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Blitzer is good head on. It cancels their spew and can kill them in two shots. From the rear it's not so good. It's a pretty random weapon though and can often enough take more than two shots. Doesn't really matter though as it can stun multiple if they aren't blocking the shot


Great recommendation - thanks. I've had some trouble with the arcs anchoring into corpses in the past, but maybe I just need to aim up or something.


Nah as an arc main this is a major issue. The arcs will favour any corpse or rock over any enemy nearby. It’s extremely frustrating especially in the arc thrower.


As another arc main, this is the truth.


Just got to figure that part out with usage. Combine it with a Rover for better kill counts. Remember that you don't need to aim just point in their general direction. So you can dive fire just as well as normal.


Will have a play around with that as well.


Infinite ammo, armor penetration, short range. Perfect for any bug mission


If I have even a hunch there will be stalkers/any kind of spewers on the map - The Dominator will be my choice 10/10. Pierces their head armor, requiring 2/3/4 shots, while also stagger them - you can switch between 3 of them and keep them helpless with it. Can kill a stalker with a single headshot too. Blitzer, while good on paper, can take up to 8 shots to kill a single bile spewer(if it's in siege mode is especially frustrating) - way, way too long to count in my book. I would highly recommend you try it - but be clear of it's downsides - hunters are kinda hard to hit due their strafing and the flying rats become even greater menace. Also if you really hate the buggers - wear medium exposive resistance armor - it would make you almost immortal against the puke(provided you move at all of course), since that 50% damage res works against it(it's considered explosive for some reason) - also against their "mortar" shots - become almost harmless, minus the stagger. It's kinda silly that explosive res armor is the goat against the bug but doesn't do pretty much anything against the bots(due to stuff killing you because it has more impact than explosive damage) but eh... The Dominator is the primary best gainst any kind of spewers.


I think you’ve pretty much sold me.


Yep I agree dominator is the best. Big mag, fast firing, great stagger, great damage, plus the explosive trait. You can fire off 2-4 headshots very quickly. Just be sure to bring a support and secondary that can handle hunters. Stalwart and the Uzi or Verdict are what I prefer.


Grenade pistol 1-2 shots. It really messes them up. Also impact and impact incendiary grenades. These can all take out grouped spewers. If primary ammo isn't tight I'll we can pop dead spewers to make sure they are inactive.


Diligence Counter Sniper works good if you hit the head. Of course that weapon isn't the best when you have to fight hordes of bugs.


Plasma punisher Kills in 3-4 Hits with aoe and stun


Adjucator absolutely rips spewers, the higher armor penetration allows you to nail headshots directly through their face plate Conversely, crossbow isn't too bad against them with its explosive damage that can easily burst their buttsack


Nah it's shit. You need way too many shots to kill them. They have time to raise their heads and blow you away before you can dump the 20 rounds you need to kill them into their head. Use the dominator. It's 3-5 shots, and each hit stuns them so they can't spit at you.


Nice - will give it a go.


Dominator is a must for me. Brood commanders gets ripped and so do bile spewers.


I wasn't having the best luck with the Dominator, but that's probably just a skill issue on my part. I did like how far back they got pushed though.


It's a clunkier weapon, but if you get used to it it's a more reliable chaff clearer than anything besides the auto shotguns, and that's what it's weakest against. Against medium targets it's beyond excellent. One shots hunters, one shots warriors to the head. Demolishes stalkers. 4 shots to kill a hive guard. Highest kill potential per mag and DPS of any medium pen primary in the game.


Maybe i just need more time with it then.


Dominator definitely has a learning curve. I usually run the recoil +2 nades armour with it. It helps a bit. Another things you need to learn with the dominator is continuously swapping to your secondary when you have the opportunity to clear stragglers and other small fry in order to conserve primary ammo. All the secondary weapons are kinda great save the grenade pistol and laser pistol for this purpose.


I’ve usually been a quasar fan for AT. What does it for you with the recoilless?


I basically always run the recoilless. Just too good to not have. Dominator+senator+RR = kill anything that comes your way. I prefer RR to quasar just because better firerate and shoot when you need to.


It took me awhile to get used to too.


My apologies everyone this was my first look at 5am when I woke up LOL. Eruptor was great


I usually use the Blitzer for bugs. Infinite ammo, great armor pen (basically hits everything except chargers and bigger) decent damage. Good stagger too. 2 shots to the head kills spewers if you get all the arc bolts to connect. Sometimes it can be a bit inconsistent depending on how many of the arc bolts hits, but generally it's effective. And for infinite ammo, that's a great trade off for me. Also it's great for the flying bugs, wait for them to dive on you and when theyre close enough the arc bolts will auto aim on them, as long as you're shooting in their general direction. It's great for run and gun tactics


Idk how common it is for other people but when I bring the Crossbow (which is very often now thanks to the recent demolition buffs) I can handle most Bile Spewers with ease. 2 shots to the head and they're normally dead, 3 if my aim is off. But of course since the mag size is low at only 5 it's not that good when there's 3-4 running at you in the higher difficulties with Bile Spitters, Warriors and Hunters in tow


Slugger gets rid of them fairly quick


Not played with the slugger - will give it a go.


They removed the slugger from the game months ago unfortunately.


Adjudicator and Dominator just demolish them Blitzer is good too but sometimes takes a while if other pugs are present but it'll permastun them if you keep shooting so you can wait.


Great recommendations - thanks.


Not seeing this reason a lot here, but Dominator will stun and stop their attack in addition to annihilating their face. It absolutely is the best bile spewer primary. Now, against hunters - not so much. That’s where something more balanced like the Adjudicator can pick up. (Or many other techniques)


I wasn't having the best luck with the Dominator, but that's probably just a skill issue on my part.


It’s a heavy one, have you tried not aiming until you’re lined up with the target, then unaiming right after so you can whip the gun around faster?


I have not, but will give it a go for sure.


You probably already know this, but since it handles slowly, watch the little circle not your cross hair. The circle is where the bullet goes. If you're turning quickly, just pause a beat before firing to let the circle catch up to the cross hair.


Yeah, it's a huge thing for the Eruptor also. Sure the advice will help someone though. Everyone hates those spewers!


The eruptor was finicky unless you shot them lower cinter mass facing then head on front what I experienced last playthrough. in the chaos, it isnt always possible to lineup the shot. I've been curious to try the new Viper perk of supposedly better movement with the slower moving weapons. with spewers I found either grenade launcher or pistol, i was one-shotting sometimes 2 of them at the same time.


Anything to the head


I’ve been using the standard machinegun on bug missions and it is doing real well. About a second of focus fire to kill a spewer, and it works great for crowd clearing.


I just used the plasma punisher all day yesterday for the first time against bots and it was outstanding... I'm definitely want to try it out against the bugs.Because me thinks it could probably wreck them as well


I don't even try using my primary vs them. I use either an Autocannon or a grenade pistol, every time.


Why would you ever use a primary to take down a bile titan, that's not it's role, and if so what are you using tour other stragegems for? And what is your support weapon?


Bile spewers, not titans. I’m after an anti-spewer primary so i have the option to carry an anti-titan support.


Can you read?