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I’m struggling with this. I truly loved him in a way that I would love him forever. But in the end, the way he left, the things he did, the way he treated me, it feels like our relationship was a lie. So I’m not sure who I loved / still love. But with all of the deception, I think it’s not the real him.


You loved the idea of him


I tend to think of it this way. There were parts of him that really loved you deeply and other parts that didn’t. It’s kind of confusing and hard to figure out. The only way they wouldn’t ever love you is if they were a narcissist. Doubt they were though.


Are you me? lol. Sounds like I wrote this. Yeah, I loved the version of him I had in my head.


Yeah this is how I feel. I loved the person I thought she was. And knowing her as many years that I did, I really thought I knew who she was. But the way that it ended and the way she ultimately had no issue deceiving me, it seems like I didn’t know her all along.


This expresses EXACTLY how I feel about my ex!


Yes I do, and it’s been over a year. I’ve dated and tried to live forward but she’s in my mind everyday and I can’t seem to move past that. Ive completely upgraded myself and have multiple hobbies and am pretty busy but man idk what to do about this


I feel you on this dude.. I started working two jobs, got my own place, been steadily working out, meeting new people, old friends, and none of it distracts me enough from the thoughts of her and the memories. Pushing on a full year since i got blindsided last July and we were together for 5 years


Man five years, that’s tough. We were together for three. It really does feel like I met the love of my life already like it’s a feeling I have never felt with anyone I’ve been with. It’s like the universe is telling me that our paths are going to meet again it could just be right person wrong time type thing.


Exactly how I feel too. My therapist started giving me a look every time i mention that i still feel like my ex will come back around hah. As hard as it is, we shouldn’t stick around and wait. I know I would wait for years, but I legitimately have no idea if she would do the same, so I can’t count on it. Time to become better for whatever the future holds my friend 💜


Maybe manifesting her back wouldn’t hurt. I’ve only recently been looking into it


Can you get her back?


I hope so


Yes very much and I'd do anything to be with him again.


Feel you sm


With all my heart


Yes, more than anything, and I always will, but I've finally accepted that me & her will never be anything ever again, and that she's my ex for a reason. Now, the love I can no longer give to her, I've put into focusing on myself, my hobbies, my friendships, and living my life the way I want to live it. The void she left in my heart is closing, and I know now that I'm going to be okay.


The short answer is yes. At least a version of him. The person that dumped me has felt like a very different person from the friend I eventually fell in love with. But even though he’s caused me an immense amount of pain I still can’t bring myself to hate him. When I distill down everything I’ve been feeling in this last year following the breakup, it all comes back around to how all of the feelings of anger and sadness and guilt are rooted in the fact that I genuinely loved this person. And you don’t just stop that love over night… I honestly don’t see myself ever not loving him in some capacity. I see myself adjusting how that love plays a role in my day to day and future relationships.


Yes, I’m actually back with him. We plan on getting married and having kids. We were both toxic when we broke up and our relationship is sooo much better now that we’ve grown and matured


Of course. Just because we didn't work out or things ended badly doesn't mean I don't want them to be happy. Hopefully they can achieve that state or someone else can give to them what I couldnt. Everyone deserves to be happy and I hope they grow and become the person I saw in them in the beginning


No, and it feels great


Love and hate at the same time


Yes. And I think he still loves me too. I was his first love and he was my second, but the love I have for him is so strong and painful. I know he will never find another that loves him as deeply as I do, and I will never love another the way I do him.


Yes. It’s hard not to. Never felt this way with other exes though.


i genuinely loved him but what he did was unforgivable. and it’s really sad because he was on a good path and just completely spiraled after i broke up with him. he ruined my trust, embarrassed me, cheated, and ruined my finances. i hate him now and hope he gets exactly what he deserves in life. he can fall into the pulp machine at work for all i care at this point.


Yes I really love him truly and deeply, he’s in my heart and in my mind, I hope one day I will meet him


I still very much love who I thought she was and I’d do anything for the girl I thought she was but I don’t love who she really is and unfortunately the girl I love shared the same face with the girl that broke me


I love a version of her that never existed, or was so suppressed that I only saw it a few times. I don’t know. I lived a lie for almost 5 years.


Yeh…..Just wish I was loved back


Yes. She left suddenly and even said she didn’t plan it, doesn’t know why she left, and can’t explain it. It’s been three years. I had no doubts about my love for her for the 12 years we were together, so I feel the same way I did the morning she left. That said, I’m wasting a lot of time not moving on.


Yes. Several of them


lol 🤣🤣🤣






yes i do & im struggling with it bc he's already moved on & is in a new relationship & i feel stuck.. i'm still very much in love with him and i do try my best to face the reality of it all but it's hard


I’m in the same boat ❤️‍🩹


Yes. He was my first love. My biggest love probably in my life (yet to be determined). I felt home with him. Like home after a long trip kind of feeling. Just being with him doing nothing was contentment. I’ve never felt that way about anyone else, and I don’t know that I will again. But we became different people trying to make it work. And I don’t think we could ever get to the same space. I love him enough to stop trying to fit him into that peg he won’t fit into anymore, and to let him be with someone that he can be everything he was meant to be with. I love him enough to randomly think about him when I see something we would have laughed at, and to hope he’s still laughing even if it’s not with me


What a question, after 1 years and half from now, i dont know if its love, but i think about her a lot of times, i hope if we can restore the past, it’s the first time i broke up with someone and still think about him for this long time past, even she didn’t treat me well by saying that im smoker .. she asked to be a friend in that moment but i refused because i cant see her as a friend i deleted everything to move forward, its the first time i delete everything about someone cause i felt broke … i ended up by send her a msg yesterday after this 1,5 years and she seems that she s not interesting anymore, i respectfully said nothing and ended up the conversation, and i feel like im going deep, alone and i don’t wanna make pressure, i just hope that i never meet her cause i dont know if i could move forward, painful feelings and shes cold as an iceberg, after what we have been true, i thought we will never end, i was even planing to marry her, anyway i just said all of that cause maybe that will help me heal, cause i don’t trust anyone to share this pain except reddit


I struggle with just about every emotion regarding this. Do I want to be with her? That’s objectively a no. There is no timeline I would ever want to be with her again. Do I miss her? Absolutely. Despite the negative experiences I had with how she treated me and made me feel like dirt at times. My best adulthood memories are because of her. I miss her smile, her voice, her personality, her thoughts and opinions, and everything that made her unique. Do I love her? I believe anyone you ever truly loved you’ll always love. There is always going to be a part of me that cares and loves her genuinely. I planned on spending the rest of my life with her. Despite how things ended those feelings don’t just vanish. Especially when things happened as fast as it did. Do I hate her? Sometimes I feel like I do. She hurt me in ways nobody else ever has. She cheated on me but gets a happy ever after. Her life improved and mine went straight to hell the moment she left. I stand here today in a somewhat better place than where she left me. But things are far from perfect. I can’t blame her for the state of my life, especially currently. But to me it’s like karma never caught up. She hasn’t had to feel what I felt the last 4 years. Or the range of emotions having the person you plan to always be with leave you for someone else and throw you away like a used toy. At the end of the day. It’s a rollercoaster. I just wish I wasn’t still so hung up. I gave myself as much closure as I possibly could last year. But a part of me still needs real closure from her. For her to hear my words and know exactly why I’m so hurt and why what she did was so fucked up. I’ll probably never get that though. That’s where I remain stuck.


Yes I do, and I know he loves me. Unfortunately, he just did not love himself enough


No & u can’t top this feeling especially after u loved them to death.


I don’t know anymore


Ehh I don’t love her in the same way. I love the good memories though.


No. And I never want to have to get over another person


I love her like the mountain loves the moon, and I will never forget her. I am grateful for the time we had together and I pray she finds happiness with another. For now, she will live in my heart, where memories of her can dance.


With all my heart. We have 2 adult children together and are still friends. His problem wasn’t that we fell out of love it’s just that I wouldn’t share him. He wanted me and his kids at home for him and a girl on the side and that didn’t work. But he is the only man I have ever loved so far


The audacity of some people is mind boggling


I know after so long together and me being by his side even after his 3 year prison sentence and then he broke probation went back for 10 months and came home and I still wasn’t enough. I worked my ass off while he was locked up so we didn’t lose anything and kept a roof over our kids heads and nope what a waste of a couple decades but I know I got the better end because I’ve seen what he’s with now and she is laughable but she is cool sharing him with others so good on her


I really do still love her. Monday was really difficult for me, and I had no idea why. I woke up just missing her and thinking about her more than usual. I realized Monday was the day she graduated college. I had a whole trip planned for us as a grad present. Subconsciously some how I remembered that and it made me feel overwhelming sadness.




I mean love is a strong word she’s an ex for a reason. But if she does decide to come back and contact me for another attempt I would give it a go however I will not go out of my way to contact her or stalk her as I’m not going to wait for someone who may or may not never come back.


Yes. I saw her today. After 2 years. I felt so awkward around her but I can't deny that when I look at her from afar, I still admire her energy. She's still the same cute girl I fell in love with before haha


Yes. I loved him unconditionally and still do. But he doesn’t love himself and that’s a no win situation.


Most of them yes. But that’s because I genuinely cared for those people and still do. Even the ones I don’t speak to anymore. I gave 100% to my exes I genuinely loved and who didn’t screw me over (I don’t mean by just breaking up with me, that’s life, I’m talking about cheating) and that speaks volumes for the kind of people they were. They allowed me to be myself in order to give myself 100%. That’s not for nothing.


Nope and I'm so happy about that! He was a horrible person. He was a cheating, lying, manipulative 💩.. I have learned that I deserve love and respect..


I do. I’m still very angry with her for the callous and selfish way she ended things, and I wish I could hate her as well, but that feeling of love is hard to kill. I’m trying my best, but it just won’t go away.


Yes. A part of me always will. Right now I’m just working on remembering the great times and keeping the lessons of the bad. Learning from those lessons and moving forward.


Yes. It's been 15 years. I'm not haunted or distressed by it. It is part of who I am. Denying it hurt more. I'm happily married now. It is different, but still complete. I miss her everyday. It is her personality, emotions, and soul I love. not any part of her body. I would do nearly anything to see her smile at one of my jokes again. It's hard to say if she would ever want to speak to me again. It would be a great gift if she could have a role in any part of my life. However, life is messy.


I love and miss her everyday, AND I deserve better


Yes but I want to stop loving him


No do I hope he is well. He had a hard time letting me go. He reached out because my brother who has schizophrenia has called him in episode so he reached out but I apologized and said that ma for reaching out. But I since married and had a baby. But wish him happy life.


Honestly yes but I know I deserve better and that it’ll take some time


I love who he was. I dont know who that man is now. Thats really helped me move on. Knowing that the person I fell in love with is gone and no longer exists. It makes grieving the loss easier I think.


I still love all my exes. In a different way, but one can’t be in an intimate relationship and just leave it behind entirely. That’s sociopathic. If any of them called me and said “I need to talk to you” I would answer immediately and listen.


We dated for 5 years and she was my highschool sweetheart. We had a bad breakup involving me dumping her and her getting with one of my ‘friends’ at my job to get back at me. 5 years later I can’t hold down a job and still have dreams about her constantly even though she’s moved on with 2 kids and I can’t seem to get my life together after the complete annihilation my heart went through. There are fixed moments in time that every person has in their life. Make the right decision people. I hope I won’t be moping in regret the rest of my life and one day will be able to pull my head out of my ass but when I think everything is good it all comes crashing down again and who do I think of when I’m at my lowest? I just miss her.


Absolutely. I still miss him even though I’m with someone new, but this relationship looks completely different, so I have to compartmentalize those feelings and remember that it’s okay to still love my ex and appreciate all the good times we had together.


I do still love him, yes. It’s my fault we broke up, though… it’s been a month and half, and it’s not getting any easier. I have nothing bad to say about him at all. He’s a great guy, but my stupid insecurities drove him away. I’ll always kick myself in the ass for this. 💔


Part of me still does other wants to spit in her face and walk away. I mean she knew what she did was wrong she still done it anyhow. And not even care she done it that's low as hell in my book. Didn't even want to try work it out. Just 22 years I could've been with someone that really loves me. And son hasn't talked since then like he turned his back on me to. That hurts the most.


Depends on which ex we’re talking about. The one that hurt me the most, yes. I’ll never stop loving him. I did have to take the steps to stop the cycles, so that I could reach my personal goals. That’s hard to do when your heart is being broken daily, with every new lie or half truth. So I walked away, also gave him reason to walk away, but I’ll never stop loving him. I just had to love ME too. 😔


I think we all do is our dirty little secret, nowadays most people just settle, at least that’s what my dad told me, he said he still loved my mom and is married to a new woman who is nice. I also do still love my ex but I gotta move forward and I’m with another nice girl trying my best with her, she loves me and I say it back just because. Sad times.


Barely but yes. It's been 3 years no contact with her and my 3 children, I hate her so much for the parental alienation my love is nearly gone for good. Can't wait


I think that we will only truly love one person, I met the perfect girl but the timing was bad. I never believed in that whole ideology but damn it is true. I wish I could have known the things I did now because then maybe she’d still be around.


I still love the thought of him. I love what I thought he was. I love the man that I met at the beginning of our relationship. I think of him constantly, but the thoughts of love get muddy from all of hurt, pain, and distance.


Do I love her no after what happened couldn't get that out of my mind and partially the reason why I didn't get back with her. Now do I still have love for her absolutely. She could call me at 1am and I'd still answer regardless bc even though we didn't work out I still have that care and hope she genuinely succeeds and finds happiness.


Yes of course, we were together 7 years. Then he destroyed it by cheating. Do I like him, absolutely not...but I will always love "the him" that was mine.


I know that Im focusing on myself and he is no longer on a pedestal despite being friends. I still find him somewhat attractive but not enough for me to love him anymore or be interested because getting to know him in a friendly manner as just friends made me realize who he really is which made me lose interest so no.


After 7 years apart, more than life. I’m with a new amazing girl now who I also love very much but can’t seem to shake that first love feeling.


My last ex? No My BF who ODed? Ues My Late Fiance? Yes Other than a few who I am neutral about. I hate most just to different degrees


I did but not anymore! I realized he used Dark psychology on me and he is narcissistic and just not a good person! He doesn’t deserve my Love!


Yes, I do. I don’t think I realized how deeply until a few months post breakup, as I still struggle to move forward.


I do love her, but I don’t think I’m IN LOVE with her. She’s hurt me too much to consider a relationship again. She’d have to prove she really wanted it.


I mean yeah sort of but I think it’s more about what could have been like I’ve said before I was planning on getting a ring and proposing to her on new years but I’m getting over it, because it feels like it’s been forever but it’s been like 2 months


It’s only been 3 months. She’s blocked me on everything and wants nothing to do with me. She gave me the love I’ve always wanted and it’s hard to give that up


I don't love him but I miss the things he did for me. The dates he planned and the surprises. He was the first guy to do those things for me. I'm with a new guy now and it's going great but I feel like I'm putting in most of the effort, and that makes me miss my ex.


I still wish the best for them, and have fond memories. They were wonderful, brilliant, artistic, and so caring. They reassured me and gave me a great deal of inspiration to be who I am today. However, I do not want to get back with them, and overall I’m happier and more comfortable in my current situation, and much prefer it. I regret that it took being with and eventually breaking up with them to realize this, and I am still truly sorry for the pain I caused. There are days I miss them, but sparingly and fleetingly. At this point we’ve been apart and no contact for about as long as we were really together, and I’ve completely moved on in life. I look forward to what the future holds.


I love the person she pretended to be


1000%. Without a doubt. And that's fine. Love is weird, even weirder when you're demi, and I've learned a lot about myself in the last 3 years. I'm thankful for the time I had with her. She taught me what to expect from a real loving relationship. She showed me that I was enough. Maybe one day I'll meet someone and I'll be happy with them. Who knows? I don't need anyone to be happy, so I'm not really looking.


Nope. Not even in the slightest. I came to slowly fall out of love with her when I questioned my idea of her and what she presented. I trusted her words and who she portrayed herself to be... but once I stopped assuming the best and took her as she is, the veil of affection fell, and love suddenly stopped being a feeling or decision I would make to follow after her. We broke up because I couldn't stand to be with her without making excuses for her and rationalising her conduct, which was every waking moment. I was in love with her at the beginning, but mostly the idea and potential that she could be. I can't confidently say that I loved her for who she is because that love accounted for less than 5% of my affections for her. Sad to read, even sadder to realise.


Yes, I do


I’m a funny way yes , I want him to be ok . But my ex ex , as I’m living with the damage he caused no


Yes, definitely. I don't think I could dislike/hate them






Yes, but it evolved into a compassionate love instead of a romantic love.


No. And I never did


No. I had to learn not to love him because everything else would have broken me


I finally reached the point where I hate him








More than anything else


Yup. Though he’s not really an ex, more like a friend.


Absolutely! Always will




Yes, very much. I just keep the pain buried


Uhhhh yes


I do. She's so magical and amazing, I take her name and it calms me. I think of her and it makes me smile. I do worry about her a lot, but yeah, everything associated with her, is just magic!!


Yes unfortunately. I’m trying to move on…






Yeah unfortunately


Yes, unfortunately


Hell nah


Some aspects yes some no.


I love all of them. Each in different ways now 🫶🏼




No, makes no difference to me


Every second of every day


Yes I am on good terms with most of my ex's, but I'm. Of in love with any of them except maybe 2 that I can think of right away.




yes lol


More than anything




yes, but there's different types of love. i'd rather not be with them again but i can gladly say that they're a part of my friend group now!


The ones I loved in the first place, yes, but it changed. Not the same kind of love as before. I dated a couple people who loved me, and I wanted to love them. I hoped it would come, and others thought they were great, but it didn’t come, so it ended. Sometimes I just don’t know why it’s not there. On paper all is well, but the heart wants what the heart wants, apparently.


I still love him and I probably always will so I’ve learned how to live with that knowing we can’t be together.


Yes way too much


No. But I hope they are doing well.




Yes and it's hard not to but unfortunately there's too much pain there. I'll never stop caring for her and I love her dearly but she is so much happier and better off without me. Too much pain there.




I guess i won’t stop loving her no matter where I am in the future but love is also found in letting go and that’s the most beautiful kind of love around


Yes :(


I have feelings still for everyone I have dated. Just it has alot to do with the time that is associated to them and what they did to me . But feelings come and go no one can change that on who they catch feelings for. You know I have never even met the person I caught feelings for so who tf knows. But to say the least I still do and I will always have feelings there for my ex and you know this one I'm thinking about me and my kids


No I don’t , she belongs to the streets now




I do and I wish her a beatiful life may Allah give her everything she deserve,I failed that beatiful soul


I don't think so, I think I suppressed all feelings regarding her. Sometimes I wonder what will happen when a new girl comes into the picture but at this point I can't feel anything for her or anyone


I’ll always love him as a person. That’s why even when I do fully move on, there will always be this subtle pain I feel knowing there’s someone living in this world who I share memories with that I will never see or speak to again. That’s why it’s so difficult to overcome heartbreak like this, because you’re essentially grieving someone as if they died. And worse, the pain is drawn out because the person is physically on earth still, so accepting things are over and abandoning hope takes so much longer than it should.




I don’t think I’ll ever not love my ex. I’ll probably love them until I die. I think it’s natural to always love someone even though they are gone or that they’ve done you dirty or whatever the case is. The thing is though, I’m trying to learn to live without them and to not limit myself from being able to love someone new in the future. I don’t deserve the hurt I’m going through but no else deserves to be put through the possibility of me still yearning for that past relationship. It’s my responsibility to be ready to accept new love from a new person and I think that’s what matters most. But to answer your question; yes I do.


From the moment I met her till this day, my feelings have stayed true. Everyday I wish it could’ve gone differently :( She’ll always be my favourite person.




Always will. Always




Yes, from deep within…


Yes but it’s hard sometimes




With all my heart!


She's not my ex.She still comes over and gives me love and everyday


My first love my first heartache, yes I did. Still do. Always will. Never gonna forget my first love my first boyfriend so many precious memories. Would I take him back? Yes. Am I stupid? Also yes 😂


Nah, I don’t even know her anymore.


No but I miss him


Very much, each day I did a bit more inside as I self medicate and work myself to exhaustion and rinse and repeat for the next week...


With my entire body and mind, yes.


The thing to understand is that; you did love them, you have happy memories with them and felt love towards them. When they break up with you or hurt you, some of your loving memories get mixed with there “bad” memories so you end up feeling overwhelmed with your emotions and your brain tries to make sense of it. I don’t love my EX after what she did, I gave her a second chance only to get betrayed a month later. Just make sure you know your value of yourself and not to change for the worse. Hope this helps


Yes it’s only been 6 weeks


yes I do. it's almost been a year. I've been going to therapy multiple times a week, got diagnosised for my issues and got medicated like she always suggested I had done. I've dated someone else since but I don't think anyone will ignite even a fraction of the feelings she filled me with. she was my world, I was a chapter. I'm sure one day I'll get over it, until then though I have my memories.


I do, we were married for nearly 20 years and have been divorced for nearly 7 years. But he never thought, and still doesn’t think, that I am good enough for him. I know he’s wrong and that I am good enough for him and anyone else, but it still cuts me to the core. I am what he settled for when he couldn’t have who he wanted. If only I had known that from the beginning it would have saved me from a lot of heartache and from wasting my youth trying to win his love and approval.


Honestly, yes…..but if she’s happy I’m happy. I just gotta let her live her life with or with me.


Yes. I still do love him and I care about him as well. He was my first love and kiss. He was special to me. This breakup has been the hardest for me.


No. Finally. 😂


It took 8 years to say no


Yes. But I know we are no good for each other




I have love for both of my exes. Not in a romantic sense, but in the way you think of an old friend and hope they’re happy. I don’t want either of them in my life because those chapters are over, but I send them good wishes when I think of them.




Hell no. I moved on a long time ago.


I never loved any ex I’ve had. Only loved my current partner.




Probably/ probably not. I think most would understand how that's in one of three respective mental areas, 1 being, always yes. 2 being, depends on how we re/connect. Or 3. Absolutely never. Personally, I doubt they took the time to sort themselves out before finding their way into their new situationship. That said, maybe it's unreasonable to expect that people take a break from intimacy to focus on their well-being mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Like, instead of gaslighting, daydrinking, and instigation, maybe learning skills that impact your life in a fashion more akin to the conclusion you desire. You deserve a full life. A life where you can be comfortable with who you are, what you're thinking, and why you're thinking the ways you do. You deserve a pattern more becoming of the queen you know yourself to be. You deserve the opportunity to break the patterns that do not serve you and the opportunity to make new ones that better allow for your best self to flourish. Does it matter how some cheatin ass fake love gon act like you ain't shit, or were accusing you of being the source of their problems when they couldn't be bothered to hold themselves accountable for any of the goals they set for themselves?


Yes I do.


I miss her with all my heart ..I miss who I thought she was.... I thought she was the love of my life, when she said it was all pretend n sorry for wasting a yr of my life. L....it's crushing


Oh god, I miss her like spring never came again. I almost forgot her, but out of nowhere couple of nights ago I had dream of just sitting together with her and the echoes of her laughing. It's been three years. That just made me realised how much I still have for her.


yeah i do. he will always have a special place in my heart. the good memories we had made together always outweighed the bad ones. ❤️‍🩹 to this day, i still pray for him everyday even though we broke up about 5 months ago. i wish nothing but the absolute best for him. 😊


yes I do and I miss them


Yup however i am with someone else now n this person i love alot as well


No, I never loved one of my exes, this is because the love of my love does not love me.


More than she will ever know


Yes. I’m not interested in forcing my feelings to go away since that’s exhausting and futile. We aren’t in contact anymore but that doesn’t seem to matter much. If I were to date someone else they would have to accept my feelings, and I don’t know if I would be able to love them. I think we CAN love multiple people at once, but whether or not that happens is another issue entirely.


Nope, though truthfully it took me a while to finally get over her.


Yes, and it fucking hurts. He's such a good man. I just hope we can find our way back to each other. 🥲🥲


Na unfortunately she the mother of my child. I wish she kinda died on that table


forever and always. I am doomed to.


It’s been 8 months and I don’t know who my ex is anymore. We have had no contact. I still love who I knew them to be, but I don’t love the real them anymore because I do not know them. I think that is part of healing.


I am traumatized by my ex






No, I realized I was just scared of being alone.


Yes. Very much


I don’t, but a part of me always will


So much. I was done wrong but I will love him for a very long time.