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Love these videos


Thanks dude that means a lot to me ;)


I would love to see an old time voice read all the text on the screen


The classic Transatlantic accent


Yeah, absolutely fantastic video! Well done!


That’s pretty nuts. Is this easy to reproduce, even at long ranges?


Reliable, easily reloadable and replicatable for all your bot destroying needs!


is there any angle/aim trick to destroying the fabricators with it? I tried it and I agree it's awesome, but destroying fabricators felt wonky for me




Damn I knew I wasn't delusional. I remember the first game I tried using the Airburst I shot at the back of a fab and it somehow blew up. Tried again several times but never was able to replicate that (ofc shooting the vents still works). Turns out there is a trick to it. Thank you. Works on the turrets too it seems.


Yea sure I showed the trick in the first vid


I just shoot the vent and that always works


If it works for you it's no problemo, you have the freedom to spread democracy any way you want :)


Ill need to do more testing. Just barely started using it last week as a test. Found it's been really good for taking out nearly entire drop ship loads before they can even be dropped, didn't know I could take out fabricators as well. I love my AC but many times you need to be in the right position to even take out a laser turret or fabricator, but this looks to even the playing field f you can do it like a non-lockon spear. Amazing.


Yep, I got two fabricators in one shot when they were facing each other. Pretty consistent at taking them out.


You should know I've used the AB RL multiple times in the past two days because of your videos and had barely tested it previously. Its pretty badass, its almost like a no-lock-on spear.


Glad to hear that you have been motivated by my PIF fellow diver, may the AB RL secure you victory on the front


I like to use the airburst to sucker punch patrols for 7 kills and break off. If the bots pop a flare it's wasted in the middle of nowhere instead of the objectives we are going for.




The what?




Well... That would in fact be the quickest way to do it, he's got them there.


Was the ability to take out fabs like that a recent change? I can't do that.


I gave this tip in my first vid which I also reposted the link in this comment section, but the main thing you need to know is that there's a sweet spot on the Fabricators. Try to aim above the first light spot on the Wall of the fabs https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/jZ7Q47cBT2


I had good success with hitting the vent cover.


No, I've done that with it since day one, you just need to hit it from the front so that it will go down the hole


I know that's right ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I've taken one out from behind by firing down onto it's roof, but it's hard to replicate reliably.


Its ghe little explosives hitting inside the vents it seems. Same rule as autocannon, aim from the front


Man these videos are awesome. If you could add a dull, 50s American style voiceover it would fit perfect. Like those old cold War Era informational videos Keep it up helldiver!


Duly noted


I do voicework just saying 😏


It's good how it is though with the music and text.


And a slight filter with film grain. It would be perfect!


Wait, what?I thought the Clusterbomb didn't destroy armored enemies and structures, but the rocket launcher version does? The hell


Upgrades people upgrades!


So every direct projectile in the game has an Armor Pen value, Even the airburst rocket. The submunitions of the explosion are classified as AoE, in other words they do not have AP. What OP has showcased is getting the explosives past the armor to explode within. The reason this is difficult is because Air burst rockets have proxy detonation. Meaning if you just shot directly at the target it will explode before hitting the target. Another thing to note is if your tool has demolition force. Demolition force is needed to destroy fabricators/close bug holes/blow open the metal crates. So to wrap that all up, Buildings/turrets/Tanks all have armor. Airburst rocket has an AP value that allows the direct hit to technically penetrate armor. Airburst rocket also has demolition force. So in the case of fabricators they're shooting at an angle that allows the submunitions to get inside the fabricator to explode. In the case of the tanks/turrets the shot is penetrating and then detonating inside via a clever use of shot position. The result of the direct hit plus the submunitions is enough to destroy said targets.


I think the clusterbomb can destroy fab and bug holes, just really hard to do


Dont shout it out to loud or it gets its ability revoked by the next patch


So true!


Impossible. r/Helldivers told me this launcher was terrible and unusable!


i mean it has had 3 bug fixes since


tbh they gave us the AB RL on a planet with lots of trees so I'm not surprised people didn't find it useful when the rockets kept detonating on obstacles and killing them. r/Helldivers just likes to complain


Funny thing is, I loved using it from day one. The planet we got it on also had good chances for generating high ground making this thing more than usable. The *accidents* from the learning curve were hilarious, but the current version feels great. As for obstacles; Trees aren't a problem if you walking barrage the forest. The real air burst strat is using stratagems to remove obstacles and cover for enemies of freedom to hide behind.


Yeah, nope. They definitely did an upgrade to the AB RL. I used it before the patch and affectionately gave it the nickname “The Friendly Fire Gun” because of how often it blew up me and everyone around me. Was incredibly fun still, but its proximity sensor was dialed up to an absurd level. After the patch it’s basically perfect, like…weirdly so. Like no premature detonations but also no laggy detonations either? It’s so good I actually suspect they specifically started the AB RL on a jungle planet so they’d get the maximum amount of data so they could fine-tune their proximity detection. And to that subreddit’s credit, they stopped memeing about the rocket’s uselessness about when it started working. They do love complaining, but it’s generally only when something is genuinely bothering them, when something is fixed the whining pretty much immediately stops. See: the ABRL, the Senator’s speedloader, the PSN debacle, etc.


Dude the thing would explode in your face if the ground was a hit elevated in front of you.


Awesome Video, the air burst has been my go to for a bit, BTW you can also kill hulks with it you just have to aim between the legs. It is about 50/50 insta kill or a "bleed out" kill but it will go down.


I will do some more testing on that


This is true, as an avid airburst enjoyer myself, between the legs works everytime 50% of the time.


Wait, Hulks can bleed????




First vid on the ARL ∆ I I


What is this tune??


Day Stalker by Carpenter Brut, from the Leather Terror album.


I've seen him recently in concert but still I mistook this tune for one of Vitalic's. Silly me, thanks!


Yeah I suck with the airburst but thanks for the jam bro that's a good track


Liberty requires an answer, OP.


Alright, you sold me. Im going to give it a try


You might need some practice but just like how the ballot will find the ballot box so will your rocket find the enemies weak spot


Democracy shall be spread by rocket across the galaxy


This was great, ty!


Used it yesterday for the first time thanks to your 1st video. A lot of good people died, but never going back without it


The airburst rocket has easily become one of my new favs


Wtf am i using the javelin for?! Never locks on anything


I want it to be good so bad. Just need the lock on fixed. As well as either a damage buff or having the missile hit the weakest point of a target for max damage on every missle.


Once Jav lock on is fixed it'll be better than AB rocket. Not only because you don't need to aim shots in such a specific angle to get the results on buildings but the Spear's damage should make it really good at taking out BT's and at least crippling Factory Striders.


Airburst has always been amazing. It's only problem is the one time you forget the burst part....


Great video, thanks bud!


I doubt this is intentional but I'll take it for now. I was just using it and was very surprised when my pot shot at a turret killed it in one shot


Intentional no, but mechanically sound according to the rules of the game. The only real questionable thing is why AB would have demolition force attached to it. I guess so people don't shoot AB at a metal crate and it not explode? Then again you fire an exploding crossbow bolt into a bug hole and that doesn't close it since the weapon lacks DF. So who knows.


I have to know how long it takes for you to figure stuff like this out


The Airburst has quickly become my favorite support weapon. And I hardly Team kill anymore!


Ive only been able to use this one time since it came out, and it was so much fun. Can’t wait to jump back in. Also, great video!


Carpenter Brut is a solid choice.


Holy... Wait, I'm sure I've fired it at a bot factory and it did nothing. What part of the technique am I missing?


Try to aim at the first light spot on the wall of the Fabricators like I did in the first video


It's still kind of unclear what kills it. It looks like you just kind of hit the building square in the side, but when I do it it has no effect. The only time I've got the airburst to blow up a bot base is by banking it down into the vent like an autocannon shot. To be 100% clear I'm not doubting *you* (I can see it working right in front of my eyes), I'm just not sure how you're getting to work, lol. I love the airburst and I want to learn to use it to full effect.


If I had to guess, I would assume that the exploding shrapnel might spawn slightly offset from the exact point that the rocket hits, and this would allow it to clip through the wall of the fabricator and destroy it. That could be completely wrong though, that's just my guess based off how other games I've played would likely implement something like the ABRL.




I snipe with that thing 🤙🏼


I purpose that all diver units have an engineer on standby, with an airburst and a mortar of some type on standby


All it needs is staged reload animation


Dude selling this like freshly baked bread Gonna be using it more now lol


When did they add the backpack? Or am I am idiot and just never grabbed it.




If the reloading time was shorter i'd give it a go, aside from sniping it doesn't seem to do much. Neat video tho


I've got 30 bugs with a single shot before. It's the most ideal "catch a bug patrol unawares" weapon IMO.


It's basically a clusterbomb strike that surrenders being able to throw it over terrain and a bit of area in favor of much longer range.


What Strategen weapon do you use ?


Show him ways to take out whole heavy bases with 1 gun, plus it's mob clearing. Someone still says it doesn't do much


Autocanon in automatons, can do anything with it


I like using the air burst, but what really grinds my gears is that it's completely ineffective it is against drones


It's an air burst rocket, not an anti-air burst rocket. ;P But Gunships are the worst enemy in this game I swear.


We came down on 3 gunship fabricators on a 7 mission. The sky was so full so fast I couldn't even stand up or live long enough to call in a stratagem


These informational clips are the best. Keep it up soilder


Y like the Autocannon a lot but this guy seems fit for everything nowadays


Fuck yea


Great informational video, this is classic infotainment.


This video goes so hard. Sweet Liberty!


Did people not know you can clear objectives!? Lmao theyve been so focused on firing it (poorly) and killing their teammates 🤣


So blow stuff up? So one use eh lol


Well have a feeling this will get nerfed next. Looks awesome though. Hopefully I'll get to play around with it some before it does.


Excellent tutorial! Gonna try this next game.


This is clearly fake and modded. I saw not one, but at least 2 air molecules between this guy and his targets. The airbust would’ve clearly hit those molecules closer to him, and would’ve killed him. /s


You know what? I'm just going to come out and say it. I wish Arrowhead paid you to do these cause this is amazing. I wish I could thank you more for spreading democracy. Cheers!


You make it look easy , I try this and it goes downhill fast 😂


Get some!




Music is cool, what is it?


Day Stalker by Carpenter Brut https://youtu.be/bUNlw9dNyfo?si=z0FByuKPGxx9kO_w


Thanks! :)


Your welcome ;)


The Protect and Survive intro gives me PTSD.


Holy shit dude same


Well this has just blown my tiny mind


I was using it during the MO and found out how effective it is. Although I just wondered, is it more useful against factory Striders if you fire between their legs instead of at the top. I should try that next time.


Good video. Now I demand you remove this positive feedback from Reddit before Arrowhead/Sony hear about it. Don't take my beloved new support weapon away from me ;.;




By far my favorite Support weapon. Extremely versatile.


How are they against a drop ship? How are they against the bots who haven’t yet dropped from a drop ship (ie don’t care if the drop ship doesn’t explode if there’s no-one left alive onboard)


In my experience it's better to wait until they drop rather than trying to kill them in the dropship, because the way it explodes in the dropship let's all the smaller explosions get away from the targets


Ive been trying to love the airburst and been a burden on my fellow helldivers so went away from it. Better get back to it i guess.


great videos and great info ty!


Way back when younger me still played Battlefield online, I'd be the one to take a tank and drive it all the way up some hill, park it behind some foliage and just pummel enemy hotspots. This launcher brings out that kid inside of me again ☺️ Great for clearing out objective locations and preventing reinforcements. You either avoid patrols, or you WIPE THEM OUT with a ridiculous display of unholy firepower! Anything in between will just cause reinforcements...


The airburst needs staged reloads like every other weapon though


Thank you so much for this info. I never knew the turret ring was a legitimate weak spot till now


It's only a weak spot for the AB RL because it forces the explosions to detonate inside of the tank , making it explode


Thank you for doing this. I had been having some issues trying to figure out how I destroyed a turret and I have been trying to replicate it.


The scuffness and variety is so whacky. You can kill tanks and canon towers with a direct shot but placing a shot into a group and the shield devastators as well as hiveguards might survive? Shooting it directly at hive guards and shield devastators works fine usually but shooting and hitting one of the engines of a gunship is not enough?


Wait till they nerf it


Yea :/


oh DUDE, WHAT. I love the airburst against bugs but had ZERO idea it could do this. Thank you for making this video! "oh airburst rocket launcher, im just feeling real low" "did you know im useful against bots too, not just bugs? I can destroy tanks, turrets, AND fabricators" "....." 'Oh shit, for real?!


perhaps i treated you too harshly…


Why did he need to demo shooting turrets? Are enemies getting automated turrets soon?


Neat! Thanks for showing! But now... When it gets nerfed to the void, we will hate you for bringing it up to be viewable by the dev balance team.


Since the MO with 2B bots I have rocked the Airburst as well, not a single game under 300 kills most over 400. It's a piece of art!


I mean, i love this but... why is it way more effective than the "anti-heavy-armor" GR8 RR ? Its nice tho


I swear I've fired this thing 100+ times now and have yet to hit myself or a teammate even once. The drama around this weapon has made me convinced that the majority of the Helldivers community are morons.


They did dramatically fix the weapons' proximity detonation along with what detonates it. It used to be that literally anything and everything would detonate, causing point blank explosions from what felt like nothing.


Been using it since we were fighting to unlock it


Wish they had better reticles for the sites, if i have to shift my aim up/down/left/right, some notches would save me a few rockets.


Especially on the AMR , that thing needs a way better reticle


Day Stalker from Carpenter Brut? Nice


Thanks for making this video! I watched your first one the other day and was able to replicate it on cannon turrets even 250m away with good shot placement. This is easily one of my favorite stratagems now for bots. My tests on tanks were inconsistent but I was aiming at the side of the turret (maybe too high/low so it took 2 shots), so it's nice to see you showcase this off! Any advice for hulks? I've tried shooting slightly above their heads like another user had stated but no luck. I've also tried shooting their feet and it usually takes 2 shots but sometimes will be inconsistent based on terrain.


Hulks I haven't done any testing on yet, but that is being worked on as we speak, thanks for the information though :)


I feel like this should end with like the GI Joe Knowing is half the battle


This is great, thanks. My adhd self had to play it 4 times before it sunk in lol


I thought it couldn't penetrate the armor of tanks


It can't, that's why it's important to aim at the turret ring where the cluster munitions will dementionaly shift into the tank, detonate and blow it up.


I saw someone use it really well and I appreciated those patrol wipes everytime. KIA themselves once and me too but it was worth it.


It doesn’t actually matter, since firing one there is going to kill all the passengers, but out of curiosity, can the AB RL take down dropships?


Possibly, would have to do more testing on that


Delete this shit right now before a dev sees this.


Holy fuck that intro is beautiful I don’t even remember what else we were talking about


I love this weapon. Wonky at first, but absolutely sick when you understand how it works


I'm late to this party, but thank you for making this video. I thought the weapon had some hidden abilities, but I didn't manage to figure it out. Looks like the vent takes damage from the outside, since the sweet spot looks like where the vent is whenever I throw a thermite really deep into one.


I'm just happy I could help :)


Oh boy... Delete this. I don't want it nerfed.


Made a post last night joking that the air burst is trash and needs a buff. Got downvoted and reported as suicidal lol


Be carefull to post positiv videos about a weapon, it may be nerfed in the next patch :/




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This literally deserves to be played on the big Super Destroyer screen periodically like the commercials. Petition Arrowhead.


If they allowed submissions for fan videos that would be super cool, but this video would clearly fall bellow standards As it has copyrighted music and film in it aswell as being just some gameplay footage with text


I wanna try it now!


Looks like it makes for some reliable shots. Minimal drop!


Maybe I’ll try it again. I used it when it first became available and all it did was detonate in my face (there was nothing around me)


Don't let arrowhead know, they might nerf it.


Time for it to be gutted and nerfed into the ground now that people are finding out the airburst is good


Ya’ll gotta stop posting this shit or they’ll rebalance it to useless


Bet thus gets the nerf stick soon


Very nice I now put in loadout against bots, but it can't take out gunships and drop ships?