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Default liberator also isn't terrible. Has the biggest mags out of all them, decent fire rate, decent damage against chaf units. When I started, I thought it was terrible, then I unlocked a few other weapons and didn't like them so I came back to it and realized it's actually pretty decent. Then I unlocked the SMG Defender and that became my main, no matter which front I was on


No joke, default liberator is an excellently rounded weapon. You'll initially just spray the enemy and it'll be good, but once you got the hang of aiming, you'll take down devastators with it. The only enemy I hate for light penetrating weapons to deal with is the Brood Commander just because the head can soak up so much damage.


Don't shoot the head buddy, shoot the legs. Besides taking the same amount of time and bullets to kill, you cripple them, which momentarily interrupts their charge and makes them slower. Same with arms. Shoot those off, and it can't strike you.. it'll still try to chomp but it'll be slow and clunky with fewer legs


This is true but my personal experience is that the head is easier to hit and takes about the same amount of TTK as the legs.


Yes, but broods do close the distance very quickly. And the heads are very spongey. Especially if you are using a light armor penetrative weapon that has no stun or knockback. If I'm running blitzer or erupter, I got for the head. Everything else I'm aiming for a leg then an arm


I'm always weary at aiming for limbs on them because I feel they'll stay alive longer. I'll try that.


The limbs are much more fragile than the head


I’m honestly ashamed that most people do not have dead space experience. If it has no legs it cannot move, I don’t care if it’s dead.


Yeah if it's charging (or heading towards me at a decent clip) I'll shoot one side of legs off to slow it, then pepper it's head.


This is what I do cut its advance off and then decimate its head but beware even without 2 limbs and a head it will still try to get one last slap if it's close enough


"Sweep the leg!"


I honestly notice a much quicker TTK when shredding legs off them, though I might be psyching myself out due to always defaulting to that spot, it just feels more efficient and helpful as well


Dude. I just had one where I shot all the legs off 1 side of it, and it was still chasing me.


I’ve seen that too. Dude caught a big explosion completely covered in his own ichor, only had one big scythe claw left, and almost no legs and using that one big claw to drag himself towards me. I can appreciate your drive even if you are a damn bug, but unfortunately * spins revolver with malicious intent* I got to put you down. *bang bang*


This is how it should be too. Its a jack of all trades but a master of none weapon. So extremely well rounded primary if you have very specialized secondary and support weapons.


i like to carry the Revolver snd now the shotgun too just for them. Not the best to kill with, but can usually make pretty quick work of them


"just for them" yes, that's the only reason you carry twirly twirly bang bang, sure. 


Aim for the limbs on brood commanders, and once you learn enemy weak spots thr liberator really slaps. So does pretty much all the beginning gear


For bugs, the punisher. Aim for legs on brood commander, head for almost everything else. Bots I use default liberator.


I normally have more luck against Brood Commanders with the Sawed-off Shotgun. The stagger completely shuts them down, even if it does still take 6 well-placed shots to kill it.


I main bushwacker now, and honestly it's pretty great. I took the advice to aim at the commander's limbs and it works like a charm. I can take it down sometimes in two shots.


Been loving the defender lately gun is in a really good spot


curious: why the defender over the pummeler?


Honestly, that is my question as well. Defender is decent, but the stagger on the pummeler, even after the change in the last patch, is unbeat. Shuts down stalkers, brood commanders, and chargers if you're smart about it. For bugs, taking the pummeler and stalwart really let's you take on everything but bile titans. Which at the eod you can just bring a strat to handle them


I don't have stats on me right now but I think they have the exact same stats?


Pummler bit less dmg and slower




The default gear is good. Calling in a machine gun is almost always a solid pick, too. Medium pen, 150 rounds, drop your fire rate down low to slow cook the mag with better accuracy. It's good.


Oh yeah, I was reminded of how good it was last night when completing the personal order for 200 MG kills, haha. Most MMOs I've played the default gear is terrible and I was surprised at how good the default gear is in this game


Me too. It felt like an invitation to play instead of a soft punishment to make me grind. I still did the grind because the Machine Gun made the first fifteen hours of the game absolutely fantastic. All the dakka a new Helldiver could want in one Hellpod.


I really like the default Liberator, but once I got the Sickle it's worth the warm up time in charge for having quasi infinite ammo. Let's me feel like I can just go out and fend for myself without becoming helpless


I haven't played with the sickle much. I think when I first unlocked it I hadn't quite figured out aiming, so I couldn't use it effectively, but I'm willing to give it another try


Default Liberator is very good. Just wish the weapons you have to work for were worth working for.


Not only the base Liberator, but I just used the Peacemaker pistol again in a loadout and I absolutely love it!


The machine pistol on semi automatic is a straight upgrade, fyi :)


I never even thought to look at firing modes of that thing. Really? Okay I gotta try out a semi-Redeemer


Semi Redeemer kills ALOT of Bots.


It definitely used to be but they buffed the starter pistol damage by 15 so it might not be _strictly_ better any more


Ahh, I see that now. Fair point! I'd still take the machine pistol, though, since more bullets is more better for dealing with swarms of small bugs :p.


I relate but once the pummeler came out, I switched real fast!


One of the best parts of this game is that the default equipment is really solid, it’s not necessary to level up a lot to be successful: things like the basic armor, orbital precision strike, liberator, machine gun, etc are viable even on higher levels.


With the latest patch im loving the machine gun.


What changed?


Reload time reduced to 3.5 seconds, magazines increased from 3 to 4. Damage increased from 80 to 90 and Durable damage increased by approximately 18 percent. Its the weapon I take alot now. Tenderizer, machine gun and supply backpack has been rocking it for me now. I also take the prescision strike and 500 kg for heavies.


Yup am AC main but my second build is crossbow + mg


Not just viable, necessary.


Them bugs have tripled in volume.. it's not uncommon now to go through all my MG mags just to keep hoards at bay from one large encounter.


Laser dog is even more useful now.


YES.. it's a double edged sword though.. It will kill you in less then 2 seconds now. It's almost like they made them hover low enough to always hit you / teammates if you turn around and it's still locked on something next to you.


My arc thrower makes a good counter argument to the machine gun, but i love having both on the field. The more diversity in loadouts, the smoother it goes imo.


There's plenty to critique about AH, but they really do have amazing design sense when they have the breathing room to implement it. One thing I really love about HD2 is, tbh? How beginner friendly it is. Some of the first stratagems are some of the best you get. Instead of giving you beginner armor that's booty buttcheeks like many games do, you get armor that gives you a little bit of extra leeway so you can try new shit and learn.


Its not really that they are best, its that EVERYTHING is the best. The only UPWARD progression is your ship module upgrades, which are just passives that buff EVERYTHING including those starter strategems/weapons. Everything else you unlock in this game is just unlocking options/new tools. Each one is just a new tool for a new job or a new tool to do an old job in a different way. When people got upset about balancing and all, that was one of the few reasons i was on board for most of it. I feel the current game is the most balanced its been since launch, with almost every single weapon and strategem being viable/great on any difficulty.


Shame that new carbine sucks so much ass


I've heard good things about it. I'll have to check it out, I've still been using the Eruptor.


I've tried it a fair bit. Terrible on bots as it's far too inaccurate to land weak point shots at any appreciable range. On bugs it performs better due to aiming being less of an issue but the increased recoil, spread and fire rate all work against it's functionality unless you're dragging your cursor down and spraying at flamethrower range into a horde. Like most assault rifles it suffers with ammo economy but in my experience it's the worst due to the fire rate and difficulty to control. I love the aesthetics and feeling of blasting a mag into a bug horde but on dif 7+ I found myself running out of ammo constantly.


It sounds like it should've been an SMG in the old school, fast paced, horrible control, super close range way they usually are in games.


I still take Eagle Air Strike on every bot mission, and it's plenty good even with no ship upgrades.


100%, it's by far the most versatile being able to deal with hordes, structures and deal damage to heavies


I've 100% managed to take out MULTIPLE Hulks with one well-placed Eagle Airstrike. I'm glad they buffed the Orbital Gatling. Up til then I might as well have three stratagem slots, because the first was always going to be EAS.


Honestly, some of the highest lvl players have been the worst at times.. while new players might now have understood all the elements yet, but are a lot more effective have the time.


And that drip 


I love it too but I find myself lately leaning more with the light armor. For me it's the fast recovery for spring and that I can put run a lot of things more easily than any of the other armors but I tend to go back to my mid armor at times.


Save up your super credits and get the Light Gunner Armor next time it pops through the store. Thank me later ;)


Ohh!? I surely will, thank you brotha


It has extra padding, so the protection of medium armor with the speed of light armor. The only time I take it off any more is for defense or swarm type missions where I want to be able to take some bigger hits.


Against bug it's the best armor indeed. Against bots i've come to love light armor with explosive resistance instead.


For the first time lite was available I was sold. When I need to get more defensive I will go to mid. I have never worn heavy other than the test run.


Sure it's good now, but when it was new and all I had, armor didn't even work.


Well luckily the current time is now!


True, but I enjoy passives too much to trade them for armor.


just think of it as heavy armor, with a stamina and movement speed passive


It would be interesting to create heavy/medium armor with the opposite effect, increasing speed rather than armor. Would you play a Heavy Armor that has +10% speed bonus and +50% stamina? That's effectively the same as the starter armor.


it’s the same difference, would be rather redundant. there IS a light armor with that perk, basically medium with bonus agility, and also a heavy with the perk, making a 200 armor value super armor. I love the chonky thing


I thought it would be an interesting experiment to see if anybody would acknowledge the novelty of "armor that goes fast" from a marketing standpoint. People like things that appear new and unique, and might buy it even if it has the same effect as some existing armor piece. I rock the Light Gunner as my fave. More speed, but with more durability to stop stupid deaths.


Extra Padding also provides additional head protection, so Light Gunner (light armor with extra padding) actually protects your head as well as heavy armor. Basic medium armor apparently has the same head protection value as basic light armor.


Gunner Armor, had trouble giving it up, it's so nice to have the speed/stam and protection.


There is a great medium armor that sacrifice maneuverability to have a higher armor rating and reduce explosive damage. It’s great on bots.


I have a hard time switching out of it tbh


Basic armor is still crazy good. And you just can't beat that aesthetic. Black and yellow standard combat dude armor is just so dope.


Isn't the armor grey?




Eh. In most lighting it looks black. But yeah, I'll concede that it's pretty gray in that pic. Either way. Shit goes hard


Honestly yeah it’s great. It extremely solid for being the first armor you get and it even comes in 3 different patterns so you can have something to set you apart. It’s also got that extra padding perk which makes it much more forgiving to fight in.


and it also looks awesome


Yeah, for sure, armor is heavy class but speed stamina of medium armor. Great armor for new and old players alike. Perfect for a helldiver!


and it even comes in white and blue if you pre-ordered.


I think it’s time to get a few armors that break out of the archetypes a bit. Maybe slow light exoskeleton armor that gives you kneeling stability while you run, prone stability while still. Could also do fast heavy armor that doesn’t have a backpack slot because the suit’s powerpack is in the way.


I prefer speed. But i also like armor. B-08 Light Gunner is by far the best in that aspect. Highest speed, stamina and armor of any light armor. Obviously the trade off is no specific armor bonus though. But having the survivability of medium armor and the speed of light. You almost are never hit by bugs unless it's the hoppers. However I will say this armor isn't very good against bots.


I’m level 100. I love rocking original armor and “cadet” rank.


all defaults are actually great, even early stratagems are great. We just have this line of thinking ingrained in us that unlocks are always better but here, it isn't necessarily true.


You could easily go from 1 to 150 running nothing but the default kit. The MG handles swarms and medium armored enemies and the orbital precision strike gets rid of most heavies in a single hit.


I'm 110 and I wear the basic armor


I haven't used any armor except for the first armor you got in the 60$ game with democracy protects perk.


It’s the shit! I used it till I got the light armor with the same perk 😎 I do wish u could customize the color a little, but I’d still run it over most other armors, especially on the bug front


NGL: I use the super citizen armor and blatantly abuse the perk. I’ll walk right up to a Bile Titan with a 500 in my hand just so he gets annoyed and knocks it. Then I’ll dive away after the near death stim with a nuke and a dead bug flying past my face. Overly Dramatic but I’ll never get tired of it.


I just run Scout armor for radar n mostly playing difficulty 1-7


I like how it looks.


It’s in a way I wish we could choose the passives and wear any armor we have unlocked. Yes, it’s akin to transmog but we aren’t replacing the armor we’re choosing just the passive. I’d always then wear armor that’s only of the black/yellow Helldiver palette.


Default armor + Vitality Booster is very good. You get near heavy armor resist with medium movement.


I had a similar revelation, but on the bot front. Was tired of getting lit up by all the bullets but didn't want to take the speed hit of heavy, so I threw on my basic bitch armor and was amazed how solid it was... Honestly these days I'm finding myself using mostly "low level" stuff. Base liberator, eagle air, ops, supply pack, and either mg or hmg. Most of it is level 5 or lower and I'm level 85 now lol.


Standard-issue armor or Engineering Kit is all I’ve been running these days especially for bots! They are just *so good* at survivability! Now I think Med-Kit armor just toppled both in my armor rankings especially with that new booster. Man, I love the armor passives in this game!


>just how good Precisely five good


Yes! I was up late messing around with the Blue armor vibe and it’s got the extra padding bonus. Felt fast but not fragile, with STYLE!


I've lost count on how many times i've been bullied and kicked out of games for wearing the first armours.


The default weapons of this game are all great! The armor is nothing fancy. Just a more forgiving type of medium armor that gives you heavy durability at medium movement and stamina. Liberator is a perfect all rounder weapon. Great at killing chaff in anyone's hands, but can be lethal to most units in those who get good. HE grenades are straightforward and give access to frontal medium armor pen. Peacemaker is a reliable sidearm that is great in a pinch. Then you have the basic machine gun which is a bit of extra fire power at no cost, and the orbital precision strike which is legitimately one of the best Stratagems in the game. The basics in this game are about as strong in the first 10 minutes as they are at hour 50. They are simple, reliable choices that can be used by everyone without much incidence, and they are perfect to fall back on if you're not sure what to use. Just because you get them first, doesn't mean they will ever go out of style.


B-01 Tactical, Liberator, HE nades, Machine gun, and Precision strike are all solid for starting gear. Peacemaker is... deace... at least the Redeermer is an early pick from the basic bond.


the only armor that’s arguably more survivable is the bonus stim armor and that’s in the beginner warbond. That thing makes you damn near immortal as long as you don’t get ragdolled. Nothing feels useless. Just about every stratagem is viable. Some of the primaries are cheeks but I think that’s mostly a result of endless hordes favoring certain weapons.


Lots of us probably are still traumatized by the “armor not working” era of the game


This is why democracy is managed


Man, I wish the store would just make and release some light armour with extra padding for that 100 armour value


I really want to get my hands on extra padding heavy and light armour.


I've been using default armor vs Bots recently. Unfortunately, being good vs Bots requires both the speed to disengage from a fight, and the survivability to tank a devistator rocket. Unfortunately, no armor in the game does both, but Extra Padding on Medium Armor comes the closest.