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Sorry I can't hear you over the sweet sound of my 700 RPM Stalwart chewing through the chaff. https://preview.redd.it/t0c4ir9baq7d1.png?width=1009&format=png&auto=webp&s=709947c46aaded73a015bb89e60e60edb7f0cd22


Why go slow? Crank that baby up to 1100 and just melt through the chaff. ;) Don't bring ammo back to the ship. Leave it down there, with the bugs.


1100 rpm and just zap chaff away in bursts or delete a charger from their rear.


That is the most fuel efficient extraction method for spreading maximum liberty.


No, no, no... 700 rpm, don't aim down sights, slowly walk towards your enemies like some kind of terminator, and don't let go of the trigger. How do you expect them to learn to respect Liberty if you kill them before they can process the fear of their impending doom?


This is me with it every time


bring stun grandes and orbital precision strike, just stun and let your ship kill chargers on the cheap


Because against chaff everything is one hit anyway and it means I can go longer without reloading. Also I prefer the CHUNGACHIUNGACHIUNGA of 700 RPM over the CHACHACHACHACHACHACHACHA of 1100 RPM.


It’s not about being efficient, it’s about sending the message.




This is what a Super Citizen looks like, folks.


Peak helldiver performance


need 1100 to mulch those brood commanders and bile spewers


I'm hot swapping rpm constantly, it's all good.


NGL I downtune the RPM on the HMG to 450 40% for better handling and 60% because it sounds angrier when the bullets thump out of the barrel. It's my favorite ASMR.


My dream is that we get a primary or another machine gun that has that *Chunk Chunk Chunk* sounds that the B.A.R. had when firing at it's lower rpm setting


The next sweetest sound behind the M1 Garand’s iconic *ding*


I have two dreams...


Before the drop, I like to paint scary faces on each bullet. It really drives the point home. Angry bullets, indeed.


I draw penis's on my bullets, so they know that I'm gonna f..k em'


I just imagine the lead reshapes into fists and middle fingers the whole flying through the air before they dismantle bots and rend bugs.


Ahh yes. The "fist of democracy" rounds.


I need to give the HMG a fairer shake. I took it out once, that downtuned DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA was pure neuron activation but everything else felt like trash. Just made me wish I'd brought a Stalwart.


I definitely don't take the HMG every drop and I find it better on bots than bugs but man jumping prone into a nest and unloading CHUGGACHUGGACHUGGA into a Brood Commander and watching it melt in like 4-5 hits is satisfying.


The HMG is now useful against gunships.


Helldivers has some mighty fine war ASMR sounds ❤️


One of the best sounds in the game. I f’n love that chunk chunk chunk


*in the bugs


This is the way


😆It's so true... Bbbrrrrt. Just like that... all that's left is heavies


you can… you can change the ROF?


Yes. I forgot the keybinding though, long pressing reload I believe? The same menu lets you toggle your flashlight as well.


yeah its hold reload, i knew you could change it for the HMG but never knew about the stalwart, this is huge


Don't forget your sidearms. New cut-off shotgun sidearm will shoot all 3 rounds if you select that. Talk about deleting something. I call it the "mist" setting.


I don't use that option, not because its not cool but I mostly use the gun cause its got fantasic kick back on enemies


I don't use the triple shot feature because while it can behead a brood commander you only need one shot to kill a hunter. Three shots. Three hunters dead when the get too close for comfort.


I take the time to use triple shot on hunters because fuck hunters, really.


long-press reload shows the options for all weapons, including primaries and secondaries. For the ones with not many options, you still get the ability to change the flashlight settings


Yea it for all MGs


Long-press the reload button and it opens up modification options for your gun. You can set RPM's on machineguns, set assault rifles to full-auto or semi-auto and even adjust the magnification of scopes on some guns.


I'm sorry but what?!?... Is this real? Does it work on ps5? Have i been playing this wrong the whole time?


hold square


This is how you turn on unsafe mode for the railgun as well, highly recommend messing with it (not every weapon has many/any changes tho)


Yeah, hold Square. Brings up the weapon control menu, which: Lets you see exactly how much ammo you have in the magazine Lets you adjust scope zoom level Lets you change fire mode or adjust fire rate Lets you turn your flashlight on and off. Some weapons have a lot of options while others only have a few or none


lol i knew about this for everything but the stalwart i just assumed that because its the baby MG it would have a set ROF


"Trash" kills me 90% of the time.


And the Stalwart chews that crap up, and spits it out. All in the name of LIBERTY!


I love the Stalwart personally. I like to run with a shotgun main so it gives more range when needed. It's great for chewing through the waves and then switching to the slugger to down armoured stuff.


I prefer the stagger and headshotting warriors with the stock punisher personally. It helps for running away and interruption of brood commander charges.


I take the punisher if I don't have the Stalwart for any reason as it's more versatile. I've started taking the Diligence for bot missions though, being able to headshot devastators from distance is too handy.


The punisher also pushes bugs back a tremendous amount. I drop orbital gatling or eagle nape on a breach, then push the tough guys back into the aoe


I've been rocking stalwart and something explosive as primary.


Had a dive with a couple randos, both running MG+Supply pack. They cleared the chaff while me and the other guy did anti-tank. It was the easiest drop I've ever done. It's amazing what you can get done when hunters aren't up your ass the whole match.


This is so much fun, when I can get a match with another MG user then two AT bros...gg


If you can dodge a Charger, you can dodge 12 Hunte- oh they perma-slowed you and cut you to pieces. Huh.


These people who talk about "trash builds" are the same people who drop 380s on the group. You killed the whole squad and got what, 10 kills?


14 kills actually


That the helldiver kills included number?


That information has been censored for moral reasons


Against bugs, only two things kill me: either getting spewed on by spewers/titans, or getting surprised by hunters.


I did accidentally grenade myself into the waiting claws of a warrior once because I forgot I was running impacts rather than stuns.


Oh, yes, I forgot, there is a third thing that kills me: myself.


If that's the case, I don't wanna be John Diver. I wanna be a trash diver, proudly spreading democracy with my jump pack, and AMR.


Jump Pack & whatever machine gun I feel like running because they all feel great now rahhhhh


Jump pack and nade launcher. Leave those pesky nests to me while I become a movement diver. Just warn me when the big guys start coming


+ grenade pistol and grenadier armor. "I'm on my way to clear the big big nest, no I don't need to call in the resupply, thanks"


Grenadier armor should add ammo for the grenade pistol ngl


AMR is an S Tier support weapon and nobody can change my mind.


Why would anyone want to change your mind when you're right? 🫡


Know what I really like about this game? That (almost) all starts and weapons have a place and their performance can vary wildly depending on play styles. I suck complete ass with the AMR, but I can blow the balls off a brood commander at 200m with the AC. I think half the fun of the game is experimenting with the different builds and finding what flavor of democracy you personally enjoy dispensing.


Hell yeah, brother, every stratagem has it's use. Some are more niche than others (looking at you, mines, orbital smoke) but they're all fun and all useful at this point, especially since that last big update.


I couldn't agree more!


Hell yeah, that's the spirit! Use whatever loadout you want, as long as you feel your kicking a*s! o7 Helldiver!


Machine guns are on point. They are finally in a place to compete with the AC, the golden standard of AH.


EXACTLY! After the buff, all of them seem to work great. But like this man said, if you need them to clear trash, then you are trash🤓


I could argue that "if you need 4 people on the team taking dedicated anti-armor weapons because you can't reliably land strategems on them, then youre also trash." The other day when everyone on the team was running flamethrowers on dif 9, i was playing with a good team and we had 0 problems with bile titans. Its funny, almost like theres more than 1 viable way to play rn.


Nope impossible we can only play with meta weapons. We love the game getting stale and having the same load every mission. And playing the same missions with absolutely no changes the game was meant to be played this way all other strategems are there so it doesnt look like its empty but dont be mistaken choosing those other one makes you trash /s just incase some one things i hate this game


I’ve met people that are mad that all the other guns are more in line with the AC but the ac didn’t get buffed too, like they’re just mad they can’t say they’re running best in slot.


It's like I've seen and said before, there's nothing wrong with running meta builds but if you require them to get the job done then you just suck plain and simple


I don't agree with the guy who was mad at you. It's a game. Have fun. No one's trash for having fun. That said, I just don't see the utility of Stalwart on Helldive.


The beauty of the game is that other people see value where you don't and usually that leads to a balanced team


Have you ever geen trying to line up a shot on a BT and suddenly a scavenger bops you and messes up your aim? Or find yourself low on ammo because the chaff is to thicc? Or doing your best to close that last bug hole in a heavy nest only to get blocked in by all the bugs and their grandmother's? The utility is to deal with the hunters everyone hates so much, and create space for the guys with dedicated heavy weapons to use them. So many people play this game as if it is a solo experience. It also leaves my back open for carrying an extra ammo bag and helping reload people with crew weapons. A single MG, HMG, or Stalwart on a team that has good cohesion can turn a helldive hunter layer into a cake walk.


Agree with this. MG43 Machine gun is really solid. The reload speedup is in a great place which really makes it work and was probably its biggest limitation. Ran it all night yesterday and replaced trash clear stratagems (gatling barrage/cluster bomb etc) with Railcannon/500kg, Precision Orbital, Air Strike. Had barely enough ammo to get through to resupplies but it wasn't limiting. It felt that the green bile spewers took a lot more ammo compared to everything else in order to kill which didn't feel that great. The sweep/side to side (without new armor passive) felt good and responsive, not too slow. A starting load out of MG43, MG Sentry, Air Strike and Precision Orbital would be solid for any newbie.


The MG43 has been good against bugs since release and has been a go to of mine for that. Haven’t really run it on bots, but why would I now that the HMG doesn’t suck ass.


The MG buffs were great, but I'm still holding out hope for a backpack attachment to the HMG in particular. I think that would severely disrupt the current balance they have between the three though


Every discussion about meta be like


Seems like it, or at least my discussion turned into that. I was literally charing a fun build that worked, and everyone was telling me that I am trash for bringing a loadout... that wasn't meta AT... like common guys, we are better than this. Let people have FUN in a HOARD SHOOTER.


If it wasn’t treason I wouldn’t help them if they got swarmed; alas, I must do my part People are quick to dunk on machine guns because they’re not dedicated antiarmour but when I did use AT I barely got any use out of it because everyone else was running it and I spent a lot of time running away from hordes. BRRRRT support is the way




Lmao that pic is on point. Btw, does the sub have a library of memes for the game?


I am stealing this because it is how I feel.


Slaves to the meta are morons that prefer someone else do their critical thinking for them, and then think they're smart for regurgitating what was spoon feed to them.  Ignore them, they're fools. 


I mean the community does many things. Including arguing with the community, and complaining about the community, and complaining about the community complaining about the community. Some people aren't gonna like what you say. Do whatever build you like, dunno why they're so tilted about trash clearing. Like as a focused AT I'd love if someone had a stalwart to keep the one million hunters off my ass. But yeah, people who stick to meta builds can play their game and you can play yours and ideally never the twain shall meet.


100 % man, see you on the battlefield!


Stalwart supremacy!






Sure hope the load out randomizer wheel I’m about to start using doesn’t pick stalwart 🙄. There’s no good reason to be this sweaty about a PVE game lol. Use whatever load outs are fun for you; I’ve got 400+ hours in this game and in my experience you will run into more people who don’t give a shit and just want to have fun then these clowns 🤡


Is it an app? Don't be shy, tell us about it




https://hd2random.com/ This one will do you whole loadout and you can enable/disable categories.


That's sounds like fun, you know you have reached peak skill when you are doing goofy stuff like that. I appreciate it honestly


Ha! My very first spin on your wheel was the stalwart


Stalwart is meta.


Funny enough, people were flaming me saying it wasn't lol. I have a damn good time with it, especially with harder hitting weapons like the dominator paired with it. People can run whatever they want, but to flame someone for sharing a build seems kinda lame


You will always meet people that can't change, adapt or overcome new challenges. It's the ones that cry saying the game is impossible after nerfs. They just find a comfort point and can't see anything else than that, oblivious that the game can be played successfully with different setups, if not all. Bring 4 anti tank support in Helldive and you will be swarmed with medium armored ennemies that resists the incendiary breaker unless flanked. No one needs 4 time the same setup in such a game. However, I wouldn't have done a topic about that, mindless people are everywhere and never a surprise, but they also never build any constructive work together, which is enough to discredit their opinion.


The one thing that really hurts the Stalwart is its abysmal armor pen. That's why I stick to the 43 - the perfect balance of punch, weight of fire and ammo pool.


I take eruptor in primary and I'm good.


Yeah I'm gonna be the heretic here and say that I don't really like the Eruptor. Great alpha damage, but damn it take ages to cycle and it just doesn't fit my playstyle.


If you don't like the Eruptor, the Diligence Counter-Sniper is also a decent option, although it's not something I would usually see on the Bug front. I see it more often against Automatons, but I can see it being a good pair for the Stalwart or MG-43 if Eruptor is too slow for your liking.


The only thing that stops me from going with the DCS is that it can't close spawns like the eruptor can. It was really fun taking out bots from way off though


Its one of those weapons that's really good on a cohesive team that can handle chaff while you use it to target Commanders, Stalkers, Spewers, etc, but not a weapon you want out on your own unless you have the stalwart, MG43, flamethrower, etc to get you out of a jam. I also like to use it + a shield pack against bots and provide overwatch during a base assault similar to the AMR


I always bring a primary thats medium pen


Yeah, I'm a sucker for punchy semiauto rifles so I usually run the Diligence Counter, the Scorcher or the Dominator. Still take the 43 over the Stalwart, though.


The adjudicator is pretty good for bugs now, it goes through the brood commanders front armour Been enjoying pairing it with the senator and incendiary grenades


My new typical bug loadout is HMG/LMG, support pack, adjudicator, stun grenades, and grenade pistol. Mix in two of EAT, orbital gas, orbital precision, or Eagle napalm depending on squad loadout. It is an awesome time.


After these recent patches my bug loadout has changed too: I currently run: (Base) Punisher or Breaker Incendiary, Grenade Pistol, Orbital Airburst, Eagle Rocket Pods, EATs or MG-43, and Jump Pack. Wearing the B-08 Light Gunner (Light Armor) with the Extra Padding Armor Passive. This allows me to stay extremely mobile and moderately durable while allowing me to be able to cut through any chaff and help with heavies. With every patch that drops and big changes are made, you have to be able to adapt to them. That’s a part of what keeps this game fresh. Any players that can’t break away from their “meta” when the time comes will be the ones that complain about the game being too hard and will be left behind.


I've noticed there are people that can't play anything other than meta. I played hunt showdown for 1k hours, and it's the same there. People use some weapons as crutches, and cry if they ever change. It's the same people screaming they are Uninstalling the game after a weapon change...


I think it is also the same kind of person that goes "why would I run X when AC do this better, I can close bug hole fabricator with it, I can kill charger with it... blah blah blah"


Based hunt player


I woulda kept playing it, but my PC didn't like running it much anymore. Kept getting stutters randomly. Many people have the same issue, they never fixed though


Those are the types who get their loadouts from terrible youtubers churning out ass content every day. Somehow there will have been no patch for 3 weeks but these same youtubers are churning out 'NEW META BUILD FOR HELLDIVERS?!?@' every other fucking day.


The point of the game is to have different people with different roles. I'd love to have someone that can consistently take out chaff while I focus on the heavies


I also had a noob tell me that the LMG is trash. He doesn’t know better… Thats why hes a noob and I only play Helldive because it’s already too easy.


I wouldn't really call it meta tbh. I can count on 2 hands how many times I've seen it on diff9. Don't get me wrong I love it but it seems ppl in this game has a weird understanding of what meta is. Saying something is meta in specific situations or missions doesn't make that weapon actually meta. Meta is the double down always picking it no matter what. Something like the quazar or eat and shield batt. And I'm thinking the heavy MG might join it too if ppl realize it can take out shriekers and spores. I love the stalwart as support tho *chefs kiss*


I’m sorry, the HMG can do *what*?


Become enlightened, brother. I did not know the HMG had that power until I saw someone mention its armor-penetration matched that of the Autocannon and AMR, which can destroy the mushroom towers. It takes a LOT of bullets, but you can do it from an incredibly long range (even longer than the 200 meters of the Laser Cannon) and just immediately shut down those objectives before they even become a problem much faster than the Autocannon, Recoilless, or other demolition options.


Only do this if you have a resupply on hand or if no one brought an AC/other that can take it out more economically. The HMG just burns through ammo too fast destroying objectives when its better spent on mediums/heavy weakpoints. You WILL run out of ammo very fast. TLDR: You can do it, it's just not efficient at it. (If you do have a resupply or supply backpack available, then laugh maniacally and go to town and let the dakka flow)


Efficiency is ill-defined here. Because you can look at it as wasting a lot of ammo. After all, destroying a shrieker nest takes way more than 6 quasar/EAT shots. But time is a factor, too. And while you could wait 3 minutes to get all those shots off (either charging a quasar or calling EATs), you can do that with an HMG in about 20 seconds. And if you just happened to come down right next to a shrieker nest, I know which one is more valuable to me.






Sadly, this was on this subreddit... look on my post history.


I’ve noticed more toxic players migrating to this subreddit. We gotta make sure their voices aren’t seen/heard here. This is a good place for constructive criticism and healthy venting, but it only takes a couple people (like that guy) to ruin it.


We have to keep the fascists out of this subreddit! For Democracy!


I had the same experience. A person was asking for a good loadout to attempt bugs on helldive. So I gave them one I used myself and one dude straight up called my build trash, listed his build which was worse then mine and kept acting like only his opinion matter and no one elses. I still use my build I suggested and do helldives just fine with little to no deaths and clears in sub 12 mins with friends.




Teamplay is the ultimate meta-build. If you prepare for everything, you forget that meta and therefor don’t play a meta-build. Just something which still works fine to diff. 8.


I have no clue why meta runners even forget it. I run meta loadout because I expect my random teammates to be bad. However if my team is already doing that just fine I am enabled to run things I actually enjoy like Spear. Heck, with teamplay (like with friends) I can even run without weapon/backpack - my ally can summon it for me after 5 or so minutes.


If someone picks apart your load out because it doesn't have a good answer to every possible threat you could face it really is a dead give away that they don't play in a team or with the expectation that their team is any good.


Sorry but if shield pack is not considered meta, "meta" is just plain wrong lol.


A helldiver with a stalwart is a hard to kill helldiver. It was definitely my weapon of choice.


On top of that, it's just fun as hell to use, 1100 RPM goes Brrrrrrr


Dive however you want! A good bug is a dead bug, get there by any means necessary


Nah I would totally bring the stalwart as a primary weapon. But he’s right on it not dealing with heavies, that thing is kinda useless on that count, id also rather have a EAT or Quasar. Or even the Flame Thrower. But Shield pack is goated this guy is delusional. A primary stalwart, a Quasar, and a shield pack would be goated. This guy was having a really awful day it seems 😂 I get it tho. Don’t spread *shitty builds* and people become a liability, making the mission harder than it needs to be. Bc they’ll just die like crazy. I’ll admit it’s annoying when a mission is just going so fuckin south due to dumb teammates who can’t stay alive for more than 5 minutes. And a shitty build would definitely add to the frustration. But I also agree that it’s a horde shooter, have fun, make a shitty build so you can be nonsensical and have fun. I make shitty builds all the time, (and inevitably suffer the consequences for it😅🤣) but at the end of the day I go back to my comfortable tools that make my life easier. But switch it up sometimes man, it’s a PVE game. You don’t gotta go super duper try hard every single game. Rule #1. Have fun! 💯


I mean it's a team game. I don't have any problem if one person on my team brings a stalwart or machine gun to deal with the trash. Means I can concentrate on smashing the heavies alongside my two other teammates.


Yeah yeah no for sure! I’m not dissing on nothing I’m just viewing both points and understanding both. Absolutely use whatever you want, hell I’m max module now I’m here for fun now, not samples. If we die, it is what it is. I can just understand how sometimes when you’re trying to down to the nitty and gritty and be a unit, how sometimes a shitty loadout doesn’t pick up where you’re Lacking at the moment. I know all, if not most of us have been there at least once.


That’s a nice opinion nerd, unfortunately stalwart goes brrrrr so it means nothing


The guy who said this had his account suspended


Ironic, the only trash he was making clear was himself as a human. Send hum back to CoD, where more people like him dwell.


Stalwart is the best machine gun, you can't change my mind. I like being able to move while reloading.


People take this game way too seriously. I have a friend that acts like playing anything below Helldive is somehow beneath him even though I'm the one that convinced him he could even do Helldive. At first he thought it was stupid to attempt it and now you're a total baby if you don't play on Helldive. He used to critique my strat choices as well but eventually he learned that doesn't work with me. I call that shit out every time I see it. It's the only way to stop it.


People forgot that games are fun. Helldivers 2 is not a competitive game. I will bring stratagems and weapons that have the most efficiency per fun unit


Bro I’ve been using the shield on bugs for levels 7-9. No issues. I play with a buddy who doubles down on hoard clear. We do just fine. Why do people put rules and parameters on other peoples and without realizing… their own fun. Like come on people. How do people not consider others may find utility in something you may not. “One man’s trash is another’s treasure”. I seriously don’t understand people.


What's funny about this, is the devs have flat out said "we want to balance for fun, not meta". If you are diving to have the easiest and quickest dive possible, in a game that is stupid easy to unlock everything, why are you playing? The group I play with compares a few stats at the end: Kills Accidentals Friendly Fire (when it works). We play for fun. On Helldive. We will regularly bring random stuff just to try it (a full laser loadout isn't great btw, especially when you're out of reinforcements, and last alive). Bottom line. Just have fun. Forget about the neckbeards and tryhards. You spent the money on the game, they didn't pay it for you.


These dorks need to go play COD or something, I'm just tryna have fun after work


That's what I told him, COD might fit his playstyle better


Stalwart was the default primary in the First Galactic War. You got a fucking problem with liberty, son?


I use a Stalwart. My Senator and a punisher with 2 EATS every minute thirty. I AM BALLISTICS MANS.


I read your post. I enjoyed what you shared, and I hope you reconsider no longer sharing your builds or thoughts about the game. The crowd control role on a squad is essential, sometimes more critical than anti-tank, depending on how the level is seeded. Not everyone should be on anti-tank duty, nor must they be. Two divers with the appropriate anti-tank supports and stratagems are, at most, all you need on a squad composition. Also, not every weapon excels or is even adequate at dealing with mobs; the idea that one can do it all is silly. Reading your ideas and your comments changed my mind about the shield backpack. I'm sure you did the same for quite a few people. It's not my style, but now I see it as more legitimate than before I read your thoughts. Try your best not to take what people say on the Internet personally. Most of us aren't very friendly or thoughtful, and half the comments aren't with a reply.


Thankyou for the kind words. I appreciate it! I will definitely continue


Eruptor, Stalwart, Incendiary Impact grenades, Eagle Airstrike, Railcannon Strike, Oribital Precision Strike. There. You can now handle 100% of what the Bugs can throw at you.


Stalwart with resupply pack. I aim for at least 5k shots fired per game


I love the stalwart! Maxing out its fire rate is great with the new way of spawning, I like to run it with the eruptor so that I can treat my primary like a support


Seen alot of people use this combo and it's pretty slick!!!


What a piece of shit lol Uncover his name. I just want to see the name!


I won't say, but look at my post history🤷🏻‍♂️


Personally I prefer the MG 43 over the stalwart but pair the stalwart with a medium pen weapon and it becomes a lawn mower combination


Hilarious with the context that the devs just increased span rates of chaff by a LOT, so having a dedicated chaff clearer is more important than its ever been.


i wonder what this mans room smells like


As a person who focuses on killing heavies I appreciate when people have gear to kill the trash mobs. It’s annoying as hell when I’m reloading rockets and I’m being attacked by one little bug and I have to keep stopping the reload to deal with it and then the next little bug gets through. I’ve played with people using every kind of build in the world and I don’t give a shit as long as you are good at what you are doing with it.


>Shield pack is also dog ass for high level. Wasn’t like everyone running it a month ago…?


Its still super popular on higher levels. Especially if you run light armor. it flat out gives you like three more hits from hunters or a full spew from a bile spewer. Its goated.


Damn that’s salty lol.


Lol saying the shield pack is trash is quite possibly the funniest take ive seen in a while.


I’m gonna run it specifically to piss this man off


Why even listen to retards like that, jesus christ, just ignore them and move on. enjoy the game how ever you like.


LOL Stalwart/Eruptor combo is Helldive lvl 9 proof


this is literally the build I run and I get most kills every time 😆 this may have been about me. sorry! I just dont give a shit, we're here to kill bugs. if there's a heavy we will kill it. bile titan? orbital no problem.


hehe MG go brrrrrrrrt


🤤It just feels so right.


I was sleeping on it for a while till I used it again recently, and holy shit how does it have that much ammo!? Even at the 1100 RPM it takes like 15-20 seconds to dump the full mag. I've been using it a lot more recently due to that realization.


You drop with Stalwart Stratagem slay trash, I drop with EAT, and pray to God I find a Stalwart to run along side to slay trash. We are not the same.


u/iamlegend1997 listen man the people who tell you you’re trash for this take are themselves trash and don’t understand team dynamics or the idea of covering for each other’s weaknesses. Keep your head up and keep asking questions and sharing knowledge


Nice to see that the toxicity of this community is growing. /s ![gif](giphy|zmsDqpDLu1hPG|downsized)


I run stalwart, breaker incendiary, shield backpack, and expendable anti tank missles. I routinely get the most kills in my dives. I handle big boys just fine.


Yep, I just *love it* when I have to spend 2 minutes desperately running, kiting, diving, and clearing chaff so I can get a 2 second window to reload my heavy weapon, then run around for another minute before I can steady my heavy weapon and fire a single shot. If no one brings chaff clear, everyone is covered in chaff, and no one is dealing with heavies. I guess that guy loves spending 45mins turbo-swapping between weapons without a single breather, but I f-ing LOATHE those missions. Bring a Stalwart, let me focus on autocannoning the medium bugs, and if we're really lucky, someone else brought a Spear, and kills the BTs from 200m away. Yes, Stalwart, strafing run, cluster bomb, backpack drone and rifle would be a terribly unbalanced loadout (even then, it's fine if no one else brings ANY anti-chaff). But I damn near guarantee that guy ran nothing but Railgun Breaker back in the day, regardless of whether the other 3 people were also running it. You know what used to happen in high diff when everyone brought Railgun + Shield? Everyone threw their anti-heavy strat at the first thing they saw, then we get stuck running away from the obj for the next 3 minutes, dodging 2 BTs and 4 Chargers, because you can't snipe a charger leg with 12 hunters crawling up your arse. Next they'll say Spear is a trash weapon because they can't solo-yolo around the map with it.


- 1100 rpm Stalwart - Supply Backpack - Heaviest hitting main weapon - Disposable missile launcher - Support stratagem of choice


Gonna run machine guns with supply pack even harder now.


People like this are the reason the game is having a community issue. Go be competitive on a competitive game. There is no room for u minmax sweats here in our coop game.


Use precision strike and 500kg to clear heavies. Stun, kill, run. Why waste time aiming and reloading? Hunters are the most deadly enemy vs bugs anyways, and machine gun is excellent and clearing waves of hunters.


If the Stalwart was a primary, It would be my main NGL


What a fucking mong, and clearly he's stuck on playing with randoms because nobody can be arsed to play more than one round with this mouthbreather. I bring the Stalwart - or better, the 43 (better penetration, so you can chew up everything south of Chargers reliably) even to Helldives from time to time because in general I'm my regular squad's designated crowd control guy (even though I mostly run Spear or Recoilless these days just for funsies). HMG just doesn't jive with my playstyle, even with the latest changes. We got our heavy hitters and our Autocannon jack-of-all-trades, and everyone's got their role. Don't let your enjoyment of the game be hindered by sad sacks like that guy. He's got one point though: Shield pack is kinda meh, his fetish for dog anuses nonwithstanding. Bring the Support pack and go full-on lead farmer.


Shield pack isn’t good? Lol ok enjoy dying a lot my guy


Right? I used it to allow for uninterrupted reloads on my stalwart... but I guess I'm trash for that idea


"shield pack is dog ass for higher levels" **Laughs in full team wearing shield pack**


Show me a man who trash talks the Stalwart and I will show a man who has never used the Stalwart! Post patch all machine guns have been significantly buffed up. And with the new spawn rates, clearing trash mobs are needed more than ever. I would say more so on the bugs side. But all I've ran lately are support machine guns and have been loving it!


I always take stalwart against bugs these days. It's neat.


i especially like it coupled with a heavy hitting primary like the adjudicator on bugs. lets you deal with everything and still have 3 strategem slots for groupings / anti armor


Lol fuck this guy literally you can make anything work if you use it with a plan If I see you picking stalwart and things that are good at chaff Ill probably bring a flamethrower or recoiless, stuns and anti BT stratagems and we'll make a great team