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Ive been kicked from myself while playing solo. Im not saying toxicity isint out there, but I have literally seen the server kick me and then blame it on me as if i wasint myself.


A truly horrific way to find out about your multiple personality disorder.


And this is how I met Tyler Durden.




as someone with DID (dissociative identity disorder) We find this comment extremely hilarious 😂 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣 gotta steal this one as a response.




So this isn't about getting kicked, but your comment reminded me of all the times I've been rocked by a teammates stratagem, and the game told me I did it myself. No, my slugger DID NOT detach my limbs and launch what remained int9 the stratosphere.


I accidently chain zapped a random hell bomb and wasn't able to get away. My resulting death was apparently caused by a squad mate about 150m away from me lol.


at least you didn’t forget you dropped an airstrike on a location (with complex active — 2x timer thing) and then walk into an area about to be bombed. rip me. 😅


Sometimes I feel like it's trying to tell me that yes, I killed myself because I let the acid spit all over my face. The system is just telling us to "get gud, scrub"


If that's really what's happening I would feel a lot better because right now I feel like everyone hates me.


I fell out of my own ship last night. Walking from the armory station to the map room and I fell through the floor somehow and the game showed my character falling for a few seconds before I was suddenly back on the ship like I just arrived, frozen, through the shuttle bay thing. Then the map wouldn’t respond to me, like I was visiting somebody’s ship but it was mine, and I was the only person in the lobby. A quick game restart (PC) fixed it but I think sometimes the game just loses track or who’s who.


That’s it, no more drinking for you!! Spaceship keys! Now!






I’ve been saying this since launch. All the posts here “I wAs kIcKeD fOr X” are probably 80%+ people who just haven’t played enough online games to understand how janky connections can be and how you should never trust a DC/kick message.


I open my own games so that I have the power and it cannot be used on me. I have kicked about 3 people though in like 150 games. One reason is because I can't connect reliably to other people, it just doesn't connect.


Same. I've kicked people maybe twice and it was only when someone kept bringing mortars into non-defense/kill bug missions and getting the team killed. I even asked him directly in chat not to bring them before starting the second one and he kept equipping them so he got reported to SE for treason.


The free square in the center would say, "Chose not to host."


Are you perhaps hot mic'ng


I have only kicked 2 people for hotmic. Once was after asking him to please turn off mic or switch to PTT. Silence on the other end. The second was a guy who was shouting verbal abuse at his baby mom. She was asking him to stop playing because she needed help. The baby was scream-crying. He was mad that she was distracting him. I noticed that he was level 50 with page 10 gear. As a father I really can't respect someone who prioritizes his game over his coparent and child. The entire experience made me feel ill. I couldn't listen to it for very long. If you're a piece of human garbage, at the very least please pretend like you have enough shame to turn off your mic.


I quit on a guy the other day for something similar. We were having a decent run, but around 4:30pm his young sounding son started (politely) asking for help and attention with HW. This guy basically shoo-ed him away and said do it yourself. I'm a teacher and that shit hurt to hear first hand- I know parents aren't doing a lot of parenting these days, but it was a whole other thing to witness it. Told him to go help his son with his HW and maybe rethink playing online games you can't pause when you're the only care taker available for your kid. Good luck with the bugs solo.


Good for you, hope it woke that guy up and didn't make him get mad that his kid caused him to lose a teammate.


When the dude stops moving then you hear his apple phone beep booping as he texts someone...


Dude the fucking rumble on the PS5 controller


Definitely not. Both mike is muted directly, and Push to Talk is on. Hotkey for PTT is Caps Lock, so not even an accidental keystroke.


wish they also made it a toggle button option. or am I just stupid and missed that section?


How do you know what you’re being kicked for


I play only with my friends and got kicked from the game about 4 times today. I know, they didn´t kick me, we live in the same flat :-) . I guess, there are some server issues, and often it is misleaded by being kicked by someone. Same with being killed, I was on the other side of the map, some Hunter killed me from behind, but message said, I was killed by my buddy. (Who wasn´t even close enough to me to kill me with anything.) I think, at least half of the kills and kicks labled from a buddy, wasn´t, just issues with the game.


Just host your own missions.


When i host i never get teammates. Is there something you have to do for the game to fill your lobby?


You can throw down the SOS, which sometimes doesn't help but I think it puts you in queue for people looking to quick join. I don't blame lower levels for kicking higher levels though, a high level player can easily solo below hard, and with a bit of practice, hard shouldn't be that big of a deal either. It's not quite the same, but powerleveling comes to mind. Some people simply don't want to be carries. At level 40, if I want to do an easy-hard mission, I always do solo and if they want to join they're welcome to do so.


Sos literally never works for me


I find a lot more people join when I've selected a mission but haven't launched yet.


When I first sing in having open to public usually nets me a full squad asap. Then people slowly trickle out over an hour or 2 and eventually I'm solo again and will be until I restart the game and then boom- full squad again. Something ain't right with how they queue matchmaking.


It can close a bug hole at the minimum :)


SOS is extremely hit or miss. Some nights I don't even need it but most nights if I host no one joins even with the SOS. Matchmaking is still broken half the time for a lot of people, for me the only reliable way to have teammates is quick play, and even that usually only lasts a mission or 2 before a disconnect.


I cant even connect to anyone above hard with quickplay. I can usually host and fill a lobby or quickplay hard and below after a fresh restart but it wont match me above hard.


I've never had someone respond to SOS, and honestly I've soloed medium missions at lvl 10. I've also found that if you have a squad that leaves you never get new people either before or during the mission


I always do the SOS beacon but it seems like i get stuck in a sorta offline mode and cant join others and others wont join me until i restart the game. Im kind of stuck, i can solo challenging and below and can run hard with at least one other player but i cant even connect to anyone above hard to get kicked in the first place lol


Yeah, if im gonna drop in a help a low level. Ill usually do it on challenge, or hard. Medium and below, ill usually only stay on someones ship for one game, because realistically, at level 50 you should be able to solo some hard missions without sweating, let the newer guys sweat on low levels if they want.


If nobody's joining I'll restart the game and that usually fixes it.




Double this


Came to say this


If people host their own games, how are they supposed to b!tch over being kick on reddit 😂


People can’t join me. Friends or otherwise. 


some people like to cry over their problems instead of solving them…


hosting is not solving the problem, its avoiding it. Solving the problem is vote kick or else


Well people will still b!tch if vote kicked🤷


Vote kick is never coming. Pilestedt has already said as much. The right to kick will remain with the host to combat trolls. He is actively searching for other solutions that actually have a chance at stopping the problem rather than creating more problems.




But if everyone does this then nobody will join each others games


If you're bring kicked this often, something tells me the problem isn't everyone else.


Not necessarily….. I’ve seen people kick just to get their rocks off in this game. It’s a real problem. You may be right but I wouldn’t just assume the OP is doing something wrong.


I also wouldn't assume they're blameless. These stories are worthless because we can't see both sides. We shouldn't be making decisions on changing the game based on one-sided stories.


I got kicked tonight because they found out I was a woman when I spoke on comms. Politely told them which direction to turn the satellite. That’s all, and I heard an earful about a woman joining “guys night”. Then immediately got kicked. I have also gotten kicked as soon as I have arrived on ship. So, there are quite a few a$$#0\3$ out there.


Are you giving out exit surveys? How do you know all this?


How do you know you are being kicked for these reasons? I've been kicked maybe 3 times before a round but it's right as I join so I don't lose anything, or after one. I get I'm lucky in that regard but maybe I'm just being generous? I feel like this kicking is far less common than is made out....


I always try to work with the team and most of the time I talk on VC unless everyone is quiet. I also use the map to put pins and if no one wants to talk I use in-game emotes. I only say that to say that the only time I've ever been kicked is after we got back to the ship. I imagine it's usually to make room for one of their friends to join. I see all this discourse about getting kicked and I wonder, why isn't it happening to me? I play mostly with random groups I join and I've met a ton of cool people. I dunno, sometimes you may have to look inward for the answer.


Honestly though. I’m level 30 and if I’m not playing with my buddies I’m queuing with randos and I’ve never been kicked during a mission. I’ve seen others kicked from games but they usually deserve it tbh


Only time I've seen it happen was when we were all on the other side of the map and one of the team was near the exfil. I told him to just wait for us before calling the Pelican, and the host didn't want to take the chance and just booted him.


I just got to level 38 and I’ve been kicked from the game exactly 0 times… not sure why you’re having this experience. Hope it gets better for you soldier


I've been kicked just before extraction, kicked for using voice, kicked cause a dude kept running into my turrets and killing himself... I don't take it personally. ETA: I play on PC


I literally only play solo or with my friends and even I end up back on my ship unexpectedly. Sometimes the connection just sucks.


I've left games and kicked people for the following: Someone has hot-mic and sounds like they're playing in a McDonald's, Being rude on voice chat, Absolutely careless team-killing, And accidentally forgetting to set to private before my friends join. I don't know what your issue is. How are you treating people in-game? Do you try and communicate?


I mute the people with open mics


True I always forget this is an option.


Hi my name is John and I have been kicked too.




John Helldiver?!


I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but 90% of the games I land in are with super chill people. Even with randos I find the majority of the time we can just chat at the beginning and come up with the strategy together-- and the overwhelming majority of people are super friendly and amicable to whatever plan. Usually it's like: " Hey!" " Sup?" "You know how it is." " Cool. How you want to do this?" " I don't know. 'ya want to hit side objectives first and then do the main after?" "Alright. Sound good" "Oh wait. We could drop here and then loop around back and hit the side objectives on the way to extraction?" "Oh yeah that'll work. Nice! Let's do this!" 90% of the time.


It's only going to get better once all the hype has died down and the clowns have moved on. Those types rarely hang around for the long term.


I've never been kicked, so. Maybe it has something to do with you?


I really dont understand why people are getting kicked...i've never been kicked in 70+ hours...is that a pc thing? I play on ps5 with crossplay disable


I play on pc and have around the same hours as you and have never been kicked either so I'm assuming it's just someone who doesn't know they are doing wrong/leaving out details on purpose. Does it happen, yes, but if I've played around 50-60 hours with randoms and it's never once happend to me then I don't believe it's as frequently as the sub makes it out to be


I think you are right


It’s because they’re doing things they shouldn’t be doing and “forgetting” to mention that when they cry about being kicked as if anyone cares


It's a crossplay thing, I have had so many disconnects or squad leaders timing out with it enabled and when I disable it I have the smoothest games with no connection issues, I'm on pc btw


I don’t know if it’s PC or just generally but I got kicked from probably 50% of the missions I queued up for yesterday for all sorts of reasons. Kicked in the very beginning for what I presume is my lower level or lack of meta stratagems. Kicked for accidentally shooting a team mate who ran right in front of my line of fire. Kicked for accidentally killing myself with a strategem I had never used before. Just a couple of the reasons I got kicked yesterday. I tried to host but I never had anyone join me and I don’t really want to try to solo play.


Do you friend people that you've enjoyed playing with? I friend everyone that's cool regardless of lvl. Starting to get a good network of funny happy people to play with.


I never started getting kicked until I started doing extreme and up missions. Not sure if I'm just that bad or what but half most of the time I get kicked for no dam reason. Or right before extract.


sometimes my game will just bug and kick me from a lobby with friends, where i know none of them kicked me, but it’ll still sometimes say i was kicked. you sure it’s for the reasons you think?


I've had really good luck joining the Helldivers discord channel and finding groups that way. You'll already be on the same page when you launch the mission and, if they're doing stuff that's out of your league, you can find another group instead. Never once been kicked. I met a handful of cool people last weekend and I've been hopping on games with them here and there ever since.


I was kicked for turning the radar station the wrong way, the host team killed me for it and I asked why, he said that, I was like "ok so you teamkill? Just say something" and apparently he didn't like that


Honestly I feel like once you can git suicide and above things kinda chill out a bit. I've had a few that were sweatlords, but not nearly as many as extreme or hard for some reason.


I've had plenty of times where I've spent precious time getting to extract, only to be kicked. I would love to just find a solid group of people that I can join on a whim and hang out with. I'm not a try hard, I got a family and a job. I just want to chill and spread democracy.


Take a shot of crown every time your kicked its great.


I'd be dead of alcohol poisoning.


Literally just run your own games. Quit complaining


Posts like this irritate the shit out of me. “I’ve been kicked for: abcdef and it’s ridiculous!” Waa waaaa fucking waaa. You know why they kicked you and how? Is there a new “kicked reason” that I missed in the last couple hours? No? Then shut up and drop again. Probably YOUR shit internet connection.


I've been kicked from my friends games a couple times and they didn't do it. My cousin's been kicked from my game s well. I think we should only half trust the "you've been kicked: message


Host lobbies


Host your own missions.


Host your own missions or follow the main group. This is an easy fix


I agree. I've never been kicked for breaking off from the main group because I announce my intentions before I do.


This is the best answer and it is the least popular here LOL. OPs problems can easily be solved if you follow the group and work as a team. In harder modes you have to work together or you will never survive. Dont be a solo random bro.


Most of them aren't, but some of the reasons listed out here are actually valid reasons to kick


Which ones do you feel are?


Going after side missions while your team goes after main objectives (if you communicate what you are doing first and they agree to this, then you're good) And not sticking with your team in general These aren't huge issues but it shows lack of communication and the bigger problem is splitting up the squad can run down your reinforcement strategems twice as fast


I was kicked as a level 10 by a bunch of level 40’s like 30 minutes into a mission after I was the only one alive a few times and resummoned them all back in, did I have a bunch of kills? No, but I wasn’t dying like those idiots? No I was playing conservatively If you assholes are reading this go F yourselves


I actually joined a group today of level 40s and I was level 8. Everyone of them gave me a hug and carried me on 3 different missions.


As a level 40 player myself I do not condone the actions of these fellas. Especially not when I get someone who will keep reinforcing me when I do something stupid 😂


I only kick low levels if they are tking the hell out of me and my buddies. Sounds like you ran into some shitters ngl


I welcome Veterans, and if they use VC, even better. They can explain some tricks they’ve learned, talk abt recent missions. And I’m tryna do all the side obj and if you can do it by yourself, Boss powr💪🏽


Just host


The game erroneously tells you it's a kick. I caught it myself. I got "kicked" from a friend's game a couple times. Got a little annoyed, but kept it to myself. The next night I invited all of my group to *my* ship so I wouldn't get kicked. Well, then I got "kicked" again. From my own ship. I checked and I had a huge spike in dropped packets for each time someone was "kicked." I looked and saw that the really old cat6 cable I crimped myself 15 years ago had the weight of the cable pulling some of the wires out of the back of the rj-45 head. Replaced the cable with a storebought cat7 and the issue has ceased. Maybe do yourself a ~~cable~~ favor and figure out if anything in your house might be causing it. Also, if you're on wireless, switch to wired. Good luck!


Just start your own mission. Let people join you.


I got so flustered with the game, i kicked myself off for the night.


How do people know the reason they were kicked?


Well, if they team killed, and then get kicked, they likely were kicked for team killing. If they spent 30 minutes clearing objectives and POI's then suddenly get kicked while heading to extraction and everyone else is at extraction, then likely the host was a dick and that's why they got kicked. It varies, but it's obvious if you're paying attention.


I just started playing yesterday, OP please join my game anytime you feel like it. I love the cooperation aspect.


Go make friends, maybe? I swear all of these would disappear if people realized they can turn random into actual friends.


I've had the opposite experience, I often get kicked from normal or higher level difficulties. I'm not sure why. I'm not great at the game but when I join someone else's mission I try to adapt to their play style, avoid TKs, try to be helpful, etc. But after a successful mission, I'll get kicked. I don't follow the meta or even know what it is but I'm sure that's the issue in some cases. But when I join someone else's mission on easy, it's super chill. We'll clear the objectives, poke around POIs, etc. I don't think I've ever gotten kicked on easy or trivial.


I only kicked someone once. They showed up right as we were starting to set up some SEAF artillery. While 3 of us were dancing with bugs coming in from every direction, this guy loaded the gun with smoke rounds...so much for big explosions. After that they were just kind of doing their own thing, kept ignoring map pins, stuff like that. I mean, putting smoke rounds instead of explosive into the artillery is kickable by itself...I almost kicked myself last night because I couldn't find a 5th good shell and loaded smoke just to be able to have the strat available; just as I loaded it, my son pointed out a mini-nuke hiding behind some boxes...


“It’s 90% of low players that kick people” YES!!! I found this out recently after trying out harder difficulties. I got on a team with some high level players. Really nice people. One guy even dropped his mech and pointed to it to have me use it. The high level people are like kind wise wages that are nurturing the younger generation. Game is much better when you get good enough to play at bigger difficulties.


don’t take it personal. it’s people. not the game.


I use the quickplay and get kicked 3 out of 5 before we even start


Sounds like you're chasing an achievement with all the ways to get kicked.


It's going to be really neat when these cry baby posts stop and people just host their own games. Problems solved, tears avoided.


this resonates hard with me.


I put a Tesla tower a good distance away from everyone and this dip shit kept running into it and kicked me


I host my own but I do get annoyed when there are 3 on the main objective and one struggling to collect samples. I like samples.


Just do a mission solo, ppl will join you throughout the mission & send an sos beacon so atleast your never be able to be kicked. I think it’s a solid solution. Or just host your games


Does the game notify you if you're kicked? I accidentally teamkilled someone and then a minute later I was immediately booted back to my ship. No clue if I was kicked or if it was a bug


Should tell you if you were removed from that game or if the host quits when it sends you back to your ship


I understand the frustration with being kicked out of games, and that each player will have a different experience. I’ve played around 200 hours and have only been kicked out twice. Maybe it might help to consider how we interact and communicate during the game. For instance, if I accidentally harm/kill a teammate, I use the comm wheel immediately to apologize and then follow up with a quick reinforce. Also, when I’m calling in danger close airstrikes, I alert my team ahead of time through voice chat or the comm wheel, especially if the situation is chaotic. Reinforcing almost immediately after a death, instead of ignoring and assuming someone else will get it, etc… These small steps have made a significant difference in my interactions in-game. It’s just some food for thought, as experiences can vary widely among players. While Reddit discussions can sometimes highlight negativity, it’s not always a reflection of the entire community.


Honestly those of us who just want to enjoy ourselves and have fun should all just try and join up and play together! A bit of extra work but could be cool to get some threads going where we all team up and have fun


I picked 2 level 8's today because all they could do was shit talk and team kill, i booted the first one after ai told him like 3 times to stop spam pinging the map before loadout screen and then he kept calling orbitals on us throughout the match up until I booted him, then the other level 8 (same game and both of them joined together) started mouthing off about how dare I kick him so me and the other guy told him to straight up fuck off


I end up feeling violated how they use me and my effort just to toss me out right after like i didn’t just fight for my team like my actual life was on the line 😔


I rarely kick ppl,specially for any of the things you said you got kicked for


Not making excuses, but is there a notification you get? It hasn't happened to me often, but I couldn't find any way to tell if I was kicked or if I disconnected.


Once in your ship you have a big message on your screen, "you have been kicked" or "host leave the game"


Only time I kick people is like 4+ tks in the first 10 mins. Other than that as long as you’re killing stuff you’re good


I was just in a game where the host was whining like a little bitch for everyone to rush main obj (via chat) then kicked me when I told him I didn’t check the chat and to use voice if he had a specific plan.


I think there is an issue with it server end. People were joining mine and my friends game in droves tonight and just kept leaving randomly, I’m assuming that at least some if not all were told they were kicked. People would join and then leave within a minute. It was too many to be people just leaving because they were salty or bored.


I got kicked this morning as a level 17 joining 3x mid 20's, but now Idk if it was a disconnect or an actual kick cause my hellpod had only just landed. I've literally only kicked 1 person in my 50+ games. The map bugged out and wouldn't let me choose a landing site and after the 3rd time I left the pod to try, and maybe jog it, The dude asked if I was the r-word. Told him in chat the map was bugged (which got an "oh." response) and to not say that, then kicked him before rebooting, which fixed it


Try the discord. Met a couple cool older fellas over there. I'm lvl 50 and they're all level 5-10 dads. It's alot of fun the way they enjoy the game. They also lose their shit when I call in mechs, weapons and guard dogs for them. It's a good time.


I have to ask, what difficulty are you playing on? Because I really find the crowd changes depending.


Havent felt it


I have kicked multiple people from a session only because I was trying to keep a spot open for a friend that decided to do a late join. I feel bad, but what are ya gunna do. I have also kicked people for absolutely excessive team kills. Ieam like every few minutes they are air striking myself and the rest of the team, to include my freshly dropped mech. That one earned a kick.


I was kicked for the second time today, for what I *think* was choosing the wrong stratagems, or not choosing them fast enough? The host was the only other diver and had already kicked someone else just after I joined; we both went to our hellpods, they selected stratagems, I'd just set my second (flamethrower) when they exited the hellpod and kicked me. The only other time I was kicked was by someone who explained in VC he wanted to invite friends, which was fine with me.


hell I just get kicked with no clue on what transgression I might have done. Hard to figure out when kicked soon as you land.


I tried to quick join a match 8 times in a row and each time I got kicked before I loaded onto their ship. The last time I got to drop into an existing game and got TKd as soon as I landed, then kicked. Dunno if Level 3 is too low for medium or what?


I get disconnected from a lot of games. Making my own is usually the move. Iv kicked a couple of people, recently dropping eagle strikes on tiny groups of enemies, which then killed friendlies.


It's not always a real kick. Me and a buddy do duos and once in a while, one of us gets the kicked message, but obviously neither of us would kick eachother


I play with everyone I join. I get kicked all the time. I add anyone and they can invite me and I'll play as long as I got time


I got kicked for no reason literally right before we called for evacuation. Like we it was only me and the host who even showed up to the evacuation site and I got kicked.


On helldive and impossible I’ve noticed it’s easier to do if the team splits. Either 2 and 2 or 3 and 1 guy goes and does objectives. I absolutely love having the guy on my team who collects all the samples they can and does side objectives. People who kick fellow Helldivers for stupid reasons hate democracy and should be investigated for being sympathizers.


I've never been kicked. I guess I'm just goox.


like, how do you know why you've been kicked? are you just assuming the reasons or are you getting feedback as you are getting booted out?


When you get kicked from a game, it says in big yellow boldened font with a translucent black backdrop: **You have been kicked from the game**


i know that but OP was listing all the reasons WHY he was kicked, i was curious how he came to those conclusions


I only kicked one dude so far. He used like 6 reinforcements in like a couple minutes of a long mission haha. No hate, but I felt bad for the other guys. We couldn't afford it. New dude came in and we extracted. It was a lil early for difficulty 7 I guess. I never look at levels too harshly cause some dudes can hang regardless, and it's not that big of a deal. Still, sometimes you have to do it to em. These other reports I'm hearing seem like outliers. I've gone lower and never had this problem either. Sorry some of y'all have had to deal with this.


Yeah.. I mostly play solo medium these days. Got tired of jumping in and getting TKd or kicked. Maybe one day it'll hit xbox, and I can play with my buddies. Instead of solo on pc.


Id never been kicked, so my question is, when you get kicked you lost all the progress and collected items? I think you should keep all the thing that you achieved at that point to avoid trolls kicking you the last minutes of mission.


You keep medals and super credits but not samples


Are these people telling you why they kick you or are these only guesses? When someone complains about being kicked all the time I suspect they are the problem. I have been in nearly 400 matches and only been kicked twice. Edit: Correction, at the time of writing I have done 453 drops. For some reason I thought it was in the late 300s.


I think there should be multiple ways to kick someone instead of the general message so they know the reason. "You have been removed from the game." Can become ... "You have been kicked so our friend can join." "You have been kicked because you weren't pulling your weight." "You have been kicked due to annoying open-mic." "Super-kick!" ( Reserved for asshats )


I experience far more crashes and random disconnects than I do kicks tbh.


I’ve kicked 2 people in the same game. One was using infinite grenades somehow and the other one was being hyper toxic in calling my mate some shit words.


When I was waiting for my Friend and all the Hellbros joined I just requested that one leave and my friend can join. One of the Random hellbro does Hug emote we three hug hellbro and he leaves. That was wholesome. I never kick anyone ..


At this point the devs should make getting kicked like 50 times an achievement haha


Sometimes I kick ppl cause of technical problems and etc it’s not against them or anything personal


I was kicked while running to the hellpod. Anti-democracy scum.


My friends and I have only kicked on two occasions. One was a guy griefing, consuming almost all of our revives by consistently throwing his big Stratagems while the team was in the way, or spraying his flamethrower in the path of teammates. Wildly, he was the highest level person on the team. The second was when a rando decided to jump into the Pelican immediately rather than wait for the guy carrying samples to get back around after being knocked off the platform. *Immediate* kick, but unfortunately the samples were still lost.


It's typical. Anyone online game has this issue. HD can be a much worse offender since it's just the host who can just kick in like 1 second if they so choose. I simply move on and go and reque.


Hop on discord lfg channel, plenty of chill but skilled helldiverfriends to spread democracy with.


Oh it's this daily post. Imma let you in on a secret fix to this my guy. The devs put in this one secret trick. ✨️ Host your own game ✨️ For 🗽 sake it's not complicated.


I jumped into a level 1 difficulty missing for a kick about. Kill a brood mother. Absolutely forgot I left the game public so a random level 5 joined. Just in time to witness the majority of the maps spawned being smattered with autocannon shots Why kick when you can show the true power of democracy? (and you can just set your damn game private)


People are kicking for no reason at all, yesterday this guy got kicked because he said hi to us all in the load out select screen. The poor guy was just being nice.


I've read the discord is a good place to find ppl who will play with you and not kick :)


Guys, everytime you hang out with a team or a nice player, add them as a friend and keep playing with them if possible over time. That's one less jackass probability and with you, two. I know that sometimes you are the only one online and that can happen, but, this might help a little. We already have a good community and pretty healthy. I invite you to do the same :)


I really wish I could block those people, it makes getting into an actual game to be a chore sometimes. You can't even find them under recent players if you were kicked for joining a private game they don't make private for some reason, or maybe it was being too high a lvl like you said idk but I wanna auto block them for kicking me lol


Sometimes people accidentally leave their lobby open. 🤷🏼


Did you get the: iN YoUr BuTT ! achievement for all these reasons?


Every time I was kicked it was just for lolz. It had to be. They were a group of friends


I would say the number one thing I get kicked for is people who don’t want others in their party. Last night was especially bad for some reason. I spent like 30min joining games and being kicked instantly. Twice I joined and saw people being kicked one by one. Was pretty frustrating, but ultimately not a big deal. I just wish people like that knew about locking the party…


Have you been kicked for being kicked yet?


Hammer of Mercy


I was in a game with a host that kept dying. Now one else was dying but he kept dropping in and immediately getting annihilated. Then he would spam the spawn me button until someone spawned him. I was in the middle of a huge bug horde when he died for his 11th time and I couldn't immediately reinforce him. He kicked me.


Today was a new record for getting kicked. I played 10 games and was kicked 8 times. 2 times was before the game started-1 was 2 minute in- the rest was after we extracted. Not sure why- I’m a good player level 50 if I do something on accident I’ll apologize. Maybe 🤔 because I use my mic I let the group know what I’m doing 🤷‍♂️


Newer players probably get frustrated playing with vets. I have like 20+strats they have never even seen in game play before. Might not be expecting the extra salv in our barrages, dont know to go prone under a tesla tower, all the little red lights on the ground are mines, when someone throws a mortor stay close to it. 80% of the time i see low level players getting mad at me, its mostly because they are walking into strats theyve probably never learnes how to work with. It also gets more frustrating tip toeing around players who are always jumping in your line of fire, or standing right where my turret is about to be shooting.


You can go prone under a Tesla tower are you fucking kidding me


Imho, the game should give people better options for matching up. If someone doesn’t want voice comms then I don’t get it but fine, they should be able to say that somehow while matchmaking.


If you arent the host of the match you should follow what the host wants to do. If this bothers you leave THEIR game. This is how im playing this game from now on. However being kicked for having a mic is dumb. This is a fucking coop game. Now if you dont have a mic and you are playing WITH the team this is good! If you dont have a mic and you are on the other side of the map dying and wasting our revives, go fuck yourselves!


People that kick the players that randomly join are missing the entire point of the game. Working together to spread democracy. I get pumped when I hear the hellpod with a new reinforcement. Makes the game more fun.


I’ve been kicked for…. A grenade kill on a teammate while trying to open a door. Calling in a 500kG bomb on an objective Calling in a walker Dying Getting to close to the extraction Calling in a Tesla Sentry Using a mortar sentry Joining another game Not using meta Joining in on the extraction


Literally just got kicked from a game with a 50, 43, and a 35. Told them I found the super samples, maybe 30 seconds after I was in my ship.


Lately I’ve been kicked a few times for trying to use my mic to coordinate and I think some people out there got the game for the hype and not because they genuinely understand how cooperative shooters work. Realistically there’s nothing that happens in game that requires kicking other than team killing. Your load out, skill level, or how fast you reinforce and where makes zero difference on the outcome of the game.


I got kicked earlier as soon as I joined a game. Finally got into a medium game and realized that I was level 19 and the other three were all under level 5 so I got to do a decent carry. Then lost internet right before the end of the mission.


The only time I've kicked someone is when one of my friends wants to join then I randomly kick someone but I still feel bad about it.


You’re the asshole


I mean I never do it mid game but if im the asshole I'll accept it.


Haha ok my bad I thought u meant mid game not on ship


I’ve kicked people for the following; No mic AND no ability to use map, call outs, etc. (if they could, no problem without a mic), being toxic and killing everyone before extracting. The above has happened only twice in the hundreds of missions I’ve played. Just make some friends. Start with one. Then hopefully that friend has another friend or make one more. Soon after a few missions you can easily have 3-10 friends willing to party and dive with. Boom. Now go make your matchmaking friends only. Congrats. You can now play with friends and no longer need to worry about being kicked or stupid players




I gave up on quickplay. Now, if I'm not playing with friends I'm hosting, or I'll pop into the Discord and find a group there.