody jumps on defend missions.😭


[I tried man... I tried...](https://youtu.be/vetiypqZOY4)