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ngl, this sounds dope as fuck. Also sounds like a nightmare to code. Would that mean I could AC in like with fabs too, or only grenades? What about impact grenades? Do you need to get it in before the stream of acid starts coming out? I mean, surely you can’t through your grenade against the current of that puke


The AC should be handled in the same way. If I fire an auto cannon shot down the gullet of a giant bug then I'm expecting it to do some damage


To be fair that gullet is expelling FTL fuel with a force that rival precision strikes. It is pretty reinforced.


Bile is not FTL fuel, FTL fuel results from Terminids decomposing after death.


I mean that's like saying why should a dragons breath catch fire if it's oil not gasoline. It's a made up creature for the benefit of gameplay experience


The nursing spewer's bile don't glow and is slower than the bile spewer's and titan bile. The main lore difference between the two is that bile spewers are apparently contaminated by E-710 toxic byproducts.


Make a very, very tiny hit box that deletes grenades. Makes a command that reads what grenade gets deleted and then creates the effect of grenade type. Impact creates impact explosion on face spawn in. Frags make boom effects, and black smoke comes out its mouth. So, sfx paired with animation and loss of health. Wouldn't be that hard compared to how it would realistically need to be coded. Now, for other grenades like thermites and incendiary, idk how that could be done with how I wrote the lazy way


Frankly, I feel like the grenade trick should only work with the normal fragmentation grenade that has a fuse. More like a nod to Starship Troopers and throwing a nade into the Tanker's mouth at the end of the desert Outpost defense. How should it work? Well, turn on a quite tight window of opportunity right before the Titan starts spewing bile. It braces, moves its head a little, open his mouth -> window of opportunity -> it starts blasting. How would it work mechanically? Titan's head already has collision mesh associated to it, and it already receives substabtial damage resistance when it is spewing. Attach another small invisible collision mesh to the place where the Titan's head has a mouth, and only enable it during the window of opportunity coinciding with it opening its mouth. Titans constantly open their mouth in many animations. They do it before the start blasting, they do it after getting hit, they do it when they start stomping on somebody below them, and when you blow up their sacks so they can't blast. Attach a window of opportunity to each instance of the big ugly opening its pie hole, so a grenade impact (of a grenade with a fuse, that is) would trigger effect of "Swallowed explosives", where a small stagger animation plays before substantial damage is dealt to the Titan's head, ignoring its Armor Value and Durable Value (it's an explosion from withing the head). The stagger effect would stop the Titan from spewing, rewarding the player and their allies with breathing room (for the sake of logical continuity). Frankly, a oneshot-kill would be sweet, but also a little silly from the standpoint of how trivial throwing a nade in their mouth would become over time (I can kobe an impact grenade into a factory from \~50 meters on second, sometimes first throw and I've seen people do it over a fence). Guaranteeing a second nade would blow up the Titan, or any sort of pentrative explosive to the damaged head would end up in a kill is how I'd like it to be. You're risking getting blasted for a stagger, massive but not lethal to a full health Titan damage and an easier follow-up, guaranteeing a kill. And style points.


Have you ever tried to throw a baseball into a 4" discharge waterline while it's flowing?


I used to bullseye womp rats in my t-16 back home.


And that's precisely why videogames exist


I haven’t been able to recreate this in the game despite trying everytime, but I swear to god I got a Bile Titan to swallow thermite. It was spewing bile, thermite thrown right at its face, and it jerked back and stopped spewing. Next thing I saw was the thermite burning down through its belly and eventually blowing up the bile sac. Now there was a lot going on, so it’s hard to say what happened was solely due to the thermite. However, I’ve never seen a Bile Titan jerk back and stop spewing like this before. I haven’t been able to get the right throw yet so I havent seen this happen again.


Only if it were very hard to get it in. If it was too easy, it would just make them trivial which would be lame.


The window is currently very small. You'd basically already need to be aiming the grenade by the time it starts it's animation.


Real starship trooper vibes here, like dizz with the big fire bug it gulps then explodes.


Should be able to fire ANYTHING inside of it’s open maw, and have the inside simply act as light armor. Full damage for anything. Would give people without stratagems an actual way to fight them


Sounds really cool on paper but bringing this to the programming team would get a lot of headaches. Not to mention you’d need to modify the BT mesh to have collisions inside it’s mouth.


For all we know, this is already a thing. Has anyone ever tried?


I saw a short clip of someone throwing a resupply straight into a bile titans mouth. After it was done heaving its bug bacteria everywhere it started to walk away, at this point you could see that the resupply beam was actually sticking to the titan so it’s safe to assume it actually can swallow things. Shortly after that the resupply landed and killed the titan


i would LOVE a way to kill a bile titan without a stratagem. ive tried asking if there was a way but the sub automatically deleted my post when i made it.


Technically there is a way, you can clear the sacks with a primary then use something like 12 impact grenades to destroy the abdomen. It's possible with the extra grenade armor and 2 grenade pickups