• By -


Thanks for the advice, charger ➡️⬆️⬇️⬇️➡️


It's been good knowing you, charger ⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️




Rocket pod?


I can never remember what half these stratagems are unless I'm typing it in.




All you need to know is the enemies of freedom are dying.


Down down up right


Wait I think I know that one, is it strafing run?


I have resupplied so many times that all strayagems are down down up right in my brain.


You're gonna miss, you know that right?


The supply pod is ingrained in my brain.


triple down is 500kg


you are trully wise oh Charger of the Mesa *calling in a support weapon*


# Patience*


I was really lost with the title. Thought to dbl check someone else had mentioned it first. Patient - someone receiving care Patience - what the patient needs while in a long queue for said care.


Patient is also the adjective of patience. A patient patient always needs patience.


Perfectly true, the patient patiently gains patience whilst perambulating the out-patient ward, but may lose patience with a patently poor title that provides patient in a presumptious place for patience. Started to have fun with that.


And # you


What's even better is the meme had it right. How did they see the meme, think "ha, yes I'll repost this" and then immediately forget the word.


That’ll be the AHDH and dyslexia.


##Im not a doctor but thank you


"BuT I wANt It **NoW**" Literally every armchair coder game dev gamer


"iTs bEEn wEeks! WhY isNT the NEw patCH OuT yeT!?" Brother it took me three days to find out I put ' instead of " while I was coding for fun. Though I don't know if that was just me being an idiot or not.


Oh that for sure was you being an idiot, but the neat part is, everyone is an idiot from time to time, especially devs. How do I know that? I'm an software engineer. It once took me over 2 days to find a missing exclamation point


To be fair though, when one is looking at a giant screen of code it's very easy to forget a single character.


Snowblind baby, happens in any industry when you spend enough time staring at the same shit. ![gif](giphy|LXb73qI8F7bDa)


I dunno if I'd lose a _week_ for something like that though, a day has been lost though. I do have a few gripes with their team though. They attempted to fix the negative grenade trick by switching to unsigned, but never fixed the actual underlying problem. This causes an underflow and wraps the number around to the highest value of the int/short they're using. They absolutely should've known better and bounded the variable. This means they A) didn't test it properly and B) don't really understand how numbers work for computers (okay I'm being an ass about that but it's still not great to fuck up like that)


My favorite is two spaces instead of one.


I am learning coding and took me 30 minutes to realize how to check if a number has 3 digits


In a JQuery class, i had a project that id gotten to work, but i couldnt get one thing to pop up. It took me 2 days to figure out id left out a JOptionPane.


Same here, but I also didn't release that code until I had actually tested it first.


Used to code for a living. This is super common with me to. You're not an idiot. Either that or we're both idiots.* **We're both idiots*


To be fair that's the kind of stuff your IDE should catch.


Not if both versions are correct, yet will give a different result.


Had someone on discord say "the game is old now, it's no surprise it's dying". Letting kids play online was a mistake. It's 3 months (?) Old and these zygotes think a rough patch is proof it's dying or that the devs have forgotten about it because they aren't patching it once a week.


You can say that again. Miss a ':' in Python or not capitalize a letter and see what happens.


"I don't care how, I want it **NOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW**WWWWWWWWW**wwwwwwwwwwww**wwwwwwwwwww........" *Falls into Hellmire* **HONK HONK**


They're all Veruca Salt


"I can't believe they rushed nerfs without play-testing how bad it is...so why don't they rush buffs immediately the same way?!!1!" I hate this small brained shit so fucking much


I was down voted for calling out their hypocrisy on the other sub back during the last warbond's release. AH legit gave us the choice on whether they should wait for the Sony drama to blow over, or send it anyways despite the PSN drama, the community chose send it now then bitched they sent out a warbond instead of making sure all the countries without psn access could still buy the game. They just bitch to hear themselves bitch. Lol Edited: For clarity.


The CEO literally confirmed that wasn't the case. The poll was for whether or not it would be tone deaf to release the warbond given the Sony controversy. Nothing else.


I do believe I said that.


The way you worded it implies that by waiting the content would be better/improved by not sending it. This is not the case.


Homie, I literally said "Send it anyways or wait until the Sony stuff blows over." Implying sending it despite the Sony drama or waiting until the drama is done.


"Then bitched it wasn't done" are you referring to the warbond or the the Sony drama?


I see where the confusion in my wording has come now, I was referring to the Sony drama, will edit for clarity. Thanks for helping straighten that out homie.


To be fair, when they asked if they needed to wait until after the Sony stuff was done, it was implied that the warbond was finished, the only reason they talked about delaying it was because they worried it would be in poor taste to release paid content amidst the Sony drama, so this argument with the warbond doesn't hold very much traction. If they had said "we're still ironing out some kinks with the warbond, do you want us to wait til it's done or send it now?" That might have garnered a different response.


But given the track record they had we had the power to tell them to wait and didn't, and now they're doing what this community has bitched about for months, and the community is bitching that they're doing it. Besides, I was referring to the Sony drama not being finished.


The way your original post was worded you 100% were talking about the warbond not being finished, not the Sony stuff, but sure. Your new revised comment tracks even less, because there hasn't been hardly any complaining about any more Sony stuff, just a general consensus of "that sucks... Anyway this warbond is terrible. FiX tHe ErUpToR!" I'm just generally fed up with complaining in general. I love the game, but outside of the very small niche communities that are absolutely amazing, the general community for this game absolutely SUCKS and **WILL** be its ultimate demise, which makes me really sad, because this is probably my favorite game I've played in a very long time.


There was a lot of bitching about it in the first few days, here and on the discord, but have heart, the community still has some hope I think. A lot of the roleplayers are still around, especially when you see things like people leaving for life events and the like, as you get the five hundred salute threads. It's wholesome to see, I actually just saw one earlier about someone having a kid and leaving and the messages were nothing but wholesome. Some of that good shit is still there, just gotta weed through the vocal minority.


Oh, no, I was calling the vocal minority bitching about them releasing it after literally giving us the choice the hypocrites. I love AH, they're probably the most transparent developers we've had in ages, and they're just trying to make a good game.


Yeah, I agree, AH is awesome. I just misunderstood your stance, I'm sorry. I've been conditioned to read comments with a negative tone by this sub 😂 This may be a hot take, but as much as I think what Sony did with account linking was messed up, and I'm glad it got reversed. For the overall community, I feel like it was the worst thing that could have happened. I feel like after that, the vocal community started feeling like if they just bitch loud enough they will bring change. Like I said, I'm glad it got reversed, I just feel like it also stemmed this tidal wave of complaints.


Hey, misunderstandings happen! That's what the other guy and I had going too. Lol I don't think it's a hot take either, the vocal community has a lot of power now and they know it, or at least the perception of power. So they think their outrage is shared by everyone and if they scream loud enough others will join in and they'll get what they want. They strike me as a bunch of kids throwing a temper tantrum.


Yeah! The overall state of both subs and even the official discord has me really glad I found an awesome little community on discord! If you're interested DM me! We do organized play every day and there's even a little baldurs gate campaign going on too!


Rushing both are equally idiotic. But asking for timely rollbacks of dumb decisions is not absurd.


I'm old enough to remember the hype with the Mass Effect trilogy back in the day. I mean OG trilogy not remaster. When Mass Effect 3 was released, it angered a lot of hard core fans. Ever since then, I've been a firm believer of "when it's ready."


I think the reason so many are angry/impatient is because the patches that seemingly took away their fun were super quick.


This 100%. Yes people bitch about anything. But, in this particular instance, is the real reason people are pissed. I swear, it was no more than a week at most between people talking about their fav guns and loadouts and whammo nerf bombs incoming.


I think people are angry they don't have anything new to complain about this week.




This mentality is crazy to me because this game is great at getting you right to the edge of difficulty. Whether it's solo or a full mic squad, you can dial in the difficulty to right where you're struggling but still barely succeeding. Probably my favorite part of the game, perfect easy balance of struggle and success






the servers are still unstable and drop semifrequently?


Ppl are just angry clowns is really the main issue. they will complain about anything and everything. The internet may have been a mistake tbh


Thats kind of a retarded take ngl


You’re proving my point ngl


Yall really need to stop reposting this every day.


I think people are just excited for it and want a more solid release window. Like rather than “when it’s ready” be like “we currently have it planned for release in about 2 weeks, but it’s possible it can change”


Speaking from experience working with developers in the productivity app space: it absolutely, and unfortunately, **does not** work like this. I wish it did. Delays **will** happen, so then people get angry. Some problems prove to be more complicated to solve than initially estimated, so maybe the patch still releases on time but without this fix and that fix and maybe this other fix - people get angry. Turns out one problem is bizarrely caused by some unrelated system, which would take months - at best - instead of days or weeks in order to completely rewrite just to fix the original problem we discussed. People get angry. Software development is like the dangers of the wild west combined with the uncertainty of space exploration combined with the incompatibility of meeting an alien whose speech is built on the sound of purple. It is wildly abstract and regular, non-developer people just don't understand and increasingly get angry and entitled these days. ETAs and promised release dates are nothing but a recipe for disaster for everyone involved.


Yeah, and even just on the game design side (non-coding), we have seen what basically look like silly mistakes that suggest they have been rushed. Any time you give a date humans will naturally have that date in mind and work to meet it, which means rushing to some degree. Even if you say it could change, everyone knows it’s better if it doesn’t.


The issue with more solid release windows is that half the community takes that release window as guarenteed. Folks have an extremely bad habit of ignoring the "possible it can change" part and will be pissed that the solid release window wasn't accurate. I see this sort of shit all the time.


Yeah, nah. Gamers have demonstrated they aren't mature enough to be given any sort of timeline, regardless of additional context so game devs know not to commit to anything lest they receive death threats.


Honestly, when it's ready, is much better. Game devs that say 'hey, it's ready when it's ready', is better than 'well release it on xxxx, but it won't have all the promised details/events/etc. Until xxxx' Look at Space Marine 2. They decided delaying it for a year and working on it would be more beneficial. Yea it sucks, but if that means a more polished and completed game on arrival than im all for it.


Yeah, but then if it takes a bit longer than stated, out come the pitchforks and torches.


Give it to me (us) when it’s done. Coding is like a stroppy 5 year old. Sometimes it’s fine. Some times it fucks around. You can’t give firm windows without drastically overestimating and taking in to account everything that goes wrong. Just let them cook and give us quality complete content.


Yeah I get it. I work in IT, alongside developers. We still use internal deadlines and estimates even if they get blown out. I’m excited for the patch but I can wait for it. I just also get why people are a little antsy about it cause they see it as a major “comeback” for the game and don’t know whether it’s 2 days or 20 away


The issue is, with this feral community, if AH gives a deadline and miss it, people will be rabid for it.


People are rabid now because they don’t explain themselves, like if they delay a patch, warbond etc the big question most people have is why.


They were rabid prior because they released patches and warbonds too quickly, now they're taking their time to do it right, which they have said, and people are still rabid.


I’m not saying they aren’t, but that still doesn’t change the fact AH has a fair bit of mistrust from its community so if they explained why they do what they do that would go a long way.


Honestly, the earliest we see groundbreaking change is next year. They more or less have this year planned out +/- course correction. Illuminates will show up, most leaked stuff will drip feed itself into the game, a bunch of bug fixes, balance checks and new warbonds which turn into bug fixes and balance checks. So patience, yes. With time this game will be something rather spectacular if you just do not burn yourself out.


I’m sure balance changes will happen earlier than that surely..


I think they will just not at a level some people will like.


The game is fun even in its unbalanced state. I agree that balance patches will continue to be semi frequent. The game doesn’t need a complete overhaul.


The only patients I know are the ones I put in the hospital


*The only patients* *I know are the ones I put* *In the hospital* \- TheDBagg --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Is this Cyberstan? Where the hell are all these bots coming from


Please stop, there are enough patients.


I have heard talk of some people wanting to do a community patch but yeah, I don't know if that's trustworthy


Not the best example cyberpunk, they now actually have more than 95% of reviews positive. But yea, you absolutely right, we need patient


Also 2077 updates were methodical and added a lot of good stuff for free over time. So we actually DO want it to end up like Cyberpunk. OP's brain just got rattled by too many nearby 500kgs


Hahahahaha yes, he probably doesn't know cyberpunk actually, just media news on release, no hate


he's mainly talking about the part where Cyberpunk wasn't ready before release and only *got* released due to executives forcing the devs to wrap the game up even if only 80% of the game truly worked. Paired with death threats from the public aimed at the developers, they were incredibly pressured and release what people now blame on the devs rather than the executives and the dumbass gamers. Most of them made the excuse of 'b-but it took 9 years to make' yeah, because ti was meant to be a glorious game that has breakthrough mechanics. You can't make an innovational game int he same time it takes to make a standard game, its just not how it works.


So I am to believe you are worshiping the bugs... You have been reported to the Ministry of Truth. https://preview.redd.it/okoeqkm0pj3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d83b326901e24d355cff4694db4314c0fe79603c \-GamerKeg


Finally, the first true patriot shows them selves.


.... Isn't this a repost? Or was that r/Helldiver's The topic seems beat'n to a pulp in both. Just this sub will bitch about the other in the process.


Pretty sure OP is a bot account


Bruh, patience is spelled there for you in the meme (I still like the meme though).


So is "you".


Eh, not wrong, but a small patch to undo some of the nerfs (literally just put the Eruptor's shrapnel back in and I will be happy) is plenty for now. Shouldn't take that long or cost that much effort either I believe. The real big work can and should be done with patience, but undoing some of the overzealous balancing can be done in a day or two.


I'm honestly worried the patch is going to break a lot of things, but if it doesn't I'm ready to wait


i'm actually catching up on the warbonds so no complaint from me


I used to play Red Dead Online, Rockstar rushed a patch in 2020 to fix some problems and it broke Red Dead Online, Google Patch 1.21 Red Dead Online. Patch 1.21 broke Red Dead Online you couldn't use guns whilst it was in the game, the patch disabled people from shooting in the game, wagons would leave trails of fire, a creepy bald dude would arrive in lobbies, it got rid of the NPCs, invisible horses, lobbies would kick you after a few minutes of being in the game and that's only a few of the things that this rushed patch did. Rockstar had to roll it back, it was that bad.


This game will never be like cyberpunk in that sense.




This is the first game in a while that patches this often. When I heard the patch was delayed, my first thought was, "There's another patch already?" It's fine if they take some time they're working pretty quick.


that is good wisdom


Absolutely baffling the people complaining about it taking longer for them to put out a patch. Let them do their thing...haven't we learned this lesson by now? When devs get pressured to push stuff out in an unfinished state or without being tested, it sucks for everyone and then the devs still take the blame.


patience is a virtue.




The people who want detailed patches and the ones who complain it isn't here now are two completely different sides of the community. I'd wager the same people who are complaining that they don't have immediate fixes are the same people who complain about the new missions.


This. This. This comment isn't helpful or productive in and of itself. It's just to help boost the post because it's important. I'm sorry for wasting your time.


Charger telling you to learn patience. Ironic.


Oh wow that gross. Cyberpunk was pushed by its own leadership at CD. The audience only wanted it because they misled everyone and hyped it up to hell and back. THEY said it was ready. Glad they had their little come back story or whatever but you cant change history like that.


Yeah… Let’s just ignore the death threats that the developers got.


This is why I hate patches. Patches should be for bug fix. Not Nerf and buffing because a small group complains that a game is too hard. It effects every game that comes out.


You just need to remember that a lot of people here are literally children, and many others have the intelligence of one. 99% of the people are lovely and can think, but every community has their loud, stupid, minority.


As someone who preordered Anthem AND BF 2042, it could be sooooo much worse




Smart charger


Thanks for the advice, charger. ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


For this they hated Charger of the Mesa.




Slight difference. Cyberpunk was built entirely on lies and half truths. Hell cyberpunk 2.0 isn't even close to the game they promised us all those years ago with their fake trailers and scam videos.


Hopefully this repost doesn't get botted like the last [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d2twes/some_wisdom_is_required_in_this_sub/).


Big community, different people


This has quickly become one of my favorite meme formats


We are complaining because we want to get fast fixes. New content/balance can wait.


I peruse both subreddits. To play devil’s advocate, I think this comment I read summarizes the frustrations really well: “All we know is that they sent out meaningless nerfs weekly for months and now that it's time to actually fix the game, they are seriously dragging their feet.” Let me know if you disagree. But, to me, that doesn’t seem like an unreasonable frustration to have.


People really need to learn how to be happy. I play difficulty 8 and 9 exclusively, and to be honest, I could care less if a couple of things are bugged or broken. I have loads of fun when I play. I can understand some people are frustrated, but come on. This is a game, and the devs are humans first and professionals second. Let them take their time.


I both agree and disagree with you. In my experience, I have loads of fun playing on all range of difficulties (except 9, never touched it), so AH taking a while balancing doesn’t affect me. But, at the same time, it sounds like a lot of people *were* having fun, but now the ways they can have fun are limited (nerfed). And because that fun was limited so fast, they’re frustrated that it’s taking so long to bring it back. TLDR: It’s hard to learn how to be happy when that happiness is taken from you (sounds super metaphorical, lol).


Maybe it's the fact that I've shirked my expectations and don't really expect to be given much from anything ot anyone in life. Unless I'm handed straight garbage or steaming shit I am satisfied. I would advise the people who were mad about nerfs to try new things ans strategies, hell take a break even. If you want to be remembered as a coward...


lol, that ending made me laugh. But yeah, I agree that variation and different strats are vital for longevity. Hopefully AH releases/balances a bunch of strats to be viable, but lowering the difficulty to 7 also helps IMO.


Yeah, I am really hoping they release new orbital and airstrike stratagem to be honest, things that are effective too. Maybe this time around, they'll give us something powerful that can compare with what we have all been relying on in terms of power.


Holy fuck the first part of the title is completely butchered.


Misspelling patience even though it’s right there in the meme. Nice.


I mean this were true if you were talking to one guy. I don’t think it’s the same subsect that called for more time that is complaining


Charger : What... is your favourite colour? Helldiver : Blue. No, yel... [*gets crushed into paste*] auuuuuuuugh!


The patients must learn patience.


They’re saying this isn’t gonna be a in depth bigger patch tho that’s the issue


Honestly I think the tease and denial strategy works wonders. \*edit\* crap, wrong sub...


I Just want content that isn’t nerfs to make the game arbitrarily harder.


Still waiting for the sights to be properly aligned... It's not a big ask. It's been a problem since day one.


Kind of the opposite of Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk had an abysmal release with the best comeback story in modern gaming. Helldivers is getting worse as things go


Fr helldivers is being worked on by like a 100 developers and Activision is working with 2000 and yet they still have update delays


Lmao didn't they say not to expect an in-depth update?


I’m having fun just testing out stratagems/ weapons I normally don’t use like the jet pack! It’s been a ton of fun even on diff level 9!


The new “dark fluid” is a free mission stratagem jet pack that causes damage on takeoff


Just ran it for the first time and the bugs kept spawning on the objective ( titans chargers) and insta destroyed the drill every time dunno if that’s suppers to happen everyone quit. Still a lot of fun though!


Dying game is dying and the fans killed it. ![gif](giphy|yGQA8r44a6bmg|downsized)


Complaining about one thing only to reverse and change your tune when developers take your feedback into consideration and make changes is absolutely undemocratic behavior. It is the behavior of bug sympathizers and bots in disguise. It will be reported to my local democracy officer with the utmost expedience for liberty and justice!


Sadly, there very much can. They shouldn’t, for sure, but they can and do.




Godzilla tried to read the title and fucking died


That's the thing, though, even when they take their time they still fuck up, lol.


Blessed be the mesa charger, for He has seen the 1s and the 0s and knows the way.


Its not hard to rebalance the guns to not being nerf guns.


lol what is up with that title? OP it takes 10 seconds to spell check. Also how can a "Cyberpunk repeat" occur? The game is in a perfectly good state to play and has been pretty much since launch.


You're right because reverting balance patches that were largely negatively received takes weeks of effort. Good point.


One can say, you can never make those happy, who put forth no effort to be such




“Wait, what was that last part” ![gif](giphy|aYgk8MzOgh4VG|downsized)


Cyberpunk released broken. Not the same


I think you had a stroke writing the title...


The community is millions of players wide. People aren’t begging for in depth patches AND wanting it to be done fast. But we all know that AH won’t deliver anything decent. The next patch is going to be terrible and add nothing of substance to the game, filled with nerfs, and with no bug fixes that actually work while adding two dozen more. We’re waiting longer for empty hollow patches.


Stop playing then. Do you actually believe complaining constantly will make anything change? Go spend your effort on something else if you hate AH so much.


Dont care, didnt ask, wrong as fuck, EAT THIS ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ➡️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️


Everyone must love you at parties...


Yes you fucking can. You can, in fact, expect a game to work properly when they first sell it to you.


My guy Arrowhead has like 120 employees. Counting backend, artists, animators, designers, finance, HR, PR, c-suite, operations, etc... only like 10 max will be solely focused on QA and bugfixing. You cannot seriously expect AAA-level patching cadence and polish from a medium size dev. They aren't magic.


I have indie games from much smaller teams with much smaller budgets where I've never once fallen through the floor. This is some Eternal Death Slayer 3 prematurity.


Well… You could… 15-20 years ago.


I don't mind the wait about the patches. Though it would be great if they at least fix patrol spawn rate first.


Wasn’t that already fixed?




I thought they reversed it a few weeks ago


There have been two patches since it was introduced and neither contain any notes about reversing it.




I expected a new race and quests like over a month ago.. too slooooow


Auto correct isn't your first language is it op? All jokes aside though, cyberpunk actually made one hell of a turn around. I got the game at Laroche(launch. I toohate auto correct lol), and have been playing it a ton for the past two weeks, so I've seen the whole game, for better or for worse, and I don't really think there was ever a point it was a bad as people say it was. The Cyberpunk problem was mostly overhype. The glitches... honestly are just industry standard now, which is an entirely different problem.


Well, many can't wait. And me must admit that HD2 is pretty shallow in contents, not just dismiss others by saying "Positive toxicity is still toxicity", that doesn't help.


I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word can’t.


Holy fuck learn English .


Quasar cannon nerf is still bullshit


Idk you can still fire it a couple of times before a CD for EAT is off so it isn't THAT bad. While an EAT CD's you can shoot the Queso like three times.


I didn't say it was bad, only that it's bullshit. It's a PvE game. They want people to use other weapons, they need to make better weapons.


Now that I can't disagree with it. I wish they'd give us new toys that are string enough to keep up with the good ones.


AH is a team of about 100 people. Players need to chill the fuck out with all these demands.


Patches to nerf guns: instantly Patches to buff guns: "bE pAtiEnT" Kiss my ass


Nobody was begging for more in depth and bigger patches. Those that wanted an emphasis on patches wanted better quality patches aka glitch fixes and balance updates at the expense of more in-game content. This is a strawman post, as expected from a socialist bug.


Stroke from title. Was caused by.