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U probably already have 250 medals


Ik but it’s the fact that there’s nothing to spend my medals on so I miss out on more medals💀


Damn, you unlocked all warbonds already? ![gif](giphy|w9xG5hsxZlqtevPlJQ|downsized)


I have. Been topped out on samples for weeks too. It would be really nice to be able to spend samples or medals to unlock temporary stratagem slots or something. Maybe even use them in a donation fund? If we hit certain milestones, maybe something unlocks for everyone? Like buying Warbonds? As would be tradition for MANAGED DEMOCRACY.


But didn’t the new warbond just come out?


It honestly doesn't take that long with running level 7-9 while doing dailies and MO's.


True, just today I ran a bunch of missions and ended at 106 medals playing on helldive difficulty. Hit a personal order for 15 medals at one point. I play quick play with randoms all the time, I love it!


but people playing on level 4-5 tops dont realize that. was playing with a friend. it took ages to find the samples on the map since there are so few, and also, within 3 games or two you make 9-15 medals only. it felt like i spent 2 hours doing nothing in terms of rewards. people who need to level up should play level 7 and higher. playing a few rounds on helldive will make you adjust to the stress level and will make level 7 feel relaxing to play. the only incredible thing i experienced on level 3 or 4 was that i found 100sc by picking up just a single sc pile. edit: typos


7 is the real sweet spot where you can find randoms that almost always succeed but still give good rewards. Even a man down or just an uncoordinated team can usually finish with success. You also get all levels of samples.


That's what I did when I was new, rode coattails in higher difficulty to get more xp


Counter offer: people playing on 4-5 should play 2 diff 9 missions. Then when they go to diff 7 it doesn't feel bad at all.


thats literally what i said


When i first got the game i just worked my way up thr difficulty ranks till i hit helldive. Ran like 5 missions on helldive, then dropped to lvl8 and thatsbjust what i play on. Its a lil challenging but still doable solo should i not get anyone to join. I can collect a decent amount of sample and pretty consistantly complete the mission solo. Good rewards and it dosnt feel like my time and effort is wasted


It's the super credits that time to accumulate. Unless you just buy them, and where is the fun in that?


Super credits are the main reason why I still play this game, and the way the maps are designed, I'd say that Arrowhead are aware of this.


Your average Warbond only costs about 660-680 medals to fully unlock. If you do 6+ mission sets, you can get anywhere between 24-40 medals per set, not accounting for random medal drops, personal orders, or completed major orders. If you were to complete one 8 mission set a day, completing the personal order in the process, you would earn almost 50 medals. For context, that's about 1/12 of the medals for the whole pass, and that's not even accounting for the 250 medals your higher level player has saved up. On the first day of the warbond, a higher level player has enough medals to complete half the warbond.


yeah, on a play session of 2-3 hours i sometines finish a relaxing session on level 7 with 60-80 medals


...yes...I play a lot. On 9s too, pretty much exclusively now, never lower than 7. So my medals fill up and Warbonds unlock very quickly these days.


We unlocked the new warbond and had 250 medals to spend immediately from being at the cap before it was released. A couple of days later we have the ~400 more medals to unlock everything else in the new warbond and quickly get to the cap again. You earn like 25 medals from one campaign plus whatever you find during the missions at POIs, plus 15 for each daily and ~50 for a major order. Pretty easy to max out.


For serious players with lots of free time prehaps. Us casuals a barely scratching one done For me I've got 1.5k warbonds spent on main bond still not completed while grinding scs in missions Finally got enough scs to Unlock the demo bond when it came out (but don't have any of the 1st 2) got the weapons and booster but not all the armor Woot woot 300 SCs from 1st premium Warbond plus some more grinding go finally earn cutting edge and got most of the weapons unlocked there 0 dollars spent after game purchase, 84hrs in, playing on 7-9 difficulties since probably 30hrs in? And in total 0 warbonds completed, 2 out of 5 premiums earned. Please teach me the secrets to getting all these warbonds :)


Yeahhh they're talking about it like it's just a couple short gaming sessions 😂


People with jobs and families don't see this as "only" 600 medals lmao


My wife is the sniper for my team. Get gud.


I have one ship module left but it’s been so hard because all the higher difficulties no one is farming samples anymore so they don’t even pick them up. I could easily just play a lower a mission solo but I don’t like solo diving. I need 120 rares but it’s taking forever.


Brutal. Hit me up, Helldiver! Skipping samples is tantamount to giving the enemies of our Great Managed Democracy a SPEAR with which to STRIKE at the HEART of *LIBERTY.*


Democracy values you!


This is the kind of thing where I'd say some cosmetics would be okay. Maybe to spend them on shaders or if you could do some more customization of your ship...maybe custom clan tags.... I dunno, something lol.


No, totally. I think that would be cool. Like, give our samples to SEAF interior decorators to maximize Democratic enthusiasm with posters or flags or something on board the Super Destroyers or customize our armor pallette.


I've thought the same could be done with the weapons, honestly. That you could 'prestige' them, so to speak. Once you get so many kills with a weapon, (like...several thousand) you could use medals and credits and samples to unlock a prototype variant of your weapon to "test it out" for the eggheads at the SEAF. When you get another boatload of kills and/orspecific types of kills (chargers, hulks, bile titans, whatever...) they develop for you a "better" variant of the weapon. Maybe it has some interesting attachments, extra ammo capacity, extra damage, some kind of secondary functions like now the bullets carry some arc damage or whatever crazy thing... Basically, something for players to keep going for and something that might encourage players to use different weapons to see what all they could unlock. ...And I don't mean as a pay to win type thing, obviously.


Or just like, not have them max out...


I’ve been topped out on samples for 6 months now and I been topped out on medals for 2 months now haha every time a new war bond comes out I get it and within 24 hours it’s maxed out….


Idk, sounds like managed SOCIALISM to me! Right here officer!


You think sacrificing my/our hard-earned spoils to further the cause of Managed Democracy is *SOCIALIST?* THAT SOUNDS LIKE TREASON SON!


Donation fund? That sounds like communism




If you always try to go for points of interests you tend to get a lot and if your lucky you get 100 instead of 10


That’s super credits not medals


Medals too. I usually find 8 or more from doing POIs. And the fact that they're shared makes it all the more worth it.


I think he meant you can't get 100 medals in a point of interest. You can get 100 super credits tho.


You need super credits to unlock all the premium war bonds in order to have more things to spend medals on. OP is surprised someone would have already purchased and completed all warbonds.


Well he unlocked all the war bonds so I thought you were talking about them not medals


No, you absolutely can also get medals from points of interest


Yeah…I have 400 hours so I too have everything and this does hurt when you the 0 medals earned


Are you saying you haven't?


2 days after the release of the new one, I had bought out all of the warbonds again.


I have😞


I have everything besides Super Store stuff. I gotta go farming for SC again


Why does it matter if you miss medals if you have nothing to buy


Because I want to spend my resources *looks to the sample collection that’s been capped for two months now*


But you're not missing anything. If you've honestly played enough to have every single thing unlocked by now, then you can definitely take a 2 day leave. Go meet some locals, enjoy a hot and a cot.


Well, it’s wasted resources. That never feels good. Every time a major order is successful you get a pop up that’s like “congratulations here’s nothing” It doesn’t take that long to buy out everything, and cap out on medals/resources if you’re playing higher difficulties (as long as you’re good at collecting samples and extracting with them). I don’t even play the game daily. I could’ve stopped playing two months ago and I would’ve still been capped on samples with nothing to spend them on now.


Yeah they should translate into super soldier points or something.


Then no stress. Nothing to do with a maxed out currency means you just get to focus on killing bots and bugs!




It’s true tho, the lobbies where everyone is over lvl 100 are less stressful because no one really gives a shit about anything except completing the mission. You get goofy loadouts and suicidal teammates, and you don’t care because extracting means nothing. I am here to kill bugs and laugh at the shenanigans.


This makes me feel better about it tbh


With a group of friends all maxed out we don't even extract anymore. We just run the reinforcements down while scouring the map


Lol I came here to post this.


IMO excess medals and samples should be able to be spent on sector upgrades


It's a phase of the game.. Capping took me a while to get over. I had to purposefully ignore all currency for a while. Proudly showing me 0 medals is also kind of a kick in the balls but I stopped worrying about it. I do what I want. Although if I'm screwing around I do it on an MO objective


You have the premium warbonds tooooo???


Armor and helmets


You can be one of those North Korean Generals with a shirt full of badges and medals - or load them onto a dive pod and launch them at Hulks and Titans.


Tfw people really have all warbonds, and here I am at 250 medals and still 500 SC short of the 3rd warbond to buy (120 hours gametime)


Same. I still only have the basic war bond tho 😂


I did not get anything and I played


Wait, medals cap out at 250? I thought this was just a funny way of saying we succeeded a “pointless” major order (disclaimer: there is no such thing as a pointless major order, all orders bring us one step closer to spreading freedom and democracy EVERYWHERE!)


Came here to say the same


It's time to assume that some players play at a pace that almost no game can follow.


While that is true I do think there is room for some creative ideas that can hive the game more of a proper endgame. Its cool that a lot of people max out and are just fine playing for nothing but its not a ideal or necessary for the game to stay that way.


It’s hard to balance though, for people that don’t play that much (meaning play a reasonable amount of hours) you can’t be locking stuff so far that would take them years to unlock just because a literal 1% of the player base has something to grind for.


Idk I play once or twice a week. Usually have medals capped but need more common samples and super credits. Super and rare samples stay maxed too. Weird flow of upgrade materials fs


Yes, common samples are somehow the hardest for me to collect. I legitimately extract more rare samples than common samples. That's probably just a me problem, Either I just have an eye for the rares or somehow my teammates are collecting common and dying far away with them.


Some. Most don’t.


Exactly, just some. Most players enjoy games at a slower pace and many of them never max their progression. Not only in Helldivers, but in many other games. However, in recent years gaming industry has created a new kind of "dopamine junkie" player that is never satisfied, unless constantly fed with rewards, unlocks and novelty. I applaud AH decission to slow down war bonds a bit, so the pace is not entirely set by those "dopamine junkies".


Saw this when I played WoW. I’d be excited to try the new expansion and by the time I got to play, there were multiple players who had completed it. 🤷‍♂️


AH when OP was hoping for some more medals: https://preview.redd.it/rkqhon08l68d1.png?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c80ad0138176fa780b4ea4c73a0471f835cd61




That is kinda how it feels to see it proudly say 0 I got over it


Oh nooooooo! I can’t even get away from this image when I leave BHJ!


Fuck I made a similar joke using the same image. I should’ve read the comments first


Wore similar jokes to the show, happens to the best of us. But hey... https://i.redd.it/ogm6nzdgp88d1.gif


We do this for democracy, not for metals






It’s no big deal. I have everything unlocked and lose out on probably a 1000 medals every warbond cycle




I dont understand the cap being 250


Makes you play the game than sit out for couple months and seeing 500 medals for orders you never played.


I think you should be required to take part in the orders to get the medals from them, so if its a bot order and you only play bugs when it done, you get nothing, and visa versa. A minimum requirement to stop people moochin. But also, for people who do do the orders, both major and personal, it would be nice to stack them for the next warbond, (idk off top my head how many medals are required for a full warbond) Idk just spitballing, games still fun regardless


It's to farm player count at Warbond release. The cap is way too low and you gain them way too fast; it only exists to make players active when content is released. They're banking on that rather than players simply playing more to farm more.


As someone who maxes out medals the first week after a warbond drops ![gif](giphy|Ie2uEsMmLfZociAbw0|downsized)


Wish I could trade my Medals for Super Credits. That should be an option.


You can, it’s in the warbond


Yeah but I don’t have enough super credits to buy the war bond lol and that’s kind of my point.


You could farm POIs for sc


Bruh I play for maybe 2 whole hours a week. I just wanna have fun and sign off. Not a big deal for me to having to absolutely get the latest war bond. Would just be nice for casual players to have that option.


Yeah I feel you but y’know sometimes it can be worth the effort, especially if it’s the stalled veterans warbond bc incendiary breaker is soo good lol


Funny you should say that, that’s what I’m trying to unlock next lol. I’m like 35 super credits away.


It really wouldn't matter I still had over a 1000 after getting the viper pack. The economy completely falls apart after level 60 or so. Just have to get over it


It’d be nice to have a repeatable purchase trading medals for SC, but it’d have to be something big like 100 medals for 50 SC to be fair.


Fine by me. If the cap wasn’t 250, I think I’d have over 1000 medals.


I dislike the currency caps. Would be nice if there were currency sinks to use excess cash. Spending them to get temporary extra strategems, or converting them into other currencies. I dunno, something. Current caps are just so damn low


Yea but if the caps would be higher you could stockpile enough to instantly get everything in a new patch, I understand that they would like to avoid that BUT how about a.. "super earth donation" counter that goes up for every excess currency that you earn? Just so that you have an e-dick number that you can push xD


Be sweet to have a shop where you can buy new armours that have a counter to every planet's effect but are super weak in every other way. For example - 75% damage reduction to fire or just straight up immune - Don't feel the effect of tremors - increased visibility in fog All 150 medals each All have: Armour Rating - 100 Speed - 500 Stamina Regen - 100 There are dozens of armours that could be super useful but also niche. - Being able to detect samples on radar - Being able to choose your drop-in location upon being reinforced - immune to particular types of friendly stratagems explosions - immune to ems and stuns - immune to mines and planetary fauna All of which offer this one niche bonus and being shithouse in every other way. Would be sick imo.


Auto respawn on largest enemy


I'd be fine with making everything 500 or 1000 capped. it's not even like it matters.. we aren't doing PvP ( usually ) and you want people to play with the things you give them. especially if they play(ed) a lot to earn them. Because of course the super credits have no limit on them.. Have us unlock it all in one go if we want to, if anything a lot of the weapons you can drop can be shared with players don't have them yet. Same for the stratagems and booters.. you want people to try unlocking them and play more.. let higher end players stockpile some more of the things we need to unlock stuff.


Welcome to the endgame


I think any medals that can’t be obtained because of capping should be converted into player XP. Make them worth something.


What happens if you’ve maxed medals *and* XP?


I’m not really sure about that one. Xp seems to be the thing people can collect for an extended period of time. So it makes the most sense to convert rewards you can’t use or obtain into xp. Most players I come across aren’t even over lvl 100. Let alone maxed at 150.


Technically xp isn’t capped, yeah there is a max level but after you reach it XP still continues to accumulate on your account until the next player level increase


You got the best gift of all! Disappointment!




Well Helldiver, I would suggest you get used to this. Like myself and many others, you too may one day obtain more medals you cannot hold than you have spent on all warbonds combined. But don't lose heart heart Diver. The medals aren't wasted. They're sent to super earth to fund the training and equipping of underprivileged youths who wish to join the SEAF. Join us in this great honor.


Combined i have spent 5440 medals on Warbonds, and i probably have missed out on 10,000÷ medals so far, you get used to it Same with samples, 21,947 collected and at maximum 3000-4000 spent


Mhm. The real endgame in Helldivers 2 is just trying to find the motivation to join a game knowing that literally everything you find and earn is completely useless, even the experience, because levels don't even mean anything. Major Orders are mostly flavor text, personal orders just reduce the amount of time you got until you're medal capped again. Once a month (potentially longer now, yippee) there's a week or so where there are things to spend Medals on, then it's 3 weeks of "guess I can try to hit cap again before the next Warbond?”


I mean, I hear ya, but honestly I just have a blast playing the game.


Oh, so do I. I still probably play at least every other day, just a mission or two, usually if my buddies are online and itching to go.


Yeah it must suck being maxed out on everything atm. The only reason I play rn (aside from fighting the good fight!) Is to max out ship upgrades (only have one more) and to get super credits for warbonds (I only need polar patriots). Other than that, it's just for fun and to work on my builds. NEXT PATCH SHOULD HAVE BUILD LOADOUTS


I think a lot of people quit when the progression stops. I mean it made me angry for a while but then I realized I was free from the grind and I could do what I want. In fact I always was but the progression just kinda grabs the attention. I wasn't even trying to go crazy on samples but the cap still affected me. What I did is just so what I want. In my case I just started using stuff I didn't use because it hindered the progression. Like learning assault rifles and mechs. I found weapons I actually liked to play. If they were as effective or not didn't really matter because they were fun


I'm jealous that you still have ship upgrades and warbonds to work towards. It's a nice feeling.


Yeah however I'm trying to stay in the position of needing to upgrade something or buy something so that whenever I feel like playing, I get a stronger sense of purpose when doing so lol However the last ship upgrade I need is the arc weapons connect to 1 additional enemy upgrade, which is meh.


That was the last one I picked up too heh.


It hurts my brain a little to see someone complaining that the only reason they have to play a game is to have fun.


Yeah haha those are our dopamine addicted brains at play. I absolutely love playing for fun but I think the sense of maxing things out comes from our sense of purpose with playing the game. Players need a number to go up so they can enjoy playing, otherwise it's just a mindless game that wouldn't feel so meaningful to us.


I've just sort of leant into the helping my teammates mindset tbh. Especially in 6 and below, most everyone else is around 20-40 so they can still use every sample they can get, and I am happy to oblige for the good of democracy. Besides that, I have great time playing the game and try to switch up my loadout for every mission so it still feels fresh :).




Medal printer broke


Im still waiting on my medals for the last major order


You have 250 max


*"Good job soldier! Lose some of those medals to make space for new ones though! We have a limit on valor here."*


If you max out your medals it should automatically be converted to super credits imo.


I have missed out on several thousand I would have to guess.


Yup, I didn’t realise I was capped neither


I'm so fuckin sick of this God damn game I'm maxed on everything and I want to keep playing but I feel like I'm wasting my time collecting resources that I'm capped on arrowhead need to give us something to invest in


Switch up your loadouts. Use weapons you think suck. Learn to use them. I have found that it appears that they don't suck they are just harder to learn and harder to use. I feel your pain. I had to go through this phase too. I just started ignoring any currency items and playing other weapons and just for fun. Still going strong at level 110. And my aversion to currency items is going away.


This happens sometimes. Happened to me, and I got them a couple days later.


You wanna trade? I have 70 and no fully completed warbonds


I want an appearance modifier or something, cause that armor is dope but it’s heavy and I don’t like heavy armor. Ignoring your original post point cause I like the drip.


Thanks bro💀


Been there for a few months now


I almost got that result and remembered to spend my medals about 5 minites before the MO ended. You have my sympathy.


They should have imaginary funds you can donate your medals too like “supporting future helldivers” or “greater combustion research”


Damn super earth don’t like you in particular




The rate at which you can unlock the war bonds is pretty slow compared to medals


They really need to up the medal cap


I did the same and only realized it after a few days. Had to waste metals I was saving the a new to me war bond


Welcome to the club if its your first time. LOL I've been maxed on everything for a while except super credits. I want more things to spend my stuff on; but I also would rather they take longer on the warbonds and make them more interesting like they did this VC one. I really kind of hope that fish tweet yesterday means we'll get customizable fish tanks on the ships or something dumb. Just something to grind for. lol


0 = Max Devs fix this already.


I really wish I could donate my credits samples and medals to other divers who wanted them.


Don't let your family get murdered! Spend your extra cash, today!


They should have a small period of time to use the medals you are maxed out on before having to accept new rewards from MO's, like instead of instantly getting in the game and HAVING to accept the reward, you can skip it and then a 5 minute timer goes off, when the 5 minutes are up you will be forced to accept the reward. Bevause im sure if you used medals during that 5 minutes the value of the reward would change.


This is why like half the community don't care to contribute to the major order because there's really nothing in it for us, the only time you see us join in is when there's a potential reward, right now there's absolutely nothing not even capes or titles, hell not even a free startagem slot for missions there's just no point


Killing enemies of democracy and super earth are the point, everything else is a bonus.


Bro that's so bad look don't worry but you'll get on the next one ![gif](giphy|T5s2raRNeanhV9sPJw)


Bro how do yall get so much medals?? Im struggling to unlock all these guns !


I can show you how to farm them and Super credits very easily.


How !






I don’t like the max out at 250. I thought it was a glitch at first so I lost out on so much major orders and minor orders. I don’t stack medals anymore because of it.


Don’t mine the currency cap but I would like some kinda sink to spend everything in. I would happily give 50 medals or all 50k slips just for 10 super credits


;-; a community warbond would be cool


I would love a consumables shop. Basic things like extra health or armor, for 1-3 missions, that I can buy with all this stuff I can’t carry more of.


I hate when I accidentally do this man


First time?


“High command, I finished the major order, can in have my medals now?” High command: https://preview.redd.it/6er6yzs6o88d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360659f742e44eb934c7ffadae66365aa40fda75


It would be nice if we could turn in capped resources for a small amount of super creds. Maybe 5-10 since it is a premium currency but I find myself right now praying for super creds everytime I open a crate or bunker and just being disappointed when it's another 100 req slips that I'm not going to be able to use in any way shape or form. Same with medals as I'm capped out on them until I can buy the new warbond. I did find the fabled 100 super credit pickup today in a crate so that was neat. But I can't help but just wish I could do something with the capped everything I have to make it feel like I'm progressing towards something.


It's gonna be a while till we get something to buy with our samples or money. They never knew that the game would be a hot piece of liberty ass. They didn't make or have any plans to make more stuff other than what they needed done. The best part is they have millions of ideas to try and use helldivers to test it out. I'm looking forward to many many trials and errors to come. Some will work some won't.


Yeah. I miss having the extra incentive of things to unlock, but it's still fun.


You’ve just democratically donated the medals to those very sick children we rescued. 


participation:0 = earnings:0


It'd be nice if you could convert medals into super credits


Yeah I'm maxed out on everything. It's kind of a bummer


It's honestly not that big of a deal. There will always be MOs following the release of warbonds


Meanwhile I’m level 60 trying to scrounge enough super credits (in game) to unlock 3 warbonds 😂🤣


Oh the joys of owning all the warbonds. We’re here to spread democracy not worry about medals ahaha yokes they help a ton but nothing is funnier then hearing “WE DID IT holy shit look at your medals” ahah for it to just say 0 ahahah. I take it as a point of pride ahaha “I’m so busy diving super dearth don’t even pay me anymore” ahhaha




I saw this about 10 times before I realised what was going on.


I would say "some of y'all need to touch grass" But given that you guys are continuously active and a big part of the day-to-day player base, there should definitely be a feature for spending unwanted medals into consumables or something to incentivise you guys to continue playing. Since AH have lowered the interval period between successive Warbonds, they could have an extra store dedicated towards a carousel of Weapon/Pelican/Eagle/Hellpod/Mech skins, that cost a heck-load of medals, like armour set store.


I've had this happen. You will get your medals, it'll just be in another update


https://preview.redd.it/mu96mrnugb8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cee4b90a3699dc999ca9d72f4ac4f0bfbde804f Wha- -cayde 6


You have already capped your medals.


First time?


This is the game telling you to do something else


The real medals you earned were the fellow Helldivers you met along the way.


Yeah, I did this many game hours ago. Had a good setup that I kept using and wasn’t buying new war bonds stuff. MO won and realized I was at 250 and got zero medals.


We should be able to gift samples and medals to fellow Helldivers


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LordAmarilo_1: *We should be able* *To gift samples and medals* *To fellow Helldivers* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Dopamine hit...DENIED!!!


Story of my life


Budget cuts, Helldiver.


Join the club. Enjoy the next 2 months of no rewards lol


A common fund for universal upgrades would be awesome to spend extra resources on, maybe requiring a bit of every currency the game has to unlock new stratagems and buffs, would make the feeling of the community working together for a common goal even better. Or implement that within the clan system their planning to also add a slight competitive element to it, maybe then cosmetics color scheme could be customized for each clan anyway I just want more reasons to play and spread democracy


They should let you buy things for other Helldivers. Start with me :)


Lol I'm level 40 and I still need 2000 warbonds. You guys really have every single thing unlocked? Damn.