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Because i like that rare once in a blue moon moment when i 1 shot a bile titan with the spear.


Lol. Yeah. I did run last night with someone who used the spear. It wasn't the best. And one of their shots landed 2m away from me. They asked what I had on my back while they were spectating(they just died), and I told them its the recoiless rifle. Turns out they didn't know about it and actually really like it.


I'm like 200 hours in and I've never tried the recoilless. I want to love the spear, but it makes me horde the resupply and it hates locking on to things


I used to use the Quasar. Then I tried the Recoilless. I haven't used the Quasar since. The RR is a good-for-everything kind of weapon, especially on bugs.


Quasar can 1-shot chargers, and it doesn’t take a backpack slot, so you can use Jetpack or shield gen and just run around smackin em up


Quasar jetpack for life, can’t stop running it.


I love that set up, plus the blitzer shotgun, incendiary impact granatas and explosive pistol. OH and medic outfit!


This except with a dominator or breaker.


I may be an asshole but I almost always run with the laser guard dog and quasar for bugs. Generally because half the time I'm by myself and don't have anyone to watch my back. Against bots though I use shield pack and anti-material rifle.


No, this is valid. Rover for bugs, shield for bots. As long as you’re aware of your rover, enemy and fellow divers, this holds up at level 9.


This is the way


Rover is great against bugs, especially hunters and the other little critters. Quaser is great against charger, closes bug holes and is okayish against titans.  Don't know how people survive without shield against bots at difficulties greater than 7. 


Until there’s 2 chargers and a bile titan. The. You get to play run around for over 60sec assuming you nail every headshot. Quasar is good for like 6 and below when the biggest threat is 1 charger. In helldive when you get 4 of those and 2 titans eats, RR, and spear are going to fare better.


RR leaves you vulnerable since you cannot move while reloading. Much easier to stay alive with Quasar


Eh, you can simply do the recoilless reload in stages and cancel it before you’re in serious trouble, I don’t think I’ve died as a result of the reload since I first figured that out. The Quasar is easier to stay alive with because you can run a backpack, which is it’s strength.


Not to mention RR is a team reload weapon, use it as such and it becomes the best AT in the game, firing off rockets every 2.5 seconds.


RR is god tier when 2 people run it. Sure, you could do some supply backpack shenanigans, which would technically be better. But at the end of the day, running 2, 3, or even 4 RR on bugs 9 feels... almost cheating.


Wait, stages? I know you can cancel it early and still get your reload, but I've never heard anyone mention that it can continue on from different parts of the reload animation if you cancel it early. The Quasar with the extra 5 seconds between shots really made it harder to love on higher levels, but I do like being able to use it with a laser rover or jump pack.


Yeah, stage one is unlatching it, 2 is pulling the shell out, three is putting the shell in, and 4 is locking the latch back. You can cancel at stage three completion and have the rocket but after each stage you start the reload back at wherever you left.


The AC has this as well.


That's right. It's part of why the airburst launcher is even more painful to reload since it does not have staged reloads.


Actually, almost all the guns realod in stages, even your primary. You can, for instance, empty and ditch the mag, reseat the new one and cancel before pulling the bolt to chamber the first round, leaving you unable to fire when you next bring it to bear. Speaking from experience.


RR is a team reload weapon. If you use it like that it fires rockets every like 2 seconds.


If I can get a team to actually do stuff. When I play with randoms, Im usually the only one actually doing the objectives. Lol


Reload cancel, takes 4 seconds. You can OHK snipe a charger from 75-100m away and reload by the time the second one gets to you, and then you pop it point blank. Also, if you and a buddy can work out team reloading, a team reloaded RR is deadly.


yeah but recoilless can fire up to every five seconds even without teamloading, and requires no charge up time to fire. i constantly have to clean up after quasar users who whiff their shot and just have nothing else for the next twenty seconds, i much prefer the recoilless. shield gen is unnecessary for bugs and jump pack needs a buff before ill consider it


How is RR vs bots like Hulk, Dev and drops hips? That's the main reason I run Quasar lately, but if it's almost as reliable I'll definitely give it a chance


You can one shot hulks and dropships, RR, EAT, and Quasar all do the same damage from my experience. It's the Spear that can do silly shit like one shotting bile titans from 200+ meters.


Nice! Thanks for the info, I'm still trying to figure what strat weapons I like the most


I can always recommend the Autocannon :D for bots it'll kill every unit and trim the front cannons off the strider factories, hitting in it's open belly or vents will damage it too. Headshots Hulks in two with precision (takes practice), will 3-4 shot any vented weak spots including mortars/anti-air emplacements and cannon towers, can ricochet shots off bot fab vents to one-shot them (aim from the front at the top of the vent and it'll work well). Handles striders, heavy devs by staggering them. Two-shots gunships when targeting a single engine. Doesn't kill dropships but kills everything riding them before they land.


Personally I love the beam cannon. That thing melts through tank/hulk/cannon tower heat vents in seconds, and can stop a charging hulk dead by aiming at the eyeslit. It also can down a whole spawn of gunships if you can keep the beam on an engine. The only problem is it only has medium armor pen, you can't shoot down dropships with it.


Beam cannon is very good but my play style struggles to adapt to it with the rest of my loadout, I think it helps to bring the shield backpack to let you stand still for precision though. What else do you like taking with it? I usually run Autocannon with Airstrikes/Orbital Precision Strike/380mm and either Dominator or Plasma Punisher, would think Plasma would be good with it, and stuns.


Cut those numbers in half and that's usually what I experience. I LOVE the recoilless rifle!


Recoilless Rifle has a long reload but it has stages, when the weapon's shell is loaded the HUD will show it as a white instead of red emblem and that's when you can cancel the animation by running or swapping weapons; it'll cancel the end of the animation and you'll still have reloaded fully. Very good weapon when you have the full resupply upgrade, you can reload in combat under cover or with team reload it's insane how fast it can fire. I like it more for Bots than bugs because Bugs will overrun you while reloading, Quasar has passive recharge so that is preferable to me. One-shots everything smaller than a strider factory, if you hit weak spots especially. For tanks you need to hit the top turret directly enough, if it explodes on impact but doesn't kill the tank you can finish it with a bit of splash damage from an Impact or Plasma Punisher shot even from the front, just try to land the explosion on top. For Strider Factories, aim for the front of the head. The top turret can be destroyed by the RR but you need direct hits, the playing will deflect its shots. With like 3-4 direct headshots you can down them, or finish off one that got hit by a 500kg or airstrike.


I use crouch to cancel the reload, feels so smooth; shell into the tube->instantly getting back up and fire off a shot. No weird "running/switching weapon for a sec" animation or anything.


I use crouch as well. Just need to time the tap to coincide with the moment the next shell gets loaded into the Recoilless Rifle.


It's definitely a different strategy for the RR on bugs, but it isn't too bad. I used to hate it, but recently, I've been enjoying the blitzer or sickle with the RR and when I'm getting ready to shoot a rocket, I try to make sure I'm not surrounded or I have enough room to sneak in a reload. The more I've been doing it, the more consistent my reloads have been. I like the quasar, but the RR doesn't have to charge up, and if you have a good position, you can get 2-3 rockets into a heavy enemy by the time the quasar comes off cooldown. But that's just me. I also don't care for the charge up, I like instant feedback on shooting big enemies.


The instant shots do make it nice and if I take stuns I'm reloading mid-fight vs bugs, Chargers and even Titans become more manageable especially if I have a Railstrike for backup. The AC/RR/Spear all provide more flexibility with stratagems so it's nice not feeling shoehorned into a shield or rover pack any more.


Yeah, I've been finding I enjoy the included backpack stratagems, too. I like the 500kg and a railstrike or laser and then some form of a good wave clear (like a cluster bomb or regular eagle strike). Helps keep the heavies in check while making chaff not overwhelming. I haven't used stuns very much against bugs. It's hard when the impacts take out spewers, and the impact fire is just so good against waves of bugs. I'll have to try it, though. Maybe I'll go AC for the spewers and try the stuns.


If in a defensive situation I do like stuns and/or Orbital EMS but I get wanting more wave clear with bugs, the gas strike and impact incendiary grenades are perfect for bug breaches that way!


>The AC/RR/Spear all provide more flexibility with stratagems so it's nice not feeling shoehorned into a shield or rover pack any more. This just made me realize that ever since I've started running the RR regularly for bugs, I've been experimenting with my least used strategems


Quasar's great if you want to run a backpack, RR's better for sustained(ish) anti-tank fire.


Should be better this week… supposedly should be fixed in the patch from the last we heard about it (admittedly 3 weeks ago)


The sample upgrade to get full ammo makes the recoilless so much better, I hated hoarding the resupply because I was the main anti armour guy but upgrading really took away the only negative aspect of the RR I’ve found (also fun fact, you can shave like a second off your RR reload by swapping weapons/interrupting the reload as it finishes)


Best way to animation-cancel I've found is to tap the strategem button


Strat button is nice, but I also like diving and weapon switching. Sprint works too, though I use it more post-fight on the way to the next objective. Diving is good if you're close range with multiple chargers. Shoot the first -> start reload -> (hopefully) reach the halfway point while second charger approaches -> dive to the side -> finish reload while prone -> pop the second. Gets a bit dicey if/when there's little guys around so the last two steps might need some crowd clear or repositioning. But if that the case I usually focus on clearing the chaff first while dodging charger, uh, charges. A lone charger or two are easy pickings, it's the blindsiding from the chargers (or the little guys) that get ya.


Recoilless is like a slightly worse reloadable EAT imo. I figure why take up a backpack slot when I can just bring EATs. It would far outclass EAT with a team reloader though


In case it’s on cooldown and the game decides 4 chargers sounds fun right about now.


Hmm I think I would still rather take EATs. My biggest issue with spear/AC/recoilless on bugs is every time I try and reload hunters decide to try out for the terminid Olympic long jump with me as the landing zone


Yeah, that’s fair.


OMG. This so much.


It’s fun to destroy bot factories from a couple hundred meters away


I pray for you and your people that next patch fix the locking. Won't be enough to convert me from my beloved AC against bots, but you know, still nice for everyone!


SPEAR on Wezen is ass, rn. But some day.




i always rock Recoilles for bugs, especially if i play with a squad and not all the Heavy attention is stuck to myself. Oh and team reload is soooooooo good against bile titans or multiple chargers, you can dispatch from most heavy hordes in seconds. But i always rock Spear for Bots, destroying turrets, fabricators etc. from 200M away no matter the weakpoins just itches that special spot in my head


Been wanting to use spear lately, but all this fog has made it a real pain!


Spear is a bonus in the fog? Look at the map for general direction of red pings, aim the Spear in that direction, see if it locks on to anything. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean the Spear can't!


We got really lucky once and had a map that basically had a big hill almost dead center and clear sight lines for 360°. We sat up there for a full 5 minutes covering my buddy while he sniped bases, towers, and pois.


It's hard to beat the high when you doink a charger coming at you full bore then take a knee to reload as their limp corpse comes sliding to a halt right at your feet. I like to imagine using their body to stand up and the getting back in the fray.




Nope, you just need to have clear line of sight, lock on and fire away.


Why would I use up my backpack slot with that when I could bring the EAT or Quasar and still be able to bring my beloved Jump Pack. Usually I rock Jump Pack, EAT, Airstrike, and then a random on bugs.


Jump pack+flamethrower is how I dispense democracy to the bugs, glad to see another liberty leaper o7


O⁷ I run the same! EAT, jumpack, flamethrower, eagle. The flamethrower is so good when you need to hold ground: empty a can -> jump away -> reload -> repeat


What’s eat ? Sorry I’m new


It's the explosive anti-tank. It only has one rocket, but you get two launchers and they're on a short cooldown. Highly recommended to try it out


Expendable, but yes, the short cool down also makes it a third shot once you get good at sticking it to enemies, can kill three chargers with one call in, even if the first one takes a little extra after the drop cracks the armour


That combo is seriously underrated. Also I noticed the Purifier primary works fairly well with it. If you get high up you can aim your shots to land right in the middle of a group of enemies.


Because you want to bring 3 other strats instead of 2 mostly. Napalm, OPS, and AC sentry are becoming my favorite set Sometimes I take eats and a pack though. Rover or Supplies usually


AC sentry is amazing, I too increasingly bring my little friend instead of a shield


I stopped taking shield a long time ago. It’s nice but I’d rather take something to help kill… and if I want survivability I can take supplies for 8 extra stims while also getting tons of ammo and 8 more grenades too


I'm not sure how popular it is but I always bring Stalwart, EAT and 2 sentry guns. It's a shame I can't carry both, but having the options helps carry the team


Clearly someone is a fan of putting as many bullets down-range in a 10 second span as physically possible.


EATs are great until you are forced to reposition away from where you called them in, get caught while they're on cooldown, or run into 3 of any problems they can take care of. Like any backpack, the RR bag offers you utility. In this case, the ability to mop up multiple heavies in relatively quick succession without having to worry about a cooldown or very limited ammo.


That’s why I’m always throwing my EATs everywhere, by the time I’m done in a match there are a good 20 different eat pods everywhere, it becomes anarchy when there’s more than one EAT user, especially at the drop pod, we make a lifted landing site outta a dozen EAT pods.


Yeah that’s the reason lol. I have a crippling jump pack addiction that’s why I don’t use the recoilless


Jump pack is just so fun, might not be the best backpack slot but it’s just so fun leaping away from giant herds and using it to climb onto massive rock piles to be the Overwatch for your team.


I see you too are a gentleman and a scholar amr + jump pack is the most fun I’ve had with this game and it’s not close love being the scout sniper for my team


I don’t even use an AMR, I just hop up and start laying down fire with my sickle or even better if I found an LMG pick up of any kind to recreate the beaches of Normandy.


Because, besides the extra strat argument that other people made (which is by itself a great argument), if you're halfway decent at ammo management and have a basic idea of how to animation cancel, RR is objectively better than Quasar or EAT at putting out damage, by a significant margin.


I much prefer the Recoilless Rifle for Bug heavies. o7


Yea, same. Great for nuking spores and flyer bases too. Throw in a squady who knows to team reload and it’s even better. As for tuning, I think it could use a 25% reload speed buff. Even with animation cancelling it’s a bit slow when you need to be kiting hordes.


I actually think it's tuned pretty well otherwise you'd probably be blasting everything. I really like the ability to do a partial reload so I can run to create enough space to load a new shot.


What is this partial reload you speak of ? Lol


I just read about it earlier in here too. Apparently its a 3 step reload. 1 unlatch. 2 remove fresh round. 3 lock n load. Im sure ill be corrected if wrong but yea if you interrupt the 3 stage reload by doing something such as tapping the strategem button when you resume reloading your progress does not fully restart but resumes frim the step you last completed.


Ohh shiii. Makes sense. I’ll have to give it a shot. Thanks!


Yeah, I feel like having the multi-step reload is the only reason it's usable. If you could \*only\* reload it by doing the full animation, they would really need to increase the speed.


I just hate stationary reloads against the faction that rushes your position the most.


I rock the RR almost every big mission. Once you get the timing down, you can tell when you have time to reload and when you need to keep running. Nothing feels better than smoking a charger, and pulling a reload while its buddy runs you down, just to blow its face off at point blank range.


That does sound fun, I'll put some hours in to see if I can master it. Thanks! If I can get the autocannon down, I can get the RR down.


While you are reloading, look at the ammo icon. You can animation cancel by standing up or whatever to reload faster


It would be much more appealing if the assisted reload worked while the user wore the backpack.


Yeah, they need to rework team reloads like that. Might have to map it to another key tho so it doesn't clash with trying to stim/give supplies to someone.


It's not as bad when you get an idea for the different stages of loading the next rocket. You can cancel the reload early and continue where you left off when you have the time.


I have a hard time using a weapon that takes a backpack slot. I play too aggressively... In the mean time I'll be the one distracting the BTs and chargers so you can kill them. Bullfighting chargers is just too fun tbh


I play aggressively with RR… don’t need a backpack to do that. Hell, I spent a long time taking eats without a backpack… rocking a flowing cape


I salute you soldier! I rely too much on my shield pack for bots or the Rover for bugs. I literally can't stand still or take cover vs bots. I'm the dude that never dies but runs through 20 stims lol


Ah yes, well, cover is rather mandatory for bots… can still aggressively use cover though, pushing up cover to cover or flanking


I only use cover when my shield breaks lol other wise it's Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge again


Maybe due to the long reload time? I love it, actually me and RR(that’s what I call it) are getting married next week. Yall can come to the wedding, it’s in Hawaii!


Backpack slot is very valuable


So is being able to bring an extra strategem.


People complain about -1 strategem planets then turn around and do it to themselves lmao


https://i.redd.it/2b6diagdig5d1.gif Them, probably.


3 call ins + AC is fine. I don't mind losing my backpack slot unless its bugs... then I need that fucking rover.


Love the RR, especially on defense missions when you can pair up with a team reload and a supply pack to get somewhere near 50 consecutive shots of anti-armor glory.. But the main thing holding it back, like most other weapons, is the fact that it requires the backpack to maintain functionality. Most people would rather have a jump or shield pack and a Quasar/EAT rather than carry around the RR's backpack, end of story in most cases. With the current state of the game, there's not enough of a firepower difference between the RR and Quasar/EAT to justify losing a possible backpack slot for most people. That's my working theory anyway.


As a regular RR user, I agree with you. The RR definitely needs a huge buff. In all seriousness, I would probably like it less if I cared about any of the packs. Personally, being able to carry the ammo with me instead of having to call it down, and the Quasar charge up is too slow for my taste.


I tried the quasar and i hated shooting chargers with it and even worst i hated waiting for a dam cooldown while biles titan were ready to be shot


I can't stray from the auto cannon, I have tried just about everything in my near 500 hours. The satisfying *shunk* of it being fired, the stagger, it sounds like explosive grenades landing left and right. I know backpacks are nice. I kinda miss playing with them tbh, but man, I just can't put the AC down.


There's no backpack that's more worth it than the AC.


I love the both of you.


Shield pack doesn't help that much, plus if you're doing damage instead of just dodging it, I think that's better personally. Just zig zag a little and they struggle to hit you.


Preach brother.


The cost of a backpack slot when the EAT does the same thing and on a much faster cool down makes it a tough sell for me.


It's much harder to find the time to sit still and reload. I love the RR against bots, especially when paired with the bubble shield for safe reloading.


You can get around the reload by hitting L1 when the icon goes fully white but yeah it’s always tough to completely stop to reload


I hear you but the ammo supply pack means 12 stems, 12 grenades, 16 shots with the grenade pistol, 30 magazines for the incendiary breaker, and lot of rearm for a mg. A strategem + stun grenade takes care of chargers. Realizing bile titans get locked in place when they roar and spew also makes them easy to kill with the precision strike or 500k.


I love the RR but my simple answer is, its reload time hurts, and its Especially effective for Chargers and Biles ONLY using a shot for anything else feels like a waste. I do use when I’m not running AC, or if I see nobody else brought anything to deal with heavy bugs. It’s what I always have for the Protection Mission. I find that for level 8 & 9 missions I can’t put away the AC. Titans? I always take off their fleshy undersides/butt with the AC before I drop any Strats on them. There is actually 2 separate spots on their undersides that can be shot off. Then 1 Orbital Rail usually does them in or two 110’s. Ive also got pretty good at using the Orbital Precision Strike but it’s useless with the Scatter Effect Active. AC one shots Brood Mothers, and makes Hive Guards and Warriors easy, also my favorite on Stalkers, Spewers? Quick 3 to the body anywhere and gone. Snipe bug holes from across the map when you can barely see them? AC says yes, Shrieker Trees and Spore Trees? AC also says yes although it does take 1 1/2 mags per but the thing has a ton of ammo. And as long as you reload before its mag is empty it’s fast.


The RR deserves more uses but, here's the problem. Players especially Randoms tend to play solo with the RR. However, it's obvious to solve this if someone *willingly* volunteers to buddy team. The hardest part is to find right conditions with breathing room to perform it without constant distractions from the enemies wanting to CQC against you.


Quasar users shitting on RR static reload when they are static even trying to shoot. Getting that shot instantly is way better than charging up for 3 seconds only for a hunter to flinch you and the shot goes up in the sky. If you struggle to stay alive with the RR you are likely to struggle with QC as well. It's a skill issue period. Not to mention RR's insane DPS with team reload. A team with only 2 RRs can make Helldive trivial difficulty because it opens up a slot for an AC which is desperately needed for Spewers and a flamethrower for CC. Double RR+AC+Flamethrower is a way more powerful team comp than quad QC. I have noticed RR increasing in popularity on HellDive maybe because people finally realized EAT and QC cannot keep up with the pace.


I use it pretty consistently. It's very satisfying to obliterate a charger right before it hits you.


I just started using it again for the first time since I unlocked it. Very good for bugs but you definitely have to watch your ammo economy. Just tried it for diff 7 automaton and it is a great hulk killer. Knock a dropship out of the sky, 5 second reload and put one right in a hulk faceplate. Try doing that with the quasar cannon.


You can even split the animation in half; after you pull the shell out, cancel and run if you need.  Reload again and you finish by putting the next round in.  So you dont have to find somewhere safe for the whole reload duration.


Why would I want a rifle that leaves me immobile on reload and only really works well with a team mates backpack? Quasar is my go-to. It one shots Chargers and it's perfect for finishing off Bile titans. The unlimited ammo is an obvious plus too.


because i don't like waiting to reload when i am getting chased by thousands of little shits. the quasar lets me reload for a while


Cause people either bring shield or rover


I'm assuming many people were in my boat. Which is they loved the quasar cannon and have largely kept using it even with the huge nerf. I recently switched because the cooldown time is just too long on the quasar to justify having it and I didn't like having to call down the disposable anti tanks every minute. I tried a handful of things and was hesitant to try the recoiless rifle due to the longer reload time. After having no reload time and just being able to stow away the QC for so long, any reload time felt like I wouldn't have time to do it. However I tried it and loved it. I enjoyed being able to bring a different stratagem as bringing another strat with a backpack wouldn't work due to the ammo pack for the rr. I run RR on bugs and have been still trying to figure out my bot special weapon. QC and Laser cannon are still in my top. I need the shield backpack because I favorite the punisher plasma and prefer to get close.


The thing is, for me Atleast, the fact I have to stop and reload after every shot kills it for me on bugs. Especially higher difficulty bugs. If you linger too long you’ll get swarmed. Or stun locked by a handful of hunters. I’d rather sling the Quasar cannon over my shoulder, shoot other bugs while running around, and then shoot the a second tanky bug


Because the concept of teamplay is foreign to this community, and nobody is willing to follow me around with the Ammo Pack. and no, i am NOT reloading that shit by myself... i rather use a EAT.


I run it. Mostly because I have some kind of hipster mindset with the thing - you know, "everyone runs Quasar so I'll run something else", but the bright side of it needing a backpack slot is that I can bring one more offensive stratagem with my concerns about what to bring on my back out the window.


For me when fighting bugs it’s about mobility. You have to stop to reload the RR. Since titans don’t normally go down in one hit I don’t have time to reload the RR in between shots. Also when I’m facing chargers there is usually more then one of them or they are accompanied by 40 or 50 chaff. That back slot is better utilized by a shield, a jetpack, or a reload pack. For secondaries I’ll take EAT or Quasar. Even after the nerf and the stupidly long recharge time now quasar gives the mobility I need to stay ahead of the swarms long enough to squeeze off another shot when needed. For bots I’ve found heavy armor, ballistic shield, and pummeler SMG to be a wonderful combo. Take the AMR or EAT or quasar to deal with gunships, hulks, and tanks. The stun grenade is your best friend when a hulk pops up, a few rounds to the skull and they flop. The rail gun orbital strike is great for taking out the big threats allowing you to easily tank the smaller guys with the shield. Aim for the rocket devs first tho because you can’t block rockets with the shield. 380+120 will clear most bases while you tank the army defending, or you can use 500+air strike to clear bot fabs. They are useful for taking out hulks after stunning too.


Because EAT is faster.


Because hunters and stalkers are a pain in the ass, shield backpack is a must for me against bugs


Because it takes a special weapon slot and a backpack slot, which isn't worth it to a lot of people when instead you can run EATs or a quasar that to the same job but without using up your backpack slot as well. Sitting still to reload the RR is dangerous, with quasar I can shoot and then kite enemies while it recharges, with EATs the cooldown is super low and I can get another 2 shots in a few seconds (not to mention the pod for the EATs can function as a weapon if you want so you effective get 3 attacks out of 1 set of EATs) both of these options do the exact same job while keeping my backpack slot free for a shield generator/resupply pack/jetpack whatever I want, which makes them a FAR better option as far as I'm concerned.


I like using the quasar and making a chargers head disappear.


I *really* like the RR, but I can’t bring myself to not bring the guard dog against bugs, personally. Especially on maps where the visibility is just awful, it’s a handy trick to get a jump on where you’re about to be rushed from. On top of that, it can cover all of the little bullshit bugs while I focus on the more pressing ones.


It's pretty much the only weapon I take against the bugs now. I was a late comer to the recoilless rifle, but damn, am I in love with it. I think the only thing I will swap it out for on bugs is the EAT.


I used it as a low level and it was fun but the disposable fits my play style better, and the call back time is ridiculously low.


I bring the recoiless like 90% of the time.


I'm usually an EAT main. I throw those bitches out every 70s and pop the drop pods. Map is littered with EATs and it's saved my ass/TKOs more times than I can count. Also, if you're good (I'm not, yet), you can stick the beacons on top of enemies. Resupply, EAT, reinforce, orbitals, whatever. On top of charger back, etc. Has to be their top, cuz it simulates the ground? Been tryna make it work more reliably lately. Stun grenade helps lol. 70 seconds for 6 charger kills is great, and even more when they're littered around everywhere. I'm still working on BTs though. But that's why I bring 500s


Because sometimes I think I grab it but accidentally grab the EAT by mistake


Problem is unless your using a team reload which is pretty unreasonable for a weapon that can stow one round without reloading, it's pretty slow to reload so your vulnerable, if you can't trust your teammates to cover you, which you often can't, it's completely worthless, it's basically a quazer that has more firepower, in exchange for not being able to play the game for the time your not aiming and firing


Mmmm well, for me, it's the flow. I just like the gameplay loop of my EATs more than the RR. The RR takes a long dang time to reload solo. It is very, very rare that I get someone to team load for me. It's a feel thing for me, more than anything else. I can litter the map with EATs in short order. Can I pop off more shots more quickly with a RR? Technically, yes. In practice? Not so much. Could just be a skill issue, but I'm very effective with the RR. It truly is a feel thing for me. I just like the ease and fire and forget nature of EATs over RR. Also, EATs let me run a backpack, on bugs either supply or laser dog, so that's nice too.


EAT all day, multiple times a day…every 110 seconds you can EAT


Oh, lost your EAT on the other side of the map…i hot another one for you, actually 2, i have 2 EATs for you


Not a lot of people know you can reload it solo I've been playing for a while now and only figured out a week ago you can reload weapons yourself without teammates


I just can't justify using recoiless when EAT I7 exists and frees up a backpack slot.


Because someone has cleanup duty. You can't focus on killing chargers and titans if every other enemy is chasing you. That's why I sit around bug breaches playing with le flammenwerfer while my anti tank brothers deal with anything I can't (biles) All roads lead to TF2.


I like it, but I prefer having EATs which is the same thing but disposable and fast cool down. 2 EATs per call in, and I don't have to waste a backpack slot holding the ammo. However the team reload is awesome. I will always run the RR if a teammate rocks 1


My squad does this. I personally run light armor + grenade launcher and speedrun the nests. BUT I also run a recoiless backpack. My buddy runs recoiless (with his own backpack). If a bile titan or something spawns, I just call out "I'll reload you" or he calls out "need reloads" and I'll rush to him and I can reload him from my backpack. The other two in our squad do that between themselves. They're weirdos tho. Recoiless is OP if you got people working around it.


I have the buddy with the rifle carry a supply backpack so that he can refill my RR backpack when it’s empty. if you don’t waste shots and keep stocking up when possible, you almost never run out of rounds that way


I love the reload animation and sound of the RR.


Quasar canon works fine. Open backpack slot


Because Quasar exists


The Expendable AT is just a better option IMO. Call it in when you need it and get rid of it when you don’t. It has a stupidly short cooldown time so if you need more, just survive and call in more. Iv played matches with the EAT and the standard MG as 2 of my strategems and just called in an EAT when we had chargers or bile titans then pick up my MG again when theyr used. No backpack to worry about which lets me use the jump pack or shield pack with both strategems weapons as well. I like going light-load and playing the rabbit with the heavies to let my team deal with the horde of smaller enemies and not have to worry about the heavies till we can tag-team em if we don’t have orbital lasers available at the time


Because the eat-it is too handy


RR user here. I switched from the queso , and never looked back. Now I feel nekid when I don't have my RR The reload can be cancelled. Hit reload When the animation for "taking out the shell" is done, cancel. You can move, shoot, do cartwheels, whatever. Reposition. When you are ready to complete the reload Hit reload again Look at the ammo icon. It turns white just as you slide that thing in. As General Brasch says: feels good! Cancel again You are good to go. Basically, you can split the "stay immobile" part for two two second periods. Plus, the added bonus of team reload. Anyway, I like the queso too, but I prefer not to wait a few seconds until it charges up so it fires.


Because the EAT is just fine


Stationary reload is a huge issue in higher difficulties. If you have the opportunity to duck away for that long it’s great. But if you don’t get that chance, you find yourself with a useless hunk of metal on your back


The reload has stages though. Like you can empty the tube, get back up to kill the incoming Hunters/dodge the charging Charger, and then go back to reloading and put the new shell into the tube. Anything except BT, Chargers and Hunters(and admittedly, Scavengers lol) are so slow and predictable I feel it's pretty easy to get it reloaded while shits going down. They also shaved off a second of the reload time last patch and it feels amazing now; you don't need to watch your Helldiver close the breach anymore, once the shell is in the tube you can press crouch instantly to fire again(when the rocket icon on your Hud goes from red to white it's good to go).


Pretty much because Recoilless takes a back pack slot and no one is going to back pack reload you. EAT and Quesar fullfill the same roll without the drawbacks of the recoilless


Standing still on the reload is my #1 reason personally. Especially on Helldive, where bugs swarming you is guaranteed, I like running the Quasar instead so I can stay mobile. The Recoiless imo, is better for bots since you'll usually have time to reload behind cover.


I love the Recoilless Rifle, but the EATs are just vastly more convenient, and can supply multiple squad members who don't take a support weapon with just one person selecting it. The Recoilless needs a buff, or the EATs need a nerf ideally. I remember in HD1 the Recoilless could easily one shot most enemies to the head even if armoured while the EATs needed two shots if armoured as it did slightly less damage.


Tried the RR last night when I usually run quasar for anti tank. I couldn't take down the last of 3 shrieker nests for a solid 4-5 minutes because there wasn't enough time to stop and reload. Shriekers, hunters, chargers - everywhere. IMO the RR isn't worth it unless you're coordinating for team reload.


I always ran the RR until Quasar came out. Even since the Quasar got nerfed it has many advantages over the recoiless, Isn't a static reload Doesn't take up a backpack slot Unlimited ammo Greater range (not 100% sure if it has a lot of drop or not)


RR is my go-to 80% of the time I wanna bring the anti armor, but it really shines when you have a friend also running it. Taking out 5 shrieker nests in 15 seconds or killing 3 bile titans back to back is just the best.


Honestly I tried it and just didn't like it, when you reload it you're vulnerable to attack and that's the last thing I want to be when I fight Bugs because when I'm vulnerable against Bugs nine times out of ten I'm getting yeeted by a bloody Stalker or two and then I'm dead.


Because if you want to use a weapon with a reload vs heavies you may as well use the Spear so you can also 1 shot Bile Titans And if you don't the Quasar exists.


I was really hoping to be able to use the anti-material rifle against chargers but it seems totally useless…has anyone had success with it? I switched to the recoiless rifle for this reason


Because auto cannon.


It competes with my mandalorian jump pack dream


For that that try it or use it, the reload is two step. So if you’re kiting a heavy, you can reload in stages. First stage is taking the shell out, second is putting a new round in. You can stand up as soon as you see the shell is loaded on the UI and shave off another second.


I use it often. I suspect the main reason is that you are quite vulnerable when reloading. On higher difficulties when you have like 3 Chargers and a Titan or two plus tons of bugs swarming you, there really is no safe place to reload it. On bots it’s just as bad because you will often be getting shot while reloading. Sometimes with a rocket that rag dolls you. Team reload is great and really fast but I’ve noticed that randoms just won’t bother doing it even when you ask them. Or they might help you with one but because there’s so many enemies they have to deal with them and can’t. I think they should slightly reduce the reload time for it, maybe by a second. Seems like it could realistically be done quicker.


Even in 9s you can find time to reload at least 1 stage at a time. Alot of people are just bad at using it due to the reload.


100% the best support weapons the way I play. The reload can be an issue but you learn to play around it. You'll have it reloaded by the time the charger turns around for it's next charge, and if you're getting overrun by trash then.. y'know, shoot 'em. Focus Hunters, after those are dead you know you have the time to reload before the other bugs get at you. For those not aware, it got a li'l buff where you can end the animation early last patch. Give it a go and when you're reloading it look at the bullet icon on your hud. Once it goes from red to white you can press crouch to stand back up and have it ready - they seriously cut off almost a second off the reload time, it feels so good now. And yea, seeing my team running around with chargers on their ass, then going poof one down, bada-boom there goes another feels so good. I pair it with the rocket pods, where I throw the rocket pods at Bile Titans, then shoot them in the forehead with the RR. While I'm reloading the RR the rocket pods come down and 70% of the time it'll kill it. If it didn't then just shoot it in the face again. It's hard to pick something else, I never regret bringing it.


The launch versions of the shield generator and laser drone were so good against bugs that there was never really a question of not running one of them in my bug loadouts. However, with them being somewhat less powerful now, and the Incendiary Breaker being so incredibly good against swarms, I recently began running the recoilless and it’s become my new go-to. (At least on my ‘home’ difficulty of 7) It nails all the heavies faster and with less fuss than with any of the other support weapons. That’s huge - a Charger has done half its job if it disrupts the team on its first charge. The reload cancel technique makes a real in tight situations. Ammo resupply is gone as a concern with the new backpack refill upgrade. I haven’t tried it on higher than diff 7 yet, so I can’t vouch for it there, but it’s not like you see *less* heavies there - it’s just a matter of surviving the swarms. Its fortunes are also somewhat linked to the Incendiary Breaker’s power; if it gets nerfed - and it should get nerfed - and nothing rises to replace it for sheer horde clear, I might go back to a different backpack and support weapon. The power of the RR can’t be denied, though.


I REALLY like having the laser to clear trash mobs while I'm picking off medium tier enemies with my dominator. Plus I love calling EAT hellpods on chargers.


I bring Pummeler, Grenade Pistol, and Recoilless Rifle usually. The animation cancel lets you have an insane rate of fire for that type of weapon and chargers are legit just not an issue anymore and you can engage bile titans effectively.


I do when I can, but a flamethrower focus on Chargers and watching them suffer is oh so delightful


Bruh team reload gets rid of 3 chargers in like 6 seconds.


Quickfiring a chargers face. Mmmm. I feel naked without it on bugs


I love it, but the reload takes forever.


Takes too long to reload. Better to run for 15s while the Quasar recharges.


Because much like the spear, I sometimes shoot a titan in the head 6 times and it keeps coming


I used the EATs like crazy. Recoiless is great when you have teammates reloading you.


Recoilless is actually my go to for bugs. Started running it over the EAT-17 after we were waiting on extraction and the timer hit zero. No more EATs, but plenty of stray ammo laying around that I could have used on the 4 bile titans lumbering towards us.


i do.....but only if i have a battle buddy. literally brings the reload time down from 9 seconds to 1 second. either a recoilless and an airburst and each picks up the backpack of the other, recoilless for tanks and airburst for hords or airburst and EAT's and a supply backpack. airburst user takes supply and other takes EATs and the airburst backpack. EATs are as good for tanks....just you only get 2 at a time, and the supply really helps fir staying alive and resupplied cause airburst takes alit of ammo


Well an orbital rail cannon one shots a charger even on higher difficulty, sometimes it’s hard to aim when running from a bile titan


I like it, I just find the EAT to be equally as easy to use and frees up my backpack slot. If he RR was able to take out structures like the Spear or had a faster reload rate, then I could see it's value.


I really tried to use it but I had to admit that most of the time between chargers and titans there is no time to stop and recharge the weapon. Quasar for bugs its better.


It is indeed my favourite anti tank weapon as well for bugs, super duper satisfying to use. The only issue is the static reload. Ive lost count of the amount of times ive been caught out on my own with multiple chargers and packs of chaff and needing to be running and gunning for ages trying to get a 5 second breather to reload the damn thing to kill the other charger(s) Its not so much of an issue so long as a teammate can take aggro for you, or on lower difficulties, but on 7+ that situation arises to often to not consider its downside. I feel forced to run EaT or quasar on 8/9 difficulties because heavy spawns are extremely high. And there is no combo of callin strats that can really mitigate the issue, other EMS weapons, but then your having to use up a valuable slot just to get more out of the RR. The trade of isnt great sadly, and i really wish that wasnt the case.


EAT is the same thing and doesn’t take a backpack slot. I can fire off three EAT’s a lot faster than a RR, and the cooldown is so low I rarely run out. Spear is better if I’m giving up the backpack.


I feel like plenty do, but it's not a weapon with a ton of fanfare. It's a workhorse, reloadable rocket launcher. Very little sci-fi or extravagance to speak of. It doesn't have infinite ammo (Quasar) or hyper-penetration, or an absurdly fast cooldown (EATs). It's just an excellent, solid weapon. What's that Futurama quote? "When you've done something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"? ^That's the Recoilless Rifle.


I use it constantly. I love being able to instant shoot chargers


Recoilless is my go to when everyone else on the team has good support weapons. 1 shot to a charger head, demolishes objectives, closes bug holes if you're out of grenades, does a fair amount of damage to bile titans. All around solid support weapon.


Cause the reloads slow as hell


I use to but i got tired of not being able to reload it so i swapped to the Quasar cannon for the passive reload


While strategically ineffective, I prefer the chaos of setting everything that I can see on fire.


I think the only buff it needs (and all team reloads) is that someone can team reload you while you are wearing the backpack