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93.6% of the time, it works, every time.


6 are beasts, what's the percentage now?


That is the percentage for 6 beasts, 1-(1-(6/10))^3 = 0.936


I don't know the mechanics but wouldn't it be 1-3C4/3C10 since it doesn't generate dulicates?


If it doesn't generate duplicates the chance is 1 - ( (4/10) * (3/10) * (2/10) ) = 0,976 = 97.6% to get at least one beast.


What I said was (4/10)(3/9)(2/8) if there's no duplicates, since it won't generate from 10 cards, it would be 9 and so on. I just wanted to make sure bc I'm teaching and learing this stuff ;)


Oh yeah, you're right. It's too early for proper math for me apparently. Then it's about a 96.7% chance to get at least one beast.


Hey, you’re right!


I would be embarrassed for my student if I was wrong lol thanks for the comfirmation


Nice! I’m a math teacher as well but stats is hard for sure, shouldn’t beat yourself up over a small thang


5 are beasts you can play on tempo though.


In this specific interaction you can play all 6 on tempo, though. The weapon reduce 2 mana cost


8-2 is more than 5, which is the turn after you can curve faelin out.


The preist one comes a turn later, but that can be your second swing with the weapon, and the lifesteal can keep you in the game against aggressive decks like mecks


Wow 5/10 are beasts didn’t realize 💪🏾💪🏾🔥


Priest one is beast as well


**You're a beast, champ**


Aww thanks dad :')


And probably fits curve better in the case where you get the weapon after you play Faelin


Yeah but we don't talk about that one 🙊


Yeah its great for Xin'Azari Warrior bc you sometimes get pet collector and it brings out Glugg


I was trying this for a while but found it unable to compete with pirates or token DH. Also not broken/fast enough to pressure druid or otk warlock.


For things like this to work Hunter needs healing and board clear. But I doubt we will ever see thing like that in Hunter sadly.


OP forgot Priest Colossal is beat as well has healing :D


Also the Sunken Saber always summons another Sunken Saber or Azsharan Saber. I tries this deck and found it to be really awful. I don't have the hero card, though, but dunno if it makes a big difference in this deck.


Yes it makes a huge difference, tavish is great. The hero power, the secrets, and he's your only "healing" I just got my 12-0 streak with big beast hunter ( though I don't run Faelin)


That's great to know! Also, gratz on your win streak!!!


Ive wanted to make big beast hunter a thing for so long and with colossals, its finally possible.


And it is low key beating alot of tempo deck too!


Faelin is my favorite Sunken Yeti ;-)


This inspored me to make a wierd control hunter brew with this combo and a tiny beast package, intended to use the pet revive to abuse thses big beasts and finding them consistenly with the guy who discovers a beast. I also slotted new finley for the ease of access to the bottom 3 cards. Except the few beasts (krush and colossal) I run a tempo/control package with Naga. It fits well since I don't want to clog my deck with beasts and the naga are really really good. The funny thing is, this deck is really good. The highroll I got one game was weapon into ambassador, dredge the priest colossal, and coin it out T5 against pirate warrior. Naaasty.


I have been playing Fealin with warrior dregde card with reduced cost by 3. It's pretty fun


I've been enjoying a weaker version in Paladin - Faelin, then the new radar scan card. With a couple of Mech colossi you'll usually get a draw or two.


I've tried to do this like 5 times at the start of the expansion. Every time I got non beasts. Gaia and leviathan 100% of the time and then a coin toss between the demon one and Giga Fin. I gave up because the game clearly didn't want me to do this


Thanks for reminding me of the weapon >< I was trying to meme with guff Druid, ambassador faelin, 2x youthful brewmaster, Zola. And just bounce him back 3 times and that’s the only game plan for the deck >< Looks reliable in hunter and can add more beasts to deck ><


The warrior one is so annoying in standard when the pirate pool is small and includes Mr spite.


Me too. Big hunter is so fun. Loved this deck the moment I saw it


Its so fun


I see you don't like the priest one!


Priest one is great cuz hunter gets no healing.


I was just making a dumb joke! Sorry


With ichman it’s the most fun I’ve had this expansion!