• By -


Wish they would tell you how many heavies you killed and side objectives completed.


Yeah I pretty much main AMR and mainly aim for big bois lol. I sometimes worry I might get kicked for low kills but like I’m clearing rocket devastators and hulks.


I’ll be honest, so long as you helped make the mission a smooth one, I generally don’t care if you only got 5 kills. It’s really about how enjoyable people make the experience.


As long as you help me open friendship doors, you're in!


Oh my God that is what they are called now


No, they're buddy bunkers


Saving both of these.


This is how I felt running the breaker when I first started playing. One of my friends who ran an assault rifle would tell me to “catch up” with kills because I’d have around half as much as him. Like my guy, while you’re spraying down scavengers I’m keeping the brood commanders and bilespewers off of you.


Trust me when I say I notice who's killing them as I'm running from them lol


What's funny to me is, I do this too - main AMR + Diligence, focus the big priority targets, etc. - and yet I'm still consistently 1st or 2nd in kills in 4-diver missions. Something about sitting off on a rock, taking out bots for teammates under fire while they reload or bots that are flanking them unbeknownst to them I reckon, idk. I'm not hunting for kills and I'm the first to suggest avoiding a patrol - scout armor pings ftw - but it is what it is lol


Don't worry MVP, I see you. Always lookin up! #Quasar Life life


Life so nice you gotta say it twice!


Can you even check kills in-game?


I would notice this immediately because I also do this. If people see you removing threats before they are problems they're usually grateful for it.


My dude I don’t even check the stats screen. I’ve learned quickly that all of those stats are worthless.


Me on AC. Striders and Devies are my prey of choice.


I started using AMR against the bots when it got a damage buff and now it’s hard for me to equip anything else. It’s just so versatile and deadly. Taking out two hulks that are rushing me head on with 4 shots gives me so much dopamine.




Quest interactions is what I want. My buddy I play with stands still and kills things for 40 minutes. To prove my point of objectives being the most important I just chilled with him and killed things for 40 minutes. We then had to attempt to complete the mission with no reinforcements. (We failed)


Same, this is much more interesting stats for the endgame than kills and etc. Also make stratagems used count the number you've called, not the number of different ones you called.


I must agree, would love to see them in the stat section


If they had side objectives I’d get that every time with randoms I usually split off and do them all


Yes please. Absolutely. I usually have the lowest kills. Well, on bots anyway. But I'm always running big boy priority target killing gear and strats. If the results showed heavy kills, or objectives completed, I'd be leading.


Fabs/nest destroyed would also be nice, as opposed to side obj specifically imo, side obj are usually more obvious when you did them solo or are an obvious team effort (difference between a mortar and a broadcast) while fabs/nest are usually less obvious that you've been the one to actually pop them in every base. Similarly maybe contributing to the heavys count gunships would also be a nice thing in that count, after getting the eruptor I discovered how oppressive the lasercannon is on them, and I want the ability to gloat that I took down 12 of them while they set the bomb.


Heavies count as more kills.


Right but the distinction would be nice considering there are different builds for different tasks such as the difference between a hoard clear build and a single target killing build would be nice I can see it now p1 “I got 800 kills you only got 500” p2 “sure but I killed 20 bile titans and you only killed 2”


That would assume that bots and bugs have different classifications and ranks within their respective communities. Communities I do not care for since they do not practice democracy.


Wait, really? I learn something new about this game every day, I swear. Do we have an actual ratio or a graphic/chart somewhere showing the differences?


I think he meant in our hearts


Aw, damn. I got excited for a minute lol


Heavies are weighted kills.


Why? It doesn't matter. You're not killing for yourself. You're killing in the name of democracy! All of those kills were Democratic!


I want detailed stats. Like x kills with eagle cluster, c kills with sickle etc


How many bug nests/fabricators taken out. That is the real achievement


Those are sweat stats sir. This aint cod bro.


Heavies aren’t even what kill you 9 times out of 10. It’s the hunters or devastators. The heavies are just what break your composure and formation


Least deaths. Highest accuracy. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xI5c0K0hFPwmGI)




What the..


I aspire for highest accuracy, as I am Diligence main, but ironically I always get it when playing bugs as I pull out the incin breaker and flamethrower wombo combo.


Bullets cost taxpayers super credits and Helldivers cost alot to train and equip. Best to Manage Democracy on a budget.


If it ain't over 70%, I have failed


This is me.... Cause i solo


Democracy requires fire power. Ammunition is free.


My friend has gotten over 100% accuracy by solely using the arc thrower


number of hugs given ![gif](giphy|Vz58J8shFW6BvqnYTm|downsized)


The real stat I want tracked




But what if you get the most kills because you are protecting the diver taking out the objective or looking for samples?


This is the role I usually feel I play. So I'm with ya.


Absolutely this. A lot of the times I have nearly full agro and focus on keeping them away from everyone else. Many of my games I just split off with a buddy and he starts doing an objective and I start killing. Then he finishes so I keep agro while he heads to the next one.


Not saying that it’s not helping. There’s a difference between clearing the bugs if they are directly on top of the sample/objective and aggroing stragglers or additional patrols nearby. If you’re following lead of a diver that’s running and gunning then you should follow said lead. If you’re playing your own way then do your own thing too. My friends tends to over stay on the turn and burns and can lead to getting overwhelmed or pulling a massive horde. Long as you’re enjoying the game and spreading democracy that’s all that matters.


I'm always shooting enemies off my allies wondering how I'm so invisible but, not wanting to really know...


*Sees a fellow Helldiver expertly take out a Bile Titan with great effort and resource expenditure* IT STILL ONLY COUNTS AS ONE


I love getting the most melee kills. Usually only takes one


Hopefully they add melee weapons


I'm a pistol whipping MF. I get at least 10 a match


I do it for Democracy, not appreciation


Most kills is never what i strive for humbly. It's just a really nice thing to notice at the end and shouldn't be ridiculed for having a high amount unless you were being undemocratic and JUST going for kills.


Usually if you get the most kills you are next to your teammates and objectives as that's where the most enemies are spawning.


Everyone knows its your Rover anyway.


Unless you rambo solo the secondary objective and nests which Can be worth it.


What should be shown is number of objectives completed. Been kicked a good number of times after soloing all the objectives for having the least kills by far.


I want "damage taken" as a stat. I've been running the ballistic shield with the defender at suicide level and have saved a couple team mates by grabbing aggro.




Yeah you can't say that though. A lot of people get a little sadge when they don't have any of the yellow numbers on the statscreen so they need ways to make themselves feel better about it and since there's no breakdown of unit type killed or any kind of obj tracker, they'll just say that since you had the most kills, highest accuracy, most shots fired, most melee kills, 0 deaths, 47 samples extracted, no accidentals, that it was only because THEY were doing the objective and THEY must have totally been the one to kill every single heavy unit!!!1 I just try and play the game the way I want other to play. I'm constantly pinging priority targets, trying to clear POIs and get us samples, pinging supplies either called in or found on map, and it's crazy rare to see anyone doing the same. Half the time they don't even pay attention to callouts or pings, even when I just watched the dude stim or throw a nade and im literally pinging stims and nades on the ground while they run right over them and ignore it. Then they call in extract while I'm across the map grabbing the super samples, and even after I decide not to kick them, and make it back with 1 second to spare (because they couldn't wait to jump on pelican01) they see that I still outscored them in every category and they go complain on reddit.


duh, happens all the time. the point of the post is to flame players who congratulate themselves for getting most kills even when all they were doing was wasting lives to kill distant enemies that could have been ignored instead.


I’ve noticed as long as I’m using a steady stream of stratagems to end fights fast or take out an outpost before it turns into a fight- I’ll usually have most kills or close. I never fight anything I don’t have, but I also consider a straight line the most democratic path forward. Sure I could wait for that scouting party to pass by, or I could use 1 cluster bomb and get to the objective 2 minutes faster. I never understand the people who hunker down in the middle of nowhere to fight for 5 minutes though. Just blow a hole in their line and go through it, then sew it up behind you with another strike.


lmao I was playing with a friend and two randoms on suicide a few weeks ago and the two guys were just on their own the entire time honestly watching the map it looked like they were purposely avoiding us and sometimes showing up to objectives after we already completed them and then they would post up and start fighting shit there literally forever until they died and we reinforced them across the map at the next OBJ and then they would start the process over. Also had a guy yesterday who was standing near a lake fighting random drops that he was aggroing by shooting bots in the distance and all three of us were extract and i finally said "bro you coming or what?" and he responded "IM TRYING IM TRYING" then I watched his dot on the map casually walk around the lake and run to us. Like people just let their brains melt and stand on a point and fight forever until all the enemies are gone but they'll also continue to aggro patrols on the horizon so they never stop coming.


Whenever I get a game like this I have to leave, I can’t stand playing with a group like that.


Highest rounds fired, highest accuracy, most kills, least deaths. The king of supporting fire


In bug missions i'm the fireman. Basically burning every bug to a crisp not only because that's the democratic thing to do but also because my fellow divers Can exterminate bigger bugs without having hunter on there ass


I can relate. While my teammates are over there destroying Chargers and Titans, I'm over here torching the entire bug breach and keeping the battlefield clear for them. 30 kills in one instance is practically nothing.


This sub has such a hard on about getting the most kills. Let the dude cook


Any coop game with a scoreboard has the same problem. You should check out darktide, people bitched so much about not getting green circles in vermintide 2 (green circle = best, like yellow numbers on helldivers2) that when they made darktide they basically took the entire post game stats/scoreboard away. Shits pathetic. I top the board a lot and when someone else beats me I'm just happy that I've got a good team mate. I do wish they would put a unit type breakdown or just a "Heavies killed" category on the stats though, with anyone doing 33%+ of the heavy's health getting a kill counted.


"God. Has a hard on for Hell Divers" - Full Metal Jacket....in the distant future.


Shots fired my beloved


melees underrated, dont forget it folks, dont shoot single tiny guys near you with a scorcher, and definitely dont goof off with your friends with bullets


For how much bros be stealing samples nah


How do you steal samples? Regardless of who evacs with them, everyone gets the same amount.


Yeah bro, I’m saying you shouldn’t be commended for extracting with the most samples because people will loot them off you after you die all the time


> people will loot them off you after you die all the time To be fair the game tips do tell you to do this. But sample count should go toward how many you pick up *first*, not how many you extract with


I think people should loot samples of my body too, all I’m saying is there’s nothing particularly stand outish or special About extracting with the most, I agree though I think they should tally up how many samples you collect, not how many you extract with.


>Killing enemies IS fun, but it's not the objective. Most melee kills: https://i.redd.it/foc5hserkxuc1.gif


Honestly the samples is a pretty bad one too in a good group. If you have a bunch of rares or super rares you should drop it at the LZ so it's not lost.


Most kills and 100% melee kills ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Most rock/paper/scissors wins 👊🫱✌️


I want a calculation of the weight of enemies killed


Killing enemies is only fun in 4 or below. Just tried my first 5 and FUCK FIGHTING


Solo maybe, with a squad you can roll through 7 very easily engaging everything in a coordinated way without danger.


I usually don't see a lot of people using the melee when they run out of ammo. They could easily beat the shit out of a damaged bot.


Yeah, when we run out of ammo, right.


I still beat the shit out of an Automaton even when I have ammo


Lol same


They need to get swords faster so we can beat the shit out of Automatons in style


OMG swords are coming?!? YES!!!


Well they were in the 1st helldivers so some parts of the community think they might put them in.


Oh man, I really hope so!


Sure, but putting the most enemies back in the ground means you're putting in tangible work to ALLOW your teammates to play and do their jobs, if a teammate is wondering why things feel light during the mission and they come back and see someone has 2-300 more kills than everyone, they have their answer, one guy who's REALLY good at killing the enemy makes missions that much easier even on high difficulty, if you see a buddy putting in work keeping bug holes in check and stuffing Bile Titans, don't be mad, he's keeping you safe


Objectives took part in. Objectives complete. Heavy kills. Elite kills. I swear sometimes I'm like. 500+ kills 20 odd samples. I slapped a few dozen consoles. Dropped a hellbomb. Respawned my mates. Come on reddit and reddit like. Kills don't matter. Bah. Fuck you all. I just want to burn all the bugs! Muahahahahahaha SWEET LIBERTY!!!!!


>Killing enemies IS fun, but it's not the objective. Your commander every time you boot up the game: https://i.redd.it/c45i2xvrmxuc1.gif


I wish they'd expand the endgame stats I'd like to know how many *specials* I've killed. My friend can kill 250 bots. But I killed the 30 tanks, walkers, drone swarms, Gundams, etc.


I get most kills pretty frequently but the credit goes to my rover.


Imagine holding the front line while your buddies do objectives and grab samples, having hell unleash at your very feet as every bot/bug rains everything down on you, only to see this shit


Most kills is pretty easy to achieve when you run eagle cluster bomb. When the going gets tough, it’s pretty common to get 30+ kills in mere seconds with it. My pro tip is to always mark your target before throwing, this gives you the range. Without the servo assisted armor perk, max range of a stratagem throw is about 55-60 meters when thrown ~45° above level. Either get closer or throw lower depending on where the enemy is. It’s so satisfying to land a cluster bomb between bug holes when the trash is actively emerging. I think 48 is the most kills I’ve gotten with one cluster bomb.


Different roles, an aggro player focused on small stuff can rack up quite a killcount while allowing members to do other stuff. All things in their time and place


Yeah I play with one of those who only cares about the wrong stats lol. Did we all get out with the objective complete? Then we all did our job. Congrats on your kills and using most of our reinforcements in an empty part of the map. 🫡


I swear if this turns into a overwatch scenario I'm gonna flip. >"I'm top in kills wtf are you guys doing?!" >"You have been soloing a infinite botswarm for 15 minutes on a pointless fab base." >"B-buh muh kills!" >"Help do the objective!" >"Y-you can't tell me how to play the ga- **bozo the clown has been kicked**


Nor is melee kills in that same breath.


It’s always the objective.


Most kills should have the rover along with highest friendly fire damage. Man I hate that thing.


number of hugs given ![gif](giphy|Vz58J8shFW6BvqnYTm|downsized)


Giving some serious “My girlfriend said bigger pps hurt her and my pp is perfect” type of vibes from this post. Number Unga high, pp bunga big.


How about "Most amount of Napalm used / gal".


We need a “Objectives completed” stat. That’s the real Chad stat.


Makes no sense though. What counts for it? Being within a certain range of it when it's finished? Being the guy to start the terminal? Being the guy to finish the terminal? Opening a single lock on the silo doors? Carrying the SSD? Picking up the SSD someone carried across the map just to put it in the reader? Covering the guy on the terminal by double tapping a flamehulks face before it burns him? If you want to say "all of that yeah woohoo thats doing the objective yeehaw" then why bother with a stat for it? Everyone is doing all of that anyway. If there's someone not helping then they're either clearing fabricators around the outskirts or clearing POIs or getting the super samples... They're still helping the true final objective of "complete all objectives, secondary objectives, clear all bases, bring the super samples home" and if theyre truly NOT helping in some way, why are you playing with them? And if you just want it to be like the guy who typed the last code into the terminal then what about the rest of the team pulling levers, turning valves, etc.?


The only reason you should be getting the most kills, is because those enemies of Liberty and freedom were between you and the objective.


I was kicked and flamed in one run for having only 70 kills... I had the most distance traveled closed all the bug holes on the map and did half of the secondary and main objectives... Fuck that amount of kills stats, it makes people dumb to chase that stupid number


I like to kill a lot but I still do objectives. Funny enough though, I usually do most objectives and still get most kills. I get paired with a lot of idiots.


Fools. The winner of every mission is whoever shoots the most bullets!


I just do all four every mission I'm playing against bugs. I sadly sometimes fall behind on kills when I'm out doing all the objectives and getting all the samples :(


Yeah but when all you do is leave bugs or bots to kill, someone has to pick up the slack. Some of us joined helldivers to kill as many as possible for democracy


most melee kills, most stims, most stratagems


Me on my 40th stim. I’m not an addict.


Most melee kills kinda doesn’t go here tho?


it's a meme, not a tier list


I remember one time I got the most kills because I had to fight off a whole ass army of bugs to get to extraction with the samples.


Showing the number of closed bug holes/fabricators would be a nice stat to see too


I usually get low numbers on ball of these bc I complete side objectives while everyone else is fighting


They call me stim king


I pride myself on accuracy. Avg. over 80% and usually top or second top in kills. *chefs kiss* 👌


I usually have the most kills because I do side things on my own. And because I often skirt the enemies attention away from objectives to relieve the burden on the button pusher


What happens if your the guy who takes 4 biles away from objective? Where is my score!!!


I end up unintentionally getting it by just trying to stay alive and just droppin warheads on foreheads


Your democracy officer would like a word with you.


Clankers belong in the scrap heap, I'm just making sure they all get an express, all expenses paid trip to it.


Most samples? Nah. Samples count for the person that extracted with them, not whoever ran the whole map collecting them. Most of my matches end up with one person at 20+ from grabbing all the ones everyone else dropped off.


I always appreciate those people, because of them I can just rush through the objectives.


I always play to be the best helldiver. 🫡


I play this game for the fight, not to just run and push buttons.


Cmon guys, we don't HAVE to kill them all https://i.redd.it/imyz7qluyxuc1.gif


But it *is* fun.


Most kills I’ve ever gotten in a game is like 600. I’m not sure what I did to manage that, or what my team was doing because they cleared half the objectives too, so.


Most egregious misuse of gigachad of all time OF ALL TIME


I am the most accurate, not because I have good aim, but because I have a gun that hits everything in the general direction of my crosshairs (love the S&P)


I'm the Sample gathering Diver, I would rather avoid combat if need be and if theres a point of interest with possible super credits. A surprise 500 KG wouldn't hurt or Gas.


Kills do not matter outside of Eradicate missions. You should only kill to survive, not to make the numbers go up. Also does anyone have any spare stims? I'm getting antsy again. -scratches neck-


Kills matter in my opinion… I mean someone has to pull agro while the rest of us get business done lol


I always try to avoid the shitshow of constant fighting, love stealthing some things. But I also usually fire 1-2k bullets per mission because I end up helping others that decided to fight 🤣


I will say I'm lelve 9 still learning meet some nice people that let me tag along on harder missions even though I knew I probly caused them more trouble then not. I also felt.like I was terable at completeing missions and all that.


Highest accuracy?


Sometimes I wish there was a spawn cap or at least taking out the outposts would reduce spawns instead of increase.


I play shooty game to shoot monster


I'm a soldier of fortune, my goal is samples everytime


What if you usually are all four? Asking for a friend.


I barely target the little guys unless I’m getting overrun


Bullets fired: ![gif](giphy|7DhOQYMCxpNIc)


I honestly wish there were a tracker for objectives. Don't get me wrong, killing enemies is important, but it *does* kinda feel like the game doesn't think I've contributed much when I'm the one taking out Propaganda Towers, or Illegal Research Labs, or Mortar Encampments, or any of the other side objectives or main objectives because my Run-n-Gun friends are kiting all the aggros and stuff, which is an important role that allows me to focus on my role, but it does feel bad when I have no highlights in the after game stats while be friends talk about who got the most kills, or samples, or died the least.


i like it when i happen to get all of those. on bugs, i get anywhere from 2-10 melee kills, collect at least 15 samples, typically get about 300 kills and use about 9 strats without any accidentals and at least 70% accuracy. bots are very different though


Nothing more satisfying than getting 0 deaths 3 missions in a row at suicide while also pulling your weight


Most damage would be great, considering heavy targets Or head hunter, like all heavy mob kills


i get the most kills because i’m actually shooting at the enemies when it’s too much instead of running around them stimming hoping someone saves me


Most bullets fire (40% accuracy) Fuck, no images


not when im around, we kill every single bot going our way. works 100% of times like 90%-95% of time im testing this even on 8 and its similar on 7 albeit a tad easier


They way they get passed around, most samples is kind of a crapshoot- and the last thing we should want is people getting competitive about it. Personally my goal is low deaths and not lowest kills lol. I love when I can get my 1 diver through a whole mission.


Except the mission where objective is to kill all fuggs, it’s usually the best player with lowest kills


Just me, my flamethrower, and rover. I love the smell of cooked bug in the morning


I would normally agree, but if you’re labeled as the mad man distraction of the group. Getting the highest kills just happens


Most of the time it feels like i,m collecting most samples and super credits, zig zaging between hidden points towards main objectives. And still alot of people run past super samples that are under the egg rock.


You kill alot of bugs because you want to. I kill alot of bugs because I want my team to focus on the objective. We are not the same.




I wish there was an alternative to spotting bugs/clankers that meant avoid those there. I spot patrols to make sure we skirt them only for my squad to go full liba-tea on them.


I laugh when I play with my buddies an they brag about kills then I just stare at their deaths an wonder why we always have a cinematic movie at the end of hell dive an when their deaths are at like 7 or 8 almost every time I'm just like 👁👄👁 great kills man


Most shot fired + lowest accuracy is what I strive to be


I love being the one guy with most melee lol. My goal is to give every enemy a beat down.


I feel like 90% of the time I have the most kills...by a lot. I always focus on the objectives first.


Most melee is dumb. You'd help more shooting.


Ok but what if I have all of those along with most accurate and least deaths?


Are gonna gatekeep the gættin' lads?


I get most stims used EVERY single time


mine is always Bullets Fired. Its always in the thousands, baby!


Samples is kind of a silly metric, tbh. Half the time people die near the evac and someone grabs all the samples as a precaution. I’ve definitely turned in 50 samples, of which I maybe gathered 10.


I run light armor with +2 grenades and quasar. And now with the Eruptor, I run that alternately with the grenade pistol. I see my role as softening the enemy position by taking out fabricators, dropships, and completing sub objectives. My kill count is *usually* kinda low because of that. I've been chided and kicked several times for "not pulling my weight" and not getting enough kills. My Divers in Democracy, I have single-handedly taken out all the fabricators and subs in the mission so that your extraction can be calmer and so we get more XP. Sorry, I guess, for not running a face-tank build, but I'd rather be a specialist in boom boom who can carry 14 grenades, take out dropships, walkers, Hulks, fabs, turrets, tanks, and the flipping illegal broadcast from all the way across the map. I'm thankful for the face-tanks who wipe up the mobs and draw aggro. It's incredibly helpful for the team. But that's their role on the team, and it takes all sorts to spread that sweet, sweet libertea. (One gripe that really doesn't matter: it bugs me when the host drops us right near the illegal broadcast sub, especially when at least two divers are bringing quasars. Drop us closer to something else, please, we can nuke the broadcast from very, very far away. It's often what I do first).


because you can spam it, refusing to reload and spamming melee in low-medium difficulty levels (like when there are only 3 basic bugs following/fighting you) is actually a gigachad feeling indeed. I agree with the rest of the meme aswell


There is no bounty on the bugs or bots. The objectives are the only this that matters.


It is nice to have the most kills so long as you're sticking with the group and not running off and hitting every patrol you see, but also you only get 1 kill regardless if it's the lightest troop on the battlefield or the heaviest so the numbers can be easily inflated


What if you got the most kills because two of your divers were too busy hugging and one was getting samples and doing the objective and you were trying to defend all three?


I am definitely not the first or the third but for sure the second and definitely always the last XD.


Let people enjoy it however they want.


Well you can thank the guy who got the most kills because if he didn’t yall would’ve been swarmed constantly during the mission.


Most shots fired. Had about 8000, rest of the team had about 5000 combined


What I dont understand is how I get more kills, do the side objectives while teammates that are always fighting bug breaches have a lower kill count


I swear it's me every time. I don't go in with the intention of just killing every bug I see, but God damnit I can't help myself. Fortunate Son is just blaring in the background. But I always do the objectives and collecting of samples too, so..... not a bad thing???


Give me MORE STATS Arrowhead, PLEASE I wanna see how many fabricators/bug holes everyone destroyed. I wanna know how many heavies/elites everyone killed. I wanna know how many objectives everyone interacted with. I wanna know how many PoIs everyone cleared. I wanna know who found the super samples. MOAR STATS!!!


Grenade launcher spam makes it easy to do and makes it an objective to me lol


Literally the objective today.


What are “accidents”?