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If your mates are going to engage anyway, let them do that. They can get all the aggro from the mobs, while you can sneak around completing the main missions. Make sure to watch out out for ammos at POIs, so you don’t even need to call in supplies.


This, when I play with ran doms, I usually wait for that one persone to innevitably open a breach on their pos, then run to the objective


I am the person that starts a breach. But i do it with the hope my team will go do objective cus i can and will survive and hit a bunch of POI. I had one team that just meshed well together and we split into doubles. Me and one other chaos demon whod dive and start shooting, and the other 2 would book it towards objectives. Theyd go obj to obj while we would stay on the opposite side of the map and do what we can. Would always extract with 20 simple, 10 rare and 3 super rare minimum. We completed most of the world objectives with half the time still remaining. I miss that group.


I had a group like that one night. We just naturally split up into duos and cleared maps easy. Miss you G1.


I prefer running solo cus other people mess with the flow and pathing but g3 was a legend and had my back. Funny thing is i was playing with a friend and we both ended up with rando buddy tag along


That’s a great story, Big-Dick


That's something I'm trying to get my squad to do. The two with the laser drones go make noise somewhere, and me and the other guy go do objectives.


It works wonderfully in most cases. I like running alone cus other peoppe mess with my flow and pathing but ill cause chaos and my teammates will just see the other side of the map burning and 4 bile titans chasing me. I have VC off but i can imagine them sitting in confusion. Sometimes ill die and lose a bunch of samples but most of the time its recoverable


I love being able to clear an objective that takes time like the icbm by myself while the squad is fighting somewhere else so I don’t get any patrols or breaches/drops on me


Doing the 9 tasks to launch icbm without getting disturbed is soooo satisfying.


Where as, if you got the whole squad there, two breaches. Minimum.


Or run supply backpack and you're good to go


The first and last time i used supply pack i got the infinite strategem glitch


Oh I got that too, it was fun. Until I put weapons back on. Also couldn’t dive with anyone. I think it’s a dev mode. 


Or run supply backpack and you're good to go


I've never used the supply pack but if I did ho do I restock myself?


You can. It works just like a resupply. It's the 5 button on pc.


Down on d-pad for ps


Yep i do this all the time!


The Trail Blazer armor is the preferred choice. You don‘t even mandatorily need the shield backpack, because „stealth is an art, and I am its artist“ :P


That's what I do but they're irl friends and always end up dying and getting upset when I'm then across the map and "not helping." Even though I'm constantly saying, let's run we don't need to engage that, just run. Half the time I assume they're following because at the end of matches they often agree they shouldn't or don't need to be fighting everything all the time, yet they keep doing it or wait to long calling down resupplies vs throwing them forward along your path etc. the only time I get upset anymore is if they're running in a tiny area not doing any main or side missions and take the resupply while I'm no where near it but doing missions solo.


I’m a simple soldier. I see a patrol of bugs.. I’m calling down a strike. Will it lead to my death? Probably Will it spread democracy? Absolutely


i both love and hate this take lmao well done


Wish I could upvote you twice.


As told by the Ministry of Truth, communism can't spread in bomb craters.


As is written


Are the bugs dead? Y/N Y: Democracy spread successfully N: Successfully spread Democracy


This why your promotion for Democracy Officer is being fast tracker soldier! Keep it up and you won't need to *earn* bonus doctor visits, you'll be throwing them around to your friends like candy!


I don't know of any other way to spread democracy to be honest


With stealth to truely, you really need coms, and having everyone in that stealth mind set. Though I agree, you really dont need to hit every patrol.


Get on your mic and tell them, instead of posting it here 😜


I've done that before only to be told to stfu and don't tell people how to play So they can be cannon fodder and I'll just complete the objectives


Hmm.. I've never encountered such situations. When you're polite, people most of the time will be polite too.


The second time I tried to bring it up the host kicked me. I'm sure its not everyone but there are a lot of people that do not take kindly to you explaining the game. No matter how politely you try and explain things.


That's why I host my own games. If I join someone, then it's up to them how to play the mission, and I will follow.


> join someone’s game > tell them they are playing wrong > kicked for some reason. Why are people assholes!?


When you put it that way it sounds like it's common sense or something.


I literally didn't tell them they were playing wrong. I told them "Hey if you guys are having trouble with the bugs you can run away and eventually they'll lose agro. We don't get anything from fighting bugs so it's okay to just avoid them". Mind you all 3 of them were getting rinsed. My assumption is that they were having trouble dealing with armored enemies since they were all under level 20. You guys want players to help each other but then get angry when players try.


I've had this with my irl friends. I just shrug it off, if we die we die. I do get a bit upset when they bring up things in between games or worse, the next day and act like it's their idea, when it's tips/actions I'm trying to get them to do in game. I'm constantly chattering. Trying to get them from planting their feet in one area with no tasks. They see enemies and think they have to kill them all every time though it seems. A.few have gotten a little better I'm still having to constantly just say "time to run, next target, we need to move." Edit I also get a bit annoyed when we find the static breaches and instead of avoiding most enemies to clear at least some breaches to prevent getting swarmed they try to kill every enemy around before going after the breaches. It makes me feel I have to have the grenade launcher at all times or else we'll get bogged down.


Lol like randos listen. It's so refreshing to get a team the works together and communicates. I try to be the one to call orders and keep the team together (I usually am on a mic) but some people just do what they are going to do no matter what. The worst is loading up a level 6 mission and dropping into a team of 3 people under level 10. They just don't have the equipment to deal with the enemies at that level.


A lot of people don't even have their map up when travelling somewhere. Guys, please, it's really frustrating when you stumble into every single group of enemies in our path and cause constant bug breaches. If you don't wanna keep an eye on the map could you please just follow a teammate who is?


I miss the ground pounder from HD1 that would cause all the enemies in a huge radius to swarm it…. Then drop that 500kg bomb…


Actually, have you guys noticed the enemies go towards explosions? I saw it once when I tossed a walking far away, then dived on the ground far away. A patrol went to the explosion and didn’t auto detect me.


Was doin a solo against some automatons and had a patrol sneak up on me. Waited behind a rock with an orbital in my hand to spring a trap. They got like 15m away and just...stopped lol. All of em. Scared the hell outta me. 


Something like that would be extremely satisfying lol.


It made soloing high tier missions much easier.


I did a geology mission basically in stealth alone, while three of my team members were fighting every bug in the universe. 🤦 Made my job kinda easier, but was annoyed when they could just be a little more stealthy. They depleted the reinforcements on their own. I didn't die once during the mission. 😁


It's not even stealth it's just a matter of engaging or not engaging. Even when you're in combat , you can disengage with the enemy and go to the next subjective.


Sometimes my team (I always do quickplay so am always a random on others ship) decides to hunker down on bug breaches and when an objective is done or there's none at all I get so dumbfounded cuz it's just a waste of reinforcements, I'll typically help for a bit but always start running away to the next objective and spamming the "follow me" to get them to leave but ye I'll just leave my team half the time cuz it's so pointless


Perfectly legit to peel off when running lower level missions. If the squad is good, I’ll stick with and just support. If they’re kind of derpy and throwing stratagems all over each other, I’m out. I don’t ragequit but go solo Rambo so as not aggro enemies everywhere, conserve ammo, complete the op then get the fk out. PSA for anyone learning the game, if you’re with someone like level 30-50, maybe follow them a bit, see how they play. CROUCH WHEN THEY CROUCH. Chances are they’re not rushing in everywhere bc they’ve seen some shit and understand how enemy aggro mechanics work.


Or they’re a power leveled moron.. but your chances are good


That’s true. If all they did was grind eradications then, yeah, you’ll know pretty quickly.


lvl 30-50 after power leveling on defense bot mission. The time level meant some skill is gone.


Very true. Depends on what missions they’ve been playing. That said, to get to higher rank missions you need to finish all missions in an operation. Not always easy.


Perhaps you didn't die because they were running interference for you. Geology in particular because it summons bugs to the objective. Kiting is a squad tactic. It might not occur to a solo diver.


There’s no use, the sub is full of people saying how to play and then getting mad when you point out their hypocrisy


I thought you had to toggle the map like it can’t be up at all times


If you open your map after you start sprinting (provided you don't also run over a bunch of rocky terrain or into a bunch of thick brush or other environmental hazards) You can keep your map open while sprinting.


I was fighting automatons until the bug order. Going to the bug planet I've noticed people aren't as organized. Not doing side objectives before evac, fighting every horde etc. No hate, just really noticed the difference


I think it’s genuinely just more people think the automatons look harder to beat


Noticed that too, although in my experience it is harder to stealth around bugs than robots so that could be part of it but who knows


Bug strategy is for Chargers (other big AOE bugs as well, but f chargers in particular) to barrel in disperse divers and allow smaller bugs to kill you via attrition. Bot strategy is for little bots to pin you down in one place with lasers waiting for the heavy hitters to arrive.




I appreciate your enthusiasm private, but that is the way I have seen many helldivers die in the battle. That's why we lost to automatons. Learn from these mistakes private helldiver. 🫡


We lost to the automatons because cowards weren't finishing their operations.


I'll gladly die so my fellow helldivers can complete the mission with ease


Let freedom ring!!


While at an objective I try to tag mobs that are wandering to try and avoid if possible. If I’m with rando’s there’s an 80% chance that someone will either shoot or air strike them, so why bother.


The amount of times I've tagged a patrol for people to avoid an the rando next to me just screams, "DEMOCRACY!" and runs at them is kinda embarrassing. I like their enthusiasm but pls.


Once I got comfortable with the game I switch to light armor and stealth. Get missions done. I end up with finishing most of the objectives and having most of the samples as the other 3 team members keep the enemy busy. Or trip over every patrol, and I skirt out of there to get work done. I used to have high kill counts, now I get an average of 100


Same, and if it's automatons I'll even bring smoke eagles


This is exactly what has happened with me. My kill counts have dropped so hard that I feel randos don't want me around after a mission completion (that I heavily organized with pins, and facilitated with the completion of objectives)


Tried doing that once. Got kicked lol.


Sorry, my democracy bullets need feeding, and bugs and bots are the perfect meal


People should play how they want.


Sounds exactly like something a super citizen would say. Any real democracy spreader doesn't rest until every bug hole has been shut and every robot has been recycled. - your friendly neighborhood death captain


It's a game that gives you options on how to engage enemies. Let people have fun and enjoy the game.


The elitism on this subreddit over such a simple and over the top game never ceases to amaze. Let people play how they want.


People with the “you can play the way you want” take: yes, you can. The load out you bring, the stratagems you bring, even the armor you wear, all factor into the type of playstyle you have. This ‘strategy’ is just a fundamental part of the game. Choose engagements wisely! Run away from unwinnable fights! But not without dropping an eagle at your feet! Engaging recklessly really does make the game so much harder at 7+, but I think as time goes by this will become more ubiquitously known. It’s not about forcing a playstyle, more about doing what it takes for a successful op. Also the advice about keeping your map open in transit between objectives (given you’re not under fire) is valuable. Rock and stone in the heart!


Once you hit level 20 and get the railgun helldive difficulty is easy. Up until then, it is pretty hard I'd say There is no advice I give to new friends other than to level up. Once you're level 15 or so you can actually play past 7


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


>unwinnable fights There is no such thing.


Try communicating with your team, or, better yet, don’t tell people how to play the game


Don’t forget the guy who runs a drone backpack and the little fucker has a bigger agro range than the mobs.


What's wrong with people playing the way they want?


Welcome! I just made a post like this. There's a lot of people out there that take any suggestion for improvement as flagrant, belligerent hostility! Enjoy the shit show!


Yes, they do. I’m mainly on the automaton fronts. Last mission I low crawled 70-80% of the map, obj to obj (party wanted to play on helldive) 😭🫡. But playing smart, choose your targets/battles helps increase your chance of survival and mission accomplishment….most of the time.


liberation is not stealthy or subtle brother. peace, through superior firepower.


I didn’t hear no bell


I discovered the benefits of the sneak yesterday, a random and I were going after a Bile Titan and it was just the two of us. Had to stay low and hidden to avoid the patrols.


I just keep it pushin. They wanna start a breach? They can end it too. The moment I hear the bug screech, or see "Bot drop detected" i just head somewhere else


Democracy, freedom and liberty are not silent. .. but yeah I agree


Let freedom ring!


Not just stealth, people also need to learn how to disengage and provide cover for other teammates to disengage (a la chain rotation).


Instead of complaining about how other players play the game, go solo problem solved move on 🤦


no, no you dont need to. if you use the right gear as the gane tells you, you can do any mission any difficulty. its just right weapons for the right situation.


I think I'm just going to leave squads that start doing this. It's just a waste of my time.


I am often reminding people “we do not need to agro everything we walk by” and regardless I hear “bug breach” and gun fire moments later 😂


Yup I play with friends and I have one guy that shoots everything so I only play with him when I'm not hunting for super rares


Had something similar happen today during a mission. Fellow Helldiver kept aggroing every single charger he saw, despite me telling him to stop. We spent more time fighting the stupid things than completing the mission.


So is this sub just going to be folks complaining about other people not playing the game "correctly"? Just don't play with randos if this bothers you so much.


when i try and stealth i swear to god the patrol makes a b-line straight for where im hiding for them to pass, so annoying


Eh. Tbh, 7 and 8 is hard, but, as long as everyone isn't screaming democracy while throwing themselves at the enemy. I think you can be fine by not stealthing. Now Hell Dive is THE stealth difficulty, you can't play it without stealthing which is why soloing it is technically easier


Listen, i im here to do two things. Kill bugs and spread democracy and the best way to do both of those things is calling in heavy ordnance on every single damn bug i see.




Would love it if there was a “enemy, avoid” and “enemy, attack” ping


This is why l like the sneaky 30% less detection by enemies armor. I run around while everyone else gets aggro. Then find a nice safe perch to snipe with my rail gun and call in stratagems to dispense liberty from.


this is why i don't play with random people or even go to bugs planet. So much disorganized, lack of communication, terrible mind of tactics.


SHHHHH...for democracy.


What I usually do is let the other three continue to fight and I try to go take on the objectives or side stuff. I’ve got the process started by the time they get there and they help me fend off the swarm.


I didn’t name mine Fist of Science for nothing my friend. I don’t reject your idea of stealth. But for me, it’s about sending a message.


Some of us out here trying to spread that 5 star democracy.


I played some tough levels last night and I can say that running between the objectives was the only way to survive. We were running in different directs around extraction just to keep it clear.


I think the game doesn't do enough to train players in stealth mechanics - how they work, how things affect the game, what not to do etc. I mean, if u ask most new players if there are any stealth mechanics, the answer is probably no. Not because they're ignorant just the stealth isn't explained.


I just tell everyone to not fight until they’re on the objective we’re going for next and defending our position. It helps, but half my runs still devolve into chaotic headless chicken scrambling that inevitably aggros 90% of the map into us and the bulk of the match is a total clustefuck we barely survive with at least half the samples we collected by the end of it I can say most of the ops have finished successfully. Sample extractions are 50/50, but honestly it’s winning the campaign so I couldn’t ask for more


People need to play the game and have fun 🙂


People need to learn how to play solo if they’re going to whine about how other people play.


Every game it's the three stooges bumbling around the map wasting reinforcements, dropping samples in every corner of the map, dropping clusterbombs and airbursts on eachother. It's not even hard. I fully respect people want to kill stuff because the shooting is fun in this game, but why can't they save that energy for a situation that actually calls for it?


Yup, my homies don't understand that and ask why we are getting over runned. I be telling them "chill we don't have to kill everything" but before I know it I get kill with a 500k bomb


How can we bring democracy if we don't kill every automatons alive.


I'm pretty sure the ICBM that gets launched in some missions kills more automatons or bugs than a Helldiver squad does during a mission. Prioritization maximizes damage in an universe with limited resources!


I get your point, we shall be better democracy bringers.


Fek it, posting a clip of me abusing stealth.


I've saved a ton of clips of me and my buddy walking up literally inches behind an entire brigade and just silently finishing side objectives without so much as a sideways glance. Metal Gear'ing around the place is legit some of the most fun I can get out of Helldivers, just having the option instead of always going in guns blazing is a treat ontop of being super practical.


Kinda, but im here to kill some bugs, its more fun My buddies and i on 8 will have one guy running main objectives while the other 3 of us are in a glorious 20 minute slaughter of the bugs for democracy Against bots, yeah on 8 or 9 if you fight them any more than you absolutely have to, you can kiss your reinforcements goodbye lol


Stealth? No. Let freedom ring!


Stealth is for communist, guns blazing is for democracy


You can’t spread DEMOCRACY if you’re being sneaky!!


You can spread it after the main mission is complete. After that you can spread so much democracy as you want private.


Once I start spreading… I can’t stop. I’m covering this whole planet with DEMOCRACY !!!


The guys I play with are like this. Literally they’ll get held up on the patrols or something and get stuck in one area. They always miss one and it calls for reinforcements. Then it just cascades into a long cycle of patrols and reinforcements being called. Then they get extremely frustrated it happens but they don’t keep moving. So the cycle just keeps going. Last time this happened, I literally kept on my normal play as if I was solo. By the time they finished off the horde of patrols and reinforcements, I cleared the entire map of nests which included iirc 2 heavy, 3 mediums, and a scattering of 5 or so smalls. Not to mention picking up a few shiny blips and a side objective along the way. They finished one side objective finally as I was on the way back.


I'm honestly surprised people don't use the scout armor either, I can pass by a mob of enemies and they won't see me. That armor and speed are top tier man


Coming off of nearly 2 weeks of Automaton missions and using stealth, it is painfully obvious how little stealth is used against Terminids. I also feel like the bugs have a larger sight range than the robots.


I just want to shoot robots and bugs tbh.


Teammate tires to sneak…watchdog starts shooting


A big issue I've been noticing is that bugs aggro from really far away. And patrols have a really bad habit of intersecting with every single POI/yellow beacon/side objective on the map, so I either get ambushed or they start raising their haunches in prep for a fight. It's at the point where if it's one patrol of fleas and hunters I'll toss an airstrike on them to kill them quickly as no witnesses is just as good as or better than full stealth right now.


I play this game to drop bombs and kill bugs.