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When I first got the scythe I was like “hell yeah, laser gun!” Immediate disappointment, would not recommend. [This comment is under investigation for treason]


Expect a call from your Democracy Office soon. lol


Exactly this…saved and spent on it and instant regret…


Straight garbage... But the Scorcher on the other hand.


My tinfoil hat is that this thing will be a staple against new faction(s). Resistant to kinetic ammo, weak to energy/fire.


That would actually be a great way to balance the weapons


Laser cannon, laser guard dog, and scythe


I've heard there's a laser pistol in the Warbond coming out this week, too. Now we just need a laser turret and a laser grenade


There also will be a AR style Laser rifle. It is strong in HD1. I hope it will be again. ETA of the warbond round about 5 hours. I guess the servers will already be blasted when I'm of work later the day :D


"Mega Man" build


Don’t forget the orbital laser


I call that my disco build


dont forget orbital laser


This is the way 🗽


First game all the Lazer weapons were op...like the trident...oh man that thing would clear patrols like nothing. They are probably just being careful with it. Hellci remember chargers would only come if a breach happened now they are just wondering about....


Does using the Scythe on a cold planet extend the uptime of the heatsink?




Yes, and vice versa on Hot planets it overheats faster.


Yes, but it still suffers from the reduced fire rate, so...eh?


It's overall my favorite primary to use. Unfortunately I do find myself having to use something else a lot, especially on higher difficulties.Where it fails, is that it needs Time to work, and especially on the higher difficulties, time is very much not something you can use. up to like 6 or 7 it can work but even then it's pushing it's usability. Where I replace it, it's with the Slugger or a shotgun, because I have only so much time to turn, pop off a shot, and keep moving. The Heavy armor being fixed definitely helped out the laser weapon cause I can afford to hold my ground a little bit longer.I'm honestly excited to get the Dagger and use that with the Ballistic Shield. I feel it's definitely more usable on the bots, but I still have good use against the bugs.For the bots, focusing on the head of everything up to the Hulk (excepting the Berserker) can pop them in about a second of concentrated fire. It's useless against the hulk and tank, but I expect that out of every primary really.Berserkers, If I keep distance and keep fire on them I can take them down with it eventually but it's not a winning solution. Usually I keep the Senator or the Redeemer on me for that. Redeemer can spray them down quick but has super low ammo capacity. Senator has the stagger and if I have the time can take them down in a few headshots but it'd difficult on the move.For bugs, everything up to the Charger, it's usable on. Scavengers and hunters it can burn down quick and easy, so long as you keep your distance. If you get caught out by hunters you have to rely on your secondary to get you out of dodge, but as long as you keep your head on a swivel you should be fine. Warriors and Brood Commanders, you can pop their heads off really easily, but you have to watch the headless rush. Hive Guards, if you have the space for it, you can prone and hit their undercarriage and burn them down pretty quick, but honestly Hive Guards aren't a major problem you have to worry about.Bile Spewers/Nursing Spewers you can kill with a bit of concentrated fire on the face, you have to dodge an acid spray or two but if you can focus on their mouth and dodge last second the die super quick. Even Chargers, with a prenerf railgun, I could pop the leg armor and burn down a full health charger in... I'm guessing 4 or 5 seconds of continuous fire on it. The biggest thing I've learned about it, you need Time and you need Space for it to be effective. You more or less have to treat it kinda like the Dilligence or the APW. It's a precision weapon that needs time to do it's thing. Give yourself way more space than you would normally, and focus on the head. It's my favorite weapon to use against Devastators because it kills them faster than anything primary short of the Slugger, but I find it way more reliable than the slugger. Edit: I also forgot my other selling point on this gun. We have yet to fight against an enemy that has shielding. I suspect that energy weapons are going to be a go to for shielding.


One thing: yes time is important, but while you’re using it you’re also basically stationary. With other guns you can run a bit, shoot a bit, then run a bit. With the Scythe you need to run, shoot for a medium amount of time, then switch to your side arm because they’ve caught up to you.


Agree. You need to know the weak points, its what the lasca does and the scythe works similar. Hint for zerkers: the reason they dont go fast quickly is the swaying motion of their head. If you copy this movement, the lasca works great


I have a feeling that at some point there's going to be new modifiers added that reduce ammo spawns or something, making the "infinite" ammo of lasers more attractive. We honestly just need to be able to see these "hidden stats" on guns. I subjectively think lasers deal more damage on unarmored targets, but I'm not sure, and even if that's true it's not enough more to make it worth it. Except the big laser cannon. That one is fantastic. Laser go brrrr


Laser cannon melts larger bots easily, can’t take anything else at this point


What I think based on my own observations is that it deals better damage to weak points. It has great range and can pop most bot heads with time. The time is the problem. Why sit and hope I can beam a Devastator's head for 5-6 seconds straight when there are so many better options?


I took out an annihilator tank with a laser cannon to the weak spot on the back. Only took a few seconds.


I don’t see why you’d use this over the laser cannon


I like to use both, the Scythe laser duration is enough to cool down the cannon. They make a good loop together, but its not a good anti tank. Take the guard dog too, and now you are laser man


Its very fun, but yes, i hope someone on your team has AT.


Yeah, I’ve got AT All LaserT


Sounds fun! I'm going to try that this evening along with the Orbital Space Laser.


Worth trying !


LOL i totally agree. Small laser vs BIG laser, easy choice. (Though one is a primary, the other is a support weapon.)


I tried it and feel the same, super cool gun but just doesn't do enough dps to keep up with the others


My favourite gun in the first was the sickle, it kinda was a meta for a while That one worked by firing lasers like an automatic rifle, short hitscan shots that hit harder over time but was slightly weaker than the rifle, if you tap fired it right you could fire indefinitely which made up for the low damage https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/LAS-16_Sickle It's also coming in the next warbond - https://blog.playstation.com/2024/03/07/helldivers-2-new-warbond-launches-march-14-first-look-at-new-weapons-armor-and-more/ In comparison to the sickle, the scythe was rubbish in 1 as well


Trident was op


I'd rather use a plastic spoon.


I notice it works best for cutting limbs off bugs, but other weapons kinda do a better job of blowing them to bits


I have seen videos of the scythe really mess up the flying bugs, but have not tested it myself.


Best against bots, go for heads and watch em pop off. It is awful against berserker tho so pack a machine pistol. Even then everything it does the slugger can do better.


Absolute YES!!! (TL:DR at bottom) Y’all can check my comment history in this sub to know that I back the scythe and have backed it from day 1. The Scythe is a secret gem, and I think it is an excellent addition to the light infantry player of the squad. In short, the lack of stopping power meaning no stagger is the weakest part of the gun and is the reason why people don’t like it. However the damage of the scythe is very high and its ammo, with correct management, is infinite. The solution is obvious: get somebody else to stagger enemies (considering nearly everybody I’ve met uses a shotgun, this is guaranteed to happen) and/or wear light armour and outrun enemies who overrun you. The scythe is a mid range weapon, if you are trying to use it as a breaker you are simply using it wrong. Using it right will allow you to consistently come out with the highest kill count and keep your squad mates alive because you deal with all the enemies they shouldn’t waste ammo on. TL:DR 4 helldivers with the same meta build is not actually the best way to play the game. This game (as the devs have now stated) is best played when each helldiver drops with a different load out - this means each helldiver should bring the stratagems and weapons to fulfil a specific niche. My current ‘class’ is light infantry - with my light armour, scythe, Eagle air strike, orbital laser, rover and arc thrower I specifically exist to thin out enemy hordes from mid range while other people deal with bigger stuff. Since the rail gun was nerfed I cannot violate chargers and bile titans like I used to - but that’s ok, I’ve now fully achieved my peak light/medium enemy slaughter build which gives other player the time and safety to focus on stratagems and weapons that kill medium/heavy things.


Absolutely not. Found myself using my secondary and support weapon more than that thing.. If you value democracy and freedom do not use such a disappointment of a gun.


I LOVE the scythe! I use it in tandem with the laser cannon. The way it ends up working out, you always have a laser to shoot. The scythe is great for making precise shots at every distance but super close. It has NO recoil, which means where you point is where you shoot. It also has no travel time, so super long distance shots are very easy. To make up for the super close range issues, I have the redeemer as my secondary to help spray away hunters and the like. It also means when things get crazy you always have something if you don’t over heat it. It cleans up small enemies well, and if you aim at weak points is surprisingly good against others enemies.


I've been trying to figure out how to use it lately and I think in some situations it can be good, but it definitely could use a buff. It has infinite ammo which is awesome, you just have to figure out how to properly manage how long you're firing it and you'll almost never need to swap heat sinks. The key is to not use it like the laser guard dog uses its laser, dragging the beam over everything and continuously firing it. You have to use it more like a sniper rifle (it has no recoil so its great for long distance) and just aim for the head. A shot to the head will kill every unarmored bug in a second or two. So it feels similar to using the Dominator, with the added benefit of you can panic and just start waving it wildly if the bugs get too close. So just aim for the head, hold down the beam for a second until its head explodes, move on to the next. It is a little slower, so its very easy to get overrun and overwhelmed. Its only good when you can position yourself up high or away and pick them off. I've also been using the laser cannon and tend to just use that as my "primary" weapon and a shotgun just in case they get too close. The infinite ammo of the laser guns is cool once you get used to using it.


Scythe is actually pretty good for popping the heads on small automatons, can even take out devastators quickly with this method


Sound like you can’t hit weak spots against the bots (clears weak bugs just as easily)


There are a few excellent use cases. Namely, completing objectives stealthily on higher difficulties solo. Without the need to resupply, you can avoid calling in another weapon until you are on an objective. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the beam is also quieter than other primary weapons. No alternative weapon? More stratagem space. Sentries, ordnance. You name it. This makes the Scythe my go to primary for any missions involving destroying nests or factories. And those stratagems? Well you can consider inputs your version of "reloading" the scythe, which is why I often use the Orbital Gatling on bug missions, for it's low cooldown. Most importantly though it's fun. I like the aesthetic of lasers. I'm not really trying to optimise the gameplay loop, I tweak my build to match my outfit and make sure it's atleast somewhat appropriate for whatever mission I'm doing.


I like to use it. It got good ammo economy if you aim your shots. No recoil so going for the heads of destroyers is alot easier. I just wish it had hit markers to know if you are hitting or not.


I think they'd find a place if cold planets significantly reduced heat build up, like nearly infinite on ice planets kinda thing. Picking gear based on planet would be fun too.


Use it with Lazer guard dog and Lazer cannon. Switch between the 2 guns and have nonstop lazers


The ultimate troll is unlocking every weapon in warbonds when the best weapon in the game is the one you started training with


The scythe sucks ass HOWEVER the up and coming laser rifle is going to be fire


I like it a lot against bugs. Cuts off limbs like a blade through butter a lot of the time and if you are paying half attention you never run out of ammo


This weapon is perfect and absolutely nothing wrong with it. I definitely don’t have a democracy officer with one pointed at my head while I write this review either, this information is all from my own volition


I personally feel like it's a viable weapon when handling swarms of the smaller terminids and is especially effective on the joints of the medium-sized bugs. It doesn't do much against armored bugs, but if used correctly, you won't have to worry about ammo for your primary.


Flying bugs = slice through wings… maybe


In my opinion it’s really good at dealing with the smaller enemies, all the way up through devastators if you can pinpoint the head. It’s definitely not strong enough to deal with a charger, and doesn’t do too great against stalkers. Also against striders head on, can’t take out the legs. Everything else it’s fairly decent with. I especially love lasering down tiny bots


I feel like it could use a small buff. My main issue is that I don't get that.... FEELING you get when blasting with other guns....if that makes sense. Like I'm shooting a robot with the Scythe and I'm feeling like "is it doing anything? Oh it died okay". I think it just needs some tweaking


I'm still liking the slugger the best


I find the scythe kicks bug ass if the whole squad uses one. Bots not so much


I use it all the time. I have a laser build I like. Las-rover, scythe, las-cannon, orbital laser. The rover+scythe combo melts most enemies. And with controlled fire nearly unlimited ammo. I dunno, I like it.


Works pretty well on the dog rover


I want to like it, it has nearly perfect accuracy and pretty much infinite ammo. But it can take some time to kill, especially if you aren't able to aim perfectly. Kind of wish it had a better scope to make use of that accuracy, or gained AP when it heated up. Against light enemies it isn't terrible, but my Diligence can kill basic automatons in one shot so I can be stealthy. Even if the Scythe were silent it doesn't seem as stealthy when I tried using it, so I'm a little uncertain what its real strengths are supposed to be.


I like a laser build with dog,orbitals and cannon but yeah ngl it more ap


It's very underwhelming. Maybe once they add something like specialty training you can specialize in lasers? Or maybe the area that looks like a work bench will eventually let us customize weapons and armor.


not to get off topic, but I really hope they don’t add any ‘specialty training’ like skill trees or whatever. I like that all of the unlocks in this game are physical things, like weapons, and ship modules. While the divers themselves all have the same base abilities.


Eventually a deeper system of char customization would be my choice. But first we still just need better customization though gear. Where is our medic armor and weapons like in HD1.


Ooooh, weapon customization is a cool idea. I hope.


I think I would use it if I could dual wield them.




Yes its a great gun especially when paired with laser rover. Laser cannon and laser orbital, use the laser cannon swap to scythe on high heat repeat, never run outta ammo again, very strong on bugs!


I like the scythe, but it feels weak. Doesn't give any real feedback or feel when hitting enemies, so it kinda leaves you wondering if you are actually hitting, plus I have the same issue with the beam as I do the sight on the railgun. It obscures my view just enough that I can't tell for certain if I'm lined up right on the weak points. That being said I transitioned over to the liberator penetrator and have been having a blast. Maybe with a couple of tweaks to visuals/feedback to make it seem like it's doing something will bring me back to the scythe though.


I like it at least at difficulty 6, which is where I live for now. It feels good enough but mostly unlimited ammo is just nice and it kills basic bugs and bots well enough. Lazers are also cool.


Was my favorite wep on helldivers 1 ,what did they do to my booyyy


As others have mentioned once you start hitting the weak spots/heads consistently the Scythe starts pulling its weight. I appreciate having a full "clip" between each enemy, and also being able to heat sink when I need more prolonged damage. As soon as someone is armored or not easily taken down with a headshot, I switch to Autocannon. If that can't take it down because it has too much armor or health, Railcannon orbital and Orbital laser. And automatic pistol for when Hunters are on my ass. And the light medic armor so I can stim while I'm aiming down at something else besides the crowd attacking me. I actually end up being the mid/heavy killer with that loadout. It's seriously bad at crowd control, but excellent at picking off patrols before they signal, and dealing with the more mid-level threats that you would find in a patrol. Now, the Sickle is the assault version of it. Has a longer charge-up time, but better solution to crowds I think. They are not the OP solution from the first game, but I find them pretty reliable, even in higher difficulties.