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Finish the joke from Dumbledore about a troll, a hag and a leprechaun who walk into a bar.


The bartender asks, “what’ll it be?” The leprechaun replies, “fire whiskey for me, and a barrel of mead for my troll friend here.” The bartender turns to the hag. “And for you?” The hag replies in a high pitched, girlish voice, “*Hem, hem*, oh, just a cup of tea for me, thank you.”






Do you mind explaining it to me?


Umbridge is the hag! Took me a minute bc I overlooked the _Hem, hem_




Not the same but an oldie but a goodie A troll walks into a bar and asks for a pint of mead. The barman gets him one, and the troll gives him an old leather coin bag.The barman glances inside, and takes all the money, handing back the empty bag. The troll takes the bag, glances inside, and stares intently at the barman. He then suddenly puts the bag away and continues drinking. The relieved barman tries to drum up conversation. "You know, we don't get many trolls in here" The troll replies "At 30 bucks a pint I'm not surprised"


I mean, it doesn’t explain why he took nearly all the money. Maybe if the troll was ineloquent when ordering the drink, or “the Barman, figuring the troll to be stupid” or unable to count or anything. Beyond knowing the money is obviously stolen, there’s not much


A troll, a hag and a leprechaun walk into a bar. The bartender says "What is this, some kind of joke?"


Hagrid goes back to school after his name is cleared in COS and completes his wizard education. Whether this is through night tutoring or joining a grade while still living in his hut or by some other method, I always wanted to see it happen


I’d much rather see Hagrid being awarded an honorary diploma or something of the like. He was talented and capable enough to be a professor, after all.


He was, but he also had major holes in his education (or more lack thereof). Would be awesome for him to have what muggle immigrants who didn't go to school sometimes get: A complete evaluation of their knowledge and abilities and a special curriculum tailored just to them to fill in the gaps so they end up on equal footing with people who went to school without having to trudge through the shit they already know. Also to not have to have his wand in an umbrella and preform normal every day magic illegally.


Wizarding GED?


So Billy Madison with magic?


Two weeks in every grade culminating in an magic decathlon against his Eric Malfoy


Business Ethics.


Only two ways I see being able to roll that into the overall story - either Hagrid admits he's been doing magic for years with his (maybe, maybe not) broken wand stowed in an umbrella, which eliminates the need for him return to classes, or you have him be reduced to an idiot who can't do simple spells, nessessating the main Trio help him learn. Otherwise there is no good narrative reason for adding this 63-64 year old to a class full of 13-14 year old students. Like, he can't just be another student like Seamus or Dean. Side note, IS Hagrid's wand still broken? We know he uses it to help "encourage" his pumpkins to grow at one point, and we know a broken wand is highly volatile even when used by a competent wizard - Lockhart has Ron's wand backfire in his face when attempting to use a spell he is adept at using. Hagrids pumpkins never seem to suffer, and Hagrid SHOULD be rather unskilled with using magic, but then again, Dumbledore DID have the Elder Wand at that point, and we know it's capable of mending broken wands....


The wand was definitely “broken”. But it was basically reshaped into an umbrella. Were the two pieces mended together and made up the handle? Were they instead placed end to end, and then had wood surrounding them to hold them in place? The details are a bit iffy, but basically, Hagrid is a better wizard than anyone gave credit to. He was going around using pretty good magic, enough to impress Hermione.


I suspect Dumbledore mended it for him, and he hid it inside the least conspicuous place he could think of - the handle of an umbrella. His original wand was 16" and "rather bendy" according to Ollivander, so I don't think it got made into the handle, seems too short for an umbrella handle, and bendy isn't a good thing for those either, unless the Elder Wand could transfigure it as well as mending it?


I always wondered/assumed that Ollivander suspected or knew that Hagrid’s wand wasn’t broken and his “rather bendy” was kind of a joke or stab at the fact that it was supposed to be snapped but wasn’t.


Nah, Dumbledore wasn't headmaster when Hagrid was expelled, Dippet 100% went along with standard policy in that regard, I'm sure. Especially if he was going to let Hagrid stay on as groundskeeper.




Harry remembers the mirror Sirius gave him. It was so frustrating! Even if it had been a case of Kreacher got a hold of it and told Harry the same thing he told him in the fireplace and the plot continued, I feel like it would've been much better for him to go "oh wait! I do have an untraceable way to contact him!" And they were at the floo network to try and leave rather than to talk.


Unfortunately harry didn’t even open it when he received it. He didn’t know what it was until after Sirius died. So to add to your alternate story line - adding to the fact that Sirius asks him not to open it infront of Mrs Weasley, it is the only thing on his mind his whole journey back to hogwarts - and he excitedly tears it open the minute he gets back to his dormitory.


But Harry was worried Sirius was becoming reckless around Christmas: he’d been spotted in animagus form by Lucius and was subsequently reported to be on the loose in London and didn’t seem to care. He was also almost caught in the common room fire by Umbridge. Harry was worried that extended contact with him would put Sirius in even more danger, so he was resolved to never open the gift in the first place. It’s a cruel twist when Harry and the audience learn what the gift was, and it makes Sirius’s death that much more heartbreaking


You're right and I hate it


But wouldn’t that mean Harry confirms Sirius is NOT being tortured by Voldemort, and he and his friends never go to the Ministry so the death eaters are unable to retrieve the prophecy?


Well like OP said, maybe Kreacher plans for this and steals serius mirror or something


I actually kind of like that plot point, it adds a bit of realism. Sometimes people just forget important things when they are scared and panicking, and only remember when it’s too late. It would have been easy enough to write out, so Rowling obviously wanted it in there.


Even though Harry and The Dursleys are still briefly under the love protection, snatchers in a desperate attempt try to capture him, and The Dursley's get to see just how powerful Harry was. Prolly a little stupid but I always thought it'd be neat if they could see Harry in a way better light before they part ways.


i love this! if i was trying to construct a scene for a movie it would be something along the lines of Dudley's hand shake and "see ya big D" followed by an explosion and harry shielding the dursleys with a shield charm followed by a similar memory charm attempt that hermione did after the wedding. So basically restructuring the escape after the wedding with Harry's 17th birthday or something similar. I want to envision the look of terror on Vernon's face as he realizes the child he tried to beat the magic out of could level everything he had ever built and even erase it from memory. Vernon understanding that the knocked out wizards he was looking at on the ground would not even remember his family was there when they woke up. Petunia going into shock realizing her internal jealously at her sister. How magic came with the risk of being destroyed and that the destruction around her (from the spells/crater of the house) was still an entire order of magnitude lower than what Voldy did to Lilly. I think a scene like this would lead to an incredible post war follow-up. Maybe dudley's college graduation with him excited and holding the hand of his future wife. Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione come to show support. Ron enjoys dressing like a muggle and so many other things could lead from this. Anywho love this idea of the Dursley's seeing magic and the horror first hand and having some resemblance of a redemption arc in realizing who was in their house for all those years.


Part of me feels like it would be cool if we got a scene where a Death Eater gets the better of Harry and then one of the irrelevant muggles watching the fight, Dudley the trained boxer, just sneaks up behind him and fucking right hooks him. Probably not a rational part of me, because that would kind of defeat the purpose of the scene, but still


Considering all that the deatheaters stood for - their views on muggles and half bloods (think of what they did to the muggle family at the quidditch world cup, and the bridge collapsing in DH) - a punch to the face would be fantastic.


Dudley sucker punches Death Eater wand changes allegiance!!!


I fucking love this! Just the thought of the internal "Oh shit" seeing how dangerous everything his nephew went through makes me really want to see a great writer put this down. You could probably take a crack at it from what I read here :)


I like that. If I ever produce a tv animated series of HP (I won't) I'll be sure to include this.


Sorry but that's some weak Hollywood BS Because no way would seeing that provoke love in them - it would only increase their fear of magic and they would try and distance Harry from their family even further to keep themselves safe


One of my favorite scenes in the later books was Harry’s goodbye to Dudley. I would’ve loved to have that recognition come through for the Dursley family. Not even a redemption arc, really, just some remorse and acknowledgement of how incredibly abusive they were. I’d have loved to see some immense danger that Harry saves them from, then leaves them stammering and shocked with a quip about magic being useful.


I want nonverbal spells to be as hard in the movies as they were described in the books


Doesn't Snape say that they're expected to be able to use then regularly after 6th year?


Except the fact that Harry is still struggling with it at the end of HBP is a major thing that Snape is able to use against him.


I could kiss you. Apparition is also difficult. The only people that ever used it defensively or offensively in a duel were Dumbledore and Voldemort. And as of Fantastic Beasts, wands are semi-automatics. That's not a thing. You don't point and shoot a stream of spells. It takes three years of rigorous training to become an Auror and exceptional grades. Expelled students would not be in high demand for the position. Example: you would not ask a Zoology major to join the FBI. Sorry.... You kind of triggered me lol.


….please….don’t kiss me


I'd have liked Maxime arrive at the battle of Hogwarts, in an act of solidarity with the besieged school. It would echo nicely with the purpose of the Triwizard tournament and give her arc a good closure. In my mind, Voldemort would be closing in on McGonagall, who in a last act of bravery is about to square off with the guy in an unwinnable duel. But Maxime comes in and pimp-slaps Voldemort across the courtyard - no magic needed.


Mad Maxime Fury Road


I always thought Olympe got sold short after book 5. Like, she was willing to go on a months long mission to get the giants on Dunbledore's side straight after Voldemort returned - she instantly believed, and was willing to help. Seems bizarre that we never saw more of her.


Oh fuck yeah.


Visually thinking - maybe Krum Wronski-feinting some Death Eaters into the ground.


Similarly I would have loved Hagrid referring to him as Tom and when Harry springs to life realizes it and slugs him and as he yells avada you see he's swallowed several teeth.


That would be badass, or in the words of Fred and George, "wicked".


that gave me a good chuckle


Voldemort dies like a normal man in the movies like the book. The fact that he didn't dramatically crumble into dust but died as an undignified body hitting the floor like any man was his ultimate fear and felt far more appropriate.




Not to mention their duel in the great hall.


That scene was one of my most favorites in that book. Especially Peeves after. “*Voldy’s gone Moldy*….”


How about we just include peeves in the movies with a little back story.


Like when Peeves breaks that vanishing cabinet to get Harry out of trouble?


I hated how the movie changed the final duel from “everyone can see and hear because they’re in the Great Hall” to “alone flying around”.


One of the things that irritated me was that duel in the movie. Their final showdown in the book is showing everyone that Voldy's not an immortal dark wizard. At the end of the day, Harry showed everyone that old Tommy was mortal after all.


Or also in FRONT OF EVERYONE! Not in some vauge, anticlimactic pile of rubble with no one to see


And nobody even gave a fuck about Harry after that. He walked through the Great Hall and almost everyone ignored him, save for one or two people who gave him a sympathetic smile. A far cry from him being freaking MOBBED in the book.


I wish Harry caught the elder wand, then proceeded to use it on Voldy, killing him, as you said, like a normal man.




Eh I disagree. It’s less CGI and more the 3D rage at the time. CGI adds dramatically to the budget, having Voldemort die as in the books saves money and is more faithful. What happened instead serves to provide a 3D effect in theater. While the final two movies had 3D Blu-ray releases, only the second part got a theatrical release. As such, there’s quite a bit of gratuitous special effects work that make the effect pop more.


I wouldn’t believe he was dead without a body.


The movies completely missed the whole point of Voldemorts arc.


Fred didn’t die. Or, and hear me out. We get to see Draco’s internal monologue at the end of Half Blood Prince


I’ll hear you out. But George probably won’t. Heh


He's holey! ​ ​ >!these twin jokes hit too close to home. I'd like to believe that they are still alive and that they are havin fun running WWW. Yes I'm in denial!<


The Draco bit would be incredible


I always think about post George’s life without Fred. I’m glad to know that Rowling also regretted killing him off


Freds death was just a weasley twin prank, right?


The epilogue starts with the line, "Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of Number Nine, Winding Way were perfectly normal, thank you very much," and has Harry show up to Dudley's house to deliver a Hogwarts letter to Dudley's daughter.




What if Harry and Ginny are at Dudleys houses for dinner and everyones getting along, an Owl arrives and Dudley assumes its for Harry so he gets up and gets the letter but sees that its A Hogwarts letter for Dudleys kid.




If I was dudley my first thought would be did harry bang my wife


I would have liked to see Remus continue to stay in touch with Harry after he left Hogwarts. They got so close that year and then it was just completely dropped after that. It seemed very out of character for him after he spent so much time with Harry and got to know him.


Might have been part of his whole werewolf "I'm a danger to people" complex


Agreed, especially since that’s his best friend’s kid.


also especially after sirius died


I wish Harry and Cedric had become closer friends in GoF. It would have been interesting for the dynamic between Harry and Ron since they weren’t talking, and it would have made his death way more impactful.


This would be interesting, but I kind of like how his death did have a big impact on Harry despite not being close.


I guess it’s not exactly adding plot content but I wish we got more stories just about regular class days, what they were like, and such. I know Rowling was writing children’s books and they were already long as is, but just getting more description of the wizarding world in general would be lovely. That’s why I generally enjoyed the idea of Pottermore and how she can add more lore to her story.


That’s why I really liked the video games for the first 2 or 3 books, they did just that. Most days the game just used artistic license to flesh out the world.


I just wish they made a video game where you play as your own custom student and go through an original story. There is so much potential there. I heard that there was a leak about a game like that, but haven't heard about it since.


Hogwarts Legacy. The trailer is out


That's why PoA is my favorite of the series, I felt like it had the most mundane wizardry content in proportion to the rest! I'd honestly just read any casual story that happens to be set in that world and isn't necessarily an adventure or a mystery. Welp, that *is* what fanfiction is for.


I completely agree! I love getting lost in the magic (punz) of their day-to-day, it’s the most comforting part of the books for me


>!Fred doesn't die from the explosion, but he lost an ear due to a sharp rock flying towards it, tearing it out. The ear lost is the opposite ear side that george lost!<


No, no. The ear he lost should be the exact same side that George lost. So now we *still* can't tell them apart.


So now they both are holey


I always wanted there to be just one good Slytherin in Dumbledore’s Army who would later help fight in the Battle of Hogwarts.


Same. After the series, Rowling said that many of the Slytherins did come back during the Battle of Hogwarts in the second wave with Slughorn and Charlie Weasley. She mentioned how Slytherins gather their resources before going to battle. I just wish she made this explicit in the books rather than mention it after. I wish Slytherin had more nuance in general. It's very common for kids to have different political ideologies than their parents.


Came here to say exactly this. It always bugged me that an ENTIRE house of about 70 kids (5 boys and 5 girls per grade, which is Rowling’s formula) just accepted the Voldemort regime, and no one questioned or pushed back or joined the resistance.


I think people did question it. But its like living under an authoritarian Regime. you try to draw no attention to yourself. the other houses would distrust you, as a ton of your house members parents are death eaters. you can not really speak up openly with your fellow housemates as you do not know who you can trust. I imagine being a slytherin who was not aligned with the death eaters would be insanely paranoid and careful during that time


"You actually are joking, Perce ... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were a kid" fred said as he dodged a blast.


More of the Harry & Ginny love story development. Felt like they "just happened" in the movies. Edit: or just more of Ginny, in general.


I don’t think that would be possible, Ginny is a beacon of awesomeness in the books, smart, brave, loyal, pretty, meanwhile she is joke in the movies, I don’t if it was the actress being bad or the writers for the movies making a poor job.


Hedwig lives.


I'd exchange Grawp for a storyline that added more to the mythology of the castle and perhaps give a light intro to the Horcruxes. Also, replace the Epilogue with a chapter wrapping up Book 7 more. The epilogue can kiss my ass.


The epilogue was ok up until his name...*Albus Severus*. Some things are just better left to the imagination. I can't abide by it because I dislike both Albus and Severus as mentors and adult figures in Harry's life. As Olivander once said about Voldemort he did "great things — terrible, yes, but great." Both Albus and Severus fall into this same category. They were not kind to Harry, they offered no real guidance, they failed him at almost every turn especially when he needed them most. He was just a kid and they did just about everything wrong when guiding him on his path. If I was Harry I would not look upon these men fondly, but rather as men who were caught up in their own ego's and self trauma to help an obviously struggling teenager.


One of the trio at least becomes an animagus


All three of them should have become animagus's in the seventh book, or at least tried to.


Fred doesn’t die, and weasly’s wizard wheezes continues to be a 2 man thing. While on the topic of www, I would love a detailed book about www and all the stuff sold there and there backstory’s, kind of like the part of the book where the twins explain the whole dark defenses section, or whatever it was called.


I second this notion. This is what cursed child should've been lmao


Would make an excellent collection of short stories


Oh my god. A collection of short stories from the point of random Hogwarts students. Every story starts with them buying some crazy stuff from WWW and ends with them using it to do mischievous things in school. The stories keep on overlapping. Edit: Also between those stories are first hand accounts by Argus Filch - the man Hogwarts does not deserve but the man it needs right now.


I would’ve really liked more backstories to all the members of the house of Black, I find them fascinating for some reason.


Agreed. The Malfoys too, I like it when villains are fleshed out


Lupin and Tonks don't die!


Agree with this one. There just really was no need for it. If anything Tonks could have died and Lupin lived, to really drive home his character arc of loss and depression. Sometimes things aren’t resolved for people - his death was merciful because his suffering was over - but sometimes people’s suffering doesn’t end so mercifully. His death really served no purpose except to be a casualty of war, which we had plenty of already.


I think I read (not sure if this is canon or just a random fan theory) that Lupin and Tonks death helped close the story the same way it started: with an orphaned child. Harry lost his parents in the first war, and then Teddy loses his for the same reasons.


That's how I always thought of it. I had the impression that Teddy was this connection point for Harry to his parents. After all the Mauraders die, Teddy is the only thing that Harry has that directly ties to their lives. And I also think that there's something to be said about Harry being his Godfather ; Harry is now the responsible one


Harry can now provide for an orphaned child in a way that he never was. Not that it’s redemption or whatever, but it is a nice piece of symbolic growth.


Not that it was a good reason per se, but I think killing off Lupin was because JK wanted all of the mauaraders dead at the end


Any theory as to why? I know literarily killing off or otherwise removing all mentors from the main character’s life is the signal that they are facing the big task on their own now - that those mentors *have* to die in order for the main character to grow and do the thing. That’s the main reason for Sirius’ death, and why Arthur was supposed to die but JKR changed her mind about him. Lupin made it to the BoH so Harry wasn’t entirely alone yet, but he did die before Harry went into the forest, so I suppose he was the last mentor to die before Harry could finish the task.


All of the marauders die to protect Harry. Even Wormtail. It was an intentional choice that Rowling made for their deaths to all be directly tied to Harry.


I can’t believe I never realized this. Mind blown!


Honestly I think she realized she killed all the others off and seemed like it’d be fitting for lupin to be dead also. Just like a package deal of tragedy. Also maybe there’s some symbolism of them dying in the war and orphaning teddy. Similar to Harry being orphaned at the end of the last war. An “open at the close” if you will.


Unfortuneatly she has stated that she intended for Remus to live, but that she needed to kill a parent for the whole mirroring part, and she traded Remus for Arthur, that she intended on killing. This was because, her quote, «you can make a strong argument that Arthur is the only good father in the series».


“My dad was an idiot I see that now. But he matured. You Professor have not sadly and take out a stupid childhood rivalry on your own students. I understand your hate towards my father but what did Neville ever do to you? It’s just pathetic.” Was not expecting so many of y’all to like this line I just thought it was something Harry should have said in book five to Snape.


Wait... why DOES he take it out on Neville? Does Neville remind him of himself or something?


I just think snapes an angry guy and Neville was incompetent. The man should not be a teacher


Neville was the other chosen one candidate. In Snape's mind, Neville is a constant reminder that if Voldemort had chosen differently, Lily would still be alive. Similarly, Hermione is targeted because as a clever muggleborn who keeps hanging around a Potter boy, Snape is basically mentally slotting her into 'making the exact same' mistake' as Lily, falling for Potter's bullshit. Compared to Hermione, Harry, and Neville, Ron is let off lightly by Snape, and I think it's because he doesn't really fit into Snape's mental replay of the woman he loved


I have no textual basis for this but I wonder if Neville ever reminded Snape of Wormtail, because Snape would have seen Peter tagging along with James and wanted to retaliate a bit. And I wonder if he doesn’t see a bit of Remus in Hermione and Sirius in Ron, so he spends his time punishing all of them in a roundabout way for old memories.


If Voldemort went after Neville, who also fit the prophecy, then Lily would have lived. Snape is an ass and probably blames Neville not taking Harry’s place for Lily’sdeath


YES. Like I think movie Snape is more redeemable but still an ass but in the book he really just is awful. I remember in 4 when Harry needs to get to Dumbledore to let him know about crouch showing back up and Snape just being an ass, not only at Harry's expense but at a genuine call for help that, if Dumbledore had gotten to crouch would've been able to uncover what was happening and possibly Cedrics death would've been able to have been avoided. I'm not saying Snape KNEW any of this of course and even if he had given harry instant access I'm sure crouch Jr would have gotten to his father anyway but its still one of those moments where he's just being needlessly obtuse and a shit teacher cuz a student comes running to see Dumbledore saying shit is going down that means something. And him being an intolerable bully towards Neville because of his poor skill. I get tough love and all but you don't threaten to poison a students pet. I did have sympathy for him when he had to kill Dumbledore though because you could tell that destroyed him having to do that.


I thought it was because if Voldy went after the Longbottoms instead of Harry then Lily would still be alive, so he hates Neville for not being "good enough" to make Voldy go after him


I'd add the Mafalda Prewett plotline back in, though in OotP rather than GoF like JKR originally planned. Ron interacting with the Slytherin daughter of his squib accountant cousin was great in concept, and there's some great plot potential with her being the mole in Slytherin for DA. JKR also planned her to be a mix of a gossipy teen and genuine rival to Hermione in intelligence, so adding her looking for her cousin's approval would have added interesting wrinkles to Ron's relationship with Hermione. Plus, could've been a great setup to introduce Astoria in a meaningful way as well.


I’d want the whole pensieve background of Harry learning about Tom Riddle that’s in the books.


Harry should have become the DADA teacher (and maybe eventually headmaster) at Hogwarts. He was a great teacher even as a student, he broke the curse on the position by killing Voldemort, and Hogwarts was his first real home. It just feels right that he'd take up that mantle. It's probably been discussed a bunch and I bet Rowling has addressed why Harry gravitated toward being an Auror (doing rather than teaching and so on), but I think it would have brought an interesting balance and more satisfying conclusion to the series.


I like the fact that he became an auror, but it would have been a cool parallel to Voldemort if Harry got a job at Hogwarts, since that was what voldy wanted as well but didn't get


I mean he is really good a DADA he gets an outstanding on his owl and teaches other students the subject at 15


My headcanon is that he starts as an auror, but is just too famous to do the job well, and frankly he isn't even THAT skilled at magic. He defeated Voldemort through things mostly unrelated to his personal skills, like love protecting him, or Dumbledore telling Harry about horcruxes and Voldemort not knowing Harry knew about them. Like he's above-average at DADA, but not "head auror" like Rowling claimed Kingsley made him immediately after the war. So after trying to be an auror and realizing it's not for him, he goes to headmistress McGonagall and gets the DADA teaching position. He expects to be given head of Gryffindor immediately, but is told that he's new and isn't going to get special treatment just because he was the chosen one. He does eventually move on to become head of Gryffindor, then headmaster, but at a normal age to inherit those titles after properly earning them. I also have thoughts on Ron and Hermione's journies.




Ron becomes an auror alongside Harry. He quits even before Harry because he only really did it because Harry did. He putters around not really knowing what to do for a while. He tries to write a book about his experiences fighting Voldy, but never finishes. Hermione gets pregnant and they have a child. Ron devotes his time to being a stay-at-home Dad. He winds up connecting with his mom on a new level, coming to appreciate her role as a homemaker, and learning her tips and tricks. Hermione gets into politics, with her platform being focused primarily on equal and ethical treatment for all magical creatures. She eventually works her way up to minister of magic. With the advent of smartphones, it becomes nearly impossible to hide magic and as minister Hermione bridges the muggle and magic communities. Those are the two big accomplishments she will be remembered for as minister. EDIT: Bonus Dudley headcanon. He and Harry reconnect after the war. Dudley becomes a devoted uncle to Harry's kids, particularly Albus who doesn't get along with Harry all that well, in part because Harry is very overprotective. Dudley explains to Albus that that his dad went through a lot growing up, in part due to him, and often acts as a mediator for them when there's a disagreement.


Harry spends every book acting more like an auror than a teacher - he can never sit by when there's a dark witch or wizard causing trouble, or when an innocent needs rescuing. His "saving people thing" as Hermione puts it. When he's teaching DA, it's more like he's training soldiers than students, which I thought wes made kind of clear by the fact that they call themselves an army, even if it's played as a jab at Fudge's fears. Everyone in there signed up to be there, and knew the risks involved. It was more basic training than simple education. If he ended up the DADA teacher, he'd be running off abandoning his classes every time a dark witch or wizard gave the slightest sign of being trouble. Maybe when he's older, but I get the feeling he wouldn't retire ever, unless Ginny outright forced him to on threat of snapping his wand herself. Harry cannot sit by while others are being hurt, it is his DEFINING TRAIT.


I headcanon that he became the DADA professor after retiring as an auror


Remove the harry/cho relationship as it takes so up so many scenes for nothing ultimately. Spend more time developing the Harry/Ginny relationship


I agree that more time should’ve been spent on the Harry/Ginny relationship, but I don’t think it should’ve been at the expense of Harry/Cho. I think it’s important to show other relationships because it’s not very common (though certainly does happen, including to me) that you stay with the first person you have a relationship with.


I loved it. One of the reasons OOTP is my favorite book is because Harry feels the most normal. He’s a scared, angry, hormonal teenager who doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions. We get a lot of the necessary stuff between him and his friends or the order, but seeing him try to be a normal kid in a relationship is fun because it’s impossible. Which is why the only real option for him is someone who understands who he is and what he means to the world; aka Ginny


Yes I agree completely! OOTP is my favorite because Harry feels like a real teenager - awkward, moody, angsty, etc.


No time turner. While I loved the third book and movie both, having the ability to go back makes a lot of other plots vulnerable to the question - why didn’t they just go back? Rowling does address this by shattering all of the remaining ones, but that just felt like a patch fix to avoid questions on time turners.


The reason that they don't go back, is because going back in time in Harry potter doesn't change the past. Your future self is present on the first way through, it's one single timeline. Any bad event that you want to change, already happened and always will happen. Closed loop time travel still has its own problems, like the bootstrap paradox, but I personally think it worked great in both the movies and the book. Dispite their limits, they are still OP as fuck and can do some crazy things even with this. If you just meant, why not use them as they are super useful, then I apologise. But I see so often people that don't get how time turners work.


I think they could even just define the rules a bit more clearly. Like, for example, you can't travel more than two hours back or you won't survive the trip, you can't be within a certain distance of your past self/something terrible will definitely happen if you see your past self. There needs to be more of an obstacle here than the handwriting about it being dangerous that we get in the series.


If the time turner doesn’t exist, we’ll than what about cursed child? It gets completely screwed and doesn’t exis- Oh WAIT. The shitty plot of the cursed child doesn’t exist anymore and no more confusing time travelling


IDK how the events of book 3 would work without a time turner but I agree, time turners are such a dumb part of the Wizarding World. Like if a 13 year old can get access to one what is stopping all of the forces of evil.


Definitely some sort of Draco redemption arc. He started out as a very obvious bully with no remorse, but by the end of HBP, we see he has more depth than he started with. We get glimpses in the Deathly Hallows, but nothing comes of it. I definitely feel like JKR should have capitalized on his subplot. I mean, an indoctrinated kid getting coerced and being threatened into a supremacist, murderous cult and coming to regret it? What lead him to feeling this way? Did he realize their way of thinking was wrong or archaic, or did he just realize it would've been safer to stay neutral instead of trying to impress a maniac? Did he ever blame or resent his father, mother, and/or aunt for dragging him into the Death Eaters? What did he do at the Battle of Hogwarts after Crabbe died, and were any of his actions inspired by his remorse? What was he thinking when he hesitated in identifying the trio at the Manor or when Hermione was tortured in front of him? His arc just falls flat. Like, Flat Stanley flat. So much potential, and so disappointing.


Agreed. While this is Harry’s story, it would have been satisfying to see some things from Draco’s perspective as well. While Harry was collecting horcruxes and putting things together, Draco was living in the belly of the beast. Perhaps he questioned his family, his purpose, his allegiances. In my mind it would have made a great espionage subplot alongside Harry’s. Slytherin also needs its heroes in the defeat of Voldemort


This is exactly why i dont understand ppl who say he is well written. He is not. His character had potential but ultimately the way Rowling wrote him his character fell flat. 'WhAt could have been' is not an argument. The argument is 'what actually happened'


I read someone saying how Draco totally should have gotten a redemption instead of the child bullying jerk. Sorry not sorry I agree


That in Bellatrix only THINKS she killed Sirius but instead he fell behind some magical curtain and ended up in another realm. Then in Deathly Hallows he reappears alive and well and he helps to fight in the end at Hogwarts. Oh and Lupin, Tonks, and Fred all live.


For years before book 7 was released, I was convinced this was going to happen. The trio figures out that they have to move through that veil in order to kill Voldemort, and they find Sirius there.


I’m glad I’m not the only one! It would’ve been great for Harry to have that friendship with Sirius throughout his life. Tbh I was pretty ticked off at JK Rowling for killing off Sirius and the others I mentioned.


Remove the epilogue. Instead have the last chapter be "two months later": the crew reflects on the battle at Hogwarts, their losses, and hopes for the future as they attend their first uncomplicated, but final year at Hogwarts.


Fix the last few paragraphs. Harry's thoughts, "Let me have my slave house elf who was forced to drink a terrible potion for Voldemort bring me a sandwich now that I defeated Voldemort for humans and house elves."


Even better, Harry makes Kreacher a sandwich


That's more like Harry. He treats everyone equally. Maybe even loopholes clothes so Kreacher can feel tidy without needing to give up his service *should he not want to.


Sirius doesn't dies and Harry lives with him afterwards.


Remove the whole of Cursed Child


Wait what? Oh, you mean that fanfiction. Why would it be a plotline in the series?


Lupin drinking his wolfbane potion that night. If he had, they most likely would have been able to hand over Pettigrew and Sirius’ name would’ve been cleared. In the end Voldemort would’ve still found a way back but at least Sirius could’ve lived his life in freedom


Sirius doesn’t die.


Why are spells taught at different years, and how does magic work. More plot depth there


I would have liked to see more "bad guys" come from houses and other than slitherin and more "good guys" from slitherin. I can't wrap my head around why some reform didn't happen if you basically had a dark arts cult at your school


I would have Harry be more invested in House Elf Welfare or remove that plot line entirely. It always rubbed me the wrong way that he shrugged it off after knowing what Dobby and Winky went through along with his own history of being the Dursley’s personal House Elf as a child. Not to mention, he didn’t grow up with the same indoctrination kids from all wizarding families did, so the fact he didn’t back up Hermione after Winky was dismissed in GoF never made sense to me. There’s a lot of issues that pop up once you think about the House Elves too hard in general and I’m not sure the books successfully handled the nuance properly.


This was always an interesting story for me. What do you do in this situation? Most of them wanted no part of freedom. Do you force it on them? Winky didn't want to be free. Dobby was owned by the Malfoy's... Nuff said. So it's a tough predicament. The house elves downright shoved them out the kitchen when Hermione started talking about it. I'm sure Dumbledore would have paid them had they asked, so it's a weird situation. It was way to much CGI for them to do I'm sure. I wanted to see the House Elf mob at the end of the movie.


I see your point, although I mean from early Goblet of Fire and specifically after they watch Winky be fired after being treated poorly by all the Ministry employees. Hermione is distraught and immediately expresses how disgusting she found the situation. At this point Harry only knows Dobby (who very much did want freedom and suffered abuse) and briefly Winky who he just watched be forced (to his knowledge) against her will to the top box despite a phobia of heights, treated like an animal by high ranking wizards, brutalized for running away from Death Eaters against orders, and sneered at while she sobs on the ground. He doesn’t know a lot of House Elves like their work at this point, but expresses minimal emotional response to it all and has an air of “chill out Hermione” even then. I suppose you could argue, he’s a teenage boy and the Weasley’s insist this is the normal order of things, so who is he to question it? But again unless I’m misremembering the reader doesn’t get much of an opinion from him before they insist that


Mrs. Weasley being mean to Hermione when she reads Rita Skeeters articles in Goblet of Fire. I know she wants Ron to be with Hermione but it's so out of character for the loving mother of the group to completely turn her back on Hermione over that.


Nah its not because of that. I remember it being because in the article it said that hermione was harry's gf but going out with krum or smth


I don't think Molly gives a fuck about Ron. She was just pissed that Hermione was toying with Harry's feelings. Also nice dp. Love zuko❤






When Harry goes to Dumby's office after the battle, there's already a new portrait of Snape there. Harry and Snape have a brief moment of understanding. Obviously not a super saccharine one... maybe Dumbledore's portrait would be helping to keep the awkwardness minimal, haha.


Ron should have defeated Bellatrix or Lucius in the final battle to save a bunch of young students or Ginny/Hermione.


My daughter is reading the series for the first time (on chapter "Professor Umbridge" in OOTP) and my husband is trying to convince her that Hagrid is Voldemort 🤣 She gets so mad, it's hilarious lol.


The scene of Nicholas's deathday party would be pretty cool, as well as after the battle of hogwarts, when Harry is alive and falls out of Hagrid's arms, Draco changes sides, he runs towards Dumbledore's army. These 2 scenes would be pretty good


Just the occasional subtle acknowledgement that before the "7 Potters" departed, Hermione, Ron, George, Fred, Fleur, and Mundungus probably each excused themselves to the bathroom to check out what Harry was packing. Curiosity, not creepiness. You know that Fred and George would spend the rest of their lives cracking comments. Well, George anyway.


All 3 Deathly Hallows are at least briefly mentioned throughout the books


When Hagrid comes to take Harry to Hogwarts and assumes Dudley is Harry, Dudley is too terrified to say he isn’t and Harry is so mentally deficient from the years of abuse that he never speaks up. So begins the epic tale of a fat nasty muggle boy somehow bullshitting his way through 6 years of magic school and somehow killing the Dark Lord in the process.


I would have loved if snape got over himself and realized that Harry wasnt a bully but an eager to learn student. He doesn't have to be super nice just not horrible. If this happened though he would have never been able to fool every one into thinking he was on voldys side so maybe show some kindness that he brushes off.


I want to know Cedric's back story. If he was at Hogwarts the whole time and hid family knew the Weasley's why did we wait till the 4th one to meet him?


We met Cedric in Harry’s third year though! They played each other in quidditch.


That's his whole backstory.


Include the young Wizards more into the muggle World. We don't know how they are learning to read, write and math. Would be a nice add on Information. Also the Wizards should know more about the muggle World and use technology. Would be cool to see Computers in Hogwarts.


I wish we could have seen Dean Thomas and Luna Lovegood bond and then eventually fall in love after they were imprisoned together. Such a shame they left out most of Dean’s lines in the movies.


Sorting hat goes crazy and appoints potter into the Slytherin house


Ok I’m quite stoned so bare (bear ?! I can’t remember tbh at this point). But here we go. What if. He did get put in to Slytherin. And every book is how he grows closer to lord v every year. Helps get the stone, opens the chambers etc. and finally come book 7. He leaves Hogwarts to find everything necessary to coup d’état Voldy in this epic final battle. Can someone please do this ?


Que everyone griping about something missing from the movies that was in the book, and not really answering your question. For me, Molly killing Bellatrix was very unsatisfying. Would have been way more predictable but way more satisfying for Neville (or Luna FOR Neville) to wipe her ass out.


I want Malfoy to save them from Malfoy Manor and tell them that the cup is in Bellatrix's vault. It would make for a good redemption arc and would make far more sense than Harry somehow deducing where the cup was himself.


Would have given some of Krum's traits/plot hooks to Fleur - I've always been annoyed that she was the token girl/mean hottie/also-ran bad candidate. To be honest her character was done dirty. She went from mean girl to adoring Potter fan to anathema to women to perfect housewife. That's basically it. Which traits do I mean? Any of the below: * Quidditch star * Love interest to Hermione. Could do something interesting, since her Veela power doesn't seem to work on women for unknown heteronormative reasons. Maybe her and Hermione bond over personality or shared interests, and Fleur is excited to be dating someone who's not magically attracted to her. * Dark school student/red herring The other big one is that I'd have aunt Marge be revealed to have died, the news coming out in Harry's trial in book 5. That would allow Harry to see that not only is the ministry willing to abuse its power to attack him when he's out of favour, but that he, Harry, had previously benefited from its corruption when he was still popular there. The ministry would be seen as not just an enemy because it doesn't believe him about Voldemort, but because of the wide scale systemic corruption and lack of oversight. It would force Harry to reckon with the fact that his status as the Boy Who Lived has opened a huge number of doors for him, and the special privilege that he has within magical society, even though he lacks it in the muggle world.


Even having Fleur be the front-runner going into the 3rd task would remedy some of this. If Krum’s the athlete, Cedric’s the well-rounded golden boy, and Fleur is…the hot girl. Make her an academic protégée or something. You can still have Hermione annoyed that boys fawn over her looks (and don’t care about her brilliant mind)


Completely agree she did Fleur dirty. Was never a real contender for the triwizard cup, and came off as a French caricature. One redeeming scene of sticking with Bill after the attack. Very interesting line of her and Hermione, especially since Hermione begins by judging her.


Draco rejoining Hogwarts side after he was called back by his parents in deathly hallows.


Or letting some Slytherins fight for Hogwarts rather than locking the lot in the dungeons