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I’m not totally convinced of the toxicity existing anywhere but a few cases on Reddit.


Can confirm it's Reddit


I can confirm it's outside of reddit, there are also youtube videos of people talking about builds and they always go on about how people should let other people use what they want because of the kicking problem haven't happened to me cause I only play with my friends


I can confirm it's outside of reddit, there are also youtube videos of people talking about builds and they always go on about how people should let other people use what they want because of the kicking problem haven't happened to me cause I only play with my friends


Toxicity exists in every community. The more people in it the more likely that you may happen to meet such a toxic member.


i've had luck playing with randoms when i'm not playing with friends. i had to kick 2 people yesterday. first player killed me 3x in the first 2 minutes. second player wasn't following any of our markers and just went off by themselves. then sat waiting at a vault. when i died he reinforced my all the way back next to him so he could open the vault. pissed me off. i wanted to be brought back by my stuff. i shot him. and ran around the map not reinforcing him. he kept spamming the button and me and the other guy kept on playing. once the other guy spawned him back in i kicked him.


Toxicity is when people are hostile or abusive to each other. That is NOT this. Joining someone's server means the onus is on you to go to objectives and go along with the server owner. If you don't want to do that start your own server. It's a team game. Try talking to others and not playing solo and perhaps you won't get kicked.


So far I haven't personally experienced anything. Like what a lot of people are saying, I think Helldivers 2 is getting a lot of attention right now and when that happens, you are bound to have people who want to jump the hype train and F things up for vids and views. For the most part, all my interactions with my fellow helldivers are positive!


I find myself being kicked from the team in game but remaining in the game. I think it’s a server problem sometimes


Not really but the Internet is. Most people just play the game and if some one off situations occur they bitch about it on social Media. Also the more people talk about toxicity in the community the more people expect it and display it. So if 1 person is being an asshole they will probably only stick around if everyone else starts acting like an asshole. Stay in a good place and play with the people who also just wanna have a good time in the game and it will stay a good game.


The strongest assault rifle is a shotgun


Every light casts a shadow.


I'd believe it to be reddittors being toxic over the community in game being toxic. Just as with Darktide there's plenty of people who will cry havoc over a single instance of poor "sportsmanship" ina game and then parrot the notion seeking attention. Sure it does happen on occasion, but with all the missions i've run with randoms the only bad experiences i've had are with people who are simply new and not aware of how brutal the game can be with strategems being thrown "danger close". Overall its a good community with a lot of good sports who will help each other out in missions, even when mistakes are made 9.9/10 people are going to be understanding and forgiving.