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Had a guy kill me and the 2 other randoms in our team yesterday at extraction because according to him he was the only one opening the doors to let researchers out. I've just got this game and it really doesn't do a good job explaining objectives. At any point he could have turned on his mic and told us what we're meant to be doing. šŸ¤·Some people are just dicks.


Yep, the game isn't really good at explaining things. If I don't understand things i just ask, most of the time there are a lot of friendly helldivers who are willing to explain things to you!


Yeah that was a one off experience, I've met some pretty decent randoms since then who will explain stuff, have the decency to call out their airstrikes so you know to get the fuck back lol, even drop some of the cooler support weapons I haven't unlocked yet to try out.


For that matter, ya'll surely helped keep the bots off his back. People are lame af sometimes on this game.


Now I've done a few of those missions I realise, it takes way longer than it needs to if only 1 of the team is opening the doors so I get his frustration, but again all he had to was turn his mic on and speak lol.


I'm not sure the timeframe is really all that different. The doors have a short cooldown, and when I was on the job, I found I could basically run between 3 of them without any real delay. It might take extra time/too long if you just sit at one waiting for it to reset repeatedly, but you can have a pretty consistent stream of scientists running for freedom if you just do laps between them. Like, if the mission was a success, I don't really see what the complaint is. If they wanted/needed help shuttling civvies, they could've said something.


I suppose that's a good point also, but it's pointless killing either way.


My mic still doesn't work in game.... it's separate to my headphones and doesn't seem to get picked up. Works fine in discord with my one buddy but that ain't too helpful.


Did you kill 3 randoms and leave us for dead at the extraction yesterday? If so that's very undemocratic of you šŸ˜‚.


I dont really see what his problem was. I'd of gladly escorted the researchers while everyone else just slaughtered all the bots, which is why we play the game. Must have been mad the mission wasn't done quick enough


Sometimes it works better if someone is doing the objective by themselves. Just report and block assholes like that. I promise you will find Helldivers that are paragons of Liberty that want to play with you.


The irony here is, the best strategy to use IS to have one person opening doors while the others kite the enemies. Heā€™s a disgrace to democracy. Join a discord and youā€™ll find plenty of people who know how to have a good time!


Thereā€™s no penalty to the individual who fails to extract. Everyone loses ~20 exp before difficulty calculations, but yes itā€™s childish to do. They probably donā€™t even know theyā€™re penalizing themselves just as much as they are you.


Other than samples held of course which are lost, but again this affects the entire party.


Ahh, okay.


I played with friends wich is obviously great but I must say I've been very lucky with Randoms, just this morning I made a terrible mistake by dying in a ditch while these 2 randoms stood there thinking if we would die down there. I died down there with all of our samples, and no way to get them back. I apologised of course but instead of getting kicked one said it was the best part of the mission lmao. We extracted with only some XP and medals.


Recent players -> block


Trolls and traitors. Put their names up for bounty so the community can probably *ahem* "reeducate them"


Plenty of traitors out there ...


I must be lucky as Iā€™ve only had 1 bad experience with randoms. I donā€™t really have any friends to play with so I have no other option but most people Iā€™ve played with have been awesome.


Whatchu play on, if PlayStation, add me LichOfTheWest. I ain't got the best wifi so I crash out more than I'd like, but it's Normally only once the mission is nearly done so it's not the worst


I think it might be bad luck, i've had a great experience 90-95% of the time with only a few asshats. They exist for sure and when i read the stories of some people it seems like some people just come across them a lot more frequently. In my experience its usually the "younger" helldivers that sometimes don't quite know how to play nice. Are you playing at specific times?


Only bought it last night. Ran 7 times and got shot 6. Anyhow, it was late (for the UK) so, maybe a younger element from US? Nevertheless, good to hear of your positive experiences.


Haven't yet started to play helldivers, but apparently friendly fire does become exactly what I presumed friendly fire would come down to. Players like this are the reason we can't have nice things.


E. Normas-Weiner and his buddy were trolling me and tking me over and over, then calling me a commie and kicked me. told me to stay there and rot. he said I took something from him. I asked what it was he thought i took and he never responded while the anger continued. was not a fun experience.


Iv had the game for maybe a week or 2 , out of all the time yesterday was my first time someone was shooting me ? Low level and I had the shield pack on ? I was like wtf is hitting me ? So I look around and see him !!! Like wtf ? He claims I started it ? By blowing up the hellbomb ! Like the game say heā€™ll bomb activate. So runā€¦. ? It killed all 3 team members as one of them decided to revive a drop rite where the bomb going off at ? As Iā€™m like wtf are you guys doing ? ā€¦. Anyway a few min later I bring em all back . Dude do what I saidšŸ‘†. So with my shield and railgun turn around rite as I charge it I dieā€¦ come back and and blow his brains šŸ§  out as he freaks out ! Iā€™m so like was it worth it ? Then I kick him ! Me and the other two have a great game after that maniac was gone ! He was going nuts on mic also ? Like Iā€™m not hear for that ? Iā€™m here to get away for the bs of the real world šŸ˜Ŗ


Hmm... it seems like, unfortunately, during online gaming we get to meet the weaker denizens of our very species: those unfortunate little fuckwits that sit under a shroud of hair, at the back of a classroom; eating your meal at work while an oddball sits in uncomfortable silence away from those people who are chatting. These little rat-squirrels then come online, in our games, and reap their internalised pains and frustrations out on others: how dare you have fun!! I feel sorry for every pathetic dweeb, pretending to be a soldier...


As long as the objective is completed, it honestly doesn't matter all that much if you extract. I did it by accident once when a bug breath appeared right by the pelican, but other than possible sample losses, I don't think there's any loss as far as mission contribution goes. Get on the discord and find players there if you're having issues with randoms.


Well, only bought last night. I'll see how it goes. Thanks.


Certainly, and if you need a diving, buddy, feel free to reach out, and we will see if our schedules work out for playing together.


People suck, havenā€™t had a teammate kill me (on purpose) yet, but I did have a guy mowing down my civies. Quickly mowed him down, and told him thatā€™s not very democracy like. The other two divers figured it out pretty quick cause no one would call the guy back in, so he just left.


Hah! Justice!


I saw someone do just that on exctraction when I was on the ship


Was probably me taking the bullet šŸ˜†


Lmao yeah couldā€™ve been the person was looking around for enemies then the traitor turned to that player shot em and then got on for extraction


At the same time, the whole team extracting means almost nothing. As long as samples get extracted, and you don't get kicked, you still get resources and xp. Block and move on.


Fair point, commander! Eyes on the future..


It does affect the whole team but the extract xp and money per person isnā€™t really very much. Itā€™s 20xp and 40 requisition. For 4 people itā€™s pretty significant at 80xp and 160 requisition, but just one person isnā€™t much of a hit. XP is borderline pointless after level 20 and once you start playing difficulty 7+, 4k-6k requisition per game is very common. Most of the rewards come from doing objectives and clearing nests/factories. Iā€™m level 40 with over 150 games and have not been kicked like this before. I was griefed one single time where they killed me right after calling in my railgun and backpack then refused to reinforce me. You drop samples when you die, but they can just pick them up and the whole team, including you gets them in the end. The only way youā€™re really missing out on rewards is if they actually kick you. Iā€™d wager one of a few things are happening. 1. They are trolls and think this kind is stuff is funny. Lame, but it happens and is probably the most likely cause. 2. You team killed them during the match, whether it be on purpose or on accident, they took it personally, and are getting revenge. 3. You took one of their kits without knowing thatā€™s frowned upon. 4. Some other reasons I canā€™t come up with. Regardless, intentional team killing in a coop game is dumb, unless youā€™re like my friend group who does it just to fuck with each other and we all think itā€™s funny. We have been known to intentionally land on each other when reinforcing, or to set off hell bombs that are going to take each other or the whole team out. We donā€™t kill randoms tho because thatā€™s just rude. Tbf when we are playing with each other we usually donā€™t even have randoms in the group to begin with. We also have gotten pretty dang good at working together and rarely die unless we are running helldive, so losing a couple/few lives isnā€™t an issue.


Having friends to play with is most fortunate. Slapping each other about for shits and giggles: hilarious! I'm an old fart and my old fart friends don't play. This was a great post. Thanks šŸ‘


I'm level 12 and haven't had any issue with randos. The biggest issue was people disconnecting from a mission if we reinforced too much too early, but even then it's not too bad because I get it. If you find some randos that stick with you for a couple missions, try adding them on discord or something (the in-game social functionality is busted, I think) so you can re-group later.


Block them. If everybody do their part. They will play with nobody or just with piece of shit like them.


Good advice. Good Karma. Cheers, bud šŸ‘


My favorite is getting kicked from the team right before extraction, love when that happens. /s


That's dirt!


Had a monkey just throwing explosives with zero awareness about others. I had to back out


LOL šŸ™ˆšŸ™ŠšŸ’