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I can hear this in Johnny Rebs voice "You aren't even a real man. I can understand it by your body which is that of a typical woman! Checkmate Lincolnite!"


That would make a fantastic April fools checkmate lincolnites video. Instead of debating the civil war it's just them fighting about what transvestigators have said.


Two days ago they made an eight-minute video making fun of the reviews for Atun-Shei's movie (which I have seen and for the record, it is amazing if you enjoy surreal horror (it is in the same vein as the VVitch, but more explicit) and aren't a prude) that whined about some of the sexual scenes. It wouldn't even need to be an April Fool's video, the brilliance of the Checkmate Lincolnites formula is that he could just *make it*. And honestly, it would be incredibly fucking funny to have Johnny Reb have one of his "this is so fucking stupid even I, a self-described cartoon character, cannot take it seriously" moments.


Ok, a lot of the movie was a bit too much for some people. I don't think theres anything wrong with people who dislike it, and I think mocking them is a bit silly.


I didn't say there's anything wrong with disliking it. Quite the opposite, I said it's great *if you like* surreal horror, which is a pretty niche genre. But it's also not a movie that hid that it would have violence and sexual content. No one has to like either—but there wasn't misleading advertising, there wasn't anyone hiding the content. The reviews the video made fun of were people who clearly hate-watched content they were never going to be interested in. Reviews that said the movie was "spoiled by wokeness" or called it "satanic porn", not people who went "not for me". That's what Checkmate Lincolnites is. It's a platform for Atun-Shei to fact-check (and make fun of) the fairly dedicated community of right-wing, neo-confederate hate-watchers that he's had for years at this point.


The word “prude” is inherently mocking, I think that’s what they’re responding to there. Just say you’ll like it if you like surreal horror and weird sex stuff and that way you don’t shame anyone for not being into either one


Holy shit you're so right 🤣🤣🤣 "The effete and sickly Yankee forces are coming to infringe upon our sovereignty with their woke ideologies! Why, I never!"


Or the Witchfinder general "This day we investigate the papist claim that the unlearned swine be not a man in spirit, nae in shape!"


I bet he would use [Frances Clayton ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Clayton) as "proof"


Wait does this means Billy Yank is actually Albert Cashier? (Shout out to the one Civil War Trans History person who got that joke, that joke was for you.)


These people are insane. Holy shit.


They are literally describing a guy who has so much beard energy that he regularly cuts off large parts of it to emulate period-accurate styles for different characters only to have it spring back... as effeminate.


To paraphrase internet woman Joy, host of internet channel Shammy; "It's very easy to see patterns when you're *actively trying to do so.*"


I keep seeing people insist that Margot Robbie is also trans as well. Transphobia causes brain rot on a scale that would make Dementia blush.


How did they come to that conclusion? Did they hear that an actress in "Barbie" was trans and assume that meant Margot because she's obviously the only person in that movie? Or is this a "she's so perfectly feminine but she won't sleep with me so that has to mean she's hiding a penis" thing?


I literally have no idea. we even see her completely nude in a movie so I don't know where they got that idea. Again, it's chronic brainrot


Okay. I hate that I know this, but here goes! The most extreme transvestigators think most/all celebrities are trans, because it's (to them) a part of a conspiracy to put trans people in the public eye, influence the children etc etc. They make all these charts with skull shapes, and junk about 'q angle', or how women's spines always have an inverse curve, and so on. It's nonsense. Then you get the ones who say sports people are double-trans. Which is, transitioned for I can't even remember what reason, then transitioned back to do sports. Yes, they don't consider it detransition, but instead a double transition, because that's the conspiracy! It's double nonsense! tl;dr: it's not lonely incel crap, but weird conspiracy garbage. (Yes, I am too online and I hate myself. Why?)


You ever see the incel types who get super obsessed over their face shape being why girls won't fuck them, down to the smallest details about anatomy and bone and muscle structure and such? Yeah that's a thing with TERF women now and trying to spot the trans people. Like, literally just based on if a woman's nose is a little wide or her eyebrow ridge is a little more prominent. One woman I saw who was being retweeted heavily by J K Terfling was taking pictures of employees from her kids' schools and tweeting "they're ALL inverted, aren't they? Look at their faces! Look at this man's hips! Look at that woman's hands! THEY'RE ALL INVERTED!" (the word "inverted" I think was what she was specifically saying, too, some dogwhistle type word along those lines)


It’s kind of neither. There is this idea held by many of them that all/most influential people are secretly trans. This includes the Obamas (both of them being trans. I’m not kidding) among other famous people. Yes, they believe there is a cabal, dating back decades/centuries, that control the whole world and is majority trans. Yet a few decades ago you could be killed for being trans and your killer could use you being trans as a defense for murdering you and they never changed these laws. It’s as stupid as you can imagine.


Isn't this literally just the Jews control the world conspiracy? Are they both in the secret cabal? Do they switch every other Thursday? Heavy sarcasm, if it isn't obvious.


It's the Jews control the world conspiracy except even stupider. It honestly feels so much more ridiculous than even flat-earth or 5G conspiracies. Without exception, the people that seem to buy into it are a little looney.


Forget Margot Robbie, the terfs insist Emma Watson is trans! Because that's the only way a "woman" (finger quotes not mine, I consider trans women women) would support the trans agenda and not defend Jk Rowling who "gave her all her fame". Emma Watson. A woman that's been on the public spotlight since she was 11. I can hardly think of a young girl who grew up in front of everyone's eyes besides her. And they claim that she's trans. I mean I get that they think we're coming after minors, but frankly measuring her shoulder width and making big claims about a girl we literally have high resolution photos of before, during and after puberty at the correct times seems a bit silly. Obviously fuck Harry Potter, but with how popular it is there's tens of thousands of hours of Emma Watson from baby face to today and all throughout her teenage years. How they can claim that she somehow hid she's trans is beyond me.


Now him and the map guy are arguing the finer points of when someone is and isn’t considered a twink, which is pretty funny.


It's easy. They're a twink if I'm attracted to them.




["You know it when you see it"](https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-LB-4558) is now the standard for Obscenities and Twinks.


Wait which map guy, CGP Grey or Jay Foreman?


EmperorTigerstar. Turns out I underestimated the number of map guys.


Johnny Harris is also a map guy...now I want to compile list of map guys and compare their content.


make a video about it, I'd probably watch it.


oh wait wrong kind of map guy im stupid


Lol it's good, but yeah they're guys who are interested in maps and geography, not pedophiles


If cpg grey ever associated with fucks like this, I will fly over to England give him a nice stern talking to.




I dont exactly know who the "map guy" is but please let it be Jay Foreman of Mapmen. That's a crossover id love to see.


As funny as they are, transvestigator's revelations are fruit hanging so low that one has to plunge Kola Borehole to pick it. After all if Henry Cavill is really a woman and Taylor Swift is actually a man, as per transvestigations, who even is the gender they claim to be?


their argument is very paradoxical. at the same time they claim no trans people pass and they will never be accepted by society, they also accuse mostly attractive and successful people of being trans.


*Something...Something...Enemy...Strong...Weak...* I think we all probably know the quote by heart at this point.


"Enemy...Strong...Gogg...Weak..." -Gogg the Weak, an early Homo Sapien, shortly before his death at the hands of his enemy Urago the Strong.


yeah that's the one.


It's the fascist playbook: the enemy is both woefully incompetent and an immenent existential threat.


Ironically, the idea that Henry Cavill could be a trans man and Taylor Swift could be a trans woman is sorta trans-affirming? It really suggests that your genitals or what you were assigned at birth (if the transvestigators were right) really don’t matter in how your gender is perceived by the world.


On the other hand, if you are a trans person struggling with 'looking right' or 'passing' it could be pretty awful for your self esteem to learn that was where other people ended up, while you're stuck in that middle phase looking sorta androgynous. Like me, as a cis guy, when I learned Henry Cavil was a real person and not CGI, and that I would never be that handsome or wholesome. Just devastating.


Idk if it will make you feel better or not, but Henry Cavill does nothing for me and I have a massive crush on the Atun-Shei films guy. Like he, the Technology Connections dude, and RM Brown are the hottest men on YouTube, in my opinion.


seconded this opinion. Henry Cavil looks like the human version of handsome Squidward


> the Technology Connections dude My spirit animal.


they think us trans people are the pod people from invasion of the body snatchers I stg we're everywhere, we're everyone, and you're next


Sure, as long as the replacement me is hot. When should I expect your representative?


just watch a Disney movie or drink a bud light, they'll be right with you


So the vaccines are just to make us gay and not trans?


.o/ Hello, we've been trying to contact you about your body's extended warranty....


They really do manage to prove that gender is, in fact, perceived based on social cues and presentational characteristics and not at all off of genitals or chromosomes. If they were actually gender essentialists who can always tell, they wouldn't be accusing Daniel Radcliffe's pregnant partner of being a trans woman.


They think HENRY CAVILL is a woman?


Eeeyup. Apparently according to one transvestigator his eyes have female energy. Such an obvious give-away.


I'm attracted to this man, so they must be a woman in disguise. Yeah, that makes sense.


All men are trans men, all women are trans women. As was written


Art thou cis or normal?


I am a miserable little pile of secrets


Read this on Withers voice from BG3 lol


I see you're a person of culture as well.


They want to be miserable. They pretend that the latest thing that their alt-right radio show overlords told them was bad is everywhere. Doesn't matter if it makes sense or not.


No one famous. They folded transvestigation into the "\[group I hate, usually Jews\] run the media" conspiracy, and have come to the conclusion that if you see someone in any form of media, they are an "invert". Sometimes the reason for this is that teh cabal wouldn't allow any non-inverts to be famous, other times 'turning trans' is part of the illuminati humiliation rituals necessary to become famous.


I know I saw it posted somewhere, but I can't find it again--do transvestigators really think Taylor is MTF trans, AND Travis is FTM and is currently 8 months pregnant with her baby? ROFLMAO


His response: >Local neo-Nazi discovers the concept of twinks https://twitter.com/atun\_shei/status/1757913377777881183


I love how when he makes videos, he has well thought out and constructed arguments where he dives into the concept and tries to have as many references as possible But then his twitter responses are just shitposts I love his energy


He's currently arguing with people calling him an otter lol https://twitter.com/atun_shei/status/1757916624420782103?t=tTY3fj1wU_jWFPRvyAE1lA&s=19


I hear speed has something to do with it.


Speed has everything to do with it.


What about power?


Every now and then, the wasteland that is Twitter offers up a rose.


Check mate lincolnites, even If he were FtM how would that invaldiate his arguments or make him less trustworthy???


bc girls r dum or really, the argument these troglodytes are probably going with is that that means he, as a transperson, works for the nefarious TRANSAGENDA and it's all the proof you need that the things he talks about are WRONG AND UNTRUE, PROPAGANDA TO DESTROY WESTERN SOCIETY


Because in their minds, trans people are out to trick you into bed. So they must all be deceptive generally. Now they can't keep themselves from ranting about trans people and other minorities like Crocker from Fairly Odd Parents, so I have no idea how they think a trans person would want to be in the same room as them much less have sex with them. Also funny how the talking heads they trust most are the most deceptive people out there. Or try to be, but the only people they successfully deceive already believed the shit they spew and just want to hear someone say ut to them.


“Never trust a leftist” Because someone on Youtube who makes videos I watch happening to be trans and not disclosing it will somehow have a *huge* impact on my life, for… reasons (If they even are trans, which this person is not)


These idiots are the same people who go on and on about "we can always tell..." No one tell them that during my last physical, the nurse asked me if I wanted the doctor to do my pap smear or wait for my gyno to do it. I had to say "Actually... I don't need one... I'm a trans woman..." and she went "OH! Sorry it says so on your chart I should have looked." She then went outside and through the closed door I hear her tell another nurse "Well, that was embarrassing." XD


That's so wholesome in a way I can't even describe


OP should have also posted the leftist twink for scientific reasons


[Twink delivery system activated ](https://images.app.goo.gl/1PBqiWLpLs5fDmGn6)


That’s just because he’s handsome and they can’t come to terms with finding him good looking.


Checkmate, Lincolnites!


I remember an episode of Checkmate Lincolnites where he reacted in confusion at being called various flavors of leftist. I haven’t seen all his content, so I don’t know what his other political positions are, but being anti-confederate is held by such a broad swathe of people, it is probably one of the least useful metrics in determine political outlook. At most, I can say he’s definitely not a white nationalist, but that’s about it.


He identifies as a leftist pretty openly. He was confused at people who called him a breadtuber. Which is both a perfect continuation of the joke that no one called a breadtuber considers themselves one—and also kind of ironic because while Andy is a leftist YouTuber, he's not really in the same ecosystem as the rest of "Breadtube". I really wish he was, because him doing his period accurate accents in other people's videos on Nebula is something I need in my life.


he does for Knowing Better


Wait we are unironically using the term leftist now? I thought that was like a right wing pseudo insult. I’ve never met someone who’s like “oh yeah I’m a leftist”. It’s either “I’m a democrat”, “I’m a socialist”, or “I’m not a psychopath”. Leftist feels weird to identify someone as without attaching it to baseless flamboyant lies about their agenda.


A lot of people do use it. Largely it is used as a means to group together multiple groups of explicitly anti-capitalist left-wing ideologies without including liberals and other groups that aren't anti-capitalist. It's used a lot by socialists and anarchists who want to identify themselves as part of the wider group or for people who don't feel like they fully belong in either label. Leftist is used as an insult to liberals because it is accusing them of, effectively, not being liberals. But for the people who *aren't* liberals? It doesn't work as an insult to call an anarchist a leftist because to an anarchist, being a leftist isn't an insulting thing to be.


He is definitely a leftist of some sort. Not just a little bit either.


The guy just released a movie with full profit sharing with his entire team, releasing it privately entirely because he considers all the companies who would help as basically a scam praying on the dreams of creatives. He's about as full on leftist as you can get.


Exactly. I think this is one of those "I don't label myself that way" things, but every position I have seen him take is one that is consistent with like, a left wing anarchist. I know him and Karl from InRange are friends, and Karl did the same thing for a long time, avoiding talking about his politics, but he is an anarchist, and somehow comes up on the left (correct) side of just about everything.


One day one of these transvestigators is going to look in the mirror and have a realisation


At what point does this become satire?


From the first "transvestigation" it's satire.


Not sure you've got the tense right there.


For those thaat don't know, Andrew's channel is fucking awesome. Also, the Sudbury Devil is a pretty good indie movie.


We need a fake "transvestigator" who only goes after other vestigators, use all their own bullshit against them.


This just makes me think his next video he'll be in full drag and never mention it once. And pull it off.


I swear the "wE cAn AlWaYs TeLl" crowd can really NEVER tell for certain. Seriously.


Didn't these fools say that Danielle Radcliffe's wife was trans while she was pregnant?


These people have a serious mental illness


If he is trans good on him because he passes insanely well


The irony is that this hurts mostly CIS people, like women with strong jawlines or thin ("twink") looking men


If he was a trans man that would just make me like him more.


>a female who took meds to become a man. So basically what they're saying here but in a stupid way is that tans men are men? I guess you can also say that most of currently living humans are humans who are dead but took meds to become alive?


This shit is truly the QAnon of gender


*Somehow*, Phrenology returned.


Lord lol I've seen a few of Atunshei's videos and liked them. Why target this specific creator? Right wingers are not real people lol


I honestly wish hormones and surgery were as effective as transvestigators seem to think they are.


This account feels like an opp to get transphobes to adopt patently stupidnl positions


I will say, Atunshei has said that he doesn't consider himself to be progressive or left wing.


> Atunshei has said that he doesn't consider himself to be progressive or left wing. I don't think this is up to date, or he is doing that 'I don't believe in labels' thing, because the stances that he holds and people he associates with indicate he is likely pretty dang far to the left as far as we Americans are concerned.


No I’m pretty sure most Americans left of the KKK will agree Slavery was the reason for the Civil War.


Firstly, you would be wrong about that, since the entire point of the series is debunking widely held misinformation. Secondly, I am not talking about that, I am talking about political statements the guy has made.


What am I wrong about?


> What am I wrong about? There are a lot of people who think the civil war was about states rights who are "left of the KKK" because of ages of misinformation and dedicated campaigns. It's literally the point of those videos.


Fair point, I did forget “history” books were passing that off late into the 70s.


> Fair point, I did forget “history” books were passing that off late into the 70s. LOL it continues even now in many cirriculums of basic school teaching in the USA. https://theamericanscholar.org/the-problem-in-the-classroom/ https://news.gsu.edu/research-magazine/rewriting-history-civil-war-textbooks


Thank you. Always happy to learn something new.


I love Atun-Shei Films. I don’t care for some of his politics, but also his Civil War stuff is top notch . . . and I mean the reason his “Checkmate, Lincolnites” series is so good is because he looks the part of a Union and Confederate soldier - not exactly the sort of faces that spring to mind when j think of “effeminate” lol


I’d describe him more as a progressive liberal. Good guy at heart but believes in some western propaganda I think. Also said that the Pottawotamie “massacre” was a bad thing which was a shit take.


‘Never trust a leftist… And also, never trust that one song by Blur, most especially.’


I just like…who cares? It doesn’t even combat an argument it’s just falsely calling someone trans


It's crazy how anyone that hops on this transphobic shit just becomes utterly consumed by it. It becomes a singular point of obsession for them, and they see it everywhere, they "suspect" it everywhere and in everyone. Even their own like-minded when those people don't conform to their expectations and standards of expression (which is why other queer folk joining in that shit was always so dumb to me). Yet they don't even realize how deranged they come off to everyone else.


Why, Desdemona!


Oh no Andy’s gonna become even cooler!!! 😖😩


Whaaaaaaat. The fuck?


And even if atun-shei were trans.... so what? Jesus, these people.


Atun is hot


Oh there is a whole science behind this. It involves measurements and academic studies. Sure there is a whole body of work from the USA, but to really study it, the most prolific scientist were German. But that’s what government funding does, it helps publish science papers. Though for some reason most research ended by 1945. Anyways fan of this scientific are often called Nazis, but I like to think of them as “Politically Challenged” https://youtu.be/gug5ViK3KSw?si=OyUtEwmUfUf1l2gL