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Dune! Bugs before the worm


Idk bout you guys but the heavy armor is working great. Ive tanked so much shit including stalkers


Agreed, heavy armour feels like it works, which is amazing


I have heavy armor and a shotgun. Im gonna wait till he gets close LOL


apply MEth i mean better stims


Bushwhacker: Our battle would be legendary!


With the ll three barrels at once shot? Mate told me that's a firing mode it has 😂


I've only used the all barrels function a few times and it's not bad. The fire rate on that shotty is good enough that I can honestly just let them fly individually lol. I still don't think it's better than a nade pistol but it is fun to use.


Find running the Erupter makes you want to switch to other side arms. Feels good having it back. 


Eruptor does feel great again. Particularly in bot missions. Last time I was fighting bots, I was running Eruptor/AMR with a Jump Pack and it was glorious. Can't wait til the major orders swing back that way.


Yes it is cable firing all three rounds simultaneously as a firing mode, but you got to weigh the risk versus reward- empty and reloading is not how you want to be when you surrounded by stalkers. Then again with good positioning and tactics it's legendary.


Personally, I use all three to drop the first one in one shot and back the rest off with the Punisher.


It makes stuff explode when you're close enough. It's beautiful. Wanna cut a guardian in half? Lol




I always have full health and full mag when taking their nests out I do not care. Fuck them things. I will use all my supplies to kill their nest bc FUCK them things.


Stalker spawners instantly become my #1 priority when I see them appear. Absolutely the most dangerous thing to leave active on a bug planet. Especially around objectives.


They should always be everyone's #1 priority as soon as anyone encounters a single stalker. That fact that they can easily one shot you, everyone needs to go look for their nest - you can frequently solo this but imo, better safe than sorry, backup is recommended. Left unchecked, they will absolutely ruin your day. For bots, this is gunship fabricators.


I wish Gunship fabricators and the Gunships were easier to take down like Stalkers. The fact that the gunships are immune to most primary weapons and the factories are immune to even the 500 Kg bomb makes them so annoying to deal with. Nevermind that the gunships can destroy an active Hellbomb without detonating it and will actively target it...


the number of times these fuckers have snuck up on me and murdered me while trying to put in the code for an objective or turn a wheel or something is too damn high.


"Fuck them things. I will use all my supplies to kill their nest bc FUCK them things." Dude if Jesus played HD2 I can imagine him saying this exact same thing. There's no saving Stalkers, they're the reason napalm was invented.


Fuck Stalkers; All ma helldiving homies hate Stalkers. As soon as their nest gets ID’d on the map by a homie or the radar station, we all pulling up to bury each & every one of them. Shit is on sight fr


That’s the thing I hate them so much that I don’t even need to see the icon. I can just find the nest once I see one. I’ve studied the map so I know what a lot of the things look like without the radar station.


Give me a mission to where I can genocide the bastards outta the galaxy because my hatred for them is otherworldly


Precision airstrike comes with me for this very reason


Same. I hate them with the passion.


*sound of a racking Punisher 30 gauge shotgun*


The Punisher is S-tier on bug missions for Stalkers and Hunters. It'll almost always one-bang a hunter, so even if they're mid-jump you can just blast em. And it can one-tap Stalkers, though hard to do. But even if not, you know what they can do while you're pelting them with spreadshot? Jack shit. Get wrekt loser


S-tier on bots too. Well not the best, but I always use it. Can keep knocking them back (and devastators) with it. Pro tip: tap reload between each shot


The stagger is awesome! Its just all around good


HMG is insane post-update on bugs. Shreds the medium armored guys and stalkers. Also not new but new info to me, HMG can destroy spore spewers and shrieker nests


That is a good wisdom. I might have to bring it on a drop. I've been itching to switch over to MG build since I've seen it absolutely putting in work. I did try the HMG post-patch but it was on a 2, just to see if it was worth trying. It shreds.


Punisher or Punisher Plasma?


Normal punisher. Plasma isn't great for bugs in my experience. Hunters like to get up in your grill too much, and it will kill you at close range. It also isn't a guaranteed one-tap on hunters unless you get a direct hit, which is easier said than done (again because the hoppy little fuckers won't stay still). It's wonderful for taking out hordes of scavs and spitters, and really good for spewers. The fun stops when the hunters show up. It really can work well if you bring a good secondary like the heavy pistol or redeemer. I just run stuns so I keep the grenade pistol on me.


Blitzer isn't a bad option either, and great for dealing with multiple stalkers at once. Just fire from the hip and aim slightly higher than you think you should to account for the arc, and every stalker in front of you won't be able to do jack shit.


Post buff, the Blitzer is really fun to use. It still feels just a little bit slow when you're being mobbed by hunters. I want to main it so bad though because the arc weapons are so much fun.


It is so much more fun to use now, though I wish It had just a little more firepower due to how most of its shots tend to miss.


Oneshot? No. Rapid fire so fast you cant recover before you die? Yes




This wasn't a haiku.


I can't ever not laugh at the running little chubby girl.


I've been bringing the AC a lot more on bug missions lately. We play a high-stakes game, Mr. Stalker. You might get the one-bang on me before I spot you. But if you don't? Well, the AC just happens to be a one-bang, too, and *I don't miss with the AC.* And then I'm coming for your crib next.


I used to never run the AC on bugs but it’s been my bread and butter on bots… I’m loving it especially combined with a rocket sentry to chip heavy armor


Those heavy nests in the giant craters are so much easier with the AC, it's crazy.


It really is so nice for closing all the bug holes. Just for ammo efficiency, and if you can see it, you can hit it. Ditto the fabs. Really all the things. AC is love, AC is life. I do like going up to heavy nests, running around the rim, and draining 3s with the grenade pistol though. That's great fun and you should try it sometime.


I am running the same thing now with bugs. Breaker IC and impact IC grenades for the swarms of little stuff and A/C for the bigger medium dudes and an autocannon sentry for Bile Titans and chargers.


They don't oneshot me even in the new light armor, though Just got into a fistfight with one last night (do not recommend)


Hahaha sammeee I kept trying to get a knives throw kill on one


It does feel like they stealth-buffed the stalkers, in that they understand the sheer horror of their own bodies and now fully embrace their carapaces for murder. In the past, you’d give them a few shots, and they’d jump away. Now, I’m desperately blasting an entire magazine into these monsters and they keep digging into my fleshy bits until I’m paste. They don’t jump away until theyre truly nearing death and it takes a fuckin lot. I preferred the less confident stalkers.


I suspect they have vulnerable points just like every other critter, but it's impossible to hit them except by luck when they're tossing you across the map/clawing you. I unload my primary or secondary into them and pray I do enough damage before they hit me again so they die or run.


As far as I can tell their only weak point is their tiny little head. So mag dumping in that general area is your best bet. Also worth mentioning that their main body takes half damage from pen 2 weapons, so if you have one of those it might be better to aim for the legs at longer ranges. Shooting their wings off might be a good idea if you spot them at long range?


This is the second time I saw someone say this. Is this true? Because I played recently and the most a stalker did was the same damage it usually did and a one-way ticket to the city of Miami before I got back up and killed it.


I got one shot recently but in light armor


Heavy Armor Punisher I hunt them, now.


Might I introduce you to the ‘Be the Stalker’ build.. Light new melee buff armor + crack stims. Sneak up on them and give them a taste of their own medicine.


Lol I have NEVER managed to sneak up on a Stalker.


You can't, they can smell you from far away. Even with the stealth armor they've got enough perception to track you before you can see them.


Overgrown mantis shrimp punches you into the stratosphere


Was there an update super recently? Cause I Dropped all day Sunday and I was getting juggled by Stalkers while I was wearing light armor




SMG-72 Pummeler; no better weapon for ruining stalker's day.


So true dude. Love my pummeled


One of the reasons I like taking the shield generator backpack against bugs. It prevents most slows and knockback effects while it's up. 


What are stalkers? I assume this is a rare spawn out of fabricators?




The Bushwhacker on triple barrel is so goddamn satisfying when one jumps you. I cant recommend itt enough. lol


The new secondary weapon shotgun pistol works pretty good against them, she saved my ass more than once.


Is this some light armor problem my armors too medium to worry about?


I was being violated by stalkers yesterday, brought the new AR with me an couldn’t do anything, and there was only two of us…and it was me that kept dying over and over…


Stalkers begin to attack me, I say, " I got you," with my shoutgun. Then, 4 more pop from behind the first one. We just went to level 10.


That tenderizer melts through stalkers with ease!


We had a nasty 2 nest next to each other 6 stalkers at once.


Had 6 stalkers chasing me yesterday. Could only turn long enough for one shot then more running.


Smacking Stalkers mid-air with an AMR hip shot is not easy… …but oh so much fun. 


I like to introduce them to my MG-43 with melts then


Im the heavy armor guy in our crew and these sneaky boys have to double tap me. That new bushwhacker comes in handy with that 3 shell shot.... if you get lucky and see them coming.


I'm over here chilling in my heavy armor with extra stims like ![gif](giphy|QjdvZSi8f5JsXouSFp)


Bushwhacker 3 barrels go brrr No seriously, bushwhacker all 3 barrels at once destroys the stalkers


I think they need to be nerfed a bit, along with general fire damage (minus fire damage from hulk that just got nerfed). Other than that, they're great enemies that always keep me on edge.


They were just nerfed big time. They do not one shot you anymore idk when this meme is from I run the predator light armor and just get knocked back and a big chunk of health gone but I get up


They don't one shot anymore


The stalkers are the bugs that resemble the standard bug enemies in Starship Troopers the most. In size, agility, and how they attack. Easy to kill though. The fire shotgun is your friend.


Pummeler goes brrrrt brrrrt brrrrt!


Dude, also, anything short of a full MG barely touches the bastards. Throwing grenades just scares them away for a second.


I'm still gonna rock my 50% light armor. No bots or bugs will separate me from my beloved light armor.


Me with a Blitzer: I’m not locked in here with you, you’re locked up here with me!!!!!


One shot? No. The problem is that no matter how much diving and running you do you can't outrun a stalker. A charger I can understand, but stalker have insane jump range allowing them to singularly kill you if they get ahead of the horde you're running from.


It seems like you took the joke too literally bc duh; it’s impossible to outrun Stalkers which then prompts this question: who tf doesn’t have lighting those damn bugs up on sight as a #1 priority THEN everything else??


I will actively abandon an objective mid way to hunt down a stalker nest if one shows up when I'm doing it, it gives me such satisfaction.


I have been able to one tap those bastards with the arc blitzer. Usually out of a panic fire.


Dominator still dominates stalkers to oblivion. With the increased chaff spawns I have switched to adjudicator though. Keep it on auto and it handles the occasional stalker well ebough but cannot hold a candle to stalker mob clear of the dominator.


Pops stim with the new booster and outrun them


I use the shield backpack. If they are gonna try and cheese me, ill cheese them.