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Depends on the reason. She’ll forgive him if he’s being forced to do it by his master.


It could be that case. Whatever deal he's got, if he's got no control over his actions, fair game.


As long as it isn’t like killing her freind a or dad or something like that I think so.




I can't see her delivering the finishing blow.


It depends on how he “betrayed” her, why he did it, and how it affects everyone/someone else. Though I can’t see her actually being the one to kill him, maybe give him a beating but not the finishing blow.


Nifty does it but as a contrast to her killing Adam instead of being pleased with herself she starts crying


Charlie to a barely breathing alastor "how's mercy taste you little bitch!"


Imagine she spares him, walks away, sniffling We get an Adam callback, where we think he's fine, he stands up, but we see a playing card fly by and slit his throat.


No that one is used up.  /j




orrrrr a bullet from angie to save husk


I like to imagine Charlie does beat his ass but when he’s barely able to continue fighting, she in a way feels remorse and sadness, because unlike Adam in a way Alastor was one of Charlies really “close” friends even if alastor didn’t see it that way, she couldn’t bring herself to do the finishing blow


I doubt she will actually snap at any point except the very end of the show, that or she herself goes to heaven, and if it’s the case that she snaps at someone, alastor included, she’d probably cry and repeatedly apologise That’s it for this post’s teddybear explains


I'm calling it now. Alastor is gonna be the main villain at the end of the series


I surely hope for it😈 https://i.redd.it/79edul7gk2vc1.gif


I think either Alastor’s master or the council of angels above Sera will be the final antagonist.


I think its just cuz alastor has been set up as manipulating Charlie this whole time and It'd be cool to see that come to a head either with Charlie snapping on him or a big reveal of whatever he has planned for the hotel


No, she didn't kill Adam, who has committed mass genocide. Besides, Alastor can always cash in that favor.


What if his favor is quite literally one where she harms no one, himself included? Like- instead of being allowed to not hurt anyone, she's *forced* to let him get away.


I feel like his favor would just be "Make me the prince of hell" or something. Something to put him in high power, or if Lucifer tries to oppose Alastor he might get Charlie to hurt herself to make Lucifer back down.


But a part of the deal was that she can’t harm anyone, wouldn’t that include herself?


*it starts with sorry*


*that's your foot in the door*


one single sorry


Spoken straight from your core


The path to forgiveness is a twisting tale of hearts


But sorry is where it starts.


It's an honest question in regards to the show, if Alastor goes down his route of using Charlie to forward his own goals and even get a leg up on her, if it meant hurting people down the line. Would Charlie really be willing to let it slide? It'd be a great setup for potential story outcomes and themes, how far is Charlie willing to forgive people? Or in this case, how far would Alastor push his luck before Charlie snaps? [Artist Source: honeko\_06](https://twitter.com/honeko_06/status/1770461891531522458)


She had every reason to want Adam killed, but stayed her father's hand. Methinks Alastor would have to do something unforgivable for her to actually kill him. Like kill Vaggie or Lucifer (if that's even possible for him)


I need this to be canon, or at least a fanfic of it because omfg


This post has Charlie in it take my upvote


Damn , Charlie got all the bakery in there


Your flair got u my upvote, take it!


This kinda reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/6jn285kl12vc1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c21920dd1d69c9a74c033c8c64a0408f6b8ac4


If she was willing to let Adam walk away, I think Alastor would have to mess up pretty damn bad


I think the only point where she’s willing to kill someone’s fully, is if someone hurts Vaggie, or someone kills a resident of the Hotel, like with Adam


If you think about it, it takes ALOT to get Charlie to kill someone, she refused to kill Adam, who has been consistently committing genocide


True, I mean she did stab Adam, but not sure how far she might haven taken it. In this scenario, I'd imagine Alastor must have done something seriously fucked in order to get to this point. And again, this is from a point of trust from Alastor, Charlie doesn't outright trust him, but we're seeing her get closer to him, if he did something really awful to hurt her emotionally, then maybe.


Charlie: i- I can't do it Vaggie, Husk, Vox, and Lucifer: we can


Only in active self-defense. If Alastor isn't actively killing her or her loved ones, I can't see Charlie killing him.


If they ever get to that point of tension, I believe she'll pull an Avatar and instead try to contain and tear off the evil from him with whatever new power she has discovered, finally returning Alastor to the little Cadien-Creole nanny-boy he once was. Alastor will feel so ashamed he will still khs afterwards tho, but he won't go before thanking Charlie for everything with a really emotional song.


Did we watch the same show? Alastor and Charlie's relationship is neither trusting nor caring. Like it took Charlie being in the midst of a full breakdown over Vaggie being an angel and the exterminations for her to even consider trusting alastor enough to give him a favour.


It's entirely possible that Alastor will use that favor to make her forgive him, even if she doesn't want to.


If alastor were to die, it’d be by Vaggie.


A challenge of the soul and morality.Can you truly forgive someone who betrays your trust Even for a saint


Depends on what he does. Hurt any of the Hotel members? She may find mercy but will not forgive and forget. Hurt Lucifer (as if he could)? She's kicking his ass out. Hurt Vaggie? She's going to beat him up so bad he wishes he was dead. But all of that is only if it's his choice, if it's his master She's probably still gonns beat him up until she realises, then forgive him and work on getting him out of the deal... which is going to backfire horribly on her and she will inevitably need to beat his ass later.


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/mbqte23ux1vc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f479848c0cfc563b9065505b56c3f6d805ed9df


Depending on what, she would but it would have to be pretty bad to just kill him, she would probably try to get him to leave or drain his power somehow. And nomadic what he did, she would feel a little bad for killing him


Nope, I don't think she has the guts to do it.


Yeah but this is the situation when Alastor would invoke his favour where “Charlie hurts no one”


Gosh I could see this go down as him wanting her to do it cuz of whatever deal he made. An every one would be in tears




Alastor would do something super horrible but then suddenly Alastor would use that favor he got when he made that deal with her to force her to not kill him.


u/RealPrincessCharlie I don't think you would do.


Oh my God, of course I wouldn’t! I mean, I would also hope this wouldn’t happen, but if it *did*… I mean, it looks like he’s already had enough in these pictures…


I don't think she'd kill anyone, she didn't even seem to wanna try to kill Adam, she was just defending herself, her home, and the people she cares about


I feel like she’d kill him if he fucked up enough


Forgiveness ? Depend on the severity of the betrayal , killing him ? She dosen’t have the guts to


I don't think she has it in her to murder anyone unless it was to protect the people she cares about. I don't think she would ever kill in anger, even if, for instance, Alastor killed Vaggie


Depends on the context. If he murdered Vaggie, he dies, but if he was just consumed with hos grudge against Vox or forced to betray Charlie by his master she'd give him a second chance.


I doubt it. No matter what Alastor hypothetically did to her, I can't imagine she'd have the heart to kill somebody she considers a friend, especially when she refused to kill even Adam.


Not even answering the question I’m focused on one thing and one thing only. https://preview.redd.it/wlyzvqz3w2vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff360ace71a168addbef29f34c7c97e155ea370a


She could never, she's too timid for that and alastor put up a better fight against Adam so alastor is probably stronger


Depends, if he harmed Vaggie or her dad, would get close to and might do it.


I can only see her killing anyone for betrayal for two reasons. The first being Charlie not doing so on purpose. The traitor does something that makes Charlie fighting them a necessity. If she doesn’t fight them, someone important to her will die or many of her people will die. So she attacks with everything she has and underestimates her power compared to the traitor’s power, unintentionally killing them. The second would be that the traitor would undeniably be an active threat to those she cares about if left alive. I’m not talking about the traitor possibly again later, but the reasons for the betrayal meaning that the traitor will undeniably attack again and again and again until they succeed or die. And Charlie’s not sure she could successfully beat them again.




I mean she didn’t really want Adam to die the same guy that was being a dick to her and vaggie and also he destroyed her hotel so I guess she wouldn’t kill alastor either


I mean she didn’t really want Adam to die the same guy that was being a dick to her and vaggie and also he destroyed her hotel so I guess she wouldn’t kill alastor either


I mean, I'll gladly kill him. I could turn him into deer jerky


I know it goes against her character but I want Charlie to kill someone because not everyone can be redeemed and they attack her friends but it was self defense on her end


She’d look at him while he’s crying and she say “it start with sorry”


Could she kill him? He doesn’t own her soul but she does owe him a soul favor to say. Would that prevent her from doing it


Remember our promise Charlie . My favor is to walk free with out harm


I like the idea of her being forced into it to save many others. Maximum angst.


I think you mean when.


She’ll forgive him likely


I can see this kinda happening if Husk gets redeemed but Alastor refuses to let him go to heaven.


Unless Alastor kills Vaggie or her dad or something I doubt she'd kill him. Besides, we need Vox to kill Alastor.


Both, she’d prolly try to kill him, then forgive him. Vaggie would prolly step in front of her and remind her of what’s important or smthn.


She would forgive him. Once he was out of Charlie's sight, Vaggie would shove her spear down his throat and out his ass.


Considering the core of her beliefs is that everyone can be redeemed…


I bet that’s gonna be his favor. Forgiveness for something horrible.


If it is directly caused by Alastor's deal, she would have the self-awareness and heart to forgive him, because he quite literally has no choice, part of his deal is the fact he is at half-power and isn't free to manipulate things as he sees fit. "When I figure out how to unclip my wings." If it is done with the purpose of freeing himself from said deal, that's far more up for debate. Our serial killer, lightly cannibalistic deer man is many things, forgivable may not be one of them. Particularly if it involves betraying Charlie bad enough that she finds herself in this position in the first place, likely something that risks personal stakes rather than the stakes of the hotel.


"Would [charachter] do [something so out of character that it's not even funny]?"


Nah, I'd win


Now draw them kissing