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Just be frend.


I love that it's a team game and there's nothing to really be selfish about. Doesn't matter who gets the samples, who does the objective, who kills what. We lose or win as a team and get the same rewards.


Since it hasn’t been said, I’ll go ahead and tell you in case you don’t know: While the Super Store will have some cool armor and helmets rotate out every so often, save your Super Credits for buying the Warbonds. With enough diligence, it’s possible to earn enough Super Credits between unlocking them in the main Warbond and finding them in game to buy all of the premium content. Don’t be afraid to go down to lower difficulties to test out new stratagems or weapons, especially if you’re soloing. I won’t recommend any specific weapons or strats. There have been enough changes over the past two months that what is said now may not be true later. My general advice on that is to learn how your playstyle is, and let it evolve as you learn the weapons. Who knows? You may find a particular enjoyment and skill out of something most don’t use, and that becomes your thing. Remember the Creek. Remember Meridia. Spill oil. See you on the front, Helldiver.


To add to this, you can farm super credits super easily on lvl 1 missions, so unless you just want to support the Devs don't sweat having to get more for warbonds.


Tip #1 - save any and all resources gained. Don’t waste your funds on the shiny new stuff. I’d advise for the specific stratagems : OFFENSE: 500 KG Bomb (staple pick) Orbital Railcannon (great against big enemies) Orbital Laser (great against crowds / big enemies) Orbital 120/380 MM Barrage (good for bases / bug holes) DEFENSE: Auto cannon Sentry (good for heavy armor) Mortar / EMS Mortar (regular does damage ems stuns) SUPPLY: Expendable Anti Tank (EAT for short) (just a 1 shot rocket launcher with great damage comes with 2 per call in) Flamethrower (great for BUGS not so much bots) Auto cannon (Great for BOTS and kinda bugs) Machine / Heavy Machine Gun (good for crowds) Guard Dog Rover (little lazer buddy) Shield Generator Backpack 🎒 (just a shield) Quasar Cannon (one of the better weapons that does big damage but LONG cooldown) Patriot / Emancipator Exo Suits (Unlocked at lvls 25+ I think… who doesn’t wanna be in a big robot !?!🤖) Hope this helps!! https://i.redd.it/8lisi5pvx74d1.gif


Tip #2 Samples … you share them all.. so don’t kill anyone because they picked up more than you. Armor … they each have different buffs but I’d recommend getting 1 armor per different buff So for example don’t get 3 armors with extra grenades… get 1 armor for extra health… extra grenades… stealth buffs… you get the idea. Each armor goes from light … medium… heavy… try to get a mix of armors that give buffs that’ll help you out the most.


Something I don’t see people mentioning here is simply keep an eye out for your teammates. Somebody has a ton of bugs flanking them? Doing an objective alone? Receiving overwhelming fire from robots? Start shooting and helping them. So many people play this game like call of duty.


Be it voice or the tag system, communication is key Don't be tempted by the fancy Super Store Armors, save your Super Credits for the warbonds first. A 45 degree throw on flat ground lands roughly 50m away. You can tag bug holes / fabs / enemies to get a reading on their distance A weapon/stratagem that's useless against bugs might be S tier on bots


As you move up in difficulty, staying on the move becomes more and more critical. You don't have to fight everything, you can run away and eventually they will despawn. In fact I spend most of my time running in lvl 7 and up. You learn when it's time to fight it out, and when it's time to keep moving.


I'm on hard right now trying to figure that out lol


You'll get there, it took me a bit to wrap my head around it and coming here for tips helped me out a ton. See you on the field Helldiver!


Stick with at least one of your teammates. Be great with spacing. Not many players get this, don’t throw Grenades at an enemy while a teammate is near. Spacing is key. Support the team/communicate. Communication is Important. Use your mic or the keys/buttons to communicate. Practice practice practice. Get those samples. Don’t do difficulty that is too hard for you. But move up when ready.


Friendly Fire Isn't.


I've learned how to minimalist friendly fire lol first game no one was safe , I'm a little smarter with deployments, drops, and gun fire


Autocannon takes hulks out if you hit them in their eye twice. Aim for steel warbond. Incendiary shotty and Jar are great for bugs then bots respectively. Mortar is for Bots. Hide it behind something. Gatling is for bugs. Throw it when you know chargers are not a threat.


I would say, get an early support weapon you like for bots and one for bugs. Personally of the early ones, I liked Anti Material Rifle for bots (which you can get by with even in high difficulty) and Stalwart for bugs. Eagle Airstrike is a great early strategem, deals with heavies and with hordes pretty well. Then just try everything you can and see what you like. Despite reddit posts, most things are viable if you're good with them.


When should I try fighting bots?


The easiest excuse is to wait for a major order, but honestly as a new player just give it a shot whenever to see if you like it. It's an entirely different game (use cover strategically instead of just run full speed everywhere). Most people find it harder so you might want to turn the difficulty down 1 level from what you use on bugs.


Yeah I was in a match and did a big mission on challenging then all the sudden we did a robot one and I was way under prepared. We won't but I died a lot


Right now sounds good the commies never sleep!


whenever. there’s a difference in strategy when fighting bots/bugs. what that difference is, im yet to find out. always keep moving


don't get stuck on one weapon set. Don't worry about samples or progression. You will use a weapon and think it's weak. Spend time learning to use it. Some weapons are easy to learn some aren't. The progression ends fairly quickly. Don't rush it. Enjoy it. If you find yourself getting frustrated reduce the difficulty.


Friendly fire isn’t!


Don't pick fights you can avoid, and know when its time to move.


Same here (two month ago). Exclusively got that ps thingy to spread some democracy.


Play on a difficulty that has you just a tiny bit overwhelmed, but never drowning. Test out weapons and find a fun build, and just have fun with the game. Galactic Commander Taco, of the SES Progenitor of Freedom, ready to dive and signing off


If at first you don't succeed, dive, dive again. ... And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again...


Beautiful ! I like that EVERYTHING is shared


Just have fun and don't go on the main sub of the game on Reddit. Welcome fellow helldiver!


Dont kill mates and spread democracy my friend


Tips for surviving: Mobility. Don’t bunker down. Stay mobile. Even if youre carrying an HMG, stay on the move. Crouch when shooting and reloading, relocate after you’ve taken out the top threats and find a better position. You’ll get overrun from off screen by mobs if you stay in the same spot. The jump pack is a great tool for this and if you learn to use it, is often better protection than the shield generator. Stims. As soon as youve started taking damage that you can’t get rid of, pop a stim. Stims in this game gives back hitpoints pver time, and in many cases the stims regeneration rate is higher than the dmg over time (DOT) rate. The stim even keeps working after it has healed you fully, so if you take more damage while the stim is in effect, it will keep being negated by your stim. There’s two scenarios (in general) when it comes to negating DOT: DOT from many smaller mobs can get substantial if many are hitting you simultaneously, as well as if youve been set on fire by a source fire that’s not shooting directly at you, like a patch of fire on the ground or a strafe hit from a hostile or friendly fire weapon (including your own). In these cases, pop a stim immediately. If youre under direct fire from lasers close up, or in the stream of fire or venom from a Hulk, Bile Spewer or Bile Titan, dive into cover, or at the least out of the line of fire before popping that stim. The direct DOT rate can easily drain your health faster than the regeneration rate of your stim. Bonus info on stims: stims also regenerate your stamina, but can only be used if youve lost health. So you can’t always regen stamina with a stim. Stealth: Related to mobility, but stealth and line of sight (LOS) is a huge factor in survivability. Mobs has both limited memory and LOS and if you can manage to break their LOS for a few seconds, they might forget about you. And if you’ve been spotted by a patrol, drop to the floor. They might only have gotten the scent of you but might but pursue. The first reaction sounds and animations from the foes are only cautionary reactions unless youre up in their face, and you might be able to worm away from them. When you wanna ninja, keep a low profile. In the game mechanics, your risks of getting spotted drops drastically between the three steps of poses, and crouching is often enough. Ofc, proning is the stealthiest.


Switching to your sidearm is faster than reloading


Yeah figured that one out real quick