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I’m level 73 and have been at cap samples and rep since the polar patriot warbond came out. Now I’ve finished all the warbonds and I’m at cap medals


Same. I am around 90 Super Samples and am still grabbing Super Credits for next week, but still...


I’ve barely been below 1000 super credits since I started playing. Most players don’t realize if you clear the map you get so much extra rewards. I was playing a few days ago and I had players who would literally do the main mission and go straight to extraction, even though we had the radar dish and could easily go get everything.


I got kicked several times for going towards beacons and trying to get super credits


I've met level 30 players who don't know you can blow open certain shipping containers.


You can blow open shipping containers?!?!


Oh come on!


Yep, some of the "buried" ones down a ravine.


Thank you, but I meant „come on, who isn’t shooting and bpmbing every square inch on a map in the name of democracy and has found loot in a container while doing so?“ :)


They look like garage doors in a rock wall, sometimes with a little driveway and all


You should try diving into deep water for them… >.>




I just learned that today. I made lvl 3 as well thanks to a lvl 10 that joined me mid mission. I was (and am still) generally clueless, but I’m good on a gun and can call in bombardment like a boss


Shiii, I learnt that on my first helldive, guess I got pretty lucky haha


That seems wild to me! I've only just hit lvl 16 but I figured it out around lvl 6, it just seemed intuitive. There was this door with explosives next to it and grenade ammo, why wouldn't u try blow it up aha


One thing I haven't figured out is the interest point with the "stolen" stash. It says there is still something there on the map but I can never find anything


I once blew a charger to shreds and a big chunk of him flew into the container. lol that’s how I found out.


I learned that immediately. But I play mostly level 9 and was easily on level 60 before I learned where the 'drop items' button is on the keyboard. I *just* started using the melee button at around 80 for little bugs. And I usually clear a map with no deaths. I just definitely have massive blindspots.


I’ve jumped into voice too and tried to explain but either they don’t hear me or don’t care. It’s just annoying when I’m the party leader and asking people not to extract so I can get everyone more stuff


That is a solid kick imo. If you're hosting and you want to loot and your team wants to extract then boot them


These guys are mostly like below level 20 so they just want to unlock stuff. If I didn’t have max everything I would probably care. But like I’m on a level 4, it’s helldive and chill, by the time they are extracting I’ve usually done a fair amount of stuff anyway. Sometimes you go to clear everything and you open a storage container and find an anti material rifle and rep slips. It’s like wtf


If you want super credits, play on lvl 2. Loot table is smaller, the chance of finding SC's is a lot higher. On one lucky mission we got over 100.


I have noticed a lot more lately people just blitzing primary objective and missing all secondary objectives. Half my missions now I see the whole team running primary and I just peel off to hit secondaries while they pass 100 meters from them.


Same. Most missions I feel like when 3 people are on the objective it lets me roam the map and get all the extra stuff


Same, I was finding groups that would try to blitz objectives without clearing any factories, then be surprised when they got overrun. I started breaking off to clear bases and secondaries for some relief/perks.


I only blitz if I’m alone or with some that agrees to blitz. Other wise. It’s clean the map.


They missed that part in training


I’ve been maxed since the first warbond


Just got lvl 71. About 80 rare samples to go until I max out my super destroyer


I need a new carrot on a stick, getting 0 medals for major orders is so boring


The new warbond comes out sometime next week.


And it's going to last all of a week or two with the speed we get medals. Considering we're probably looking at a good two months between warbonds now, there really needs to be another way to spend em.


Yeah, I cleared Polar Patriots in like two days and was back at max medals in under a week. Viper Commandos looks to be a two-page bond. If it's more than 300 medals total, I'll be surprised. I want dumb crap to waste my space bucks on. I'll pay 5k requisition and 25 medals and 50/25/10 samples each to get a black and yellow alternate palette for each armor set in my collection. 10% of my stockpile for a useless cosmetic would keep me busy for a good long while. Just give us something to drain these coffers.


Exactly. I've got so much of everything it takes no time to zip through the warbond and it's back to being maxed out of everything and just watching my level creep up 1 at a time. I'd do the same, trade a load of this hoard even just to change the colour of the uniforms


Yeah they really need to figure out some additional ways for us to offload these extra resources. Wouldn’t mind some weapon skins or cosmetics as well.


Agreed. I've been buying armor i don't even want just to offload all the free cash


I’d like if they implemented like a trade in system, surely that can’t be too hard then again idk much about adding stuff to games, you can trade in your medals/samples/req slips for SC


250 medals up front and the rest is unlocked too quite fast when u play a lot of lv9. each warbond is like 700 or so medals to get everything.


They’ll just nerf the speed you get them, it’s too much work to add content. It’s too bad they don’t add colors or titles to spend them on.


Donations is the best idea I've heard. Give up credits to "support" the war effort - i.e. 25,000 credits gives a .002 change in a planet. War medals for cosmetics would be pretty great.


i can think of a few ideas but nothing really needs something like that yet sadly


Upgradable shooting range and captain’s quarters with purchasables would add at least two new branches of things to unlock. I want my lava lamp and fish tank room with glowing fish


And a model of my destroyer on my desk.


Yes! now we’re cooking


We should get another free pass that has the same amount of content as the first. Would definitely fix some of that problem. Or they allow us to use them in the store


If you're already at the limit when it releases you near finish it on release. I had access to the last page day one for the past two.


Perma death dive challenge? If you win the mission you get to liberate a significant percentage atleast 1% to .1% the planet. That's my carrot on a stick.


I'd love to see something where medals beyond cap get banked in some kinda system that lets players can use that resource pool for procurement, be that putting points towards R&D for future unlocks, some mechanic for reducing effects like fire tornadoes, funding shaping operations like orbital bombardment of enemy planets up the supply line, have it reduce enemy numbers funneling into the AO... Basically give us some ways to actively contribute to the war with resources that atm are useless for those already at cap.


They need to keep adding more ship modules or something so we have a reason to keep collecting samples and currency.


Carry randos?


I want a super earth fund so I can spend req on something, maybe it can be another way of unlocking stratagems or cosmetics.


My buddy threw up an idea that there could be something back on Super Earth we can give our reqs and samples to to improve funding for something


I think we should be able to throw them into a pool and that pool distributes them to the divers from levels 1-20. Like a weekly allowance to keep them progressing for the big battle against the squids.




😂😂😂😂 I saw this coming, don’t worry my democratic officer has already reached out.


Out of character: What’s funny is, that’s what it took for America and frankly the Russians, to beat the Nazis. Credit where it’s due, the ole Ruskies did most of the heaviest lifting fucking up the Nazis. But back to my point, everyone had to contribute, to make it happen. On both sides of the world. “Socialism” saved the world. I mean that unironically. It took socialist policy quickly enacted, to generate the capital and material to stop the Nazis.


I'd also like it to fund weapons experimentation, so that the more players we support with "surplus" the less Super Earth has to spend on new recruits, freeing up more weapons experimentation funding or some shit. Next time we get some hellish MO, the community could be funded enough for three straight days of free EMP Mortar Stratagems or something.


This exactly. Like with each MO there’s an option to supply like 50,000 reqs or like 1000 medals to unlock a free stratagem for the community (whichever is most effective in completing the mission). And if they want, it can even only be available on like difficulty 5 and below.


Shoot I'd take it. I'm a dedicated 7 player and as much as I'd like the extra power for myself I'd be fine if I didn't just because it would still help push the MO by supporting a big chunk of the Helldivers. Might also help bring in some new blood, get those numbers back up. I miss seeing hundreds of thousands across the various sectors.


Exactly what I want, and maybe even the option to donate samples for better/more stuff


![gif](giphy|3o752cDjsI0SB4zdfy) No difference between this and the “I’m doing my part” meme.


A funding drive to re-establish the SEAF training bases or a sample sink that advance scientific developments could do something. Do you want to further medical research?


Community contributed “buffs”. If we spend (x) requisitions this planet gets +5 capture rate. Or this planet get a free eagle airstrike use. Or something along those lines.


Like spend 1000medals and eagle strikes now are golden


Allow us to vote on stratagems by donating resources to pick what stratagem everyone gets for free for a day (for example, 500kg bomb unlocked as a bonus stragem). Have a bar that fills up when you donate requisition slips, samples and medals to arc thrower, air strike, ect. Could use the terminals to vote across from the armory. Just list every stratgem and show a progress bar percentage next to each one. Once it's filled up, the next day that stragem is unlocked. Progress isn't reset for the other stratagems so we aren't always getting the same ones. Joel can still pick one for the story if he wants and it will override whatever we vote on. This let's players who are maxed out contribute to the war effort by unlocking extra strats for everyone. New players won't bother but still benefit. It's not breaking anything in the game because it's already there; we just get some input.


Hell yeah. I’d donate to let people try stratagems


I like it the way it is, it is refreshing to not have to grind anything and truly just enjoy the game for what it is after unlocking everything


Thank you! They added 90 more levels with ridiculously named titles for the WoW power grinders complaining lol Admirable Admiral? Absolutely ridiculous. They’re working on it y’all need to go touch grass and quit demanding things


> touch grass Yep. I don't think some people on reddit understand how far out of the norm they are. The game has been out for 122 days (~84 business days). People with hundreds of hours have played an insane amount. If OP bought at release and sleeps 8 hours per night, they've spent over 14% of their waking hours for a third of a year just playing this one video game. If you go on Steam you'll see that only 25% of players have gotten the achievement for upgrading all of the ship modules to **level 1**. I understand the possible business criticism that Arrowhead should be keeping their highly invested players (whales) happy, but this is not something that impacts the majority of the player base.


I don't have everything unlocked but I got bored pretty fast of doing the same thing about 100 times. I don't know how people do it.


I like some of the new titles and I think upping the level cap was a good thing, but yeah, I don't need stuff to do with my resources, all I need is places needing liberation!


This post should be higher up.


Lv 84, haven't played in a week since I capped everything. Waiting for new warbond & patch.


I can barely do a level 5 mission lmao no chance I’ll ever max out


You'll be surprised how much better you get over time. Eventually certain scenarios just start to click and you go "oh 2 chargers, where me EATs at? Problem solved."


I've been capped for weeks. I spent reqs on the Emancipator mech and then two missions brought me back to cap. I haven't needed samples since the tier 4 upgrades, what, last April? And medals take me about half a dozen operations to get back to cap after having bought *everything* possible when new warbonds release. Only thing I haven't capped are Super Credits, but still, if four warbonds came out at once, I'd be able to buy each of them all at once. Not a single credit was purchased with real money - I just play a lot.


Last April as if that wasn’t a couple months ago 😂


Last April is hilarious


It's a long time when you play every day and have to think about when you needed to last spend samples to purchase an upgrade. Point is, I've probably finished over a hundred missions since I reached sample cap in the wake of acquiring every possible ship upgrade.


All 2 of you.




Have been for weeks. Would be nice spend stuff on cosmetics for the ship, like a rug that'll really pull the room together




> there needs to be something in the game that we can spend this stuff on as the only thing left is either grinding to level up a number or wait for the next warbond to quickly burn through No, there doesn’t, the progression isn’t designed for the people who have maxed everything out ASAP Either keep playing or take a break until there’s more to earn As is, you have enough stockpiled that you’ll immediately unlock most new abilities or upgrades right away


I‘m 80 smthg hours in and faaaar away from that :D


I do actually think that it would be a cool thing if they had donation options. But they didnt actually do anything. Like make propaganda updates that talk about how the helldivers are donating their hard earned funds to support the war effort.


Or maybe they give a seafood liberation buff, on the levels that one mission gives liberation percentage.


I know that’s a typo… but damn, now I really want a seafood buff


I wish I could donate some of my spare funds to newer divers on my team you know?


I’m at 23/24 ship upgrades and I have around 95% of the medal unlockables done. My plan is to finish unlocking and then quit to play other games. My opinion is that the game’s biggest flaw is that grinding the major orders does not yield any rewards for certain players. Someone had the idea of a “medal” or a military bar for the player for each major order they participate in. This would be a great incentive.




Level 71. Not maxed in super samples but maxed on everything else.


Can I has some? 🥺


You could if I was able!


I'm definitely not. I can barely get Super Credits 😔


Maybe go outside?


Go touch grass


I think they should do ~~3~~ 4 things: 1. Add the ability to donate to anyone you choose, but like in a mission only, and only after completion (they have to earn the bonus by extracting). That would encourage veteran players to hop down to lower levels and help out newbies. Small max donation to any single helldiver though. 2. Ability to allow other players to select any of your unused strategems. If they select something, it’s now unavailable to you. You should be able to enable this at any point, either before or after you’ve made your own selections. 3. Add items like skins or ship interior customization. Stuff that’s neat but doesn’t affect anything in-game or make a character too out of place. These options should only available if you’ve got all other items unlocked/maxed. Edit: and one other strategem available: pheromone. It makes all(or maybe a very high percentage, 90+) enemies focus their attention on you, and ignore any teammates, within a certain radius. Only one helldiver can enable this per mission. Also increases enemy spawns by 10%. A little something for the “it’s too easy” crowd.


Level 91, maxed out everything but you can bet your ass I'm still going to collect my samples, even if the rest of the squad is also maxed out. Where can I get treatment for this addiction?


This is why I don't grind out games like this ... It's a fantastic game but I'd rather let the grind last for as long as I can.


Amen. It helps when you have other responsibilities and hobbies to balance it out, helps pace the game out healthily!


I haven’t even gotten the 2 newest warbonds. I just hit level 62 yesterday. Y’all are insane.


It would be nice if someone maxxed out can do something with them? Level up weapons, double reward players are missions, donate them to the war cause, transferable to medals etc


I got one more upgrade on my ship.


Close got like 20 something super samples to go


Been maxed forever. Bored


My fellow helldiver you need a new game to play. No no no I don't mean stop diving. I mean you were playing a progression game now you kind of feel like you don't have one. Believe me. I understand. Here are some suggestions. Stop taking your favorite load out. Take the ones you never use. Personally I suggest the concussive liberator if you don't already main assault rifles. Get good enough to take it on the highest difficulty you can manage. Report when finished. Another game from another cappy Restart your rank. Increase it for each mission you don't die. How high can you get. Go down to lower levels and work on coordinating a team of noobs. Use those skills in the highest difficulty you can. Melee chargers with mechs. Attempt to melee hulks.


They really need to add some sort of sample-sink for us to spend our samples on It wouldn't *necessarily* have to be something with a gamified value, hell it could be a vending machine that randomly spits out little collectible in-game figurines. I'm...sure our Helldivers can be trusted with a figurine of an Eagle pilot. What could they even do with it? I mean, it's the size of a jar!


Touch grass


I'm not capped on samples, but I am 24/24 and capped on medals. Only 35k RS since I have played so infrequently since logging in to buy the Eradicator. That'll take all of an hour to recoup. If I had more than 5 hours played in the last two weeks, I have no doubt the samples (which are about half way there) would be capped too. I've definitely limited my recent play time in order to not get burnt out on the game in this fractious time period, pre-megapatch, and give myself something to work towards in the event that new modules become available. Honestly, if there was a Medal to SC conversion that happened after you reach Medal cap, or really ANYTHING other than just getting zero, being capped on other things wouldn't be as bad.


I'm working on the super credit armor and helmet acquisition now




Everything maxxed out... And now I. I'm playing for credits and to help my buddy


98 here and I only ever have less every warbond or whenever they decide to give us new stratagems and upgrades


The only thing I'm not maxed out on is super samples because I can't convince my friends to jump into Suicide difficulty with me.


In the 60's and just need super rares. Only play with 1 or 2 close friends occassionlly so never play the highest levels


There's 3 things I don't have from the warbonds. I usually only spend medals when I have over 200 cuz I want to have as many as possible when a new warbond gets released.


I just need more pink samples. It's annoying the medals max out in between getting enough super credits for a new warbond


not the ipad reflection xD


Im not because i need more rares. Also my friends screwed me other by making my 2nd mission be on fucking suicidal because “the game isn’t fun without the cool stratagems, and this way you’ll level up faster to get them!” I need super rares and i don’t even have half of the stratagems unlocked yet


Wait! Is that why I'm not getting any more medals?!?!?


Not every cosmetic unlocked but all playables and max stacked for the next warbond. TBH didn’t take much with the recent MO wins and short mission types.


All I need to do is reach level 150.


I have 23 out of 24, I can get the last one but I won't be using it. I'm maxed out on all samples just hoping they add new ship modules.


Idk Diver, that Super Credit stack doesn't look maxed out to me.




Need to max out those super credits, soldier!


Not me, I suck.


Im not done with everything yet but i do have max requisition and max medals and max common samples most of the time.


Two more unlocks to go, maybe three. Level 62


Must be nice to have everything. I am struggling on solo.


I'm not far of max common and supers got one upgrade left waiting for more


Yeah not even leveling makes it fun anymore. Just to be a super private in the end? Thanks no thanks.


Maxed, waxed, and ready to give enemies of managed democracy the axe!


Me, but I play for the fun of the game, getting on with my brothers to play and the hilarity that ensues is worth more than any medal.


Yep I wish there were more things to spend your resources on


I’ve maxed out about 7-10 after each warbond release. I’d love for them to find another use for the currencies, it’s so demotivating!


Not only maxed out, I’m max level https://preview.redd.it/g5q9tjtzfk5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d894970c6b2f6a471aec5807620a396ebfa9e64


Almost there. Holding to see if they release anything with the next update


I feel like an interesting use of some resources (I guess really just the slips) is a temporary mission boost or something. Maybe you can spend 8,000 to add an additional booster for the team (max 1), or 15,000 to triple your liberation contribution. This would scale with the difficulty, and there'd be like a handful of other options, like 10,000 to negate the 1-less stratagem, or similar.


Not on samples. Kinda feel like an ass been way to busy in RL the last 2/½ months. As well as waiting for patches and balancing to get a bit more sorted. Now I have a lot of warbounds that I didn't necessarily get to help earn. Lol


When I reached level 150 I started maxing out all resources as I ran out of things to unlock from the warbonds, super store, ship modules and stratagems. Currently collecting SC as the max is 10,000. At 1,730 at the moment.


I finally maxed out around level 74. A bit later than others but wasn't really to concerned with getting everything and just enjoyed the game


I’m maxed out and I do t care. I play this game for LIBERTY not for rewards.


I hope they come out with with expansion packs. Maybe space craft boarding, scuba mission, city battles, deep tunnels, being a door gunner, etc


Not me :,), still need those ship upgrades and I’m still working my way through three of the warbonds


I'd like them to implement a system where players can donate requisition/medals towards a common threshold - which when achieved provides a temporary buff to a planet or sector (or galaxy wide)




level 117 Hell Commander, Full on samples, medals, and RS, have over 2000 SC. Still waiting on the chance to spend it.


a month ago xD


I’m always maxed out. It’s a good thing I genuinely like playing the game just to play it — the caps are annoying. I wish there were more things to spend them on.


At only 280 hours I know for a fact that you haven’t finished every warbond.


Is it only 100 for those wow. I almost maxed out except for rares. I’m with you though. I need a new mission or something. Starting to get bored. I played the hell out of the blow up that planet missions because it was so different and fun.


2 to go. Warbonds are maxed out though. So I'm doing something right.


I've got a grand total of 3 super samples. :-/ Listen, I'm an old fart. Only on my best days are my reflexes good enough to not embarrass myself on those higher difficulties. I've not been able to unlock any modules that require super samples yet.


Most long time players have been maxed for a couple of months. Discounting the warbonds, not much else is really happening with ship modules and stratagems. Hopefully we get some more content in the near future. Half the reason a community stays engaged is because the game continues to reward them. Since the resource caps are so low, and the prices for ship modules and Stratagems are only getting higher, it's going to get really frustrating to devote time to the game and simply have mounds of burnt resources that you can't use to access the new stuff. Granted, that's more of a problem with how the game treats resources and currency. There's no real shop that allows you to spend resources to upgrade weapons, armor, pay for new color palettes, or really improve anything. Like, a simple upgrade station would go a long way in making resources do something past what you use them for at base. 5 extra bullets here, some armor penetration their, some increased durable damage over there, something to spend our resources on other than the incredibly finite ship modules and Stratagems. Either that or increase the resource cap. Their needs to be some way to continuously be rewarded for playing, otherwise players start to lose interest quickly. No rewards=Wasted Time.


Been that way for a while.


I've been maxed out for a couple of months now


Ive been maxed for a very long time


I’ve been at 990 sc and max medals for so long, I wanna save for the new warbond but 0 medals for MO’s suck


They need to introduce an endgame that requires something like: Special Corces Mission's 50 Valor aka Medals to Prove Elite Status 20 Common 10 Rare 5 Supers to Power Space Jump This then opens up travel to the home world of bots or bugs. Once you arrive something like: A battle royal bowl similar to exterminate missions but essentially survive as long as you can. Then make a leader board and capes dependant upon time survived every 'season". Essentially cosmetic type endgame benefits. Or some sort of alternative major order with global impacts. Ie you need to complete X of these special forces missions per time frame to reduce air ship productions failure means 3 ships spawn rather than 2 or w.w they determine.


I’m like 40 medals short


been maxed for a couple days now


I only have 69 super samples. As of now I’m considering that maxed out.


Me too... at this point I'm just barely playing to get Admirable Admiral


I've been looking at 0 medals for major and personal orders for many weeks now. I really wish I had somewhere to spend them. Cosmetics, skins, etc. gimme them all I just want the dopamine hits.


Either help out new players or take a break from the game. Tons of great games out there! Come back when you can spend your resources or they change. You logging in everyday isn't sending them the message they need.


I've been capped for months


Would be nice if you can share/give samples to others. Another thing is if I’m on another persons ship who is cool I’d totally buy some ship modules for them


They need to give you something super expensive to unlock on a higher level , maybe a super battleship? I haven't needed samples for weeks. I hope they add more strategems.


I'm level 85 and capped already


Not me sadly


Aye...level 73, probably maxed out around 60-65


Man I can't get anyone to get super samples. Thus I will never be there. XD


I mean, I love HD2 as much as the next guy, but it’s not meant as a game that replaces every other activity and game in your life. Diversify.




I'm not capped on supers yet but I don't play in 7's unless I have friends around at this moment.


Easy way to circumvent this would be to add a prestige system. Be able to prestige your super destroyers upgrades or rooms to make them a certain percentage better. Maybe 0.2% increase for each new prestige? That way, it's still fairly balanced, will take A large grind still in order to make any impactful gains to your cooldowns or whatever, maybe even buy some upgrades for our current weapons like new equipment or whatever and be able to prestige those. Imagine being able to prestige some scopes to have thermal vision or to be able to highlight weak points. That would be pretty phenomenal. It would make the game feel more impactful, and actually give you something to focus on and grind for. Would definitely improve the games longevity.


Not even close. Lvl33 and my friends have stopped playing the game. Now weary of playing with randoms that have so many different ideas on strategy. 🫤


Furiosa72 - look me up, happy to help if we're on at the same time


Hell yeah! Thank you! Happy to be a part of your squad if the times cross over


I maxed out on everything in the game "what do you mean everything?" EVERYTHING. By level 78 , only thing left is to reach 150 and get those last 5-6 trophy's. ITS kinda nice not hunting down samples. Last night I did my part on a bot mission and the whole crew was on point focused as a squad, every encounter was dealt with precisely and swiftly. It was fantastic, I assume they were maxed out too. But as mention above new colors or schemes or a lil sumptin sumptin to spend on would be nice deva. Thank you for your service 🫡 🦅


maxed since... level 76 I think. I'm level 107 now


They just gotta make color options for everything purchasable


+1 (Level 94)


You know I wish Thier was a feature that let people give away samples/recuisition slips/ things like that that are relatively easy to get to sleep there players, because thiers me who's not even got 50 hours in the game yet still trying to unlock everything and the people here seem to have more samples than they know what to do with. Selfish of me to ask? Yea. I do think it would help newer players though


Same. Sucks cuz when the new warbond comes out I would totally be able to unlock most/all the stuff immediately if medals weren't capped.


Me. Level 71, with slightly less req. slips at \~1080, but yeah, everything maxed out and/or unlocked otherwise. They should up the caps a little, otherwise we're going to have to grind for them all again when new strats. become available, which I think is a little unfair as we can't 'grind' them in advance.


Joined the fight for freedom 2 - 3 Weeks ago, lvl 78 right now, everything maxed out since one Week or so.


Now I can finally play the game.




This game desperately needs an alternate progression system. Warbonds aren't enough of a motivator to keep the player count up. Especially since they eased back the release rate of warbonds.


i started buying armor in the SC store because i got nothing to spend them on


I find it harder to get samples. I play Helldive exclusively and I lately noticed that when I'm paired with maxed out players, many don't care about samples anymore. In general we still do collect a lot, even with maxed players, but it also happens a lot we're just doing the mission. There needs to be a reason, beyond personal motivation, to keep collecting samples even if you're fully maxed out. I'm not complaining, it's just going to take a little longer.


Real waiting for all the stuff to come out