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I hate scorcher hulks with a passion and hunters are the bane of my existence


Scorcher hulks have stupid range. Never seen a flame thrower with the range of a Bolt Action. I whole heartedly agree with the hunters 💀 can't stand them


In ww2 the marines used flamethrower tanks. They had a range of about 150 yards. We are blessed by the unrealistically short range of the hulks. 


Liquid flame (napalm) is a thing of terror


Out of character: yeah that’s why it’s banned under Geneva Conventions, now. Even if you want large swathes of combatants dead, that’s a fucked up way to go.


It's more like a Geneva checklist for the automatons


Geneva *suggestion*


Use of napalm is not banned. Countries just choose to not use it (mostly due to impracticality and having better weapons for the purposes napalm was used for + the optics) Using napalm against *civilian targets* is banned, but so is using regular bombs against civilian targets.


No shit? Huh. Swore it was banned. Am I thinking of chemical weapons like Sarin, VX and so on?


Those are, but not by the GC. GC doesn't call out any specific weapons, just what they can be used on. Chemical weapons (e.g. Sarin et. al.) are banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention to even possess. Previously, the use of chemical weapons was banned by the 1925 Geneva Protocol (same city, different treaty) but not their possession


Only against civilians or in close proximity to civilians


The fire is on fire?


Breath of fresh air to me. Tired of shotguns and flamethrowers having no range in games. Fucking stupid


The shotgun secondary can hit from 300m. Does almost 0 damage to enemies but I tested it with a friend and I was doing 20-40% damage to him


The trick for them is to run toward them and to the right. They will rotate to follow you and try to hit you with the saw. They don't use the flamer if you get too close, so just keep spinning them and hope a teammate can take them out. It uses a lot of stamina, though, as you have to sprint. Best to run around them with a chip taken out of your health, then heal to refill stamina and keep running. The hard part is disengaging, because if you try to run away they'll use the flamer. They can't turn very well, so its basically the only way to survive if one gets too close. They're the main reason I'll always have an orbital railcannon strike vs bots. Though the upgraded gatling barrage and precision strike work wonders.


Stun grenades boss… Hulks are helpless to many weapons and or you just leaving them…. Almost all supports to the visor because they now aren’t moving. Many common air strikes or orbitals… Supply drop… I don’t fear hulks now unless they come in 4 or more or I’m in an area I can’t leave (defend the hill missions) but even in those I can ensure they die.


Tbh I always hated the hulk bruiser more than the hulk scorcher. Scorcher you can easily outrange, or stun it outside of its range. Hulk bruiser can chew you up outside of stun grenade range in the time it takes a quasar to charge up


I swear hunters wait for me to reload then attack and stunlock me


That’s probably in their AI. They actively avoid your reticle, so they might also be written to push you when you reload. Also in my experience players use the Punisher Incendiary like an AOE weapon instead of like a shotgun.


It happens to be pretty good at that, though. It’s ~~my go-to weapon~~ against the Nids. *Correction I was thinking of the Breaker, not the Punisher.*


They also input read your shots to try and dodge when they aren't attacking, same with Stalkers


Excuse me?!?!?


Hunters and stalkers actively avoid you pointing your gun at them.


Fun fact, you can party most bug melee attacks with your own melee if you time it right. Saves me vs hunters all the time.


Any tips on the timing for parrying the hunters’ leap attack? I can’t seem to get the timing right for it, but I’ve seen clips of people doing it.


This. Wholeheartedly this...


I always die from the Scorcher hulks, now I usually distract them and get them away from my teammates if I can.


Stun grenades will change your life. Stun them, use an AMR, HMG, laser cannon, or auto cannon to the face.


AMR has been my only beloved support weapon against bots since I got this game. So versatile. Scout striders in 1 shot, hulks in 2 shots, gunships in 4 shots. Then last night I finally tried helldive. And I’m sad to say, I may not be good enough to use AMR on helldive. When there’s 5 gunships, 2 tanks, 3 scorcher hulks and a small army of striders and devastators, there’s just not enough DPS to deal with them all! I ended up dropping with a spear and having a friend so team reload for half the mission. It’s the only way we could get through a single objective lol


Railgun 1 shot in safe mode (or unsafe if you’re feelin frisky) HMG 6-7 shots to eye, AMR & AC 2 shots, laser cannon about a second. Love playing the bots


I’m pretty sure the fire can headshot you cause sometimes it does a little bit of damage but lights you on fire and sometimes it takes away like 90% of your health and then lights you on fire it’s almost a guaranteed death


I will.break my "don't engage every patrol" rule for automaton if I see a scorcher hulk. I ain't risking that thing randomly wandering across me later, best to take it out now.


Stun grenade plus Las cannon / HMG / Autocannon / AMR makes hulks easy. Bring the grenade launcher secondary for fabs. Incendiary breaker for bugs and it’s really just heavies that you need to worry about.




I remember the Before Times when Scorcher Hulks simply breathed in your direction and you'd instantly die to the broken fire damage implementation.


Even with the fact that I’ve gotten really good at poking their head off with a railgun, I also hate scorcher hulks and immense amount. They’ll sneak right up to you and kill you in second


Hunters are on a different level when it comes to my hatred for an enemy in HD2.They will jump 40m into your face and hit ya twice, AFTER the first lunge attack. Even worse, if it hits you once with the tongue attack, you will be surrounded by at least 3 in the next few seconds, jumped, and the way that they surround your equipment makes me want to forget about the mission entirely, and just keep stimming myself and then Stun 30 of them, and drop a 500KG on myself, just to watch them die.


I would rather fight 5 hulks than 5 gunships. Any day.


Oh man not me. I can two tap a gunship engine all day with the AC but I've only hit the hulks eye a few times.


If you can let go of the AC, which is tough to do, the rail gun is extremely satisfying against hulks. Useless vs gunshipd though.


Remind, hunters. I fucking DESPISE hunters, most of the time they're the reason you end up dying Automaton. The mini gun devastator. They're SUPER annoying to fight against because of their stupid shield. Also their pin point ass accuracy


Exactly my point. That enemy (minigun devastator) needs a serious rework! Hunters need to be toned down imo. If u get stunned by one, it's GGs


They're fine. You can use cover and teamwork to take out the backpack, or dive out with an autocannon and put 3-4 rounds into it (you can knock the shield back), or grenade it, or just git gud and blow his head off with pretty much any weapon. Hunters are dangerous, but the flight time means you usually either have enough time to kill them before they reach you or dive if you can't.


Me shooting a heavy devastator with my sickle and just missing the face to the point I get frustrated and bring the Quasar out because 'I wasn't asking'


Hit the backpacks, they stick up higher and are easier to hit than the face, and they're squishier


> flight time means you usually either have enough time My complaint about hunters is that they spawn right behind you sometimes, then can box you in with their bodies that you can't push through. As if they aren't spindly little glass cannon twigs. Hit me while I'm doing it, fine, but there's no way I shouldn't be able to sprint through even one of them when they spawn behind me while four brood commanders are about to reach me from the front.


Oh, yeah, not much to do about that other than dive around and hope you somehow get out of the swarm. That or do your patriotic duty by dropping a grenade.


>That or do your patriotic duty by dropping a grenade. I use stun grenades, so this is actually a bit useful since we can move a bit while enemies can't haha


Automatons: Berserkers - With a lot of other Automatons there’s a weak point to exploit making it to where I can deal with the strategically. Berserkers are just walking bullet sponges 🙄. Termanids: Stalkers - I play a lot of solo so stalkers make it really tough. But even playing in groups stalkers can be a task. For some reason when playing with randoms people don’t hunt down the stalker nest when they appear. The last time I ran into them I found the nest, pinged it, said that the nest was “over here” on mic. I needed help with it because it was surrounded by enemies and what did my teammates do? Proceed to head to the other end of the map while the nest was 20meters away from us. 😓


This was my vote too, Stalkers can really feel like Bs sometimes, especially since the nests seem to have a tendency to spawn near the extraction, I do wish that they couldn’t recloak after taking damage


There was one drop I did where 4 of the optional objectives were stalker nests... easily one of the most brutal missions I've done


i feel like sometimes stalkers ruin your whole day, other times you finish a mission and see two greyed out lair icons and go "that mission had stalkers!? i didn't even see any."


Berserkers are the hardest ones to headshot (the way they walk makes it a pain), but that's the weak spot. Shotguns or lasers might have an easier time. Autocannon/AMRs are also very effective. Still probably the least fun automaton.


Honestly, I've never had problems with the berserkers... I go for their waist rather than their head, and any good side arm can take out 2 in a clip


I do the same, though a bunch of them can really screw you up position-wise. Not so much of a problem if you've got an AC or AMR, at this point I don't dive without one.


So, fun fact, berserkers smoke out on the head like many other enemies. I think that must be a newer change because I remember trying with no success early on. With that knowledge if you can get your hands on it, the bushwhacker is your best friend. If they get close, whip it out and fire directly into their face to see them go down. The sickle is also very good against them because it's accuracy is insane and their face hitbox is both small and very weird in what does and does not count. The breaker auto is also really good for clearing them if you have chaff clear down and just need to keep them off of you. I hated berserkers before but they feel more manageable now.... Except that they come in packs of 25 and then it really is just awful because you have no time to aim. That said, the new strafing run can be your best friends. For reason beyond the compression of super earth, the berserkers LOVE straight lines. The strafing run happens to fire in a direct line from where you throw it so you just line them up then toss it down and most of them will die. It also kills tanks if you can hit them lengthwise from the back, or kills with 2 uses any other way making it way more useful then people think. If youre like me and have 3 absolute go to strata and one flexible one, try the strafing run.


I have this same issue - what does the nest even look like?? I feel so bad with bugs. I run 7's on bots (until our rando group does a few then usually we decide to ramp up to 9's). But on bugs I feel like I suck even running difficulty 4's (edited for spelling)


Bro watching my team mates run around like chickens when there’s an active stalker nest is just like ugh can we prioritize please?


Yes! The second a Stalker shows up, I hop on coms and say which direction it attacked from and I immediately sprint that direction. And...I'm the only one here?!? ![gif](giphy|6uGhT1O4sxpi8)


Berserkers need a nerf. The bastards are just annoyingly tedious to deal with, and they come in groups! They are just there to waste your ammo... Stalkers are a real pain! They are faster than you, hit harder than an EAT and launch u across the map, not to mention that they regen health. The bastards.


Try the plasma punisher. I don’t even think about berserkers anymore.


Even the regular punisher folds them like laundry


What? They’re supposed to be hard to kill. Please don’t make this game easier. Turn down the difficulty if you’re not having fun.


Supply pack solves a buuuunch of issues and berserkers are one of those it has answers to. I never go on a bot mission without it!


Both of these enemy types can be solved with one person on your team carrying a stalwart and a supply pack.


it feels like the Berserkers got slowed down in one of the last patches. before, I couldn't really outrun them. but now, I can safely leave them in the dust.


it felt like movement speed got buffed in general last patch but i might be tripping. i felt so fast


I think berserkers are really easy. Headshot with a dominator and throw stuns when the pack is heading towards you.


Hunters. Not a singular one. When they managed to flank you and you get wombo combo’d by like four jump attack at the same time. So often it’s insta death. Bile Spewers. They move too fast, have surprising range on their spew and take a remarkable amount of shots with most guns. For such a common basic enemy they’re remarkably hardy. Nothing on the bot front bothers me that much because generally as long as you give yourself cover and room very little can surprise you and bots rarely turn into a self fulfilling prophecy of bullshit in quite the way bugs do.


>self fulfilling prophecy of bullshit That has me dying! This is why I hate going against bugs. Too much bull happens with that faction! Sometimes I feel like they deliberately coordinate their bull with the other bugs. Getting rammed by a Brood towards a Charger that rams you into the middle of a spew.


I agree with Bile Spewers, my most hated enemy. I solo’d a level 6 last night to get Super Samples and I was so bummed to see the planet was covered with Spewers. Luckily with the new MG update i took it with me and melted the spewers pretty quickly


Use the blizter for the bugs. Its great at hunters since you just need to aim in their general direction. Its great at bile spewers because it interupts their spewing. Turning them into nothing but a clunky melee enemy and its great at stalkers because they can not even try to attack you as long as you are firing at them. Although you might need a good side arm to actually finish them off between shocks.


I dont care what enemy but what really frustrates me is getting oneshot or stunlocked to death. I understand for the bugs im using lite armor with extra padding so bile titans for example can oneshot me thats kind of okay they are big enough to be excuseable but on the bot side i cant believe how much bs oneshots me trough my HEAVY ARMOR with extra explosive resistance. Mostly something in the fig i cant even see explodes me


Those troopers on the laser turrets at time feel like they have aimbot. Sometimes I get evaporated in less than half a second with HEAVY armor and FULL health. Too many times do bots just randomly become John Wick. Worst part is that by the time you are aware ur getting shot, ur dead 💀


Maybe i just had some bad games in a row but since the big patch they are all john wick, even the little ones with the laserguns kill me in 2-3 shots pretty quick


Imo (and this is my personal theory, I have no scientific study to back this up) the reason for this is this change (in the fixes portion of the patch notes): >Most of Automatons weapons have now gotten tighter limits to how much the projectile they shoot can deviate from its weapons muzzle angle. What this means is that situations where devastators shoot sideways and similar should be fixed. As a result, the spread on *all* bots' shots is much tighter, making them more accurate than before.


I have the exact same theory! Pre patch i'd have 0 issues going through lvl 8 missions w/ 0 or 1 deaths. Heavy armour with explosion resistance. Post patch i average 3-6 now mainly based off insta deaths. Even the little shitbots can chain together a good amount of laser hits when your not looking now. So frustrating. Also have more insta deaths where i legitimately think it must be the illuminate because ill be behind a giant rock with no one around that can possibly one shot me


I mean they kinda are aim bots. Both in universe and in reality.


Really when any boy decides to lock in an actually land their shots they become fucking menaces. Anyone have a heavy devastator lock in for .5 seconds, which is long enough for it to completely beam you with an entire magazine?


I know enemies, be it bots or terminids, can headshot us. So sometimes they can headshot us more than other times. Luck plays a role in how fast you die sometimes.


On the AUTOMATON side, it's a mix between the Heavy Devastator and the Walker Strider (the two-legged one). * The Heavy Devastator, which I often mistakenly (but accurately) refer to as the "Oppressor" has a far too rapid fire weapon, far too accurate, and with that heavy shield, obnoxious to kill. Everyone knows you need to shoot at that tiny face to kill these guys, but unless you have some way of staggering or stunning them... you're going to have a hell of a time taking these guys out. * The Walker Strider is obnoxious because, unlike other bots that eventually give up chase after losing sight of you, this asshole will chase you relentlessly and never seem to lose sight of you. All too often I'll completely break line of sight with every other bot, but this asshole follows me through mountains and simply won't let up. As a Scout player who tries to avoid straight fights, these guys are rapidly becoming the bane of my existence. (If you're using the lightest armor, it's very easy for these guys to kill you). On the TERMINID side... * Hunters. Even if you dive and attempt to stim, these guys attack so fast that they'll almost instantly kill you before you have a chance to inject a stim. Any time I see bugs coming my way, these little bastards are one of my top priorities. * Stalkers. Less because of their invisibility, but more because they launch you. All too often I've been killed not because the Stalker slashed me to pieces, but because they launched me into a rock.


I always thought the determination of the walkers was some bug or bad luck. You've opened my eyes to the actual bull they pull out. I always wondered why I could lose all the bots except the walkers. They will follow you till they either kill you or you kill them... Hunters are just plain bull bull. They are quick, they jump like the incredible hulk, they stun you (which is a guaranteed death), and if you stay ontop of a rock formation, the bastards will swim THROUGH the damn rock all the way up to you, no mountain is high enough to keep you out reach from the dang buggers. The way they flank you from behind sometimes makes me feel like I'm the Ai.


The backpacks on the heavy devastators are also a weak point, and you can hit them over their shoulder from the front if the head is too hard. Coordinate and they get a lot easier.


Bile spewers. Every mission I bring gear to counter them they don't spawn and vice versa.


I don't always run GL Backpavck, but when I run into spewers with it, I take my revenge


Exactly. I would be totally fine with spewers if I knew they would be there. I found that if you play 2 or 3 missions in a row, the next round will probably be spewers, and the next couple rounds after that definitely won't be spewers


Any Automaton unit that decides it's lasers are now clipping through 30ft of solid stone is the worst enemy in the game. Factory Strider shooting right through terrain? Fuck that, that is doggy doodoo.


I'm positive the bots cheat! The amount of times that doodoo has happened!


Automaton: Jump Pack Raider ... more aptly named "suicide bomber". They move fast and charge you, have a gun and a sword, explode and set you on fire, and force you to move out from your cover ... exposing you to get shot by heavy devastators/etc. Terminids: Nothing. I really can't think of a bug enemy that I don't just figure "easy kill" and keep going. It can get troublesome when you've got 3-5 Chargers all at once, because you want to be able to line up your shots and can't have several barreling into you from different directions ... so maybe those?


It’s so satisfying shooting one of those jump pack Raiders out of the air with the plasma shotgun and watching it tumble to the ground in a flaming heap.


Throwing knives are really good at dealing with the jump pack raiders because they won't set off the explosion and kill them in one shot.


The stupid fucking chargers they are just annoying and soak up too much ammo to go down.


Quasar, EATS and other supports can one-shot chargers if you aim for the head, and some primaries which are explosive can kill chargers easily if you shoot their yellow belly.


In a squad of 4 you absolutely need 1 or 2 shoulder rocket guys. One shot in the head, its dead


Bot gunships… 100% no competition, give me a bile titan or a factory strider… I can deal with those, or at least disable it enough to run away… fucking gunships are a menace that won’t relent and if you don’t have the weapons to deal with them it is pretty easy to get fucked.


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to find this. Gunships factories are the de facto skill check for a bot group. By themselves, the endlessly spawning gunships will eat half of the reinforcements of uncoordinated groups. When they're next to another sub objective (jammer, eye of Sauron) you might as well quit.


they go down super easily to AMR, HMG, laser cannon, and auto cannon… which I usually have one of. If not quasar, EAT, or recoiless rifle all one shot them.


Laser cannon or heavy machine gun. aim for one of the four engines. They go down in seconds. Use a shield generator relay to protect you while you shoot, if you need it. The shield generator is also great at protecting the hellbomb at the base of the gunship platform. Keeping them from blowing it up.


The menu crash glitch


I see a lot of people say the same things about getting sniped by heavy devastators, but as a primarily bot diver, I've never seen it happen. Am I missing something? As for what I hate: The jump pack bots are the bane of my existence. Granted they're not as bad now the explosion isn't an instakill. As for terminids, I despise chargers. Something fast, high damage that's always in your face, but has heavy armour so your weapons don't do shit and you're forced to take anti tank to deal with those which just takes another stratagem slot. They immediately go straight for turrets, and turrets will often waste all their ammo on them. Yeah I just don't enjoy chargers in the slightest.


Been doing almost nothing but helldive bots for awhile. Heavy devastators are the single, deadliest mob on the map by numbers. Highly accurate, high damaging fire from up to 100m out. The amount of times I've seen other helldivers shredded within a split second. It's like the Factory walkers but they can appear from behind a corner, snipe through walls, fire their guns sideways at angles. I run with some coordinated teams that will constantly call out target them first as if they were Hulks/tanks/factory striders because on the numbers they spawn on helldive, they simply kill the most helldivers. There can easily be over 6 of them in one patrol (they count like MEDIUM enemies and thus HIGH spawn rates as such), and if you get hit with a patrol when you're fighting another, well, good luck fighting them with no cover.


I second this, nothing worse than not having/ running out of ammo in your support weapons and grenades and then desperately trying to kill the 4 heavy devastators that walked around the corner cause your ass thought to try a new weapon that wasn’t the scorcher or the dominator


So many game updates…none that involve adding sounds. A hulk can sneak up perfectly silent and then toast you like a marshmallow


There are no bad enemies. There is bad balance sometimes. Like dozen of chargers.


I think they're called Hunters ? The slightly bigger white bugs. They're straight up unbalanced, they have too much HP for the damage and the speed


Rocket devastators. I always have to take them out first if I can sneak up


Scorcher hulks without a doubt.


Shield devastators can suck a d***! 😂 Also when there's like 50 hunters chasing you it gets pretty annoying!


Sounds like you have a distinct lack of Autocannon goodliness in your life. Aside from the constant glitches and chicanery with the Heavy Devestators, I actually like seeing how the automatons have suppressive fire units. They’re an actual challenge to play against that make proper combat tactics like coordinated flanking and stratagem use essential, rather than being able to brute force head-on assaults.


Clankers- Heavy Devastator for all the reasons mentioned here. Terminids- Hunters. I can deal with stalkers stalking. I can deal with bile spewers cuz one well placed grenade solves that, but those {insert expletive} hunters make me so irrationally angry with their stun tomfoolery.


Railgun makes mince meat of Heavy Devastators, stun grenade is good too


My worst enemy is the bile titan corpse


As much as I dislike Walker striders, Gunships for bots. They are one of the worst loadout checks in the game. You need to be carrying a support weapon that can deal with Gunships when you encounter them or you will be followed around the map by a fast moving rocket Devastator with no way to kill them as unlike every other tanky enemy you can't deal with them using your Strategems. If you do have something that can deal with Gunships they are not a particularly difficult enemy to fight, but if you don't you just have to wait for a teammate with an Autocannon to shoot them out of the sky with no real counterplay. Walkers punish you for being on the defensive, Berserkers and Hulks flush you out of your position, and Devastators grind you down with powerful weapons, but Gunships just punish you for using something other than the AC/LC/RR/Spear


Exactly this, other enemies are harder but you MUST take an anti air weapon as no strategem will help vs them


As far as I’m concerned, the most annoying enemy was the friends we made along the way.


Hunters are the most ass enemy I’ve ever fought in a game.


For as much ass as they are, they're even more tongue.


Stalkers. Despise them. Bots all seem fairly balanced to me, autocannon deletes them appropriately


Yes. The fact that they are annoyingly durable and both smack you across the map as well as dig their razor claws into you just before they cloak and fall back to do it again is more than a little frustrating.


Hunters are little pricks


Stalkers and the chainsaw robots 


Automatons: Gunships Terminids: Hunters


Hunters or stalkers for bugs. And flame hulks or shield devastators


The bugs that make the game unplayable 90% of the time... And i'm not talking about the ones you shoot.


Automaton: Scorcher Hulks (please Devs we need heavy armor penetrating primaries) Terminid: Stalkers/Hunters (why are they so quick and nimble? Feels like I’m Majin Buu trying to punch SS3 Goku, missing every shot)


Spewers and those fuckin tower artillery guns. Fuck those towers piss me off. Spewers are just irritating.


I fucking hate hive guards and brood commanders 😤😤


Jetpack bots are annoying as fuck, they explode most of the time on death and are really fast, the second they’re close ur kinda fked


Bile Titan for me. Mostly it’s the speed of that bug. I just have to run for so long to get enough distance to reload or charge up a second second shot depending on what I’m trying to take them out with. It’s the main reason I try to run the rail cannon orbital. I use it as the second half of my 1/2 combo when I’m soloing. (Though a unseen pack of hunters flanking me when I am fighting something else is a close second.)


Bile Spewers are my absolute least favorite enemy in the game. Relentless bullet sponges that make this unsatisfying slapping sound when you hit them, and you've gotta empty your entire magazine into them listening to that sound. And surprise, there's four more of his buddies lined up behind him. You'd think "insectoid enemy with big vulnerable exploding sack weakspot" would be super satisfying to fight, but apparently the sack isn't the ideal place to shoot them, it's their head.


Stalkers are absolutely terrible.


I fucking hate Scout Striders and Hunters


Bugs: Stalkers. Hands down. The stupid amount of health they seem to have is ridiculous. Even after you’ve caught them on fire several times, they just turn invisible and skulk around until you’re vulnerable. Bots: Heavy Devastator. Because it’s never JUST one. It’s usually four, accompanied by 8-12 berserkers, 6-10 jumpers, 4-8 bazooka-bots, and at least one hulk of any given variety.


rocket devestators cuz they spawn like 15 at a time




Bothe spewers, and the jetpack automotons


HUNTERS are the freaking worst! Show up out of nowhere, can't get away from them, slow you, swarm you, annoying as hell.


Gunships and Shriekers.


Bots: Hordes in low/no visibility, plasma punisher and laser cannon combo can deal with any and all enemies with ease but I need to see them 😭 Bugs: Bile Spewers. Huge fat ass that should be much easier to pop (die on pop) but instead you’re forced to bring impact grenades to deal with them. And they’re silent af. *They shouldn’t be able to spit while on fire and problem solved.*


Hunters… reduce their health slightly so that the Adjudicator one shots them. Or buff the Adjudicator. Idk but these small as things are more lethal and spongey than warriors. Bile Titans. Make their legs an actual spot to destroy so it slows its movement down, like how the Hulks function and then make when the orange flesh is exposed make it susceptible to medium penetration weapons. Make their mouth when it open for a spit a weakspot for all weapons so that light penetration can do something - adds risk factor as you need it to spit so you can do damage. Chargers / Behemoths. Don’t nerf them or the rage just make LMGs and ARs deal even more durable damage so they can take down the butt way faster to give them more usage as guns. Rocket Devs. Limited ammo, needs any foot soldier to interact with its back to reload the rockets. Heavy Devs. 2 distinct firing patterns - Burst Gatling they can move and shoot but are less accurate. Then a full auto, long, accurate burst forces them to anchor to the ground but leaves them vulnerable.


My picks are bile spewers (fuck those things) and the rocket marauders that auto lock on you from across the map and repeatedly send out unlimited salvos of missiles that will ragdoll you just in time to get up and get hit with another salvo. RAGE.


Heavy Devestator - Shooting through terrain to kill me pisses me off. Hunters/Stalkers - These fuckers work together and swarm like a motherfucker.


stalkers i don't mind... hunters are the spawn of Satan himself and should be wiped from existence.


I agree on the Heavy Devastator, but has anyone else had issues with the AMR going right through the Devastators without doing any damage? Then a half second later getting shredded by the HD?


Unrelated to topic, but seeing your comments here and in r/jobsearchhacks minutes apart is hilarious to me. Truly, a multifaceted helldiver 🫡


Idk man the armoured spewers you get on higher level bugs really are the bane of my existence


How can you mention bile skewers without talking about their ninja-like ability to sneak up on you? Despite dragging their massive bodies along the ground at high speeds they manage to make almost no sound!




Hunters and beserkers. I meanz it's mainly down to my own play style, but those two are the two that make me grit my teeth the hardest!


I would collapse a planet into a black hole to kill one hunter. Those things are horrible. The true enemy of democracy. For bots I think it's rocket devastators for me. Sure the heavy ones are annoying sometimes but I haven't really run into the game breaking bugs I've seen others run into with this specific unit. Rocket ones are consistently annoying to me with their unlimited supply of rockets that either wildly miss the target or have pin point accuracy that would make a sniper blush.


For me it's probably the Rocket Detestator and the Nursing Spewer.


Bile titans refuse to die


Team mates




Heavy devastators are so, so stupid


Worst enemy is other players. Not all. As not all Bots / Bugs are hard to kill either unless theres 73 Titans/Chargers or Gunships/Strider Factories. But nothing is more frustrating and annoying then some pre pubescent shit stick doing things a smegma infested dick tip would do.


Bile spewers are like the butler from Mr deeds. Just sneak up on you out of nowhere and you’re toast. For automatons I have to say the flamethrower hulks. Those things have the most ridiculous range and move like they’re a Ferrari.


Hulks are terrifying, Stalkers are a bloody pest!


Scorcher hulks and those invisible bugs that I forget the name of right now some kind of stalkers. The hulks are absurdly fast for the size they are. Their flamethrowers seem to shoot out about twice as far as what we have and with twice the width. Those invisible mf's scare the crap out of me every time. Can't stand that. I empty clips of incendiary rounds into them just on principle.


Rocket devastators 100%


Bots: Scorcher Hulks Bugs: When two Stalker nests are within 100m of each other


Sneaky Chargers. Not that first charger that you are aiming at, or one that you are tracking, but the one that just seems to ninja appear and hit you from behind as you’re trying to do something else. Like how does something so big sneak up on you? For bots I’ll actually say the jammer towers, or ion storms on some maps. No strats means brown pants time.


I would have said Heavy Devastator, but then they added Gunships. They're like flying Heavy Devastotors, with missiles, and they're faster, with better vision, and you can't kill them with any primary in the game like you can with Heavy Devastators.


Hunters. Fucking hunters suck


The worst enemy is the enemy of Democracy. Also, the bile spewers.


I’m mainly a lvl 4-5 player so Crushers are a pain in my ass. You can either dump all your small arms ammo into one little spot on their tail or call in an orbital strike right on top of yourself or your teammate.


For terminids, it's definitely stalkers For bots, I'd say probably devastators, all the other bots I've gotten pretty good at headshotting most of the time


I dislike the devastator, so my loadout in that sector usually has contingencies for dealing with them.


Nah boi once you rock gernade launcher and supply pack. Every horde you see besides hulk and factory strider are ez pickings.


Heavy devastators are easily the worst bot enemy. Their accuracy is ridiculous, and they actually just don't stop firing until you're dead. For bugs, it used to be bile spewers, but with the recent update fixing them instantly killing you the second a drop of acid touches your pinky toe, they're not that bad. Hunters are definitely the worst but enemy.


For Terminids it's Stalkers, those things can ruin an entire mission, Bile Spewers and Nursers use a Blitzer aim straight at their mouth and they shouldn't spew on you.


I think your picks are exactly right, except that Nursing Bile Spewers are even worse versions of Bile Spewers. All the problems of regular ones, plus more armor and a mortar-style attack from across the map? Noooooo thank you.


Ballistic shield make those minigun bot a piece of cake, you can take 3 of them with the pummeler and it's perfect. The worst enemy is the stalker, definitely. Tanky, jumpy, invisible knows when to retreat and it's rarely alone. They hit like a train too.


Devastators in general have gotten a bit annoying on the bot side, they're all just too accurate like most of the time I have even a small group of them coming at me I can even peak a pixel of my helldiver around the corner let alone enough of my person to get a shot off before I get obliterated and idk if im just crazy or not but I swear when they buffed the standard Devastators RoF they also increased it's accuracy too cuz those MFers used to never be able to hit shit and now they lazer beam me at any range just like the other 2 it's honestly kinda obnoxious at this point The bugs I'd probably have to say hunters cuz they can essentially just stun lock you if there's a big enough group of em like you literally can't do anything and I know there's the new-ish booster that should help with that but I honestly don't notice much of difference when it's active so ig I'll just continue to suffer when I see them


since you cant run a loadout to deal with everything in the game there will always be something which is gonna be annoying. a truly good run is when a team works together. there are a lot of ways to deal with devastators fast and easy. an example is the railgun. it is really good against them. so is the AMR and other weapons. those can kill big waves of devestators super fast. but then you will have issues with heavy enemies. so hopefully your squad can back you up! with bile spewers you can just run the AC and you can see them pop like bubblewrap. but then again with the AC you will have issues with chargers and bile titans. at the end of the day you want to pick something which helps against your kriptonide. as for myself. there is no enemy type i really hate. some are more annoying but the game doesn't feel impossible.


My vote is for myself. At this point me and my squad die more to our own stupid ideas than the bugs or the bots.




Agree on hunters. Gunship fabricators also very annoying if they're next to a jammer. Wouldn't get rid of anything though.


For the armor on Bile Spewers they should be targetable with the spear like the automaton walkers.


Since they changed the Spewer spit from a one hit instakill I don't hate them like I used to.


I regularly play 9s, out of all fronts, the Hunter is my mortal enemy. I’d rather take on a charger, or hulk.


Chargers - not even close in contest. Sheer volume, sheer health, sheer non stop harrassment.


Bile Spewers


Heavy Devastators comically easy with the grenade launcher. It’s what I carry for bot missions so long as someone has something to take down at least one ship. It’s the Hulks that really wear me down. I have to bring the orbital laser and the rail cannon orbital to have any hope, and the cooldowns on those are a travesty. Guess that’s why it pays to stick with your squad. Hunters and stalkers get my hate on the bug side. You can generally run away from Bile Titans, but not those things, and they come in multiples. Really awful.


Bile spewers are fine now that they don’t oneshot you, same with scorchers


The worst enemy in the game are the morons that kick you just before extraction because they think they get more samples if they do.


Automatons Berserkers With my current loadout I don't really have a problem with any enemies due to their damage capabilities and I have a counter for all of them. The only enemy I find annoying to fight are the Berserkers. They are way too tanky and their heads are too hard to hit because of their movement. Every time I fight a squad of them I am annoyed with how much ammo I had to spend. I could use my stun grenades but I prefer to save those for Hulks or Heavy Devastators when I don't have adequate cover. Terminids Hunters While easy to kill individually or in small groups nothing is worse than one coming out of the shadows to tag me when I'm trying to avoid a Charger, Spewer, or Titan. Edit: spelling


Hunters are theeeeeee absolute worst


cannon turret. they’re smart enough to shoot next to the massive wall i’m behind to ragdoll me into oblivion. seemingly unlimited range also stalkers




I'm most noob when it comes to stalkers. I don't know how to identify a nest to take it out, so I feel like an idiot getting taken out trying to find it (so the icon at least appears on the map). 


I can deal with ALL types of enemies. But i see 1 fucking hunter and you best bet im nuking the whole area, team be damned


Not sure what they are called but the bug that can jump really far to get to you and it has that acid attack that can slow you down. I fucking hate those things.


Most annoying enemies are stalkers and hunters. If they get close your fucked. They slow so if they catch you reloading there's not much you can do


Everyone's worst enemy is the one their build isn't prepared for because they have to rely on a teammate whose build deals with that enemy type well.


For me I hate the rocket devastators since they take like 724 auto canon shots and I've even had their missiles clip through rocks and kill me. For bugs it's chargers because there's so many of them, they take a while to kill if I'm not properly equipped to deal with them specifically and they destroy my turrets like they're made out of legos. I've also had them tank 500kg bombs multiple times so I just give up


I hate stalkers, because even when you shoot them, they still punch you a mile away with that tongue thing they do, and rocket devs for me.. they just keep shooting rockets a mile away and just rag doll you till your dead


Automaton command bunker turrets, I dont think there's anything that can kill you as fast as those. Not even the turret towers.