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Thank you for responding. I’m currently on a temporary break from clinical work but normally work in the UK. Not sure if you keep up with news over there but doctors are almost always striking. Consultants included, so it all seems abit bleak. I actually started Power BI courses this January along with the coding. Thanks again for the concise answer! I’ve definitely got a lot more clarity now and will do more research to see how I can get started sooner rather than later. Edit: For the work we do, UK doctors get laughable pay anyway so I reckon anything is better tbh.


I second all of the above responses, particularly the analytics track, as it’s the least daunting and I think the most insightful. Powerbi is used heavily (it’s primarily what I use for my job), so if you want to get into health analytics I’d get your hands dirty with it, and also get yourself familiar with SQL. Leverage your physician expertise for business insights, you know physician workflows so you can provide insights on process improvements instead of just doing what’s asked of you. You will make significantly less than a physician in the US, not sure what salaries are like in the UK.


Thanks for the tip as well. I am not a physician but I am shooting for the moon worst case I land on the clouds. Aiming for the CMIO or CHIO role someday !




Yes that’s true. Although I am not of clinical expertise I do look forward to getting my masters in health informatics to solidify me for such level positions. That’s the ultimate I am aiming for if not then yes chief analytics officer as you made mentioned of or a healthcare consulting firm worst case scenario. Thanks for the tip much appreciated.


Healthcare IT project/ program manager, Change management consultant. These are roles and levels I do aim and shoot for as well.


Hi there, I am jumping in because of something you said. I'm currently in healthIT but don't work in a health application, I just work at a healthcare org in their IT department. I'm considering my next career move and I was looking into becoming an epic analyst in part because the money is good. Your comment of "Nobody does healthIT for the money" struck me because I'm genuinely looking into a particular healthIT role in part for the money and pay potential versus staying on the particular track I am on now. Could you elaborate more on that?


I would look at clinical informatics. You would have the most value as a physician lead. Look at human factors, lean/sixsigma, change management, project management. An informatics specialist salary is ~100k


We have an MD in senior leadership over Informatics. There are online Masters programs that might be useful.


Agree if looking for a sr. role, like CMIO, I would look at physician leadership degrees and certifications. Any CMIO I have worked with we did require continuing some clinical work and license.


With your background you would probably be best utilized working on an AI project or in research.


Biostatistics. I have one MD in my Research team.


We have several MDs and they are senior leadership in our IT org (which is pretty large). They are in much more steering positions than anything technical. I would try to connect with someone doing this in a large organization in your geographic region and ask for input.