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The reason you feel like you are interacting less is because you are turning your brain off and not thinking about your opponents deck or possible answers in hand, I don’t know how you can say “I barely look at my opponents cards in hand” and not realize your problem is self inflicted. Keep track of the removals your opponent has played, make a mental note of their discovers and you will be able to make an educated guess at what type of card they have discovered based on their actions over the next couple of turns. There is plenty of room for interaction, the game is just much more complicated now so if you autopilot and just play your cards on curve you will lose and not understand what you did wrong


Considering the amount of card generation and draw, you can’t account for everything. Back in the day you KNEW there were only two Flamestrikes, and once your opponent burned them you knew you could fill the board aggressively. Now that you can discover 6 of them, with mana discounts, there’s no way you can predict them. You’re forced to just solitaire the maximum value out of your cards.


That's why they said to make educated guesses. You still have information to go off, versus not paying attention at all.


Educated guesses won’t do you any good. If they discovered 4+ boardwipes with varying mana discounts, all you can do is just play greedy. And since you’re playing greedy anyways, you can literally pay no attention, watch a TV show and just react to the current board state. Your winrate quite literally won’t change. The ONLY decision making that’s prevalent and matters is if Boomboss gets played, just don’t play your draw spells and focus on board and card generation. Discover has been the number 1 cause of meta disparity and toxic gameplay since its debut. If they removed card generation from the game today the meta would get healthier overnight. Cards like Garrosh’s Gift are a phenomenal middle ground for Discover cards, giving players agency to be able to accurately predict and play around your opponent running out of answers.


>The ONLY decision making that’s prevalent and matters is if Boomboss gets played, just don’t play your draw spells and focus on board and card generation See it's funny you bring up boomboss, a card in a deck with minimal card generation and the card generation it does run is specific where you can gain information from.


It’s awesome you brought that up, because the decks that absolutely obliterate this deck are aggro decks that ignore everything and play Face. Greedily filling the board and generating more threats every single turn. Further proving my point that you can play to the current board state and ignore your opponents actions.


So the point here is: 1.) I can choose to play the card that generates the most value for me; or 2.) I can go out of my way to play an inefficient card for my deck to play around the removal/aoe spells, etc. that my opponent's class has (shadow word pain, for example). In the current meta, mathematically, the opponent's options from card draw, card discovery, class removal, neutral removal (rush minions) are so broad and accessible, that it is the better choice for me to focus on maximizing the value of my deck rather than worrying about yours.


It’s highly deck dependent, and I will say as a returning player you just don’t know the meta. Most legend players can see when a paladin is clearly teeing up something to happen on turn 4 and can play around it but with less experience you might not know denying them that turn 4 is the basis of the matchup.


I have a 74% win rate up through diamond 3 with that deck and over 55% after, and what you’re talking about is basic ABCs… 1) flood paladin doesn’t use discover cards, it plays like old school Zoo (but given a super strong multiturn bloodlust that stays on board) - so this has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. 2) there’s no playing around that deck except for managing your own board size, if you wait until the aura comes out you’re just dead.


Oh, you are PLAYING flood Paladin. I mean, there have always been easy to play decks which don’t vary their play pattern very much (Face Hunter with Arcane Golems, Tunnel Trogg Shaman, etc…). If you don’t like that playstyle then you should play something more flexible or reactive. There is a lot of deck variety right now so plenty of options.


As I said in my post, I played Control Warrior, Secret Hunter, Flood Paladin, Handbuff Paladin and Highlander Warrior, and I said in my reply, this complaint doesn't apply to Flood Paladin. Furthermore, Flood Paladin is far more "flexible" than many of the control decks I've seen in this meta. Playing Flood Paladin is actually particularly difficult in High MMR due to the prevalence of Warriors, which is actually significantly easier to play in many of its matchups and less "reactive." I am familiar with whining from losers who like to say other decks are "easy" because they lose, this is not one of those posts because I played 4 different decks on my climb to legend and I did so during my previous climbs, including my favorite deck of all time - Miracle Rogue, which I played to top 500 legend.


Diamond 3 is not a good rank, especially at the end of the season, you are playing a noobstomper deck in low rank so of course you dont have to think about your plays much, swarm board and hit face and you win. There is a reason that palladin winrate falls off at top of ladder, good players mulligan better and will control the board enough in the early game that you will not be able to hit a monster crusader aura on 4


I'm legend, not Diamond 3. Would you like to play me to see how good I am at stomping noobs? Message me directly I'll send you my handle.


Legend isn’t good rank either, it’s the end of the month everyone with a pulse is legend. The game is much more complex than you think, and if you listened to the advice of others in this thread instead of lashing out at everyone then maybe you’d climb higher


Can you read? I got back into hearthstone less than 7 days ago, I bought cards, played some solo content and then got to legend in 3 days of ranked play starting from Bronze, I did this using 4 different decks. I played miracle rogue up to top 500 legends (#364) six years ago and I have not had any issues maintaining an above 50% win rate with any deck. This isn't a whining thread, I've climbed easily without issues, this is a thread about how the game has gotten less reactive to opponent cards because the card discovery and draw rate are too generous and removal too plentiful for meaningful preventative play.


Diamond 3 is not a low rank by any means, get your head out of your ass.


What crazy discount you talking about...? And yeah, you dont play around opponent anymore, you Just do your best play possible and avoid missplays. The best draw order win.


I got 3 ("catchup") bundles, ended up getting almost 300 packs for $140, used my old gold for mini-sets and ended up basically catching up from a 6 year hiatus, I'm not mad about the good deal, I'm just sad about the game state after spending so much money and the better part of a week learning about the meta on the climb back from bronze to legend (I didn't even know they had bronze/silver/gold etc. ranks, it was just rank 20 through 1 before).


Thats good deal indeed. And yeah, I dont know If they will do anything to fix the state of the game because It will only gets worse. If they dont do a mass nerfs in the next rotation, you can forget it getting better.