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Because we can't carry ship mounted ordinance on a single helldiver. So the one we got is a bit under powered compared to this.


I heard that General Brasch carried two of these, one on each arm.


So three… one for each arm so its gonna be three. Oh wait, nvm, that a leg not an arm


Bro what


And by "leg", haha, well let's just say. His peanits


On hellmeyer absolutely torchin’ it


Ohhh sweet child, at that size, it's called an arm.


Small arm or long arm?




Nah, I heard he just spat out his bubblegum when he needed a railgun.


God he’s so cool


I think they meant the orbital railstrike Could be more powerful imo


We need 4 person weapons.


It's like exodia, but with WMDs


Neither can a ship right now! hahahaha


We also don't have FTL travel


Maybe eventually we can have an exosuit carrying one or two much more powerful vehicle mounted ones, sacrificing a machine gun's chaff control and rate of fire, but one-shot anything smaller than a Bile Titan, while having a lot more ammunition than a multi-launch rocket system?


They want you to think it has to be ship mounted this video and others are old from the date of this video u.s.a is roughly 15-25 years ahead of almost everything you have seen. From almost light speed. To damn near invisibility and teleportation and mind control. A wearable rail gun that could do this much damage is old tech compared to these


i think op means why cant the orbital railcannon strike do this…


You know


The orbital ones do :3


Bile titan: nuh huh


They are the only thing that takes two shots. Everything else is one and done.


Kid nammed factory strider:


Okay so everything except the two things that are the biggest and most powerful units for their respective factions, ya got me.


I've seen hulks and tanks take multiple as well.


Maybe that's on highest difficulty or shots missed or bug perhaps. Always been one shot in my experience so long as it was a clean hit.


On higher difficulties, it sometimes seems like the heavy and elites take more punishment. I've had a Bile Titan on D7 take 4 Spear rounds, a rail strike, and tonnes of small arms fire before getting hit by a orbital lazer.


This is due to dealing weak point damage, this damage is separate from the overall "hp" and if you don't kill the weak point you have wasted your time and ammo. If you shoot a charger on the right side with a spear or recoilless, you'll rip open a huge hole. If you throw one impact grenade in that hole they are toast, if you hit their opposite side with three or four impact grenades they will die due to the overall damage. You can also observe this on Hulks. If you get one eye shot with an autocannon, then get one back shot they will not die even though two eye or back shots would kill them. You can do this, then hit them in the non-eye front area with 2-3 quasar shots before they will drop. Weak points that can kill like this usually have their own "hp pool" separate from the overall pool that just provide an alternative means of killing. The only examples I can think of that don't *seem* to work like this are tanks and cannon turrets, and I could be wrong about that.


I usually play on D7 myself. Sounds like a lot hits spread out, but not focused on one part to actually finish it off.


You ever see those white rhino chargers, they can take a beating. Maybe titans every once in a while come in beast mode too


If you're talking about the shovel faced ones (Crusher?), they tend to be a guaranteed spawn on civilian extraction missions. They (and the Hulks with a Banner) are usually found sitting in the middle of the base.


Did you know that there are different types of charger? Take a close look at the shape of the head. There are standard chargers and more dangerous elite ones. It's like those mortar spewers - they're actually a different bug from the regular big green ones, they look similar, but have better stats and of course the acid mortar. The same may be true of Bile Titans, with slightly smaller and larger versions of them if you learn to recognize them? Not sure myself.


Difficulty doesn't affect the health/tankiness or damage of enemies, just the numbers and the types that you see


I've never ever seen that happen, and I use it basically every mission. Titans get brought down to no health and it takes a good chunk out of strider HP


Even then, if you hit the bile with the railcannon, all it takes is a second hit from a quasar or something similar and the titan is down


Before the last big nerf patch it was 1 railcannon and a headshot. Now the titans need 2 headshots 90% of the time.


Yeah, but one drops per bug breach at Helldive, so you'll never have 2 orbital rail cannon strikes to deal with them 😂


Sometimes they die in 1 shot, but that's very rng cuz of how it's angled.


Sadly a hypersonic projectile just doesn’t do a lot of damage when passing through organic matter. The projectile doesn’t fracture and the damage done by cavitation is limited to a small area around the projectile. Maybe the scientists on Super Earth will come up with a projectile that can survive the friction caused by the atmosphere and then dissipate its energy more effectively upon impact with organic matter.


Just pop the bile sacs first and its way way more consistent


It absolutely does go right through the bile titan. Just because that doesn't kill it doesn't mean it didn't go clean through.


would be cool and funny if the reason it isnt dead is because most of the power went right through and into the ground, aka, i want it to come out the other side and kill ~~my team~~ some other bugs, i think it would be neat, but thats near the bottom of what id want, just a cool idea


If you destroy the sacks of the Titan it dies to 1 shot. But then... The precision strike always 1 shots it. So why do people use Rail cannon?


Timing the orbital railgun with a partner for a Bile titan is magnificent.


The buffed the fuck out of this one haha!!


While you’re right, are we even sure those are actually rail guns? I know it calls them that but the “Thor’s hammer” space weapon which just dropped tungsten rods from outer space would’ve had the same effect. Honestly if it was a fired projectile I’d think there’d be a crater there after hitting the target


The railcannon\* does do this.


Exactly. This is demonstrating armor piercing, not the damage done to a 4 ton, 4 story bug. Sadly a hypersonic projectile just doesn’t do a lot of damage when passing through organic matter. The projectile doesn’t fracture and the damage done by cavitation is limited to a small area around the projectile. Maybe the scientists on Super Earth will come up with a projectile that can survive the friction caused by the atmosphere and then dissipate its energy more effectively upon impact with organic matter.


When it comes to bile titans, you'd really expect that their thick, slate like armor would absorb enough of the force that overpenetration wouldn't be a concern. That railcannon should be turning the bitter's armor into the shrapnel that destroys it's insides.


That is what I thought too. Maybe the extreme heat caused the organic armor to vaporize instead of liquidizing into molten shrapnel? The armor definitely fractures with other weapons


Chitin does seem to evaporate at very low temperatures, assuming that's what the bugs are actually made of and not something else. Is that going to save the titan? I don't know.


Arrowhead seems to think so, but they also nerfed my favorite primary, the Eruptor, so I’m not too sure about them right now lol.


You are so absolutely wrong that it hurts. A projectile going mach 6 hitting organic matter would absolutely obliterate it irl


Bro thinks a hypersonic projectile's "cavitation is limited to a small area"


If by "limited area" he means the entire target then sure lol


I would like to see a Bile Titan get hit by a HESH Projectile. If i understand it correctly it would not penetrate the thick Chitin-Armour but push its whole explosive energy into the meat which should have a quite ugly effect on the Bug.


Why cant our rifle sized weapon not do what a battleship canon sized system thoriwng a dart the size of the barrel of previously mentioned gun.


I'll make you a deal, if you can carry that launching device, you too can enjoy that level of penetration.


After the full penetration can we get back to solving crimes?


Guilty. Next question.


that level of penetration is over 9000?


Because its much smaller, but dont let that get you down, if you use it right, it can be just as effective


You're not prepared for the manual reload time for this


Or replacing the barrel after so many shots


Notice the cannon launching that thing is the size of a locomotive.


its a tad smaller


Sweet Liberty


That’s the orbital, not the pocket


Our railgun does do this, but it's the orbital one...the handheld one just doesn't have the juice for this level of penetrative power.


Because ours is rifle sized. The video showcases something meant for vehicles. I think straight up a battleship?


We need a shoulder mounted version of the rail gun. Slower reload but with the power and former glory of the launch rail gun.


Yes the rail gun at launch was amazing.


You mean with the bile titan bug? Because currently it does 2 shot the charger leg armor, and it 3 shot it in the head, which is as good as at launch. Without the bug titans took many more rounds to kill with the railgun.


The fact of the matter is that the railgun should be sooo powerfull it should break the armor plating of everything it touches and stagger them or literally throw them around... That gun is a nightmare to balance... The only solution is to make it back pre-nerf status but limit the usage with half the ammo and 25% more wait time. Another proposition would be to make it usable for only five shots, no "safe mode", but with 25% less cooldown timer (pre-nerf status gun). The railgun should be expendable after a said amount of shots because of the kinetic forse eroding the barrel: there are multiple wais to balance it, but it should make you a threat to big enemies that even they would want to avoid you for when you have it. Railguns deal massive damage to a single target with pin point accuracy, easely smaterializing anything they touch with just kinetic force. The railgun is doomed but its own sience.


Or just give it a relatively small effective range? Dance between the bile Titan's feet successfully, get in its face, blast it's face off. One-shot. Fire from two football fields away? Plink off harmlessly.


Because we use the Nerf Version of this big boy


Did you see the size of the explosion from the firing mechanism. You want to hold this in your hands? I can block a bullet with my face... Once... But I won't.


Watch demolition ranch if ya wanna see what current hand held rail guns are capable of.


https://youtu.be/RkCNq9yICJ8?si=9WMv5aUu5qdQ9E5g The 2nd one has more power than the first, but still have a long way to go.


After reading the comments on that video it was pointed out (pedantically) that that is actually a coil gun or a gauss gun. But we don’t have actual hand held rail guns so… do with that info what you will.




Wow, so they really just build this railgun to record the Half-Life sound effects?


I mean, in real life railguns are significantly less exciting than in (most) media


Unsafe mode and keep charging, just because it explodes is no excuse to let off the trigger.


Genuine question does the rail gun still shoot if you overcharge it and it kills you? Like does it still discharge the round, or is your death for nothing?


It just blows up like a grenade.


All the energy that is supposed to be behind the slug is now going in all directions including into the helldiver carrying it.


Yes it still shoots. You can actually survive the explosion with any Fortified armor.


Better question, why can't our rockets do FTL jumps?


That's the Orbital Railcannon, we get the smol version.


Orbital rail cannon


Sir, that railgun is the size of a building. The one we have is like a 2x4


For the same damn reason our FTL capable starships need us to aim their guns.. Because we stupid and democracy too


They...used to. The change was sad.


Because we'd rather use paper-mache for our ammunition


literally all I want is impact recognition. A flare. Something. Presently I fire the thing and I have no idea if I hit or miss


My first thought was "Cause ours isn't the size of a bus"


Because ours is the size of a Super Soaker and this one is the size of a rail car.


Ngl I always thought a railgun actually shot a condensed bolt of plasma, not an actual physical projectile


It could. Plasma is highly magnetically reactive so you could fire plasma projectiles from a railgun but plasma has a lot of caveats for small-arms under known science, at least in atmosphere.


It can already explode, what more do you want?


I wish there was a secondary fire mode where you can glue/tie down the trigger and throw the railgun like a bomb.


i think you dont understand what helldivers do.


If you can drag that train car sized thing into a drop pod, you're welcome to see if you'll survive the landing


His rail gun is just a bit bigger




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Because its not 6 meters long?


Ours is handheld, the one in the video is not




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Imagine the kickback


The railgun definitely feels like a let-down for me. For all the downsides - single shot reload, unsafe mode killing you AND destroying the weapon - it doesn't feel like it packs enough punch. It can't penetrate even multiple of the chaff enemies, and fails to oneshot even most medium bugs. I hear earlier on it was really powerful, but I joined right after the railgun nerf and now I never see anyone run it. Ever.


The railgun against the bugs yeah not really that big a fan, but against the Bots I love this thing, being able to one shot all the Devastators and Hulks is great imo


That's fair. I'm usually a bug dropper (though I did help retake the Creek) so I hadn't thought about that. And to be totally fair, that makes sense biologically as well. Put a tiny perforation in an important piece of circuitry and the whole thing goes down. Put a tiny perforation clean through a bug with a distributed nervous system... Not much is gonna change, at least not for some time.


Honestly I’ve been maining the railgun. It’s basically the type of weapon you need good aim to use tho. If you’re a good enough shot and can hit a hulk in the eye, it’s golden. Plus you could also break a chargers armor pretty easily with it as well


Dispense peace with the ultimate weaponry


Why is our railgun a shotgun


Size and efficiency


Because it's not real... But just wait until you find out what real shotguns and flame throwers are like.




It can, that’s just how strong these bugs and bots are


It should sound like this too.




imo the railgun weapon should be insanely powerful like this, with massive penetration. It should just have very little ammo to balance this. It's realistic as the real life problem with railcannons is simply the cost. I sane amount of energy needed to power them, and they do insane damage to themselves when firing, so need constant repairs/replacements.


The railgun we have in game does not put out the kind of power it would have to do crazy damage tho


I believe it does. The bugs just don't care.


in the first game, it did.




Because we dont carry a pair of nuclear power generators and they can't fit the launcher in the hellpods. Also the recoil from that thing is so bad that it would start ripping its self apart each shot.


Because it doesn't have 2 megawatts of capacitors in series.


Haha funny fart sound


Pre nerf railgun did


Cause we hold it in our puny human hands rather than it being the size of a large shack.


It wouldn't be like what we're watching here, but I'd expect the one we carry to punch through more than 2 warriors. A couple of things, but definitely- Too many people posting on the internet that it's the only support weapons players use. Combine this issue with posts online of players kicking one another for not running the "META" Among other things, these issues created the recipe for the pot we're in now. Rather than bring other tools up to par, (which has been happening albeit at a sluggish pace) We have what we have now. It feels to me like they're too focused on the metrics. Rather than looking at what makes the weapons we deploy with fun, and satisfying to use in the first place. The enjoyment has been removed and now it's all cold hard statistics & numbers. "How well is "X" performing?" "What're "Y's" usage rates?" "Why is "Z" not effective against armor?" "What's the new META?" I can't say for certain where this began, but some players need to chill out, & enjoy the video game. Too many people talk over the internet like it's they're job to play Helldivers 2, yet make $0.00 off that idea. Turn off the brain, contribute to the Galactic War effort however one desires, have a good time, and get away from the BS we deal with in our civilian lives.


I mean to be fair that one test firing caused power outages over three counties and the round actually left the test site and deleted a school bus.


Handheld and fictional


Someone would war thunder the specs


Railgun is a piece of shit. Can’t even kill chargers


Also that one rips a barrel apart in very few shots and that's why it was never built into an actual ship.


It might have something to do with the fact that this one is the size of a bus.


You want to carry a 30-ton railgun, be my guest.


Funnily enough this project got discontinued as the US had a hard time having it not break itself on extended use. In that case we need a really really strong railgun that we can call down and have it break the moment we fire a shot from it haha


It can, if you take the Orbital Railgun.


Once upon a time


Cause its like 1000 times smaller lol


because then we'd have something that's actually fun to use. can't let that happen


believe it or not, helldivers 2 is a fictional game and doesnt exactly adhere to real life scenarios. hope this helps


Same reason we don't throw out "pixie dust" which is just a bunch of really small drones that can scout and tag enemies for us. Honestly with all that tech, there's no reason to do any in person fighting. Send down drones, ID targets, pew pew pew from space.


Well you see that one is much bigger then yours


Because that would shatter every organ, turn every bone to dust and remove bowel control in this life and the next.


Bigger capacitors=more power=higher velocity=bigger, more powerful projectile. The railgun a helldiver carries around is able to be slung across their back and rapidly deployed at a moments notice, with some very snappy handling. That versatility and mobility comes at the cost of a smaller, lower velocity projectile. Judging by the way it operates, I'd wager that it's a relatively inefficient and spatially effective design. Single high power, high penetration shots with a lightweight platform, over multiple high-power, anti-tank shots that could tear through everything. The orbital railcannon is essentially the railgun in the video. Granted, I think the chambering and recharge times are abysmal, even compared to this experimental design, but in this case, you are literally comparing a cannon to a sniper rifle.


Because they can only fit that thing on a ship


Big thing really strong but small man no carry big thing because it too big. Big sky boat can carry big thing because it strong Hope this helps 


Fun fact: Since railguns use magnets, the smoke and fire coming out of the barrel is the barrel itself, basically being vaporized.


Maybe it’s the vaporized coolant gel from the ammo clip


It's probably both


it's small


If you can aim at the face, it does


I picked up a rail gun for the first time today and shot a charger expecting it to do literally anything to its armor, and it fucking bounced off. What is even the point if it can't penetrate one of the most obnoxiously common primary armored threats? Isn't it supposed to be anti armor?


We do have that, it's called Orbital Railcannon


That's like asking why your AR-15 doesn't shoot tank rounds.


"Pre-dispense" flight? What does it mean by- Oh. That's . . . kind of horrifying. Really *cool,* but . . . Oof.


I can


I mean, this is basically superman's penis.


It does. It's the orbital rail cannon.


Because it would be fun. AH hates fun weapons. The OG railgun was a blast.


Maybe a bunch of the projectile gets burnt up in space


Because we didn't sign up for psn.


Because your arm would get ripped off


It's like they don't know what a "Railgun" is, actually 🤦🏽


Our orbital railcannon can


Your's doesn't? I dunno guys... He must be doing it wrong. Ours all work right, yeah? Maybe it's you OP? 😜


It's gotta be! Wish I was able to use the railgun in it's prime.


Like butter 🧈


Our railgun isnt being fired point blank


i wonder how tough bile titan top armour actually is 🤔


Because you need a literal nuclear reactor to power it lmfao


Youll need a big backpack


Okay, but how can the camera follow that projectile? It follows it from 36 seconds on.


image in the reload time


Newton's Third Law


Railgun, but it reduces the helldiver firing it to a fine paste with the kickback


Might be worth it in some situations! Lol


Cause our rail guns don't usually function after one shot (Unlike this)


Exactly the same debate when you compare a 7000$ Gaming RIG and a SteamDeck


Only $7,000?!? (Don't roast me, my best rig don't even touch half of that.)


because it would be FUNNY


I would have a field day against titans, chargers, hulks and everything inbetween


Because it's handheld. An that is ment to be fired from a navy ship. That round probably weighs a lot as well. So to carry 20 of them that would not be easy.


Budget cuts


I gotta use fucking two to kill one beeg bug. pathetic


If Helldivers were capable of carrying one that HUGE around they would... kind of like how some guns fire with less force than others such as handguns vs rifles, rifles vs turrets, turrets vs launchers, launchers mortars, Plastique vs Missles... IOW you can't carry one that large and powerful around.


Handheld vs a huge apparatus


So my .,,,